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The American Ruling Class

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  • Not sure this next post of mine is entirely in line with the previous posts, but to some extent it can be associated with the above since the evident objectives of the breakaway civilization is directly tied to the goal of immortality, and thereby the aforementioned is somewhat related.

    This is the video link to listen to.
    #SAFEHOME: Dorian, ABACO, Epstein, Ghislaine, TerraMar #HARPA
    You Are Free TV
    Published on Sep 5, 2019

    9/5: While Hurricane Dorian hits North Carolina, did DEAD SHOT hit Abaco intentionally as a China submarine Port? Is there a relation to New Atlantis, Epstein & a break-away civ? Meanwhile, HARPA is pushed forward from the Pentagon to normalize digital red flag surveillance.

    In a way the above video is aimed at exposing the lies and to tie the lies to a wider agenda which include aliens and Ufo's because UFO's are simply disguised and officially denied technology which is now, and has been used for a very long time to steal, abduct, rape, and murder under the guise of supposed aliens from space.

    We don't have evidence for aliens. We have evidence for advanced technology. There is a significant difference between covert hidden technology and an enabling lie that is being used for a criminal enterprise.

    The aware observer will have noted how the quote "alien UFO's" enjoy water a whole lot. Secondly, the aware will note that there is signature marker in many missing, abducted later found dead, placed in water or on rocks in or at the the edges of water such as streams or creeks.

    There seems to be a direct link (my opinion) to this technology and the pedophile cult. Even more disquieting are the implied connecting dots to this antigravitational technology and the elites and the evident on-going uses that these machines are being used for in conjunction with other deep hidden worlds. Mostly ones under the sea's based off the available known information.

    A MASSIVE circular structure has been spotted slowly crawling across the Pacific sea floor 3000 feet below the surface. PUBLISHED: 06:07, Sun, Mar 12, 2017

    UFO researcher claims there's an underwater alien base under the Great Lakes

    Numerous unexplained murders, most of which can only be explained with the use of very advance technology, possibly to include tractor beams and cloaking technology.

    "Missing 411: The Hunted": David Paulides discusses bizarre disappearances of hunters. Mon, 26 Aug 2019

    Missing 411: How 1,600 people went missing from public lands without a trace. Mon, 13 Mar 2017

    THOUSANDS Are Vanishing Off The Face Of The Earth | Major Update
    EXCLUSIVE Interview With David Paulides Of The Missing 411

    There is just ton's more on these abductions out there to find.
    "The past is now part of my future, the present is well out of hand." Joy Divison "Heart and Soul LP."


    • Originally posted by Gambeir View Post
      Not sure this next post of mine is entirely in line with the previous posts, but to some extent it can be associated with the above since the evident objectives of the breakaway civilization is directly tied to the goal of immortality, and thereby the aforementioned is somewhat related.

      This is the video link to listen to.
      #SAFEHOME: Dorian, ABACO, Epstein, Ghislaine, TerraMar #HARPA
      You Are Free TV
      Published on Sep 5, 2019
      After being stationary for over 15 hours,
      Hurricane Dorian appears to be moving very slowly again,
      and remains a powerful storm that'll cause problems
      for the southeastern United States for the rest of the workweek.

      Sep 3, 2019 - The eyewall, the most severe part of a hurricane,
      bombarded Grand Bahama Island for a horrifying 40 hours straight.

      Last edited by aljhoa; 09-12-2019, 03:33 PM. Reason: 918,359


      • Humberto


        • Hurricane Dorian spares Jeffrey Epstein’s ‘pedophile island’

          Hurricane Dorian spared Jeffrey Epstein’s pedophile getaway
          in the Caribbean as it swept through the US Virgin Islands
          on its path toward the US mainland.

          Epstein’s retreat, a slice of land in the Virgin Islands,
          was threatened by the worst of the storm on Wednesday

          Last edited by aljhoa; 09-13-2019, 05:05 AM. Reason: 918,424


          • Duterte

            Nobody is as entertaining as Duterte.
            "he officials ask for a bribe, hit them. If you have weapons, you can shoot them, but don’t kill, because during the proceedings you may not receive a pardon,” the outspoken leader said. He added that those who take him up on the offer “will not be sent to prison"


            • Originally posted by aljhoa View Post
              Hurricane Dorian spares Jeffrey Epstein’s ‘pedophile island’

              Hurricane Dorian spared Jeffrey Epstein’s pedophile getaway
              in the Caribbean as it swept through the US Virgin Islands
              on its path toward the US mainland.

              Epstein’s retreat, a slice of land in the Virgin Islands,
              was threatened by the worst of the storm on Wednesday

              I'm looking for people who want to investigate this personally. To succeed you have either look like a K-pop Monsta-X sex god, or alternatively some other highly desirable pedophile bait, preferably Asian, and or be willing to undergo the necessary plastic surgery (at your own expense naturally) in order to be a considered for this position. Here's a documentary of what to expect if plastic surgery is necessary. Upon completion the successful applicant will be passable. We would prefer you look like a 6 year old but with the brain and cunning of a sixty year old, however we realize that's probably asking too much. PM your before and after photo's along with your goals to be considered.

              The interesting thing here is that it's rumored that many of these Korean Star's have had surgery on their eyelids to make them look more caucasian. Above we have the reverse X 100.
              This cow image from Epsteins Island is telling. The cow motif is directly linked to manga anime porn. The reason for the humorous solicitations for wannabe's is that presently there is perhaps no other group of performers whom most accurately represent living manga anime than Korean Pop bands, both male and female, and the cow's markings are connected to anime pornography. So it's not related to cattle abduction in that sense but there is undoubtedly a connection to abduction in the human sense. So now you have a programing in youth culture which is marketing a specific kind of desirable appearance as cool and hip which is global reaching and catered to the evident desires of a certain group; the Epsteinian's one might say. The aware will notice the cow marking motif as more than just artistic and it is something to pay attention to when encountered: You are a cow, your children are their cows, and cattle are for consuming. There have been some suspect curious deaths of very young and attractive Korean Male and Female Pop Stars whom supposedly died by suicide, which of course makes absolutely no sense at all, but these deaths are glossed over with almost standardized explanations. So ya know...I think it's something to be aware of because the infamous "they" are out there.

              15 Korean Celebrities Who Committed Suicide

              Last edited by Gambeir; 09-14-2019, 04:51 AM.
              "The past is now part of my future, the present is well out of hand." Joy Divison "Heart and Soul LP."


              • Originally posted by Danny B View Post
                Nobody is as entertaining as Duterte.
                "he officials ask for a bribe, hit them. If you have weapons, you can shoot them, but don’t kill, because during the proceedings you may not receive a pardon,” the outspoken leader said. He added that those who take him up on the offer “will not be sent to prison"
                Should be an international law by any sense of logic.
                "The past is now part of my future, the present is well out of hand." Joy Divison "Heart and Soul LP."


                • "Divine intervention" stopped a giant "gIro" for 15 hrs to save a "cow"?

                  Last edited by aljhoa; 09-14-2019, 02:09 PM. Reason: 918,600


                  • Originally posted by aljhoa View Post

                    "Divine intervention" stopped a giant "gIro" for 15 hrs to save a "cow"?

                    Amazing huh? Sacred Cows have to be saved.

                    Cattle abducted with their tongues and balls removed and then drained of blood. Holstein Friesian are a breed of cattle that originated in Europe. They
                    are strictly bred and culled in the Netherlands.

                    Frisian, people of western Europe whose name survives in that of the mainland province of Friesland and in that of the Frisian Islands off the coast of the Netherlands but who once occupied a much more extensive area.



                    Whistleblower in an Orwellian twist of justice has to stand trial while the criminals he exposed are still walking free
                    Dutch pedophile exposer to stand trial, high-ranking pedophile still walking free

                    Does Duterte know something we don't?

                    Originally posted by Danny B View Post
                    Nobody is as entertaining as Duterte.
                    "If the officials ask for a bribe, hit them. If you have weapons, you can shoot them, but don’t kill, because during the proceedings you may not receive a pardon,” the outspoken leader said. He added that those who take him up on the offer “will not be sent to prison"
                    ‘Are you a pedophile?’ Philippines’ Duterte fiery question to human rights official?'
                    Last edited by Gambeir; 09-14-2019, 04:54 PM.
                    "The past is now part of my future, the present is well out of hand." Joy Divison "Heart and Soul LP."


                    • Guns In America and Why You Might Need One Soon.

                      Joshua Brown, a key witness in the trial against former Dallas police officer Amber Guyger, found dead; shot in the mouth.

                      This is death squad message stuff right out of the playbook. Oh sure the cops now suddenly say they have three arrest warrants and have this all figured and that there's no connection. Uh huh...yea for sure, right, and I'm a dumb ass cow too stupid to read between the lines. So stupid drunk female cop opens door to wrong apartment and blasts some guy? Reminds me of the two cops playing cops and robbers in an office building that also just happened to have a material witness to the JFK assassination whom also got knocked off accidentally. Then, when everyone else is evidently too frightened to testify against this so called drunken stumble bum, the one guy who does is then found dead with a gun shot to the mouth? However, as immediately after there's a rising call for an inquiry we suddenly have 3 guilty as sin appear, nearly already convicted, with the now deceased explained away as a drug dealer.

                      Right, it's all solved, cut and dried, go back to shoveling big mack's in your face. Now I forget, but how many day's now since Epstein supposedly committed suicide?

                      "A Texas jury has given former police officer Amber Guyger a 10-year murder sentence for fatally shooting Botham Jean in his Dallas apartment."

                      Bloombergs Ghost gives us a completely illogical but official version of reality. No questions asked either. Damn fine investigative journalism if you're a monkey.

                      "In a press conference Tuesday, Assistant Chief Avery Moore said that Thaddeous Charles Green, 22; Michael Diaz Mitchell, 32; and Jacquerious Mitchell, 20, had traveled from Alexandria, Louisiana, to Dallas—a roughly four and a half hour drive—to purchase drugs from Brown, only to end up exchanging gunfire with him, leaving Brown dead and one of the would-be buyers wounded. Police reported that they had searched Brown’s apartment and found 12 pounds of marijuana, 143 grams of THC cartridges, and $4,000 in cash."

                      Amazing how quickly they solved this murder, but ya know, somehow I just don't believe one word of it: Not one word> Joshua Brown's murder was unrelated to testifying against the drunk who only got ten years for shooting someone in their own freaking home because she also happened to be a drunken cop?

                      Yet again she was living next to a drug dealer and didn't even know it huh? Well I suppose being bombed most of the time might explain that, I mean that is if you believe that is what really happened instead of a hit or something; almost like a drug deal gone sour but with the cops, so maybe a really bad idea all round, but ...but... I remain seriously skeptical of this latest official explanation, considering the cross pollination of coke addicts, and can't help but notice it's the Slate and a couple others that are all out front touting the party line with no questions being asked at all! Really fine journalism going on there huh? Probably get the Nobel Prize for Excellence in Journalism. Maybe I'm just naturally suspicious but ya know, don't ya think that this all has a white powdery feel about it, almost like there might be some kind of massive cover up going on where a whole enforcement agency might be corrupt?

                      John Carpenter said Americans don't want to be enlightened. Maybe he's right considering what's passing for reporting these days.

                      The Slates Investigative journalism can't compare to Mae Brussels : Course you can't do real reporting when the authorities are also the killers now can you?

                      Now if this was your kid're brother, you're friend, ...cough...cough...know what I mean, because I'm reading here that this "Drug Dealer" seemed to have a great fear of guns in the first place. Seems to me he just was some ordinary guy who thought he was doing the right thing, unawares that this so called drunken cop story was the best they could come up with in light of what took place, and which probably wasn't supposed to end with Hit Girl heading to Jail for ten years. Probably another game afoot is my take on the whole, but then I can come up with several alternatives to consider, after all it's a little tempting to see all that drug money just sitting there huh, and when you're the only ones who know, who have all the technology, and so it goes that unchecked power always leads to corruption and possibly a whole lot more. It's a slippery slope and that's why the Bills of Rights are our Supreme Laws.

                      Whether this is all an unfortunate series of events, which tries the patience of reason, or whether it's a true case of retaliation by a death squad, and with some unwitting idiots lassoed into playing their parts in exchange for some unknown promises, well that is something you're going to have decide on your own. As I see it there is plenty here to be highly skeptical about and to recall the reason the Bills of Rights exist and shall not be infringed: Least yea end up terrorized instead of assisted by public servants.

                      *BTW I Notice Scrub Tube has already eliminated the video on all the dead Korean K-pop stars.
                      Is it just me who thinks that the most evil people to have ever lived must be in control of every major corporation and news outlet?
                      Christ sake's I swear to God that they must all have horns and tails. What possible reason could exist for having deleted that specific video other than to hide the facts.

                      But Wait..There's More

                      And if you haven't caught G.A.'s latest
                      ‘OK’ hand gesture, ‘Bowlcut’ added to hate symbols database

                      OK, NOW WE KNOW INSANITY RULES – PART I (Buy his book for Christ Sakes: Tell the spouse that you're buying it because his cat has terminal cancer.)

                      How this isn't going to be applied against Celeb's is something which seems to have escaped the social engineering designers
                      Last edited by Gambeir; 10-16-2019, 01:25 PM.
                      "The past is now part of my future, the present is well out of hand." Joy Divison "Heart and Soul LP."


                      • Doomed To Repeat It

                        Our brains shield us from the idea of our own deaths, making us unable to grasp our own mortality,
                        according to a new study.

                        On one level, everybody knows that they are going to die,
                        said study lead author Yair Dor-Ziderman,
                        who was a doctoral student at the Bar Ilan University in Israel
                        at the time of the study. But Dor-Ziderman and his team hypothesized
                        that when it comes to our own deaths, there's something in our brains
                        that simply can't understand "the idea of ending, of nothing,
                        of complete annihilation."

                        Your Brain 'Shields' Itself from the Existential Threat of Death

                        Last edited by aljhoa; 10-26-2019, 02:03 PM. Reason: 925,285


                        • NOT all over with.

                          Take two. My post got zapped.
                          By about age 13, we come to the realization that we face personal death. We relegate this knowledge to a compartment in our brains where; We do not deny death but, we don't let it cause any great effect on our day-to-day actions.
                          Quite often one has nothing to do with the other and this is a perfect example. Jews may not believe in the afterlife—heaven and hell—but Judaism unequivocally does.
                          Growing up I was told that Jews don’t believe in the afterlife. No heaven. No hell. No nothing

                          It doesn't much matter what Judaism believes. It is individual belief AND resulting actions that count.
                          "Yair Dor-Ziderman, who was a doctoral student at the Bar Ilan University in Israel "

                          Our belief in an afterlife is something that influences our daily actions.
                          English teacher Laura Lynne Jackson who can talk to the DEAD
                 › femail › article-3276681 › The-teacher-talk-D...
                          This is a misnomer as explained in her book, "The Light Between Us"
                          She does NOT talk to the dead. They have no ears. She communicates with the dead by way of symbolism done as a mental projection.
                          She is one of 11 people who have been certified to be the real thing. Follow up as you wish.
                          She said that the veil between the living and the departed is VERY tenuous. She said that we are just a spirit that happens to have a body as this particular moment.
                          There are literally thousands of reincarnation stories that defy all logic. Mrs. Jackson works pro bono for the "Forever Family" foundation. She and, her co-workers contact children that have gone to the other side. They do this to bring closure to the grieving parents.
                          The general understanding that I get is very similar to the idea of the "force" as delineated in Star Wars.


                          • Kunstler,,, bloody vengance of the bankers

                            Kunstler writes about the "circular firing squad".

                            Winston Churchill stated that he LOVED the din of war.
                            Adolph Hitler created a banking system that completely sidelined the bankers.
                            " Germany does not want a war but, we will force one on her.
                            WW II could have been avoided but, the bankers wanted it.
                            Hitler's only crime was in trying to take Germany out of the control of the London bankers.""
                            The revenge of the bankers was absolutely BLOODTHIRSTY. More Germans were killed after the surrender than in the war.

                            Mike King talks about the horrific destruction of Germany AFTER the war.

                            Then, there is Japan. London's historic control of the China trade in general and, the opium trade in particular was threatened by Japanese incursions into the far East. Once again, America was dragged into a war to protect the interests of London bankers.
                            Once again, the retribution was horrendous. America fire-bombed Tokyo during a hurricane. 80,000 Japanese died,,, more than at Hiroshima.
                            Last edited by Danny B; 10-26-2019, 08:04 PM. Reason: Mo info


                            • Originally posted by Danny B View Post

                              Our belief in an afterlife is something that influences our daily actions.
                              English teacher Laura Lynne Jackson who can talk to the DEAD
                     › femail › article-3276681 › The-teacher-talk-D...
                              This is a misnomer as explained in her book, "The Light Between Us"
                              She does NOT talk to the dead. They have no ears. She communicates with the dead by way of symbolism done as a mental projection.
                              She is one of 11 people who have been certified to be the real thing. Follow up as you wish.
                              She said that the veil between the living and the departed is VERY tenuous. She said that we are just a spirit that happens to have a body as this particular moment.
                              There are literally thousands of reincarnation stories that defy all logic. Mrs. Jackson works pro bono for the "Forever Family" foundation. She and, her co-workers contact children that have gone to the other side. They do this to bring closure to the grieving parents.
                              The general understanding that I get is very similar to the idea of the "force" as delineated in Star Wars.
                              Monarchs Migration and Overwintering

                              The Migrating Generation

                              During the summer breeding season, monarchs live from 2-5 weeks during which they mate and lay the eggs that become the next generation. The last generation of the year does not become reproductive and is said to be in “reproductive diapause”. These butterflies are the ones that migrate to Mexico where they overwinter. These butterflies become reproductive in February and March as they move north, laying eggs on milkweeds as they progress northward into the United States. Some of these butterflies can live as long as 9 months!

                              The migratory generation has an enormous task ahead of them. Weighing less than a gram, these unique butterflies will fly between 2,000 to 3,000 miles to an overwintering location in Mexico.

                              Monarchs have up to four generations each summer [times four distinct life stages: egg, larva (caterpillar), pupa (chrysalis), and adult], each one traveling a little further north than the last. The last generation of the year migrates south.

                              Last edited by aljhoa; 10-27-2019, 04:27 AM. Reason: 925,386


                              • Which deep state?

                                I've maintained that the deep state is just organized crime with a patina of government approval. I've found an article that makes a different claim.
                                But this is the way the Deep State operates, routinely, on all international issues. It operates by deceit. This is how it achieves the consent of the public, whom it actually rules. This is entirely consistent with the scientific findings about the United States, that it is a dictatorship, not a democracy. All of the evidence is consistent.

                                The Deep State here is the US-and allied Deep State, no merely national organization. It consists mainly of America’s billionaires, plus of the billionaires in US-allied countries such as UK, France, Saudi Arabia, UAE, and Israel — but many more (including, for example, in Honduras, Brazil, etc.). These people number fewer than 2,000 in total, and they do deals together,

