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The American Ruling Class

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  • Rickoff

    "Why can't you view video? Connection too slow? If so, simply download the video to your hard drive while you are sleeping, and watch it the next day."
    17+y.o laptop, cheap landline connection, old operating system, and perhaps the phone lines in my trailer/trailer park are faulty.Every so often randomly, my connection is dropped. Sometimes almost as soon as I log on, sometimes 3 or 4 times in a row.I've tried it, in the a.m. the video download isn't complete. I could go to the library, they have broadband connection, just haven't yet.(See right after 9/11, us disinfo agents got top of the line equipment, unlimited resources, lots of overtime pay, etc. As time has past, we've been moved lower down on the priority.A couple of years ago, they took away all the equipment, and told us to buy our own.$ been cut back, steadily, to the point now its hardly worth it!)
    My wife, I and our dog are going on a roadtrip next week.Been busy building a bed, portapottie, and cooler into the back of my stepvan, so we can use it as a camper.Gonna get in a little alone time, before the whole families/holiday stuff.So I won't be online from Monday till Thurs. or Friday, next week.
    I am intrigued by both the photo embedded info, and the SS death registry info.Would be interesting to cross reference the info. What I'm mainly interested in is the victims of the towers;presumably they won't have embedded pictures with dates prior to 9/11, and will be in the death registry.I will try to check some on the registry, but can't do the photo embeded stuff, on my computer, and I don't think the library computer will allow downloading programs.
    I can't say that I am now a 'convert'. I can say if my friend Dave were still alive, and he said to me "911 was all a Gov't. Conspiracy!" I would not argue with him vehemently and with total assurance, as I did. I would now say, "You know, I'm just not sure.But there's some awful strange stuff going on, and I'm not at all sure it wasn't a conspiracy."
    I gotta say, to those of you who are convinced it was, this dialogue Rick and I have been having. This is the way you are going to convince others. Not by calling people names, or deriding that they are veeerryy ssslllloooowwww.And certainly not by only continueing to talk to yourselves.By being patient, and respectful, as Rickoff has been, and presenting your case.
    Assuming the conspiracy is for real, this is simply too horrific.The event itself was horrific.It was shocking, mind numbing, there just aren't words to describe. To pile on to that that it was a Conspiracy, not of 19 guys with box cutters, but of people in our own government, is horrendous.Of coarse no one WANTS to believe it. We don't even have words to call what a crime it was. Mass murder, sure. Genocide is mass murder too, but we have a seperate word, because it is in a category by itself. This crime is like that; a crime against humanity, against history. To cynically manipulate people and events in such a manner.Its not an easy thing to accept.Try to remember that, when you talk to a sceptic.Thats all I'm saying,....Thanks Rick


    • planned events

      Originally posted by rickoff View Post
      I'm not quite sure what you would like to know. Can you be more specific as to what you are looking for? For example, are you looking for what the possible coming scenario may look like, the likelihood of that scenario actually occurring, what you can do to prepare for the worst possible scenario, or are you looking for something else?

      How do you see the planned event unfolding?.

      well, I have not been following the big corporate news outlet lately, you really can't get a clear view with all of the manipulations and propaganda contaminations.

      North Korea was provoked to attack the South in defense of herself from the military exercises that it says included the firing of artillery shells within the North’s territorial waters.

      It seems clear with the peninsula arms buildup and presence of the USS George Washington that we are preparing for a war. China has already made clear of it's North Korea pro stance, and Russia has already vowed to do the same.

      Israel has recently amassed huge stocks of arms and fuel and so has Iran. Pakistan and other Islam nations ties are now seems concrete.

      How do you see the Zionists, what influence do they have on the current events?.

      How will the War affect us here in the US, what do you make of John Bedini's recent quotes regarding our electricity supply.


      • Rickoff

        Tried to follow the link, in your earlier post, (permalink #1108) to the death index, it linked to this forum, didn't see anything like a SSDI. So, from your earlier post, I went to Found SSDI, typed in Gerald Kendall Bingham, DOB May 22, 1970. Hit search. Did not come back saying not found, came back saying some computer gobley-de gook like the thread was incomplete, or something.Wish I had copied the message. Anyway, then I put in my Dads name, year of birth and year of death, and was disappointed to see he is dead, and the SS has him duly recorded. Then I put in 1 of the victims from the towers, name, year of birth, and death on 9/11/2001. Came back fine. Then I wanted to copy that gobbley-de-gook message, for this post. So, I again put in Gerald Kendall Bingham May 22, 1970 (DOB) and for DOD I put 9/11/2001. And it came back with a listing of the first 20 of 169 possibles.Didn't even put in his SS# at all.Might want to try it again? Jim


        • Originally posted by dutchdivco View Post
          Tried to follow the link, in your earlier post, (permalink #1108) to the death index, it linked to this forum, didn't see anything like a SSDI.
          I just looked back into post #1108, and you are right. Sorry about that. Here's the correct SSDI search link.

          Originally posted by dutchdivco View Post
          I put in my Dads name, year of birth and year of death, and was disappointed to see he is dead, and the SS has him duly recorded. Then I put in 1 of the victims from the towers, name, year of birth, and death on 9/11/2001. Came back fine.
          Yes, I think you will probably find most any person you have known who has died.

          Originally posted by dutchdivco View Post
          I again put in Gerald Kendall Bingham May 22, 1970 (DOB) and for DOD I put 9/11/2001. And it came back with a listing of the first 20 of 169 possibles. Didn't even put in his SS# at all. Might want to try it again? Jim
          There are options in the search that allow you to checkmark the "Exact only" boxes for birth and/or death date, otherwise the default search will bring up results for other nearby dates. You can also click the little arrow next to "Use default settings" below any field where you see that (such as beneath the name field), and choose an exact match. You could just go with the last name (Bingham) for an exact match, and the death date for an exact match, and that would work if he was in the index. Try that with your dad. Or simply enter the SS# and checkmark the "Exact" box next to that.

          "Seek wisdom by keeping an open mind to alternative realities, questioning authority, and searching for truth. Only then, when you see or hear something that has 'the ring of truth' to it, will it be as if a veil has been lifted, and suddenly you will begin to hear and see far more clearly than ever before." - Rickoff


          • Power to Be

            The Global Elites knows no geographical boundries. is no seperate countries, their activities spans around the globe as if it just one well oiled mahine.

            Then Yet we all still live under individualism nations delusions.

            Do you guys see the breaking down off the Wall?.
            Last edited by nenergy; 12-08-2010, 05:55 PM.


            • Yes i do: And it is about Energy. Their monopoly control of energy is the key to their power. I believe that de-centralized energy production will eventually kill them off.

              That is why i have pushed conventional solar energy so much lately (and the related work of Dr. Daniel Nocera of MIT). It is a CONVENTIONAL way to get this going. It cannot be fully suppressed, only ignored in the media. So at least ONE big hurdle is over. Getting the media to report on it is tough enough

              As a told a friend recently, i would like to make a bet: That i out-live the current "status quo" I think we all will.


              • Originally posted by nenergy View Post
                The Global Elites knows no geographical boundries. is no seperate countries, their activities spans around the globe as if it just one well oiled mahine.

                Then Yet we all still live under individualism nations delusions.

                Do you guys see the breaking down off the Wall?.
                One E.G.
                Muslim immigration is costing enormous sums and creating havoc across Western Europe, and EU leaders are working to give Muslims easier access to Europe – because Arabs expect this from them. Thank you for pointing this out, Mr. Prodi. And thank you for removing all doubts whether the European Union needs to be dismantled, and its treacherous and corrupt political elites removed from power.
                Global Politician - What Does Muslim Immigration Cost Europe?


                • "May you live in interesting times" old Chinese curse

                  "Yes i do: And it is about Energy. Their monopoly control of energy is the key to their power. I believe that de-centralized energy production will eventually kill them off. "

                  Wonder if this doesn't have its roots in the whole Tesla vs. Edison thing.i.e. Tesla (and his investors) wanted to distribute electricity 'freely'; no meter. Edison and his backers wanted to make a profit. Same backers who invested heavily in oil, railroads, etc.Logical step is to 'invest' in the political system, to insure favorable regulation.

                  An earlier poster suggested Socialism is the answer.History seems to have pretty much voted that one down.Socialism has certain inherent weaknesses.
                  My thinking is that Capitalism also has certain inherent, fundamental weaknesses; cracks in the foundation.And that the cracks are beginning to show.What we're seeing now is attempts to shore up the walls, and patch over the cracks.No real recognition of the inherent instability (denial), and so no fundemental effort to address the root of the problem.

                  Thing is, collapse of the 'building' of Capitalism is going to be very messy, and, currently, there is nothing to take its place.Interesting times. On the 1 hand I hope to live long enough to see How it all turns out, to see the end of this part of the story. On the other hand, I'm really glad I'm not young.Particularly glad I'm not raising young children.


                  • Energy Indenpence is key

                    Energy is one of their control mechanism. It's all beautifully orchestrated.

                    Education had been manipulated to keep us in mental limits, Religion manipulates our spiritual development. Energy binds us to fossil fuel and everything else is interdependent on another.

                    If you look good at all of the world countries, only 1% of the population if allowed to join their gang. So in reality, only 7.5 million of them controls the entire world.

                    But the top Power Elite is only 200 men. And this is not new, it's been going on for ages, we are only in another cycle called His-Story.

                    Is there any chance of Freedom?


                    • 500 million earthlings

                      Could WW3 be the planned event to eradicate 7 billion humans with other means including Nuclear?.

                      Come on guys, we are running out of time.


                      • Originally posted by nenergy View Post
                        Energy is one of their control mechanism. It's all beautifully orchestrated.
                        How do you think the World would be once everybody has free energy home?

                        I can't begin to imagine it.


                        • Tesla's Key to the Universe

                          Originally posted by bugler View Post
                          How do you think the World would be once everybody has free energy home?

                          I can't begin to imagine it.
                          Free Energy is very simple, but will you be allowed to harvest it?. Electricity is everything, no just household and motive energy.

                          It's the Key to everything, the phenomenas that we are not allowed to know.

                          Free Energy is only the beginning, once you have it then you will not adhere to the SYSTEM. Once you have it then you will see the possibilities of leaving this rock we call earth.

                          They already have it all, the Key to the Universe.


                          • An update on EXIF/IPTC photo data reading:

                            This information, while being provided at Jim's (dutchdivco) request, is certainly pertinent to anyone who would like to read IPTC data embedded in photos of the 9/11 victims as originally posted at the CNN victim memorial website, which were saved in a Web archive. I originally posted information about the Mark Bingham EXIF/IPTC data in post # 1083 which explains what data can be found, and the significance of it. In Mark Bingham's case, the IPTC data showed that obituary information had been embedded in the IPTC data 12 days prior to 9/11. Jim wanted to verify this on his own, but said that he could not open the zipped viewer download that I suggested to him, which was something I had pulled up in a Google search. For the convenience of Jim, and other interested persons, here is a link to a free EXIF viewer installation file ( IrfanView )download that does not require unzipping. Just save the 1.33MB file to your desktop, then run the installer. This will allow you to view EXIF information, however you must also download and install the IPTC.DLL plug-in file in order to view IPTC data embedded in photos. The IrfanView website offers the choice to download a plug-in installer package that includes all available plug-ins, and this is what IrfanView recommends. No unzipping required - just download to save on desktop and click the installer, which will automatically install all the plug-ins in the C:\Program Files\IrfanView\Plugins folder. Now you are ready to start viewing embedded EXIF and IPTC data.

                            To view the data in the Mark Bingham photo, first download the originally displayed at CNN photo (which was recently deleted at the CNN website). The original CNN memorial posting for Mark Bingham can be found in this Web archive. Even with a broadband connection, the site takes about 10 or 15 seconds to appear, since the 9/11 archive is so large. To save the photo on your computer, just point at the photo, single-right-click your mouse, and choose the "Save picture as" option, saving it to your desktop. Now start up IrfanView, click the open folder icon (first icon on the IrfanView toolbar), navigate to your desktop, find and double-click the bingham_mark.jpg file, and you will see this:

                            To view the EXIF data, click the Image Information icon (9th icon on the IrfanView toolbar), and you will see this:

                            You can see that I actually placed the Bingham photo in a IrfanView folder that I created on my desktop. I did this so that I could place multiple photos of "victims" there for easy viewing while not cluttering up my desktop. You will also notice that my "File date/time" EXIF data reads "12/6/2010 21:02:08" and what this signifies is that this is the date and time at which I saved the photo to my computer.

                            Now click the "IPTC info" button at the lower left corner of the IrfanView - Image properties window, and a new window will appear that looks like this:

                            The IrfanView - IPTC information window shows 5 tabs, and comes up with the first one (Caption) selected. Notice that the Caption information included in the embedded IPTC data tells us that Mark "was killed aboard United flight 93." The "Caption writer" field shows two sets of initials, "KR" and "AG," and these are initials of people who contributed to the Caption text. The "KR" initials are likely to be those of the original Caption writer at the Contra Costa Times (CCT), while "AG" later added the info about Mark's reported death. The Caption pane text also tells us this is a 1993 graduation photo, and was obtained from Associated Press (AP), which had received it from (CCT). An archive search at CCT for the month of September 2001 will find 21 articles about Mark Bingham with brief content. The full text of each article can only be viewed with a paid viewer fee of $2.95 per story, however, and CCT mentions that these archived stories do not include any photos that may have been displayed in the original articles. If CCT displayed the graduation photo in 1993, it would not be in their archives, which only goes back to 1995.

                            I could not find any search application at CCT for locating photos, but I think it could safely be assumed that CCT does still have their original photo image which they uploaded to the Associated Press (AP) server. News organizations, like CNN, pay a fee to AP to have the ability to upload or download photos and news articles to and from the AP server. The IPTC data found in AP server photos is important because it tells news organizations what photographer and/or news service must be credited for the photo, and in many instances offers a suggested photo Caption (as in Mark's case).

                            If you click the IrfanView IPTC Credits tab, the info there indicates that the photo file is a handout (HO), that AP gets the credit, and that the Contra Costa Times was AP's source for the photo, as shown here:

                            Now we click the IrfanView IPTC Origin tab, and see the following:

                            The "Date created" field shows us when the photo image was either created, or last updated by a photo edit, and is shown as August 30, 2001, which is 12 days prior to 9/11. AP would have been the last to edit the acquired photo for distribution on their server. Their edit was for the purpose of adding the text, "(Family photo/AP)" at the lower right hand margin of the photo image, and for adding any IPTC data (such as the Caption info) that was not included as received from CCT. You will notice the "Original transmission reference" value, at bottom of the Origin tab, is "CACCT101" and what this means is that the photo originated in California (CA), originated from Contra Costa Times (CCT) and was transferred to AP (101). All IPTC data references of 101 signify an AP owned file, while an independent photograper's file would have a 100 code, and other news distribution services such as International Press (IP) would have a different number code.

                            So there you have it. I encourage Jim, and any others interested in this very revealing IPTC data, to download the viewer and Mark Bingham photo, and to verify what I have shown in this post. I think Jim will be pleased that the IrfanView photo viewer uses proper English field descriptions, in spite of the fact that the IrfanView program author was born in Bosnia.

                            When I can find the time to do so, I will download and examine more photos from the Web archive containing the original CNN 9/11 memorial pages, and I would ask that others do the same in order to compile a list of verified photos containing pre-9/11 IPTC data of a similar nature to that found in the Mark Bingham photo. I would suspect that we might find many such photos, considering the fact that CNN deleted all but four of the 40 photos representing flight 93 "victims" soon after the IPTC data irregularities were first mentioned. It's anyone's guess how many of these people are real people, how many real people actually died on 9/11, or how many real people are still alive, but checking the names against the Social Security Death Index (SSDI) can help shed some light on that. Names found in the SSDI with a death date of 9/11/2001 can be ruled out from being alive persons or ficticious characters, but it would certainly be more difficult to determine the distinction between the real living and ficticious persons. Some very good clues have been found, though, within the photos, to indicate contrivances. More on that later.

                            Last edited by rickoff; 12-09-2010, 03:38 AM. Reason: sp
                            "Seek wisdom by keeping an open mind to alternative realities, questioning authority, and searching for truth. Only then, when you see or hear something that has 'the ring of truth' to it, will it be as if a veil has been lifted, and suddenly you will begin to hear and see far more clearly than ever before." - Rickoff


                            • United we stand

                              Hey Rick & All,
                              Our generation is a Very Interesting time.

                              Can we put aside our differences and Unite together to solve what is yet to come. Many recent events are important indicators of what isto come, I alone can not put the puzzle together.

                              Peace & Love, Freedom is our given natural right.


                              • Thanks

                                "So there you have it. I encourage Jim, and any others interested in this very revealing IPTC data, to download the viewer and Mark Bingham photo, and to verify what I have shown in this post. I think Jim will be pleased that the IrfanView photo viewer uses proper English field descriptions, in spite of the fact that the IrfanView program author was born in Bosnia."

                                I will try to do this, computer willing. To re-iterate, I am very interested in contrasting the findings of this comparing flight passengers with building occupants.Not so much the Pentagon, (cause who knows what was going on there) but the towers.

                                At times, I have felt like I was 'hijacking' this thread, on The American Ruling Class, by debating 911.Some of the posts of others lead me to think they feel that way, too.I will continue to research this, as I am able, and view the video's at the library, etc.Again, thanks Rick, and everyone for your patience.
                                I'm certainly ready to see this thread move beyond the debate about 911, at this point.

                                Got my MMS, in the mail today. Going to start it tomorrow, using the new intensified protocol for Cancer, Hep C, and similar conditions. Unfortunately, as I have rejected the whole health ins. mainstream medicine, I can't afford the expensive tests for Hep C that I would need to take before and after treatment, in order to 'prove' it killed the HepC. Just have to go by how I feel.
                                Anyway, wish me luck. Jim

