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The American Ruling Class

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  • Excellent analysis in my opinion.

    Forensic acoustic proof of SECOND shooter in the Las Vegas massacre
    Published on Oct 9, 2017
    "The past is now part of my future, the present is well out of hand." Joy Divison "Heart and Soul LP."


    • As usual with my posts, this demands some reading. First, A headline from Rense.
      'It Was A Terrorist Attack...Group Organized...Choreographed
      I Don't Want ANYONE Thinking It Was One Person Shooter!'
      Survivor Talks Massacre, Tropicana & NYNY Shootings - Vid

      The Vid,

      The Pentagon figured that they could bomb with impunity. BUT, the nature of the battlefield has radically changed. Here is an excellent article about that subject. We all now live in a battlefield.


      • Originally posted by Gambeir View Post
        Excellent analysis in my opinion.

        Forensic acoustic proof of SECOND shooter in the Las Vegas massacre
        Published on Oct 9, 2017
        Good video, and shows evidential proof rather than mere speculation. So many things about this event that paint the official story as a false narrative.
        "Seek wisdom by keeping an open mind to alternative realities, questioning authority, and searching for truth. Only then, when you see or hear something that has 'the ring of truth' to it, will it be as if a veil has been lifted, and suddenly you will begin to hear and see far more clearly than ever before." - Rickoff


        • Originally posted by rickoff View Post
          Good video, and shows evidential proof rather than mere speculation. So many things about this event that paint the official story as a false narrative.
          Yes he does a super job on this, but IMOP the real issue behind all this which isn't being noticed by the unwashed masses of useless eaters.....that's us folks... and which is the final objective is: Why your life's work is soon to become worthless.

          A fundamental aspect of any stable monetary system is a certain level of faith in that societies own systems of government and the official narrative of information which comes out of it. This includes the propaganda mediums of that society, which in our case is the billionaire broadcasting network.

          When this faith collapses, so too does the faith in that societies monetary system. Usually in a mass panic.

          What the FBI and all the Congressional Critters don't get is how these people (The Main Stream Media Primarily) are engineering a collapse of the existing monetary system which is based on the US Dollar by fabricating lies that fly in the face of observed facts and rational deductions.

          Whether or not events are real is almost immaterial. The mere belief that lies and falsehoods are permitted creates a corrosive force which eventually will peak in ultimate distrust and subsequent collapse of government and authority.

          The object of war isn't to conquer land, it's to replace political systems, and that's what this will bring about, and in so doing it will mean the complete annihilation of wealth held in US Dollars. It will destroy the existing global financial system as we understand it presently. All debts payable upon demand in US Dollars will become void as bankruptcy itself voids a debt with all dollars going up in a giant atomic bomb like smoke cloud. Naturally I hope to have some canned food when this happens.

          So you see, the drive to get the guns is precisely because this is all planned and the last thing these people want is an outraged population looking for the responsible parties whom are armed and pissed off with ropes in hand. Like every single thing these criminals do, it's all planned out to maximize their grip over all the rest of us, which includes disarming all of us naturally enough.
          Last edited by Gambeir; 10-13-2017, 12:49 AM.
          "The past is now part of my future, the present is well out of hand." Joy Divison "Heart and Soul LP."


          • Originally posted by Gambeir View Post
            Excellent analysis in my opinion.

            Forensic acoustic proof of SECOND shooter in the Las Vegas massacre
            Published on Oct 9, 2017
            Wasn't there two different caliber weapons used by Paddock? .223 and .308.


            • Jim Willie makes the claims that pox americana is refusing to redeem a couple of $trillion in treasury notes that the Saudis are holding. Reportedly, we also stole tons of gold that we / GB were holding. It certainly sounds logical considering the dirty dealings that we have already done. The Saudis recently bought a missile defence system from the RUSSIANS. This is a huge break from historical norms.
              Saudi politics are always a big mess;
              Crown Prince Sultan bin Abdulaziz (2005–2011); died in office. Crown Prince of King Abdullah.
              Crown Prince Nayef bin Abdulaziz (2011–2012); died in office. Crown Prince of King Abdullah.
              Crown Prince Salman bin Abdulaziz (2012–2015); became King. Crown Prince of King Abdullah.
              Crown Prince Muqrin bin Abdulaziz (2015); removed from post. Crown Prince of King Salman.
              Crown Prince Mohammad bin Nayef (2015–2017); removed from post. Crown Prince of King Salman.
              Crown Prince Mohammad bin Salman (2017–present); incumbent. Crown Prince of King Salman.

              Nobody lasts very long as crown prince.

              Main Shareholder and CEO of Mandalay bay: main partner is the Crown Prince of Saudi Arabia Saudi has about 7,000 princes. Evidently, there is a lot of jockeying around for power.
              " For months, rumors said the 81-year-old king may be preparing to abdicate to his favored son, who has taken on prominent roles overseeing Saudi economic and security policy over the past two years"
              "A former high-level U.S. official in the region told The Washington Times that speculation is rampant among Western officials that the 32-year-old crown prince could be made king within weeks."
              This particular prince has been cracking down on the clerics.
              Mohammed bin Salman, Saudi Arabia crown prince, rumored to ascend to throne - Washington Times

              The islamic fundamentalists are ALWAYS at war with the Saudi gov.
              "The second event was the Grand Mosque Seizure in Mecca by Islamist extremists. The militants involved were in part angered by what they considered to be the corruption and un-Islamic nature of the Saudi government"
              All this may or may not be connected to the attack in Vegas.

              Saudi spends 10% of their GDP on weapons. The FBI may be trying to obfuscate the truth to protect Saudi arms purchases.


              • Originally posted by bistander View Post
                Wasn't there two different caliber weapons used by Paddock? .223 and .308.
                I don't think Rick say's that. He says their analysis of the sound shows distinctly that there are two shooters proven by the locations taken in the video's by their sound recordings. This is very simple stuff. Detective 101 really. I'm quite sure this not news to the FBI...LOL...which is quite competent when it's allowed to do it's job. Most of whom are patriotic people whom have families and love America as much as you and I do. So that's not the problem.

                See the problem is the official story, and that official story flies in the face of manifest truths, truths so easily obtained that denial is imbecilic, so why then are these lies being told? See this is where the rubber meets the road. Understanding this part is to understand the method of operation to overthrowing a nations political system, and which includes the destruction of it's money.

                Understand that the value of any nations money is tied to the integrity of it's political system, which includes things not specifically political such as that nations security services. Police, FBI, News Sources, ect.

                What this lying tells you is that....

                Ultimately, a guerrilla war is being mounted upon the people of the United States of America's Political System, and the why is all about money and debt.

                This is about money first, and a new political system second. It's about lots and lots of money. It's also about the Men whom want to crown themselves your new kings. This is not a joke. This is their plan and you and your kids and our laws are all up for grabs in their plan.

                The banksters and Insurance Scammers screwed the American People. They sold and invented a bunch of schemes over the last 20 years putting hundreds of trillions of dollars of debt upon the American People. Zerohedge as well as great people like Max Kieser, Jim Willie, Bix Weir, Clif High, Catherine Austin Fitts, Joseph Farrell, and many many others have been telling us all about this for decades now.

                Point is, this money went into someone's pockets from other peoples pockets. Think of how this works like a street level punk might rob someone. They convince people to buy these stocks in insurance dividends, which are really unbelievable scams, I mean you can't believe the scamming on this stuff, but anyhow someone, some jerk managing your 401K for example, might buy a boat load of these. What they are buying is a promise note that these insurance whatevers will pay X dollars over X years and so on and so forth. Well the problem is it's all fantasy and the debts they are buying are like buying a portion of promise that if I crash my car you're going to get X dollars for buying a portion of an insurance policy on the tail light. OK? It's that bad. So the idea here is that trillions of dollars in promissory notes, often held by individuals over entire nations, are all bogus bull crap wrapped in trillions of dollars of fake promises that can never be paid by anyone.

                For this scam to work the value of the US Dollar has to be destroyed. That's what you need to really grasp first and foremost. It cannot be destroyed by military might. The US military cannot be defeated. Trust me they have tools.

                The only way, a proven way, is to destroy the faith in the political system. You can do that by creating an ethos of distrust. This has/is being accomplished on all fronts.

                I see just today that the rats in govcorp gave Equifax an IRS contract...LOL!
                So you see this is intentional. The corrupt got marching orders to do the absolute wrong thing on purpose. It's intentional and it's being done to piss you off and hate your own government. See how that works?

                Same thing with this shooting. Idiot lies, supported by a completely corrupted treasonous media, and so for what ends? To again make you distrust and hate your government is why.

                The end goal is that the hatred will end with a complete collapse of faith in the political system. With that comes a collapse in the US Dollar. When a nations political system collapses, so too does the value of it's money unless that money is itself valuable, like say made of precious metals for example. Good luck with those Zinc Coins.

                OK...Following along are we? So this whole slaughter, complete with idiot stories, which fools think are necessary to quell the masses from complete panic, are really serving the destruction of their own nation by doing this.

                Instead of just saying we have an unidentified internal enemy and we need your help and this is what we know, they are being told to do the opposite by corrupted higher authority....don't ya see....and so the idea here is that you're going to begin to really hate these people the next time round when it's your kid who's head is blown off.

                Expect more, not less, with the specific purpose of enjoining hate to destroy the very political system the enemy themselves corrupted with pedophiles, crooks, and murders. They put them there to use and now they is being used.

                OK, so the whole idea here is to bring on a collapse of this putrid mess in order to destroy the value of the dollar. Now...this is because these debts promises held by idiots are going to be voided in this way. See the crooks already have the money, the idiots have paper promises. Now lets destroy the money and that destroys the hope of ever having to pay these monthly mortgage payments back to your 401K manager ....ah...forever as it were.

                Are you all getting the drift here? I've framed this crudely so that the gist of the criminal game can be understood without too much complexity.
                I would advise avoiding crowds anywhere...and I do mean anywhere. There is an increasing sense of urgency in this criminal design. Read danger there.
                Do not run out and start buying handguns, rifles, bullets. Leave bloodletting to the people who know how to use these tools. Instead use good sense.
                Be aware and be alert. Avoid crowds at all costs.

                Remember that most people are good people and have faith in your fellow humans.
                Last edited by Gambeir; 10-13-2017, 09:18 PM.
                "The past is now part of my future, the present is well out of hand." Joy Divison "Heart and Soul LP."


                • Questions

                  Originally posted by Gambeir View Post
                  I don't think Rick say's that. He says their analysis of the sound shows distinctly that there are two shooters proven by the locations taken in the video's by their sound recordings. ...
                  Two sound signatures from two different caliber weapons from the same position or from the same caliber from two locations? Did Rick consider that? And isn't he making a big assumption that the second shooter was using .223 Remington ammo, the same as Paddock?


                  • Follow the money

                    "Not to say that MGM is entirely clean since its operation in Macau partners with Pansy Ho, the daughter of Stanley, the capo of that triad-controlled speck of rock."
                    " If anything the shooting spree further damaged Dubai's interests at the CityCenter,"
                    "The assault on the Route 91 Harvest Festival can be plausibly and in all likelihood linked to an increasingly fractious intra-Arab dispute, which is behind the blockade of Qatar by a coalition led by Saudi Arabia and the UAE. "
                    "This blood feud, Arab stylem is an obvious factor in the jihadist paramilitary assault in Vegas, The Strip shootings are being hushed up to prevent Qatar succeeding in its counterattack against the Saudi-UAE-US coalition, which is aimed at fracturing the petrodollar system"
                    "That means the Emirate of Qatar’s heroic assault on the petrodollars cycled through the Vegas casinos is all in vain, and the Federal Reserve Bank boards are assured no loss of sleep. This is a world of evil that allows no room for goodness"
                    "the multi-target assault affecting the entire Vegas hospitality industry was not designed as a financial play but as a killing field, which nonetheless had a massive impact on the sovereign fund of UAE-Dubai"
                    Follow The Money Behind The Vegas Job


                    • Originally posted by bistander View Post
                      Two sound signatures from two different caliber weapons from the same position or from the same caliber from two locations? Did Rick consider that? And isn't he making a big assumption that the second shooter was using .223 Remington ammo, the same as Paddock?
                      No he's not making any assumptions. You've just forgotten a few things is all. The speed of sound is constant in any given material(*air, water, metal, wood, steel). Seen any Cowboy and Indian Movies? Remember the pictures of people listening to the "Iron Horse Rails" and then judging how far away the train is? I've done that and you can hear the train coming from a long ways away.

                      Now, in this case it is the air surrounding the event that is the medium: There is no variation in the speed of sound for any given substance: Different weapons do not produce an increase or decrease in the speed of their traveling sound waves. Only the material through which sound waves travel alters their relative speed.

                      So now just follow along with Rick in that video because anyone can do this. It's not that complex. Rick clearly demonstrates how to do acoustic analysis in this video, just follow along and he lays it all out. He shows us all that this is not an especially complex thing to do.
                      He's quite competent and this is an excellent video on acoustic analysis

                      If sound waves traveled at different speeds then speaking to each other would become problematic. We would have to all speak at the same precise speed and at a precise level of tone. Communication by voice would be virtually impossible to accomplish.

                      As long as the sound can be identified then a precise estimate to the range of the object which made the sound can be mathematically deduced. Sound of course is like a fingerprint. Thus there is almost no potential for mistaking the acoustic fingerprints of well known and well identified sounds like gunfire. It is of no importance whether the report is from the distance, from a weaker caliber weapon, the sound wave it leaves behind is as precise as the sound wave which comes out of your speakers. You can turn the sound down, but that doesn't mean you suddenly do not understand the music you're still hearing, or that it takes any longer amount of time to reach your ears.

                      Rick lays this out in the video. Thus simply because you have a range of decibels doesn't mean you cannot identify the sound. As Rick explains in the video, first you hear the recordings of bullets impacting the ground, then you hear the report of the bullet being fired. The bullet is moving faster than the speed of sound and arrives first. The report comes afterwards. The time between these two establishes the range. Again, I'm just repeating what is far better accomplished in the video, and in which he does this for the specific caliber and cartridge. This is very specific. There can be no error here, the ballistics data is nearly 100% accurate, and can be counted on to reflect an accurate picture of the shooters locations with the greatest possible error of maybe a couple feet, otherwise in measured tests the factory data for the ballistics would be accurate to inches or less.

                      So no, there's no assumptions going on here. These acoustics are well known. The FBI probably has a precise sound graph for each and every single caliber and bullet made. I would be highly surprised if they did not. They have the ability, the knowledge, and the expertise to have already deduced the precise locations, the calibers being fired, the number of shooters. There is no doubt about that all in my own mind. The FBI is still a kick ass outfit despite all the attempts to destroy it. I'm sure they are quite aware, probably had this all figured in the first 15 to 30 minutes quite frankly. At least someone upstairs knew. So ya know....why then are we being told something else? See it's not like you yourself cannot do this same stuff. It's really not that hard.

                      You can be sure Rick is well aware of this as well. Probably has friends in places which put him up to it. The idea is to shine light on the lies, and that the lies are being directed from someone, somewhere's, and they have a reason for doing it. That's what I think anyways.

                      As another example, the military already has machines which instantly produce triangulated plots to identify snipers, and these are using echo's for triangulation. Robotic response to sniper fire with nearly 100% accuracy is already a reality. Point is, this is well a traveled field, completely known, studied, graphed, plotted, charted, and had the tail pinned on the donkey long time ago. The military doesn't waste all the money we give it ya know.
                      Last edited by Gambeir; 10-15-2017, 04:11 AM.
                      "The past is now part of my future, the present is well out of hand." Joy Divison "Heart and Soul LP."


                      • Different bullets different bullet speeds

                        Originally posted by Gambeir View Post
                        ... Different weapons do not produce an increase or decrease in the speed of their traveling sound waves. ...
                        Correct. But different weapons and different ammo result in different velocity of the round. He explains this and uses a distance vs time chart specific to the Remington .223. Using that chart to determine the range of shooter 2 assumes shooter 2 is using Remington .223, doesn't it? And could not the signatures he attributes to shooter 2 using .223 really be shooter 1 using .308?


                        • Originally posted by bistander View Post
                          Correct. But different weapons and different ammo result in different velocity of the round. He explains this and uses a distance vs time chart specific to the Remington .223. Using that chart to determine the range of shooter 2 assumes shooter 2 is using Remington .223, doesn't it? And could not the signatures he attributes to shooter 2 using .223 really be shooter 1 using .308?
                          Yes, that is correct, maybe I misunderstood you, if so sorry about that. You are right, he is making that assumption for the purpose of showing us how to deduce the probable location for other shooters using that caliber. You could do this for 308, though he doesn't do that for the video, so I think the idea is just to walk people through the procedure so that we all understand it.

                 the official story unravels.....

                          Video Here

                          Last edited by Gambeir; 10-15-2017, 11:45 AM.
                          "The past is now part of my future, the present is well out of hand." Joy Divison "Heart and Soul LP."


                          • Originally posted by Gambeir View Post
                            ... You are right, he is making that assumption for the purpose of showing us how to deduce the probable location for other shooters using that caliber. You could do this for 308, though he doesn't do that for the video, so I think the idea is just to walk people through the procedure so that we all understand it.
                            What sense does it make to assume the weapon and ammo of shooter 2? Unless that sound signature has a .223 "fingerprint", that probable location is nothing more than a wildass guess.

                            Appears to me that he presents an incomplete analysis to promote that there was a second shooter and that the authorities are hiding that from us. Using some of the facts to draw premature conclusions for the sake of a conspiracy theory.

                            I wonder how many rounds Paddock fired. Surely they must have a brass count from the hotel rooms. He hit like about 600 people. How many bullets were left to strike the pavement unimpeded?


                            • Slipping into technocracy

                              The long American slide into fascism;
                              Princeton Study: U.S. No Longer An Actual Democracy – Talking Points Memo

                              The Swedish ruling class;
                              "Sweden is "in the process of dismantling democracy" and could be on a slippery slope towards technocracy or a dictatorship."
                              "It's Sad As Hell" - Swedish Ambassador Admits, We're "In The Process Of Dismantling Democracy" | Zero Hedge


                              "According to Emmanuel Macron, the days of popular sovereignty are over.
                              There is no democracy in Europe, and the UNPA campaign wants it the same way for the rest of the world.
                              "Democracy has destroyed Europe. We have authoritarianism in our future."Democracy has destroyed Europe. We have authoritarianism in our future."Only because democracy has morphed into socialism.

                              Well, if I compare the destructions authoritarianism has inflicted upon Europe, from 1914-1919, from about 1930 to 1945, and in Eastern Europe to 1990, I would say authoritarianism wins with 100 points to 1, regarding destruction and deaths.

                              Another question is if democracy is self-destructing. Spengler says yes. I would rather think it is a pendulum movement, as authoritarianisms do their best to self-destruct, too, with no long term check against corruption and power grabbing.

                              Democracies have the problem that voters want to eat the cake and have it, too, but authoritarian politicians tend to think that it is easy and without consequences to steal all the cake from the people.

                              IMO, the historical cycle between democracy and authoritarianism, or simply, more individual liberty vs. less, comes from an innate human desire to maximize gain while minimizing efforts."

                              "During the authoritarian phase, there is no pathway to success for most people, because the authorities take everything they minute they produce anything. This carries the seed of its own destruction, because when you cannot keep what you produce, there is no incentive to work, which diminishes the amount of material available for taking. This is further aggravated by the increasing number of people who become takers as taking is the way to get ahead. Ultimately authoritarianism leads to collapse.

                              During the libertarian (more liberty) phase, people can keep the fruit of their labor, so the incentive is to work and produce. Wealth explodes. At this point, you get an increasing number of lazy people who are envious of those who have more, along with do-gooders who want everyone to be "equal." At this point authoritarianism starts to reappear as these people focus their energy not on producing new wealth, but by taking the lazy route and taking form others. "

                              yvhmer Mementoil Oct 18, 2017 6:07 AM

                              The family unit is by definition a hybrid socialistic- capitalistic - communistic structure. Two people coming together, defining the rules of engagement. Childeren growing up in such environment have also family. So, to a degree there are overlapping circles of small social structures where favours are exchanged: One does the dishes, the other cooks, just to give an example. Or, one bring home the paycheck, the other makes sure the house is in good order. The house is shared with the family members. The food is shared with the family members. And from time to time, there are visitors. they may do a job around the house, or do a sleepover for a day, a week or so. Then they leave. In a family unit one can see the several political idears: there is the tyrant, the enlightened despotic parents, the laissez faire parents, etc.

                              Basically, the arrangement goes reasonably well, if the income stream exceeds the outcome stream. This goes wrong if the nett savings only benefit one party. The other party to the pact may feel deprived. When the outflows exceed the income, stress ensues. The deficit may be caused by rising prices for the daily groceries, or simply by overspending on items not essentail to the well being of that small community, or by loss of income stream.

                              Childeren growing up in a family unit, are the main beneficiaries of that system. Kids do normally not pay for food, clothing, housing, personal care, healthcare, transportation, education, and so forth. This is all paid for by the parents. Relatives may kick in to help out, say, by helping to renovate a house, to change houses, paint a wall, do some shopping, aid in support of the sick, take kids to school, you name it.

                              All these activities are done on a voluntary basis. But what drives the positive answer to any request for help are not rules, regulations, rights and entitlements. What usually drives is a sense of bond, an emotional bond. The construct we often use is love, or commitment. Yet, kids learn two important things: one: they have to cooperate, two: favors are never a right or an entitlement. Traditions, like birthdays and presents, Christmas and presents, imply expectations, but never as to the contents of them.

                              A bigger bond than the family and relatives bond is the bond of tribe. So, in that sense, a tribe may exibit more or less the same dynamics as in a family. Socialism on the other hand, has completely moved away from the organic sense of bond, by imposing an artificial bond. It may be a class bond, like blue color workers bonding together. Or a national bond, artificial lines drawn on a map, and suddenly all people within that artificial construct have to exibit the family, relative, tribe traits to one another. This does not work as those other nationals are perfect strangers. Sometimes even separated by thousands of miles of dinstance, not participating in everyday life.On top, it is not voluntary, but coerced.

                              Enter, democracy. Democracy makes descisions over the heads of the individual. Although you may feel part of a system where you have a limited say, when 50 +1 consider your objectives to be not benefial to the 50+1, you are screwed. The 50+1 may be completely wrong! And the bigger, meaning, the more participants, in any type of democracy, the more it becomes evident that descisions reached are not on par with what you, as an individual would like to do. Of course, to save guard against egregious negative impact, you have the right to a redress of grievances. Nice! Yet, it is not your call to make, but you are delivered into the hands of a set of people who make a descision over your head. It does not empower you, it requires submission. Hence, resentment is just around the corner.

                              A corroraly to democracy might be the enshrinement of basic human rights. As history shows, these rights are always trampled upon in the name of state-interest, or by individuals who do not recognize private property rights: rapists, thieves, frauds, murderers. And institutions like courts are in no way a guarantor of individual rights.

                              My argument is therefore, that socialism/ democracy on a small scale, family, tribe could work. I am not saying it WILL. As always, there are failed families and succesful ones. Anything bigger than that, is by definition, a fail, due to the time/value-preference of all participants and therefore nationstates will eventually fail, especially when they grow bigger and bigger. Socialism and democracy are not contradictory, they are mutually enhancing their negative impact in the long run!

                              And so, we are left with the eternal contradiction: the need of cooperation versus organisation structure, or freedom versus authority."

                              The "modern" State is an attempt to stretch "familial socialism" out to the point where it includes millions who are not family. It only works for a while. The current iteration of authoritarianism is labelled "technocracy".
                              Not surprisingly, it strives for complete surveillance and control. In some ways, it is worse than socialism.


                              • Bringing it all down

                                An article by Charles K. it should be a Halloween message.

                                New York Post:

                                I do not understand how living in a country with its democracy established over 200 years ago, and now, for the first time in history, suddenly we have one of our former presidents set up a group called "Organizing for Action" (OFA).

                                OFA is 30,000+ strong and working to disrupt everything that our current president’s administration is trying to do. This organization goes against our Democracy, and it is an operation that will destroy our way of governing. It goes against our Constitution, our laws, and the processes established over 200 years ago. If it is allowed to proceed then we will be living in chaos very much like third world countries are run. What good is it to have an established government if it is not going to be respected and allowed to follow our laws?

                                If you had an army some 30,000 strong and a court system stacked over the decades with judges who would allow you to break the laws, how much damage could you do to a country? We are about to find out in America!

                                Our ex-president said he was going to stay involved through community organizing and speak out on the issues and that appears to be one post-administration promise he intends to keep. He has moved many of his administration's top dogs over to Organizing for Action.

                                OFA is behind the strategic and tactical implementation of the resistance to the Trump Administration that we are seeing across America, and politically active courts are providing the leverage for this revolution.

                                OFA is dedicated to organizing communities for "progressive" change. Its issues are gun control, socialist healthcare, abortion, sexual equality, climate change, and of course, immigration reform.

                                OFA members were propped up by the ex-president's message from the shadows: "Organizing is the building block of everything great we have accomplished Organizers around the country are fighting for change in their communities and OFA is one of the groups on the front lines. Commit to this work in 2017 and beyond."

                                OFA's website says it obtained its "digital" assets from the ex-president's re-election effort and that he inspired the movement. In short, it is the shadow government organization aimed at resisting and tearing down the Constitutional Republic we know as AMERICA.

                                Paul Sperry, writing for the New York Post, says, “The OFA will fight President Donald Trump at every turn of his presidency and the ex-president will command them from a bunker less than two miles from the White House."

                                Sperry writes that, “The ex-president is setting up a shadow government to sabotage the Trump administration through a network of non-profits led by OFA, which is growing its war chest (more than $40 million) and has some 250 offices nationwide. The OFA IRS filings, according to Sperry, indicate that the OFA has 32,525 (and growing) volunteers nationwide. The ex-president and his wife will oversee the operation from their home/ office in Washington DC.

                                Think about how this works.. For example: Trump issues an immigration executive order; the OFA signals for protests and statements from pro-immigrant groups; the ACLU lawyers file lawsuits in jurisdictions where activist judges obstruct the laws; volunteers are called to protest at airports and Congressional town hall meetings; the leftist media springs to action in support of these activities; the twitter sphere lights up with social media; and violence follows. All of this happens from the ex-president's signal that he is heartened by the protests.

                                If Barack Obama did not do enough to destroy this country in the 8 years he was in office, it appears his future plans are to destroy the foundation on which this country has operated on for the last 241 years.

                                If this does not scare you, then we are in worse trouble than you know.

                                So, do your part. You have read it, so at least pass this on so others will know what we are up against. We are losing our country and we are so compliant. We are becoming a "PERFECT TARGET" for our enemy!

                                Charles Krauthammer

                                Not just obummer. Bush is doing his part also.
                                OCTOBER 2017
                                Soros is the money man behind this,

