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The American Ruling Class

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  • International Hit squad

    A network of secret societies acting within each nation state.
    Those guilty walk away and someone always has to take the blame.
    The spokesperson of the people is the president.
    The press is to inform the people. They (media) are not doing so and there is
    constant battle for truth. Journalism is fake and those running it are against
    the national interests of the United States and require strongest hand of justice.

    George Soros and his parliament sworn to uphold EU constitution that secretly
    condones Anarchy tactics even though the nation states elected those in parliament must
    support the committee's goal even when nations decline to vote. The oath of office being
    of the greater authority rather than having independence as nation states.
    What about the European Union has it been on a power trip ?
    The truth about what happened with G20 protesters Germany was mostly blacked out.
    The theme anti-globalization was re-labeled and media made certain all covered up.
    Last edited by mikrovolt; 11-14-2017, 11:42 PM.


    • Originally posted by Danny B View Post
      France and Germany want to build a European army. Guess what they have in mind. "The female German minister of defence just yesterday let slip that she supports regime change in Poland."
      Most of the article is about the madness in Britain.
      Regime change is code for war making but somehow advocating mass murder as an officially appointed stooge isn't a crime, yet again it's a crime to egg some on to kill themselves, but here we have some nut case calling for mass murder and possibly starting another global war and yet somehow this legal? Worse, it's become acceptable in some peoples minds. Like they have a God Given right to involve us and our kids in what is obviously a designed plot, and to get us and our kids killed for whatever profitable ends people like this one thinks will serve their own interests.

      How can Germany outlaw the Swastika when you've got a Nazi front and center calling to invade Poland? Didn't we go through this once before?
      This is completely insane. We cannot tolerate nut cases like this any longer as government officials. Not anywhere. Humanity cannot afford these people with their fingers on thermonuclear weapons, and considering this insane nut case represents the German Nation, then her voice and officially approved post just proves the complete corruption of the body politic is now global.

      I mean you've got to realize what the consequences of such an act would bring. Regime change? No, it's Global Thermonuclear War, not regime change.
      She needs to be officially approved as mentally defective and put in an insane asylum for the criminally insane.
      Last edited by Gambeir; 12-10-2017, 01:18 PM.
      "The past is now part of my future, the present is well out of hand." Joy Divison "Heart and Soul LP."


      • Originally posted by Gambeir View Post
        Regime change is code for war making but somehow advocating mass murder as an officially appointed stooge isn't a crime, yet again it's a crime to egg some on to kill themselves, but here we have some nut case calling for mass murder and possibly starting another global war and yet somehow this legal? Worse, it's become acceptable in some peoples minds. Like they have a God Given right to involve us and our kids in what is obviously a designed plot, and to get us and our kids killed for whatever profitable ends people like think will serve their own interests.

        How can Germany outlaw the Swastika when you've got a Nazi front and center calling to invade Poland? Didn't we go through this once before?
        This is completely insane. We cannot tolerate nut cases like this any longer as government officials. Not anywhere. Humanity cannot afford these people with their fingers on thermonuclear weapons, and considering this insane nut case represents the German Nation, then her voice and officially approved post just proves the complete corruption of the body politic is now global.

        I mean you've got to realize what the consequences of such an act would bring. Regime change? No, it's Global Thermonuclear War, not regime change.
        She needs to be officially approved as mentally defective and put in an insane asylum for the criminally insane.
        It is clear that this world has not been built by caring human beings, but has been constructed and is run by powerful hallow soulless individuals.

        And, despite the violence, suffering and chaos they have caused, we allow them to remain at the top, and in control.


        Last edited by aljhoa; 11-16-2017, 04:15 PM. Reason: 746,488


        • Boo-boo in Poland

          Poland needs a regime change because they made a bit of a semantic slip.
          "This Saturday, 60,000 hard-right nationalists took to the streets of Warsaw to affirm their commitment to “Get Jews out of power.”

          "Jewish families gather in Germany to remember a Holocaust victim they never knew" Never knew them,,, huh?
          read more:
          Last edited by Danny B; 11-18-2017, 01:10 AM. Reason: another boo-boo


          • Originally posted by Danny B View Post
            Poland needs a regime change because they made a bit of a semantic slip.
            "This Saturday, 60,000 hard-right nationalists took to the streets of Warsaw to affirm their commitment to “Get Jews out of power.”

            "Jewish families gather in Germany to remember a Holocaust victim they never knew" Never knew them,,, huh?
            read more:"

            Polish Army Badges

            Last edited by aljhoa; 11-17-2017, 05:31 AM. Reason: 746,763


            • Synopsis from Steele

              The world is closing ranks against America and her master. They want to work and get rich. They don't want to just blow things up to benefit israel. It is a strange scene where all the pedos and molesters seem to get outed all at once. This is part of the takedown.
              Robert Steele: War in the Middle East [in February 2018]… A strategic survey of possibilities, winners, losers… – Public Intelligence Blog


              • Originally posted by aljhoa View Post
                It is clear that this world has not been built by caring human beings, but has been constructed and is run by powerful hallow soulless individuals.

                And, despite the violence, suffering and chaos they have caused, we allow them to remain at the top, and in control.


                Thanks, great link BTW> AND YES: PSYCHOPATHS EVERY LAST ONE OF THEM!

                Walmart now the largest employer in 22 states. 3 people now have half the total wealth of America; Bill Gates, Warren Buffet, and Jeff Bezos. The UN now has a plan for sustainable corporations to employ the selected slaves.
                "The past is now part of my future, the present is well out of hand." Joy Divison "Heart and Soul LP."


                • Slowly grinding up the old bag lady

                  "Hillary Calls Trump Administration a Dictatorship if She is Investigated"


                  • Taking down the elites with pedo charges

                    Ronald Bernard was a VERY high level banker who the illuminati tried to suck into their control. Once they get every person to do unspeakable things, they have complete blackmail control over them. Bernard was repulsed and went public. He is very believable and has a very impressive history.
                    He does NOT name names in the vid. You can bet that INTERPOL talked to him and took names. Just as a lot of pervs are being taken down in America, my friend from Luxembourg tells me that even more of this is happening in Europe. The police are trying to root out this kind of corruption but, the upper crust is well protected.
                    The Gannon Cannon - Part 1 Bush Treason In Spy *****house

                    "Kids, the Light of Our Lives" Massive Global Pedophile Ring Busted - KFDA - NewsChannel 10 / Amarillo News, Weather, Sports
                    Feldman, Actor Corey Feldman details Hollywood pedophilia ring to Los Angeles police | WSB-TV
                    Robert Steele and Benjamin Fulford write that a LOT of high level people are being taken down. Since most of the elites seem to be pedos, that particular charge is useful leverage.


                    • I've watched the video by Ronald Bernard and recommend it. People might find this stuff hard to believe but one class I took back in the day was given by the Chief Deputy Coroner for the county; besides being an forensic anthropologist he was also a professor at the college. At the time the local and federal authorities were trying to find the green river killer. Despite having been around cops since I was a teenager I had never been exposed to the complete horror of sexual psychopaths; not only what they do, how they do it, for it reads like a text book mostly, but also what they leave behind.

                      Most everything I learned decades ago can easily be found on the web, or even by just watching documentary crime programs, but in the day it was cutting edge with FBI profile handout and texts from investigators round tables.

                      Of all the recent serial killers it was really Ted Bundy that brought a catharsis to law enforcement; an idea dawned on the community more than it had ever previously done of people who murder for sexual gratification. Whose lives were dedicated committing murder and that everything else in their life merely existed for the purpose of enabling that objective. He really had no other goals in life other than to murder women. Being privy to insider info local law enforcement thought Bundy probably was responsible for 300 or more murders, they just didn't have the evidence to prosecute him for them, but all arrows pointed at him. He probably murdered the neighbor girl just shortly after puberty at around age 14.

                      We are evolving in to the reality of conscious awareness, which is to know truth, and yet we have been told this truth long ago in many ways. People have tried to tell us; to show us in films and in stories the true reality of our world. In the movie "The God Father," Francis Ford Coppola shows us the evolution of organized crime, moving beyond street hood, to thoughtful and ruthless businessmen, moving in to politics and exerting their control over that arm of society just like all others.

                      Stanley Kubrick spent his life studying secret societies and he believe that our world is controlled and run by sexual deviants; specifically by sexual psychopaths and the highest being pedophiles. He thought pedophiles ruled the world. Whether pedophiles rule the world, or whether they are themselves the tools of organized crime, one thing is certain, we can no longer deny that there are pedophiles in high positions of authority.


                      I think that if a person dares to look truth in the face they will see for themselves an overt covering of symbolic images which are known to be associated with pedophiles. Many of these have been exposed now as a consequence of pizzagate, but others like clowns are less well known.

                      I don't know about the rest of you, but if a child told me about a guy in clown suit in the woods, or anywhere for that matter, I'd be out looking for him with my gun in hand because one thing is for sure, he cannot possibly be doing anything other than trying to abduct a child. Seeing this from the perspective of the local cops puts a face on the clown as a disguise and as a kind of pervert trying to lure a child somewhere for ulterior motives.

                      Now this whole clown thing is marketed all the time as friendly kids entertainer and why is that? They are weird as hell if you ask me. Scary really, but from a child's perspective seeing a guy disguised as a clown is possibly something they might unwittingly move towards to investigate out of curiosity.

                      This clown thingy has subsided far as I know, but for a while the shill media was marketing it as fad, trying really to induce people to copy cat these fake reports, and this then enables an excuse to any real abductors whom would be employing this ploy.

                      'Killer Clowns': Inside the Terrifying Hoax Sweeping America - Rolling Stone
                      Why are creepy clowns terrorizing America?

                      Just go to youtube and search creepy clowns, or creepy clowns in the woods, or search a web browser for that matter.

                      There's more going on here. This isn't a fad. This isn't something normal people, no matter what age, would do to gain notice from my experience. It's therefore engineered. Designed to be marketed to the gullible as a fad, as something that's just happening, that's been picked up and is fashionable for creating excitement. Uh huh, and so when you were a teen your first thoughts of messing with your siblings, or the local kids was to dress up as a clown?

                      What I'm driving at is the comprehension that there is an over-arching control paradigm. That one of the primary interests of this control paradigm is pedophilia. That the odds of this sort of idea becoming a fad, of being picked up on as a worthy news story and by numerous news outlets, and then to have some fat guy on Youtube shilling the concept, well that's just not something which is statically possible without having been directed, which brings me to the implications. Who owns or can otherwise direct these so-called news outlets so that the people working there are focused on this, and it's not that they should not be focused on it, rather it's the way they are focusing attention, for none of these so-called news outlets remotely suggest there may be an potential connection to child abduction, rape, and murder do they? Yet again, isn't that a rational reaction to some otherwise unexplained weirdo in the woods dress up as a clown stalking children? It sure as hell would be what I'd be thinking.
                      Last edited by Gambeir; 12-10-2017, 01:22 PM.
                      "The past is now part of my future, the present is well out of hand." Joy Divison "Heart and Soul LP."


                      • There's money to be made

                        Couple of headlines;
                        Diaspora pedophiles increasingly use Israel as 'a haven,' activists ...
                        Currently [redacted] still holds Israeli citizenship under the alias [redacted]. ... “There's a danger that Israel is becoming a safe haven for pedophiles and alleged ...
                        Israel becoming a 'refuge for pedophiles,' warns advocate for child sex ...
               › Israel News
                        Mar 22, 2016 - Israel has become a safe haven for Jewish pedophiles from around the world, a leading advocate for child sexual abuse victims warned ...

                        Body Snatchers: Organ Harvesting For Profit | Psychology Today
                        Nov 13, 2013 - Organ donation is only possible if the organ in question has blood and oxygen flowing through it until the time of harvesting. A living donor can ...
                        African Children Menaced By European (Organ Harvesting) Charity ...
                        Jan 16, 2008 - Good resources for organ donation! ... Adam Sage the children who French charity workers claimed were orphans from Darfur said they had ...
                        Blood, Bones And Organs: The Gruesome 'Red Market' : NPR
                        Jun 10, 2011 - He says if he had his way, every bag of blood, organ transplant and egg .... read newspaper articles about desperate children in orphanages, ..."
                        It is well known that some israelis have set up orphanages to guarantee a source of organs.


                        • Bush and Malaysia

                          Obama, Bush, and Cheney have Arrest Warrants Issued! - YouTube
                          Video for malaysia + arrest warrant for bush▶ 13:44

                          Bush, Blair found guilty of war crimes in Malaysia tribunal/ Judgment of ...

                          Bush Convicted of War Crimes in Absentia | Foreign Policy Journal

                          George W. Bush and Dick Cheney Found Guilty of War Crimes - Esquire
                          George W. Bush and Dick Cheney Found Guilty of War Crimes

                          Strangely enough,,, by coincidence, two Malaysian airliners fell out of the sky.


                          • Walls closing in on the Dark Lord

                            World Jewry is slowly waking up to the fact that Netanyahooo and the neocons and the Khazars are dragging down mainstream Judaism. Bibi is screaming mad that Putin ignores his pleas and orders to abandon Syria.
                            At the same time, Bibi and his shills in congress are getting closer to an impeachment of Trump for ignoring Bibis explicit orders to let Syria be destroyed.

                            Obama Warned Trump Not To Hire Flynn
                            Chris Christie Warned Trump Not To Hire Flynn
                            Yates Warned Trump Not To Hire Flynn
                            Jared Kushner Directed Flynn To Contact Russia
                            Kushner Can’t Pass His Security Clearance Investigation

                            It appears that Kushner is working against Trump.

                            So, Putin and Trump are ignoring Bibi. He is now turning to European leaders to try to get some backing. They are sick of his sorry a$$.
                            "This would make the first visit by an Israeli prime minister to an EU summit since 1995.
                            The self-invitation came after Lithuania’s foreign minister invited Netanyahu to attend a breakfast before the meeting without the knowledge or agreement of other top diplomats, the report revealed.
                            “This is the European Union, not the US Congress, and Netanyahu cannot invite himself,”
                            PressTV-Netanyahu irks EU diplomats by ‘inviting self’ to summit


                            • Internecine warfare within the dep State

                              Excellent article,
                              The Internecine Deep State Conflict Moves To Stage Two | Zero Hedge


                              • Watch these vids for entertainment purpose only

                                Fulford seems to get some stuff right. Who knows about the rest.




                                I'm not making any claims on this info. BUT, there are a lot of prominent people going down.
                                FBI Has Flynn On Lying About Ties To Israel, Not Russia
                                20,000 In Tel Aviv ‘March of Shame’ To Protest Bill Aimed At Protecting Netanyahu
                                Israeli Police Arrest 17 Senior Officials Over
                                Corruption After Massive Protests - Reports

                                Financial Misdoing Charges Mount Against Erdogan

