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The American Ruling Class

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  • Originally posted by aljhoa View Post
    District of Columbia v. Heller, 554 U.S. 570 (2008),[1] is a landmark case in which the Supreme Court of the United States held that the Second Amendment protects an individual's right to possess a firearm, unconnected with service in a militia, for traditionally lawful purposes, such as self-defense within the home, and that Washington, D.C.'s handgun ban and requirement that lawfully-owned rifles and shotguns be kept "unloaded and disassembled or bound by a trigger lock" violated this guarantee. It also stated that the right to bear arms is not unlimited and that guns and gun ownership would continue to be regulated. Due to Washington, D.C.'s special status as a federal district, the decision did not address the question of whether the Second Amendment's protections are incorporated by the Due Process Clause of the Fourteenth Amendment against the states,[2] which was addressed two years later by McDonald v. City of Chicago (2010) in which it was found that they are. It was the first Supreme Court case to decide whether the Second Amendment protects an individual right to keep and bear arms for self-defense.[3]

    On June 26, 2008, the Supreme Court affirmed by a vote of 5 to 4 the Court of Appeals for the D.C. Circuit in Heller v. District of Columbia.[4][5] The Supreme Court struck down provisions of the Firearms Control Regulations Act of 1975 as unconstitutional, determined that handguns are "arms" for the purposes of the Second Amendment, found that the Regulations Act was an unconstitutional ban, and struck down the portion of the Regulations Act that requires all firearms including rifles and shotguns be kept "unloaded and disassembled or bound by a trigger lock". Prior to this decision the Firearms Control Regulation Act of 1975 also restricted residents from owning handguns except for those registered prior to 1975.

    The majority opinion, written by Justice Antonin Scalia, and the primary dissenting opinion, written by Justice John Paul Stevens, are considered examples of the application of originalism in practice.[6]

    What is 5G?
    It's the next (fifth) generation of cellular technology which promises to greatly enhance the speed, coverage and responsiveness of wireless networks. How fast are we talking about? Think 10 to 100 times speedier than your typical cellular connection, and even faster than anything you can get with a physical fiber-optic cable going into your house. (You'll be able to download a season's worth of "Stranger Things" in seconds.)

    Thanks, and now we know why the suspicious circumstances surrounding the death of Scalia might be even more suspicious. Nevertheless, when we have billionaire *****'s at the helm it remains to be seen whether or not the Constitution, the Bill of Rights, and the State of Washington's own laws will be up-held. Especially since, as you've just illustrated, this should never have been allowed in the first place and so that right there say's evil has it's hand down the pants of some in the State Capitol because why else has this happened?

    Now check this latest~ JFK Assassination Redux: Eliminating lose ends 101.
    Las Vegas Massacre Survivors in the Bar where supposed insane gunman opens fire for no specific reason.
    Nick Champion says he and 50 to 60 survivors were at Borderline Bar and Grill when the gunman opened fire on a student night in Thousand Oaks, California

    Meanwhile in Australia~
    One dead, two stabbed, man shot in terror attack on Bourke Street

    I tell ya it's just a billionaire crime wave out and about all over the globe isn't it? Which BTW does then to make Regina Dugan and facebook look like a perfect match. After all, they go together like Bayer IG Farben goes with Zyklon B, or the Illuminati goes with the Economist and Forbes, or skull and bones goes with American Presidents. Perfectly normal, nothing to be concerned about obviously. Besides what do I need her for when I'm just as capable of plunging an electrode in to my own skull? Speaking of which, I hope she get's her wish at the hands of someone else: Just saying, but hey seriously I can't wait for her BS to be broadcast direct to my skull. Also just realized that the drive by wire control grid implemented in auto's probably has some association with a coming prohibition on driving as advertised by another self selected multi billionaire over lord shooting his mouth off on a Youtube ad. Probably the reason for the suspect towers that have been erected in places like Bloombergs Satanic palace city of New York but hey that's just a wild guess for right now. Nevertheless a good pair of walking shoes might be in order just in case they decide it's time to hit the kill button because, ya know, the pentagram has plans just in case full on rebellion breaks out as Americans are being turned out of their homes by the hundreds of thousands, or haven't you checked Zillow recently? I mean obviously it's the first place I went on election night like every other sensible Washingtonian looking for an evac plan.

    Meanwhile in the aftermath of Hurricane Michael, USAF's unaccounted for missing F-22 Raptors, presumably scarfed up for Israel and now claimed to have been destroyed. - World Class Investigative Truth

    Why should you have a gun when World War III is just around the corner anyways?
    Last edited by Gambeir; 11-09-2018, 09:54 AM.
    "The past is now part of my future, the present is well out of hand." Joy Divison "Heart and Soul LP."


    • Removed because this thread is useless
      Last edited by ilandtan; 06-23-2020, 09:22 PM.


      • Originally posted by ilandtan View Post
        Even if all these conspiracies are true, there are key grounding points for the future.
        • Even if there is a global world control organization they are run by people
        • Nobody lives forever. So even the best laid plans of domination go astray, and unravel
        • Even if the greediest man alive builds an empire, he has no control over their son actions. He may not want to be like Dad.
        • Every separation of creed or color eventually go away. White supremacist look in their DNA, and whoops look at that... We are about 3 generations for those guys to fade into oblivion.
        • As we continue to work on Education and social awareness, and bring the nation to base level, it perpetuates less hatred and more work to better future
        • We are wired to love, that's grace, and that's more withstanding than any ruling class. That's why all people who predict calamity are wrong. Despite our differences in political manifest or differences in religion and culture views... we all have to come home to our children and family. And any seismic movement towards enslaving people will be dissolved by the right for the freedom to love your families without control.
        • Every ounce of energy you devote to thinking about ruin can be used to build or plan something good.
        Can a minor travel w/o a permit?
        Does it matter if an adult signs a contract (e.g. 5G)?

        Last edited by aljhoa; 11-10-2018, 03:44 PM. Reason: 853,159


        • Removed because this thread is useless
          Last edited by ilandtan; 06-23-2020, 09:22 PM.


          • Count on the Dems

            > WHO TOOK MY MONEY????? And the truth shall set you free!
            > >
            > Actually, Democrat President Kennedy and Sergeant Shriver were the first ones to misuse the Social Security account.
            > They used Social Security funds to start the Peace Corps.
            > Not the first or last time our money has been taken from American citizens and given to foreign nations.
            > > >
            > Things every US citizen should know and remember about Social Security and changes made.
            > > >
            > A History Lesson on Your Social Security Card Just in case some of you young whippersnappers
            > (& some older ones) didn't know this.
            > It's easy to check out, if you don't believe it. Be sure and show it to your family and friends.
            > They need a little history lesson on what's what and it doesn't matter whether you are Democrat or Republican.
            > > >
            > Facts are Facts.
            > > >
            > Social Security Cards up until the 1980's expressly stated the number and card were not to be used for identification purposes.
            > Since nearly everyone in the United States now has a number, it became convenient to use it anyway and the message,
            > NOT FOR IDENTIFICATION, was removed.
            > > >
            > Franklin Roosevelt, a Democrat, introduced the Social Security (FICA)
            > Program.
            > > >
            > He promised;
            > 1.) That participation in the Program would be Completely voluntary.
            > > >
            > No longer Voluntary
            > > >
            > 2.) That the participants would only have to pay 1% of the first $1,400 of
            > their annual Incomes into the Program.
            > > >
            > Now 7.65% on the first $90,000.
            > (Do not forget your employer matched an equal amount on your behalf)
            > > >
            > 3) That the money the participants elected to put into the Program
            > would be deductible from their income for tax purposes each year.
            > > >
            > No longer tax deductible
            > > >
            > 4.) That the money the participants put into the independent 'Trust Fund' rather than into the general operating fund,
            > and therefore, would only be used to fund the Social Security Retirement Program, and no other Government program.
            > > >
            > Under Democrat President Johnson the money was moved to the General
            > Fund and Spent.
            > > >
            > 5.) That the annuity payments to the retirees would never be taxed as income.
            > > >
            > Under Democrats Clinton & Gore Up to 85% of your Social Security can be Taxed
            > > >
            > Since many of us have paid into FICA for years and are now receiving a Social Security check every month
            > and then finding that we are getting taxed on 85% of the money we paid to the Federal government
            > to 'put away' -- you may be interested in the following:
            > > >
            > Q: Which Political Party took Social Security from the independent 'Trust
            > Fund' and put it into the general fund so that Congress could spend it?
            > > >
            > A: It was Lyndon Johnson and the democratically controlled House and
            > Senate.
            > > >
            > Q: Which Political Party eliminated the income tax deduction for Social
            > Security (FICA) withholding?
            > > >
            > A: The Democrat Party.
            > > >
            > Q: Which Political Party started taxing Social Security annuities?
            > > >
            > A: The Democratic Party, with Al Gore casting the 'tie-breaking' deciding
            > vote as President of the Senate, while he was Vice President of the U.S.
            > > >
            > Q: Which Political Party decided to start giving annuity payments to immigrants?
            > > >
            > A: That's right! Jimmy Carter and the Democratic Party. Immigrants moved into this country,
            > and at age 65, began to receive Social Security payments!
            > The Democratic Party gave these payments to them, even though they never paid a dime into it!
            > > >
            > Then, after violating the original contract (FICA), the Democrats turn around and
            > tell you that the Republicans want to take your Social Security away!
            > > >
            > And the worst part about it is uninformed citizens believe it!


            • Take a good look at the above photo. It may at first look as though everyone is just casually making a "thumbs up" gesture, but in reality there is something else going on. Can you guess what that is? If not, then scroll down to see the answer below.

              Q has said that November brings two very important days, the first being November 11th, which is tomorrow. Of course November 11th is Veterans Day, and it is said that there will be quite a parade going on, but it seems that something else is about to happen. While we can't be certain, it does seem very likely that documents which Trump ordered declassified and disclosed, but which the DOJ and FBI have been holding back on, may be forthcoming now that Whitaker has taken over the reins at DOJ, and this could well happen as early as tomorrow. When it does happen, and the truth comes to light, this will set the stage for the unsealing of many of the thousands of sealed indictments that will ultimately take down the corrupt establishment elite of both political parties, as well as those who are their controllers. November 22nd is the second date of importance mentioned by Q, and of course we all know what that date signifies. It is the date, in 1963, when JFK was violently, and very publicly, killed. What better time could there be for many of the conspirators involved in that crime to finally face indictments, and for the American people to finally be told the truth after 55 years of lies and cover-ups? Maybe this is all just wishful thinking, but then again what if it actually could be about to happen? It would certainly go a long way toward restoring honesty in government, and would be a great reason to give thanks this Thanksgiving Day, which of course also falls on November 22nd this year. The elite are running scared, as they know the hammer is about to drop on them, and they are going all out to try and prevent that through election fraud and non-stop demonizing of President Trump through their media cohorts. Because they are willing to do whatever they think is necessary to avoid being held accountable for their crimes, this could be a very dangerous time, and to prevent them from doing great harm I believe it is very likely that Trump will declare martial law. The perps would then be rounded up in a well coordinated take down. and face military tribunals on charges of treason and subversion.
              "Seek wisdom by keeping an open mind to alternative realities, questioning authority, and searching for truth. Only then, when you see or hear something that has 'the ring of truth' to it, will it be as if a veil has been lifted, and suddenly you will begin to hear and see far more clearly than ever before." - Rickoff


              • Originally posted by ilandtan View Post
                But if you play any game you have to abide by the rules of the game,
                if you don't play by the rules, you are subject to their enforcement.

                Are our rights ‘inalienable’ or ‘unalienable’?
                “We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal,
                that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights,
                that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.”

                Last edited by aljhoa; 11-11-2018, 04:32 AM. Reason: 853,274


                • Originally posted by Danny B View Post
                  > And the worst part about it is uninformed citizens believe it!
                  Debunking Some Internet Myths

                  Debunking Some Internet Myths- Part 2



                  • Originally posted by ilandtan View Post
                    You guys have unreal intellects. I'm not that smart, so I'm kinda a half glass full kinda person. Even if all these conspiracies are true, there are key grounding points for the future.
                    I get that you're a positivist, that you want to think the best and that in thinking the best will bring the best, and generally speaking it is a fine course to take most of the time. No normal person like's dealing with evil. That's why we have cops and judges and supposedly it's also why we have a government so that we can go about our daily lives without having to call out a posse, mount the horses, and go find a suitable limb to solve problems upon, and I so get that. However we cannot allow mortal threats to either our own selves, families, or our nation. We cannot allow our own desire to avoid conflict to blind us to danger which has to be eliminated.

                    I will never buy into the idea that you're not that smart, primarily because I have the advantage of being 5,000 years old, so that won't fly very well with me because I know it's not true. There's a wide range of ages on this forum but most are not nearly as old as I am, nor many as experienced in understanding evil, and so my little lectures are really intended to be helpful and not bombastic because despite cursing almost everyone in front of the windshield daily, I actually do like most people most of the time, which I guess means I'm only a part time psychopath, the other half of the time I'm a relatively normal human being.

                    Originally posted by ilandtan View Post
                    • Even if there is a global world control organization they are run by people
                    • Let's just say we will assume they are run by a kind of human, because I'm not sure I personally will call a sociopath a human, not any more than I'd call pedophilia just another form of sexuality, because mass murder and child rape are not and never will be normal human interactions, and so I think it's to be assumed that almost all individuals of great wealth probably fit in to at least one of those categories, especially if they count their wealth in the billions.

                      I myself would automatically assume that any person with excess wealth to be at least as dangerous and inhuman as any other infamous mass murder, and probably a heck of lot more so, because it is the nature of all humans to abuse power; their personal ability to corrupt the morals of most people, or to buy the people who can put the fear in to those whom otherwise wouldn't normally go along to get along: Power corrupts and absolute power absolutely corrupts.

                      There's a difference between you and the wealthy, and believe me they aren't like the rest of us: The wealthy aren't naive and stupid because they don't allow their own kids to be brainwashed in to becoming Zombies. There's no team in the being the Ruler. Teaching kids to be team players is teaching them to be group thinkers and sacrificial lambs for individual thinkers. This is where understanding the roots of the education system is vital to your own kids well being and you can do no better than parking your butt in front of the computer monitor with a note pad and listening to John Taylor Gatto. Never mind what you don't get. Focus on what you do get. Do this only when you make the time. I promise that after watching the full five one hour interviews you won't see things the same way.


                      The wealthy are typically highly educated and raised entirely differently in how they perceive the world around themselves. They aren't raised to be group players for one thing. Once you get to that understanding you have to realize that it takes experiences and training through a mentor, by someone who does understand the world and whom doesn't candy coat it, but exposes the child to the reality and guides them to truth and understanding. That's not what a kid gets in public education.

                      So the children of the wealthy don't have the same notions of what's right and what's wrong. They may pretend to because they are taught that you and your kids are not the same as they are and so pretenses must be made. They see the world in terms of what's necessary and are driven by the understanding that they have been raised to be the real rulers and we their slaves. The best slaves are Zombies. It's not an accident that meme is so popular. It's like a test to see if the zombies have an awareness of who they are.

                      As a result the wealthy plan and one thing they plan on is keeping wealth in the family, and so anyways we do have obvious in our face global control organizations, and then there are others we are pretty much clueless about, and which is how they like it. I know that my own personal brush with that kind of power convinced me pretty strongly that the further from it the better and I mean that strictly in terms of life and limb. Know too much, see too much, hear too much: One error on your part is all it takes and it might not take anything but a whim.

                      Now going back to organizations, take something like the United Nations, Nato being another, and really this are pawns of business organizations. I mean right now, if you go searching, the UN has plans for economic over-lordship by corporate rulers. They call it "sustainable corporations" because they claim the only way to prevent boom bust cycles are to have kingly economic rulers. I'm assuming here that this probably fits in nicely for some people's corporations. BTW, this is sort of what Japan has as I understand it. Japan actually only has something like a dozen or so companies. All of whom then basically own and control all the other corporations in Japan. So there's already an existing model for how to. Japan never actually abandoned fascism because that's actually fascism defined; the blending of the State with Corporate Rulership.

                      There's no question that there are many different organizations which do control pretty much everything that happens but I understand what you're driving at as well. I want to make it clear that I'm not a Christian, nor do I believe in demons, or anything religious in any form, but that doesn't mean you should ignore everything that comes from a self proclaimed do-gooder claiming to be a Christian either. Especially when it has to do with information relating to Satanic Cults. I would suggest looking up this guy named Walter Veith. It's been a long time but I think this might be the video I watched Walter give a lecture on.

                      The UN & the Occult Agenda - By Professor Walter Veith

                      Originally posted by ilandtan View Post
                    • Nobody lives forever. So even the best laid plans of domination go astray, and unravel
                    Yes, but that is like saying the Army dies because it's soldiers die. Institutions do not have life spans as we understand them. How to kill them is an entirely different methodology.

                    Originally posted by ilandtan View Post
                  • Even if the greediest man alive builds an empire, he has no control over their son actions. He may not want to be like Dad.
                  True there are changes, but institutions are designed to deal with eventuality. A leader is raised to lead in prescribed manner which has been refined over time: It's most unlikely that they will come to dangerously expose those others whom are all eating from a single feed trough and none of his/her over seer's would allow anyone to endanger their free food. If necessary an errant leader may be eliminated and a suitable replacement selected.

                  Originally posted by ilandtan View Post
                • Every separation of creed or color eventually go away. White supremacist look in their DNA, and whoops look at that... We are about 3 generations for those guys to fade into oblivion.
                • WWII was the first eugenics war but the real lesson is how to foment a war based on genetic superiority. Watch Gatto and you will get more understanding on the elites view of their own genetic superiority and belief in their right to rule.

                  Superman isn't about what you think. Superman is the future. It's the creation of a Superman that is the objective and goal for the rulers themselves; not one for your kids. Your kids are the sub-human "Untermensch," which are their toys for pleasure and use. You are yourself already considered so dangerously diseased that you have to be mind controlled to keep the progress of civilization moving forwards: The purpose of education is to destroy individual creativity because you already have too much imagination which is dangerous to the designed progression of the species according to your rulers. Hence the education you've received, I received, and which today is about ten fold worse than either one of us received: Truly it is poison.

                  Originally posted by ilandtan View Post
                • As we continue to work on Education and social awareness, and bring the nation to base level, it perpetuates less hatred and more work to better future.
                • Umm...nope, but it's a good marketing slogan. I heard recently that we have seven wars going on right now, seven places where the US military is involved in some kind of armed conflict, but can you name them because I can't. Social awareness? Hell the American people don't care about anything other than their own butt's and never have. That's one of the great errors of not having a conscription army: Only when everyone's kid is required to risk their lives do the people care what the DC mob is doing to other people across the world.

                  I once asked my late father if he thought the American people had ever been awake? At first he said no, they have never been awake, but then he said he took that back because they sort of woke up momentary like when they were all convinced that the Imperial Japanese Army would be landing on the beaches of LA, San Diego, Portland, and Seattle. The whole idea probably scared the holy bejesus out of the rich people living on Mailbu and so the news papers, radio, and military went into high gear and raised the public awareness. Otherwise nobody would have thought a thing about it.

                  Now fortunately for all of us the only reason they didn't invade was because Isoroku Yamamoto was educated in America and told the Japanese General Staff that behind every blade of grass would be an American boy with a gun. Yamamoto was Japan's Marshal Admiral of the Navy and the commander-in-chief of the Combined Fleet, and well respected enough that fortunately, and for once, the Army hotheads decided to listen to him, but a war with either Russia or China won't be a repeat. Invasion is to be expected if not counted on.

                  Now the Joint Chiefs of Staff of the US Military actually commissioned a study on the odds of defeating the Japanese if they invaded the mainland shortly after Pearl Harbor. What that determined was that even with a heavily armed and skillfully trained population, the US military could not expect to stop the Imperial Army until it had reached the Mississippi, or possibly worse somewhere's between Minneapolis to possibly as far east as parts of Indiana. Which was and still is damn scary. Now compare that to these jerk wads screwball ideas of starting a war with China or Russia, but now guess what?

                  Originally posted by ilandtan View Post
                • We are wired to love, that's grace, and that's more withstanding than any ruling class. That's why all people who predict calamity are wrong. Despite our differences in political manifest or differences in religion and culture views... we all have to come home to our children and family. And any seismic movement towards enslaving people will be dissolved by the right for the freedom to love your families without control.
                • Originally posted by ilandtan View Post
                • Every ounce of energy you devote to thinking about ruin can be used to build or plan something good.
                • Originally posted by ilandtan View Post

                  With respect gentlemen, my2c

                  You and I are wired for love ilandtan. Others not so much.
                  Last edited by Gambeir; 11-11-2018, 10:29 AM.
                  "The past is now part of my future, the present is well out of hand." Joy Divison "Heart and Soul LP."


                  • Greetings Gambeir,

                    Originally posted by Gambeir View Post
                    There's a difference between you and the wealthy, and believe me they aren't like the rest of us: The wealthy aren't naive and stupid because they don't allow their own kids to be brainwashed in to becoming Zombies. There's no team in the being the Ruler. Teaching kids to be team players is teaching them to be group thinkers and sacrificial lambs for individual thinkers.
                    People need to identify with some peers. Life isn't any fun if you can't brag about it. But I feel like you saying being a individual thinker and a team player is mutually exclusive. I just don't think it's going to benefit my existence to be in fear of a system that creates a master race. I don't want to live my life afraid, so I just shutup and choice.

                    Fear is the mind killer[Herbert]

                    We have nothing to fear but fear itself [WC]

                    There something wrong with the elitist mentality theory: It has no defined criteria, so one man's floor is another man's ceiling. So no matter how much snoot is in your noise, it's always in the wind of another's fart. Money Power, Power and Money mean nothing.


                    If Money and Power where the bread of the human soul, we wouldn't have all those rich bastards blowing their heads off.

                    Ultimately they live in fear as well, living to maintain their Earthly avarice.

                    Originally posted by Gambeir View Post
                    That's not what a kid gets in public education.
                    I don't know what that is, because I am not it's product.

                    Originally posted by Gambeir View Post
                    I myself would automatically assume that any person with excess wealth to be at least as dangerous and inhuman as any other infamous mass murder, and probably a heck of lot more so, because it is the nature of all humans to abuse power; their personal ability to corrupt the morals of most people, or to buy the people who can put the fear in to those whom otherwise wouldn't normally go along to get along: Power corrupts and absolute power absolutely corrupts.
                    Gambeir, you speak of "their" as it is owned by an alien or demonic presence. As ugly as it is, I could be as insidious. This a failure to think it is separate reality of evil, that is formed and perpetuated. We are that evil. You and me, it's only choice that makes me good. I could be a rapist, or a child molester.

                    The moment you distance yourself from being human and denying your dark thoughts, the door opens. That is the evil we need to fight. Maintain our vigilance on our humanity but live in our practice of moral ideals taken on faith.


                    • Originally posted by ilandtan View Post
                      Gambeir, you speak of "their" as it is owned by an alien or demonic presence. As ugly as it is, I could be as insidious.
                      This a failure to think it is separate reality of evil, that is formed and perpetuated.
                      We are that evil.

                      Now what we’ve run into is a people infinitely more
                      sophisticated than us with a 6000 year civilization who are even more amoral than we are and look at
                      starving 3 million people to death, as they did 20 years there any shortage of people?

                      Last edited by aljhoa; 11-11-2018, 06:14 PM. Reason: 853,436


                      • This is great to be dowsing rods for what is wrong. Some of it may be accurate, but some of it may be inaccurate. I don't necessarily disagree with these ideas Al.

                        The question is; you can generate miles of references of the evil of men, but how do you fix this? We are wired to love by grace of our souls, but our bodies are living entities wired for survival. If you comprehend that in our mechanism of life that one sperm of millions has to win a race to be the only fertilizer of the ovum. You see competition is the core of life itself.

                        This is why I know, I can prove that your demons are just opportunistic people over time, and not some consortium of evil. You can't suppress our survival instincts our need for sex, food, status. These drivers mean that any individual in the human society can become cancerous, and attack the organized body. People rise up and stage coups, but rarely does it move to solve the equation.

                        I would look for answers, because finding infamy is as easy as turning on CNN.

                        Show me your strength in problem solving, and show how we can evolve from this competitive destiny.


                        • Originally posted by ilandtan View Post
                          Greetings Gambeir,

                          People need to identify with some peers. Life isn't any fun if you can't brag about it. But I feel like you saying being a individual thinker and a team player is mutually exclusive. I just don't think it's going to benefit my existence to be in fear of a system that creates a master race. I don't want to live my life afraid, so I just shutup and choice.

                          Fear is the mind killer[Herbert]

                          We have nothing to fear but fear itself [WC]

                          There something wrong with the elitist mentality theory: It has no defined criteria, so one man's floor is another man's ceiling. So no matter how much snoot is in your noise, it's always in the wind of another's fart. Money Power, Power and Money mean nothing.


                          If Money and Power where the bread of the human soul, we wouldn't have all those rich bastards blowing their heads off.

                          Ultimately they live in fear as well, living to maintain their Earthly avarice.

                          I don't know what that is, because I am not it's product.

                          Gambeir, you speak of "their" as it is owned by an alien or demonic presence. As ugly as it is, I could be as insidious. This a failure to think it is separate reality of evil, that is formed and perpetuated. We are that evil. You and me, it's only choice that makes me good. I could be a rapist, or a child molester.

                          The moment you distance yourself from being human and denying your dark thoughts, the door opens. That is the evil we need to fight. Maintain our vigilance on our humanity but live in our practice of moral ideals taken on faith.
                          First of all thanks for speaking how you feel.

                          Whatever you think you're capable of has to find it's place in a pantheon of human motivation. Generally speaking, people commit real crimes primarily because of lust, and hate can drive anyone to acts of unspeakable violence, whereas passion can cause a person to lose their sensibilities and judgement, but one thing is certain; you cannot be what you are not.

                          There is a difference between living in fear and choosing to be aware. Being aware doesn't mean having to live in fear. It just means understanding reality so that when evil intrudes you know how to recognize it and how to deal with it.

                          I've heard many people say they don't want to live their life in fear. OK well fine, like who does right? So now how are you going to make that happen?

                          See to be a kid most of the time in our lives really mean accepting the responsibility of being an adult when we don't actually want to be ones. It means taking on responsibility we don't expect children or adolescents to do, because living in fear is what a child experiences, and I'm supposed to be an adult, like it or not, and I can't expect a child or teenagers to handle what I know I have to handle. So fear only happens when you're not willing to take on adult responsibility.

                          The thing about this is that adult responsibility is not the same for everyone don't ya see? See, one person has no problem with say, for example, diving in to a raging current to save someone else. Me, well no that's not happening, but then another adult might have no problem tackling a robber in a gas station or mini-mart, and another will have no problem with diving in to a bloody twisted pile of wrecked cars, and someone else will stand toe to toe with a group of would be robbers and shoot it out with them. So it depends on who you are inside and so fear is dependent on the situation by enlarge. Everybody is an adult somewhere's inside. Just don't make the mistake of stripping away someone else's adult skills because others have convinced you they may be a danger when really they are your salvation because most people are good people. We don't need to fear each other. What we need is to see who would like us to fear each other.
                          Last edited by Gambeir; 11-11-2018, 11:46 PM.
                          "The past is now part of my future, the present is well out of hand." Joy Divison "Heart and Soul LP."


                          • I think hit the mark on how I feel:

                            Originally posted by Gambeir View Post
                            The thing about this is that adult responsibility is not the same for everyone don't ya see? See, one person has no problem with say, for example, diving in to a raging current to save someone else. Me, well no that's not happening, but then another adult might have no problem tackling a robber in a gas station or mini-mart, and another will have no problem with diving in to a bloody twisted pile of wrecked cars, and someone else will stand toe to toe with a group of would be robbers and shoot it out with them. So it depends on who you are inside and so fear is dependent on the situation by enlarge. Everybody is an adult somewhere's inside. Just don't make the mistake of stripping away someone else's adult skills because others have convinced you they may be a danger when really they are your salvation because most people are good people. We don't need to fear each other. What we need is to see who would like us to fear each other.
                            Notice you gave me a local answer. The diabolical forces only contrived by the situation. In the end it's how you are to the world, not how the world is to you. You can be aware, of course that's the only way to navigate with your eyes open. The universe is in your soul, and you have to make choices about how you affect everything outside.

                            I can't tell you how I'll be in situations of life and death, where others are involved. I only know that I've saved my own life, by making good adult choices.

                            Worrying which is a residual artifact to awareness, and fear is created by the duration, and just wastes my time. I see if I can fix it, and if I can't... I move on. You're face tends to reflect years of what you internalize, I do have a crease between my eyebrows, but I don't have frown lines. I'm going to keep it that way, unless I win the lottery and then hello Botox.

                            Let me be the Devil's advocate here, and say by a snap of your fingers, you eliminated the Illuminate existence. There was equilateral opportunities, and nobody sought more than they could use. We at that point can revel in our altruism; what then?

                            History will show, that when a society reaches that apex, they become statesmen and thinkers. Unfortunately, they aren't able to defend themselves and get conquered by a quick mobile, less civilized army, with designs just to rape and conquer. Their achievements buried by the feet of the conquerors.

                            Hmmmm where's my coloring book?


                            • Originally posted by ilandtan View Post

                              The question is; you can generate miles of references of the evil of men, but how do you fix this? We are wired to love by grace of our souls, but our bodies are living entities wired for survival. If you comprehend that in our mechanism of life that one sperm of millions has to win a race to be the only fertilizer of the ovum. You see competition is the core of life itself.

                              This is why I know, I can prove that your demons are just opportunistic people over time, and not some consortium of evil. You can't suppress our survival instincts our need for sex, food, status. These drivers mean that any individual in the human society can become cancerous, and attack the organized body. People rise up and stage coups, but rarely does it move to solve the equation.

                              I would look for answers, because finding infamy is as easy as turning on CNN.

                              Show me your strength in problem solving, and show how we can evolve from this competitive destiny.
                              The psychopathic brain is wired to go after rewards, whatever the cost, a neuroscience study finds.
                              The brains of psychopaths release four times as much dopamine in response to rewards as normal people.

                              TO THE BEST of our knowledge, there is no cure for psychopathy.
                              No pill can instill empathy, no vaccine can prevent murder in cold blood,
                              and no amount of talk therapy can change an uncaring mind.
                              For all intents and purposes, psychopaths are lost to the normal social world.

                              DO PSYCHOPATHS RULE THE WORLD?

                              Last edited by aljhoa; 11-12-2018, 04:59 AM. Reason: 853,534


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