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The American Ruling Class

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  • Wow, just wow~ all you guys deserve a gold star. I mean that in all seriousness.....having re~read this I could see how that might be seen wrongly, and I assure you that is not the case. You guys are doing a wonderful job and I mean that sincerely.

    Call me Mr Delusional Paranoid but it's all beginning to come together for me and boy oh boy is it ever creepy. More creepy than even I could have imagined.

    Ya know, there's these psychics, not many but a few, and some while back they predicted that young people are being targeted and abducted, taken from24 hour health clubs, while jogging ad so forth; abducting them late at night, posing as a new friend, as health workout partners, whatever you can imagine, and these psychics have said that these people are being abducted an then used for sex slaves, body parts, and now we see...for their blood as well. They mentioned them being kept in private prisons, in ships > which they assumed naturally enough must be far at sea, but are they sea going ships or some other kind of ships ....????

    Is this what our military has now become? A bunch of child abductors working for the rich literally so that they can suck their blood and steal their bodies? If not them than who?

    So ya know, where do you suppose you might take kids so that whatever happens to them could never be discovered by any human on earth? Nick Redfern might have this a hell of a lot closer than anyone could have dreamed possible. Ya know, these guys who have these really powerful telescopes at home are now claiming that there's upwards of 200 million people living on the moon right now in cities. Now how hard is that to accept given what I've found out about the ARV? Well not very is my answer, and so now the rich are living where, paying for what? Alien abductions huh?

    Just look at the flashy thing...right? Have you guys looked at my post on the ARV and the link to Chemtrails? Can't get enough power for Harold Puthoff's tensor theory to work huh? Right....right.....well boy have I got a surprise for you, but my real question now is where are the missing children really? Where are other missing people? Remember back when your mom told you never to go with a stranger? Well did they ever warn you about this one?

    Hey kid, ya wanna see my space ship?
    How about a ride?

    Last edited by Gambeir; 07-30-2018, 09:26 PM.
    "The past is now part of my future, the present is well out of hand." Joy Divison "Heart and Soul LP."


    • I wish I could give a thumps up to the posters here.

      Now if any of you'se out there in La~la land are hip to this Q business on 4 & 8 Channel I stumbled across this stuff, which regardless is very entertaining.

      You will find an image of this in that PDF.
      This is Waddeson Mannor near Aylesbury in the UK. Built for Baron Rothchilds.

      Today it's open to the public...however...notice the large red X's? An X is symbolic of control. An "O" is symbolic of mind control or slave. Just FYI which if you're aware you can spot various places, like say for example there's a brightly lit blue led "O" on my mind controller, otherwise known as the Communist Cast Cable Box. ~Snort...however, can it be that accidental?
      "The past is now part of my future, the present is well out of hand." Joy Divison "Heart and Soul LP."


      • Originally posted by Gambeir View Post

        Today it's open to the public...however...notice the large red X's? An X is symbolic of control. An "O" is symbolic of mind control or slave. Just FYI which if you're aware you can spot various places, like say for example there's a brightly lit blue led "O" on my mind controller, otherwise known as the Communist Cast Cable Box. ~Snort...however, can it be that accidental?
        There is Absolutely NO EVIDENCE that any
        Subliminal Message given beyond normal conscious perception
        (as opposed to masked by a carrier sound)
        has any effect.
        NO Study of ANY product has ever produced a result.

        Effectiveness of Subliminal Messages and Their
        Influence on People’s Choices

        Last edited by aljhoa; 07-31-2018, 02:24 PM. Reason: 831,456


        • tin, lead, aluminium?

          It looks like the whole Waddeson Mannor is wearing a tin-foil hat.


          • Sad, sad list

            Supposedly, the whole idea of choosing leaders is to improve our lives. Our leaders seem to concentrate on improving their own lives at the cost of our well-being. Is it any wonder that a great many people are hoping for a breakdown?


            • Nope...there is no evidence, whatsoever, that subliminal messages have any effect upon anyone. Only our product with mass hypnosis is effective and worth paying for.
              Don't be deceived.


              Like come on Man; would I lie to you?

              Originally posted by Danny B View Post
              Supposedly, the whole idea of choosing leaders is to improve our lives. Our leaders seem to concentrate on improving their own lives at the cost of our well-being. Is it any wonder that a great many people are hoping for a breakdown?
              I know it's sickening beyond belief. Why can't the average person put the puzzle together? Sickening stooge whose astronomical wealth is factually starving half the globe to death, and yet he and his kind parade around like they were gods. Can't imagine why they would stage mass murders of schools kids just to get the people to give up their right to personal defense.

              In my state we have this woman running on a plan to criminalize gun owners in their own homes, because ya know, if boys get in your house they will play with your guns and then someone could lose an eye. My experience is that's probably true, I know we did, but the reason we are still here to talk about it isn't because I knew anything about guns, rather it was because the boys I was with did know about guns and gun safety. Yet again, her libertard communist plan is to first make you a criminal in your own home if you don't have all your guns locked up (where the police can easily locate them) and then of course none of this has a damn thing to do with kids and guns, but rather it's about how they can tax you for owning private property because the plan is well known. It's been done elsewhere, and so the first part is murder a bunch of people and have their own TV stations make as much hay out of it as possible. Then it's to subvert the supreme laws with back door illegal laws. One of which is to make you lock your guns up under these false mandates, then to prove your abiding by their criminal laws they will have to invade your home to verify you're doing so, and that of course will cost money so there's the excuse to tax, and of course later under made up pretense these same criminals will show up to steal your private property, and then lock you up under the allegation you're a safety risk.


              If they seriously cared about the issue then firearms training would be a normal part of public education, but of course that's the absolute last thing this criminal stooge for the corporate royalty would want. Gun control? Old School Style; before mass shootings huh? Oh No: Education cannot be a solution. Only the police and military should have guns, like ya know in China, and there only the special armed police. Like it's done so much for personal safety in the Uk where machete attacks are now down to just one every 18 minutes. Try fighting some 20 year olds at 68 with a machete.

              Corporate Royalty Stooges sue to block downloads of 3D-printed gun (Make sure only the rich can have a firearm right?)


              Originally posted by Danny B View Post
              It looks like the whole Waddeson Mannor is wearing a tin-foil hat.
              BTW, X stands for conformity and an O stands for Obey. Both are implied in the garden design. The so called all seeing eye, observable between the two red X flower beds, is really about the ones which see with one eye only as opposed to those illuminated ones that see with both eye's open. You can find this X and 0 Motif, along with others specifically in certain forms of Manga. Some of which I've previously shown examples of, however this X and O motif are under mind control Anime Art. So here the idea is that you're either conforming or being specifically mind controlled to obey because you're only seeing half the picture. At least this is my take on these ideas.

              I'm very much a fan of Tin Foil myself, and so yes that is a nice little tin foil hatted manor, but ya know if only you could manage your money better than you too might have such things: Right? Snicker...

              It turns out that architecture, especially if it comes from a source of power such as this example, is probably not simply architecture as has been assumed. So those turrets which are so common with royal abodes may have some functional qualities. In fact, if you seriously look at cities and building designs they take on a look of electronic circuits.

              Phillip Callahan was an antenna expert, among other things, and he specialized in researching aetheric energies of biological life such as insects.
              Oh yea, and another thing is his employer at some point was IBM which evidently holds some of his patented designs but ya know what? You can't see
              them because, get this, these are evidently restricted under national security. At least I haven't been able to find any of these, but only vague acknowledgements
              that there's something there related.

              Last edited by Gambeir; 08-01-2018, 08:11 PM.
              "The past is now part of my future, the present is well out of hand." Joy Divison "Heart and Soul LP."


              • Repetition

                Brain Washing, Social Control and Programming - Why You Should Kill Your Television


                • Originally posted by Gambeir View Post
                  Phillip Callahan was an antenna expert, among other things,
                  and he specialized in researching aetheric energies of biological life such as insects.
                  Viktor Grebennikov - Anti-Gravity & Levitation

                  Last edited by aljhoa; 08-02-2018, 05:57 AM. Reason: 831,698


                  • Want to talk about missing content from your news? How about this one?
                    "40 people have gone missing in Iowa in 10 days! How is this possible ?

                    Well start with creepy post 6616....I know huh? The numerology of that coincidence alone is mind blowing.
                    Gee why would they be trying to get your guns out of your own hands with this going on...ah and which has
                    been going on for a very long time: Don't seem to make a lot sense does it now?

                    Missing student Mollie Tibbetts


                    Last edited by Gambeir; 08-03-2018, 03:16 AM.
                    "The past is now part of my future, the present is well out of hand." Joy Divison "Heart and Soul LP."


                      Diamagnetic Gravity Vortexes
                      by Dr. Richard LeFors Clark

                      "The past is now part of my future, the present is well out of hand." Joy Divison "Heart and Soul LP."


                      • Originally posted by Danny B View Post
                        I have no good idea of where to put these articles. They don't need a new thread.
                        "with a technique by which an old mouse is surgically connected to a young mouse, shares its blood, and within weeks becomes younger."
                        Silicon Valley’s Quest to Live Forever

                        A startup is buying teenagers' blood and selling it to the rich so they can live forever

                        I can NOT open this page from google for more than a few seconds. It shuts down my computer.
                        Trump-Linked Pastor: Hollywood Is Full Of Satanists Who Drink ...
                        Oct 20, 2017 - Trump-Linked Pastor: Hollywood Is Full Of Satanists Who Drink Children's Blood ... who engage in human sacrifice and drink the blood of children.

                        Moving on to the research.
                        DNA methylation age of blood predicts all-cause mortality in later life

                        DNA methylation-derived measures of accelerated aging are heritable traits that predict mortality independently of health status, lifestyle factors, and known genetic factors."

                        According to the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children, roughly 800,000 children are reported missing each year in the United States -- that's roughly 2,000 per day.
                        Missing and or abducted Iowa State Alone.
                        Update: Iowa DPS says number of missing persons recently is 'in line with historical numbers'

                        Opp's scratch that last, it's actually 48 missing person's in the last ten days in Iowa, and, believe it or not, they claim this is in line with historical records~ So no big deal then right? Unless of course it's your kid that's missing: Maybe next week the story will be become personal. They further claimed that: "Of the most recent 20 people reported missing in Iowa as of Friday morning, 17 are teenagers." So what that mean; that teen's are now expected to just run off and never be found? WTH?

                        Ya know folks I just can't think that this is normal. At age 62 and counting anyone who's under 30 is still quite young. Of all the listed missing only a handful are over age 30. If you're anywhere near as old as I am and if you could swap bodies with almost anyone who is that young, well then you could be tempted, and so this whole business of missing kids and young adults is very suspicious in my opinion. That and the news discounting of what could have happened to these people just reeks of a cover~up and con job.

                        "In light of the missing person investigation of Mollie Tibbits, concerns have come to light about the number of juveniles reported missing in Iowa in recent weeks. In FY 2017 4,311 juveniles were reported missing to The Missing Person Information Clearinghouse. This is an average of approximately 12 juveniles a day. "

                        Now they claim the majority (whatever that means) are found and returned home with in 24 hours. we have then 120 missing in 10 days, evidently on a nation wide basis so assuming all others are found in less than 24 hours that still means that the black hole of Iowa has 48 whom have not been found or returned home, in 24 hours, and not even in the last ten days. So evidently when 40% of the missing are not found then that means the vast majority actually equals a 60% success rate? This figure not even including any other states which simply cannot be correct.

                        So even using that highly dubious math the vast majority found would still only equal 60%! So I suppose then that by those standards almost everyone would equal about 75%?

                        Who the doing the math? Now just take a look at the missing in the last ten days. Notice the Ages, five are over 30 years of age and of those one is only 32 years old. Only 4 people are older than 40 and still missing! Everyone else is just a kid by the standards of someone my age. I can barely recall what age 32 was like let alone what it was like to be 13 or 14 years old.

                        Mckenna Driver, Davenport, age 15, July 26
                        Erik Magnussen, Pottawattamie County SO, age 14, July 26
                        Anna Marousek, Des Moines, age 17, July 26
                        Daishaney Phillips, Davenport, age 16, July 26
                        Ashleigh Schossow, Cedar Rapids, age 13, July 26
                        Aryana Usher, Cedar Rapids, age 16, July 26
                        Emagehn Champagne, Clinton, age 17, July 25
                        Luke Cox, Council Bluffs, age 26, July 25
                        Christian Luhr, Fairfield, age 25, July 25
                        Serenity Wieman, Davenport, age 13, July 25
                        Tyron Woolery, Des Moines, age 16, July 25
                        Maydelin Guerra-Albatado, Des Moines, age 15, July 25
                        Alberta Harlan, Indianola, age 16, July 24
                        Belinda James, Council Bluffs, age 15, July 24
                        Asa Starr, Sioux City, age 14, July 24
                        Summer Williams, Des Moines, age 17, July 24
                        Yvette Avila, Cedar Rapids, age 17, July 23
                        Isabelle Buckman, Council Bluffs, age 14, July 23
                        Martin Smith, Ottumwa, age 57, July 23
                        Thomas Bishop, Cedar County SO, age 16, July 22
                        Shane Kellum, Cedar Falls, age 43, July 22
                        Mary Schultz, Sioux City, age 55, July 22
                        Kristen Golliher, Keokuk, age 32, July 21
                        Yaritza Arita, Des Moines, 15, July 20
                        Joesaiah Armstrong, Davenport, age 14, July 20
                        Madeline Francis, Davenport, age 15, July 20
                        Larry Hook, Iowa City, age 39, July 20
                        Nia How, Waukee, age 15, July 20
                        Joshua Wallace, Washington County SO, age 17, July 20
                        Nazario Campbell, Cedar Rapids, age 13, July 19
                        Caleb Rennie, Council Bluffs, age 19, July 19
                        Malachi Vanderpool, Cedar Rapids, age 15, July 19
                        Mackenzy York, Mason City, age 15, July 19
                        David Harn, Waverly, age 16, July 18
                        Mollie Tibbetts, Poweshiek County, age 20, July 18
                        Hunter Alberts, Keokuk, age 16, July 17
                        Jayvreon Quinn, Des Moines, age 15, July 17
                        Last edited by Gambeir; 08-03-2018, 08:51 AM.
                        "The past is now part of my future, the present is well out of hand." Joy Divison "Heart and Soul LP."


                        • Paul Craig Roberts

                          Well, he's finally done it. He has finally pointed a finger.
                          "Psychology Professor Kevin McDonald thinks it was the paranoia of the Jews who protected themselves by fomenting division within the societies in which they live.

                          In a review of McDonald’s book, The Culture of Critique, labeled by the Israel Lobby an anti-semitic work, Stanley Hornbeck writes:

                          “Prof. MacDonald claims that one of the most consistent ways in which Jews have advanced their interests has been to promote pluralism and diversity – but only for others. "

                          "Ever since the 19th century, they have led movements that tried to discredit the traditional foundations of gentile society: patriotism, racial loyalty, the Christian basis for morality, social homogeneity, and sexual restraint. At the same time, within their own communities, and with regard to the state of Israel, they have often supported the very institutions they attack in gentile society."
                          "In Prof. MacDonald’s view it is therefore in the interest of Jews to dilute and weaken the identity of any people among whom they live. "

                          "which is a rational explanation of why a paranoid people who have experienced persecution, justified or not, would strive to protect themselves by creating division in the societies in which they are a minority. The Identity Politics of the Democratic Party works perfectly in behalf of the Jewish strategy.

                          There is no doubt that this strategy works for Jews who feel threatened despite the enormous power that they wield over the US and Europe. The question is: Is the strategy that is successful for Jews good for the majority populations who have been turned against one another: blacks against whites, feminists against men, homosexuals against heterosexuals. Does making the white heterosexual father, son, and brother into the victimizer who victimizes everyone else a healthy formula for a successful society?"


                          • Originally posted by Danny B View Post
                            the victimizer who victimizes everyone else
                            Why IQ Matters
                            Ignoring IQ stats can have drastic effects to our society...
                            Statistically, much is correlated with IQ, such as income,
                            job performance and career path, fertility rate, crime and
                            incarceration rates, happiness and life satisfaction, health and
                            rates of disease, life expectancy, rates of marriage and divorce,
                            whether a woman will have children out of wedlock, and welfare use.
                            There are undeniable facts about IQ, and ignoring them
                            is having disastrous effects on societies.

                            Average IQ by Race, Ethnicity, and Career . . . And Why It Matters

                            Last edited by aljhoa; 08-04-2018, 05:17 AM. Reason: 832,048


                            • Stealing food to feed the blob

                              ALL power corrupts.
                              The State holds all the reins of power.
                              The State is a non-producer.
                              The end result is; the State abuses it's power in the name of raising money for itself. Here are 2 good articles from Armstrong laying this out clearly. OZ gets special mention because your legislators have really screwed the pooch.

                              Armstrong spent many years in prison for contempt of court. In the first article, he takes a shot at the crooked government.
                              "Australia has rejected the fundamental principle of a FREE SOCIETY and is now crossing into the zone of an authoritarian regime that is unfit for consideration of capital investment."
                              Don't bring your money to OZ because they can take it on a whim.
                              Money tends to flow to the jurisdiction that has the most respect for private property. So, while the State is forever tempted to steal everything in sight, that action brings capital flight. The blob State is forever looking for more to steal. That brings revolution


                              • Originally posted by aljhoa View Post
                                Why IQ Matters
                                Ignoring IQ stats can have drastic effects to our society...
                                Statistically, much is correlated with IQ, such as income,
                                job performance and career path, fertility rate, crime and
                                incarceration rates, happiness and life satisfaction, health and
                                rates of disease, life expectancy, rates of marriage and divorce,
                                whether a woman will have children out of wedlock, and welfare use.
                                There are undeniable facts about IQ, and ignoring them
                                is having disastrous effects on societies.

                                Average IQ by Race, Ethnicity, and Career . . . And Why It Matters

                                Interesting link aljhoa, but mainly because it illuminates a path which the author uses by way of faulty logic. Using IQ data~data is the wrong approach in this attempt to illuminate what is wrong with the world (in the authors opinion) because IQ data can only show data that corresponds to warehoused information which is valued by the rulers. In other words, the idea that someone else should define for me what is valuable is the reason that people invented firearms, had revolutions, and then tried to create governmental bodies which could serve to prevents psychopaths from parading around in purple robes and forcing everyone to bow down before them.

                                Fundamentally the problem is one of values and who assigns what's valued. That is, it's top down value system, and all those who fail to abide by the rules of the rulers are not valued, which might have some value if the rules were fair, but they are not and that makes the IQ approach a quagmire.

                                As if that were not bad enough, those making the rules of what is valued can then alter the values at any time, as well as knowing before hand that such changes are going to be made, so this IQ based value system is fundamentally a criminal conspiracy designed to produce the outcome which the data does correctly show.

                                In the game of life what you're seeing in this supposed IQ analysis is the crooked path provided to the vast majority.

                                There are many fundamental errors in the article, but ultimately he doesn't see that in this slanted game of life those at the top are a control cult, whom probably aren't even Jewish, just criminals, and who use one group of religitards as a bootstrap to stand atop all the rest, including those whom they profess to represent. This should not be surprising since all mass murdering psychopaths do masquerade as just one of the otherwise completely normal nice guys: Gee he seemed like such a nice guy ~ Even their own members are expendable cattle, as witnessed by the wholesale slaughter of them for the express political purposes of obtaining a quote "homeland." A homeland which is really a haven for international runaways and money laundering.

                                I think looking at Jewish domination of culture is worthy; for all the propaganda is owned by professed Jews, and we supposedly do have anti~trust laws here in the US, though evidently the FCC in it's wisdom it has never heard of them, nor evidently Congress either, but ultimately I personally would look to the pinnacle of the pyramid and then from there to the lines of self proclaimed royal nobility, and there between the cracks the manipulators of deception will undoubtedly be found. I do agree that this is an interesting article if, in my opinion, it is examined hyper~critically. For if it is true that Jew's have constructed a slanted game of life, then it is also true their role has not been a lonely one, for there are other players whom are cross dependent on the belief systems of religions and politics for their own survival, and so it is not in the interest of any one cult to obtain too much influence for the specific reason that the world economy is one of quote, "central banks and warfare model"; a term coined by Catherine Austin Fitts.
                                Last edited by Gambeir; 08-08-2018, 06:37 PM.
                                "The past is now part of my future, the present is well out of hand." Joy Divison "Heart and Soul LP."

