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The American Ruling Class

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  • Kunstler, Trump just dithers

    Kunstler claims that he is a democrat BUT, they have gone completely off the rails. He dislikes Trump quite strongly but, admits that klillary is a psychopathic mega killer. He is conflicted by just about everything. Here is his latest observations on the Russian investigation.
    "It must be hard on The New York Times editors to set their hair on fire day after day in their effort to start World War Three."

    The Times’s world-view begins to look like the script of a Batman sequel with Vlad Putin cast in The Joker role of the cackling psychopath who must be stopped at all costs! America’s generals have switched on the Batman signal beacon, but Donald Trump in the role of the Caped Crusader, merely dithers and broods in the splendid isolation of his 1600 Penn Avenue Bat Cave, suffering yet another of his endless bipolar identity crises. For God’s sake, The Times shrieks, do something! The Russians are coming! (Gotham City’s Chief of Police Hillary said exactly that last week in a Tweet!)"

    "The actual message, for the non mental defectives left in this drooling idiocracy of a republic, was as follows: Nuclear war remains unthinkable, so kindly stop thinking about it."
    "to discourage the USA’s decades-long policy of regime change here, there, and everywhere on the planet, creating a debris trail of one failed state after another. As a true-blue American, I must say these are two admirable propositions (from Putin). Is it fatuous to add that atomic war is unlikely to benefit anyone? Or that the world has had enough of US military “meddling” in foreign lands?"

    "Today’s Times story includes another clumsy attempt to set up expectations that the 2018 midterm elections will be hacked by Russia, in order to keep the hysteria at code-red level."
    "What’s going on here makes the Red Scare of 1920 and the McCarthy episode of the early 1950s look sedate in comparison. It’s reasonable to suppose that officials in any foreign country watching the dismal ongoing spectacle here would conclude that the United States has lost its mind. Somebody please take us to the hydrotherapy chamber!"
    Light It Up - Kunstler

    I most certainly hope that Trump keeps dithering. Netanyahooo has ALWAYS used the U.S. military to threaten and destroy anybody or State that got in the way of the zionist ambitions. He is foaming at the mouth at the prospect of Iran and Lebanon getting so powerful. Trump MUST destroy Iran. Russia is, of course, next in line.
    General Wesley Clark: The US will attack 7 countries in 5 years ... Iran was / is on that list that came DIRECTLY from the jewish neocons. Clark made that very clear.
    Netanyahoo said that America was an unreliable partner and, he was going to cozy up to Vlad, his buddy.
    The IDF told Netanyahoo a few years ago that israel could expect to receive 11,000 missiles a minute if they attacked Iran. He said that" it would be bad but, he was prepared to accept the cost. " He is now under indictment for massive corruption. Apparently, the people of israel do NOT want to receive 11,000 missiles a minute. Trump can dither until Netanyahoo prepares to attack Lebanon. The military will toss him out to prevent national suicide.
    Various hawks in the congress are working towards WW III. Trump just dithers.


    • Russian sanctions

      Trump, Macron, Merkel, May Join To Condemn Russia
      Raging Russophobia Before Russia Presidential Vote
      Shameless NeoCon WaPo Calls For ‘Punishing' Putin
      Trump Sanctions Russia For 2016 Election ‘Interference'
      Trump Put More, New Illegal US Sanctions On Russia

      Don't forget;
      How the Sanctions Are Helping Putin - POLITICO Magazine
      Capital Returning To Russia As UK Threatens Investments

      So, Trump threatens Russia just before the elections.
      Putin Says Sanctions Are Helping Russia. He Might Be Right. - NYMag
      Putin Says Sanctions Are Helping Russia. He Might Be Right.
      So, Trump is giving Putin a big helping hand during the run-up to the elections.


      • Stabbed in the back,,, with a bigger knife

        The israeli attack on the U.S.S. liberty was personally ordered by Moshe Dayan. Even when the israeli pilots radioed in that it was definitely American, they were ordered to "hit it anyway".
        But, it was just one ship. Years later, when it became necessary to prod the Americans into attacking Afghanistan and Iraq, a MUCH bigger prod was needed. Israel and rogue elements of the C.I.A staged the attack on the twin towers. For Silverstein, it was a big "insurance job". For the Russian haters, it was a chance to redeem $240 billion in clandestine bonds. For israel, it was a chance to drag America into yet another war. It was also the biggest bank hiest in history.
        No wonder that the "dancing israelies were dancing.

        But, it crossed a very important like. It wasn't just one ship this time. The hits erased a very important financial investigation at the Pentagon. It erased similar investigations by the FBI in building seven. One plane hit directly on the floors of Cantor-Fitzgerald who had a history of selling bogus U.S. bonds.
        The 9/11 attack served notice that israel would attack America without remorse when it suited their purposes. Israel desperately needs a war to hold on to the riches in Syria and Lebanon.
        They fired a missile at Hawaii to frame North Korea. In the weeks leading up to the attack, MSM prophesied that N.K. might attack Hawaii with a missile. False flags-are-us. The attack and, the missile were very real.
        Fulford says that the missile was intercepted and destroyed. There were witnesses who saw this. Fulford also claims that the sub was destroyed.

        An attack on N.K. would drag in China. After that happened, NOBODY would be paying attention to what israel did. The 9/11 attack served notice that we couldn't trust israel. Reportedly, the sub was tracked for more than a day before it fired the missile. (Fulford).
        The launching and interception of the missile puts our military on notice that israel can be considered an enemy combatant. That is not to say that everyone in the israeli military is willing to kill Americans to further the zionist agenda.
        Whoever launched that missile had no qualms about starting a very big war.


        • Originally posted by BroMikey View Post
          Touch not mine anointed and do my Prophet's no harm.

          The Swamp heading for the drain.

          Deep State prosecution using military tribunals, Patriots are encamped around the President as his life is being continually threatened. 10's of thousands are going to be apprehended the same day who's names are listed as folks being indicted. No running, no small courts to pay off and wiggle out of it. No bogging down the lower courts.

          Last edited by aljhoa; 03-23-2018, 03:39 PM. Reason: 806,516


          • Senior Executive Services




            • Heads are roling and bodies are floating

              The swamp is getting less deep.
              Devvy - Gowdy, Sessions, McCain – 1 Down, 2 To Go


              • Originally posted by Danny B View Post
                I'd be happier if they were all arrested and held on charges of high treason, but I guess anything is better than nothing.

                Got my car tabs here in Washington State, which together with Oregon and California are now the new head quarters for political gangsters. Since this really pisses me off I'll blab my complaint because I'm certain to not be alone on this one.

                So to hide the reduction on lost revenue in failing new car sales, the gansters in Olympia Washington have again increased the fee's on my 28 year old pickup to $98 dollars, which is up from the $78 dollars from the previous year, which is up from the lowest figure of $35 dollars.

                Point is, the link shows what amounts to a small dent. It's a start but the State Legislatures are populated by scamming crooks ripping off the people with tax schemes that their employers put them up to by abusing their offices and public trust by passing laws designed to thieve from the very people whom elected them, and if that's not worth a criminal investigation than I don't know what is; One major employer for these crooks is the insurance industry: Drive by mile being their latest scam which they are selling as a money saver, like wow, you mean I can now pay by the mile to use the highways my taxes already paid for? I mean it's beyond criminal. They should all be hung by their giblets for such an outrage ~ what a savings huh?

                I wonder just how much crap people are going to put up with from these jerks. I know I'm about ready to throw a party myself.

                Someone needs to organize an Nation Wide F~U project to send a clear message to these thieves, which would include refusing to buy car tabs, paying for toll roads or bridges, paying for red light camera tickets and whatever else anyone can think of that's reasonable. I'm sick of these scammers. People need to forget about politics and look at who's being a patriot and who's helping them personally. Those two alone should leave about 98% of elect out in the cold right now.
                Last edited by Gambeir; 04-04-2018, 09:22 PM.
                "The past is now part of my future, the present is well out of hand." Joy Divison "Heart and Soul LP."


                • Gatso bashing

                  Gambeir, it might make you feel a bit better to do a google image search on....destroyed speed cameras... They take an old tire and hang it on a speed camera. Then, the pour in some gas. Not surprisingly,,,,, they light the gasoline.
                  Yes, the State considers the average person to be a tax slave with pockets full of money. Californians owe the State $ 10.2 BILLION in unpaid fines.


                  • Originally posted by Danny B View Post
                    Gambeir, it might make you feel a bit better to do a google image search on....destroyed speed cameras... They take an old tire and hang it on a speed camera. Then, the pour in some gas. Not surprisingly,,,,, they light the gasoline.
                    Yes, the State considers the average person to be a tax slave with pockets full of money. Californians owe the State $ 10.2 BILLION in unpaid fines.

                    I'm just sick of both politician and politics. Far as I can tell politicians are nothing but a bunch of neck tie wearing terrorists working for billionaire gansters, whom run the entire country with legions of lawyers that write the law, and whom these traitors pass in to laws designed to rob and rape the American People, and they are doing that for the simple profit of having their own pockets filled. The whole thing is simply racketeering any way you want to cut it. I think it's time to end both the Democratic and Republican Parties.

                    It's time for a Patriots Party. Now of course being old school, can't help that what with being old schooled, I'd prefer the party to be one with neck ties, baseball bats, and torches, but maybe there's still time to do this the right way using civil measures like civilized people.

                    Frankly I doubt it, because the one thing I've learned over six decades is that criminals will continue to conduct crimes until someone or something stops them, and so I seriously doubt that anything short of complete and total rejection of their right to rule will change one damn thing. I mean come on, just look at what the FCC all alone did to the people of these United States of America: Look at the so-called news we now have.

                    There's not one reason in the world the public airways should be owned by a handful of people: Talk about puppet mastering, and of course we are all paying for these outrages in so many ways, just look at what CNN did to contribute to war making. Sometimes I wonder if the media owners didn't themselves plot the entire September 11th mass murder attack: Almost makes more sense given all their suspicious activities.

                    Evil can only survive in secrecy, and secrecy can only happen when power is centralized: Efficiency is not a democratic value, it's a totalitarian value, and efficiency is only possible when power is centralized; which includes your so called news and information sources. A government is supposed to exist to serve the people. How come it's not doing that? Isn't it reasonable to expect that one of the primary functions of government would be to operate and control media broadcasting and not to sell them off to whoever has the most money? That's not what I'd call fulfilling the duty of government to protect us from subversive and dangerous overthrows engineered with mass propaganda that was then made legal by the same previously outlined methods, which they actually did in the 2013 national defense act. What a farce huh? Gee thanks so much; now their lies can be made exempt from a charge of high treason huh?

                    The best course of action is to refuse to acknowledge their authority, otherwise the only other course is open conflict, and which is what the puppet masters would prefer. After all, in a civil war people like myself who say what others think can be hunted freely and so that state of affairs actually enables these same criminals to eliminate people like myself; like we can now get that son of **** ....damn him! So again, that would be doing what they wanted once more.

                    People need to pull their heads of the hole they have them in. You cannot reason with a lion when your head is in it's mouth. You cannot obtain security by giving up your personal rights. You cannot expect anything but more and worse when criminals come to power and whom are constantly appeased by weaklings and imbeciles whose motivations are based on ignorance and momentary peace.

                    What we are facing today isn't the same. It is political but it's not public. It's corporatism today and it's their laws and their lawyers whom are writing the laws. It's not the politicians we elect whom write the vast majority of the laws we are now living under.

                    Given a choice I think I'd have everyone of them rounded up and put on a boat to a remote island where they could then figure out how to feed off each other like the vampires they truly are.

                    But ya know, anyone with an ounce of brains wouldn't take a chance on that, for some of em might somehow construct a raft, so the only sensible thing would be to torpedo the thing at the deepest and most shark infested point in the voyage while on their way to the island.

                    This is the same application of criminal reasoning that they themselves would employ on all of us, so we would only be doing what we have all already learned from them, and so our lies will be just like the lies they have told all of us; like how we are going to take them all to a nice remote tropical island to serve out their time, instead of executing them for treasons, but of course this too is a lie, so instead we torpedo their ship in shark infested waters, which is what I'd expect them to do to us. Besides, with my line of reasoning following their own, then we don't actually even need a either a real island, since that is a lie, nor do we need a sea worthy ship, so there too I'm simply suggesting we do what they would do. People really need to start thinking like a criminal to understand the rational behind the political mindset. See, if the glove were switched, an if a politician could do it, then they would say you've won a Cruise, then instead of loading your luggage on the ship, they would keep it on the dock, instead of putting your valuables in the ships safe, they would put those in their own pockets: Instead of a cruise you would be sent to be drowned or be eaten alive by sharks on an old rust bucket on it's way to the breakers. No one the wiser, and no survivors, that's how these people think. Seriously, who actually thinks that the Lusitania was all just accidental. Like yea, what a lucky break that turned out to be for Germany.

                    I don't think that worked out well for the Kaiser or really much of the then existing royalty of Europe. Nor do I believe Franklin Roosevelt wanted a Global War, but he knew he couldn't stop the people who were driving it either: After all, who profited from that war? Weren't the real winners in the last two Global Wars the same ones who would also profit from another Global War?

                    We have an internal war going on with the rights of the individual as the object to be destroyed by the enemy of the people. Who would that be; who want's the people to have no individual rights? Who would prohibit free speech and who would profit by being able to rule without fear of an armed uprising? Gee, ya think it might be the same ones that profited off two world wars? I previously talked about the cost of licensing my car. Well guess what, the people of this State voted to make the licensing fee a flat $35 dollars over a decade ago. The State Supreme Court over-ruled the people as Unconstitutional. How exactly the States right of Taxation over~rules the will of the people is a bit beyond me, but it did that. Now who's gonna prevent these same un~hindered criminals from continually raising the fee's, and if you cannot already stop something as simple a controlling the taxations which are levied by public voting to limit the taxation powers of the state, then just imagine what will happen when you have no guns to protect your own lives from a manifestly out of control system. Taxes aren't the same thing as individual liberties. One's an annoyance, the other defines liberty.

                    Clearly, I think, the enemy inside the gates are corporate business associations and their armies of lobbyists whom are law firms. It's the tax free donations to their own private so~called not for profits that are running these here United States. It's their gunman whom are killing children and setting up stories to muddy the waters and to confuse and bamboozle the average citizen. Ya know, in some nations it's against the law for private security corporations to exist.
                    Now why is this so called news not focused on the dangerous internal enemy of the people? Well it's because obviously they are too are the the enemy now.
                    Last edited by Gambeir; 04-04-2018, 10:12 PM.
                    "The past is now part of my future, the present is well out of hand." Joy Divison "Heart and Soul LP."


                    • Originally posted by Gambeir View Post

                      People need to pull their heads of the hole they have them in. You cannot reason with a lion when your head is in it's mouth. You cannot obtain security by giving up your personal rights. You cannot expect anything but more and worse when criminals come to power and whom are constantly appeased by weaklings and imbeciles whose motivations are based on ignorance and momentary peace.

                      What we are facing today isn't the same. It is political but it's not public. It's corporatism today and it's their laws and their lawyers whom are writing the laws. It's not the politicians we elect whom write the vast majority of the laws we are now living under.

                      Given a choice I think I'd have everyone of them rounded up and put on a boat to a remote island where they could then figure out how to feed off each other like the vampires they truly are.

                      Soylent Green -
                      It is necessary for us to operate privately and to vette our members in order to avoid disruption from the less enlightened.

                      Last edited by aljhoa; 04-09-2018, 03:11 PM. Reason: 809,718


                      • So now, after what may seem like a series of wacked out rants, I want to bring something out for all of you to ponder deeply. This has evidently or manifestly been with all of us for a long time. Scary when I really and truly consider the potential implications. Neverthless, this post may help to explain why I posted what I have in this thread.

                        Mind Control & the Artificial Intelligence Push: What's the Real Agenda?

                        This topic has been on my mind for several days now, and just today I got a PM which mentioned that Otis Carr had said that; "consciousness melds with the engineer to create an effect." I would invite you to ponder that statement deeply because there's a long history about robots and the robotic brain in our science fiction history. AI (artificial intelligence) has a lot to do with a planned trap. As time moves forward those who suggest that a trap is being sprung will seem ever more crazy as technology advances and is accepted and seen as understood and controllable. A policeman or a detective will, however, tell you that what you control only extends to the limits of your knowledge: It is of course their job to uncover deceptions.

                        This next video is highly interesting for what it implies, because if the goal is to create robots which are like those depicted in HBO's West World, as accessory intelligence platforms for entertainment, then those will hold unexpected surprises for the gullible and for the unaware. The video itself may seem a little hodge podge, what with it's first 34 seconds of seemingly unrelated material. However, I would suggest it isn't as unrelated as it may appear and hopefully after a few days the gist of this post will gel together and become ever more clear as the mind sequences the information supplied.

                        After the first 34 seconds the video moves on to covering Facebook and it's data collection but really you have to ask yourself why they were doing this? After all, it's more than a little bit over the top don't ya think? Ultimately it's about finding "Targets." This is about "Ultimate Mind Control." The video never comes out and says this because I don't think they really comprehend what the true purposes are behind the intense data collection these so~called corporations are doing. Kind of reminds me of Buzz Aldrin going off the handle and shouting "we are all in danger," but Buzz was right; we all are all in danger as I shall hopefully demonstrate.

                        So here's the first video.

                        Again, the video itself is suggestive. It gives you some reason to feel uneasy, but it doesn't connect up why this data collection is so dangerous, and at a very, very, personal level. That's what I intend to do. So now "Watch This."I think you will get the point very graphically. This next video contains clips of Derren Browns 10 greatest moments. Derren Brown is undoubtedly one of the greatest Hypnotists of all time. I suggest you watch the video, and understand that if you have someone with this talent, and who can then connect with a quote "target" remotely, then all is explained: Understand Now? You will if you watch this...

                        10 Of The Most Dramatic Derren Brown Moments

                        I think I really became convinced when I listened to psychic Phil Jorden explain how he had prayed and then urged a quote "murder suspect" to admit his guilt in the crime, which the suspect did, explaining he was urged to admit his guilt. Which implies, if you ask me, that certain "targets" share certain commonalities, and that just possibly they make ideal assassins as well. Everything the powers that be do is a trap. If you adopt that notion then these traps will begin to become visible to you. I will now invite you to revisit Ottis Carr's statement with the addition of HBO's West World AI Robots and then, just for good measure to make sure you get the point consider the possibilities: Invasion of the Body Snatchers really has a bit more meat to it now doesn't it?

                        The great Phil Jordan's homepage (Psychic Detective).
                        Phil Jordan, Psychic - Home

                        Here's the article referred to in the first video at 5:11 "Remote viewing of natural targets"
                        Link to CIA Reading Room where it's archived.
                        Also same paper archived here.
                        Last edited by Gambeir; 04-15-2018, 01:25 AM.
                        "The past is now part of my future, the present is well out of hand." Joy Divison "Heart and Soul LP."


                        • Originally posted by Danny B View Post
                          Well, I guess that Trump was not buying time. Who knows if he is even in command?
                          Fact-finding teams from the Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons, an international watchdog agency based in The Hague, were expected to arrive in Douma on Saturday
                          U.S. fires cruise missiles at Syria in retaliation for suspected poison gas attack
                          So, we just HAD to bomb them before any truth came out.
                          "Remote viewing of natural targets"

                          MINDGAMERS Official Trailer (2017)
                          The Sci Fi Film

                          Last edited by aljhoa; 04-15-2018, 03:59 PM. Reason: 810,771


                          • Originally posted by aljhoa View Post
                            "Remote viewing of natural targets"

                            MINDGAMERS Official Trailer (2017)
                            The Sci Fi Film

                            Good Job!

                            The line in the Trailer; "What if we could hack the human mind?"

                            The media always tells us what the powers that be are doing. Here they are presenting it as a what if but in reality there's no what if's about it.
                            They already figured a way to hack some peoples minds! That is one of the purposes of the data collection: Identify the people most susceptible to hypnosis. Derren Brown and other mentalists know what targets to select; who's most susceptible. Put two and two together is what I'm saying. Think guns are the problem now? How about a collection of criminals (read billionaires here) whom are remotely piloting un~suspecting people to suicidal acts and mass murder with an end goal of being able to remotely control every single human the same way.

                            Did I mention the part about the mass media fronting some ill~educated gullible twits along with a bunch of dumb kids as tools for the overthrow of the Republic? Connect the dots people. I'm not that sharp. There's others who understood what they were doing long before I got it figured out. We are all being played for fools.
                            Last edited by Gambeir; 04-16-2018, 03:56 PM.
                            "The past is now part of my future, the present is well out of hand." Joy Divison "Heart and Soul LP."


                            • Derren Brown talks about hypnosis. Youscrub is of course filled with Derren Brown video's.

                              "The past is now part of my future, the present is well out of hand." Joy Divison "Heart and Soul LP."


                              • Indictment?


