Originally posted by aljhoa
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Now check this latest~ JFK Assassination Redux: Eliminating lose ends 101.
Las Vegas Massacre Survivors in the Bar where supposed insane gunman opens fire for no specific reason.
Nick Champion says he and 50 to 60 survivors were at Borderline Bar and Grill when the gunman opened fire on a student night in Thousand Oaks, California
Meanwhile in Australia~
One dead, two stabbed, man shot in terror attack on Bourke Street
I tell ya it's just a billionaire crime wave out and about all over the globe isn't it? Which BTW does then to make Regina Dugan and facebook look like a perfect match. After all, they go together like Bayer IG Farben goes with Zyklon B, or the Illuminati goes with the Economist and Forbes, or skull and bones goes with American Presidents. Perfectly normal, nothing to be concerned about obviously. Besides what do I need her for when I'm just as capable of plunging an electrode in to my own skull? Speaking of which, I hope she get's her wish at the hands of someone else: Just saying, but hey seriously I can't wait for her BS to be broadcast direct to my skull. Also just realized that the drive by wire control grid implemented in auto's probably has some association with a coming prohibition on driving as advertised by another self selected multi billionaire over lord shooting his mouth off on a Youtube ad. Probably the reason for the suspect towers that have been erected in places like Bloombergs Satanic palace city of New York but hey that's just a wild guess for right now. Nevertheless a good pair of walking shoes might be in order just in case they decide it's time to hit the kill button because, ya know, the pentagram has plans just in case full on rebellion breaks out as Americans are being turned out of their homes by the hundreds of thousands, or haven't you checked Zillow recently? I mean obviously it's the first place I went on election night like every other sensible Washingtonian looking for an evac plan.

Meanwhile in the aftermath of Hurricane Michael, USAF's unaccounted for missing F-22 Raptors, presumably scarfed up for Israel and now claimed to have been destroyed. Jimstone.is - World Class Investigative Truth
Why should you have a gun when World War III is just around the corner anyways?