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The American Ruling Class

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  • Originally posted by vidbid
    A Foolish Nation
    Witness #1: But he (Jesus) answered and said I am not sent but unto the lost sheep of the house of Israel (Matthew 15:24)

    Witness #2: These twelve Jesus sent forth and commanded them saying Go not into the way of the Gentiles and into any city of the Samaritans enter ye not (Matthew 10:5)

    This is the third time I am coming to you In the mouth of two or three witnesses shall every word be established (2 Corinthians 13:1)

    They (Israel) have moved me to jealousy with that which is not God they have provoked me to anger with their vanities and I will move them to jealousy with those which are not a people I will provoke them to anger with a foolish nation (Deuteronomy 32:2)

    I say then — Have they (Israel) stumbled that they should fall God forbid — but rather through their fall salvation is come unto the Gentiles for to provoke them to jealousy (Romans 11:11)

    Message to the Gentiles:
    Originally Posted by Romans 11:18-21 King James Version (KJV)

    18 Boast not against the branches. But if thou boast, thou bearest not the root, but the root thee.
    19 Thou wilt say then, The branches were broken off, that I might be grafted in.
    20 Well; because of unbelief they were broken off, and thou standest by faith. Be not highminded, but fear:
    21 For if God spared not the natural branches, take heed lest he also spare not thee.

    I might add that the natural branches are not those people spoken of in the following scriptures:

    Originally Posted by "Revelation 3:9 King James Version (KJV)"

    9 Behold, I will make them of the synagogue of Satan, which say they are Jews, and are not, but do lie; behold, I will make them to come and worship before thy feet, and to know that I have loved thee.

    Last edited by aljhoa; 02-16-2019, 04:27 PM. Reason: 873,100


    • Woe unto them that call evil good and good evil

      That is a Bible verse of sorts but be that as it may.

      How is it some people think it a good thing to open the borders? How can that be good?

      Others think that the US should send troops here or there and kill and maim. How can that be good?

      Oh, I'm supposed to forget that our leaders "know" what needs to be done to defend life and liberty?

      It can be a bit confusing? No?

      You better figure this out or you will find yourself on the wrong side before a Judge that cannot be corrupted. (That would be the God that lives outside of time and space.)

      To every person there will come a time to be judged and stand with the good or evil side. That is another "Bible verse of sorts". Go figure it out!

      Do your best to do the right thing.
      There is a reason why science has been successful and technology is widespread. Don't be afraid to do the math and apply the laws of physics.


      • The California ruling class


        • Yea, well dang these independent researchers screwing everything up
          The fat fact is ....well find's no different what color you choose.
          Government Involvement in 9/11

          Leftist Goose Stepper
          "Mass death": Greenpeace co-founder calls Ocasio-Cortez "pompous little twit" for Green New Deal

          Rightist Goose Stepper/s
          Elliott Abrams named by Secretary of State Mike Pompeo as the official to handle U.S. policy toward Venezuela.

          Abrams was a key architect behind the Iraq War.

          PNAC members, and signees to its policy documents, include: Dick Cheney, Donald Rumsfeld, Paul Wofowitz, Jeb Bush, Richard Perle, John Bolton, Scooter Libby, Elliot Abrams, Richard Armitage, William Bennet, William Kristol, and Zalmy Khalilzad

          Just search John Bolton as one example.

          Remember we are all in this together. You might scan the above links but you really should read this one entirely.


          Why should you read that story? Well because with friends like these running our nation who needs the Chinese or Russians as enemies?
          Warren Buffett warns of natural or human-made 'megacatastrophe,' and says our losses will be huge *Note; this from the guy who has the presidents private phone number

          "The past is now part of my future, the present is well out of hand." Joy Divison "Heart and Soul LP."


          • Consent and legitimacy

            I found a comment that is very basic and profound. I will copy it in it's entirety.

            Bravo Robert! Awesome.
            Always considered Andrew Codevilla’s “The Ruling Class And The Perils of Revolution” as the preeminent benchmark. It still holds up in many important ways. But your work here is the preeminent essay now. You moved forward in time right to the threshold of whats looking to be the pivotal moment of the last 2000 years. Defined its details and dynamics succinctly and brilliantly. What happens will determine the shape of the western hemisphere for centuries.
            Really appreciate you for defining in wonderfully present, descriptive terms the forces of evil arrayed against Liberty, our 2000 years of Christian Greco/Roman culture manifest in we who are, and how we are going to remain Freemen regardless of, in spite of the statist-quo. Those gems are in there.

            It wont be easy. But it is inevitable our great culture triumphs. I believe we are not so much witnessing the attempts to genocide the middle class, as we are experiencing the last desperate death throws of the sonofa*****es as any kind of political force it has enjoyed right up to now, as it becomes more irrelevant to the dirt people of the west. And I believe this is attributable to something unique in all human activity. Consent. And withdrawal of Consent. The most powerful weapon ever devised.
            Let me put it this way from an outlier perspective: Power is power, no matter its form or who wields power over others. Yet there are only 3 kinds of power. The power to coerce. The power to hurt. And the power to stand up to the first two. #3 is a power unlike the first two. #3 is also a power of legitimacy thru & thru. It immense power, only the dirt people have. Most don’t even know they have this power. It is the power of legitimacy of the individual regards their innate natural born primal rights. Some say they are bestowed from God. I like to believe that, and take great comfort in its belief. Regardless, that power exists. There it is too, as proof, as ideas like writing down sanctions and codifying them in a governing document unlike any before it, most critically the declaration of independence from, secession from, usurpations of those natural rights. against usurpation of power, as we experience right now.
            Put this way. The ruling elites, who are neither thank you very much, or what ever you can call them, they covet. Covet everything. And they are the most envious of humans. The innate hubris of this condition is contained in the two great sins, greed and envy. Has a familiar note to it yet? What do people with power over others want? More Power. More than that they covet a certain thing more than anything. Absolute Power. Us dirt people see this manifest itself in everything from the hateful person at the DMV window, to teachers indoctrinating our children in the most foul perverse obscenities imaginable, with the power to remain free from jurisprudence for their acts of assaulting the minds and spirits of our children. But two examples. What all these tyrants and usurpers fear is threat to their power, they will do anything to protect their rice bowls. And that applies all the way up the usurper food chain.
            So they covet right? Not really big news. We all seen it, experienced. Are fed up with it. Have tolerated it enough where we are getting a craw full and are trying to come to terms with the alternatives necessary to deal effectively, and legitimately with what is facing us. Not an easy task. Thought the ultimate recourses and redress are stark, no bull**** methods, little is left to the imagination but the misery, blood, fecal matter, and stink and tribulation of revolutionary war.
            Here’s what I’m getting at, and I think some how it is other than Prudence and also its lack, the issue of our times. Goes back to greed and envy, coveting. There is the dark side of humanity, and some darker than others, but the darkest of all is a jealousy, those with this envy are consumed by it, and it has another feature, like ****, it rolls down hill, it has a certain hive mind feature to it, the hive knows, it suspects, its leadership is leadership because the hive cues off it. Ultimate power. It is not where you might think this ultimate power. There is totalitarian power, raw naked power, power to hurt, but none are this special power which in the darkest part of the cold foul hearts of the “elites” and their ilk, covet.
            It is the power of legitimacy. They are jealous and covet this power, but by their very nature they are prohibited to the end of all time from obtaining this legitimacy. They can not. They are not legitimate in their actions and activities of ruling over others no matter how petty their usurpation and power to hurt.

            The other element in this legitimacy, is Consent. Consent is unique, but maybe for unconditional love. Consent is something that can only be given. It can not be taken. Even under force and coersion, one has to deiced to Consent, to something another wants them to consent to. The inverse is not true. Withdrawal of Consent is both an act and a default position. There is “tacit consent”, but no matter how you spin that, somewhere the tacit consent, even passive aggressively granted, still required the decision of its owner somewhere along the line.
            But whats really important about Consent, is you can put a pistol to my head, tell me if I refuse my consent, you are gonna blow my brains out. I still have the choice. I still have to make the choice. And nobody but me can, and has the power to make that choice. Either way, I consent or not to your threat of demand, I still get to choose.
            No tell me, is that not power? A power so legitimate, no other power can overpower? Take it up a notch. Lets say for sake of point, 1% of the population of America makes the choice to withdraw their Consent, pick up their rifles, their family and friends make the choice to support each other in all ways, and tell the “elites” to go to hell. We refuse to consent to you any longer. In fact we are going to shoot your sorry arses if you dont back down. And we are not taking no for an answer.
            The power inherent in this act of legitimately refusing to consent to the usurpation of these “elites” power, and those who are their sycophants and useful dupes, is now manifest itself in a power to stick up for itself legitimately, rightfully, in defense.
            And this power because it is absolutely legitimate like no other, what tyrant and usurper would not both fear it existentially, and covet it for themselves simultaneously. It is the tyrant’s dilemma. Besides, what self respecting tyrant or dicktator would not be hideously, consumed with jealousy, envy, and greed, to possess such a power?

            So yeah. The sonsofa*****es they despise us, why they call us “A basket of Deplorable’s”. Why so much contempt for us the dirt people, the middle class. Because any halfwit tyrant knows who their true existential enemy is. Or they would not last long.
            Imagine the innermost fear, the terrifying bowl watering terror, to watch before your eyes 64 million Deplorable’s stand up and say to you Because **** You Thats Why on November 8th 2016.

            Nobody has that power. We are granted such power, legitimacy, because we are legitimate. Because we withdraw our Consent for legitimate reasons of defending our legitimacy in the first place. It is the clause in the contract.

            We are the first people in all of history who had this Zeitgeist, this Paradigm, this sea change in thinking. And acting. Andrew Skousen called it The 5000 Year Leap. It was the greatest and only, successful revolution from tyranny in that history. And the bastard swore they would get us back for defying and beating them. They could not win the first time. They won only a symbolic ferric victory the second time, third if you throw in 1812, and they ain’t going to win #III either.
            They are irrelevant now. We see so every day. Clowns in a stinky clown show. Sure they wield vast resources. Threaten earth shattering vengeance on all who defy them and their illegitimate power. But they are sneaky dirty cunning hateful worms. They have no dignity. They create nothing. They offer us nothing.

            And we owe them nothing.



            • Yep, a great post alright. Everywhere I look, day after day, it's the crooks in the State and Federal Capitols making laws that are designed to enslave, to steal, to harm, to cause hate, to inflame, and ultimately to serve themselves and their masters. It's time to start ignoring this self awarded illegal authority. We are seeing this begin BTW.
              Last edited by Gambeir; 03-11-2019, 02:35 PM.
              "The past is now part of my future, the present is well out of hand." Joy Divison "Heart and Soul LP."


              • The blob state by any other name

                "like the CDOs, have virtually non-existent investor protection, “with over 70 percent lacking any covenants that would allow monitoring of financial condition and early intervention to manage problem borrowers."
                So, the bankers borrow money from the investors in a "covenant light" loan. The banker defaults and the investor gets the shaft.
                Nixon and the deep state.
                "Marini begins by examining the role of the federal government in helping to topple the Nixon administration, a topic that he’s treated before. He argues compellingly that by “the time of Nixon’s reelection in 1972, he posed the greatest danger to the authority of the bureaucracy and the administrative state.”

                "Nixon went after them with undisguised loathing. He stressed in his second inaugural address his intention to “diffuse” political power among various levels of government. His downfall, at least partly caused by his impetuous behavior, signaled to office-holders the danger of messing with powerful foes. Now Trump has broken with that unwritten rule and incurred the wrath of our unelected government and its far-ranging allies in the media, public education, and Hollywood. Anyone who threatens what Marini calls the “new despotism” posed by centralized administration runs the risk of being destroyed by it. "

                Marini is dead on in his analysis of “legislative bureaucratic supremacy.” He is correct when he argues that our main problem at the federal level is not the abandonment of power by Congress. The real problem is that we are being technically “administered” by congressional agencies that run roughshod over our historic liberties. Even more alarming is that there may be no way out of this situation.


                • Originally posted by Gambeir View Post
                  If we can succeed in this propulsion system then maybe we the people can solve all our problems here on Earth by transporting politicians to Mars instead. Naturally I assume there will be others whom might be considered as well. Lawyers for example, possibly criminals though I'm not too sure that wouldn't be unusual and cruel punishment lumping them in with the first two, and possibly some other undesirables may be considered as well, mostly trouble making billionaires, but I think that's about it. That should pretty much clear the trash out. Guess we will have to cross that road when we all get there.

                  by Carlo M. Cipolla

                  The first basic law of human stupidity
                  The second basic law
                  The third (and golden) basic law
                  Frequency distribution
                  The power of stupidity
                  The fourth basic law
                  The fifth basic law

                  Last edited by aljhoa; 03-16-2019, 01:27 PM. Reason: 878,755


                  • Unreported news that actually matters

                    SOTT Earth Changes Summary - February 2019: Extreme Weather, Planetary Upheaval, Meteor Fireballs
                    "The past is now part of my future, the present is well out of hand." Joy Divison "Heart and Soul LP."


                    • Those who you can't criticize.

                      That is a great vid on the earth changes.
                      Here are a few notes on those who aren't acceptable to the ruling class.
                      The Blaze, Jewish Dem asked Reps. Omar and Tlaib to affirm Israel's right to exist.
                      The Blaze, Ilhan Omar is so controversial, Democrats already want to get rid of her
                      The Daily caller, There’s Enough Evidence to Open a Criminal Investigation Into Ocasio-Cortez
                      Sputnik, Ocasio-Cortez Removed from Justice Democrats PAC - Reports


                      • Originally posted by Danny B View Post
                        That is a great vid on the earth changes.
                        Here are a few notes on those who aren't acceptable to the ruling class.
                        The Blaze, Jewish Dem asked Reps. Omar and Tlaib to affirm Israel's right to exist.
                        The Blaze, Ilhan Omar is so controversial, Democrats already want to get rid of her
                        The Daily caller, There’s Enough Evidence to Open a Criminal Investigation Into Ocasio-Cortez
                        Sputnik, Ocasio-Cortez Removed from Justice Democrats PAC - Reports
                        Thanks, they do a compilation every month on Earth Changes.

                        Yea she's a wack job alright. Dr. Joseph Farrell recently said in an interview to look in to her eye's, because those are the eye's of a fanatic, and I quite agree. Nothing is more dangerous than a fanatic.

                        I've been thinking about the Democratic Party and its' march to suicide, and I can say that because I'm a very liberal person, meaning that I'm for the most liberty possible under the law. Which in my book translates to the least government necessary, the fewest laws possible, a requirement for trial by your peers instead of a stamped sentence like factory made defective product; a ready made conviction. Those people who forward more and more laws are your worst enemy.

                        As Cicero said 2,000 years ago; “The more laws, the less justice.”

                        It's probably important to remember the words of Franklin Roosevelt, who said that if anything happens you can count on it being planned to happen that way. The implosion of the Democratic Party is designed. It's being made to happen, and the way it's being made to happen is by the time tested and proven method of controlling the body politic, because these people are largely supported from the grass roots of government and groomed to become a willing tool at higher levels. Now maybe a nut case comes along who is just ripe for the picking and so opportunity presents itself.

                        If you look at what has been taking place politically and juxtapose it against history, which should always be your first guide, then what emerges is a picture of an evolving creeping coup d'état, a putch of the political oppositon, and that's not in the interest of anyone in these here Untied States of America. We need a loyal opposition, if opposition there must be, what we absolutely do not want is completely free hand of a single party system of any kind.

                        We are at the cross roads of an extremely dangerous time in American History. It has been engineered and anyone who doesn't think so is an idiot. The collapse of the Democratic Party, which I think is almost a foregone conclusion, brings us to a dangerous epoch of unrestricted corporatism, and whose dreams of supreme power are behind the source of the corruption. You can verify the invasion of quasi-military teams being placed inside of the military system today: The information is out there. It's fairly clear in my opinion that the government is virtually a de-facto extension proxy tool right now. There is no way that the laws passed already will be repealed. They are being established now for use later. Everything that is done is a designed trap. That's the basic bottom line.

                        Now the thing to keep in mind that Roosevelt warned us about was this planning business, and everything this corporate cabal does is planned to maximize their grip on power, and in this we have these mass shootings and the crazed lunatic leftists working for this cabal, knowingly or not, whom are actively working to disarm the population. This is always a requirement for totalitarianism.
                        Last edited by Gambeir; 03-23-2019, 04:35 PM.
                        "The past is now part of my future, the present is well out of hand." Joy Divison "Heart and Soul LP."


                        • it's not all bad news

                          Gambeir, all that you say is true. But, there are other facets that the PTB haven't fully taken in to account. Here are a few headlines.
                          China bans 23m from buying travel tickets as part of 'social credit ...
                          China says 13,000 Xinjiang 'terrorists' arrested since 2014 - AP News

                          I suspect that the PTB will take repression too far. It's more advanced in China. A worldwide lockdown of all dissension would create more problems than it would solve.
                          As far as weapons, 3/21 Rebellion: Second Amendment sanctuary cities, counties, spring up – Organic Prepper
                          Missouri Lawmaker Introduces Bill to Make AR-15 Ownership Mandatory

                          They are trying to disarm us piece by piece. "Congress has the power to make criminal ONLY four types of conduct: treason, counterfeiting, piracies and felonies on the high seas, and offenses against the laws of nations. "
                          "Emergency powers legislation prohibiting government officials from restricting the rights of law-abiding gun owners during declared states of emergency has already been enacted into law this year in Louisiana, Mississippi, Florida, South Carolina, Virginia, Alaska, Idaho, Kentucky, New Hampshire, and Oklahoma. "
                          Devvy Kidd -- Pro Second Amendment Incumbents & Gun Raids
                          So, there is some good news.

                          Another place to read is "Ice age Farmer' and "crop" The shift in the magnetosphere is cutting back on food production. ALL bets are off when people are hungry. The last thing that the State wants do is; face a mob of people who have nothing to lose.


                          • Originally posted by Danny B View Post
                            Gambeir, all that you say is true. But, there are other facets that the PTB haven't fully taken in to account. Here are a few headlines.
                            China bans 23m from buying travel tickets as part of 'social credit ...
                            China says 13,000 Xinjiang 'terrorists' arrested since 2014 - AP News

                            I suspect that the PTB will take repression too far. It's more advanced in China. A worldwide lockdown of all dissension would create more problems than it would solve.
                            As far as weapons, 3/21 Rebellion: Second Amendment sanctuary cities, counties, spring up – Organic Prepper
                            Missouri Lawmaker Introduces Bill to Make AR-15 Ownership Mandatory

                            They are trying to disarm us piece by piece. "Congress has the power to make criminal ONLY four types of conduct: treason, counterfeiting, piracies and felonies on the high seas, and offenses against the laws of nations. "
                            "Emergency powers legislation prohibiting government officials from restricting the rights of law-abiding gun owners during declared states of emergency has already been enacted into law this year in Louisiana, Mississippi, Florida, South Carolina, Virginia, Alaska, Idaho, Kentucky, New Hampshire, and Oklahoma. "
                            Devvy Kidd -- Pro Second Amendment Incumbents & Gun Raids
                            So, there is some good news.

                            Another place to read is "Ice age Farmer' and "crop" The shift in the magnetosphere is cutting back on food production. ALL bets are off when people are hungry. The last thing that the State wants do is; face a mob of people who have nothing to lose.
                            Thanks, I only think I know everything until reality breaks the delusional hold that consciousness keeps over the mind, so thanks for the first aid.
                            Yes, you're focused: Food production. 300K cattle killed in Australia & As many as a million calves lost in Nebraska.

                            I quite agree with you. The real issue, the driving force behind these false flags, is climate change. The question is what's causing it because it sure as heck isn't what the propagandists are saying. Our problem is what is the truth? Knowing the truth would tell us how much time we have and what to focus on. What I'm talking about here really is about the changing earth and the liars, criminals, and pedophiles that we have holding reigns of power; controlling the banks, controlling the military, controlling the educational machines, running the broadcasting channels, ect.

                            Youth Strike For Globalist Propaganda

                            The globalist propagandist machine, largely including the so-called education system, aka mind control brain washing centers, have and are successfully producing a dangerous new breed. As adults it's important to see this threat unless you would rather enjoy living through a Red Revolution Eco Style while being in your retirement years, and who knows but that with those kinds of fanatics you yourself might be deemed an un-necessary methane producer which needs to be excised. Youth seeks idealism, always has and always will, and TPB know that.

                            Whatever is causing Climate Change is debatable in that it is being caused by one of two things, either it's being caused by secret technology as part of a global extortion and population culling plan, or such an agenda is compounding natural cosmic forces brought about by energies coming from space, because it has to be one or both, but Earth Changes are simply not the product of human occupation.

                            Ultimately, no matter what, you will be on your own should a major global disaster happen, and no less than the Oracle of Omaha big mouth Warren Buffet just recently suggested such an event may be close by. In addition, take heed of the Steam Locomotive Restorations now undertaken. These are not the deeds of crazed railroad buffs but rather being executed with the full support of the rail roads.

                            Of Flash Frozen Mammoths and Cosmic Catastrophes

                            Volcanic eruptions, rising CO2, boiling oceans, and why man-made global warming is not even wrong

                            Reign of Fire: Meteorites, Wildfires, Planetary Chaos and the Sixth Extinction

                            Is Solar and Cosmic Radiation Playing Havoc With Life on Planet Earth?

                            Chemtrail’s Exposed – The Science, The History and the Propaganda

                            Global warning? Top UK climate scientist and expert on Arctic ice cries foul over colleagues' deaths

                            From 'Hiding the Decline' to 'Burying the Pause': Man-made Global Warming is still a lie

                            Who Are The New World Order – A Brief History
                            "Economist Thomas Pickety demonstrated, in the last 30 years, income growth, in real terms, for the lower half of the planet’s population has been zero while the top 1% have seen their real term incomes increase by 300%."

                            MY POINT

                            I didn't just start the Inquiry in to the ARV thread because I think antigravity and travel to other worlds would be cool. I started it because of all of the above. Remember now, you are not a human being, you are a damn chicken on a farm, here for the express use and delight of others. Stop thinking you have rights. The only time you have rights is when you're holding a loaded firearm in your hands or have ready access to one. I should know, I carried one professionally, and believe me when I say that a firearm is the only tool which assures equal rights. Now more than ever you should be on guard against the liars, their propagandist prostitutes, the fanaticism of well meaning lunatics, and all of whom are aimed at doing two things; first relieving you of your wealth, and, second, thereafter relieving you of Earthly Concerns.
                            Last edited by Gambeir; 03-23-2019, 04:53 PM.
                            "The past is now part of my future, the present is well out of hand." Joy Divison "Heart and Soul LP."


                            • crop reduction-failure

                              I agree with all you have said. ken Wheeler has videos you can watch where he used magnetic arrangements to enhance seed germination and plant growth. Increasing food production on less acreage may become mandatory given that farmers have sprayed roundup on thousands of acres of cropland in the Midwest farm belt. Growing GMO crops that can survive the effects of roundup. how much roundup is the absorbed into these GMO crops? Roundup is a known carcinogen. Also with the adverse weather we have been experiencing, it may require we grow most of our food in a small greenhouse. I only grow heirloom plants and save the seeds for next years planting, or I buy heirloom seeds from a reputable supplier. Electro-culture seems to be the way into the future. Also it is possible to grow clorella algae in an aquarium, for those living in apartments or small spaces. And you can also grow plants in a grow box on a window sill or patio. Lower crop production or crop failure will cause food prices to skyrocket. These simple solution may be the way to offset the rising costs. Good Luck. stealth


                              • Micro nova,,, Urzeit,,Seeds of knowledge

                                Gambeir, I have a couple of links for you. Keep in mind that I started a thread "Suspicious Observers" where Ben Davidson shows very clearly that 100% of our weather is controlled by the sun. Ben just started a new investigation related to he sun doing a periodic micro-nova. Science and ancient history seems to bear him out. The tenuous project for the next event 'fast fried earth" is for 2046 but, very tenuous at this point.
                                As far as the bastions of Marxism, Trump is kicking them in the a$$.
                                Coercion Meets Its Match - Kunstler

                                Stealth, there are a couple of books that you MUST read. The first;
                                "Seed of Knowledge, Stone of Plenty" by John Burke
                                English -
                                While Roundup is definitely a carcinogen, it also kills the protective bacteria in the gut
                                Last that I read; there are 20,000 sq. miles of
                                American farm land that are contaminated with glyophosphate. The soil bacteria are dead and, it is doubtful that it can support normal crops if the seeds could even survive.

