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The American Ruling Class

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  • #76
    United we stand

    Hi Rick;

    Thanks, Al, I really appreciate that. Those wishing to view or join the Bible thread discussion may find it here:
    You are more than welcome and thanks for the link. I had about decided to restart the "Bible" thread anyhow, your request nudged me to "get 'er done". Nothing should distract us from the goal of wresting control back from the wealthy elite and their henchmen.

    While there are many different beliefs, etc. represented here, we must not let that or anything else divide us or distract us from that goal.

    You have been most "zealously" (LOL) leading in pursuing that goal and doing a great job. Keep up the great work.



    • #77
      Originally posted by rickoff View Post
      Sorry to hear your PC is still down. Could the schematic diagram that you refer to be the one supplied by bussi04 as Gas Processor and Photon Driver Circuit found at this link?:

      Or might it be the diagram posted by sebosfato, titled Control System and Resonant Tank Implementation Circuit which is found here?:
      The one Bussi04 helped finish for me I wouldn't pay much attention to the Sebofasto one as I have no idea what he is doing and I had to put him on the ignor list for trying to hijack my thread several times. I had HMS776 make some corrections to the circuit and I added figure 4 to the circuit so I could raise and lower the voltage from inputs from the cars systems for overall control of the engine. Bussi04 completed figure 4 and now I am ready for engine trails as soon as I get the injectors modified. For me it will take two of those circuits to run my project car as I am designing it. The one thing I found is circuit of Meyers that are really needed are figures 4 & 5 and they can go to any frequncy generator with a pll circuit. The Electron Extaction Circuit turns out to be very important and I had HMS776 replace the LED driver and EEC hooked up correctly. Trust me it's all there enough to go towards engine trails. Right now I am very excited that soon I will become energy independent.



      • #78
        Thank you Rick for all those quotes. All very telling, for those with ears to hear.

        Perkins's book Confessions of an Economic Hit Man is well worth reading, as is Andrew Lobaczewski's book Political Ponerology. To me, the sooner we understand psychopathy the better off we'll be. Most people have no idea what it is and how it affects their lives and have no idea of how to deal with it because it runs counter to everything that they know about how decent folk deal with each other. Again, well worth the read.

        Also worthy of further study are some of the works of Bertrand Russell, such as The Impact of Science on Society and Education and the Good Life. The earlier the edition, the better. Those are getting harder to find these days, but they still do exist for the patient seeker to find. Also of merit are the non-fiction works of H.G. Wells, and of course various books from Carroll Quigley, Zbigniew Brzezinski, Jacques Attali, Charles Galton Darwin, and many, many others.

        There is supposedly a book by Bertrand Russell where he says "we will use the needle" for some purpose, but I have not been able to glean the source of that quote. Forget Google; it seems they really are useless these days for any serious research, and I haven't found any other search engines that are any better.


        • #79
          Open source FREE energy for home and transport then vertical farming. Collective communities using HEMP resources for industry, away with big corporations and the banks/Big pharma and Oil. Or the ruling class.

          Bye bye ruling class. Open source engineers can do it! think we cant?



          • #80
            Amen to that!
            Now that you know what you want, explore P.A.T.H.S


            • #81
              A marionette

              Originally posted by ANTIQUER View Post
              Hi Al;

              So what's your point? I see nothing wrong with this resolution. Perhaps Hamas and some of the Palestinians need to look at an "alternative reality" and cease fire.

              The Israel Lobby and U.S. Foreign Policy - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
              The Truth About Israel (full article) | War Is Crime
              Israeli Terrorism and Sept. 11 | The Official Website of Representative David Duke, PhD


              • #82
                Originally posted by Shamus View Post
                Thank you Rick for all those quotes. All very telling, for those with ears to hear.
                You are welcome, Shamus, and thanks for the reading suggestions. Unfortunately, many who are curious enough to read through this thread will not feel the need for such research. Any reasonable thinking person can look around and see that our world is in great and constant turmoil, but instead of seriously questioning what it is that has brought us to this point, we feel more comfortable in pointing the finger of blame at someone, or some group, saying, "it's the Republicans," or "it's the Democrats," when in fact it is really us who are to blame. We have become apathetic and complacent, and are held hostage by our belief system. We have all been schooled, during our formal education years, and through continuing indoctrination by mass media, to believe the "official" version of historical and current events. These ideas are so ingrained that we have no reason to doubt any of them unless and until we face a life experience that shakes or shatters any of those beliefs. When something of that nature occurs, it is a major upheaval to us, and results in us questioning whether much of anything we have been told has been truthful or not. It is only when facing that situation that we feel the need to search for and discover truth. And when we finally do feel compelled to begin this quest, we find that it is much like sifting through pieces of a large jigsaw puzzle which are laid out before us on a table top. Some of these pieces will hold truths that are self-evident, while some others will bear half-truths that only lead to further confusion. Still others will bear presumptions that have no factual evidence to support them. These may be personal opinions, but may also be deliberately misleading speculation. And the final category in these pieces of the jigsaw puzzle are those which offer the greatest confusion of all, wherein we look at this information and say to ourselves, "this either has to be true, or it is one of the greatest deceptions ever perpetrated upon mankind." Quite often, this final category is steeped in half-truths, which make it all the more difficult to analyze. Masters of deception, such as Hitler, have been very successful throughout history in employing lies, truths, and half-truths in such a manner as to skillfully deceive the masses and promote their unsavory agendas. You may remember the quote of Adolf Hitler that appeared in post #62, which is echoed and explained further in this quote from his book, Mein Kampf:

                "In the simplicity of their minds, people more readily fall victims to the big lie than the small lie, since they themselves often tell small lies in little matters but would be ashamed to resort to large-scale falsehoods. It would never come into their heads to fabricate colossal untruths, and they would not believe that others could have such impudence. Even though the facts which prove this to be so may be brought clearly to their minds, they will still doubt and continue to think that there may be some other explanation." - Adolf Hitler - from Mein Kampf

                Hitler knew that a big lie would be far more easily accepted by the masses than a small one, or a series of small ones. He correctly reasoned that nearly everyone has told enough small lies to be familiar with this type, and to spot them for what they are. A big lie, on the other hand, is inconceivable to most people, and thus the easiest to believe without question, especially if acceptance of that belief appears to be beneficial to us in some way. Here's an example of such a lie. We are all familiar with the automobile brand Volswagen, and some people know that this German word means "people's car." Most people, however, are not aware that the people's car was a gigantic scheme that was originated by Hitler. Hitler worked with Ferdinand Porsche to come up with a design for a lightweight and low cost automobile that would appeal to the masses who previously could not afford an automobile. In 1934, Porsche built a prototype of the car especially for Hitler's mother. Hitler unveiled the plans for the people's car to a public which, of course, enthusiastically accepted the idea of mass production of the vehicle. Hitler set up special savings accounts which were to hold monies paid by people who would commit to buying one of these cars, and stipulated that each should pay in 5 reichsmarks per week to the account. Each participant received a payment booklet in which the actual payments were verified when made. It all had the appearance of legitimacy, and around 336,000 people bought into the plan. The people were eager to support the idea of building a huge assembly plant in a new city (KdF-Stadt, now known as Wolfsburg) to be built especially for the assembly line workers who were to be employed there, and of course many hoped that they would be given one of these jobs and be able to live in the new city. With widespread support for the project to go forward, construction of the factory began in 1938. By the time war broke out, a year later, only a handful of the vehicles had been produced, and none of these were delivered to any of the people who had completed their payment books. Hitler then instructed that the factory should be converted to the production of military use vehicles, which of course had been his plan all along. I offer this example to readers because it is the perfect example of a big lie that is eagerly and unquestioningly accepted by the people. If Hitler had attempted to pay for the production facility by imposing a hefty tax hike, it would have been a very unpopular move that would have resulted in resentment and possible rebellion, but by creating a big lie that had the appearance of truth, Hitler's plan gained instantaneous and widespread support from people eager to part with their money. And make no mistake - this lesson did not go unnoticed by those in other nations who were dreaming of ways in which they could take advantage of the gullible nature of people. This type of lie is very prevalent today in every corner of the globe, and the United States is no exception. Hitler was not the first to make use of this type of lie, and this was not the first time he had used the device. He studied the method well and became a master of it. As time has passed, others have become equally masterful in applying its use. The basic construction of a plan in which to develop and promote a big lie for public acceptance is what is known as the Problem-Reaction-Solution construct. Such a plan is actually worked backwards, starting with the goal that needs to be achieved. Hitler's goal was to mass produce military vehicles and supplies for his war machine. He required an expensive factory complex to do that, and he required public support and a large influx of money to move his plan forward. He could see that a problem already existed in that only the wealthy few could afford an automobile, and he correctly reasoned that the public would react favorably to a suggestion of building cars that would be affordable to the average person. In fact the reaction was more than just favorable - the people embraced the idea wholeheartedly and practically demanded that the project be started immediately. So Hitler then offered up a solution (the payment plan) which was designed to finance his plan. The Problem-Reaction-Solution construct is a very powerful concept that can be applied to achieve practically any results that are desired, and when applied with skill can easily overcome the moral outrage and objections that would ordinarily result if the public understood the true nature of the plan.

                Last edited by rickoff; 10-22-2009, 04:53 AM.
                "Seek wisdom by keeping an open mind to alternative realities, questioning authority, and searching for truth. Only then, when you see or hear something that has 'the ring of truth' to it, will it be as if a veil has been lifted, and suddenly you will begin to hear and see far more clearly than ever before." - Rickoff


                • #83
                  I see this put forwards by the so called 'Neo cons' with their project for a new America. All of their plans are in there even future ones that haven't taken place yet like the North American Union. As they crash the dollar they will let the people suffer and then give a solution of a new currancy, already named "the Amero." The people will demand this new currancy but it will come with strings attached like the ending of America to the creation of the North American Union where freedoms are given by the state and the state can take them away. As unbeliveable as this sounds in the hard times to come you will be able to see the mindless masses demand such an action from the government, thus ending America without a shot being fired. 9/11 was just the galvenizing event needed to kick off these plans, since so many are starting to question the events surounding 9/11 they have given use heads-up of another attack they are planning to carry out on us. President Obama warned that another 9/11 is intimate and my best guess is it is be blaimed on Iran so the mindless masses will demand retribution against yet another inocent country who's oil we want. Perhaps they will take out a large city that is nolonger important to them, like LA or Houston. We have to wait and see unfortuintally. But the big lie has already been put into action and the mindless masses took the bait hook, line, and sinker, poor Iraq didn't stand a chance against that lie. But don't take my word for look it up for yourseleves.


                  • #84
                    The Problem-Reaction-Solution construct

                    In my last post, I introduced the Problem-Reaction-Solution construct, and gave an example showing how Hitler ingeniously used this method to build a huge factory complex where the vehicles for his war machine would be built. The hundreds of thousands of people who had made payments to purchase the affordable automobiles that Hitler promised them had no idea what Hitler really intended. In 1939, when the factory was ready to produce the "people's car," war suddenly broke out and Hitler explained that the factory must be quickly converted to build the military vehicles that would be needed. Hitler needed to convince the public that there was a good reason for a change in plans. If the public knew this was his plan all along, there would have been rioting in the streets and calls for Hitler's ousting by those who were scammed. Hitler needed a war in order to convince the people of the need for a rapid military buildup, and thus the need for a conversion of the factory to military vehicle production. The people still remembered the trauma caused by World War 1, and a new war would not be a popular idea, so Hitler and his top level Nazi aides devised a plan to make the people believe that they were under attack from neighboring Poland. A staged attack upon a German radio station ( Gleiwitz incident - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia ), led by Nazi forces posing as Polish provocateurs became the best known of 21 staged incidents designed to infuriate the German people. The radio station "attack" was extremely successful because the "attackers" broadcasted an anti-German message in Polish. In those days, people sat around the radio in the evening, much as families watch TV today, so the event was instantly made known to multitudes of German citizens. These incidents were seen by the people as a very serious problem, and the correctly assumed reaction of the people, who believed their homeland was under attack, was to angrily shout, "hier muß etwas getan werden!" ("something must be done about this!") The Nazi government solution to the problem was to invade Poland, which of course is what they planned to do all along. On the day of the invasion, Hitler expained that this was a "defensive" action, but a week earlier he told his generals,
                    "I shall give a propaganda reason for starting the war; whether it is plausible or not. The victor will not be asked whether he told the truth." - Adolf Hitler
                    Hitler just wanted the people to believe that the Nazis were carrying out what the people had demanded, and that they were acting on their behalf. Many German men, especially the young, were eager to join combat troops and exact revenge upon the Poles in retribution for what they perceived as Polish aggression. So the Nazi plan, better known as the Himmler Plan, was tremendously successful in achieving several of Hitler's immediate goals, as well as serving as stepping stones for his long range plan of world domination.

                    As you can see, those who use the Problem-Reaction-Solution construct must either take advantage of a problem that already exists, or they must create the appearance of a problem through deception. In either case, the public is unwittingly deceived into believing that the government is appropriately acting on their behalf in providing a solution to the problem. Generally the public believes that the solution will bring about economic gains and opportunity, or increased safety and security. Naturally, when people feel their safety and security is threatened, public opinion is more easily molded and people are quite willing to do whatever the government suggests is necessary to maintain order and "protect" national interests. The masters of the game (the Ruling Class) are so skillful at carrying out these plans (many of which are planned years in advance), that the majority of the public is totally unaware of what the real plan is, and continue to fall for further schemes of the same type over and over again. And even if the plans become exposed for what they really were, a great many people will choose to distrust the messenger and instead believe that there must be a reasonable explanation for the actions that were taken. The Himmler Plan was known only to top level Nazis (the German Ruling Class) and not exposed until the Nuremburg Trials which convened in 1945, after the war was over. Interestingly, while just 22 of the top Nazi war criminals were put on trial, at least 4,000 others went to work for the US government without the public's knowledge, and many more were given refuge in other countries. Strange fact, isn't it?

                    In my next post, I will provide examples of how the Problem-Reaction-Solution construct has been used here in the United States by the Ruling Class to achieve their objectives. Until then, thanks for reading and best wishes to all,

                    Last edited by rickoff; 10-22-2009, 04:54 AM.
                    "Seek wisdom by keeping an open mind to alternative realities, questioning authority, and searching for truth. Only then, when you see or hear something that has 'the ring of truth' to it, will it be as if a veil has been lifted, and suddenly you will begin to hear and see far more clearly than ever before." - Rickoff


                    • #85
                      Nazi concentration camps

                      "The first Nazi concentration camps were greatly expanded in Germany after the Reichstag fire in 1933, and were intended to hold political prisoners and opponents of the regime. They grew rapidly through the 1930s as political opponents and many other groups of people were incarcerated without trial or judicial process."
                      Nazi concentration camps - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


                      • #86
                        P-R-S in the USA

                        Those who read my previous two posts should have a clear understanding of how the Problem-Reaction-Solution construct was employed by Hitler and the Nazi Ruling Class of Germany to achieve goals and objectives quickly while always maintaining strong public support. Public support is key to this psychology, and what better way to garner that support than by tricking the public into believing that the government is responding to the public's demands for action.

                        The Problem-Reaction-Solution construct did not begin with Hitler, and it did not end with his death. It has been used in virtually every corner of the world by persons, and groups, desiring to attain and hold onto wealth, power, and influence. Wealth is money and resources. Resources can be items that have a monetary value, or a logistical value (a standing army, for instance). Power is the ability to use money and resources to seize or maintain control over wealth and resources. Influence is the ability to shape personal or public opinion to agree with the philosophy of the person wielding the influence, and can be accomplished by use of threat and violence, or by an offer of a benefit. The Ruling Class long ago discovered that wealth and power (their sustenance) is most easily achieved through the artful use of influence, and that offers seen as beneficial to people were even more successful than threats or violoence. You have probably heard the term "influence peddling" used before. Influence peddling - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

                        Influence peddling is supposedly illegal, but politicians and lobbyists (usually former politicians now working for corporations and special interest groups) use the technique all the time and with little backlash. Naturally, the higher that one is on the political ladder, the more effective their potential for influence becomes. The President, and his cabinet members, are in the most influential positions of our government. The victor in a presidential election supposedly gets to choose the members of his cabinet, but that is an illusion. The cabinet members are actually chosen, or "highly suggested" by the powerful elite of the Ruling Class. These appointments are an expected payback to be made to the Ruling Class for using their power and influence to get the president elected. And this is just the beginning. The influence of the Ruling Class over the office of the President is so substantial that the President can hardly accomplish anything without their approval, and to go against the Ruling Class is political suicide. The first thing that politicians do after winning an election is to vote themselves a pay raise, and the second thing they do is to start planning for re-election. It takes a lot of money, and a lot of influence, to win an election, and who has more money and influence than the top echelons of the Ruling Class? No other group of people.

                        Now let's look at how the Problem-Reaction-Solution scenario can be used by the Ruling Class to nominate a candidate, and then to see that the candidate is elected president. First, the Ruling Class looks for potential candidates who possess certain qualities that could make the candidate electable, based upon their research on public opinion. In the latest presidential election, the Ruling Class knew that the one thing that people wanted more than anything else was change. The wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, and the economy, were seen by people as the problem. The reaction of the people was to demand change. So the Ruling Class knew that anything and anyone that represented radical political change would be not only desirable, but a necessity. Their solution would be to offer the people a candidate who would be perceived as being completely different than any candidate ever offered in any previous election. Obama represented that vision perfectly, so the ruling class threw their weight behind him. They pushed the slogan, "change you can believe in." With their near total control over media, Obama was presented to the people as the candidate who represented our best hope for total change. The Ruling Class also supported Hillary Clinton, and she was their back-up plan in the unlikely event that Obama would lose the Democrat party nomination. Money poured in to the Obama election campaign coffers in staggering amounts. More money was spent in this election than in any previous one, and only a fraction of that money came from ordinary citizens. The rest came from the Ruling Class, and from every corporation and special interest group which is controlled by Ruling Class influence. The magic of public opinion polls is another tool used by the Ruling Class. People want to cast their vote for someone who will be the likely winner. Nobody likes losing. So if a poll says that 55% of people are expected to vote for a certain candidate, this can actually produce that result. Likewise, opinion polls and media can be utilized to nullify the strength of any opposition candidates.

                        And so you see, it is a relatively simple matter for the Ruling Class, using the problem-reaction-solution construct, to select, buy, and elect the candidate of their choice - one who will do their bidding when they call in the favors that are expected to be granted them.
                        "Seek wisdom by keeping an open mind to alternative realities, questioning authority, and searching for truth. Only then, when you see or hear something that has 'the ring of truth' to it, will it be as if a veil has been lifted, and suddenly you will begin to hear and see far more clearly than ever before." - Rickoff


                        • #87
                          This is all great stuff Rick. And when you start looking into the past you start to realize just how long the 'Ruling Class' has been around.

                          As I'm sure you know, this idea of 'Problem-Reaction-Solution' was also popularized by Hegel who called it 'Thesis-Antithesis-Synthesis'. And the idea predates Hegel; when you look at Plato's writings and his use of Socratic Dialectic you have to come to the conclusion that this is an ancient science. I'm almost 100% sure that a little research into ancient Egpyt and India would reveal the same ideas...

                          Also in use by the 'Ruling Class' is the idea of 'Devide et Impera' or 'Divide and Conquer'. I'm still amazed that it works, but it's very evident in the vicious and nasty attacks that you come under when you dare to say anything negative about the current POTUS. It still amazes me that people can't see the fact that the political parties we have been given are two sides of the same coin. Because 'Divide and Conquer' works so well, people will automatically assume that you are for the opposing political party if you have anything bad to say about the current POTUS, no matter which party he comes from.


                          • #88

                            Some interesting comments from Milton Friedman;



                            • #89
                              Originally posted by ANTIQUER View Post
                              Some interesting comments from Milton Friedman;

                              You must watch "The Century of The Self" to gain a clear understanding to what is being said by Milton Friedman for he is talking right out of the book of Edward Bernays book. The ruling class use his system more than any other, why? Because it works! You have to watch the whole movie, then you see the just like in the matrix his system of control is all all around you.



                              • #90
                                Executive pay

                                Well, Well, Well;

                                We need to keep an eye on this; should be interesting to see how it pans out.


