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  • Originally posted by dutchdivco View Post
    If you are going to convince me and others that 911 was a conspiracy, etc. you need to recognise this phenomenon.
    Based on my experience of several years spreading the information about 911 (not an inside job but a jew job) and how the system is totally corrupted beyond redemption you will not be convinced no matter how much evidence you see.

    I disliked conspiracies and I didn't want to take a look at conspiracy videos tihnking that it was imposible to know the truth of events. After some insults in a forum I watched "loose change" done by 3 young jews who blamed 911 on Bush and Cheney (this is called damage control). I couldn't believe my eyes so I spent a week watching every video and reading every article that I could find about it to verify if the official version was really a lie. No emotions but facts. For me now it is as clear as 2 + 2 = 4 (in decimal system) that the official version is a lie.

    You keep talking about the towers but don't consider bulding 7 wihch was not hit by a plane. The World Trade Center was made of 7 buldings. How many buildings were destroyed on 911? Those 7 buildings. No less no more. Coincidence? Absolutely impossible.
    Also the irrefutable fact that no jumbo hit the pentagon as the hole done by the plane (probably a missile) was smaller than the fuselage (not to mention wings, engines and tail). It is impossible to continue believing in the official version after seeing the pentagon infiormation.

    But as I started you will die thinking 19 arabs with box cutters directed from a guy in a cave flew 4 planes. By the way Osaba died on 2001. Talk about news manipulation with video after video of lies with Osama making threats to americans and poor jews.
    Last edited by bugler; 11-22-2010, 11:01 PM.


    • Originally posted by dutchdivco View Post
      I do know that a 20" steel beam has a lower fire code rating than a 20" wood (glue-lam) beam. This is because the wood beam has to be almost entirely burned thru, before it will give way. The steel beam will give as soon as it gets really hot ( I don't know the exact temperature, but it occurs quicker than the time it takes for a wood beam to burn).

      They test this by supporting a length of beam on each end, placing a load in the middle, and setting a fire underneath. They time how long before the beam fails to continue to support the load.Wood wins every time.To try to address this deficiency in steel beams in skyscrapers, they spray them with a light weight expanding foam KIND of insulation. Not saying its expanding foam, saying its similar. You can see it in stairwells, or up in the suspended cielings of skyscrapers.
      While a steel beam test of this kind does show that the beam supports less weight when heated to a high temperature, such a test is not representative of what goes on in a steel framed building. The test you speak of does not take into consideration that steel is a superb heat conductor, and will quickly transfer and dissipate heat to any other interconnected steel. To test this factor, place a cast iron skillet on a stove burner smaller than the bottom of the skillet. Turn up the heat under it and wait about two minutes or so, and then grasp the pan handle. Too hot to hold onto, isn't it? And yet no heat was applied directly to the handle. The same heat dissipation effect occurs in a steel framed building, with heat being applied at a point source being quickly and effectively conducted away from that point and dissipated, certainly to some degree, throughout the entire steel framework of the building. Cooler areas of steel in the structure will draw heat from the already heated steel portions. So, in effect, the entire interconnected steel frame acts as a giant heat sink.

      Now, in reference to your pancaking theory:
      As to the "pancaking" theory itself, which you accept as a reasonable explanation for the building collapses, this theory is not supported by the evidence found at the WTC complex. Absolutely no pancaked (stacked) floors were visible in the aftermath.

      You really need to view the following linked video, in which prominent physicist Steven Jones exlains why the pancake theory is totally invalid, why neither the twin towers nor building 7 could have collapsed in near free fall time, if collapsing at all, and shows and talks about the evidence that points to controlled demolition with use of Thermite to melt the supporting steel structure. Click this link and move the video's elapsed time slider to 26:05, and then watch and listen. You will learn a lot from Steven Jones, and if you watch and listen with an open mind you will find it difficult to impossible to refute what he is saying. I know you say that your friend with the computer died, but surely you must have more than one friend who has a computer with suitable access for viewing videos.

      Note that a steel ball bearing dropped through air from the top of WTC7 would hit the ground in 6 seconds at free fall speed, while the collapse of WTC7 took only 6.5 seconds. Also note that The WTC south tower completely collapsed in 10 seconds, just 0.8 second greater than free fall speed. This is impossible when the upper floors of a building collapse upon lower floors that still remain intact and offer significant resistance to the falling mass from above. Seriously, Jim, ask yourself which is going to fall faster - the upper 14 floors of a building dropped through thin air, or when dropped upon 96 floors of intact structure composed of 200 thousand pounds of steel and concrete, 47 core columns, and 240 perimeter columns? The only way to ensure that such a structure will totally collapse at near freefall speed, and within its own footprint, is to remove all resistance below the upper collapsing section. Now ask yourself how that might be accomplished.

      A very compelling evidenciary aspect of the WTC debris is the finding of spherical and teardrop shaped iron and molybdenum within the WTC dust. These were formed of molten metal thrown off the buildings which solidified upon cooling in air. These spheroids were found by several research groups, including government researchers with United States Geological Survey (USGS) who stated that these unexpected findings deserved further analysis. How odd, then, that the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) never commented on the USGS findings and published a report emphasizing the non-melting of WTC steel, saying that their metallurgical analysis of WTC steel showed no evidence of exposure to temperatures above 600C for any significant time, and that the maximum temperature resulting from burning of jet fuel was 1,000C. Note that to melt steel requires heating it to 1500C, and melting molybdenum for spherule formation requires a temperature of more than 2600C. It is quite clear that none of the WTC fires reached such temperatures, and it is also clear that some other catalyst is involved that produced the high heat exothermic chemical reaction, such as the use of Thermite. To read a peer reviewed scientific research paper concerning these factors, click here.

      I find it quite interesting to note that NIST actually commisioned Underwriters Laboratories to build floor assemblies, representative of the WTC tower structure, and subject them to severe fire endurance tests. While the tests showed that some limited warping occured, there was no melting, no failure of any structural members, and no collapse.

      Perhaps most astonishing of all is the fact that in the aftermath there remained no part standing, in either tower, of any of the 47 massive core supports. They simply appeared to have vanished! Is that evidence of a unique and very strange coincidence, or of planned and well executed demolition?

      Jim, I don't know if you will devote any time at all to exploring and realizing the truths of any of the evidence I have submitted. To those who are willing to do so, I urge you to take a few minutes of time to read The Top Ten Connections Between NIST and Nano-Thermites, written by Kevin Ryan. Anyone who wonders why NIST did not test for Thermite during their WTC investigation, or who thinks that NIST simply didn't have the expertise to do so, will be blown away by this very revealing report. As the report concludes, "it is important for those seeking the truth about 9/11 to consider what organizations and people had access to the technologies used to accomplish the deceptive demolition of the WTC buildings. It is also important to recognize the links between those who had access to the technologies, those who had access to the buildings, and those who produced the clearly false official reports." Ryan spills the beans on all of these links, and cites the references that offer proof. Incidentally, Kevin Ryan was fired from his job as laboratory director at Envoronmental Health Laboratories, a subsidiary of Underwriters Laboratories, after writing a letter to NIST challenging the common theory that burning jet fuel weakened the steel supports holding up the 110-story WTC towers.

      Last edited by rickoff; 11-23-2010, 11:55 PM. Reason: sp
      "Seek wisdom by keeping an open mind to alternative realities, questioning authority, and searching for truth. Only then, when you see or hear something that has 'the ring of truth' to it, will it be as if a veil has been lifted, and suddenly you will begin to hear and see far more clearly than ever before." - Rickoff


      • Just the tip of the iceberg. So much evidence.


        • Originally posted by dutchdivco View Post
          I then began to research the history of treatments for hypothyroidism, and of the tests for diagnosing it. Eventually I got to the underlying cause.The thyroid takes iodine/iodide from our blood, concentrates it and combines it with an amino acid to make Thyroid Hormones, which play a variety of crucial regulatory functions in our body.

          Iodine/iodide is a Halide, I think it is, anyway that is the name for a family of similar chemicals. Others in the family are Floride/Florine, Bromide/Bromine and Chlorine/Chloride. Our cells have receptors for Iodine/Iodide. They are like locks, and the iodine/iodide molecule is like the key. Problem is, these other chemicals are similar enough that they fit in the lock, blocking the Iodine/Iodide from getting in.
          Yes Jim, and did you know that Fluoride was actually used as a medical treatment for hyperthyroidism (overactive thyroid) for a great many years, until other medical options became available? I found out about this because of my wife, who came here from the Philippines with a hyperactive throid problem. She was given a radioactive iodine treatment, which is supposedly safe because the thyroid gland is the only body part that directly takes up iodine. The treatment effectively destroyed her thyroid enough so that it shrank and was no longer able to produce but very small amounts of thyroid hormone. Because of this, she had to start taking Synthroid, which is a synthesized thyroid hormone replacement. Unfortunately, no one told us that she should refrain from any use of Fluoride, and within just a few months of beginning the Synthroid regimen, my wife was visiting a dentist who talked her into getting two high dose Fluoride treatments just 2 weeks apart, using a professional strength Fluoride mouth rinse twice a day for a month, and brushing with Fluoride toothpaste. In short order her health began failing, and I took her in to the thyroid specialist to be checked out and have blood analysis. Her thyroid hormone level was quite low, and so the doctor increased her Synthroid dosage to a much higher level. This had a another serious effect in a few weeks, as the effects of the Fluoride treatments wore off and my wife then had far too much thyroid hormone in her system. Wondering what the heck was really going on, I finally figured it all out after doing thyroid research on the Internet, and finding the article about how Fluoride was the accepted treatment for hyperthyroidism, since it blocks uptake of iodine. Strange how neither the endocrinologist, nor the dentist who knew my wife had a underactive thyroid condition, made the connection to Fluoride, which obviously should have been totally avoided. Now my wife brushes with Tom's of Maine toothpaste, the only one I know of that does not contain Fluoride.
          Last edited by rickoff; 11-23-2010, 07:07 AM. Reason: sp
          "Seek wisdom by keeping an open mind to alternative realities, questioning authority, and searching for truth. Only then, when you see or hear something that has 'the ring of truth' to it, will it be as if a veil has been lifted, and suddenly you will begin to hear and see far more clearly than ever before." - Rickoff


          • Guys dont forget what WTC7 had in there, they had to get rid of that.



            • Originally posted by Moe R View Post
              Just the tip of the iceberg. So much evidence.
              Right you are, Moe. I have only touched upon what I consider to be the most damning evidence which is irrefutable. To consider and present all of the valid evidence would require months and months of research and writing. I don't have time for that. The way I see it is that if a doubter, such as dutchdivco, can conclude that even just one of the many evidenciary points I have brought up concerning the events of 9/11 is a valid point then he must concede that there was obviously high level collusion between government, industry, and media, in order for this conspiracy to be possible. After realizing that, it is then to the individual's credit to learn all that he or she can about the truth of 9/11.

              "Seek wisdom by keeping an open mind to alternative realities, questioning authority, and searching for truth. Only then, when you see or hear something that has 'the ring of truth' to it, will it be as if a veil has been lifted, and suddenly you will begin to hear and see far more clearly than ever before." - Rickoff


              • Originally posted by ashtweth View Post
                Guys dont forget what WTC7 had in there, they had to get rid of that. Ash
                Right, Ash. I haven't forgotten about the SEC case evidence against WorldCom and Enron, and more importantly other stuff that had to be destroyed since it would likely have been highly pertinent in an investigation into the crimes of 9/11. It's just that my main objective has been to show why 9/11 was irrefutably an inside job.

                "Seek wisdom by keeping an open mind to alternative realities, questioning authority, and searching for truth. Only then, when you see or hear something that has 'the ring of truth' to it, will it be as if a veil has been lifted, and suddenly you will begin to hear and see far more clearly than ever before." - Rickoff


                • Rickoff; we'll get back to 911 in a minute, I hope your wife is not still taking synthcrap! The groups that I'm on all say that is grat for treating test results. So, if your suffering from low test results, such as TSH readings, take synthcrap. If, on the other hand, your 'suffering' from hypothyroid symptoms, take Natural (Bovine) Thyroid Hormone. Also known as NTH.

                  Dr.s say its no longer made. It is. Dr's say it can give you Mad Cow disease. How, since its made from Pig Thyroids, not Cow?!! In short, many Dr's want to Rx. Sythcrap, but they are wrong.Jim


                  • Iodine

                    Thyroid iodine uptake blockade with potassium iodide is used in nuclear medicine scintigraphy and therapy with some radioiodinated compounds that are not targeted to the thyroid, such as iobenguane (MIBG), which used to image or treat neural tissue tumors, or iodinated fibrinognen, which is used in fibrinogen scans to investigate clotting. These compounds contain iodine, but not in the iodide form. However, since they may be ultimately metabolized or break down to radioactive iodide, it is common to administer non-radioactive potassium iodide to ensure that iodide from these radiopharmaceuticals is not sequestered by the normal affinity of the thryoid for iodide.
                    Potassium iodide - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

                    Experts: Mystery contrail was from Chinese missile
                    'Muted response' was decision 'made by the president himself'

                    Experts: Mystery contrail was from Chinese missile

                    Mystery missile was no Airplane contrail but most likely an ICBM test launch
                    Mystery Missile no Airplane Contrail, most likely a ICBM Launch « alienspacecentereast's blog



                    • Not So Distant Future

                      Scrolling thru slides, take your time and listen to the song past the Russian soldier.



                      • Originally posted by dutchdivco View Post
                        Rickoff; we'll get back to 911 in a minute, I hope your wife is not still taking synthcrap! The groups that I'm on all say that is grat for treating test results. So, if your suffering from low test results, such as TSH readings, take synthcrap. If, on the other hand, your 'suffering' from hypothyroid symptoms, take Natural (Bovine) Thyroid Hormone. Also known as NTH.

                        Dr.s say its no longer made. It is. Dr's say it can give you Mad Cow disease. How, since its made from Pig Thyroids, not Cow?!! In short, many Dr's want to Rx. Sythcrap, but they are wrong.Jim
                        Ever since reading Dr David Brownstein's excellent book, Overcoming Thyroid Disorders, I've been arguing with the doctors to get my wife off of Synthroid and onto a natural dessicated glandular thyroid product such as Armour Thyroid, Nature-Thyroid, or Westhroid, but they won't do that and insist that such products are unreliable, and that dosage levels are very difficult to monitor and maintain. I say why not give it a try, since the synthetic stuff obviously hasn't reversed my wife's symptoms, but they act as if they would be committing malpractice to change treatment against their "better judgement." After all, they say, they are the "experts," and what do we know about it just from reading a few books. We have tried going to other doctors, but it seems they all think alike, and refuse to acknowledge that there might be a better way. From what I have learned, it seems that a great many people do not respond well to Synthroid treatment, and the symptoms they report were not at all prevalent when dessicated thyroid was the only treatment option. Frankly, I think it is just a matter of Big Pharma, and medical schools who receive endowments from Big Pharma, dumbing doctors down through false teachings and indoctrination.

                        "Seek wisdom by keeping an open mind to alternative realities, questioning authority, and searching for truth. Only then, when you see or hear something that has 'the ring of truth' to it, will it be as if a veil has been lifted, and suddenly you will begin to hear and see far more clearly than ever before." - Rickoff


                        • Originally posted by ashtweth View Post
                          Guys dont forget what WTC7 had in there, they had to get rid of that.




                          • YouTube - Friends of Israel — Enemies Inside the Gates


                            • Actually, from where I and my wife are, at this point it doesn't matter why, the point is that Dr.'s aren't treating this appropriately. Natural Dessicated Thyroid was used successfully for over 100 years to treat hypothyroidism.And, its still in use by 10's of 1000's of people, in the US and worldwide.All of the reasons your Dr.'s are giving are BS.
                              But, you don't have to accept it. There are a small # of Dr.'s who are treating patients with it. Or, you can go the route I have gone; DIY. Its possible to order the test you need from reputable labs, that do not require a Dr.'s orders, and it is possible to order the medications needed, also without a RX.It takes some effort, to educate yourself, whichever route you go. I will never agin go to a Dr., without thouroughly educating myself, and ? any tests or procedures they want to order, and any meds they want to prescribe.
                              Again, Rick; Natural Dessicated Thyroid Hormone is in the US Pharmacopia, it is manufactured by several Co.'s here in America, as well as a family owned business (for over 40+years) in Thailand.Don't just accept what the Dr's say, and figure you have no choice. I did that for far too long. Jim


                              • natural thyroid help


                                This has helped some people and there are some testimonials in this forum:

                                Also, there are two pharmaceuticals that are actually naturally derived
                                and I have talked to many people that have had great results from it:
                                Armour and I'll have to find out what the other is.
                                Aaron Murakami

                                Books & Videos
                                RPX & MWO

