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The American Ruling Class

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  • Originally posted by dutchdivco View Post
    Actually, from where I and my wife are, at this point it doesn't matter why, the point is that Dr.'s aren't treating this appropriately. Natural Dessicated Thyroid was used successfully for over 100 years to treat hypothyroidism.And, its still in use by 10's of 1000's of people, in the US and worldwide.All of the reasons your Dr.'s are giving are BS....
    I don't know whether is work also for your problem but you could find interesting the reading of the book of Jim Humble about mms (mineral supplement miracle).

    It has cured a huge number of diseases and if this doesn't cure your wife it will anyway be positive for her health. The book is on internet.


    • Who realy realy pull the strings?

      See this video: YouTube - The Illuminati Hoax - Khazar Jews Plot To Confuse & Divide Humanity


      • Thanks

        For the suggestions/ input. Yes, 1 is Armour, the other is Naturethroid, both made in the USA. Actually, good idea to avoid Armour. After 80+ years, about 2 yrs. ago they decided to "reformulate" it, kind of like "New Coke" (or was it PepsI?). Similar result; people hated it, they had to stop production at some point, caused major supply problems, and most don't like the re-re-formulation they've got now.
        But Naturethroid is fine. Actually, I/we are using a product from Thailand called Thyroid-S. Works fine. And yes, I just recently learned about MMS, and have ordered some and downloaded Jim Humbles book.I also have Hep.C, and am hoping it will deal with that.
        My wife has made steady improvement, since we stopped settling for what the Dr.'s offered, and started DIY'ing our medical care.6-8 mos. ago, barely discernably BP, needed a cane to walk, had dropped to 87LBS, tired all the time, severe muscle aches. Now she's walking without a cane, although limping, BP a healthy 127/80, weight 117Lbs, (her normal weight).Still some muscle aches and fatigue, but not as bad.Have to gradually increase the dosage, so its not like take a pill, everything all better. It takes time.
        DIY'ing medical is a big responsibility; If your something bad happens to a loved one, you can't 'blame' the Dr's; its all on you.Thats difficult for some to deal with. In addition, some aren't able to understand the medical terminology, etc enough to be able to DIY.Especially since 1 of the symptoms of hypothyroidism is 'brain fog'.

        Rick; If you don't want to DIY, there is an easy way to find a DR.
        Call the pharmacies in your area. Ask to speak to the pharmacist. Ask him if they carry Naturethroid Natural Dessicated Thyroid. If the answers no, call the next on the list.If the answers yes, 'explain' that you are new to the area, and are needing a Dr. that is familiar with Rx.'ing naturethroid.He/she may even be able to give you names of Dr's in your area who Rx. Naturethroid, but also accept your wifes insurance. Get several names if possible, as some Dr's 'aren't accepting patients at this time'.
        Assuming this works, how to know which Dr? Call their office, and after detirmining that they take your/your wifes ins., and are accepting new Pts, ask them; Does the Dr. use saliva tests for Thyroid and Adrenal Hormones, or strictly blood and urine tests, and yes I'll hold. If the answer is Yes, they use saliva tests, Book the appt. If the answer is No, they don't use saliva tests, probably need to move on.Anyway, everyone have a Great Turkey Day, I have to get started on the preparations! Jim


        • Originally posted by dutchdivco View Post
          I just recently learned about MMS, and have ordered some and downloaded Jim Humbles book.I also have Hep.C, and am hoping it will deal with that.
          Please let us know how it goes.

          Good luck.


          • Originally posted by dutchdivco View Post
            Rick; If you don't want to DIY, there is an easy way to find a DR. Call the pharmacies in your area. Ask to speak to the pharmacist. Ask him if they carry Naturethroid Natural Dessicated Thyroid. If the answers no, call the next on the list.If the answers yes, 'explain' that you are new to the area, and are needing a Dr. that is familiar with Rx.'ing naturethroid.He/she may even be able to give you names of Dr's in your area who Rx. Naturethroid, but also accept your wifes insurance. Get several names if possible, as some Dr's 'aren't accepting patients at this time'.
            Good idea, Jim. Thanks. I'm not one to give up on alternatives, or to simply trust a doctor's opinion. I'm kind of like that fellow in the former Northern Exposure TV series who would show up at the doctor's office with his condition already self diagnosed, and understanding more about what caused the condition, and the cure that was needed, than the doctor himself. Doctors really hate that, but it's in our best interest to research our ailments and not simply fall prey to the "trust me" mentality. While we might not always be right in self diagnosing, neither are the doctors infallible in their diagnosis and treatments, and they normally tend to treat the symptoms rather than the causes. Of course that is the most profitable treatment for both the doctors and BIg Pharma, as it gets the patient hooked on an endless doctor/patient "care" regimen, and costly pharmaceuticals.

            "Seek wisdom by keeping an open mind to alternative realities, questioning authority, and searching for truth. Only then, when you see or hear something that has 'the ring of truth' to it, will it be as if a veil has been lifted, and suddenly you will begin to hear and see far more clearly than ever before." - Rickoff


            • thyroid med

              Originally posted by dutchdivco View Post
              For the suggestions/ input. Yes, 1 is Armour, the other is Naturethroid, both made in the USA. Actually, good idea to avoid Armour. After 80+ years, about 2 yrs. ago they decided to "reformulate" it, kind of like "New Coke" (or was it PepsI?). Similar result; people hated it, they had to stop production at some point, caused major supply problems, and most don't like the re-re-formulation they've got now.
              But Naturethroid is fine.
              Thanks - good to know!

              Yes, my friend is on Naturethroid I believe. His naturopathic medical doctor
              told him it was better than Armour. Didn't know it was reformulated.
              Aaron Murakami

              Books & Videos
              RPX & MWO


              • The keys to the House

                While there are increasing indications that the incoming Republican majority in the House is willing to embrace the Tea Party ideals of fiscal responsibility, reduced spending, smaller government, less government intrusion into individual and state affairs, and reaffirming Constitutional principles, it is going to be a nearly impossible job to accomplish much of anything due to the devastated state of our republic. The Eagle of liberty has been knocked unconscious, the Constitution torn and trampled upon, and the House is a shambles. Yes, the Republicans now have have the keys to the House, but what will they do with them, and how much can they do? It is imperative that they begin with House reforms to first end the rampant corruption, and then move on to dismantle the Federal Reserve and IRS. Will they have the resolve to do this? We'll see.

                "Seek wisdom by keeping an open mind to alternative realities, questioning authority, and searching for truth. Only then, when you see or hear something that has 'the ring of truth' to it, will it be as if a veil has been lifted, and suddenly you will begin to hear and see far more clearly than ever before." - Rickoff


                • Rickoff

                  Fully agree with what you said in post 1010. (Yeah, still not comfortable with that whole quote thing, old dog new tricks). I actually have 1 Dr., a rheumotologist, who readily agknowledged I knew more about my disease than he did, and who wasn't threatended by that.
                  Just from my experiance, as a group, Rheumotologists are good, open minded, etc.
                  As a group Endochrinologists are the WORST. (This is also the opinion, based on experiance, of 10's of 1000's who have switched to NTH.) Endos are the most pompous, egotistical just do what I tell you and don't ask ?'s, arseholes in the medical profession. Unfortunately, Endo is also the specialty which Thyroid and adrenal 'falls under'. I have not heard of anyone who has had an endo willing to Rx NTH as a treatment.
                  Regarding the Republicans taking over the house, and the new Tea Partiers.I am reasured by stories I've heard and read; New Speaker and leaders are well aware of the mistakes made after the 'Gingrich revolution' and, out of shear self=interest, are thinking hard about trying to avoid a repeat. If its a choice between 'doing the right thing', and 'Doing whats in my own self interest, (and bym association whats in the best interest of my party), I'll put my bets on self interest every time.
                  Unfortunately, institutional memory is short, but for right now I'm (very cautiosly optimistic. Its kind of like that old song 'I'll never fall in Love, again'.
                  I've been hopeful, and had my hopes dashed, so many times before.
                  I've even thought "Things are so screwed up, these guys couldn't make it any worse', only, (repeatedly) to realise later how wrong I was.

                  Definition of Hindsight; The first thing you see, when you jerk your head out of your *ss! Thats one I made up, how ya like it. Well, in hindsight I'm afraid its difficult for me to be very hopeful that the political system can truly fix the problems we're facing.But, I gotta say, we sure are living in interesting times! Happy turkey day, Everyone!! Jim


                  • Globalization - Multicultural Europe

                    Barbara Lerner Spectre is the Founding Director of Paideia, the European Institute of Jewish Studies in Sweden, an academic institute established in 2001 through a grant of the Swedish Government that serves as a resource and stimulus for the renewal of European Jewish culture. She was formerly on the faculty of the Shalom Hartman Institute of Jerusalem, where she taught Jewish Thought, the Melton Center of the Hebrew University, and Yellin College of Education. Her area of research is Models of Response to the Holocaust in Christian and Jewish Theology. Her publications include: “A Theology of Doubt” (Hebrew) and, together with Noam Zion of the Hartman Institute, the two volume: “A Different Light: The Hanukkah Book of Celebration”. She is the recipient of the 2007 Max Fisher Prize for Jewish Education in the Diaspora, and the ICRF “2008 Women in Action” award.
                    PAIDEIA - The European Institute for Jewish Studies in Sweden

                    Barbara Lerner Spectre on Youtube
                    YouTube - "Jews will play a leading role in multicultural Europe"Says Jewish researcher




                    • Originally posted by dutchdivco View Post
                      Regarding steel beams, etc. Remember, the material I posted earlier, which is MY understanding of the 'official' explanation for why the towers came down requires an 'explosion' which blasts the foam insulation off of the steel beams, so that they are exposed to the intense heat. Comparing fires in the WTC [with] other buildings which don't have this loss of insulation are not valid comparisons. Thats WHY they put the insulation on the beams; to extend or expand the fire rating.
                      Actually, such comparisons are very fair and quite valid, considering that, as I pointed out in post # 986, the jet fuel would have burned off in only 10 minutes, making the remainder of the burn time no different than any other fire. And the insulation being "blasted off" would not have allowed the steel beams to fail in 10 minutes time. Consider the fact that the type of insulation you refer to would only perhaps double the fire rating of the steel to 3 hours. In the comparison structures cited, how much insulation do you suppose would have remained on the steel beams after being subjected to a raging inferno for 12, 24, or 48 hours, and why then did these structures not collapse due to structural integrity failure?

                      Furthermore, how do you account for the fact, as I mentioned in post #992, that:
                      1. The entire steel structure acts as a gigantic heat sink that wicks away and redistributes heat applied from any point source, thus significantly reducing the heating effect on any particular steel beam?
                      2. Underwriters laboratories conducted a severe heat test on a replication of the WTC tower structure with no structural failure or collapse.
                      3. NIST stated in their report that there was no evidence of exposure to temperatures above 600C for any significant time, nor a maximum temperature of any more than 1000C, while structural steel melts at 1500C. Video evidence shows streams of molten steel pouring from the towers, and remaining molten in pools at the tower bases (and at the base of building 7) for days after the buildings collapsed. What, in your opinion, could have caused the steel to melt if the fires alone were never hot enough, and why did NIST ignore the facts and state that there was no melting of steel at the WTC?

                      Furthermore, did you know that much of the old fireproofing in the WTC towers had been upgraded prior to 9/11, supposedly with intumescent coatings which would have extended the fire rating of the steel? What's more, the floors where this upgrading was done very closely matches the sections of the towers where steel melted and the structures failed.

                      Interesting, huh? How can we explain why the very areas of the buildings where "fireproofing upgrades" were done were precisely the same areas where the crash impacts occurred, or why these areas did not benefit from the upgrade and had catastrophic failures, including rampant melting of the steel structural members? There is an explanation, if we will open our minds to it:

                      There appears to be a remarkable correlation between the floors upgraded for fireproofing in the WTC towers, in the years preceding 9/11/01, and the floors of impact, fire and failure. The fireproofing upgrades would have allowed for shutdown of the affected floors, and the exposure of the floor assemblies and the columns for a significant period of time. Exactly what work was done during that time? In some sections of the NIST WTC report, the exact floors upgraded are listed. Other sections of the report suggest even more floors were upgraded, a total of 18 floors in WTC 1 and 13 floors in WTC 2, but the additional floors involved are not specified.
                      Two blueprints for the 1999 and 2000 construction upgrades to WTC 2 indicated that the work was done at almost exactly the point of impact and failure in that tower. That is, the southeast quadrant of WTC 2 was the focus of the work, at least on the 78th floor (the blueprints provided were for floors 77 and 78 only). It was the southeast quadrant of WTC 2, at and just above floor 78, where flight 175 hit.

                      The amazing correlation between floors of impact and floors of apparent failure suggests that spray-on nano-thermite materials may have been applied to the steel components of the WTC buildings, underneath [or in place of - Rick] the upgraded fireproofing (Ryan 2008). This could have been done in such a way that very few people knew what was happening. The Port Authority’s engineering consultant Buro Happold, helping with evaluation of the fireproofing upgrades, suggested the use of “alternative materials” (NIST 2005). Such alternative materials could have been spray-on nano-thermites substituted for intumescent paint or Interchar-like fireproofing primers (NASA 2006). It seems quite possible that this kind of substitution could have been made with few people noticing. - Kevin Ryan
                      If this isn't a smoking gun, then I don't know what is, especially when one considers who the most knowledgeable people in the field of nano-Thermite applications actually are, and the people, industries, and agencies they are connected with. Again, this is all revealed in Kevin Ryan's report, titled The Top Ten Connections Between NIST and Nano-Thermites, and will blow you away once you understand the connections and implications.

                      Last edited by rickoff; 11-26-2010, 09:05 PM.
                      "Seek wisdom by keeping an open mind to alternative realities, questioning authority, and searching for truth. Only then, when you see or hear something that has 'the ring of truth' to it, will it be as if a veil has been lifted, and suddenly you will begin to hear and see far more clearly than ever before." - Rickoff


                      • I dont think our government will put much money into renewable energy until oil peaks out. Too many of them are out to make profits.
                        Healing Meditation


                        • Concerning the December run on banks

                          Some folks have been asking me if it is true that there may be a large scale run on banks in December, and the answer is yes. Forum member Joit started a new thread about this just a couple of days ago, but the reference cited there was to a French article that many folks here would not understand. The planned run on banks is a movement started in France, where former soccer star Eric Cantona and others initiated a campaign for a peaceful retaliation against the banking cartels. The proposal was to have people go in to their bank on December 7th, withdraw their money, and close their accounts. If enough people were to do this then such a run on the banks would cause them to run out of money rather quickly, since due to the fractional reserve system in place the banks are only required to keep an on hand reserve that is a mere fraction of banking customer deposits. This would cause great embarrassment to the banks, and probably result in further runs. The idea caught on quickly in France, and in other European nations, and has also picked up steam in the United States. Those who want to take part in this protest against the banks should first remember that this is meant to take the BIG banks to task. We don't want to harm the smaller community banks such as local credit unions. Therefore, if you do your banking with BANK OF AMERICA, JP MORGAN CHASE, WACHOVIA, WELLS FARGO, CITIBANK, US BANK, SUNTRUST BANK, NATIONAL CITY BANK, MORGAN STANLEY, UNION BANK, UBS, MORGAN STANLEY, GOLDMAN SACHS, BRANCH BANKING & TRUST, REGIONS BANK, COMERICA, PNC BANKS or any of these other major banks -- pull your money out and put it with a local, regional bank, or a community credit union instead.

                          I wouldn't advise waiting until December 7th to do so, either. There is no telling how successful this campaign may be, especially in the US where the campaign kicked off to a later start, but you won't want to be near the end of the line of people waiting to make a withdrawal.

                          This is one positive step that the masses can actually take in dealing with the greedy and corrupt banking Ruling Class elite. If your money is in any of the banks listed above, or in any other national or international banks, then you know what to do.

                          Last edited by rickoff; 11-28-2010, 03:01 PM. Reason: sp
                          "Seek wisdom by keeping an open mind to alternative realities, questioning authority, and searching for truth. Only then, when you see or hear something that has 'the ring of truth' to it, will it be as if a veil has been lifted, and suddenly you will begin to hear and see far more clearly than ever before." - Rickoff


                          • withdraw your money

                            I love it! That is what JP Morgan did from my understanding to help the
                            banks (competitive banks) to collapse back in his day.

                            He started to spread rumors that his competitor banks were very shaky
                            and it scared people so bad they all started to withdraw their money and
                            those banks started to go under. But when they did, he of course went in
                            and bought them out at a huge discount.

                            Basically, the concept not only works in theory but has already been done
                            by one of the greatest banking crooks in history for his own greedy benefit.

                            Yes - do NOT harm the credit unions and small local banks. I would
                            join in on the fun but I already closed down and boycotted US Bank where
                            I had a couple business accounts and all my bank needs are met now by
                            a local credit union and a local state bank - kind of a big one but not
                            one of the evil behemoths.

                            What are the results if this is already happening in EU?
                            Aaron Murakami

                            Books & Videos
                            RPX & MWO


                            • Alas

                              I too, cannot participate. I quit 'banking' with banks, years ago, when I found out about credit unions. Can't understand why anyone would. Even the "We'll give you $100 to open an account with us" couldn't lure me in.

                              Not sure what such a plan will do, but i'll certainly be watching.Could end up being like the 'opt out' of body scans plan; Not enough people will be willing to undergo the inconveniance to have an effect.

                              On the other hand, if its successful, could cause the whole financial system to collapse.The system is so frail anyway, all being built on,....illusion.

                              After all, a dollar bill, or 5 or 10 is just a piece of paper.It only has value, other than as toilet paper, because we all agree it has value.And that percieved and agreed upon value can fluctuate.Same for other currencies.

                              Its like the 'account insured by FDIC'. We all know the story; During the depression there were runs on the banks.So FDR closed the banks, to stop the runs.And, then created the FDIC, to reassure people there deposits would be honored. Obviously, if there were a run on ALL the banks, the promise of the FDIC would be meaningless.Another illusion.Same with stocks.

                              The price of stocks went down dramatically, when this economic whatever it is hit. People were all worried the 'value' of their IRA's had gone down. But had the 'value' of the company really gone down any, or just the percieved, agreed upon value?Stocks rebounded.

                              Same for Bonds.Especially gov't. issued Bonds. The value is based on percieved risk, for stocks and bonds. The U.S.Treasury Bonds have, up until now, always been percieved as having very low risk.Until recently, other countries bonds were also seen as low risks, because "A COUNTRY can't go bankrupt!" Now, that perception is being re-evaluated.

                              I am not saying I expect this to happen, but,... If we all (all over the world) woke up tomorrow to the news that our money, cash or bank accounts, was worthless, I wouldn't be shocked. I wouldn't be surprised.

                              The system is all based on confidence, of an illusion.The confidence is faltering.And I'm not sure 'They' are behind this, and going to profit from it, so much as they are desperately trying to put the cat back in the bag, to re-assemble humpty-dumpty, and its just not going to work.

                              But then, There's this; Optimist and Pessimist are talking. Pessimist says "It can't get any worse than this", and the Optimist says "Oh, yes it can!"

                              Hope you all had a good turkey day. Wife goes back to work on Monday, and life returns to normal. I've read your posts re; 911, Rick, and I'll start responding then. My computer's slow and old, and so am I.I know theres alot more you want to tell me, like what was REALLY in bldg. 7. Be patient with me.Can only assimilate and respond to so much at a time.Jim


                              • I wouldn't advise waiting until December 7th to do so, either. There is no telling how successful this campaign may be, especially in the US where the campaign kicked off to a later start, but you won't want to be near the end of the line of people waiting to make a withdrawal.
                                I will not wait till 7. Dec also, to take my '5$' away from it,
                                i am going to take it few Days earlier, and only leave there, what i do really need.
                                I dont wanna cancel my Account, because it is allready like this,
                                that nothing works anymore without a Bankaccount, what is alarming enough.
                                Here at Germany they allowed allready some Offices like Tax office to have insight into your Account, if you are suspicous to have 'unregistered' Money or certain other Reason, like, the employemnt- or walfare agency wanna control your account movements.
                                Show, how they did buy anyone, first to give all cheap Accounts,
                                and at last, you are depending on it, because there is no other Way to have Cash or pay anymore, without seeing it at the Account.
                                It is may a Reason also, why they did try to take Cash away from Greek and replace it with cashless Transactions only, because there are a lot movements only over the Hand, and under may also, especially for the Politicans.
                                There been allready complaints from the Population about this after the crash, just noone did see a lot from this on the Medias,
                                they did focus more on the Countrys, 'what are so brave to help Greek'.
                                And maybe the other Countrys where Cash is common are the next Candidates to have a Crash.
                                It is actually ridicoulus, to try to catch a Country with such Actions from free falling, when the whole Structur is allready a endlesss Spiral into a deep big Hole.
                                At the EUnion are a lot (close all) of this Countrys what dont perform the Guidelines,
                                so if the Ban(g)ksters want them to crash, they will.
                                It is all like a controlled Demolition (sounds familiar?) when someone will press the Button.
                                That does even count for Germany also, this 'Flagship-Country', but it is actually totally bankrupt and insolvent.
                                When the E-Cash would crash for one Day, the whole Country would go down the River.
                                Someone did sproad a Rumor, that it did allready happen, that they cutted the Internet from the Gouvernment, and Germany had to lend Money from Italy, because they have each Day Transfers at Billions height, to catch up the Misery of Depth they allready have, and they do hide with moving Money around.
                                I can not find any Reports about this, so i can not confirm it really,
                                but all this Comedy is only just unreal.

                                Mainly i think it is a good Idea to do Actions like this,
                                just to give a Sign, to show " We know what you are Doing"
                                as mentioned at the French Page.
                                (- redirected by MyOwn you can access the English Version by clicking the small Letters EN below the Flag)
                                There is allready a Wiki Page about it.
                                Bank run - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
                                A bank run (also known as a run on the bank) occurs when a large number of bank customers withdraw their deposits because they believe the bank is, or might become, insolvent. As a bank run progresses, it generates its own momentum, in a kind of self-fulfilling prophecy (or positive feedback): as more people withdraw their deposits, the likelihood of default increases, and this encourages further withdrawals. This can destabilize the bank to the point where it faces bankruptcy.[1
                                and i am certain, when much Peoples will take her Cash, it will hurt them.
                                Even to mention beside, that the Cash what is in Circulation is only 2% from the Amount of Digits what they do play around with.

                                And maybe they will repeat this in a Year or so,
                                for the one who did not participate.
                                Another Idea is also, when even private Companys would set out one Day her Work,
                                and have no sales, that it will show the Gouvernment,
                                that this, what they do does not work, because this are the sales what they do need.
                                Theorizer are like High Voltage. A lot hot Air with no Power behind but they are the dead of applied Work and Ideas.

