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The American Ruling Class

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  • Removed because this thread is useless
    Last edited by ilandtan; 06-23-2020, 08:26 PM.


    • Removed because this thread is useless
      Last edited by ilandtan; 06-23-2020, 09:16 PM.


      • Originally posted by ilandtan View Post
        I tried to watch the video... really, but my attention span is limited as the orator does not have boobs.

        Maybe "Natural Selection" is an abstract concept that includes hybridization? The idea and end result are similar.
        Indubitably you're right about that in the same way that the progression of ideas, from natural selection, to evolution, to darwinism, and now on to hybridization are a natural course followed by the human mind. Not all that appears a conspiracy is entirely such, but that is not to be entirely dismissed either.

        *Revised this paragraph
        See, it's not that Darwin sat down with a clan of rich goons, though he did do that, and together they purposefully constructed a generational plan, but they did talk and ideas which later formed in to supposed theories were created to justify their own positions in life. Natural selection is an kind of hijacking of God granted divine rights claimed by the church. It does away with God and places divine rights in the hands of capitalists, and these capitalists wanted to assure their progeny of the divine right to rule they were now laying claim to, so the darwinian version of evolution is also racist in the extreme; it's a closed club you cannot ever become part of. Darwin did come from wealth, had little to be bothered with while children worked to death in coal mines. Much of this is covered by Gatto for those interested.

        The real conspiracies which are true and real begin with the organization of education. Again it's Gatto who best explains this, but in our time, in the time of Shoshana Zuboff's Surveillance Capitalism, here now we do live in an epoch where there is absolute conspiracy because without it you can't be filthy rich. Great interview here in the Frankfurter Allegmeine with Zuboff if you have chrome translate or can read German.

        I know this is all true by way of first hand experience but then telling you about that is like someone telling you about seeing a UFO. Worse it's really like telling you a story about visiting an alien world: You're just not going to believe me so there's no point.

        Originally posted by ilandtan View Post
        I do disagree about the legacy of elites. The only time I see bridged concepts of a contiguous rule are through conspiracy theorists. I know you have children Gambier, you can't force them to do anything. They often choose the path of least resistance.
        Well you shouldn't see everything as directly linked, but don't ignore the nature of the beast either. Here we have a film of WWII Japanese School Children preforming war games as part of their education. Now, is it any wonder that Japan kicked the living crap out of everyone what with this kind of indoctrination? So ya know things don't just happen because it takes planning and team work to achieve results. Saying that history is accidental is like saying a football game is a haphazard affair. We have coaches for a reason right? We have the Pentagong for a reason, we have the CIA, the FBI, ect and they all plan and practice. We also have NGO's (non-governmental organizations) and really here's where you get down in the trenches with the conspiracies. Who plotted 9/11 for example and so on.

        Originally posted by ilandtan View Post
        You do have interesting points but let me summarize:
        • Hybrid Breeding Designed By Elite - Not likely - but if someone wants to spend their life trying to make that work - I can't do anything to stop them
        • People only have to perceive they are "Free" - whether we are or not, is a debate - Again no tactical recourse - and strategically we can put safeguards in place, but people smell food, and eat.
        • Alexy device is bad example cause... it's held up with a string IMHO
        • There are bad people out there... ones that are: just a beer short of a six pack, only rowing the boat with one oar, coo coo for cocoa puffs with an extra coo coo cachoob - you can't separate people like oil and water. Or you make fascist decisions that make us worse than them.

        Summary: I can't do much about it, but I don't want to spend my life fearing a PERSPECTIVE
        I didn't make myself clear enough. Think of the theory of evolution as a step towards another theory which is hybridization but understanding that these are ideas which are planted/marketed to the masses, and which do over time become the accepted norm. Whether this is a conspiracy I cannot say, but each move has lead to the next move and these are all self supporting, meaning that it's like making moves on a chess board with each move carefully thought out and planned. So the idea is that first evolution was an idea used to weaken the power of the church, and which supports the idea that nature chooses who rules (Divine Rights), and now we have, with the death of religion on-going, the need to create a new God which has to have a natural right to rule or they won't be accepted, and these New Self Proclaimed Gods (See above photo's) will claim their right to rule on the basis of genetics. So the Eugenics of Darwinism is sustained as a devine right to rule by natural selection via a hybridization with a superior alien bloodline, and of course not to be lost in all this is the key idea that we are all too stupid to understand even something as simple as antigravity, which obviously the aliens do, and so again you see there is going to be a bolstering on a false claim on a divine right to rule, and which will involve a claim of an ancient blood link to alien over-lords. I think in time you will see what I scribble come to pass as a claims are put forward about who has a right to watch over you and to rule over you. I hope this helps clarify what I'm trying to pass along.

        The Alexey, if it's held by a string/fishing line, well this is something I just cannot see, and I am honestly looking and not just being an A-hole about the whole thing. Also, do not forget the suddenly vanishing informational web sites about this machine. I mean come on...seriously? I think our short term memory about the things that have gone on around these video's goes far beyond some scammer hiding out in the remote forests of Siberia.
        Last edited by Gambeir; 01-30-2019, 05:18 AM.
        "The past is now part of my future, the present is well out of hand." Joy Divison "Heart and Soul LP."


        • Originally posted by aljhoa View Post
          Meet 16-year-old climate activist Greta Thunberg
          "Some people say that the climate crisis is something that we will have created,
          but that is not true, because if everyone is guilty then no one is to blame.
          And someone is to blame," Thunberg said flatly. "Some people,
          some companies, some decision-makers in particular,
          have known exactly what priceless values they have been sacrificing
          to continue making unimaginable amounts of money.
          And I think many of you here today belong to that group of people."
          Thanks, however the whole idea that people are causing climate change is patently absurd, and the fact that anyone is subscribing to that lie proves that advertising works. I mean we are talking about buying in to the idea that if we tax ourselves it will change the weather. So now taxation is a way to change the weather? Seriously you cannot get any more mind controlled than to believe such an absurdity, and what did Voltaire say about those who believe in absurdities?

          "If you can get people to believe in absurdities you can get them to commit atrocities."

          Climate change is a natural event repeated over and over through time because, hello, we are living on a mud ball speeding through the vast cosmos and interacting with it. I feel like a broken record parroting the same story over and over, but the real truth about climate change is a story they don't want anyone to know about.

          Almost the entire Earth History is one of being locked in ice, and not in the alarmists predictions of a baking hell, which nevertheless may take place, but if it does you're sure as hell aren't going to be changing it with taxation.

          The reason I keep telling people that if you don't get this antigravity business figured out you're going to die is because this Global Warming story is based on what is already known about the path of our solar system as it speeds though the vastness of the cosmos.

          What the evidence seems to suggest does say that our solar system is threading it's way between two very large plasma clouds. Those clouds are called fluff clouds in astrophysics, we wouldn't want to alarm anyone ya know, not when we can get idiots to tax themselves to death to pay for space ships and an alternate survival plan. Now of course these things are like 40 to 70 thousand light years away, or maybe it was wide, but in either event these incendiary fluffly clouds of plasma are not an immediate threat, at least so far as I know, which is almost nothing BTW.

          Anyways, there's so much more to all this that what I'm telling you is like a guppy trying to swallow a whale, there's like these micro scratches on the wales ass from me biting on it, but obviously without doing one damn thing, such is the power of advertising that the solution to global warming is now communism and compulsory participation in mass taxation schemes ranging from auto insurance, to carbon credits, to sacrificing individual liberty in the misguided name of public safety: See how all this insanity works out for ya because ya know there's this thing called history which is pretty good at forecasting eventual outcomes. None of these plots are new, only the names have been changed, the plot and twist are all well known along with the price and final outcome.

          So there probably is a real reason behind the whole climate change story but it's also very hard to tell where truth lies. Even as early as the 1950's Edward Teller and his select few were talking about how to modify the weather with geoengineering techniques involving global wide spraying of particulate matter such as aluminum. Why is this? We really don't know but there was of course a reason this was being discussed long before most people whom are alive were even born. Some of these discussions seem to have to do with how to deal with thermonuclear warfare but put it in perspective of a global wide spray program begun in 1996 and you cannot help but see there is more to this.
          Last edited by Gambeir; 01-30-2019, 05:05 AM.
          "The past is now part of my future, the present is well out of hand." Joy Divison "Heart and Soul LP."


          • Removed because this thread is useless
            Last edited by ilandtan; 06-23-2020, 08:26 PM.


            • All that glitters

              is not all gold. Good, better, best? Never let it rest until your "good" is "better" and the better is the best!
              There is a reason why science has been successful and technology is widespread. Don't be afraid to do the math and apply the laws of physics.


              • Support your local sheriff

                Great article on the power of the sheriff and gun laws.

                Thanks to a December 5 ruling by the U.S. Court of Appeals for the 3rd Circuit, New Jersey’s ban on gun magazines that hold more than 10 rounds took effect on December 10. By that date, all owners of heretofore legal “large capacity magazines” (LCMs) were required to surrender them to police, render them inoperable, modify them so they cannot hold more than 10 rounds, or sell them to authorized owners. Those who failed to do so are guilty of a fourth-degree felony, punishable by a maximum fine of $10,000 and up to 18 months in prison.

                How many of New Jersey’s 1 million or so gun owners have complied with the ban by turning LCMs in to law enforcement agencies? Approximately zero… (source)


                • Ozzie Knezovich

                  Originally posted by Danny B View Post
                  Great article on the power of the sheriff and gun laws.

                  How many of New Jersey’s 1 million or so gun owners have complied with the ban by turning LCMs in to law enforcement agencies? Approximately zero… (source)
                  This is Ozzie Knezovich, my local Spokane County Sheriff - he's a good man and he gets votes from both sides.

                  Some of his thoughts on guns:


                  The recent Washington state initiative that passed is blatantly unconstitutional and I'm looking forward to it going to the Supreme Court.
                  Aaron Murakami

                  Books & Videos
                  RPX & MWO


                  • Originally posted by ilandtan View Post
                    There are pieces of your thoughts that resonate certain perspectives that I hold. However the root of the difference in the question: if this is an architected reality or causality. There will always be rich and there will always be poor. Some will eat, and others starve, from the very passage from the birth canal. What opportunities that being has for survival is based on their parents, and so the pedigrees are established by relation. This is why people turn their backs on God, because they have to accept that some are born to suffer, and that may mean themselves.

                    It's a bitter pill.

                    Freedom is the belief that you are not born into a caste system. That mobility is there for the people with the gumption. This is what we teach as the core illusion of our public school system. The same system that requires one math credit to graduate High School in the US. Idiocracy will be the reality.

                    I am aware of this only because I am not a product of primary or secondary public school system. I stayed in the ivy covered U of C Lab School in Chicago from kindergarten to 12th grade.

                    In my school, there was never elitist indoctrination. We studied black slavery and the journey that was the equal rights amendment.

                    People have wicked tendencies, and it is no help to humanity to source conspiracy. We make reaction impossible if we see no real goals. We must admit we all have the capability for darkness. Situations can push people over the edge, that are on a even keel, and furthermore people would rather be complacent that commit to suffering for a solution. Man suffers from laziness, and thinking that the Central Bank of New York, is spinning instability because they have a 5000 year history of suppression of the common folk... is just laziness, because it cripples your desire for change.

                    You think Gatto is great, nah... he's just a complainer. Let me show you Abraham Lincoln, and Barack Obama. People like that show you that even though we have wicked tendencies, we can be the ones to provide solutions and see beyond the pedigree of elitism.
                    Now correct me if I'm wrong but what I keep hearing is that you think people have a commonality with evil such as say Stalin, or Ted Bundy, and evidently you've arrived at this notion based on the knowledge that anyone can be driven to commit evil, and that we all have our demons and devils, and so what I keep hearing is that you believe that somehow there is no difference between people. This is what I keep hearing.

                    The other thing you keep repeating is this idea that there are no conspiracies as a rule, which I'm sure fills the heart of the bilderbergs with joy, but this is what you seem to keep going back to with a debunker like mentality on the whole.

                    This evident adversion you seem have about connecting material together is a kind of self serving Lobotomy, one where by doing this you then don't have to deal with the reality of what the connected material is telling you. Now how are you going to know what to react to or about if you are clueless, or is that the whole idea because knowing means having to deal with the reality, whereas if you claim the knowledge is just quote "another conspiracy theory," then you can ignore it and pretend it's not real. Do you see how this is self defeating?

                    Now, if you are going to bring a political figure in to the discussion then let's keep it someone who's been dead for 150 years, and not a living one. Doing otherwise is just asking to take us to the garbage dump. We don't need that. Let's use Lincoln if we must use a politico. Lincoln is an interesting person who probably made some really bad decisions, took the nation in to a civil war that probably didn't need to happen, but he also said some very interesting things having to do with conspiracy, but then so did George Washington.
                    Last edited by Gambeir; 01-31-2019, 11:12 AM.
                    "The past is now part of my future, the present is well out of hand." Joy Divison "Heart and Soul LP."


                    • Originally posted by Aaron View Post
                      This is Ozzie Knezovich, my local Spokane County Sheriff - he's a good man and he gets votes from both sides.

                      Some of his thoughts on guns:


                      The recent Washington state initiative that passed is blatantly unconstitutional and I'm looking forward to it going to the Supreme Court.
                      As shown by the giant F-U handed to the criminals in NJ, the consequences of these treasons is the continued erosion of lawful authority. Meaning that with each act of treason the people are themselves denying there is a lawful authority behind the laws. In other words, these and other criminal pieces of legislation are actually destroying the entire political system. We see that the traitors seem to come out of no where and from both sides. They are constantly raising taxes without any lawful authority. My car tabs doubled over 3 years on a 30 year old car. Now costing over $100 dollars when in Montana it would cost me $10 dollars on a car over 10 years old. So ya know, what's coming is the wholesale rejection of lawful authority where people will just ignore wholesale the entire system. That's going to mean the death of politics, or at leas the death of the political system we do have right now. Which would be a God Send frankly. I just hope the cops get this figure out so they don't get caught in the middle of the billionaire traitors and their corrupted politico's.

                      Just remember, when the dust settles, and it will, then the trials can begin. The penalty for High Treason is still death ya know. We have to put together another political arm with real people who care about our nation because obviously these people don't, and we already know it's the billionaires that are funding the politico's who keep introducing the legislation to disarm the people, mostly though fake NGO's. All these people are like crazy in my view. I hope they find themselves before a brick wall being offered a blindfold, but really I think that what will happen will be unexpected, but for certain these laws won't be respected and they cannot be enforced without going in to complete revolution so that's not happening. I just hope we see reason before we see wholesale bloodshed over this.
                      Last edited by Gambeir; 01-31-2019, 11:09 AM.
                      "The past is now part of my future, the present is well out of hand." Joy Divison "Heart and Soul LP."


                      • Removed because this thread is useless
                        Last edited by ilandtan; 06-23-2020, 09:16 PM.


                        • Originally posted by Aaron View Post
                          This is Ozzie Knezovich, my local Spokane County Sheriff - he's a good man and he gets votes from both sides.

                          Some of his thoughts on guns:


                          The recent Washington state initiative that passed is blatantly unconstitutional and I'm looking forward to it going to the Supreme Court.
                          BTW, what the Sheriff says about how we as a society have changed fits perfectly with Shoshana Zuboff's secrets of surveillance capitalism and behavior modification, aka Cattle Herding 101.

                          So I have been debating on posting the following but I guess I have a responsibility of sorts. Reason being is that I'm supposed to be somewhat educated in the area of American History. So hopefully some may find this enlightening. Lets begin with understanding that we only have the Federal Constitution because of the Bills of Rights. We don't have the Bills of Rights because we have the Federal Constitution, the Federal Constitution only exists by standing upon the Bills of Rights: Without the Bills of Rights there is no lawful government. Any act to alter or destroy the Supreme Laws is high treason because it means the destruction of the social compact between the people and their government, and High Treason is defined by making war on or giving aid to those who do make war on the government. We the people are the lawful government: Remember that, your kids will thank you for doing so.

                          Before the Federal Constitution was adopted the American States were under the Articles of Confederation. America actually had several Presidents before George Washington.

                          The Federal Constitution is without any safeguards to excess power. There are no restrictions on the authority of the government in the Constitution. All the provisions which prohibit the invasion by unwarranted governmental authority come from the Bills of Rights. Without these you have nothing but the cold steel you hold in your hands. Don't forget it.

                          A bill means law in the vernacular of the epoch in which the Federal Constitution was put forward. The reason they are called Amendments is that the people of the Confederated States of America repeatedly voted down the Federal Constitution. I think New York voted it down 4 times, and almost all the others voted it down at least twice and most three times. So this push by Washington, Jefferson, Adam's, Hamilton, and others to create a strong central government was a failure. They couldn't get the people to vote to adopt the Constitution and the reason is that this document is without any prohibitions on power. Keep in mind that these people had just come out of a war with King George. The last thing they wanted was another dictatorship.

                          The result of all this is that 10 of the 12 Bills of Rights from the Virginia Constitution were added on to the Federal Constitution in an attempt to once more get the people to pass the proposed Federal Constitution in to law. This is why these laws, the Bills of Rights, exist and it is why the Constitution exists. Those laws became the legal foundations upon which the American Government was formed. They specifically state that no part of them may be changed for any reason; like forever.

                          Now we the people can choose whatever government we wish, but there is a legally defined path to do this. We are free to choose Communism or anything else but it must be done by a legal process. That process requires that we choose to create a new government. We cannot modify the existing one by altering the Supreme Laws. That is clearly defined as an act of War on the Government, and since we the people are the lawful authority it is an act of war on the people to attempt to change the Supreme Laws which are the Peoples Supreme Laws. Those laws are the Bills of Rights.

                          What you're seeing right now before you in your own lifetime is an attempt to overthrow the government> it is war making on the people and their supreme laws. It is in reality a back door coup d'état which is taking place. Almost anything can happen when the reality of this is finally dawned upon the people. My advice is to try to be prepared as best you can.

                          All State Constitutions affirm the Supreme Laws of the Land and the 14th Amendment makes the Bills of Rights the supreme laws in all states. The point here is that it is high treason to attempt, by any means, to alter the Bills of Rights. The penalty for doing so is death. To advocate the alteration (aka gun control) is in truth sedition. No matter what the stooges in Olympia say, no matter what anyone else says, there are enough people who do understand that the way this being made to happen is fundamentally illegal and it's clearly defined that it is illegal in my opinion.

                          Many people are foolishly not clear about what they are engaged in doing. Ignorance of the law is no excuse. These laws are the supreme laws of the people. This nation would not exist without them and any alteration of them voids the compact between the people and their government. Understand? The people doing this are making war on our government and on us. If successful it means revolution: Violent revolution, and the people engaged in these underhanded backdoor acts know what they are doing is the highest crime that can be done. These are educated people. They know what they are doing.

                          Finally, if one is so foolish as to think that gun control is a legal act, and if that comes to pass as a pretended legal act which is accepted, then the next laws will be whatever else the billionaires direct their stooge agents in Olympia Washington to put forward. Which is probably going to be to outlaw your car, then create public work requirements, and so and so forth. Think Carefully. The Bills of Rights are the Holy Documents of Freedom and unquestionably the single most important legal documents ever written for individual rights and liberty.
                          Last edited by Gambeir; 02-03-2019, 06:11 PM.
                          "The past is now part of my future, the present is well out of hand." Joy Divison "Heart and Soul LP."


                          • Removed because this thread is useless
                            Last edited by ilandtan; 06-23-2020, 09:17 PM.


                            • An excellent article on maintaining the power structure



                              • Originally posted by ilandtan View Post
                                I appreciate the background and agree with your conclusion. Well said, and eloquently so. A+

                                Even though many houses shall burn by fires created by the careless, we don't outlaw the rights of individuals to create a fire.
                                Thanks, I'm calling from memory so I can't be as specific as I would like. I wanted to bring two recent stories forward to bolster why we have to stand united.

                                Probably no governmental agency has done more to stab the American people in the back than the FCC.
                                A panel of judges listened as the FCC defended its repeal of net neutrality rules and deregulation of the broadband industry. Arguing that broadband isn't telecommunications.

                                This isn't about telecommunications, it's about censorship and controlling what we the people know. Our so-called mass media is nothing but pure evil and here's a story I doubt you heard which proves it, though one would think this would be national headlines as it rightly deserves to be.

                                Houston, TX — Four Houston police officers were shot on Monday during a drug raid on an alleged heroin dealer’s home.


                                I urge you to read this. It is beyond belief, beyond being forgiven, I cannot even begin to say how deeply disturbing this story really is.

                                Imagine you and your wife are at home, you're old and looking forward to retirement, when suddenly five men burst in the front door with guns in hand and immediately shoot your beloved pet, your wife dives on top of one of the intruders trying to wrestle a shotgun from the murder and before your own eyes is killed by gunfire from the other invaders, you grab the pistol on the dresser and return fire hitting four of them before being killed.

                                This is pretty much what took place. 5 cops, none of them in uniform, not announcing who they were or what they were doing, let alone who should believe them anyways without uniformed officers present. I sure as hell wouldn't, and yet again this was the method by which the Huston Police were executing a search warrant on a supposed drug dealer.

                                They hadn't even bothered to verify the allegation because if they had they would have found it was a false allegation. So now they have murdered two people and their pet and yet again somehow this legal? Legal by whose account? On top of this the Chief of Police defended this thuggery by saying, and I quote; " if you shoot at the police you can expect to be shot at."

                                Take a look at who these people were that these so called police thugs killed. I cannot even believe this is real, let alone the way this was excecuted, and then expect that anyone wouldn't have reacted exactly the same way given the chance. Ya know, if this were like 1880 and the police had done this the people would hang the lot of them or else shoot them down on sight.
                                That this kind of thing is going on anywhere in this nation is beyond being forgiven. There is no possible excuse for what took place.

                                Yet again I'm perfectly safe and have no right to a gun that holds more than one bullet, or possibly none at all. Are you kidding me?
                                Last edited by Gambeir; 02-03-2019, 06:57 PM.
                                "The past is now part of my future, the present is well out of hand." Joy Divison "Heart and Soul LP."

