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The American Ruling Class

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  • Radical leftists attempting to scuttle Arizona's new law

    Radical Leftists at are Trying to BLOCK Arizona's Law Against Illegal Immigration!

    ALERT: President Barack Hussein Obama is trying to SUE Arizona to BLOCK their new law that makes it a state crime to violate federal law -- in other words, the law that says it's against the law to be an illegal alien in Arizona.

    Wait a minute -- isn't that already a crime?

    OF COURSE it is -- but now Obama is being joined by the socialist wanna-be's at the radical left-wing to try and STOP this common-sense law!!

    YOU READ THAT RIGHT: is sending millions of emails to their minions, telling them to DEMAND that the U.S. Government BLOCK a law, supported by over 70% of the population of Arizona, which only enforces what is already on the law books!

    According to the Washington Post, "Officials in the Obama administration are urging the extraordinary step of suing Arizona over its new immigration law, and the Justice Department is considering such an action to block the legislation from taking effect." And now, has the GALL to call the new law "an affront to basic American values" -- what values? BREAKING THE LAW is now an American value???
    "Seek wisdom by keeping an open mind to alternative realities, questioning authority, and searching for truth. Only then, when you see or hear something that has 'the ring of truth' to it, will it be as if a veil has been lifted, and suddenly you will begin to hear and see far more clearly than ever before." - Rickoff


    • Reading 10 Pages is Stressful

      YouTube - C-SPAN Ted Poe questions Eric Holder Arizona Immigration Law



      • Mexican President Felipe Calderon's Hypocrisy

        You may have seen, or read about, Felipe Calderon's speech to a joint session of Congress beating up on the Arizona law, and blaming us for all the guns in Mexico. And the Democrats were jumped to their feet and gave him a standing ovation for this! This is unprecedented. We have never before had an ally come to the United States, make a speech before a joint session of Congress, rip our country, rip our states, and have the Democrat Party stand up and applaud. I think even a few Republicans joined them in the Arizona bashing.

        YouTube - Broadcast Yourself.

        All this talk from Obama, Calderon, and the media about Arizona's new law being misguided, and setting the stage for "racial profiling" is ridiculous. In fact, Arizona's law explicitly states that racial profiling may not be used to single out possible illegal immigrant suspects. Furthermore, Arizona's law is really no different than Federal law regarding illegal immigration. The only difference is that the Feds don't enforce the law as they should.

        In a CNN interview conducted by Wolf Blitzer, Calderon's hypocrisy was exposed. He admitted that Mexico's immigration laws require that any person not having proper documentation and permission to be in and/or work in Mexico, must be deported. At 5:54 elapsed time on the video:

        Wolf Blitzer - "If somebody sneaks in [to Mexico] from Nicaragua, or some other country in Central America, through the southern border of Mexico, they wind up in Mexico, they can go get a job, they can work?"

        Felipe Calderon - "No no. If somebody do dat, without permission, we send back them."

        YouTube - Broadcast Yourself.

        Calderon is now claiming that most of the guns used by criminals and terrorists in Mexico are manufactured in the United States, as if to say that the US is responsible for Mexican violence and killings involving guns. Well how does he think that these weapons end up in the hands of these criminals and terrorists? Obviously these weapons are being smuggled back into Mexico by criminal illegals who are now crossing the border in both directions with impunity.

        YouTube - Broadcast Yourself.

        All this talk about open borders, amnesty to illegal immigrants, and banning guns, is just Ruling Class propaganda, and that's precicely why Congress is pushing these agenda themes. They want us to think that all of this would be in our interest, when nothing is farther from the truth. Mexico already has a law banning possession of firearms by their citizens, and look how crime and violence is taking over in their country. The only people who carry guns there now are the criminals, and the officers of the Mexican police state, while the average Jose is now helpless. We must remain vigilant and protect our 2nd Amendment rights, or we will soon see ourselves living under the same tyrannical rule as Mexico.
        Last edited by rickoff; 05-22-2010, 03:59 PM. Reason: sp
        "Seek wisdom by keeping an open mind to alternative realities, questioning authority, and searching for truth. Only then, when you see or hear something that has 'the ring of truth' to it, will it be as if a veil has been lifted, and suddenly you will begin to hear and see far more clearly than ever before." - Rickoff


        • U.S. reverses stance on treaty to regulate arms trade

          Originally posted by rickoff View Post
          You may have seen, or read about, Felipe Calderon's speech to a joint session of Congress beating up on the Arizona law, and blaming us for all the guns in Mexico. And the Democrats were jumped to their feet and gave him a standing ovation for this! This is unprecedented. We have never before had an ally come to the United States, make a speech before a joint session of Congress, rip our country, rip our states, and have the Democrat Party stand up and applaud. I think even a few Republicans joined them in the Arizona bashing.

          YouTube - Broadcast Yourself.

          All this talk from Obama, Calderon, and the media about Arizona's new law being misguided, and setting the stage for "racial profiling" is ridiculous. In fact, Arizona's law explicitly states that racial profiling may not be used to single out possible illegal immigrant suspects. Furthermore, Arizona's law is really no different than Federal law regarding illegal immigration. The only difference is that the Feds don't enforce the law as they should.

          In a CNN interview conducted by Wolf Blitzer, Calderon's hypocrisy was exposed. He admitted that Mexico's immigration laws require that any person not having proper documentation and permission to be in and/or work in Mexico, must be deported.

          YouTube - Broadcast Yourself.

          Calderon is now claiming that most of the guns used by criminals and terrorists in Mexico are manufactured in the United States, as if to say that the US is responsible for Mexican violence and killings involving guns. Well how does he think that these weapons end up in the hands of these criminals and terrorists? Obviously these weapons are being smuggled back into Mexico by criminal illegals who are now crossing the border in both directions with impunity.

          YouTube - Broadcast Yourself.

          All this talk about open borders, amnesty to illegal immigrants, and banning guns, is just Ruling Class propaganda, and that's precicely why Congress is pushing these agenda themes. They want us to think that all of this would be in our interest, when nothing is farther from the truth. Mexico already has a law banning posession of firearms by their citizens, and look how crime and violence is taking over in their country. The only people who carry guns there now are the criminals, and the officers of the Mexican police state, while the average Jose is now helpless. We must remain vigilant and protect our 2nd Amendment rights, or we will soon see ourselves living under the same tyrannical rule as Mexico.
          The decision, announced in a statement released by the U.S. State Department, overturns the position of former President George W. Bush's administration, which had opposed such a treaty on the grounds that national controls were better.

          U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton said the United States would support the talks as long as the negotiating forum, the so-called Conference on the Arms Trade Treaty, "operates under the rules of consensus decision-making."

          "Consensus is needed to ensure the widest possible support for the Treaty and to avoid loopholes in the Treaty that can be exploited by those wishing to export arms irresponsibly," Clinton said in a written statement.

          While praising the Obama administration's decision to overturn the Bush-era policy and to proceed with negotiations to regulate conventional arms sales, some groups criticized the U.S. insistence that decisions on the treaty be unanimous.

          "The shift in position by the world's biggest arms exporter is a major breakthrough in launching formal negotiations at the United Nations in order to prevent irresponsible arms transfers," Amnesty International and Oxfam International said in a joint statement.

          "Governments must resist US demands to give any single state the power to veto the treaty as this could hold the process hostage during the course of negotiations. We call on all governments to reject such a veto clause," said Oxfam International's policy adviser Debbie Hillier.

          The proposed treaty is opposed by conservative U.S. think tanks like the Heritage Foundation, which said last month that it would not restrict the access of "dictators and terrorists" to arms but would be used to reduce the ability of democracies such as Israel to defend their people.

          U.S. reverses stance on treaty to regulate arms trade | Reuters



          • If this weren't true, it would be humorous

            "Seek wisdom by keeping an open mind to alternative realities, questioning authority, and searching for truth. Only then, when you see or hear something that has 'the ring of truth' to it, will it be as if a veil has been lifted, and suddenly you will begin to hear and see far more clearly than ever before." - Rickoff


            • Originally posted by rickoff View Post
              WHY ARE WE BANKRUPT?
              Informative, and mind boggling!

              From Shoshana Feinstein

              You think the war in Iraq is costing us too much? Read this:

              Boy, was I confused. I have been hammered with the propaganda that it is the Iraq war and the war on terror that is bankrupting us. I now find that to be RIDICULOUS.

              I hope the following14 reasons are forwarded over and over again until they are read so many times that the reader gets sick of reading them. I also have included the URL's for verification of all the following facts.

              1. $11 Billion to $22 billion is spent on welfare to illegal aliens each year by state governments.
              14. 'The Dark Side of Illegal Immigration: Nearly One million sex crimes Committed by Illegal Immigrants In The United States .'





              • Is CNN finally waking up?

                YouTube - Broadcast Yourself.
                "Seek wisdom by keeping an open mind to alternative realities, questioning authority, and searching for truth. Only then, when you see or hear something that has 'the ring of truth' to it, will it be as if a veil has been lifted, and suddenly you will begin to hear and see far more clearly than ever before." - Rickoff


                • 17 States Now Filing Versions of Arizona's Immigration Bill SB 1070

                  17 States Now Filing Versions of Arizona's Immigration Bill SB 1070

                  May 21, 2010

                  For National Release

                  CONTACT: Americans for Legal Immigration PAC (ALIPAC)
                  (866) 703-0864
                  Illegal Immigration: Americans Fighting Back

                  One of America's national organizations fighting against illegal immigration is announcing that 17 states are now filing versions of Arizona's SB 1070 law which is designed to help local police enforce America's existing immigration laws.

                  Numerous national and local polls indicated that 60-81% of Americans support local police enforcing immigration laws.

                  "Our national network of activists have been working overtime trying to help the state of Arizona and the brave Arizonans who have passed this bill," said William Gheen, President of Americans for Legal Immigration PAC. "Arizona no longer stands alone and we have now documented state lawmakers filing, or announcing they will file, versions of the Arizona bill in seventeen states! We will not stop until all states are protected from invasion as required by the US Constitution."

                  ALIPAC has documented the following 17 states are following Arizona's lead in response to citizen pressure.


                  Americans for Legal Immigration PAC (ALIPAC) has helped to pass some form of immigration enforcement legislation in over 30 states, while the group has also gained a national reputation for defeating legislation designed to give licenses, in-state tuition, and other taxpayer benefits to illegal aliens in 20 states.

                  ALIPAC's President, William Gheen is a former campaign consultant, Legislative Assistant, state lobbyist, and Assistant Sgt-At-Arms staffer in North Carolina who has turned his local experiences into a political battle plan by driving the national operations of ALIPAC.

                  "The Federal government has been hijacked by special interests that are neglectful of their duties and even hostile towards the rightful citizens of America," said William Gheen. "It is incumbent upon our states to protect American lives, property, jobs, wages, security, and health, when the Executive Branch fails to honor its Constitutional responsibility to do so by enforcing our existing border and immigration laws."

                  Americans for Legal Immigration PAC lobbied state lawmakers and AZ Governor Jan Brewer to pass SB 1070, which strictly prohibits racial profiling while empowering local police officers to enforce immigration laws.

                  ALIPAC's activists have been working for almost four weeks now to encourage state lawmakers across the nation to file versions of SB 1070, to help alleviate boycotts and other political antagonism towards Arizona. Citizen activist are being asked to call, e-mail, visit, and fax their state lawmakers to encourage them to support existing SB 1070 type bills or to file them as soon as possible.

                  For a list of the 17 states joining Arizona's push for this kind of legislation, and to view the associated documentation, please visit our tracking link for updated information at....
                  ALIPAC Forums-viewtopic-Help ALIPAC Collect a list of states taking up AZ's SB 1070
                  Illegal Immigration: Americans Fighting Back
                  Aaron Murakami

                  Books & Videos
                  RPX & MWO


                  • McClintock response to Felipe Calderon

                    At least one Congressman had the backbone to stand up and denounce Felipe Calderon. Tom McClintock, of California, told it like it is. Bravo.

                    How strange that you could only hear perhaps one person applauding after Tom's speech. He should have received a standing ovation by every member of Congress.

                    YouTube - Response to President Calderon
                    "Seek wisdom by keeping an open mind to alternative realities, questioning authority, and searching for truth. Only then, when you see or hear something that has 'the ring of truth' to it, will it be as if a veil has been lifted, and suddenly you will begin to hear and see far more clearly than ever before." - Rickoff


                    • Dr Rand Paul

                      You are probably aware of the several recent primary election results in several states where both Republican and Democrat incumbents in Washington lost to Washington outsiders. In Kentucky, Dr Rand Paul, son of Congessman Ron Paul, easily won the nomination for the Republican party seat. These wins speak volumes for the effect that the Tea Party is having, and the results that we can expect to see in the 2010 elections. Rand Paul is a doctor, not a politician, and we need more people like him going to Washington to boot out incumbents and clean up the mess they have caused. Here is a link to a video in which Dr Rand Paul talks about the Tea Party, the Constitution, the Federal Reserve, the UN, illegal immigration, government bailouts, and Obama Care. Well worth a few minutes of your time to watch this as Rand Paul tells it like it is, and how it should be.

                      YouTube - Broadcast Yourself.
                      "Seek wisdom by keeping an open mind to alternative realities, questioning authority, and searching for truth. Only then, when you see or hear something that has 'the ring of truth' to it, will it be as if a veil has been lifted, and suddenly you will begin to hear and see far more clearly than ever before." - Rickoff


                      • It has been and Always will be


                        Great thread! There is way too much for me to get up to speed. But it looks like you talk a lot about recent history. Perhaps some general overview of distant history?

                        I'm going to provide a few very different source materials. If you are familiar with these already, great! If not, watch/read them and then you probably won't even care about recent history anymore because you'll realize its all a big smokescreen.

                        The biggest and craziest volume of information comes first. File it away and if you really want to bury your head deep, come back to this one. Its very in-depth study of United States and International law under the UCC:
                        Introduction To A New Beginning Is A Practical Course In Miracles
                        I'll summarize the main points:
                        Turns out that the USA isn't under Constitutional law anymore. It ceased years ago (and the people are asleep to it). Also turns out that income tax and many other taxes are totally against the constitution. Furthermore, over 90% of US Citizens don't even qualify for income tax but they pay it thinking they have to. Turns out that every natural-born United States citizen is sold when their birth certificate is signed and they become a corporation with operation rights belonging to the world banks. These certificates are bought and sold like bonds. Its a money game. Your credit rating is actually used to determine the value of these bonds to the superpowers who gamble on them. Turns out that under Universal Commercial Code, you can file a form to take back ownership of your strawman corporation and take back all of the assets that were yours and used without your permission your whole life up to this point. Unfortunately, this is a dangerous step to take because you also end up giving up your U.S. Citizenship in the process and then they can do whatever they want to you. Supposedly it can be done right if you're careful, but there aren't many people who understand it enough to do it.

                        More incredible, there is some evidence which sparks great debate that the United States flag may have come straight from an elite financiers' flag of the old world. The old flag was flown on merchant ships and it contained 13 red and white stripes and a blue rectangle in the corner. Some historians believe that the old bankers set up USA as their primary shop whenever Britain was defeated. So people on USA soil really never did get actual freedom. Instead of serving the King who was serving the Banks, now we serve the President who is serving the Banks.

                        Back in 1000 A.D. the goldsmiths started what they call "fractional reserve banking". They were giving redeemable certificates out to people. The certificates could be traded and also brought to a goldsmith at anytime to redeem for actual gold. But they realized they could start giving out more certificates than they actually had gold for if they manipulated people properly. The practice continues to the day. Today the goldsmiths in the USA refer to themselves as The Federal Reserve. The Federal reserve is a private banking institution and there isn't actually anything in reserve. Its all just made up numbers and we're supposed to pay interest on those numbers. So obviously, all they can do is just give us more loans continuously. This is the cause of inflation. Inflation is NOT a sign of a growing economy like the lieing economists claim.

                        Have you seen "The Secret Behind Secret Societies" by Walter Veith? It is a must watch.
                        The Secret Behind Secret Societies

                        Have you seen Alex Jones EndGame: Blueprint for Global Enslavement? It is a must watch.

                        The folks in the ruling elite usually think highly of themselves because they are also usually esteemed in occult knowledge. They think they hold the key to the secrets of the universe and they are the guardians of life. They are totally fooled. If you get into esoteric and occult knowledge, you start to find out it is smokescreen after smokescreen. The facts never add up. And the reality is that it all comes back to one of the facts of life:
                        Evil is done under the cover of darkness. Good works are done in the sunshine.


                        • Originally posted by pha3z View Post

                          Great thread! There is way too much for me to get up to speed. But it looks like you talk a lot about recent history. Perhaps some general overview of distant history?

                          I'm going to provide a few very different source materials. If you are familiar with these already, great! If not, watch/read them and then you probably won't even care about recent history anymore because you'll realize its all a big smokescreen.
                          Hi pha3z, and welcome to the Ruling Class thread. Everything you say is spot on, and in fact has already been covered and brought to light in this thread. The greedy, corrupt, and morally bankrupt Ruling Class elite have done, and continue to do, everything they can to increase their power and wealth while dismantling the protections that the US Constitution and Bill of Rights originally afforded us. And that's why we need to focus on current events, expose these elitists for what they are, grind their fascist agenda to a halt, and return our form of gevernment to what the Founding Fathers intended. In the past, the People have been asleep and unaware of the Ruling Class agenda. But now the People are waking up in huge numbers and vowing to take back our country. So by all means study the past and learn what the Ruling Class has done to promote their agenda while enslaving us, but realize that we now need to focus on current events, and our near term future, if we are to be successful in restoring freedom, liberty, and justice, and defeating tyranny.

                          "Seek wisdom by keeping an open mind to alternative realities, questioning authority, and searching for truth. Only then, when you see or hear something that has 'the ring of truth' to it, will it be as if a veil has been lifted, and suddenly you will begin to hear and see far more clearly than ever before." - Rickoff


                          • Originally posted by rickoff View Post
                            In Kentucky, Dr Rand Paul, son of Congessman Ron Paul, easily won the nomination for the Republican party seat. These wins speak volumes for the effect that the Tea Party is having, and the results that we can expect to see in the 2010 elections. Rand Paul is a doctor, not a politician, and we need more people like him going to Washington to boot out incumbents and clean up the mess they have caused.
                            YouTube - Broadcast Yourself.
                            I usually agree with you and on this one I have to say that this Rand Paul is worse than it appears at first glance.

                            See this article on him:


                            • Originally posted by rickoff View Post
                              Hi pha3z, ...Everything you say is spot on, and in fact has already been covered and brought to light in this thread. .... but realize that we now need to focus on current events, and our near term future, if we are to be successful in restoring freedom, liberty, and justice, and defeating tyranny.

                              Sweet! All engines full steam ahead!


                              • Reply to Bugler:

                                Originally posted by bugler View Post
                                I usually agree with you and on this one I have to say that this Rand Paul is worse than it appears at first glance.

                                See this article on him:
                                Thanks for usually agreeing, Bugler. And when you disagree, I'm glad that you still have the right to state your disagreement publicly. Could you please specifically state what, if any, are your objections to Rand Paul, rather than just steer me to an article or website that I really don't have time to read through right now? Thanks, and best 2 u,

                                "Seek wisdom by keeping an open mind to alternative realities, questioning authority, and searching for truth. Only then, when you see or hear something that has 'the ring of truth' to it, will it be as if a veil has been lifted, and suddenly you will begin to hear and see far more clearly than ever before." - Rickoff

