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The American Ruling Class

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  • Hi Bren,

    The point you bring up is a good one. Obviously Barry Obama/Soetoro never could have pulled off this charade on his own. His political party should have demanded proper documentation to ensure that he was qualified and eligible under standards set by the US Constitution, but they didn't. The Republican party is also liable, because they never challenged B.O.'s eligibility, in spite of the fact that their own candidate's eligibility was challenged and vetted in Congress. In fact, in a non-binding resolution to honor the state of Hawaii, not a single person in the House of Representatives objected to the inclusion of wording stating that Hawaii was "birthplace of President Barack Obama." State and Federal courts complied by ignoring cases brought by individuals and groups demanding that Obama submit proof of eligibility. And the lamestream media just looked the other way and either ignored the issue for the most part, while promoting the idea to the public that groups questioning B.O.'s eligibility were either whacked out radicals or racists. State and Federal election officials participated in Obama's fraudulent placement on state ballots by never requiring proof of his eligibility to run for, or hold office if elected, and ignored repeated requests to strike Obama's name from ballots if adequate proof was not submitted. And finally, the people of the United States not only allowed all of this to happen, but ensured Obama's success by voting for him. Of course the people didn't have much of a choice in the matter, since neither major candidate was actually eligible under "natural born citizen" status, which under natural law requires that a person must be born "in country, and of parents who are citizens of that country." McCain had two US citizen parents, but was born in Panama. His parents were qualified under US laws to confer US citizenship upon him, but that is different than the "natural born citizen," who by very nature of Natural Law is a citizen who requires no act of Congress to proclaim his or her citizenship status. As for Obama, we still don't know for certain where he was born, but we already know that, no matter where that was, he cannot claim "natural born citizen" status due to his Kenyan father. That should be the end of the debate, but amazingly it drags on and on. It appears that the issue will never be resolved other than by the current state efforts to ensure that listing of Presidential candidates on state ballots must adhere to Constitutional requirements. Any US readers who are not living in one of the 10 states which are enacting proper election legislation should contact their in-state representatives and demand that such legislation be introduced.

    "Seek wisdom by keeping an open mind to alternative realities, questioning authority, and searching for truth. Only then, when you see or hear something that has 'the ring of truth' to it, will it be as if a veil has been lifted, and suddenly you will begin to hear and see far more clearly than ever before." - Rickoff


    • Now when i read over this 3 Posts it looks for me, that Israel is another Puppy
      for the upper Class. They give Israel the Power and Freedom, (even a very dangerous Power) to do what they want almost everywhere in the World, because they are in lots of Countrys as 'Councils', dont allow anyone to critizise them, and build up another 'Bad Cop'.

      The Rest from the Clans can still go on with her manipulating and can get for the Rest of the other Countrys.

      A Comment there at the Video
      The 1947 UN Support of Zion was funded by Rothschild through British Banks.

      Zion is not is Bankers for profit. Can you see it yet?

      A Translation from a German Page about the Ruling Class.
      I hope, that it is readable, i did chase it through a Translator,
      and did do no spell correction.

      Who really governs Washington
      Saturday 18 October 2008 at 02:38 by Freeman

      ... and what they actually want.

      The Bush / Cheney gang of criminals has been cold for some time and has to say in Washington any more. Why not hear much from them one. They are reduced to a discontinued model, which must still true in the time remaining appearances.

      In fact, the United States will be a so-called "Principle Committee conducted a committee of the political elite. This clique of Defense Robert Gates, Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice are chairman of the U.S. Joint Chiefs of Staff Michael Mullen, Treasury Secretary Robert Paulson and Fed Chairman Ben Shalom Bernanke, who act as puppets and executive organs.

      The stringy, Wall Street Group of the Trilateral Commission, chaired by Tripp upper overcoat Zbigniew Brzezinski. He has everything under control, including both candidates for president, Obama and McCain.

      And still perched above David Rockefeller, and his descendants, who have already taken over the regency. Oligarch George Soros mixed with still strong with its multi billion. There are close links to European clan, with all the Rothschild clan in London, caring for the other side of the Atlantic, and the politicians here in the pocket.

      How do you know that Bush / Cheney have nothing more to say and Brzezinski's foreign policy for some time determined, especially the future of the presidency?

      First of all we have to just see who the most influential advisers of the two presidential candidates?

      Since we have on the side of Democrats Mark Brzeziński, indeed the son of Zbigniew. He is a partner in the Washington-based international government consulting firm McGuire Woods. He is Obama's national security adviser.

      On the other hand, the Republicans, we find Ian Brzezinski, also a son of Zbig. He also works in Washington as Deputy Vice Minister of Defence, Minister for European and NATO affairs. He is McCain's secret national security adviser.

      Both presidential candidates are "advised" by members of the family Brzeziński, with the father as head of the background, and Zbig is again the hearing protégé of Rockefeller.

      Sun stages the power elite politics. To always be the winner, one must include all horses in the race. No matter who the election "win" their candidate to be president. The elections are just a show for the stupid people, that the illusion of a democracy is respected. In fact, there is no choice, there is no political change, it will be replaced only the actors, the same power structure remains the all determined.

      Further evidence that the Bush / Cheney era belongs to the past and the Brzezinski-Trilateral-Rockefeller Soros has taken over phase of the aggression, the change of foreign policy for over a year. The focus is no longer in the Middle East with the war in Iraq but the U.S. and NATO to increase their commitment in the senseless and unwinnable war in Afghanistan and a new war in Pakistan started with the bombing of the border regions.

      Topping the list of enemies of this clique are Russia and China. The Allies attacked the Chinese are now, such as Sudan, Zimbabwe, Burma and especially Pakistan, a large Islamic country with nuclear weapons and ties to China. With Ukraine, and most recently Georgia, but also with the signing of the treaty on the stationing of missiles in Poland, Russia will provoke extreme.

      The goal of foreign policy by Brzezinski to Russia and China is weakening, and in general the members and friends of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization. Zbig wants both countries to rush to each other, the method of the British Empire, as with Russia and Germany in WW II used successfully to third parties as laughing then to stand there. These major powers are the main obstacle to the implementation of the plan for world domination, the global elite, based in Washington and London as the final goal.

      The stakes are much higher now than just a conflict in the Persian Gulf. The adventure of Brzeziński goes much further than that of the neocons with Bush and Cheney. He and his inspectors deliberately take a nuclear exchange in purchasing. These people are psychopaths can those be trusted everything.

      Therefore, it is completely naive to believe, what will change under Obama, will take place once "Change" to begin a peaceful era. On the contrary, whether he or McCain, the aggression and belligerence of America is still increasing, and their "allies" will have to obey and be forced to participate.

      Happened already, with the massive military support to Georgia by NATO and increase and extension of German troop presence in Afghanistan, just decided by the Bundestag.

      The current financial crisis, with the destruction of monetary value, is another means to the great plan of world domination of the New World Order, achieve, with the aim of a government, a currency and financial system. The crash made aware, the resulting chaos and total impoverishment of the masses is the way to go there.

      Oh yes, Zbig has a daughter, Mika Brzezinski, who works as an influential television journalist and news anchor for MSNBC.

      Dr. Johannes B. Koeppl, former State Secretary in the German Ministry of Defense and advisor to NATO Secretary General Manfred Woerner, said in an interview with Michael C. Ruppert: "The interests behind the Bush administration, such as the Council On Foreign Relations, the Trilateral Commission - founded by Brzezinski for David Rockefeller - and the Bilderberg Group, have prepared and are working to implement a world dictatorship within the next five years, you do not fight terrorists, you fight against humanity "...

      Ruppert says Koeppl would be the first person he ever interviewed who ever conducted a presentation at the Bilderberg Conference and the Trilateral Commission. That was before he was against it. It is thus an insider, who, after his realization of the evil machinations and true intentions of the global elite, the fronts.

      "1983/84, I warned of a takeover by a world government, which is orchestrated by these people. There was a clear plan for real democracy to undermine and selected leaders were not elected because of her character, but because of their loyalty to an economic system controlled by the elites and intended to maintain their power. We now have only pseudo-democracies. " Koeppl said.

      His case came very quickly after it in an article in Newsweek and elsewhere, wrote Brzezinski and the CFR wish the global dictatorship. "It was a criminal society with which I had to do. It was not possible in the so-called respectable publications to publish something. My 30-year career in politics ended."

      I can recommend to everyone that the book by Zbigniew Brzezinski "The Grand Chessboard" or in German "The Grand Chessboard: American strategy of domination" to read. As are the precise aims and objectives of it's geo-strategy. One must study the enemy in order to combat it.

      Three times you can guess who wrote the foreword for the German edition, while Brzezinski has praised to the sky ... Hans-Dietrich Genscher!
      Theorizer are like High Voltage. A lot hot Air with no Power behind but they are the dead of applied Work and Ideas.


      • Originally posted by rickoff View Post
        Obviously Barry Obama/Soetoro never could have pulled off this charade on his own.
        This is a clear example that the politicians are just employees of the criminal network. They were told to do nothing about Barry Soetoro non-qualification to be a candidate and so they did.

        Politicians are not really our problema but just a piece of the problem as they have their loyalty to their masters who are the real criminals.

        A first measure would be to put in jail politicians, banksters and millionaires over 100 million $ (or any other suitable amount).


        • Originally posted by bugler View Post
          This is a clear example that the politicians are just employees of the criminal network. They were told to do nothing about Barry Soetoro non-qualification to be a candidate and so they did.

          Politicians are not really our problema but just a piece of the problem as they have their loyalty to their masters who are the real criminals.

          A first measure would be to put in jail politicians, banksters and millionaires over 100 million $ (or any other suitable amount).

          A first measure would be to put in jail politicians, banksters and millionaires over 100 million $ (or any other suitable amount).
          Help me out here - who is it you think is going to put theses people in jail? Who might you think has any control or oversight to enable such action?

          Bet me - Someone is going to put the powers in jail


          • Originally posted by conradphd View Post
            Help me out here - who is it you think is going to put theses people in jail? Who might you think has any control or oversight to enable such action?
            The only way is social pressure.

            I have no idea who has really started the social protests in Tunis and now in Egypt but we have witnessed a government change in days cause people demand it.

            All the real revolutions (not including the french and russian coup d'état) has started by the people demanding it. These real revolutions have been removed from history books cause the elite doesn't want us to know but they have happened hundreds of times.

            Right now it seems impossible cause most people know nothing about reality but let's hope that the truth spreads lexponentially.



            • Hi guys,

              I just wanted you to see this video abuot a family growing their own food, making their own diesel out of waste cooking oil and living wihtout a standard job in a city.

              Quite interesting in my opinion.

              YouTube - Living the Real Simple Life (ABC Nightline)

              (not really related to the ruling class but I didn't want to start a thread for this. I apologize if anyone doesn't like the idea).


              • It may would match better to
                what will prefent such kind of living,
                that they still can sell more her ill making Food
                and take away anyones independence.
                But its good to know, when you can see, that it is
                actually not to hard to get most or all of your own food at a backyard
                Theorizer are like High Voltage. A lot hot Air with no Power behind but they are the dead of applied Work and Ideas.


                • Originally posted by bugler View Post
                  Hi guys,

                  I just wanted you to see this video abuot a family growing their own food, making their own diesel out of waste cooking oil and living wihtout a standard job in a city.

                  Quite interesting in my opinion.

                  YouTube - Living the Real Simple Life (ABC Nightline)

                  (not really related to the ruling class but I didn't want to start a thread for this. I apologize if anyone doesn't like the idea).
                  Very cool vid.

                  I can appreciate that. In 2004 I blew my knee, and thn put a crack in my spine. I was doing commercial concrete work at the time, and couldn't see much a light at the end of my personal tunnel, so to speak, so... I packed up my crap and I moved to the bush, on my friends farm, 57 acres.

                  In the 12 months i lived there, it cost me $3500 which included $100 rent per month. When I was fully healed up, I returned to town life, and my Yurt became my getaway. Still is.

                  That cost included building my house, heating my house, eating, and everything except decreasing debtload, which remained (Death and taxes are avoidable! haha)

                  Here is what i built, and where I called home, and the thread is a discussion of how I built the Yurt, with pictures on pages 2 and 3.

                  It doesn't take much to survive, all to often we forget what it REALLY takes and the benefits of minimizing.

                  I am single parent and my daughter is 2, lives with me. When she is a bit older we will return to another rural setup, this time I am more armed: I have 1300 watts solar and much more equipment, but then, in 2005, I had one small panel and 200 amp hours of battery bank, that's it!

                  Mongolian Yurt Style Structures

                  Alberta is under attack...

                  Has anyone seen my Bedini Ceiling Fan that pushes the warm air down, and charges batteries as an added bonus? Me neither. 'Bout time I made one!!!!! :P


                  • @bugler and kcarring - Good and useful posts, guys, and they are very well placed here in this thread. After all, there is no doubt that the best way to minimize the Ruling Class influence upon your life is to live as simply as possible and reduce your dependence on the establishment network of "necessities." Most things that people think of nowadays as being necessities (automobiles, televisions, cell phones, microwave ovens, etc.) really are not. Your basic needs are food, water, clothing, shelter, and heat, of course, if you live in a cold climate. There almost assuredly will come a time when we will all need to get back to basics if we want to survive, and now is the time to learn how to live with basics and plan for future times. The Ruling Class game plan is to make everyone totally dependent on government for all our needs - both the real and imagined ones. Destroying the dollar, killing jobs, raising taxes, and growing the government while instituting more and more social programs, is the surest path to enslavement of the masses.
                    "Seek wisdom by keeping an open mind to alternative realities, questioning authority, and searching for truth. Only then, when you see or hear something that has 'the ring of truth' to it, will it be as if a veil has been lifted, and suddenly you will begin to hear and see far more clearly than ever before." - Rickoff


                    • The Nullification option

                      Nullification is a legal theory that says states have the right to nullify, or invalidate, any federal law which those states have deemed unconstitutional. The theory is based on the fact that sovereign states form the Union, and as members of the Union the states have final authority regarding the limits of the power of the central government.

                      Even though the House of Representatives has already voted to repeal ObamaCare, the healthcare law repeal has yet to pass the Senate. And even if it does make it through the Senate, which doesn't seem likely, Obama can still veto the repeal. Nullification may very well be the last chance we have to get rid of ObamaCare, one of the most unconstitutional US laws of all time.

                      Right now, eight states are pushing to nullify ObamaCare. Maine, Montana, Oregon, Idaho, Nebraska, Texas, Oklahoma, and Wyoming, are presenting bills this week that would make the president’s signature on ObamaCare void. If you live in one of these eight states, contact your state representatives and urge rapid action to pass this legislation. If you live elsewhere in the US, contact your state representatives and tell them they need to follow the lead of the 8 states listed above.

                      Nullification is not just some lame brained idea. While the federal government likes to believe they are almighty, the federal government actually derives its powers from the several states which formed the union. The Constitution states exactly what powers the federal government is given, and also states that the powers not specifically given to the federal government are reserved for the individual states. When the federal government oversteps its authority, which has been happening on a more and more frequent basis in recent years, it is not only the right of states to invalidate unconstitutional laws, but also the duty of the states to nullify such laws and uphold the Constitution. So when legislation fails, nullification must follow. Nullification is our final peaceful recourse, and is the true power of the people.
                      "Seek wisdom by keeping an open mind to alternative realities, questioning authority, and searching for truth. Only then, when you see or hear something that has 'the ring of truth' to it, will it be as if a veil has been lifted, and suddenly you will begin to hear and see far more clearly than ever before." - Rickoff


                      • Originally posted by rickoff View Post
                        Nullification is a legal theory that says states have the right to nullify, or invalidate, any federal law which those states have deemed unconstitutional.
                        Correct me if I am wrong, I apologize I am a Canadian and don't follow each American political maneouvre play-by-play - but - did they not slip an extension to the patriot act in with Obamacare?
                        Alberta is under attack...

                        Has anyone seen my Bedini Ceiling Fan that pushes the warm air down, and charges batteries as an added bonus? Me neither. 'Bout time I made one!!!!! :P


                        • Originally posted by rickoff View Post
                          ... live as simply as possible and reduce your dependence on the establishment network of "necessities." Most things that people think of nowadays as being necessities (automobiles, televisions, cell phones, microwave ovens, etc.) really are not. Your basic needs are food, water, clothing, shelter, and heat, of course, if you live in a cold climate. There almost assuredly will come a time when we will all need to get back to basics if we want to survive, and now is the time to learn how to live with basics and plan for future times.
                          I agree full-heartedly, as I have lived it. Off grid with no amount of money we would normally consider mandatory for survival that is. Less than $200 a month, after crucial expenses. And that included building my house...

                          When you actually get out and do it, ACTUALLY DO IT... you learn so much. Water is SO key. Food is actually so much easier, if you don't have water, your packing it and that consumes far too much energy and time. Water unlike wood for winter's heat, is harder to stock pile if you wish to remain healthy.

                          Anyway.. one of the things I quickly learned, well in a couple of months, anyways... is that you MUST learn how to work well with, and communicate well with others in your given day to day environment. Failure to do that is imminent failure and it's a far bigger deal than anyone would imagine. I always considered that a strong point of mine and yet it proved to be a huge learning experience. You cannot get by without it.

                          Secondly there is a real problem with our constitutional laws (In Canada) and that is, under certain situations (imposed Martial Law may be one of them, World War definitely is...) you don't really own your land in Canada.
                          The Crown does. The Queen does. That's a real issue. It's a card in their pocket.

                          However, in Canada - the natives do own their land. And that to me is very interesting. It brings new meaning to value of relations with our indiginous peoples.

                          As to whether all of these effects are similar in the USA - I don't know.
                          Alberta is under attack...

                          Has anyone seen my Bedini Ceiling Fan that pushes the warm air down, and charges batteries as an added bonus? Me neither. 'Bout time I made one!!!!! :P


                          • Originally posted by kcarring View Post
                            you don't really own your land in Canada.
                            The Crown does. The Queen does. .
                            Actually the crown is not the queen but a private corporation. The queen is there so you don't realize that a private corporation owns almost the whole world.

                            Reality is stranger than fiction. Reserach this topic and you will surprised (you will find things like the City of London and Columbia (white house) are states, ...)
                            Last edited by bugler; 02-01-2011, 02:32 PM.


                            • Quotable quote of the day

                              "It is well enough that people of the nation do not understand our banking and monetary system, for if they did, I believe there would be a revolution before tomorrow morning."
                              - Henry Ford
                              "Seek wisdom by keeping an open mind to alternative realities, questioning authority, and searching for truth. Only then, when you see or hear something that has 'the ring of truth' to it, will it be as if a veil has been lifted, and suddenly you will begin to hear and see far more clearly than ever before." - Rickoff


                              • Massive crowds across Egypt demand Mubarak ouster

                                CAIRO – More than a quarter-million people flooded into the heart of Cairo Tuesday, filling the city's main square in by far the largest demonstration in a week of unceasing demands for President Hosni Mubarak to leave after nearly 30 years in power.

                                The military promised on state TV Monday night that it would not fire on protesters answering a call for a million to demonstrate, a sign that army support for Mubarak may be unraveling as momentum builds for an extraordinary eruption of discontent and demands for democracy in the United States' most important Arab ally.

                                Organizers said the aim was to intensify marches to get the president out of power by Friday, and similar demonstrations erupted in at least five other cities around Egypt.

                                Mubarak's weakening hold on power has forced the world to plan for the end of a regime that maintained three decades of peace with Israel and relative stability despite a powerful domestic Islamist terrorist threat, even as its human rights record was constantly criticized the gap between rich and poor widened.

                                Nearly half of Egypt's 80 million people live under or just above the poverty line set by the World Bank at $2 a day.

                                The protesters were more organized than on previous days. Volunteers wearing tags reading "the People's Security" circulated through the crowds, saying they were watching for government infiltrators who might try to instigate violence.

                                Two dummies representing Mubarak were hung from traffic lights. On their chests was written: "We want to put the murderous president on trial." Their faces were scrawled with the Star of David, an allusion to many protesters' feeling that Mubarak is a friend of Israel, still seen by most Egyptians as their country's archenemy more than 30 years after the two nations signed a peace treaty.

                                The officials said thousands of protesters gathered in Alexandria, Suez, the southern province of Assiut, the city of Mansoura north of Cairo, and Luxor, the southern city where some 5,000 people protested outside its iconic Ancient Egyptian temple on the east bank of the Nile.

                                Banks, schools and the stock market in Cairo were closed for the third working day, making cash tight. Long lines formed outside bakeries as people tried to replenish their stores of bread, for which prices were spiraling.

                                Authorities shut down all roads and public transportation to Cairo, security officials said. Train services nationwide were suspended for a second day and all bus services between cities were halted.
                                All roads in and out of the flashpoint cities of Alexandria, Suez, Mansoura and Fayoum were also closed.

                                The official death toll from the crisis stood at 97, with thousands injured, but reports from witnesses across the country indicated the actual toll was far higher.

                                Jubilant crowds flood Cairo, escalating protests - Yahoo! News
                                Last edited by aljhoa; 02-01-2011, 03:41 PM.

