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The American Ruling Class

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  • Get back to the forum title please

    I know attacks on Left is so irresistible but please!
    You know that government can be bought, just simply because anybody can be bought.
    How can we fight against this untouchable force?
    Now that you know what you want, explore P.A.T.H.S


    • Poland also lost one of the architects of its economic stability during the recent global crisis, the head of the National Bank of Poland, Slawomir Skrzypek, 46, a close Kaczynski associate.
      A banking head who helped keep the country stable while the rest of the European Union plunged into recession.

      The Soviet secret police killed thousands of Polish military leaders and intellectuals at Katyn and other places at the start of World War II. It was part of a strategy to subdue the country, whose eastern half it occupied starting in 1939, and better control it.

      One forest, two Polish tragedies, 70 years apart - Yahoo! News

      Something has gone very, very wrong in Poland. After elections last September, a group called “Law and Justice,” led by a longtime Solidarity activist and right-wing politician named Jaroslaw Kaczynski, emerged as the largest party in parliament. Victory in the following month’s presidential election went to Kaczynski’s identical twin Lech.

      The Kaczynskis themselves have established close ties to the “Radio Maryja” media network, which propagates a combination of anti-Jewish conspiracy theories and ultra-conservative Catholic religiosity. Although neither of the brothers have any personal history of anti-Jewish remarks (even in private, by all accounts), they have found plenty of ways to appeal to a racist electorate while keeping their own hands clean.
      Jewish Currents September 2006 - The Return of the Radical Right in Poland

      In politics, nothing happens by accident. If it happens, you can bet it was planned that way.

      Franklin D. Roosevelt Quotes



      • Originally posted by Mozaar View Post
        I know attacks on Left is so irresistible but please!
        You know that government can be bought, just simply because anybody can be bought.
        How can we fight against this untouchable force?
        Jabs against any incumbent or former politicians and puppets of the Ruling Class are welcome here, no matter what party they represent. You will notice that in post #652 I gave equal ill credit to Democrats and Republicans for blocking the 'Audit the Fed' Bill, when I wrote, "As you can see, both Democrats and Republicans are the culprits working hard to shield the Federal Reserve." Yes, I think we can all agree that practically everyone (or at least the vast majority) now in high government positions is there because they could be bought, and because:
        1. The Ruling Class wanted them there.
        2. The Ruling Class made sure they became elected or appointed.
        3. The Ruling Class knew that these people would work to further their agenda.

        And yes, these people are just front men and women, and merely puppets of the Ruling Class who hide in the background and pull all the strings. The Ruling Class folks operate in the shadows, where they would appear to be untouchable, as you suggest. So how can we fight against this seemingly untouchable force? Well, there is little or nothing that we can accomplish through direct actions against them. On the other hand, there is plenty that we can do to let them know we are not going to accept what they have planned for us. And the strongest message we can send to them this year is to kick out all the incumbents who will be running for reelection. So the real questions become what can each of us do to ensure that outcome, and what else can we do to ensure survival of freedom and liberties? I think those questions have largely been answered already in this thread. It will require involvement, dedication, and perseverance, but here's what can be done:
        • Find out where the closest Tea Party rally will be held on April 15th and take part in the activities. Sign up to attend future events. Find out who the alternative candidates are that your Tea Party is hoping to vote into office, and scrutinize them carefully. If the suggested replacement candidates are not strong constitutionalists then get vocal and make some suggestions of your own. And remember that it is not as important that everyone agrees on the actual replacements, but that they agree that all the incumbents must be replaced.
        • Find out if there is a group working to implement a Precinct Strategy in your state. If so, become active at both the state and local level, and work to bring in other active members. This is the most effective means available to us to stop the "politics as usual" train, and to directly take part in selecting the individuals who will run for office in future elections. You will then also be in a position to demand fair and accurate vote counting methods and put an end to voting fraud. While it may not be feasible for us to accomplish what we hope to before the 2010 elections, we need to get involved in the Precinct Strategy and stay focused on 2012 and beyond.
        • Sign up at the Liberty Bell System registry to become a citizen alert responder in your local area. Be willing to respond quickly when you are called upon to do so, remembering that you may someday be very thankful for the responders who answer your distress call. This is your best protection against the injustices that will become more and more pervasive if the Ruling Class has their way.
        • Determine whether or not a Liberty Bell citizens group is active in your region, and find out if they are working to implement and organize a common law court system and citizen militia. If there is such an effort, join it. If your area is lacking in such involvement, contact an established group in the nearest state having such a group, and ask for their ideas and assistance in helping you to start a local group. Keep in mind that making things better will require personal involvement, time, and commitment, along with a willingness to, as Shaeffer Cox says, "put a little skin on the line."
        Now if you do any of the above then you will be working against the Ruling Class using the best possible peaceful means to thwart their agenda. If you do all of the above, you will ensure the best possible outcome for yourself, your family, and others. If you do nothing then I think you can imagine how well that will go for you. I simply cannot see that as an option, although I am sure some others will. In the end it is up to each individual to determine what is right for them. I think we would all agree, though, that all those who are currently "on the fence," regarding this issue need to carefully consider the possibilities and probabilities that we are likely to be faced with in the near future, and determine our best course towards ensuring a just and secure outcome.

        Best regards to all,

        "Seek wisdom by keeping an open mind to alternative realities, questioning authority, and searching for truth. Only then, when you see or hear something that has 'the ring of truth' to it, will it be as if a veil has been lifted, and suddenly you will begin to hear and see far more clearly than ever before." - Rickoff


        • The Hammer

          What tool enables
          and allows the issues
          spoken about,
          in this tread,
          to exist and grow?

          Does Rod Class explain things that must be known before solutions can be found?.

          Can a true solution be found
          without comprehension of a
          cause of the problem?

          Remember to be kind to your mind ...
          Tesla quoting Buddha: "Ignorance is the greatest evil in the world."


          • Tax Day Tea Party locations

            The tax day Tea Party rallies are getting underway this afternoon in many cities across the United States. I encourage everyone to take part in one of these rallies happening near you. To find your nearest rally location, follow this link:

            Tea Party Patriots | Advanced Search
            "Seek wisdom by keeping an open mind to alternative realities, questioning authority, and searching for truth. Only then, when you see or hear something that has 'the ring of truth' to it, will it be as if a veil has been lifted, and suddenly you will begin to hear and see far more clearly than ever before." - Rickoff


            • Rick thanks a lot what a brilliant report and review of the Schaeffer Cox stuff going to archive it and use it thanks Rick


              • I still do not think making personal attacks on leaders is a good idea. It dumbs down the debate. That is just me.
                The tea partiers are awesome! Lets keep it going!
                Lets remember it is not just being against the system but BEING FOR A SYSTEM THAT WORKS

                Any system born just to control/satisfy the masses will fail. Its just that simple. Individuals need to stand up and be all they can be, collectively it will make a difference

                Peace and Love
                Now that you know what you want, explore P.A.T.H.S


                • Originally posted by ashtweth View Post
                  Rick thanks a lot what a brilliant report and review of the Schaeffer Cox stuff going to archive it and use it thanks Rick
                  Hi Ash. Assuming that you were referencing my post #638, you're quite welcome. I found Schaeffer's videos interesting, so watched all of them. I knew that many others would also find these interesting and informative, but figured that most folks would probably not have enough time to watch all of this, so thought that an explanation and summary of the content, with references to locate the most important parts, would be helpful to readers.

                  Best 2 U, Ash,

                  "Seek wisdom by keeping an open mind to alternative realities, questioning authority, and searching for truth. Only then, when you see or hear something that has 'the ring of truth' to it, will it be as if a veil has been lifted, and suddenly you will begin to hear and see far more clearly than ever before." - Rickoff


                  • Originally posted by Mozaar View Post
                    I still do not think making personal attacks on leaders is a good idea. It dumbs down the debate. That is just me.
                    The tea partiers are awesome! Lets keep it going.
                    Glad you see the Tea Party movement as a positive element. Were you able to attend one of the rallies in your area? If so, I'm sure you saw that these are just normal, patriotic, average Americans peacefully protesting against out of control government spending and the tax increases that must inevitably be levied in order to pay for this wasteful spending. Tea Party members also fear a drift toward socialism, a trend that a majority of the country also sees. The latest New York Times/CBS news poll shows 92 percent of Tea Party members fear a drift toward socialism, and that fifty-two percent of non-Tea Party member adults surveyed in this poll also saw the same drift, while only 38 percent did not. The remaining 10 percent are "on the fence," not quite sure what to think.

                    Misinformation campaigns waged by the media and the Obama regime are attempting to convince the public that the Tea Partiers, and the segment of the population that they represent, are relatively small in number, and that they are comprised of hate mongerers, radical extremists, loonies, or white racists. Nothing, of course, could be farther from the truth. While it is true that you don't notice a lot of black people at Tea Party rallies, it is also true that blacks only represent 13% of the US population, and that a smaller percentage are actually taxpayers who have reason to be outraged at current and future government taxation levels. Working blacks do in fact attend Tea Party rallies, as evidenced in this video:
                    YouTube - White NBC Reporter Confronts Black Man at Tea Party Rally: 'Have You Ever Felt Uncomfortable?'

                    Notice that the reporter draws attention to the fact that throngs of blacks, such as you would see at an Obama rally, are not seen at this Tea Party rally. The conversation goes thusly:

                    KELLY O'DONNELL (NBC news reporter): There aren't a lot of African-American men at these events.

                    DARRYL POSTELL: Heh, heh, heh. Right.

                    O'DONNELL: Have you ever felt uncomfortable?

                    DARRYL POSTELL: No. No. These are my people!

                    O'DONNELL: (snickering at Darryl's comment of "my people.")

                    DARRYL POSTELL: Americans!

                    Darryl, in those few words, says it all and puts the media to shame. Darryl identifies with the Tea Partiers because they are his kind of people - working class, law abiding, tax paying Americans. Notice the sign which appears very biefly at the start of the video (3 seconds elapsed time). It reads, "IF YOU'RE NOT OUTRAGED, YOU'RE NOT PAYING TAXES." I think that about sums up the general sentiment of the Tea Partiers, and the prime reason for the existence and momentum of the movement.

                    Typical of the Obama regime's mockery of the Tea Party movement, President Obama made the following remarks at a Miami Florida Democrat fundraiser event yesterday:

                    Since today happens to be tax day, I should just point out that one-third of the recovery act went to tax cuts. Tax cuts that strengthen the cornerstone of the American dream. I've been a little amused over the last couple of days where people have been having these rallies, about taxes. You would think they would be saying thank you," Obama said to laughter from the audience, - that's what you'd think. - Barack Obama

                    YouTube - Obama's Comments Provoke Tea Party Ire

                    So it's okay that Obama can slam the American people, but we should not say anything disparaging about him? I think not. We are one of the few countries in which the ordinary citizen has the Constitutional right to speak out against corrupt and abusive individuals in government positions, and we should exercise that right frequently while we still have it. And don't be fooled - Obama is not a "leader" - he is a dictator, dictating the words handed to him by Ruling Class speech writers.

                    In his speech to Democrat supporters, Obama, of course, did not mention the Value Added Tax (VAT) that the Obama regime plans to shove down the throats of the American people. Oh yes, this is a very real threat, and it will affect all Americans - but will mostly hurt low to middle income people who cannot afford to pay the additional tax. The VAT tax will be a national sales tax that will be added to all goods and services that people purchase. It will no doubt start out as a relatively small 2 or 3 percent addition to prices, something that will seem hardly noticeable. But once instituted, the VAT tax will never go away, and will grow larger every year. Nearly all European nations have a VAT tax, and Germany's, for example, now stands at 19 percent. If Congress gets away with their VAT tax scheme then you can bet that people will throng to join the Tea Party movement. And don't forget the Cap and Trade (or more rightly called Cap & Tax) carbon tax. That issue is coming up in the Senate April 26th. If passed, this will raise not only energy costs borne by US consumers, but will raise prices of all goods and produce which must be transported to marketplaces. In other words, businesses will be taxed, but consumers will pay the cost of the tax through higher prices on everything. Just another indirect tax on the American people. The Obama regime thinks that the American people are too dumbed down to realize that the Carbon tax and VAT tax are taxes that will be paid by them - not the corporations who manufacture products and pollute the atmosphere. They could care less. To them it is just a cost of doing business that they will pass along to the consumer. So those who think that the Obama regime is acting in our interest and going after polluters and making them pay are only deceiving themselves. The real reason for the implementation of these massive tax increases is to rob the wealth of working Americans, and to redistribute the wealth through the ever broadening scope of socialistic programs which the government is imposing upon us. As in the words of the well known song by The Who, we "Won't Get Fooled Again."

                    Last edited by rickoff; 04-17-2010, 06:12 PM. Reason: sp
                    "Seek wisdom by keeping an open mind to alternative realities, questioning authority, and searching for truth. Only then, when you see or hear something that has 'the ring of truth' to it, will it be as if a veil has been lifted, and suddenly you will begin to hear and see far more clearly than ever before." - Rickoff


                    • And don't be fooled - Obama is not a "leader" - he is a dictator, dictating the words handed to him by Ruling Class speech writers.
                      I wish more people realized this, he's a puppet on a string. Obama has zero autonomy to make any decisions. He's merely a public relations flak for the ruling class, just like every president since Kennedy has been.



                      • Arizona is at it again

                        In post # 468 I reported on how Arizona had passed legislation to protect their citizens' 2nd Amendment rights. Now they are at it again, preparing to pass tough legislation that will empower citizens and state authorities to take action against, and to identify, prosecute, and remove illegal immigrants.

                        The Arizona House has approved a bill that would make it a crime to be in the state illegally. The law, which requires local law enforcement officials to inquire about an individual's immigration status, will now go back to the State Senate. The Senate needs to approve the version passed by the House.
                        If signed into law, illegal aliens found in the state could be face arrest, jail time, and fines up to $2,500. Arizona Governor Jan Brewer has not indicated whether or not she will sign the bill into law, but she has said she supports immigration enforcement at the local level.
                        Other provisions of the bill include:
                        • A ban on so-called soft immigration policies at local police agencies and allow people to sue if they feel a government agency has adopted a policy that hinders the enforcement of illegal immigration laws.
                        • Prohibit people from blocking traffic when they seek or offer day-labor services on street corners.
                        • Make it illegal for people to transport illegal immigrants if the drivers of vehicles know their passengers are in the country illegally and if the transportation furthers their illegal presence in the country.
                        Arizona is one of four states in the country that require all employers - public and private - to use E-Verify when hiring employees. The state also prohibits in-state tuition to illegal aliens, and has tough residency requirements for driver's licenses.

                        At a time when 15 to 20 million Americans are jobless, and huge numbers of illegal aliens are illegally crossing the Arizona border each and every day in expectation of finding employment, Arizona is doing the right thing for its citizens. It's about time that other states step up to the plate and follow their example.

                        "Seek wisdom by keeping an open mind to alternative realities, questioning authority, and searching for truth. Only then, when you see or hear something that has 'the ring of truth' to it, will it be as if a veil has been lifted, and suddenly you will begin to hear and see far more clearly than ever before." - Rickoff


                        • Rick good post

                          I agree really, because if yours close this then make pressure over the gov of their source contries, this countries has a very low preocupation about his jobless people.
                          Your time is limited, so don't waste it living someone else's life. Don't be trapped by dogma — which is living with the results of other people's thinking. Don't let the noise of others' opinions drown out your own inner voice. And most important, have the courage to follow your heart and intuition. They somehow already know what you truly want to become. Everything else is secondary.

                          Steve Jobs. Apple CEO


                          • Originally posted by rickoff View Post

                            tax paying Americans.

                            It reads, "IF YOU'RE NOT OUTRAGED, YOU'RE NOT PAYING TAXES.

                            Oh yes, this is a very real threat, and it will affect all Americans - but will mostly hurt low to middle income people who cannot afford to pay the additional tax.

                            The real reason for the implementation of these massive tax increases is to rob the wealth of working Americans

                            1) What is your definition of Taxes?
                            2) What is your definition of an American?
                            3) What do you mean by "tax paying Americans"?


                            "The power to tax is the power to destroy." -- John Marshall


                            • BUMP off "666 replies"

                              Odd, but i just didn't want this thread to carry on with 666 replies.


                              Good topic. Thanks.
                     - Where technology goes Live!
                     - Your Portal Here on Earth


                              • Originally posted by rickoff View Post
                                At a time when 15 to 20 million Americans are jobless, and huge numbers of illegal aliens are illegally crossing the Arizona border each and every day in expectation of finding employment, Arizona is doing the right thing for its citizens. It's about time that other states step up to the plate and follow their example.

                                If a bunch of people who can hardly speak english are taking our jobs, we are in very serious trouble.
                                Now that you know what you want, explore P.A.T.H.S

