Meanwhile on the home front. reports that the neo-cons are trying to lead Trump in to a war with Iran, which of course means Global War, because why else would people who have sworn to protect and defend the Constitution be committing high treason?
Maybe this gun grab insanity and high treason has more to do with this. The biggest legal case in American History apparently. Examine the named defendents.

And in Idaho on Xmass day....1000 mile long stream of lights captured by home camera, and a bunch of other Ufo/antigravity flying crap with at least one flying out of area 51
Sorry I'm old and senile and don't know how to post video's ripped off from twitter. Someone help the elderly if you think these are worth the trouble.
2000 foot tall ice face in Antarctica...apparently this has something to do with popes and politicians sudden willingness to visit the frozen wastelands of hell.
And lastly this; A bigelow billionaires experiment gone bad? Legal action to follow?
Two men who state they formerly worked on Robert Bigelow's Skinwalker Ranch are expressing concerns they were unwitting research subjects during their employment.
Now I ask you: Would you want concentration camp survivors to be armed if you had been an SS Guard, or how about if you had somehow been caught up in shooting people at music concerts, movie theaters, church's, and blasting their kids at schools. I don't suppose those incidents might have anything to do with all this do you? Probably not huh? I mean it's not like these people are gunmen themselves, oh hell no, they were probably eating pizza while it was all going down because how else can you explain their predicament: Sort of like your choices are either high treason or else?
The empire is on the brink of self destruction. Thanks elected officials: great job idiots. Christ sakes what a bunch of jackasses. I hope you all remember all this BS when there's some Chinese and Russian ICBM's coming in to blow your fricking world to smithereens. You won't be sitting out a war with the Russians and Chinese if the mass murdering war profiteering thugs get a war going on with Iran: I can promise you that. It's been plainly stated that doing so would be a grave error and of course it's our graves this warning is referring to. Quite unlike the other many millions that have paid with their lives so that these same people could make more money off mass murder under the guise of war.
Sickening BS is what it is. Absolutely disgusting all round. A pox on all of them.
Raise your hands if you're opposed to dying by nuclear incineration without your consent.
Stop validating these people as having your blessings to authority is my advice. Look at the tyranny being threatened right now against people in Virginia who have done nothing! Not one thing and yet again this is what is passing for lawful rulership? Who are we kidding? It is now nakedly open that these people will do anything they are not forbidden from doing? Oh wait, that's what the Supreme Law actually does say and yet here we are. What exactly is the difference between this sort of use of military force to loot people of personal property on some pretex as opposed to living under the edicts of a war lord? There's a difference? Really?
Ya know people I'm afraid our time sitting on the couch is coming to an end. If you don't stand by to defend the rights of others than don't expect there will be someone to defend your's when this same self appoint supreme law maker decides you need a pick and shovel to do public works projects. We are out of time I fear. Brace yourselves, I think we shall all be forced to choose sides very soon, one way or the other this is what they intend and there is always a Quisling scumbag the rich and powerful can call upon to make all this happen. reports that the neo-cons are trying to lead Trump in to a war with Iran, which of course means Global War, because why else would people who have sworn to protect and defend the Constitution be committing high treason?
Maybe this gun grab insanity and high treason has more to do with this. The biggest legal case in American History apparently. Examine the named defendents.

And in Idaho on Xmass day....1000 mile long stream of lights captured by home camera, and a bunch of other Ufo/antigravity flying crap with at least one flying out of area 51
Sorry I'm old and senile and don't know how to post video's ripped off from twitter. Someone help the elderly if you think these are worth the trouble.
2000 foot tall ice face in Antarctica...apparently this has something to do with popes and politicians sudden willingness to visit the frozen wastelands of hell.
And lastly this; A bigelow billionaires experiment gone bad? Legal action to follow?
Two men who state they formerly worked on Robert Bigelow's Skinwalker Ranch are expressing concerns they were unwitting research subjects during their employment.
Now I ask you: Would you want concentration camp survivors to be armed if you had been an SS Guard, or how about if you had somehow been caught up in shooting people at music concerts, movie theaters, church's, and blasting their kids at schools. I don't suppose those incidents might have anything to do with all this do you? Probably not huh? I mean it's not like these people are gunmen themselves, oh hell no, they were probably eating pizza while it was all going down because how else can you explain their predicament: Sort of like your choices are either high treason or else?
The empire is on the brink of self destruction. Thanks elected officials: great job idiots. Christ sakes what a bunch of jackasses. I hope you all remember all this BS when there's some Chinese and Russian ICBM's coming in to blow your fricking world to smithereens. You won't be sitting out a war with the Russians and Chinese if the mass murdering war profiteering thugs get a war going on with Iran: I can promise you that. It's been plainly stated that doing so would be a grave error and of course it's our graves this warning is referring to. Quite unlike the other many millions that have paid with their lives so that these same people could make more money off mass murder under the guise of war.
Sickening BS is what it is. Absolutely disgusting all round. A pox on all of them.
Raise your hands if you're opposed to dying by nuclear incineration without your consent.
Stop validating these people as having your blessings to authority is my advice. Look at the tyranny being threatened right now against people in Virginia who have done nothing! Not one thing and yet again this is what is passing for lawful rulership? Who are we kidding? It is now nakedly open that these people will do anything they are not forbidden from doing? Oh wait, that's what the Supreme Law actually does say and yet here we are. What exactly is the difference between this sort of use of military force to loot people of personal property on some pretex as opposed to living under the edicts of a war lord? There's a difference? Really?
Ya know people I'm afraid our time sitting on the couch is coming to an end. If you don't stand by to defend the rights of others than don't expect there will be someone to defend your's when this same self appoint supreme law maker decides you need a pick and shovel to do public works projects. We are out of time I fear. Brace yourselves, I think we shall all be forced to choose sides very soon, one way or the other this is what they intend and there is always a Quisling scumbag the rich and powerful can call upon to make all this happen.