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The American Ruling Class

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  • Take the time to listen to John Taylor Gatto.

    This is just one little clip out of his five one hour video series.

    Turn Your Kids into Geniuses
    Last edited by Gambeir; 08-15-2018, 06:14 PM.
    "The past is now part of my future, the present is well out of hand." Joy Divison "Heart and Soul LP."


    • Originally posted by Gambeir View Post

      Again, IQ quotients are not a reflection of intelligence. They are only a reflection of warehoused information whose value is highly dubious.

      I would strongly argue that this line of following IQ quotients as a measures of intelligence be weighed against the system and what it values. In other words, who does a supposed higher IQ quotient serve?

      So ya see there's serious questions about who defines what. You have to ask who is served by having peoples intelligence judged? Ultimately IQ scores are supposedly about education and not about genetics according to convention and here the goals and objectives of education have nothing at all to do with helping a child become who they are inside; of fulfilling their innate talents. In other words, the mission of public education is to destroy the creativity of every child, which is to destroy their souls and it's done under the guise of helping and your kid. Believe me, you and your kid would be much better off never having been exposed to that system let alone worrying what it considers a measure of intelligence.

      Most people are completely brainwashed and think that education will avail them a better life economically, and for most that's the last thing it will do, but having more money is not what education was ever intended to be about and so it cannot succeed in fulfilling that promise. Such a side effect may or may not take place but it is not the purpose of education specifically to produce wealth: Almost the reverse actually.

      A real education is about "YOU" and then it's about how you can relate to the reality of the outside world by understanding and seeing it for what it really is, and which is that everything in it is about what the rulers need and want; that then is where this notion of IQ's is derived from.

      None of that education was about you and who you are an what you wanted out of life. Don't do that to your own kid. Don't listen to the lies of that system.

      So this measuring of intelligence has nothing to do with intelligence. It has everything to do with exploiting people for the explicit reason of serving to profit the ruling elite. There is no profit in intelligence for the rulers. There is only profit in unaware warehouses of knowledge willing to do what is requested for a paycheck and a promise of a pension.

      The existence of races

      Denying the existence of races may be used as an attempted argument against race and IQ research. However, it should be noted that even if races in the sense of subspecies were proven to be incorrect, then this does not actually make the debate disappear. It is possible to study IQ differences between groups that are not races (for example, IQ differences between criminals and non-criminals, IQ differences between different age groups, and so on). Even those claiming that races are social constructs still argue that it is possible to study, for example, average income differences between Blacks and Whites, so average IQ differences could also be studied. Simply demanding that a more politically correct label than "race" should be used, such as "ethnicity" or "population", will not change this.

      Blacks and Whites differ genetically regarding, for example, the genes for skin color and sickle-cell anemia. So they could differ also regarding IQ genes. Furthermore, IQ is likely affected by a very large number of genes. This means that even if the population differences regarding the population frequencies of individual gene variants affecting IQ are all small, but these population frequencies correlate, then the total effect of many such small but correlated differences may be that the population differences regarding genetic effects on IQ are very large.

      Last edited by aljhoa; 08-16-2018, 05:18 PM. Reason: 834,281


      • Originally posted by aljhoa View Post

        The existence of races

        Denying the existence of races may be used as an attempted argument against race and IQ research. However, it should be noted that even if races in the sense of subspecies were proven to be incorrect, then this does not actually make the debate disappear. It is possible to study IQ differences between groups that are not races (for example, IQ differences between criminals and non-criminals, IQ differences between different age groups, and so on). Even those claiming that races are social constructs still argue that it is possible to study, for example, average income differences between Blacks and Whites, so average IQ differences could also be studied. Simply demanding that a more politically correct label than "race" should be used, such as "ethnicity" or "population", will not change this.

        Blacks and Whites differ genetically regarding, for example, the genes for skin color and sickle-cell anemia. So they could differ also regarding IQ genes. Furthermore, IQ is likely affected by a very large number of genes. This means that even if the population differences regarding the population frequencies of individual gene variants affecting IQ are all small, but these population frequencies correlate, then the total effect of many such small but correlated differences may be that the population differences regarding genetic effects on IQ are very large.

        Good point about the difference age makes, and I'm certain we don't know the half of how different we all really are, but primarily I'm attempting to live up to the ideals of our nations foundations. So once again, I repeat, IQ tests measure data. They do not measure intelligence. A fundamental mistake is assuming there is a correlation between the two. The measure of which has an objective relevance.

        In other words, what one person considers important is of no importance at all to another person. The biggest error this society has made in regards to education is the assumption that all kids must have certain levels of knowledge about certain materials. That idea has actually retarded the development of society by holding back and obstructing the innate talents which are inside every child. Measuring IQ's then would have to be specialized to specific vocations if it were to have any possible value. No standard of measure against the individual should be applied without first applying thought towards the innate individuality and then towards the chosen path in life which no child is presently afforded to choose for themselves. The result is a retarded and screwed up world; which is just how the rulers prefer it to be.

        So simply knowing things is not a demonstration of intellect. It is not a demonstration of creativity or intelligence. Further it has been shown that tests can be used for covert means, and which lead to an inability to connect data together such that the creative process is short~circuited (forever evidently) and thus an inability to formulate creative thoughts from this supposed data that was warehoused in the mind is then made useless; castrated and made impotent and pointless: This is one of the primary purposes of "short order tests" as used widely in education. So tests themselves can be useful tools proven to create mental incompetence. These tests, common in public education, are banned in elite schools and are recognized as mentally destructive programming.

        So we should instead focus on the willful application of mind altering educational methods which are designed to create mentally defective children, and which have been executed under the guise of educating them, and I would place a wager that these supposed failings of race are obfuscations, what a detective would call planted evidence, where those in minority dominate schools are most likely being targeted by a corrupted and evil criminal system precisely because of both economics and race. The vast majority, around 98% of all of us are singled out for inferior education, as well as being victims of an abusive psychological warfare program designed to make you incompetent and inferior, and the more of it you receive the more screwed up and incompetent you can become. So there is a reason that those claiming right to rule focus on their own supposed superior intellect, but whilst never mentioning how disadvantaged everyone has been willfully made by comparison, nor least of all the covert form of mentally destructive tools which have been employed to lobotomize the entire rest of the population~~!

        So I'm not in agreement that IQ tests are a measure of genetic superiority. They might instead be a measure of criminal complicity. They might then be a measure of criminal intelligence, and if so then I would then rate these tests high for their quality of pure evil genius, but then I would expect no less from the ruling elites and their monster like progeny.

        Anyways, another fake issue goes back to the previous posts about the male model claiming to have embraced his Jewish by getting a tattoo: It's a religion and like any other form of politics anyone can choose to be a member or not: There is no such thing as Jewish roots because it's not genetic. You aren't born a Jew any more than you're born a Catholic.
        Last edited by Gambeir; 08-16-2018, 11:58 PM.
        "The past is now part of my future, the present is well out of hand." Joy Divison "Heart and Soul LP."


        • Originally posted by Gambeir View Post
          You aren't born a Jew any more than you're born a Catholic.
          Hence the question arises: If a Jew need not live in Israel, need not speak Hebrew, need not be committed to formal communal relations with other Jews, need not believe in the God of Israel and His Torah, and does not necessarily have to be the child of a Jewish mother – who then, is a Jew? And here is the answer, which, though problematic, is the correct one: A Jew is anyone who identifies as a Jew. That is the root; that is the essence.

          A Jew is the child of a Jewish mother, the definition states. How is the mother Jewish? Only because her mother was Jewish. And what did the grandmother do to become Jewish? Well, nothing – she was simply born to a Jewish woman. Perhaps this Jewish identity, its values and special essence, came from some ancient great-grandmother generations back? Nope. That Jewish great-grandmother was Jewish simply because she, too, was born to a Jewish mother - and so on and so on.

          If you're Jewish, turns out that the next time your grandmother tries to tell you all about this Nice Jewish Boy she can set you up with, you have the perfect excuse to turn her down: Ashkenazi Jews are all related, so he's probably your distant cousin. According to new research, it turns out that almost all Jews of European descent are all descended from the same group of people. In other words, they're all family! Distantly, anyway.

          These findings further support the idea that Ashkenazi Jews were originally of mixed Levanitan and European origin, rather than descended from Jewish people in the Khazars, as some have suggested.

          Of course, the these finding make a lot of sense in light of how insular and how isolated the European Jewish community was for much of the past 600 years. Though obviously there wasn't any actual inbreeding going on, the fact that Jews in Europe historically did not tend to intermarry with Christians means that it stands to reason that Ashkenazi Jews today would only have a limited number of ancestors.

          Last edited by aljhoa; 08-17-2018, 05:06 AM. Reason: 834,391


          • Originally posted by aljhoa View Post
            Hence the question arises: If a Jew need not live in Israel, need not speak Hebrew, need not be committed to formal communal relations with other Jews, need not believe in the God of Israel and His Torah, and does not necessarily have to be the child of a Jewish mother – who then, is a Jew? And here is the answer, which, though problematic, is the correct one: A Jew is anyone who identifies as a Jew. That is the root; that is the essence.

            A Jew is the child of a Jewish mother, the definition states. How is the mother Jewish? Only because her mother was Jewish. And what did the grandmother do to become Jewish? Well, nothing – she was simply born to a Jewish woman. Perhaps this Jewish identity, its values and special essence, came from some ancient great-grandmother generations back? Nope. That Jewish great-grandmother was Jewish simply because she, too, was born to a Jewish mother - and so on and so on.


            If you're Jewish, turns out that the next time your grandmother tries to tell you all about this Nice Jewish Boy she can set you up with, you have the perfect excuse to turn her down: Ashkenazi Jews are all related, so he's probably your distant cousin. According to new research, it turns out that almost all Jews of European descent are all descended from the same group of people. In other words, they're all family! Distantly, anyway.

            These findings further support the idea that Ashkenazi Jews were originally of mixed Levanitan and European origin, rather than descended from Jewish people in the Khazars, as some have suggested.

            Of course, the these finding make a lot of sense in light of how insular and how isolated the European Jewish community was for much of the past 600 years. Though obviously there wasn't any actual inbreeding going on, the fact that Jews in Europe historically did not tend to intermarry with Christians means that it stands to reason that Ashkenazi Jews today would only have a limited number of ancestors.


            So in reality we aren't talking about a race but rather a clan which has self subscribed to interbreeding under the guise of religion, and which has subsequently resulted in various forms of mental defectives, which BTW is what also what happened under Islam, and so both of which may go a long ways to explain the real underlying issues of psychopathology and mentally defective reasoning in the specific region of interest. Toss on top of that some books supposedly written by God and you've got the making for complete and total insanity: How amusing.

            I can say no more. I think you've nailed it. Great Post~
            Last edited by Gambeir; 08-18-2018, 06:05 PM.
            "The past is now part of my future, the present is well out of hand." Joy Divison "Heart and Soul LP."


            • Originally posted by Gambeir View Post
              So in reality we aren't talking about a race but rather a clan which has self subscribed to interbreeding under the guise of religion, and which has subsequently resulted in various forms of mental defectives, which BTW is what also what happened under Islam, and so both of which may go a long ways to explain the real underlying issues of psychopathology and mentally defective reasoning in the specific region of interest. Toss on top of that some books supposedly written by God and you've got the making for complete and total insanity: How amusing.
              Originally posted by Danny B View Post
              I have no argument with the claim that the jews have a high IQ. I read The Bell Curve including the 430 pages of foot notes. IQ isn't the subject of debate. The subject of debate is; why are the jews so disproportionately represented in crime and genocide?
              If you search on mass murderers, you get all holocaust BS.
              What about other mass murders?
              The Greatest Mass Murderers of all Time were Jews, says Jewish Columnist – David
              Any individuals within this morally decayed and broken system who are honest and possess a conscience, empathy and compassion for fellow human beings is steeped in inner conflict and have to suffer daily from cognitive dissonance. And as such, they cannot relish playing their part in this sinister game. They will either eventually opt out or be screened out by those less principled insiders that are part of the psychopathic club.

              Psychopaths at the very top of this power pyramid will only allow like minded psychopaths into their inner club sanctum. This moral betrayal by those wielding the most power and control on earth must be stopped. Since they are too sick in their deviant pathology to ever change their evil ways on their own, it is left up to us who are guided by a common moral compass to courageously step up and hold these psychopaths accountable for their crimes against humanity. This can only be achieved with the distinct advantage that as just 1% of the total population, the psychopaths and oligarchs are overwhelmingly outnumbered by those of us 99% who are committed to doing what is right in making a positive difference on this earth plane before all is lost.

              “Masters of Manipulation”: Psychopaths Rule The World

              Decades of work on twin studies suggest that genes account for roughly half of variations in IQ seen across a population. And a meta-analysis published this week in Nature on nearly 80,000 people has identified 40 specific genes that affect intelligence. The one study more than quadrupled the number of genes scientists know of that shape intelligence, bringing the total number to 52.
              A massive new study lays out the map of our genetic intelligence

              Last edited by aljhoa; 08-19-2018, 03:48 PM. Reason: 834,794


              • Originally posted by aljhoa View Post
                Any individuals within this morally decayed and broken system who are honest and possess a conscience, empathy and compassion for fellow human beings is steeped in inner conflict and have to suffer daily from cognitive dissonance. And as such, they cannot relish playing their part in this sinister game. They will either eventually opt out or be screened out by those less principled insiders that are part of the psychopathic club.

                Psychopaths at the very top of this power pyramid will only allow like minded psychopaths into their inner club sanctum. This moral betrayal by those wielding the most power and control on earth must be stopped. Since they are too sick in their deviant pathology to ever change their evil ways on their own, it is left up to us who are guided by a common moral compass to courageously step up and hold these psychopaths accountable for their crimes against humanity. This can only be achieved with the distinct advantage that as just 1% of the total population, the psychopaths and oligarchs are overwhelmingly outnumbered by those of us 99% who are committed to doing what is right in making a positive difference on this earth plane before all is lost.

                “Masters of Manipulation”: Psychopaths Rule The World

                Decades of work on twin studies suggest that genes account for roughly half of variations in IQ seen across a population. And a meta-analysis published this week in Nature on nearly 80,000 people has identified 40 specific genes that affect intelligence. The one study more than quadrupled the number of genes scientists know of that shape intelligence, bringing the total number to 52.
                A massive new study lays out the map of our genetic intelligence

                If genetics didn't play a role in mental defectives than it's unlikely that laws forbidding marriage to a close blood relative would have existed. The wisdom behind the gist of the genetic link is then an ancient an recognized link, but we must guard against the danger of categorical leaps and thereby make wholesale guilt by association.

                Again, measuring intelligence must be seen in the context of what is measured. If all we measure is mathematical skills and ignore all others, and if that was our only value, then that would be a grave error and almost certainly would result in a very skewed society and this is basically what we do have right now.

                In other words, it is likely that all races exist for specific reasons, that each has a unique contribution to make. Humanity is divided by race and linguistics, and then all the false constructs invented by the rulers, borders, religions, ect, and these divisions serve the psychopaths: They do not serve us. It is therefore interesting that the psychopaths are focused on this area of supposed testing for intelligence. The wise would be wary to question the motives.

                Nevertheless, it would be a fatal error to not acknowledge self described groups whom have a cultural legacy where inbreeding combined with radically conflicting beliefs are imported in bulk. It is entirely improbable to expect that these people could or would assimilate in to a new host. An analogy would be that one could put a half a drop of cobra venom in a glass of milk and drink that without dying, but try 2 or 3 drops and you might drop dead instead.

                Whether we are looking the mass importation of such a cultural conflict, as is on~going throughout Europe, or whether we are looking at another analogy with the poison of the rich now ruling the legislative, the difference is the same. Those of us on the receiving end are receiving all the bad and none of the good and it is all because of the decision's being made by the top 1% whom are also supported by the next 2%.

                Now, how many of these people are Jew's? Well, it's a lot and how many are filthy rich Jew's? Well, it's a lot. How many have double citizenship with Israel? I don't know but probably all of em.

                You would have to be compete imbecile to not see the obvious.

                People like these for example.
                Project for a New American Century founded by William Kristol, and Robert Kagan.
                9-11 Review: The Project For a New American Century
                Project for the New American Century - members list

                People like these
                Project for a New American Economy


                The "New World Order"
                Last edited by Gambeir; 08-19-2018, 07:44 PM.
                "The past is now part of my future, the present is well out of hand." Joy Divison "Heart and Soul LP."


                • Cult of control freaks

                  I try to never get caught up in details because the overall picture is more representative. Here is a long article starting out talking about declining sperm counts in israel because of their use of DU against the Palestinians.
                  Then, it goes on to talk about a billion people harmed by DU.
                  "They maim and kill millions of people, their animals and their land. The actual targets by the U.S. Expeditionary Forces are the populations of Central Asia and the Middle East, about a billion people."

                  Here is an article about internal competition.
                  Immigration, Globalization, Political Correctness: The Jewish Elites Attack On The Western World: The Two Jewish-led Globalist Camps... In Competition For Global Control

                  Here is a comment that is relative to the discussion of who is a jew.

                  DuneCreature Wed, 08/23/2017 - 19:41 Permalink

                  "I don't care what religion, race or political affiliation" ... Actually, it matters, because there is a central ideology behind it all and has a specific source. It is a pure expression of evil, a total absence of absolute good. Good, then, becomes anything it takes to attain the objective, whatever that is, and it can change from day to day. For example, while in pursuit of Objective A, it is good to kill person X to get it, but then the next day Objective A doesn't seem so appealing after all, instead, it's now Objective B. A gets spared, but it is now good to kill person B, and just after person B made a deal with these evil scum related to helping them get A.In other words, it is a purely luciferian system of anything goes, you always get what you want no matter what you have to do to get it.

                  The 'jews' (a fake label that represents a luciferian cult) have lately (last 150 years or so, maybe 200, but especially the last 100) raised this luciferian game to a high art. There is an underlying principle to the jew, it is purely materialistic, it depends on the absence of God (an Absolute source of good that one is personally accountable today, but particularly after they die).
                  This is what is known as 'judaism', which is rooted in the kabbalah (sp?), and the talmud, having pretty much absolutely nothing to do with the more conventional (albeit in many respects dubious) ancient 'religious' texts, like, for example the 'torah', and the 'major prophets'.In a sense, judaism is a complete and utter bastardization of whatever good might be found in the more conventional text, opting for a totally 'pure' form of evil - the jews say their evil is good because it allows them to get whatever they want, when they want it, no matter the means, but to a moral person (who holds the view there is such a thing as an Absolute Good, objective standard of Right) the judaic 'anything goes' is evil because judaism rejects absolute good.judaism is a luciferian cult, where the adherents are totally and purely addicted to this sort of evil.

                  And it is part of their rites to literally 'worship' lucifer (satan, the devil, whatever). There is no other cult in this world so wholly committed to an evil purpose as the jew. The guy on the street who is ignorant of the fact 'jew' is a decpetive label, and they in no way shape or form can prove they are 'semites' of ancestors of 'Abraham' (let alone prove 'Abraham' even existed!) might not be a hard core judahite. But you can be certain those you refer to, at the top of the wicked pyramid of power in this world are, because the judaic principle is pure evil, if one can ascribe the term 'pure' to that sort of thing.For a reference, you can read Holy Serpent Of The Jews, Texe Mars ( ).

                  While this book might annoy some because of bible quotes and its Christian-centric flavor, the study of judaism, the links to the kabbalah and the talmud, making the argument I have briefly noted above are definitely on the mark.There surely is a 'satanic' hierarchy in this world, and the jew is at the ... well, I like to say bottom of it all, with their luciferian judaism, and all their wicked and abominable lies, thefts and murders.If you ever wondered why there is so much evil in the world, well, now you know.
                  When you have a cult of ppl, who 'coincidentally' have managed to slither their way into controlling the media, govt, courts, education and banking, that are purely devoted to the most absolute evil mindset and disposition anyone could possibly adopt, it follows effortlessly there would then be a massive amount of chaos, confusion, and, well, evil in the world today.

                  And as I have said many times, you cannot defeat an enemy you are not willing to admit exists. The jew cult is public enemy #1. Anybody who thinks they are 'jew' reading this, and outraged at the scope of this post's 'bigotry', I challenge you to define exactly what 'jew' means - to you. And then go out there and ask all your 'jew' friends for their definition.

                  Then note the contradictions and inconsistencies.Further, do an honest genealogy. The odds are 100% it will dead end ~500-700 years back tops, and it won't be anywhere near Palestine.My point is, if you are a credible person, when the light goes on and you realize you have been sold a lie, and living it at the same time, you will disavow it, and actually become freed from it.Jew= fraud/scam.
                  That is it. You are not a 'descendant' of abraham, you have no lineage from Palestine, and since your definition of 'jew' is not the same as another, and their definition diverges from another yet again, this is proof the whole thing is a fraud.If a person say they are a thing, it ought to be universally true.
                  For example, my great grandparents on my father's side were from Ireland. That means they were Irish. Why? Because they are from Ireland.A person who says "I am a surgeon" always means they are a doctor, they went to medical school, etc. There is not 'two or more' definitions.I am a policeman. I am an attorney. I think you get the point.
                  But when you say 'I am a jew', and you realize that is has several meanings, not just one, some contradicting the other, what is that?
                  There is no other identifier in the world today that is so mercurial, indefinite and confusing.And you know what that means, right?It is a lie. Totally fake. If there are luciferian jews playing demonic games, they are using you who think you are jew. Once even the good ppl who carry the label begin to throw it off and join the rest of the human race and disavow the fraud, this alone can have devastating consequences to the satanic fraudsters.
                  In other words, it is not about 'hate' and 'bigotry'. It is about exposing the truth and setting people free, releasing the good, and defeating the evil. It is just a fact that 'jew' is ground central to evil in this world. If we want the evil to substantially abate, we need to confront the jew and take them out of power everywhere we find them."

                  I've know plenty of jews. Most are just average people trying to get through life.
                  I'm pretty damn smart. To me, this is just a "tool" to get through life with a bit less effort. To a jew, it is much the same. I have met other jews who were pretty damn smart. Rather than being a tool to make life a little easier, it was a tool to control and rob other people.
                  If "jew" can be called a cult, it must be a cult of control-freaks.
                  Kunstler is a jew writing about the collapse of law & order in D.C. The deep-state is manifestly a jewish controlled organization. Kunstler writes about it's death-grip on power slipping away.

                  The U.S has just imposed HUGE sanctions on Russia.
                  " Sigal Mandelker, the Treasury’s top terror and financial intelligence official said that "the breadth and brazenness of Russia’s malign conduct demands a firm and vigorous response."
                  And just who is Sigal?
                  "Birth name: Sigal P. Mandelker, Israel

                  "March 2017, President Donald Trump nominated Mandelker for the position of Under Secretary of the Treasury for Terrorism and Financial Intelligence.[3][1] She was confirmed by the United States Senate with a vote of 96-4 on June 21, 2017.[4]"
                  "So the top treasury official we have on financial terrorism...
                  is an Israeli-born Jew.
                  Working for an Orthodox Jew.
                  In a post in which she replaces a Jew, after she had replaced a Jew in her prior post."
                  "Prior, she ** was ** a partner at Proskauer Rose.
                  Proskauer Rose represented Silverstein Properties, owner of the World Trade Center towers in New York that were destroyed by the terrorist attack on September 11, 2001, in a dispute with its insurers."

                  So, this israeli Sigal is attacking Russia. Why is that. Well, israel plans to sell tons of natural gas to Europe and, Russia / Syria are in the way. This is just more of the pipeline wars.


                  • It's interesting because anyone who calls out the facts get's labeled by self appointed "hate watch groups" like the South Poverty Law Center, and what's more they get support from the same corrupted system, which only affirms that the system is actually in the hands of foreign agents.

                    They label this guy as a hate news outlet. Here he talks about Robert Kagan and his wife Victoria Newland.
                    The Onslaught Of Jewish Organizations | Real Jew News

                    Now let’s connect the dots to see the Jewish network in criminal action:

                    • Kimberly Kagan is married to the Jew, Frederick Kagan — a leader of the neocon American Enterprise Institute and co-editor of William Kristol’s Jewish neocon propaganda paper, The Weekly Standard.

                    • Frederick Kagan is the brother of Robert Kagan — the director of the Jewish neocon Lobby, the Foreign Policy Initiative.

                    • Robert Kagan is married to the Jew, Victoria Nuland, (born, Nudelman), who is the spokesperson for the US Department of State.

                    Those are facts. Not lies, but facts and since when is speaking the truth a form of hate. Is truth telling about Jeffery Dahamer hateful? Well maybe it is, but so what, and if the boot fits you must wear it: No? Ya know what else? You can read the entire Wikipedia on these people and not find a word about them being Jews or being in any way associated with Jewish organizations and the interests for that so~called nation state.

                    Just the three Kagan's alone have done their level best to get a hot war going with the Russians, which by the way means the deaths of 9/10ths of all humans on earth, and the complete destruction of the environment ~"Forever!"

                    Ya know many people tried to kill Adolf Hitler because they could see he was a threat but Hitler had over a 1,000 body guards all told. Now how is it that these people can shoot the freaking mouths off trying to start a global thermonuclear war no less, which would make Hitlers war look like a picnic, and then again here these people are showing their fat ugly faces all over, getting cited in Wikipedia like this was a good thing, and then parade around and still not worry? How is that possible? These same people also backed Hillary Clinton BTW. Now if that's conservative then I suppose the Red Revolution would be liberal.

                    How is that all possible: They own the media, they also own most of the internet as well, and they are buying up/out and or eliminating those who won't. That's why you hear of them, and I suppose that's better than not hearing, but it also shows the psychopathology of an all consuming ego. Ergo, an insane nut case. Now I don't know about anyone else but I kind of like the world and I have no desire to see it completely destroyed for any reason, least of all for the ones these insane lunatics have in mind and so we have to face the facts and deal with their corruption as though it were any other corruption and not allow these people to hide behind a religion, which is what they are actually doing.

                    How is it that the author of the Patriot Act was dual citizen with Israel and in charge of Homeland Security on the day of 9/11?

                    What kind of national security is there when a foreign national is heading the department of homeland security?

                    What other nation that infiltrated wouldn't take drastic action? It's obvious and undeniable that there is a connection to a foreign nation and it's on~going attempt to replace the peoples laws with their own under the guise of corporate royalty laws. There is a connection. Count on it.

                    Mass shootings? Give me a break. How stupid and gullible are people?
                    Private Security is legal? Not in most of the rest of the world and ya know why? Take a wild stab at it.
                    Last edited by Gambeir; 08-22-2018, 06:33 AM.
                    "The past is now part of my future, the present is well out of hand." Joy Divison "Heart and Soul LP."


                    • Originally posted by Gambeir View Post
                      Private Security is legal? Not in most of the rest of the world and ya know why? Take a wild stab at it.

                      Nisour Square, Baghdad, 16 September 2007. Seventeen civilians were killed and 20 injured in a shooting incident involving employees of US-based private security company (PSC) Blackwater (now called Academi). The guards were protecting a convoy of US officials leaving the square but,according to an inquiry by the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), the shooting was “an illegal, unprovoked attack on civilians ” ą. While most PSCs operate within the law and without incidents, a few bad actors have made headline news, bringing the entire PSC community plenty of bad press. Not surprisingly, the private provision of security and military services challenges conventional assumptions about the role of the nation state as the main protagonist in military affairs and the guarantor of physical security for its citizens.

                      Last edited by aljhoa; 08-22-2018, 02:19 PM. Reason: 835,345


                      • Connecting the dots



                        • Vengeance of the deep state

                          Armstrong's article, "Connecting the Dots" has been linked to MANY sites. He has gotten a lot of questions about it. This whole ordeal is VERY serious. The deep state apparently is willing to crash the whole system to get rid of Trump and maintain privilege. The deep state and the blob state are natural allies who both feed off the same producers.
                          Here is a follow-up article from Armstrong.

                          "They are out to take down Trump at all costs because to them he is trying to Drain the Swamp like the Tea Party before him. Now you are messing with their power base and that is both sides."
                          "They are looking to set up criminal charges and then will blackmail Trump to try to force him to resign. This is NOT about Trump as an individual, this is all about keeping the swamp filled. He cannot be impeached for any act PRIOR to becoming President and anything that took place during the campaign is a gray area. Make no mistake about it, BOTH Republicans and Democrats are behind the curtain cooperating on this one. Just as they were out to destroy the Tea Party, they have targeted Trump and this is all about PRESERVING the establishment – the Great Swamp"

                          "They have no idea what comes next. They have not seen anything yet."
                          "The Deep State is fighting very hard and needs to take Trump down to ensure this story that there were people in the USA attempting to interfere in the Russian elections back in 1999"
                          "They will blackmail Trump to keep this all quiet. They really have to take him down for this reason."

                          Here is an excellent article on government agents and their unlimited powers.

                          "They have no idea what comes next."
                          Well, James Kunstler has just written about what comes next.
                          "What I wonder is what these dogs of vengeance reckon will happen when they achieve their goal of bringing down the bellowing bull and pulling his guts out. Perhaps a few moments of tribal satisfaction, one last war dance around the fire, and when the fire dies out, they will find themselves under the same cold indifferent moon with blood on their snouts and an ill wind blowing in the tree tops."

                          "After two years of fomenting hysteria, the “winners” will discern the reality behind all the melodrama: the financialization rackets that replaced what used to be the economy have come unglued, and institutions begin to fail left and right: banks, pension funds, corporations, state and municipal governments, federal promises to pay this and that, and, in general, the ability of the USA to carry on anything approximating what might be considered normal life.

                          It will be interesting to see how the impeachment of Donald Trump plays as all this goes down. My guess is that the people warning about a second civil war are not far off the mark."
                          "That issue will surely be determined by whether the borrowers of money can possibly pay back what they owe. The discovery that it’s impossible will coincide with whatever the legal fate of Donald Trump’s presidency might be. The result of all this is apt to be a political nightmare of bankruptcy and bloodshed that makes the first civil war (1861-1865) look like a tale of knighthood in flower."
                          The War of Northern Aggression was caused by punitive taxes on the South instigated by the Northern bankers, Abraham Lincoln.
                          The Dogs of Vengeance - Kunstler


                          • Originally posted by Danny B View Post
                            Armstrong's article, "Connecting the Dots" has been linked to MANY sites. He has gotten a lot of questions about it. This whole ordeal is VERY serious. The deep state apparently is willing to crash the whole system to get rid of Trump and maintain privilege. The deep state and the blob state are natural allies who both feed off the same producers.
                            Here is a follow-up article from Armstrong.

                            "They are out to take down Trump at all costs because to them he is trying to Drain the Swamp like the Tea Party before him. Now you are messing with their power base and that is both sides."
                            "They are looking to set up criminal charges and then will blackmail Trump to try to force him to resign. This is NOT about Trump as an individual, this is all about keeping the swamp filled. He cannot be impeached for any act PRIOR to becoming President and anything that took place during the campaign is a gray area. Make no mistake about it, BOTH Republicans and Democrats are behind the curtain cooperating on this one. Just as they were out to destroy the Tea Party, they have targeted Trump and this is all about PRESERVING the establishment – the Great Swamp"

                            "They have no idea what comes next. They have not seen anything yet."
                            "The Deep State is fighting very hard and needs to take Trump down to ensure this story that there were people in the USA attempting to interfere in the Russian elections back in 1999"
                            "They will blackmail Trump to keep this all quiet. They really have to take him down for this reason."

                            Here is an excellent article on government agents and their unlimited powers.

                            "They have no idea what comes next."
                            Well, James Kunstler has just written about what comes next.
                            "What I wonder is what these dogs of vengeance reckon will happen when they achieve their goal of bringing down the bellowing bull and pulling his guts out. Perhaps a few moments of tribal satisfaction, one last war dance around the fire, and when the fire dies out, they will find themselves under the same cold indifferent moon with blood on their snouts and an ill wind blowing in the tree tops."

                            "After two years of fomenting hysteria, the “winners” will discern the reality behind all the melodrama: the financialization rackets that replaced what used to be the economy have come unglued, and institutions begin to fail left and right: banks, pension funds, corporations, state and municipal governments, federal promises to pay this and that, and, in general, the ability of the USA to carry on anything approximating what might be considered normal life.

                            It will be interesting to see how the impeachment of Donald Trump plays as all this goes down. My guess is that the people warning about a second civil war are not far off the mark."
                            "That issue will surely be determined by whether the borrowers of money can possibly pay back what they owe. The discovery that it’s impossible will coincide with whatever the legal fate of Donald Trump’s presidency might be. The result of all this is apt to be a political nightmare of bankruptcy and bloodshed that makes the first civil war (1861-1865) look like a tale of knighthood in flower."
                            The War of Northern Aggression was caused by punitive taxes on the South instigated by the Northern bankers, Abraham Lincoln.
                            The Dogs of Vengeance - Kunstler
                            I think that if they do something crazy, like say try to remove President Trump, that there will be unpredictable consequences which really can not be fully foreseen because of the changing awareness of people.

                            Whatever anyone may think, President Trump has a mass base of support in America, and which I do think will take up arms; certainly that sort of reaction alone will completely destroy the faith in American Dollar within hours. Not overnight, but in hours, and that will be the end of the thing because after that no one will give a rats ass about anything or anyone else. We will all be trying to survive on our own within days, literally days, because the supermarkets will be stripped, the gas stations will be empty and that will be the end of that. Basic survival will revamp America and wipe out the wealth of hundreds of millions. Those responsible will almost certainly pay for this with their lives just because the consequences will be so radical and so dramatic that no~one will be left who isn't significantly harmed.

                            The people doing this are not thinking. They are blinded by party politics, like religious fanatics, and it will only be afterwards, when their own world is blown to kingdom come, that they may have some insight to what they have done. Party politics is not something to become embroiled in if you have any sense at all. The situation has changed rather significantly and that this evident idea that there will be a repeating of history will not happen as imagined. President Trump won't be stepping down and those who try to remove him will probably find themselves in a situation they cannot now imagine.

                            A physical removal of President Trump will backfire. It will result in a refusal to acknowledge any authority thereafter. It will lead to a collapse of faith in both the monetary base and in gov~corp across the board. The consequences for this will be what they have always been when authority collapse: Pay back time will not be pretty for many self crowned authority figures; not to mention the already near hatred of the mass media. Should prove an interesting time to live through. Again, I repeat, now is not the time to disarm yourself or your family. Quite the reverse actually.

                            History is not a haphazard affair. It is carefully plotted but sometimes things do not work out as planned. In this case, the consequences are entirely predictable which is why I've said what I have. I have a good record of accuracy in forecasting future events. If this line of progression to remove the President continues, and if people continue to see through it, then the rest is assured. Also, make no mistake here about whom will prevail in an internal civil war: No army has ever defeated an outraged citizenry, least of all one which is already heavily armed and half pissed off anyways just because. I think they are really truly nuts and that this could all actually happen. Ya know, by the standards of dictators who rule corporations, the people of the United States are already almost un~governable as it is right now, and why they hate Trump is because they cannot rule while he's ruling. Lol~ really seems to bug the living heck out em.

                            As an after thought; prepare your looters list now, complete with a map of the shortest routes to select target, quickest paths through the isles, and if possible have assistance nearby to speed the process. Shopping time will be limited. I'm Laughing....I'm only kidding...well at least I hope I'm only kidding. God help us all if these insane lunatics continue down this path, but rest assured that the people's voice will be heard and afterwards there will be no doubt whatsoever about who rules America. Frankly I'm looking forward to the public trials for high treason and subsequent firing squads. Might volunteer for one so long as I don't get the blank bullet. I'm so tired of these jokers running the mass media, hollywood and it's pedophile clan, the perverts pretending to be patriots in both parties, the theft and illegal actions against the Bills of Rights, the stolen tax dollars, the denied right to see what our money buys, the corporate royalty and their special rights to spy on all of us, to buy the law, and on and on and on.

                            What it might all actually come down to is a simple excuse to go out the front door with the firm intention of setting the record straight about who rules over whom. I think a lot of Americans are just about at that point where it's going to be just the right thing which sets off the match. These people hiding behind the name of the deep state are too stupid to realize that's how close they are really are to pissing the American People off for the last time. Also I might add that the Revolution II won't be broadcast on the Corporate Communist News Network, at least not until they are captured, so here you're going to have to rely on your phones and websites to tell you what's going on. PS> don't forget the popcorn. Stock up before the kickoff. The whole thing seems almost assured really. I can hardly wait frankly, I'd love to learn some of the deep secrets, I'd love to see the current system of tax slavery and corporate rule come to a sudden and final death. Bring it on I say~
                            Last edited by Gambeir; 08-25-2018, 09:46 PM.
                            "The past is now part of my future, the present is well out of hand." Joy Divison "Heart and Soul LP."


                            • The Russian ruling class

                              "This is why after the first round of sanctions over the reunification with Crimea Putin ordered the development of a national electronic payment system. He rightly understood that Russia needed a means by which to conduct business that was independent of US political meddling."
                              "It took the Russians longer than they should have to develop MIR. Putin complained about how slow things went because too many within the Bank of Russia and the financial community could be thought of as fifth columnists for the West."

                              Report: 25% of wealthiest Russians are Jewish
                              Sailer: Forbes Israel's List of 165 Jewish Billionaires
                              Quarter of Russia’s 200 top billionaires are Jews

                              Reportedly, Russia has $75 trillion worth of natural resources. Imagine the effect on banking if Russia was independent of SWIFT and American & European banks.


                              • Originally posted by Gambeir View Post
                                I can hardly wait frankly, I'd love to learn some of the deep secrets,
                                I'd love to see the current system of tax slavery and
                                corporate rule come to a sudden and final death.
                                Bring it on I say~

                                DENVER AIRPORT MURALS EXPLAINED

                                Last edited by aljhoa; 08-26-2018, 03:09 PM. Reason: 836,486

