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The American Ruling Class

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  • Originally posted by kcarring View Post
    Correct me if I am wrong, I apologize I am a Canadian and don't follow each American political maneouvre play-by-play - but - did they not slip an extension to the patriot act in with Obamacare?
    I suppose that is entirely possible, since the ObamaCare bill is well over a thousand pages and no one in Congress actually took the time to read this monstrosity before passing it. Indeed, then Speaker of the House, Nancy Pelosi, said that legislators must pass the bill so that they could find out what was inside it. That's not just inane, it is insane reasoning.

    On the other hand, though, the Patriot Act is soon set to expire, and legislation (HR 67) has been introduced by Michigan Representative Mike Rogers, the House Intelligence Committee chairmain, to extend the Patriot Act until February 29, 2012. This legislation will be voted on In February, and concerned Americans need to raise their voices and demand an end to this facist act. Like all the other "Big Brother" programs the government has introduced, they tag it with a name that would make people believe the act is as American as apple pie. The name implies that if you are not for having and keeping this act, then you are unpatriotic. It is merely reverse psychology at work, since nothing could be further from the truth. Watch this video to understand what is really at stake.

    "Seek wisdom by keeping an open mind to alternative realities, questioning authority, and searching for truth. Only then, when you see or hear something that has 'the ring of truth' to it, will it be as if a veil has been lifted, and suddenly you will begin to hear and see far more clearly than ever before." - Rickoff


    • Originally posted by kcarring View Post
      there is a real problem with our constitutional laws (In Canada) and that don't really own your land in Canada. The Crown does.....That's a real issue.
      As to whether all of these effects are similar in the USA - I don't know.
      It is quite similar here in the US. People typically make a down payment of a few thousand dollars on a house, and then work for the next 30 years to pay off the bank loan. In the meantime, the bank owns the house. Then, once the house is paid off, the residents still do not really own the home free and clear because they must continue paying exhorbitant property taxes until the day they die. In many cases, when people go into retirement, they cannot afford to keep up with the ever increasing amount of their property taxes (which are usually more than the amount of their yearly mortgage payments by the time the home is paid off), so must either sell and downsize, refinance their home, or lose their home because of back taxes owed on it.

      This is not the way America's founding fathers envisioned our system would be set up. In the beginning, all US landowners had what is referred to as Allodial Title. Allodial Title is the heart and soul of the construct of the United States of America. This is how the people held title to their land, free and clear of any taxes or encumbrances. With Allodial Title, the government cannot come onto your land because you are sovereign on your land. Imagine owning land where you knew, if all went wrong, you could at least survive. If you had even a modest home, a well for water, enough land to plant, grow, and harvest the food you required, and a woodlot to cut your firewood from, then you were basically self sufficient and could get by in the worst of economic times. This is what the USA is meant to be. In the Treaty of Paris, which ended the American Revolutionary war, the American people were given their lands in Allodial Title. Citizens owned all the property free and clear. At some point, though, the U.S. government (at the request of the Federal Reserve)returned the country to the feudal system of property ownership, forcing an obligation on citizens to pay property tax.

      One US state, Nevada, reintroduced an Allodial Title initiative in 1997. Under this plan, taxes amounting to 5% of a property's value could be paid in advance to secure an Allodial Title. This payment would go into a self sustaining fiund, of which the accumulated interest in following years would be used for the purpose of satisfying state debts, while the bearer of Allodial Title would have no further obligation to pay property taxes. Sounds like a great idea, doesn't it? To my understanding, though, Nevada may already have backtracked on this and scuttled the plan. Obviously, the Ruling Class could not allow such a plan to be implemented in any state, as people the remaining states would soon demand that their state legislators follow suit. Heck, who wouldn't gladly pay 5 years worth of property taxes in advance if they knew that would be the end of their property tax obligation? I would do it in a heartbeat, wouldn't you? People everywhere should take a look at what was proposed in Nevada, and demand that their representatives introduce and fight for similar legislation.

      "Seek wisdom by keeping an open mind to alternative realities, questioning authority, and searching for truth. Only then, when you see or hear something that has 'the ring of truth' to it, will it be as if a veil has been lifted, and suddenly you will begin to hear and see far more clearly than ever before." - Rickoff


      • Property Taxes

        What you need to do is get full and complete title to the
        property in question and then essentially quit claimina it so no
        governing authority can place it back on the tax roles to use
        it as collateral for a bond.

        Another approach to quit paying property taxes is to
        place a Common Law Lien on your property.

        You can also claim under the Commercial Code 1-207
        that you reserve all rights, without prejudice. One such right is
        that your property not be placed on the tax roles.

        How To Eliminate Almost All Property Taxes


        • Allodial Title

          Originally posted by rickoff View Post
          One US state, Nevada, reintroduced an Allodial Title initiative in 1997. Under this plan, taxes amounting to 5% of a property's value could be paid in advance to secure an Allodial Title.
          It is very difficult to find accurate information in regards to the Allodial
          Title that won't get someone in trouble.

          Cheers to Nevada for doing something like that - I hope something comes
          from it eventually and other states follow suit.

          I'd send payment tomorrow if Washington state had a deal like that.
          Aaron Murakami

          Books & Videos
          RPX & MWO


          • Buck stops here? Virginia looks at alternative to dollar

            From an article by Kelly O'Meara, posted yesterday on WND News:

            "Virginia state Delegate Robert G Marshall has introduced legislation to study whether the Commonwealth of Virginia should make the preparations now to switch suddenly to an alternative currency in the event of an implosion of the Federal Reserve System and the destruction of the dollar.
            House Joint Resolution 557 is another piece of a growing movement among state legislators who are concerned about the dollar's demise. Ten states have considered similar bills, recommending a return to some form of a commodity-based currency, using either silver or gold."

            Marshall said, "I presented it to the subcommittee and ... they just sat there smiling like Cheshire cats, they didn't move to kill it and didn't move to report it to the committee. So, I'm going to try and move it along and get the attention of someone on the full committee to report it. This proposal is about being prepared. If you're crossing the Atlantic on the Titanic somebody should think about a life preserver. This is about asking the simple questions 'does Virginia need some life boats, can we build them and how long will it take?'"

            Read more here: Virginia eyes dollar alternative
            "Seek wisdom by keeping an open mind to alternative realities, questioning authority, and searching for truth. Only then, when you see or hear something that has 'the ring of truth' to it, will it be as if a veil has been lifted, and suddenly you will begin to hear and see far more clearly than ever before." - Rickoff


            • Another Quote for our dearest Rick. Henry ford, who BTW his son is a Hari Krishna (Alfred Ford - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia) And an ALTRUIST

              Henry ALSO SAID:

              "Why use up the forests which were centuries in the making and the mines which required ages to lay down, if we can get the equivalent of forest and mineral products in the annual growth of the hemp fields?" - Henry Ford

              HEMP is not what the ruling class wants, as i was telling Peter L you can become self sufficient,. we are filming open source methods to covert hemp into buildings , paper, clothes FOOD plus fuel . Ill post here as a thank you to Rick for his wonderful posts, they have helped us research a lot. Thanks Rick Rick i cant tell you how your research has helped like Aarons and others here. any how



              Last edited by ashtweth; 02-03-2011, 04:34 AM.


              • Hi Ash,

                By "covert hemp," do you mean the kind that is grown illegally?
                "Seek wisdom by keeping an open mind to alternative realities, questioning authority, and searching for truth. Only then, when you see or hear something that has 'the ring of truth' to it, will it be as if a veil has been lifted, and suddenly you will begin to hear and see far more clearly than ever before." - Rickoff


                • Clearly we live in a complete corrupt system. Whatever is good is forbidden as it is the case with hemp.

                  Whatever is bad is complety legal: fluoried in water, aspartame trans fat, etc, etc.

                  We are being destroyed in so many ways and sadly most people just seem uninterested in improving our situation.


                  • Originally posted by rickoff View Post
                    Hi Ash,

                    By "covert hemp," do you mean the kind that is grown illegally?
                    Covert hemp is the hemp grown through non-accountable funds by the CIA in BC Canada via the Hells Angels hehe Probably not as far from the truth as it sounds LOL

                    On a more serious note I think that with all the controversy over "swapping crops" that is - why convert crops to ethanol grains when we need food? - it's a good argument, and one plausible answer is to grow hemp, instead in the evergrowing destroyed crown lands of BC, where bugkill has devastated the forests. One of the big problems with reforestation is wind erosion created by the tunnel effect left by strip logging. If you filled the strips with hemp, beside the the seedlings for 4 or 5 years... it'd give shelter to the conifers, and restore the ground nutrients. Then after a certain period, start harvesting the hemp earlier and earlier each year, eventually the new growth forests with outshade the undergrowth, like they normally do. Use the hemp for a multitude of things including fuels. I think they have known hemp would be the ultimate fuel source for decades - possibly part of the reason they've suppressed it, and thrown it in with "pot". Truth is you'd have to smoke a quarter ounce of the stuff to even get high, and todays weed smokers have no shortage of good weed, and certainly no desire to resort back to smoking "dirt weed". Might as well build a prison out there while your at it. Made of cordwood from the bugkill. Employ the prisoners as hemp harvesters and cultivators. What's the worst could happen, a murderer smokes a pound of dirtweed while making fuel for our cars, and laughs himself to death?

                    In the end, there are no shortage of excellent plans to overcome our obstacles. If an idiot like me can solve 4 major problems in one paragraph, surely the obstacles are not the problem. The system is the problem. We need to take back the politics or revolt, this is crap.
                    Last edited by kcarring; 02-03-2011, 10:37 PM.
                    Alberta is under attack...

                    Has anyone seen my Bedini Ceiling Fan that pushes the warm air down, and charges batteries as an added bonus? Me neither. 'Bout time I made one!!!!! :P


                    • YouTube - AlienScientist's Channel
                      I just watched this movie,it was quite informative. This channel has a lot of really good videos collected.



                      • Are you ready

                        Just want to mention this if it was not brought up before.

                        Food Shortage, Rising Prices, Rioting is coming very soon to The United States.

                        Prepare now if you haven't.

                        Good Luck All.


                        • Originally posted by rickoff View Post
                          From an article by Kelly O'Meara, posted yesterday on WND News:

                          "Virginia state Delegate Robert G Marshall has introduced legislation to study whether the Commonwealth of Virginia should make the preparations now to switch suddenly to an alternative currency in the event of an implosion of the Federal Reserve System and the destruction of the dollar.
                          House Joint Resolution 557 is another piece of a growing movement among state legislators who are concerned about the dollar's demise. Ten states have considered similar bills, recommending a return to some form of a commodity-based currency, using either silver or gold."

                          Marshall said, "I presented it to the subcommittee and ... they just sat there smiling like Cheshire cats, they didn't move to kill it and didn't move to report it to the committee. So, I'm going to try and move it along and get the attention of someone on the full committee to report it. This proposal is about being prepared. If you're crossing the Atlantic on the Titanic somebody should think about a life preserver. This is about asking the simple questions 'does Virginia need some life boats, can we build them and how long will it take?'"

                          Read more here: Virginia eyes dollar alternative
                          Yes it is exactly like asking "Does Virginia need some life boats?" Anyone stupid enough to believe the nonsense in this thread is stupid enough to believe Virginia is afloat and might sink.
                          The committee sat there grinning because idiots are amusing.


                          • @Aldwyn

                            Originally posted by Aldwyn View Post
                            Yes it is exactly like asking "Does Virginia need some life boats?" Anyone stupid enough to believe the nonsense in this thread is stupid enough to believe Virginia is afloat and might sink.
                            The committee sat there grinning because idiots are amusing.
                            Last chance - here to cause trouble and insult people or are here to have some
                            intelligent discussion?
                            Aaron Murakami

                            Books & Videos
                            RPX & MWO


                            • Originally posted by Aldwyn View Post
                              Yes it is exactly like asking "Does Virginia need some life boats?" Anyone stupid enough to believe the nonsense in this thread is stupid enough to believe Virginia is afloat and might sink.
                              The committee sat there grinning because idiots are amusing.
                              Why is this guy so angry. Is it a case of "thou doth protest too much"?
                              Last edited by life4living; 02-06-2011, 12:02 PM. Reason: Secong thoughts about my previous comment.
                              I know that you are part of me and I am part of you because we are all aspects of the same infinite consciousness that we call God and Creation.
                              David Icke

                              My website PATHS-Life4Living How PATHS Works


                              • Originally posted by Aldwyn View Post
                                Yes it is exactly like asking "Does Virginia need some life boats?" Anyone stupid enough to believe the nonsense in this thread is stupid enough to believe Virginia is afloat and might sink.
                                The committee sat there grinning because idiots are amusing.
                                The only idiots are the ones who still believe that the dollar is still strong, and does not face the imminent threat of total devaluation. Since the establishment of the Federal Reserve in 1913, which was established to supposedly "protect" the dollar and the US economy, the US dollar has already lost 98.5% of its purchasing power relative to 1913. To confirm this fact, which you appear to believe is "nonsense," just look at the historic price of gold. The value of gold is constant -it never changes, and that is why gold is considered the best hedge agains inflation. One ounce of gold will buy the same fine men's suit today that it would buy in 1913 when gold was $19.82 an ounce. So you see, the reason gold is selling at $1349 today is not because gold is worth more than it was in 1913, but rather the fact that the US dollar is now worth far less - 98.53076 percent less than in 1913. Don't believe it? Do the math. Then consider the fact that the US national debt is now at 95% of, and rapidly nearing, the total annual US gross domestic product (GDP).
                                US Debt vs GDP
                                If your own finances were that screwed up (I don't know, are they? ) then you would never be able to work your way out of debt because nearly all your income not committed to necessities (food, clothing, gasoline, electric, heating oil, etc.) would go towards simply paying the massive interest charges on the debt you owe. There would be nothing left over to reduce that debt amount. And as the dollar becomes further devalued (which it most assuredly will due to inflationary pressure caused by the Federal Reserve's plan to print huge amounts of worthless fiat money, and Congress' plan to raise the debt limit), you will either have to spend considerably more of your income on necessities and default on your interest payments, or make the interest payments and spend far less on necessities. The second option will be quite difficult, because as the price of these necessities escalates (as it is currently doing) you will reach a point where you will either quit driving to work to make an income, or you will not be able to put enough food on the table for your family.

                                You couldn't exist that way for very long, and neither can our nation. Those who fail to recognize these facts, and who look in disbelief at those who point out the truth, while grinning like cheshire cats, are (let me borrow a word from you) the true idiots.

                                "Seek wisdom by keeping an open mind to alternative realities, questioning authority, and searching for truth. Only then, when you see or hear something that has 'the ring of truth' to it, will it be as if a veil has been lifted, and suddenly you will begin to hear and see far more clearly than ever before." - Rickoff

