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The American Ruling Class

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  • Pompeo, no surprise

    The American public would like to think that America wears the "white hats".
    The America State system is a tripartite system with checks and balances between their respective powers. It is painfully obvious that there are NO checks and balances on the intelligence agencies. If such a thing existed, they would not have attempted a coup against the president.
    Valerie Plame made it very clear,

    "Certainly the mainstream media routinely takes intelligence officials simply at their word, but Pompeo himself recently admitted the CIA is in the business of lying, cheating, and stealing. "
    Interestingly, a Christian religious news broadcaster was the only media that seemed to pick up on Pompeo's words last week, and described it as follows: "that's not the resume of the Secretary of State... that's the resume of Satan."
    "I was the CIA Director; we lied, we cheated we stole. We had entire training courses."

    I was the CIA director. We lied, we cheated, we stole. It’s — it was like — we had entire training courses. It reminds you of the glory of the American experiment.” — Texas A&M University (April 15, 2019)
    Who celebrates that kind of "glory"?


    • Originally posted by Danny B View Post
      The economic crash is coming. Is war coming too?
      A Program For The Jews
      An Answer To All Anti-semites Program for Humanity

      Hardcover – 1939

      Last edited by aljhoa; 04-22-2019, 03:47 AM. Reason: 885,885


      • The russians did it

        $7500 for that book
        "2. At the outset, we must be clear about the following. By
        following a suicidal program," the Jews aggravated the world
        situation for themselves."
        The jews wanted a homeland where they wouldn't be kicked out. I don't blame them. They complained about persecution and ethnic cleansing.
        The BIG problem started when the fledgling State of israel attracted Russian immigrants. Russia is a hard land with a hard history. The immigrants brought this attitude and outlook with them. They immediately started persecuting and cleansing the Palestinians. They started blowing up markets and bus stations, etc. Their crowning achievement was when Rahm Emanuel's father blew up the British command at the King David Hotel
        One of their many low points when they attacked Der Yassim when the men were away. They stacked up bodies of women and children for photo ops. Their future prime minister participated.
        ALL of this ran counter to what Theodore Herzel (the spiritual godfather of israel) told them that they must do to live in peace. Herzel was right. What does history suggest will happen when a low-birth-rate State is surrounded by several belligerent high-birth-rate States? During operation Cast Lead 1110 pals were killed and 1124 were born in Palestinian hospitals. That is the main reason that the IDF targets children.
        The CIA and MOSSAD constantly wind up the Sunnis against the Shia to destabilize the whole region. The israelis have now walled themselves in. 1 /10 of the population demonstrated against the government and banks in Tel Aviv.
        According to the secret police, most of the country is run by organized crime families.

        I walked around Jerusalem for a week. Everybody hates somebody. The fundamentalist jews hate the modern ones. Most of the jews hate the Pals. There is a vid on youtube of the Jerusalem police coming into a synagogue to beat of jews who were protesting.
        The Russians and the zionists have poisoned the well. Trans -Jordan was originally 7% jewish. They got along OK.

        While the Sunni-Shia divide needs no outside help to bring war and conflict, The provocateurs have been busy for 60 years. They have lots of weapons and, they are battle hardened.
        The big problem with israelis is intransigence.
        General Moshe Dayan: 'Israel must be like a mad dog, too dangerous to bother"
        He for got that mad dogs are put down.


        • Originally posted by Danny B View Post
          The jews wanted a homeland where they wouldn't be kicked out. I don't blame them. They complained about persecution and ethnic cleansing.
          There was much more to the Nazi agenda than anti-communism and antisemitism, and it will take a long time and much scholarship to sort these matters out. This book, like others on the period, keep bringing me back to the present because of the comparable circumstances.
          Hitler's Jewish Soldiers: The Untold Story of Nazi Racial Laws and Men of Jewish Descent in the German Military (Modern War Studies)

          Next, I recommend this book to all those who seek the truth (Kardel's motivating factor for writing it in the first place), and to all others who wonder why World War II has never ended but still 55 years later rages on in the Middle East and elsewhere. And most importantly, why in the process so many millions of us and even more of others have perished and continue to perish. In other words, borrowing from the book's subtitle, why ever since its inception thousands of years ago Israel has been in War with Jews and the rest of Humanity.
          Adolf Hitler - Founder of Israel: Israel in War With Jews

          Last edited by aljhoa; 04-24-2019, 04:20 PM. Reason: 886,205


          • Gutenberg revisited

            Yahoo news tells us that the military has deserted Maduro in favor of Guaido. BUT, the Venezuelan military know that they will be instantly disposed of whenever it is convenient. In previous decades, a coup like this would have a good chance of succeeding. Even the grunts know what happened to other states that had the loyalties of their military split. Wether they like Maduro or not, they know that the Great satan is far worse..
            The net has made precedents painfully clear.

            Guaido's High-Risk Gamble Flops as Maduro Keeps Grip on Military

            Guaido's mentor takes refuge in Chile embassy as 25 military seek asylum in Brazil Embassy

            25 just does not make a coup.
            Pompeo - US Military Invasion In VZ is Possible 'If That's What's Required' - Pompeo

            Bolton - All Options on the Table Regarding VZ

            The P.O.S. warmonger should be right at the front lines.
            Ron Paul - 'Hapless' Guaido Now 'Worth More Dead Than Alive' To US Coup-Creators
            Ahhh, let that be a lesson for the future.
            Guaido calls on supporters to continue Operation Freedom after failed coup attempt
            Operation Freedom. That has a real ring to it,,,, like the Patriot Act
            It's Only a Coup When America Says It Is
            There is just too much info floating around to try to keep this narrative alive.


            • Those who you can't criticize.

              "He cited comments by Israel’s Ambassador to the United Nations Danny Danon, in which the envoy had said “the time for discussion is over. We need to make anti-Semitism a crime.”
              "“[In their idea] anti-Semitism is: Anyone who disagrees with a Jew. That means anyone who disagrees with a Jew can end up going to jail if these people succeed,” he said. ”The State of Florida has already passed a law making anti-Semitism a crime in schools or universities. This is the work of the Israeli lobby in the United States,”"


              • Originally posted by Danny B View Post
                "He cited comments by Israel’s Ambassador to the United Nations Danny Danon, in which the envoy had said “the time for discussion is over. We need to make anti-Semitism a crime.”
                "“[In their idea] anti-Semitism is: Anyone who disagrees with a Jew. That means anyone who disagrees with a Jew can end up going to jail if these people succeed,” he said. ”The State of Florida has already passed a law making anti-Semitism a crime in schools or universities. This is the work of the Israeli lobby in the United States,”"
                All wars are rich men's wars and the war is against the government of the United States. It's a war upon the ideals of liberty and the goal is to destroy liberty and to replace that with a crown. Mass murder and high treason are the bread and butter of the rich. That's what history teaches. Nothing has changed. These are dangerous people. It's not Jew's making the Jewish State in to a monster. It's not Jew's making laws of high treason. It's coming from outside of these tools of politicians as wells as most of the imbeciles whom support them. It's coming from the rich, some of whom happen to be Jewish naturally enough, and some whom naturally are not, but all of whom are dangerous people because their wealth has brought them uncontrolled power. Power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely.

                It is that simple. To recover we need to outlaw lobbyists (law firms), we need to prohibit corporate contribitons to politics, and cap personal contributions. All should be backed by compulsory firing squad on conviction. Treason is rightfully punishable by death and should be demonstrated as such.

                Christ Sakes, enough corruption from these stinking putrid scum. Shoot them justly after they are tried and convicted of high treason is what I say.

                Look, the world is a mess today, just as it's always been, and it's all because of rich people, formerly known as royals and nobility, but all self proclaimed as grander and better and more deserving than any other living being. The nobility (ubber stinking rich) started World War One, they started World War Two, and now they have started World War Three. That war is one which is intended to destroy liberty and to restore themselves to what they believe is their rightful place as the rulers over humanity. Bow down and kiss my Royally rich rear end is about the size of it and they don't care how many of us they have to murder to accomplish that goal.

                Their methods are to confuse and bamboozle the people with tricks they have learned over the course of the last 2,000 plus years. Think!

                Everyday people do not decide to just walk in to a church and start shooting because the people inside are black. Everyday people do not decide to just walk into a gay night club and start shooting. Everyday people do not have the time nor the will to construct bombs to blow up anything except for fun. Not to murder people for some supposed abstract ideological reason. The odds of these events happening in bombardment's are astronomical. This is clearly being done on purpose by an outside force for specific reasons. Has nothing to do with any weaponized group or self identified group or their self centered view of the world.

                Look at the weaponizing that's been going on. Who are the victims and who are the tools. They are interchangeable and anyone can become the other at any time. No one is immune to their manipulations. Any accidental event is maximized for value. I can think of several although I question exactly how accidental those might have been such as the Murder of Mathew Sheppard or the Oklahoma Bombing which has more holes in it than the building did. From individuals to entire buildings, including babys and little kids, no one is immune.

                Anyone can become a victim, a useful tool, no one is immune, but there might be one group that hasn't been weaponized, that's not been victimized or projected as evil, whom parade about like they were royalty, whom indeed are in truth a kind of royalty but they want more than that, they literally want to be crowned as the divine rulers.

                This Terror Matrix began a long time ago, long before many of you were even born, back when the first airliners were hijacked. First by so-called lone gunmen and then later by supposedly Arabic whatever types. Can't miss they too also hated Jew's and America, sometimes France and Germany too, possibly a few others, but rarely included such outpost nation states as say Paraguay. Maybe because it's a little known but popular place for some special people.

                Palestinian's, Gay's, Black's, Immigrants, Jew's, Muslim's, Whites, Gun Owners, Constitutionalist's, have all been targeted or used. That's weaponizing them or making them tools in war. That's what weaponized means. Making them weapons.

                All evidence pin points one single source for all global crime. Only the billionaires have all the tools to make these crimes possible, to popularize them through their own private broadcasting stations (formerly called the public airways), and today we now have reached such levels of insanity that in America we have corporate beings deciding freedom of speech based on the absurd fact that they now also possess special rights granted under the guise of private property. The only question is what are you going to believe about who is doing all this? You think it's accidental that Henry Ford also blamed the Jews? A religious nut job is the easiest tool of all ya know. It's hardly a wonder these mind controlled freaks would be murdering children in the belief that they are God's chosen ones or some other insanity, so I don't think they are smart enough or even evil enough. They do what they do because they are stupid and mind controlled, whereas the people controlling and manipulating them are doing so to hide whose doing everything else, so it's a frame up job and of course the people doing the framing are of course billionaires, and of course it's got nothing to do with titles to lands, or anything else, it's that there's oil involved.

                See, there's never enough for these people, and murdering millions is nothing. Don't ya think that if Jeff Dahamer had instead been Michael Bloomberg the crimes would be different but no less horrific? There will never be an end to their crimes until you stop making it possible for them to continue doing crime; you've all given them the public highways already, made it illegal to drive on them without paying for the privilege, as if Geico, Allstate, Farmers, Liberty, and a few others own them, paid for them, and on top of that you've also given them the police too. Our own cops are now their's at no cost what-so-ever to them and whom act as their revenue agents to extort and loot those who resist this form of corporate thievery. You've allowed the so called elect to loot the public blind with unbridled taxation's as if they were Gods in the State Capitols. Who do you honestly believe is responsible for all this? Jew's or just a pack of psyco's called billionaires?

                What we need is to stop are the paymasters of the stooge politico's because right now all politicians are hired guns of organized crime, who don't care about you, and who don't care about their own country. Worse still, in many places it is now billionaires themselves whom are now running for political offices, one billionaire verse another billionaire, and if you think for one second that is going have a good outcome for you, me, and America then think again.
                Last edited by Gambeir; 05-10-2019, 05:18 PM.
                "The past is now part of my future, the present is well out of hand." Joy Divison "Heart and Soul LP."


                • I got another thing I want to bring out and that's related to the lies and deceptions of the Billionaires hirelings, the mass propagandists liar's of MSM, and that's this lie about the unemployed being the result of technology instead of their thievery!

                  BTW, this methodology was mastered by the Communists first, learned by the Nazi's second, and it's the use of bureaucracy to enslave, loot, imprison, and murder. Oh and yea, to then lie about the reason for it all. Back then it was supposedly State Propaganda while today it's simply main stream media, or the BBS, billionaires broadcasting stations.

                  The lie is that technology is creating unemployment. We now have over 110 million Americans alone without jobs. It's not the technology which is responsible. It's the taxations, along with the other restrictive invasions on the public rights such as the theft of public lands and highways, and it's been accomplished through a bribe for votes scheme used to corrupt the legislative and legal process, along with bombardment of mind controlling propaganda that whatever they are selling is a good thing, a necessary thing, the right thing, the fair thing. Look you idiots, and I'm including myself with you, the thing here is that there's only so much money any one poor person has. It can only go to so many places. If you put a 10 dollar tax on cigs, like they have already done in many states, then just how many jobs do you think that tax is actually costing? If car tabs have quadrupled as they have in the State of Washington then how many new car's and related jobs do you think that's costing? If you have highways clogged with cars because the highway department is now being directed to cut off alternate avenues, which they are doing, and have been doing for the last decade, then how many more lost jobs does that account for?

                  See we are no longer talking about a government and it's agencies trying to make our lives better and easier, rather we are talking about one which is taking orders and directions from an organized crime ring, and that's why you're seeing this insanity and these carefully crafted explanations why this or that is happening. The reality is that if we had the same liberties we once had, free of the thievery designed goals of these special interest business organizations (crime inc) then there would probably be a labor shortage, and certainly you would have a lot more money to spend on other things, all of which translates in to employment.

                  The problem isn't the technology. Technology has always been adapted to. This isn't new. What is new is the unrestricted power of the state to loot citizens and to prohibit free enterprise with regulations and restrictions. We are now moving even beyond this to include the ability to censor out criticism and alternative solutions; to cut out any discussion that cannot be directed.

                  Drones shut down airports huh? Yet amazingly Google just got approved for, you guessed it, drone deliveries. Can hardly wait for that noise to start flying directly over the house. Yet again a kid with model plane has to pay a tax and notify the FAA and airport? You people out there reading this better wake up or your days are numbered as free people.

                  These so-called special interest groups (Read Billionaire Networks) have used the legislative power of the State to prohibit competition and to drive people from jobs knowing that the technology they own can control and replace these people. An early example of this can be found in the trucking transportation industry. In trucking they created a huge bureaucracy to drive people from the industry and they did that in order to "now claim" there is a shortage of truck drivers, but luckily there is a robotic solution so no problem. Well of course there was and is still is a truck driver shortage, every criminal enterprise out there tried to cash in on that one; you have any idea how much money these idiots now want to "professionally train and certify you" and this is before you even have a job; So it's not because of the technology that there's a shortage of drivers, it's because they used the legislative power along with highly publicised accidents to pass laws that made the industry undesirable, but it's not because there aren't willing drivers, it's the legislation, the taxes, the fact that you may have one employer, but there are five other agencies that can get you fired and unemployed forever in that field: Blacklisted by covert methods. You know how many people left trucking because of this? Then we had the overthrow of taxi's with what seemed like free enterprise, but now suddenly it's going to be robotic cars, and ya know what's coming later? Look to truckers for the answers because if you all don't wake up out there in La~la land you're going to be without a vehicle and paying them to take their robotic taxi to work. You think you have control, you think that it's a good thing to make mandatory insurance the law, well think again because when these criminals are good and ready they will make all those camera's out there identify all people who aren't paying them and direct their now owned revenue agents to you and your car, which they will steal, and so ultimately it will be only the richest of the rich that freely motor off down the formerly public highways.

                  Happy now?

                  If the economy collapses it will be because the rich engineered it, and so that they can loot the old of their rightly won retirements, steal more land, kill more people, probably with starvation, and then the reason it will happen is because of the lies these people spin and sell across their networks, which we are all still buying by enlarge, and all the while they plot to plant a dagger in your backside.

                  This is of course only scratching at the plot for it goes much deeper to looting the now compulsory 401K's which so many have been forced in to participating in. The engineered collapse of their own insurance industries and even corporations themselves.

                  If for example, just as a piece of fiction mind you, say that you had stolen all the money from say Boeing and directed it elsewhere (read off world) but had to have a valid excuse for the collapse of an entire industry that the world depends on, which will of course might then be exploited as a hand out rescue plane, I mean plan (See GM/Chrysler on that one) which is also necessary and required mind you, because what else are you going to do right? No plane's means no Grandma's house for thanksgiving, like you've a reason for giving thanks, and so what happens to make this disaster economics possible? Oh ya know, fly by wire is all the rage these days, but oh crap I forgot about the software? Seriously this is the excuse they are offering, and so why then would we suddenly have an entire group of traitors running about trying to disarm the American People with treasonous laws, all the while terrorizing the population with both staged and real mass murders? There couldn't possibly any connection right? Well if you think that then please do not attempt to become a detective, because the last thing we need are more gullible idiots along with ones that want to bury their heads in a bucket and pretend that these are not real and not related events.

                  Technology has always been at the forefront of weapon making and supposedly also in capitalism, the only thing is we left capitalism and free enterprise behind long ago. Just you try to start a law mower manufacturing facility and see how that goes, or if you're really naive try automobiles instead, possibly drones, or for the truly mind controlled go in to robotic car manufacturing. Technology should be creating employment and opportunity not the opposite, now doesn't it strike you as a bit odd that my former room mate Ted here thought the way forward was to go backwards? they have high technology and you have, oh yea, a shovel and pick. Sounds wonderful huh? Now how accidental do you think Ted really was?

                  Last edited by Gambeir; 05-10-2019, 02:51 AM.
                  "The past is now part of my future, the present is well out of hand." Joy Divison "Heart and Soul LP."


                  • Originally posted by Gambeir View Post
                    All wars are rich men's wars and the war is against the government of the United States. It's a war upon the ideals of liberty and the goal is to destroy liberty and to replace that with a crown. Mass murder and high treason are the bread and butter of the rich. That's what history teaches. Nothing has changed. These are dangerous people. It's not Jew's making the Jewish State in to a monster. It's not Jew's making laws of high treason. It's coming from outside of these tools of politicians as wells as most of the imbeciles whom support them. It's coming from the rich, some of whom happen to be Jewish naturally enough, and some whom naturally are not, but all of whom are dangerous people because their wealth has brought them uncontrolled power. Power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely.

                    It is that simple. To recover we need to outlaw lobbyists (law firms), we need to prohibit corporate contribitons to politics, and cap personal contributions. All should be backed by compulsory firing squad on conviction. Treason is rightfully punishable by death and should be demonstrated as such.

                    Christ Sakes, enough corruption from these stinking putrid scum. Shoot them justly after they are tried and convicted of high treason is what I say.

                    Look, the world is a mess today, just as it's always been, and it's all because of rich people, formerly known as royals and nobility, but all self proclaimed as grander and better and more deserving than any other living being. The nobility (ubber stinking rich) started World War One, they started World War Two, and now they have started World War Three. That war is one which is intended to destroy liberty and to restore themselves to what they believe is their rightful place as the rulers over humanity. Bow down and kiss my Royally rich rear end is about the size of it and they don't care how many of us they have to murder to accomplish that goal.

                    Their methods are to confuse and bamboozle the people with tricks they have learned over the course of the last 2,000 plus years. Think!

                    Everyday people do not decide to just walk in to a church and start shooting because the people inside are black. Everyday people do not decide to just walk into a gay night club and start shooting. Everyday people do not have the time nor the will to construct bombs to blow up anything except for fun. Not to murder people for some supposed abstract ideological reason. The odds of these events happening in bombardment's are astronomical. This is clearly being done on purpose by an outside force for specific reasons. Has nothing to do with any weaponized group or self identified group or their self centered view of the world.

                    Look at the weaponizing that's been going on. Who are the victims and who are the tools. They are interchangeable and anyone can become the other at any time. No one is immune to their manipulations. Any accidental event is maximized for value. I can think of several although I question exactly how accidental those might have been such as the Murder of Mathew Sheppard or the Oklahoma Bombing which has more holes in it than the building did. From individuals to entire buildings, including babys and little kids, no one is immune.

                    Anyone can become a victim, a useful tool, no one is immune, but there might be one group that hasn't been weaponized, that's not been victimized or projected as evil, whom parade about like they were royalty, whom indeed are in truth a kind of royalty but they want more than that, they literally want to be crowned as the divine rulers.

                    This Terror Matrix began a long time ago, long before many of you were even born, back when the first airliners were hijacked. First by so-called lone gunmen and then later by supposedly Arabic whatever types. Can't miss they too also hated Jew's and America, sometimes France and Germany too, possibly a few others, but rarely included such outpost nation states as say Paraguay. Maybe because it's a little known but popular place for some special people.

                    Palestinian's, Gay's, Black's, Immigrants, Jew's, Muslim's, Whites, Gun Owners, Constitutionalist's, have all been targeted or used. That's weaponizing them or making them tools in war. That's what weaponized means. Making them weapons.

                    All evidence pin points one single source for all global crime. Only the billionaires have all the tools to make these crimes possible, to popularize them through their own private broadcasting stations (formerly called the public airways), and today we now have reached such levels of insanity that in America we have corporate beings deciding freedom of speech based on the absurd fact that they now also possess special rights granted under the guise of private property. The only question is what are you going to believe about who is doing all this? You think it's accidental that Henry Ford also blamed the Jews? A religious nut job is the easiest tool of all ya know. It's hardly a wonder these mind controlled freaks would be murdering children in the belief that they are God's chosen ones or some other insanity, so I don't think they are smart enough or even evil enough. They do what they do because they are stupid and mind controlled, whereas the people controlling and manipulating them are doing so to hide whose doing everything else, so it's a frame up job and of course the people doing the framing are of course billionaires, and of course it's got nothing to do with titles to lands, or anything else, it's that there's oil involved.

                    See, there's never enough for these people, and murdering millions is nothing. Don't ya think that if Jeff Dahamer had instead been Michael Bloomberg the crimes would be different but no less horrific? There will never be an end to their crimes until you stop making it possible for them to continue doing crime; you've all given them the public highways already, made it illegal to drive on them without paying for the privilege, as if Geico, Allstate, Farmers, Liberty, and a few others own them, paid for them, and on top of that you've also given them the police too. Our own cops are now their's at no cost what-so-ever to them and whom act as their revenue agents to extort and loot those who resist this form of corporate thievery. You've allowed the so called elect to loot the public blind with unbridled taxation's as if they were Gods in the State Capitols. Who do you honestly believe is responsible for all this? Jew's or just a pack of psyco's called billionaires?

                    What we need is to stop are the paymasters of the stooge politico's because right now all politicians are hired guns of organized crime, who don't care about you, and who don't care about their own country. Worse still, in many places it is now billionaires themselves whom are now running for political offices, one billionaire verse another billionaire, and if you think for one second that is going have a good outcome for you, me, and America then think again.
                    Careers with highest proportion of psychopaths

                    Media (TV/radio)
                    Police officer
                    Civil servant


                    Last edited by aljhoa; 05-11-2019, 05:26 AM. Reason: 890,188


                    • a new guidebook

                      Pox Americana has a guide to overthrowing governments that it doesn't like.


                      • Originally posted by Danny B View Post
                        Pox Americana has a guide to overthrowing governments that it doesn't like.

                        FULL INTERVIEW: Shulamit Aloni shows how the Zionist lobby does not represent all Jews or Israelis.
                        I would also add that the Zionist American government does not represent all Americans.

                        Last edited by aljhoa; 05-12-2019, 03:59 PM. Reason: 890,458


                        • The life of Ted



                          • It seems, this pile high&deep (PhD) psychopath was not made at sixteen a sociopath.

                            Last edited by aljhoa; 05-13-2019, 03:18 PM. Reason: 890,670


                            • From
                              Danny B;317891

                              Here is a girl that really loves guns and the second amendment. She got 300 death threats on her birthday.

                              Last edited by aljhoa; 06-02-2019, 06:36 PM. Reason: 896,341


                              • Originally posted by aljhoa View Post
                                Danny B;317891

                                Here is a girl that really loves guns and the second amendment. She got 300 death threats on her birthday.

                                I've been avoiding this thread because it makes me rant. I just cannot believe how easily people are manipulated by the accomplice mass media for one thing. Thank God that today we have at least some other means to talk with and at each other. Great video's btw, but what I think we are looking at in these video's is really about where power will reside. Freedom of speech and the weapons that make that free speech possible are prohibitions to the consolidation of power. Evil can only succeed when power is centralized. That's what guns are about; they are about who shall rule.

                                All power ultimately issues forth from the muzzle of a gun barrel. Every government and every would be king knows that. Gun ownership and the right to carry guns means decentralized power. It means power is in the hands of the people.

                                Every person who fails to comprehend this is another victory for the most ancient of enemies, and those enemies are other humans who would be God's, the self appointed wannabe rulers, and you can be absolutely positive that will never ever change. Like a disease the desire to have absolute control is a pathological condition of human nature if left unchecked. We have all our history to prove this absolutely.

                                As an individual, no matter where the forces of evil lead the masses, you yourself cannot allow yourself to ever be deceived, as so many have in this once great nation are right now. Make no mistake, you and I are living in an extremely dangerous time, possibly far more dangerous than any other in all of American History, and I can say that officially since I have the papers to prove it. Lol~ but it's true I assure you, and no matter who you are, or what race or sexual preference, you need to realize the depth of the depravity which is guiding this so called gun control debate and to not be sucked in to hysterical mob mentality.

                                I would urge people whom are on the fence to review history, to read for example James Madison's Secret Notes On The Constitutional Convention. Remember, the American Revolutionary War started when the British Troopers were sent to take away the colonist's weapons. This in a time when no bear's existed in all of England but were probably out an down the street a little ways in Boston.

                                If you think that the people trying to destroy individual rights, to limit your civil rights, give a hoot in hell whether you're murdered in your own bed in a home invasion, or any other crime, then you've lost touch with your sense's. Make no mistake this is not about gun's and your safety from gun owners. It's about a thirst for absolute authority and then by God you will have a true reason to fear just like so many other untold millions have lived with in every other nation on earth throughout nearly all of recorded history.

                                Every supporter of hate speech laws, every supporter of anti-gun legislation, is also a supporter of the very same forms of evil that enabled the mass deaths which are a part of the human experience. The Communist's did not have free speech, nor the Nazi's either and neither of them allowed citizens to own weapons either. History does not just repeat itself, it repeats because we allow it to repeat, so do not be deceived by propaganda or the inflamed passions of mobs. Think and prepare as all things change.

                                Israel has tanks, guns, armies. What do they do?
                                The police have guns, armored cars, helicopters. What do you have?
                                Bill Gates, Michael Bloomberg, Jeff Bezo's, Mark Zukerberg all have bodyguards, servants, armored cars, helicopters, yacht's and palaces.

                                What do you have?

                                See, we have lived through the consolidation of power under religious orders and their wars, we have lived under the consolidated powers of monarchs and nobility, we have even lived under the tyranny of consolidated governments, but now we are faced with the latest form of evil, the consolidation of wealth. This is what is behind the turmoil. You can be absolutely positive of that. Like you or I have the time, let alone resources? Get real, global problems are a result of people who have global capability and that's not johnny jack wad just because he has a gun in his hands. It's because he's been tooled to use it: think about it. Anybody that has become so insane with passion that they are driven to threaten to murder a little girl proves they are a tool. These thing's do not just happen.

                                Underneath, behind the corporate facade, the true face of evil lies where it always has, and that is with individuals. We all know who they are. It's not a mystery where evil springs from because all roads lead straight back to them.
                                Last edited by Gambeir; 06-30-2019, 06:09 AM.
                                "The past is now part of my future, the present is well out of hand." Joy Divison "Heart and Soul LP."

