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The American Ruling Class

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  • Propaganda.

    The "World" has already been "taken over" by those
    who are in control of the Financial and Monetary
    Systems. They have no "plan" to relinquish this
    power to any segment of Earth's population.

    Measures will soon be taken to reduce the World's
    population with special attention devoted to those
    regions of the world which are growing too quickly
    or have resources/minerals/oil which is needed by
    the "economies" of the elites.

    This is not a secret plan. It has been publicized and
    spoken of openly by certain high officials in the UN
    and the USA. It is already underway on a limited scale.

    Islam is the "bogeyman du jour" which serves to keep
    the people's attention diverted away from the real

    Watch carefully and with "open eyes" that which is
    soon to occur on Planet Earth.


    • Originally posted by rickoff View Post
      The following video is a must see, and discloses the fact that a Congressional report issued in April of 2009 states that no one - neither anyone in Congress, the courts, nor state or federal election officials, bothered to determine Obama's Constitutional eligibility to run for, or serve as, President of the United States. The reason stated for this massive, across-the-board failure to have Obama properly vetted is that current federal and state law does not require anyone to check Obama's status.

      Sounds crazy, doesn't it? After all, the Constitution clearly states the eligibility requirements that any candidate for President must meet. Therefore, failure by a candidate to produce proof of eligibilty, and failure of the Democrat party, Congress, and state and federal election officials to require and properly vet (verify) such proof is in complete and utter disregard to the Constitution, which is the supreme law of the United States. No other federal or state law is needed to require that the eligibility requirements stated in the Constitution must be observed and enforced. All who participated in side-stepping these requirements are guilty of failing in their sworn oaths to uphold and defend the Constitution, and are traitors who should be removed and barred from the positions of trust that they hold.

      YouTube - BREAKING NEWS! We Told You So! Congressional Research Service CONFIRMS IT!
      The "illusion" called the United States Government is near

      The Constitution of the Corporation (United States Government)
      is derived from the Constitution of the Republic, however, it
      has been altered by amendments which apply only to it.

      The Ratification process for Constitutional Amendments is also
      changed for the Corporation United States Government.

      They are happy to project the "illusion" that the Constitution
      is still the Supreme Law of the Land while they effectively
      stomp it into the ground. It is a carefully calculated and
      conceived plot to utterly confuse the people. We can
      already see the public frustration mounting as people wonder
      what good the Constitution is when the Government does
      as it pleases. The small number of people who pay attention
      to those sorts of things that is. Not very many.

      America has been "undone" from within the gates. By those
      who reside within the District of Columbia. The so-called
      "representatives of the People." Big Money is able to
      perform "miracles."

      The "New Order of the World" is in place and is ready to
      embark upon the next phase of total and complete power
      acquisition. Mayhem is on the way. More and more of it.


      • Who's Steering the ship?

        Politics, (Republican, Democrat,Liberal, Consevative) is argueing about the arrangement of the deck chairs, on the Titanic.Economics, (investing in Stocks, Bonds, Gold, etc.) is betting on the outcome of a shuffleboard game, on the deck of the Titanic.Conspiracy theorists, whether of the 911 was a Gov't. conspiracy or Obama's not a U.S. citizen,etc. are all trying to say that the Captain, first mate and Board of Directors for the cruise line, are all conspiring to run the ship into the iceberg because they will somehow benefit. The truth is, to me, much scarier;Go to the engine room, and everyone is working there to do their job; keep up a full head of steam. Go to the kitchen everyones doing their job cooking food. Then, you go up to the wheelhouse, where the Captain should be and,........There's NOBODY THERE!!! There is NOBODY steering the ship!! Just my opinion. Jim


        • This Ship

          Yes. That what it does look for me too.
          And all this different Groups work only for her own Purpose.
          Especially the one at the First Class Cabines.

          But this different Groups are very interesting,
          because, they are, as in the Video from Vinnie Paz,
          really unbelievable sick Peoples.

          Further i dont think too, that the Islam will take over the World,
          but to less Peoples look into a bright Future,
          to decide, to have a Family. The Reason is this sick System,
          where we life at, and thats may the natural Way for a undergoing Nation.
          I cant believe, that the Islam is again the bad Boy for all our Problems.
          Theorizer are like High Voltage. A lot hot Air with no Power behind but they are the dead of applied Work and Ideas.


          • Originally posted by dutchdivco View Post
            Politics, (Republican, Democrat,Liberal, Consevative) is argueing about the arrangement of the deck chairs, on the Titanic.Economics, (investing in Stocks, Bonds, Gold, etc.) is betting on the outcome of a shuffleboard game, on the deck of the Titanic.Conspiracy theorists, whether of the 911 was a Gov't. conspiracy or Obama's not a U.S. citizen,etc. are all trying to say that the Captain, first mate and Board of Directors for the cruise line, are all conspiring to run the ship into the iceberg because they will somehow benefit. The truth is, to me, much scarier;Go to the engine room, and everyone is working there to do their job; keep up a full head of steam. Go to the kitchen everyones doing their job cooking food. Then, you go up to the wheelhouse, where the Captain should be and,........There's NOBODY THERE!!! There is NOBODY steering the ship!! Just my opinion. Jim
            The Titanic disaster is a good comparison to the state of our republic, in so many ways. You might also think of the enormous size of the ship as resembling the enormous size of our national debt. Then too, the passengers were told that the ship was unsinkable because of its large size and many protective bulkheads. It was "too big to fail," you might say. Unlike the Titanic, though, our captain (Obama) won't be going down with the ship, even if he suffers impeachment. He will likely lead a long and very comfortable life. Also unlike the Titanic, none of the crew (Congress) will have to worry about drowning (in debt). A great many in both the House and Senate are multimillionaires, and many of them beacame so by selling our nation out. They knew it was inevitable that we would strike an iceberg unless they stopped spending and borrowing, but they were intent on steaming full speed ahead in spite of the danger to our ship of state. The captain was seen by most people as the man who had complete authority over the direction and speed of the Titanic, but obviously he was really in a position that bowed to the authority of those above him - J Bruce Ismay, chairman of the White Star Lines, and JP Morgan, the ultimate owner of the Titanic. Ismay was aboard the Titanic, and likely prodded the captain to run faster than was prudent in attempting a record pace transatlantic voyage. Ismay, of course, escaped and was never in danger. And most of us are well aware of JP Morgan's continued success and fortune. Why should he worry? The Titanic was well insured, of course, just as the leaseholder of WTC building seven. There were official "inquiries" and "investigations," of the Titanic disaster of course, but in the end no one was really held accountable. Sounds familiar, doesn't it? History has a strange way of repeating itself.
            "Seek wisdom by keeping an open mind to alternative realities, questioning authority, and searching for truth. Only then, when you see or hear something that has 'the ring of truth' to it, will it be as if a veil has been lifted, and suddenly you will begin to hear and see far more clearly than ever before." - Rickoff


            • Again, Just my take

              "And all this different Groups work only for her own Purpose."
              And, I thought you got it!

              "Especially the one at the First Class Cabines."
              And, I realised ya still don't. This is exactly the way they keep us divided; pitting Black against white, lower income against middle, and middle against high, etc. Because if we weren't focused on 'them', who are different, and therefore the cause of our problems, we might all be united, against the power brokers; politicians, Union leaders, etc.

              I agree with Rickoff, and always enjoy his posts. While I agree, on 1 level with what he's saying about Obama, on a deeper level it matters not in the least.
              The Titanic is such a good analogy, your right! Thing is, there was (and is) a Captain and first mate in the wheelhouse. And they didn't deliberately steer into an iceberg at full speed.(No conspiracy) They did it out of Hubris, and human nature, and everyone focused on their own job, and their own SHORT term self interest.
              Our Governments are a reflection of us, collectively.Collectively, we are a little corrupt; If tour relative told you they could get you a cushy, Gov't job, even tho you had no relavent experiance, (a political appointment) would you take it? Most would. If you could make $10,000 tax free, as long as you didn't report it, would you report it? Most wouldn't
              We are hard wired to a crisis mentality i.e. we postpone dealing with a problem, until it becomes a crises, even tho it would take less time, $, enegy or attention to deal with it upon recognising its a problem, but BEFORE it becomes a crisis.Think about your own life, and the lives of those around you, and you will recognise this is true; it is human nature.Our Governments, major institutions and organisations operatewith the same human nature shortcomings.
              The real shortcomings of Democracy are becoming apparent; people will vote for politicians who give them low taxes, and ever increasing benefits/services.And so,the elected politicians give us what we want, in order to get re-elected; in order to finance these services, they will engage in deficit spending, raiding the so called Social Security trust fund, printing money or borrowing,inflation, ( a 'hidden tax'), etc."I have seen the enemy, and he is me!"
              The real problem is much more basic than that; We Humans, as a species, have fallen victim to the Peter Principle, as applied to species. We have elevated ourselves to our level of incompetence.We were at our level of competence for over 100,000 years, when we were hunter/gatherers.The wired in aspects of our nature, like being crises oriented, served us well, then.Now, not so much.Having an adrenal gland, (whose sole pupose is to deal with stress) the size of a pea, worked back then. We had short periods of intence stress, when hunting a large animal, (or being attacked by one) followed by long refractory periods, with minimal stress.Our adrenals could easily supply the needed adrenaline. We had occasional periods of starvation, our adrenals produced Cortisol, to help us store fat.
              Now, 'modern' man lives a day full of stress, from the alarm clock in the a.m., the deathride thru rush hour, the boss chewing out, deathride home, and then the evening News, to tell him about all the things out there, (Natural disasters, economic downturns, wars and terrorism) that he feels threatened by (triggering fight or flight responce) but NONE of these things can be resolved by fighting or running away.Evolution hasn't kept up.
              Quite frankly, all of our problems are self created. And, most all are either a result of, or greatly exacerbated by the simple fact that there are way too many people on this planet!Our population keeps growing unchecked, and the rate of growth is exponential. And yet nobody, (except the Chinese) is doing anything about it, or even talking about it.Medical system has people living longer, although I'm not sure the quality of life is better, which only makes the problem worse.Its a political no starter; no ones going to be elected by saying "If elected, I will enact legislation to limit your ability to have kids." So, if there's someone, somewhere who's attempting some way to reduce the world population, I say "Go for it!" If I'm 1 of the ones who succumbs to the virus, or whatever, so be it. Only 1 guy made it thru this life alive, and look what they did to Him!


              • Think bigger

                "And all this different Groups work only for her own Purpose.
                We or someone did build different Groups.
                We have now Banking Mafia, Pharma Mafia, Political Mafia, Oil Mafia, Car Mafia, Properties Mafia
                and for her Support CIA and parts of the FBI and the Army and Police what do protect her Butt.
                Ever realized, when the Mood of the Peoples goes bad, suddenly there are more Police officers.
                Then still our whole Scientists, what twist and supress Findings as it do match them,
                or do make new Theories as it match them.
                And any of this Groups has deep Roots through the whole Society to affect them all.
                And there are still the Medias, with her Chairmans, where you still dont know,
                from whom they are actually owned.
                Here you can find another Story, where they get her Orders from.
                And even with this Example, you see how deep the Roots go at the Example Cancer.
                They dont have any Proof for, that there is a Way to heal Cancer,
                but they claim it only works over Genetik research.

                And i bet, anyone what do read the Story from Tim wont believe it,
                that it is only a big Fake,
                but just believe, that the Way they Try! cure Cancer is the Best and the only Way.
                And this is only one Example from tousands, how this Groups manipulate and affect the whole Living.
                There are anywhere others Example from each of this groups,
                how they control and manipulate, but dont are straightforward.

                So, No, you cant say, it is only a uncontrolled Ship, and its something like a Way of Life.
                There is no Captain, who is behind the Mess,
                but there are Peoples and Groups, what know what they are doing,
                and dont wanna go away from the Stearing Wheel,
                to act on her own Purpose.

                And, I realised ya still don't. This is exactly the way they keep us divided; pitting Black against white, lower income against middle, and middle against high, etc. Because if we weren't focused on 'them', who are
                Well, maybe you should first read all Posts in this Thread,
                that you have a Overview, What is really going on.
                Not only the last 2 Pages, because there are a lot other importend Things in.
                Last edited by Joit; 11-13-2010, 10:26 AM.
                Theorizer are like High Voltage. A lot hot Air with no Power behind but they are the dead of applied Work and Ideas.


                • Originally posted by dutchdivco View Post
                  This is exactly the way they keep us divided; pitting Black against white, lower income against middle, and middle against high, etc. Because if we weren't focused on 'them', who are different, and therefore the cause of our problems, we might all be united, against the power brokers; politicians, Union leaders, etc.
                  Hi Dutch, I hope you don't mind me taking the liberty to boldface and underline the word "they" when quoting you. What you say in this quote briefly and fairly well summarizes everything I have been saying in this thread from the very beginning, and obviously you understand that there really is a "they" who have, and continue to, maliciously conspire to create divisive animosity and chaos, and who successfully use this tactic to divert attention away from "them" while "they" move their agenda forward, closer to their ultimate goals.

                  Thus, there surely is a high level group involved in a conspiracy. Sure, human nature does play into all of this quite significantly, and "they" are masters at manipulating mankind's belief systems in ways that allow "them" to take full advantage of the situations that arise due to these beliefs, as well as the mistaken beliefs that arise due to situations which "they" create.

                  To think that there was no high level conspiracy involved in the events of 9/11, or the positioning and use of Barry Soetoro/Obama to hasten the endgame of the Ruling Class agenda, is to completely ignore the mountains of evidence that point to these as real conspiracies, and not simply 'conspiracy theories'. The very reason that the Ruling Class see a need to hasten the deployment of their endgame is that they now understand that people are finally awakening to reality in very large numbers, and tearing down their old and deeply engrained belief systems.

                  Originally posted by dutchdivco View Post
                  I agree with Rickoff, and always enjoy his posts. While I agree, on 1 level with what he's saying about Obama, on a deeper level it matters not in the least.
                  Glad that you do agree on at least some level, Dutch, and I am still hopeful that you will come to the understanding that the question of Obama's eligibility to serve as President of the United States (POTUS) is truly of the utmost importance. As I stated earlier in this thread, the 2008 election was the first in the history of our republic where neither major candidate fulfilled the Constitutional requirement of being a "natural born citizen." If you have no deep level objection to that as being unacceptable, and truly believe "it matters not in the least," then perhaps your belief sytems are just too deeply engrained to allow for an alternate perception of reality. I doubt that is the case, however, and welcome you to present your case as to why the Obama question is insignificant, or why you think the Obama question is merely a "conspiracy theory."

                  While I would agree that focusing on Obama does at first appear to divert our attention away from the Ruling Class conspirators, in actuality it does just the opposite. It sends them a loud and clear message that we aren't so easily fooled by their game plan, and that we will not let this fly. Somewhere, if we are to have any hope at all of turning this ship around, we must draw a veritable "line in the sand" and be willing to stand firmly behind it. If this isn't the time to do that, then what, in your opinion, would be? Failure to alter our course in a timely manner will only guarantee that we collide with the veritable iceberg that awaits us. We cannot simply show up at the estates of the Ruling Class as an angry mob, wielding pitchforks and demanding their dethronement. They are too well protected for that scenario to be effective. We can, however, effectively rebel against them by working to dismantle their establishment facade piece by piece, and the means to do that is guaranteed to us by the Declaration of Independence and Constitution. As SeaMonkey pointed out, the Ruling Class has conspired to alter and weaken the Constitution through certain devious amendments and laws. To right those wrongs, we need to kick out all the corrupt career politicians and replace them with true Constitutional conservatives who will work to repeal such amendments and laws, and restore our republic. The midterm election was a good start in the right direction, but it needs to be followed up with far greater and more determined efforts on our parts.

                  "Seek wisdom by keeping an open mind to alternative realities, questioning authority, and searching for truth. Only then, when you see or hear something that has 'the ring of truth' to it, will it be as if a veil has been lifted, and suddenly you will begin to hear and see far more clearly than ever before." - Rickoff


                  • Rickoff, et al; What I meant by it makes no difference; Its well known, they don't even try to hide it. Moneyed interests contibute big $ to BOTH parties, that way whoever wins the election is beholden to them. Look at Enrons campaign contributions.Look at fannie Mays/freddie Macks, while the Finance committees of Congress were debating whether to allow them to invest in mortgage backed securities, etc.No matter which partie wins, the vested $ interests win.
                    On the 1 hand, I supported and voted for the Tea party.But, I've seen similar reform movements in the past. Look at the history of the new Majority leader, John Baynor; He came to DC as a reformer. I voted for Ronald Reagan.He wasn't able to truly shrink the size of the Fed. Gov't.

                    Both parties support Globalisation. Either $ interests are in favor of it, or it is seen as being like a force of nature; its going to happen, so might as well go with it.

                    We've allowed a whole bunch of interrelated problems to grow and fester, to the point of crises.Niether party has seen its short term self-interests as being in solving these problems. While I strongly oppose Obama-care, one of these festering problems IS healthcare.And the problems are probably insoluble. The financial system in this country is a house of cards.Another unsovable problem. Social Insecurity and medicare; unsolvable.Petroleum/transportation, food supply chain, the list goes on and on. I simply don't believe that any of these problems are going to be solved by anyone in Washington.In fact, the political system we have discourages solving these problems. Hence, while i enjoy watching politics, as a spectator sport, its arguing over the arrangement of the deck chairs, on the Titanic; it really has NO Bearing on the coarse of the ship.
                    "We cannot simply show up at the estates of the Ruling Class as an angry mob, wielding pitchforks and demanding their dethronement. They are too well protected for that scenario to be effective."
                    I agree. The Gov't. etc. is well prepared for a frontal assault.It won't work, and its unneccesary.The 2 things every society needs from its citisenry, in order to continue to function; active consumption and active production.The citisenry can grumble and complain all they want, as long as the vast majority continue to get up and go to work every day, and stop for a loaf of bread, on their way home.If 25% to 30% of the citisenry STOP being active producers/consumers, even for just a couple of days, the system will begin to teeter. A couple of weeks, and it will fall.And, the system has no way to defend itself against such an assault.No need to take to the streets, with pitchforks, (or guns), just stay at home; don't go to work, and don't buy anything.Course, getting a significant # of your fellow citisens to do the same thing, thats the tricky part.Even in a limited way, this can have an effect.The way a society deals with a dissident element; First, IGNORE! If it continues to grow, SUPPRESS!, if it still continues to grow, ABSORB!
                    Look at the history of "Home Births" in the U.S.And "Home Schooling". First, it was ignored. Then, they tried to make it illegal. Didn't work. Now, Hospitals offer "Birthing Rooms" as "an alternative to the traditional hospital birth experiance." Similarly, Californicate recently considered legislation to make home schooling illegal.Rational; by keeping your child out of school, you are depriving the school of 1000's of $ of federal $. You should be able to get that $ as a tax break, or voucher, since you are saving the district the expence of teaching your child, but no.Instead they want to make it illegal.Actually, some home school parents have successfully argued that their children are entitled to use the resources of their local public school; library, sports facilities, etc.Unfortunately, many parents are not intellectually or emotional capable of educating their children, or don't feel like they can financially afford to do so.Still, the reltively small #'s who are doing so HAS had an effect, just as the small #'s of home birthers has had a modest effect on the hospitals.
                    As an analogy; just looked back at the paragraph I had just typed, and realised my "A" key wasn't registering. I have to hit it hard. As I went back and put in the A's, I realised how much it changed the nature of the paragraph, not having that 1 letter "print". So, if you truly want to change the nature of society, take a hard look at what things you are supporting, by your active production, (your job) or consumption. And, change your behavior, and get involved in persuading others to change theirs.Its not easy, but it will, cumulatively, have a real effect.
                    Or, you can continue to consume and produce, and look to Washington for the answers.In which case, Good Luck with that! Jim


                    • [quote=dutchdivco;116494]Rickoff, et al; What I meant by it makes no difference; Its well known, they don't even try to hide it. Moneyed interests contibute big $ to BOTH parties, that way whoever wins the election is beholden to them. /quote]

                      Yes, that's right, and has oft been pointed out herein. The Democrat and Republican parties are really just two sides of the same coin, so to speak. Both have been occupied by corrupt, career politicians who think little of anything other than building their own wealth chest and getting reelected. It's no wonder that many Washington outsiders, who earnestly go to Washington to change the status quo, feel overwhelmed, and eventually become sucked into the political quagmire. It would be so much better if all senators and congessmen were limited to serve a single 2 year term. That would eliminate the "good ole boy's" club, and all the fresh faces would arrive at their jobs on an equal footing. Alas, there aren't many in Congress who would vote in favor of such term limits, and because of this our best alternative is to vote against all incumbents at every election.

                      We can already see the "good ole boys" of the Republican establishment flexing their muscles at the newly elected Tea Party outsiders and telling them that the establishment will be choosing their staff members. That's definitely not the way to go, and I do hope that these new members stand firm on bringing in their own staff members who are as earnest as they are about changing the status quo and returning the republic to its people.

                      I can hardly wait to see the sparks fly on CSPAN when these new members enter into debate on the floor of the House and Senate. I hope they really shake things up and tell it like it is. The establishment will want us to believe that the first order of priority should be to create jobs, but this is bogus. Government does not, and should not, create jobs. The only jobs they can create are government jobs, and that of course results in more taxes and an even larger and more bloated government with more controls on every aspect of our lives. The first order of priority should be to clean House - to set term limits, to ban earmarks and pork barrel projects, to ban attachments to proposals and require each proposal be given a prompt stand alone up or down vote, to ban the corrupt practice of lobbying, etc. The second order of priority should be to audit and end both the the Federal Reserve and IRS, and then to begin dismantling the several government agencies that serve no truly useful purpose, such as the Department of Energy (DOE).

                      The DOE was supposedly created for the purpose of reducing and then eliminating our dependence on foreign energy sources. After 33 years of existence and growth, and the expenditure of countless billions of dollars, we are even more dependent on foreign energy sources today than we were 33 years ago. The DOE's annual budget has grown to $26.4 billion, and the "stimulus" bill actually gave DOE another $38.3 billion to play with in fiscal years 2009 and 2010. While DOE officials tout the fact that they will be spending more than ever this year on renewable energy research, what past research has yielded anything of benefit to us in the renewable energy field? In actuality, the vast majority of DOE resources are poured into weapons programs while the public is misled into believing that the DOE is working to solve our energy crisis with solutions that will benefit all of mankind. Fact is, we don't need to waste any more money on fruitless "research." Solutions to our energy independence have existed for decades now, but have been suppressed by the DOE, and the military/industrial complex in concert with the US Patent Office. See forum user jibbguy's recent post about this suppression for more information:

                      "Seek wisdom by keeping an open mind to alternative realities, questioning authority, and searching for truth. Only then, when you see or hear something that has 'the ring of truth' to it, will it be as if a veil has been lifted, and suddenly you will begin to hear and see far more clearly than ever before." - Rickoff


                      • Read carefully the following letter from the ruling class:

                        Almost a half century ago, Eustace Mullins acquired a copy of a speech by Rabbi Emanuel Rabinovich to a special meeting of the Emergency Council of European Rabbis in Budapest, Hungary, January 12, 1952. It goes like this:

                        “The goal for which we have striven so concertedly FOR THREE THOUSAND YEARS is at last within our reach, and because as fulfillment is so apparent, it behooves us to increase our efforts and our caution tenfold. I can safely promise you that before ten years have passed, our race will take its rightful place in the world, with every Jew a king and every Gentile a slave. {Applause from the gathering.}

                        ‘You remember the success of our propaganda campaign during the 1930s which aroused anti-American passions in Germany at the same time we were arousing anti-German passions in America, a campaign which culminated in the Second World War. A similar propaganda campaign is now being waged intensively throughout the world. A war fever is being worked up in Russia by an incessant anti-American barrage while a nationwide anti-Communist scare is sweeping America. This campaign is forcing all the smaller nations to choose between the partnership of Russia or an alliance with the United States.

                        The Russian, as well as the Asiatic peoples, are well under control and offer no objections to war, but we must wait to secure the Americans. This we hope to do with the issue of anti-Semitism, which worked so well in uniting Americans against Germany. We are counting heavily on reports of anti-Semitic outrages in Russia to whip up indignation in the United States and produce a front of solidarity against the Soviet power.

                        Simultaneously, to demonstrate to the American the reality of anti-Semitism, we will advance through new sources large sums of money to outspokenly anti-Semitic elements in America to increase their effectiveness, and we shall stage anti-Semitic outbursts in several of their largest cities. this will serve the double purpose of exposing reactionary sectors of America, which then can be silenced, and of welding the United States into a devoted anti-Russian unit.

                        Within five years, this program will achieve its objective, the Third World War, which will surpass in destruction all previous contests. Israel, of course, will remain neutral, and when both sides are devastated and exhausted, we will arbitrate, sending our Control Commissions into all wrecked countries. This war will end for all time our struggle against the Gentiles.

                        We will openly reveal our identity with the races of Asia and Africa. I can state with assurance that the last generation of white people is now being born. Our Control Commissions will, in the interests of peace and wiping out inter-racial tensions, FORBID WHITES TO MATE WITH WHITES. The white women must cohabit with members of the dark races, the white men with black women. Thus the white race will disappear, for mixing the dark with the white means the end of the white man, and our most dangerous enemy will become only a memory.

                        We shall embark upon an era of ten thousand years of peace and plenty, the Pax Judaica, and our race will rule undisputed over the whole world. Our superior intelligence will easily enable us to retain mastery over a world of dark peoples.

                        (Question from the gathering: Rabbi Rabinovich, what about the various religions after the Third World War?)

                        Rabinovich: “There will be no more religions. Not only would the existence of a priest class remain a constant danger to our rule, but belief in an afterlife would give spiritual strength to irreconcilable elements in many countries, and enable them to resist us. We will, however, retain the rituals and customs of Judaism as the mark of our hereditary ruling caste, strengthening our racial laws so that no Jew will be allowed to marry outside our race, nor will any stranger by accepted by us.”


                        • Bugler, What can i say? This is, to me, simply another example of appealing to something hard-wired into our human natures; encouraging us to unite against "THEM"; those who are percieved as different. Same stuff promulgated by the Nazi's, to unite a dispirited Germany prior to WW2.
                          Rickoff; Curious, do you agree with the thrust of Bugler's post?
                          I guess what I'm trying to say is that mankind has simply elevated ourselves to, or well beyond, our level of competence.We have created fundemental problems which are beyond the capabilities of our Governments, other institutions, or technology to resolve.Therefore it doesn't matter who's in office, or who, behind the scenes, is pulling the strings.Its a rather pessimistic view, and therefore not one most care to embrace.I simply see no coarse which can lead to a solution.
                          As an example, I previously mentioned overpopulation. We KNOW the population is exploding, and growing exponentially. You don't need to be a rocket scientist to understand that we cannot continue on this coarse indefinetly. And yet, no one, except the Chinese, are attempting to address it, or even talk about it. And, the Chinese are facing a major problem; If they continue to enforce 1 child per couple, what will the situation be in 20-40 years? Twice as many retirees as workers. How can the workers support themselves, and the retirees. Its like the "baby-boomer " problem on steroids.So, we must do something to arrest population growth, and reverse the trend to some acceptable sustainable population level. But How???
                          Colonising the Moon or Mars, seems (currently) totally off the table, and still wouldn't truly address the problem, as we would eventually overpopulate them, as well. A seemingly insoluble problem, and so 'we' just ignore it, and hope it will go away.
                          You say "get rid of ALL lobbyists." And Lobbyists are always targets for wearing the black hat. However, first of all, HOW? The first amendments guarantee of free speach, would undoubtadly insure that even if you could get Congress to ban/outlaw lobbyists, the supeme court would throw it out.
                          Secondly, are you a member of a trade organisation? AARP? NRA? If you are employedd, the company you work for probably is a member of an organisation which contribute $ to 'look after their interests' in D.C. While you may not personally, directly give $ to lobbyists, undoubtedly you and or some member of your family are probably indirectly having $ funneled to lobbyists.Anyone in your family a teacher? A nurse or Dr.? An engineer? Well, you get the idea.Reality is, YOU are probably represented by numerous lobbyists.
                          I simply don't believe "we" (human beings) are smart enough to truly resolve the problems we have created.We have elevated ourselves to our level of incompetence, and it matters not a whit who is "in power". Hence, politics is argueing about the arrangement of the deck chairs, on the Titanic, and investing is betting on the outcome of a game of shuffleboard, on the Titanic.I wish I was wrong. I hope I'm wrong. But its the way I see it.Jim


                          • Random Acts of Culture

                            On Saturday, October 30, 2010, the Opera Company of Philadelphia brought together over 650 choristers from 28 participating organizations to perform one of the Knight Foundation's "Random Acts of Culture" at Macy's in Center City Philadelphia. Accompanied by the Wanamaker Organ - the world's largest pipe organ - the OCP Chorus and throngs of singers from the community infiltrated the store as shoppers, and burst into a pop-up rendition of the Hallelujah Chorus from Handel's "Messiah" at 12 noon, to the delight of surprised shoppers. This event is one of 1,000 "Random Acts of Culture" to be funded by the John S. and James L. Knight Foundation over the next three years.

                            YouTube - Opera Company of Philadelphia "Hallelujah!" Random Act of Culture

                            Video Draws Tears – Over 1 Million Hits | KnightBlog

                            John S. and James L. Knight Foundation - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia



                            • Originally posted by dutchdivco View Post
                              Bugler, What can i say? This is, to me, simply another example of appealing to something hard-wired into our human natures; encouraging us to unite against "THEM"; those who are percieved as different. Same stuff promulgated by the Nazi's, to unite a dispirited Germany prior to WW2.
                              dutchdivco with all due respect I think you either have not read it all or haven't understood what is all about. What is hard-wired into our human natures after a holocaust movie every 10 days is defending these guys and being uncapable of making a single critic against them.

                              The ruling class are people. If we want to get rid of the ruling class we must know who these people are. Names and surnames.
                              Whenever one talks about jews someone talks about nazi Germany. Well this is mentioned in the speech of the Rabbi and by the way you might find it interesting to see the video of jewish historian David Cole in his visit to Auschwitz where he interviews the director of the "museum" and he makes and incredible confession: - David Cole in Auschwitz 1992 - Uploaded by Freiheit
                              Are you willing to get to the truth or just a non-disgusting one?
                              If you don't like disgusting truths stop researching for zero-point energy or similar cause this is a disgusting territory where many people have been murdered.


                              • I got 2 Links therefor too.
                                YouTube - "It's a Trick, We Always Use It." (calling people "anti-Semitic")
                                and think about it, in how much Situations this Phrase been allready used.
                                YouTube - Israeli President:We are buying up Manhattan,Hungary,Romania and Poland
                                And still noone can tell me, why this Guys can say,
                                with her Talents, contacts and Dynamics
                                they can buy Poland Hungaria Rumania and Parts of Manhatten.

                                Therefor you can try to

                                truly want to change the nature of society, take a hard look at what things you are supporting, by your active production, (your job) or consumption. And, change your behavior, and get involved in persuading others to change theirs.
                                but it wont be more, as if you turn yourself 180° and pout.
                                And i bet, that is anyway, what the Guys do expect from anyone, that they can continue with her dirty Game.

                                The whole US Senat and Economy is infiltrated from Jews,
                                almost all Peoples are allready controlled at her behave in certain Situations,
                                and the Solutions what the Ruling Class offers is only to serve her purposes.
                                But the Jews are not the only Player in this Game,
                                there are still Politicans and Banksters-Gangsters with her big Ego about her Capital.
                                And for the Citizens, they only can trow a Coin in the Air,
                                and wait, on wich side it will fall.
                                Theorizer are like High Voltage. A lot hot Air with no Power behind but they are the dead of applied Work and Ideas.

