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The American Ruling Class

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  • Originally posted by aljhoa View Post
    Actually this isn't exactly accurate: One could cite Hannah Arendt and "The Origins of Totalitarianism" as an exemplary text on the topic.
    The political philosopher, Hannah Arendt (1906-1975), was born in Hanover, Germany, in 1906, the only child of secular Jews...
    In the subsequent years, she continued her involvement in Jewish and Zionist politics, which began from 1926 onwards.

    Arendt, Hannah | Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy

    see excerpts from the book

    Tragedy and Hope
    A History of the World in Our Time

    by Carroll Quigley, 1966

    excerpts from the book Tragedy and Hope A History of the World in Our Time by Carroll Quigley, 1966

    History again teaches us this truth.

    Meet the Man who Started WWII

    Oy vey!

    I should have checked back more often.

    Yes, I get where you're coming: I appreciate Zionists who write about their methodology.

    The point I'm trying to make is that the greatest threat to your own life, the lives of your family, and to your own nation comes from laws. It comes from the ruling lordship of a bureaucratic state. Hence the corrupted body politic, the ownership and control over information, and the mind programming of supposed education. The whole thing is entirely criminal and completely out of control in my opinion. The way of the gun is the only true justice left in my opinion. They have destroyed everything. All that's left is to completely abandon them and their corrupt world.

    Seriously the finest text you could read on this is a little book called "The Cunning of History," by Richard L. Rubenstein. Yes, I know, another Jew writer, but concise and well written. Mastery over bureaucracy was the true triumph of Communism, Fascism, and now of supposed Capitalism: Every human resources department should have a picture of Himmler hanging over the doorway for this is the man that they truly follow and idolize whether they realize it or not.

    PS: I visit here from time to time myself. Meet the Man who Started WWII
    A little known link
    Last edited by Gambeir; 09-26-2017, 02:13 AM.
    "The past is now part of my future, the present is well out of hand." Joy Divison "Heart and Soul LP."


    • Originally posted by Gambeir View Post

      Election-watchers expected a flood of fake news and inflammatory
      social media aiding Alternative for Germany, known by its German initials,
      AfD, to come from Russia. But one of the major publishers of online content
      friendly to the far-right party is an American website financed in large part and
      lead by Jewish philanthropist Nina Rosenwald.

      Rosenwald’s site, the Gatestone Institute, publishes a steady flow of
      inflammatory content about the German election, focused on stoking fears
      about immigrants and Muslims. In one of the most recent posts,
      the website warns of the construction of mosques in Germany and
      claims that Christianity is becoming “extinct.”

      Allah Send This Surah After Muslims Lost Motivation

      Last edited by aljhoa; 09-26-2017, 03:52 AM. Reason: 715,843


      • Originally posted by aljhoa View Post

        Election-watchers expected a flood of fake news and inflammatory
        social media aiding Alternative for Germany, known by its German initials,
        AfD, to come from Russia. But one of the major publishers of online content
        friendly to the far-right party is an American website financed in large part and lead by Jewish philanthropist Nina Rosenwald.

        Rosenwald’s site, the Gatestone Institute, publishes a steady flow of
        inflammatory content about the German election, focused on stoking fears
        about immigrants and Muslims. In one of the most recent posts,
        the website warns of the construction of mosques in Germany and
        claims that Christianity is becoming “extinct.”

        Allah Send This Surah After Muslims Lost Motivation

        I'm scratching my head on the response because you start off with this individual; The Jewish philanthropist Nina Rosenwald as producer of inflaming fake news, and this of course makes complete sense to me, but not as a sub-link to the link I made, or maybe it does....not sure. Maybe it's that I get it, but not sure others will and I want them to understand. Maybe that's my problem?

        Bottom line aljhoa is the real issue is about demographics. It's demographics because that's what decides who holds reign on power. The demographics of Islam dictate that, unless they are culled (murdered), the Muslims will overtake the world in the next 40 years by a wide margin. That certainly isn't in the interest of the Jewish State, nor really anyone who values any kind liberty or free thinking, let alone speech or personal choice in clothing, not to mention sexual orientation.

        Don't misunderstand here, I'm not condoning mass murder, but I don't have too. George Bush the greater and his side kick the lessor already did that one, both at home and abroad, and which has been the un-official policy of the United States ever since. It's death to the Islamic breeders which is the primary objective.

        Now of course it's not just the Jews whom are behind this pogrom. Oh hell no, we got the Catholics and the Russian Orthodox Church, and of course every proxy stooge religion which pretends to be independent of those. They are all in on it. They have to be or they is kaput and that means the end of free meals and child abductions.

        So yes, of course the Jewish Philanthropist's are front and center. Here's another great one, also trying to destroy the Bill of Rights by every means possible as another self proclaimed do-gooder. Michael Bloomberg is providing the finances to take away your right to due process of law in 20 states right now.

        Two of the most evil men ever to walk this earth; former NYC Mayor Michael Bloomberg (left) and developer Larry Silverstein seen here appearing at the opening of 4 World Trade Center … Look at the eyes.

        The Mossad did 9/11 with helping hands here: The evidence is overwhelming. Only a nation state had the resources and only the richest people on earth could have been involved since it's they whom now run the nation states of the world, and out of this their final goal is to crown themselves as the men who would be kings.

        The Jewish Kids Urban Moving Company Van. Nothing going on there huh? Ever so familiar, reminds me of Oklahoma, don't think that's connected do ya? People who's free wheeling, child rapping, mass murdering, and government destroying life styles knew long ago that the demographics of populations they ruled over, primarily with mind control, were in danger and so a plan was hatched to suppress the threat while making full exploitation of the potential profits by all possible means and avenues.

        This all began long ago when most of us were sleeping in our warm beds after a night at the disco....yea, a really long time ago. Ya can see it all clearly now, just like you can see the events which lead up to the other day of infamy, but this time it was really planned. We all know who they are who planned this. Now why aren't they facing prosecution, a fair trial, and their justified firing squad? Well because ya know they is billionaires. Like the one's in the previous photo, and yet again here they dare to show their face because no one wants to toss their life away to do what our own set of laws should be doing.

        So ya know we don't have a government any longer and it's not just the United States. It's a global problem made by billionaires whom have overthrown the rules of law by corruption of the body politic using the same tactics of all organized criminals. By placing people in power whom they can control. Crooks, murders, pedophiles, you name it. That's who's running the Governments. It's who Clinton had as their personal choice for White House Chief of Staff, but lets not forget the male prostitutes of GW and a few others.

        So no nation has a government: Not really, it's the governments of billionaires, and until it becomes my government I'm not cooperating with them less I have to, which mean by threat of arrest or gun fight because they are murders, thieves, and traitors. I am never voting again for anyone or any other thing. I'll do my voting by way of gun barrel if need be, meaning in self defense of my civil rights and for my own life, but not for them I won't defend an inch of soil or a single cause, for they certainly don't respect any form of ballot, let alone rule of law and so why should I bother pretending there is still the rule of law because there isn't any rules to the laws any longer. They have and are rewriting the rules for themselves alone and tearing up any social contracts which may still exist. So here's where we are: The only rule of law is who has the drop on you in a gun fight. That's where these idiots have taken the entire world now. Bloomberg of course wants to make sure only he has a gun to bring to the gunfight. Hence his personal crusade to steal yours by labeling you as mentally unstable, according to someone else, but all done legally of course. Just like the Nazi's did, just like the Communists did. No doubt his personal role models for proper rulership.

        That's a crazy man who wants to crown himself king.
        Last edited by Gambeir; 10-13-2017, 01:08 AM.
        "The past is now part of my future, the present is well out of hand." Joy Divison "Heart and Soul LP."


        • Who's side will the cops take?

          ALL of you are aware that the American police have become thoroughly militarized. The FEMA camps weren't built just to make money for GOV contractors. ALL rulers know that they must interpose armed agents between themselves and the angry populace. What is unfolding in Catalonia, Madrid and Brussels is of great interest and importance to everyone.

          "In Ukraine, I warned that the people had to get the police to switch to their side and the revolution would succeed. I wrote that the riot police in Kiev were really imported Russian. To beat the government, the real police had to turn against the imported police. "
          "Look at Venezuela. The police and army are defending the corrupt government against the people. That is when blood flows in the streets and it is usually the people."
          "at the instigation of the government of the right-wing conservative Spanish Prime Minister, Mariano Rajoy, who is against the people"

          "Rajoy has ordered the regional police to be placed under the supervision of the Spanish security forces, including the guardia civil,"
          I lived in Spain for a while. NOBODY messes with the Guardia Civil.
          "defend the government at the expense of the blood of the people. "
          "The EU Commission has taken the position that it was a question of Spain’s domestic policy. So if there is blood on the streets, then that is OK for any member of the EU to kill its own people who want political change even when it is the majority?"

          "The Catalan police are 16,000 strong and they have now declared in the short message on Twitter that the implementation of the Decree risks the “undesirable consequences”. These concern the “security of citizens” and the “more than foreseeable risk” that the public order is disturbed."


          • Hmmm.....well ya know I spent a large portion of my own life working around cops and law enforcement. I could comment extensively but that's a distraction. THIS....Because it's related to my own research reared it's ugly head. Electron Cyclotron Resonance and the Cell Towers.

            Watch this, because ya know...Chemtrails are just a conspiracy theory...Right...Right? The United States Military is effectively already an enemy of it's own citizens. The materials their aircraft have placed inside your body, right now, were put there to kill you upon the push of a button from your cell phone providers. Whom again just happen to be billionaires naturally enough. This is absolute proof that you do not have a government. Those cell towers are the enabling tools to absolute rule. Resist and die, or you could stop paying for your own death, but this is, of course, all just another conspiracy theory ...right? I mean this can't be true can it?

            At least you will know what killed you, or made you blind, and maybe if you're really lucky you can drive the car into the closest tower when the order to cleanse the useless eaters is given but I doubt it. Enjoy those phones now because they didn't give a bunch of savages those for no reason.

            Hmmm...all those coffins and body bags and Walmart Conversions....
            Ya think that maybe....The Kool Aid had something else in it?

            See...the whole thing is planned out. You're all as good as dead right this second. They could kill every single one of us right now if they wanted to. It's in the vaccines too, whatever it is they have planned, the Zombie (*Flu) Shots they have been shilling like there was no tomorrow...gee wonder what that's about huh? What was that stuff that caused people to go nuts and run round naked eating peoples faces off....Oh yea... a new designer drug...right...right. Gullible Fools... like when was the last time the Billionaire Broadcasting Network told you anything that was true?

            Last edited by Gambeir; 10-13-2017, 01:12 AM.
            "The past is now part of my future, the present is well out of hand." Joy Divison "Heart and Soul LP."


            • Right now, all these so-called helpful technologies like AI, the so called artificial intelligence, that's got nothing to do with intelligence. It's got everything to do with fooling you. Remember the stories which surfaced after 9/11 where people said they talked to loved ones on the planes and in the towers, and though they sounded like the same person, the people calling didn't think they were actually talking to the person they knew? Now...put it together. How are you going to know that who you're talking to on that stupid cell phone is the person you called? How are you going to know that in the event of another supposed disaster that the people you call are even going to be alive?

              In a piece meal operation, with clueless authority tasked with tagging and bagging, with whole regions shut off to travel under some invention, without being able to physically check on anyone, that's what AI is there for. To fake you out till they get to your neighborhood. Artificial Intelligence, which is really machine intelligence is already posing as posters on the net. We know this. You can find the info. It's out there.

              Considering the history here with cyclotronic resonance I have to seriously wonder about the supposed agents of disease which have reared their head. AID's for example, is that really an acquired immunity disorder or is there more going down? People need to realize that this collection of Billionaires constitute a global organized crime ring. They profit from all these things. They control the labs, the education, and thus the beliefs of those who try to solve a problem which they cannot since they may well not even be looking in the right area. We are talking the complete overthrow of all law and all rights except for those who have plotted this out and it is real.

              So what I expect is something like a supposed epidemic, whole area's under military authority and quarantined, oh but ya know you can call and check up on your loved ones...right? Yep, they is just fine and dandy alright. We are talking about a man made disease who's modus operandi is so far removed from conventional health care that doctors would as clueless as they were when the black death swept through Europe, that is if there are any left alive to even bother to look at what your problem is; festering sores or whatever, like who cares about you in a situation like that?

              The worst part of all this is that many will know it's true, just look to your own heart and there is the truth, so you know this is true. What a sad epitaph; a species who's sole survivors consist of psychopaths so insane that the only things they love is the idea that by their own hand they can play God over the lives of all life on earth, for these tools can also eliminate all other life just as easily, be they human, animal, or even plant life. I think I'm beginning to see a new way to control the slaves by starvation. What do you think?

              My suggestion is that people who understand the mechanics consider the possible, and then for a counter measure, because it's a pretty sure bet we are all going to need one before too much longer.
              Last edited by Gambeir; 09-30-2017, 08:36 PM.
              "The past is now part of my future, the present is well out of hand." Joy Divison "Heart and Soul LP."


              • Icelandic ruling class



                • Thanks, we need a thumbs up. Arms and legs over my generation in awareness, most of whom are still sleeping in a drug induced haze of the 60's, or so it often seems.

                  Recently was turned on to his channel from the beyond by other covert disgruntlites...
                  "The past is now part of my future, the present is well out of hand." Joy Divison "Heart and Soul LP."


                  • Fascism, globalism, and the unraveling of society

                    As automation reduces employment, consumption and profit, The ruling class of the world have done their best to consolidate control. The "Patriot Act" and many similar actions are designed to remove all chance of dissent.
                    The Ohio national guard murdered 4 anti-war protesters at Kent State. The deep State has done it's best to gut the constitution. Fascism is defined as a centralized autocratic government. Add to this, rule by oligarchs. In the interest of more efficient control, these oligarchs work to spread their influence worldwide.
                    The Eurozone was sold as the "dreams of Charlemagne" come to life. It is completely fascist with unelected people pulling all the strings.
                    Armstrong, "In Barcelona, many people asked if I thought the pro-independence parties in Spain’s Catalonia region would actually win. I told them it was inevitable as this is the global trend in motion. "
                    "Thousands have taken to the streets in protest of what is clearly a full blown restoration of Spanish fascism."
                    When Madrid signed on to the Eurozone, they agreed to an article that all people must have self-determination. When the Basques tried to get some "self-determination", Madrid passed a law that NOBODY could vote for self-determination. The Catalans have done just that and, Brussels is silent. The fascist agenda must continue, no matter the cost.

                    Poland "Poland represents a major threat to the EU. The entire idea of the EU was the propaganda that Member States would successively grow into a real Union through a longer integration process. GDP was supposed to grow, not decline, and the threat of war would vanish by surrendering sovereignty to Brussels. In reality, the exact opposite has unfolded. GDP has progressively declined and the risk of a European war has been increased with the idea of surrendering sovereignty to Brussels."
                    The EU bureaucracy sucks up billions of Euros just to pay the salaries of do-nothing pols in Brussels. It's a giant self-serving scam for bureaucrats.

                    Spanish Prime Minister is as fascist as you can get. He sent in 16,000 military to stop the voting. When Barcelona countered that, he sent in the brutal, Guardia Civil. It's a whole new world now, with the internet. The GC beat up thousands of people. Rajoy is WAY out of understanding what this will do to his support in Brussels,,, and around the world.
                    "Because this very much concerns the EU. As Julian Assange tweeted “Dear @JunckerEU. Is this “respect for human dignity, freedom and democracy”? Activate article 7 and suspend Spain from the European Union for its clear violation of Article 2.” (Article 7 of the European Union Treaty: “Suspension of any Member State that uses military force on its own population.”
                    "So unless very strong statements come from the various capitals, and very soon, given that they’re already way too late, the EU as a whole will find itself in such a deep crisis it might as well pack its bags and go home. Wherever home may be for these career politicians. "
                    The fascists have no desire to let go of the authority they have grabbed.
                    "Make no mistake: the Spanish military have long threatened they would destroy Catalonia before allowing it independence. "

                    "And so we can see the dream of a united Europe die. At least one that most people will feel comfortable living in. And if you can’t achieve that, why have a union to begin with? Democracy in Europe is dying in Brussels, it’s dying in Greece and the Mediterranean, and it died today in the streets of Barcelona and other Catalan locations."

                    Global fascism (the absence of democracy) is a total failure on the economic front. Consolidating fascist control is falling apart as the economy falls apart. The Kurds, Scots, Catalans and many others want independence. There are claims that this is simply, divide and conquer by the PTB. I don't think so. It looks more like, herding cats.
                    The EU wanted to form a EU army,,, supposedly to counter Russia. Nigel Farage called their bluff and told them that there wasn't the slightest hope of countering Russia. The EU army was just a force to ensure that fascism always won.

                    "this vote is the BEGINNING of the separatist movement around the world. Centralized government is dying. Society has always swung back and forth between centralized government and regional government. Once a centralized government grabs power it always expands until it consumes all power."
                    "The separatist movement is the breaking up of federal governments and the return of power back to regional governments. This movement is fueled by taxes, the diminishing trend in employment, and a lower standard of living.

                    The Catalonia vote comes right on target with the Economic Confidence Model. This turning point is PROFOUND, for it is not the crash in stock markets, commodities, or the private sector. This is the BEGINNING of the trend, which will see the fall of governments and the rise in demands for political change EVERYWHERE."
                    "November 21, 2018 will be the major target moving forward for political chaos"

                    According to Armstrong, this isn't just about the Catalans, Scots, Kurds, et al. He PREDICTED the Catalan crisis when it wasn't on anybody's radar. What other crises are brewing / festering? The actions at the Bundy Ranch were spectacularly maddening. There are a lot of people in America who do not want to be pushed around by a bunch of thugs from D.C. They are nearing their limit and they have drawn a line in the sand.
                    Sipsey Street Irregulars: No more free Wacos. A National Three Percent Declaration Regarding the Situation in Harney County, Oregon. "Why would I want to do that? There's plenty of you federal sonsa*****es around here."

                    Armstrong predicts a crash in public debt. How will FED GOV maintain it's power base if that happens? How will the 50 States survive when they don't even have a printing press? FED GOV killed Possee Comitatus for a reason. How far will it go using the military against the people?
                    Fascism bet the farm on tightly restrictive globalism. Humans don't breed well in captivity and economic growth has come to an end. Only 6 states benefited from globalism. Fascist control of a dying economy is like, slow dancing in a burning room.


                    • Sheriff Joseph Lombardo said:
                      "You've got to make the assumption he had to have some help at some point."

                      Lombardo argued that he
                      "found it hard to believe" that he was able to carry out such a sophisticated attack unless he was a "super guy."

                      A total of 58 people were killed in the attack and
                      a further 500 were injured in the deadliest mass shooting in living US history.

                      Did Stephen Paddock have an accomplice? FBI and Las Vegas police clash over co-conspirator theory

                      Last edited by aljhoa; 10-05-2017, 05:06 PM. Reason: 721,339


                      • Many good comments at the News Link on this
                        More than 50 dead, 500 wounded in Las Vegas concert shooting - UPDATES

                        Many vets are saying that at least one gun is an M240 SAW (Squad Automatic Weapon) and cannot be a bump-fire weapon because of the sustained fire, where in clips would exhaust their ammo in seconds. I listened to the recording and my immediate conclusion was that I was hearing an M240 SAW. I was a grenadier in the national guard in an infantry unit. At the time we were just beginning to get these in our unit.

                        The available comparison between the real gunfire and a SAW has already been removed by You Tube. It was available yesterday. Youtube is not our friend. They are blocking freedom of information, and obviously being done to prevent others from making a rational conclusion on physical evidence. This alone should serve to tell you who's got a bone in this. I must ask if Youtube is involved? For what other reason can they be doing this? Their actions appears to an aggressive attempt to prevent truth being displayed before the eyes and ears of America. Aiding and abetting an enemy of the United States is High Treason. This is really an act of war on the American People. Stop calling it terrorism. Machine guns opening up on crowded malls is not terrorism. It's an act of open warfare.

                        We have an internal enemy within and it appears to be supported by a foreign nation, backed by billionaires, and whom are attempting to overthrow the Bills of Rights on all fronts.

                        A bevy of photo's an info now at this site. One graphic one of dead Steven Paddock. I'm in agreement with the generalities at this site, but this is also a known disinformation site. I would be deeply suspicious of what now appears an attempt to paint the Russians into this by way of organized crime hijacking the Jewish Mafia: That I doubt very much. Read this out take with some salt.
                        Russia Identifies Las Vegas Shooter As CIA Arms Pilot As Israel Probes Stolen Weapons Flight To Nevada

                        Stephen Paddock’s “deep cover” activities in Nevada, this report further details, are being described by the MOSSAD as his working with an FBI informant named Marilou Danley who was tasked by this American intelligence agency to report on Russian mafia persons living in Las Vegas—and who is now reported to be back in the United States under the protection of the FBI.

                        Among the covert “actions” performed by Stephen Paddock for the CIA while in Nevada, this report continues, was his brokering a deal with the Russian mafia to obtain a computer malware programme this criminal organization created—and that once obtained by the CIA, allowed them create their “Grasshopper” spying programme that allows its users to detect if a target device is running a specific version of Microsoft Windows, or if an antivirus programme is running.

                        The importance of the Russian mafia in understanding this “Pyramid Sacrifice” massacre, this report details, is that over the past decade they have flooded into Las Vegas in massive numbers—but not from Russia, but from Israel—where, since at least 1998, they have taken over the Israeli underworld."

                        "The hotel owner was supposedly a rabid anti-Trumper pro Killary, and the owner of the property the concert was on is pro-Trumper. Bad-blood between the two apparently."
                        Comment from here
                        Last edited by Gambeir; 10-11-2017, 08:35 PM.
                        "The past is now part of my future, the present is well out of hand." Joy Divison "Heart and Soul LP."


                        • Who had a bone?

                          Dick Eastman;


                          • Sunset of empire and maybe,,, the nation State

                            People form couples
                            Couples form families
                            Families form clans
                            Clans form tribes
                            Warmongers and priests form empires
                            "I am of course talking about the conflict between our inborn need for self determination versus our inborn desire for community and group effort — sovereignty versus collectivism."
                            "In my view, the source of the problem is that most people wrongly assume that "collectivism" is somehow the same as community. This is entirely false, and those who make this claim are poorly educated on what collectivism actually means. It is important to make a distinction here; the grouping of people is not necessarily or automatically collectivism unless that group seeks to subjugate the individuality of its participants. Collectivism cannot exist where individual freedom is valued. People can still group together voluntarily for mutual benefit and retain respect for the independence of members (i.e. community, rather than collectivism)."

                            "This distinction matters because there is a contingent of political and financial elites that would like us to believe that there is no middle ground between the pursuits of society and the liberties of individuals. That is to say, we are supposed to assume that all our productive energies and our safety and security belong to society. Either that, or we are extremely selfish and self serving "individualists" that are incapable of "seeing the bigger picture." The mainstream discussion almost always revolves around these two extremes. We never hear the concept that society exists to serve individual freedom and innovation and that a community of individuals is the strongest possible environment for the security and future of humanity as a whole."

                            "ignorantly destructive" populists/nationalists/individualists versus the more "reasonable" and supposedly forward thinking socialists/globalists/multiculturalists. "
                            "Collectivists will have none of this, however, and despite their intellectual and "rational" facade, they will often turn to brutality in order to disrupt any movement to decentralize power.

                            The civil unrest in the Spanish region of Catalonia is an interesting example of the tyranny of the collectivist ideology."
                            "it is clear that if Catalonia leaves the Spanish system on negative terms, then Spain's already crumbling economy will be destroyed. The motivation for Spain to keep control of Catalonia is high just on the grounds of economic disaster."
                            "Collectivists, regardless of what other labels they use to identify themselves, have certain rules that they consistently follow in order to maintain power. One of those rules is that the collective is indivisible. They might pontificate endlessly about their superior democratic ideals, but when some people vote to leave en masse, either in polling booths or with their feet, the mask of benevolence always comes off and the true monster behind collectivism is revealed."
                            "Civil war is inevitable if martial law is declared."

                            "Spain is going to use the age old collectivist tactics of intimidation and carnage to oppress the Catalan's and subsume their economic production (as socialist governments always do). When civil war erupts, and it will, production in Catalonia will grind to a standstill and Spain STILL loses 20% of its GDP."
                            "You see, this is a lose/lose scenario for Spain, all because the collectivist doctrine demands a jackbooted reaction to any movement for decentralization. Collectivist systems are parasitic in nature; they see the citizenry as food, as units of production for the state that cannot be allowed to leave, for the "greater good of the greater number."
                            "Globalists and collectivists should take note decentralization is the true model for the future."
                            Catalan Independence: Why The Collective Hates It When People Walk Away | Zero Hedge

                            A nation is formed for mutual benefit and mutual protection. In America, the prosperity is long gone. The CIA and PTB are creating enemies as fast as possible to convince us that we need the State to protect us. The wars of conquest have broken the Treasury.
                            The Report From Iron Mountain Makes it painfully clear; America must NEVER let peace break out. Our wars have created multitudes of enemies. But, at the same time, we don't have (or soon won't) the financial means to protect the populace from all these enemies. The politicians and military plan to be safe in their redoubts.
                            Fear-mongering and the police State have replaced our prosperity that was lost to finance wars.
                            The false-flags like Sandy Hook just weren't convincing enough. We need REAL blood and lots of it to convince the plebs that we are mortally threatened by outside forces.

                            The nation-State has become nothing more than a sinecure for the parasites that are demanding ever-more control,, and treasure. A lot of people are starting to wake up to this.
                            Is It Time To Question The Modern Nation-State Model Of Governance? | Zero Hedge
                            Last edited by Danny B; 10-06-2017, 04:05 AM. Reason: 1 more link


                            • War for the Planet of the Apes Ending Explained

                              Beware the Beast Man

                              Last edited by aljhoa; 10-06-2017, 02:57 PM. Reason: 721,878


                              • Dissecting Vegas Shooting | Puerto Rico Truth | Catalonia | Another Dead Holistic Doctor.

                                "The past is now part of my future, the present is well out of hand." Joy Divison "Heart and Soul LP."

