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The American Ruling Class

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  • Originally posted by rickoff View Post
    Hi Ash,

    By "covert hemp," do you mean the kind that is grown illegally?
    Hi Rickoff and ALL

    No LOL not marijuana i mean the INDUSTRIAL HEMP! Yep, your not allowed to grow INDUSTRIAL HEMP (no THC in it) in the united states yet your allowed to buy products made from it in the united states.


    • Hosni "Hose-me" Mubarak's $70 billion golden parachute

      Whether Mubarak leaves his Egyptian dictatorship throne now or later, this member of the Ruling Class elite has little to worry about concerning his future well being. Unlike the vast majority of Egyptians who find themselves unable to afford even the bare necessities of existence and sustenance, Mubarak has amassed an incredible fortune that for all but the other members of the powerful elite would seem unimaginable.

      From an article posted at

      Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak and his family have amassed a fortune estimated at $70 billion according to analysis by Middle East experts poll by the London Guardian. And very little of that stash is kept in his own country, they say. Much of his wealth is in British and Swiss banks or tied up in real estate in London, New York, Los Angeles and along expensive tracts of the Red Sea coast.

      How does a dictator get so rich? Over 30 years as president, and before that a senior military officer, allowed Mubarak has access to the oligarchs who control much of the investment capital in Egypt’s very closed, highly bureaucratic system. Investment deals have generated hundreds of millions of pounds in profits for Mubarak. Most of those gains have been taken offshore and deposited in secret bank accounts or invested in up-market homes and hotels.

      According to a report last year in the Arabic newspaper Al Khabar, Mubarak has properties in Manhattan and exclusive Beverly Hills addresses on Rodeo Drive.

      His sons, Gamal and Alaa, are also billionaires. A protest outside Gamal's ostentatious home at 28 Wilton Place in Belgravia, central London, highlighted the family's appetite for western trophy assets.

      Read more at this NewsMax website.
      "Seek wisdom by keeping an open mind to alternative realities, questioning authority, and searching for truth. Only then, when you see or hear something that has 'the ring of truth' to it, will it be as if a veil has been lifted, and suddenly you will begin to hear and see far more clearly than ever before." - Rickoff


      • Hi Rick/ALL, it happened in another country also
        YouTube - w o r l d w i d e : r E V O L U T I O N [ f i x ]


        • Quotable quote of the day

          "We should demand of our representatives in Congress that they refuse to raise the debt ceiling, but we must also demand of ourselves that we refuse any longer to choose our political leaders from candidates produced by political parties intrinsically dependent on political vehicles fueled by unbridled government spending. Where politics is concerned, restoring the ceiling must be just the first expression of our determination to rebuild, as a home for responsible freedom, the house of constitutional liberty our forsworn elites are determined to destroy." - Alan Keyes
          "Seek wisdom by keeping an open mind to alternative realities, questioning authority, and searching for truth. Only then, when you see or hear something that has 'the ring of truth' to it, will it be as if a veil has been lifted, and suddenly you will begin to hear and see far more clearly than ever before." - Rickoff


          • How and why the Ruling Class will control the Internet

            Since last summer, we have heard of and talked about the Obama regime's plans to implement an Internet "kill switch." As the name implies, this switch would be used by the US federal government to instantly shut down Internet access to US public users if a high level decision is made to do so. Proponents of this idea say that this will safeguard us against future cyberattacks that could cripple the Internet and result in enormous economic loss. Opponents say that big government simply wants to make a power grab to control and regulate the Internet, which has traditionally been free of government regulation.

            So how did this all get started? Two US Senators, Susan Collins of Maine, and Joe Lieberman of Connecticut, introduced bipartisan legislation for the kill switch. Collins claims that the kill switch would "provide a mechanism for the government to work with the private sector in the event of a true cyber emergency," and that, "‘It would give our nation the best tools available to swiftly respond to a significant threat." Lieberman claimed that national security was at risk from new foes such as "cyber warriors, cyber spies, cyber terrorists and cyber criminals," and went on to say that, "For all its allure, the Internet can be a dangerous place with electronic pipelines that run directly into everything from our personal bank accounts to key infrastructure to government and industrial secrets."

            Sounds somewhat reasonable and logical, doesn't it? We are all aware of the potential dangers out there as we use the Internet, but why do we need the government to "protect" us from these dangers? We already have the availability and use of multiple sophisticated programs to monitor our Internet sessions and safeguard us against virus threats, malware, adware, spyware, and browser hijackings, and these programs work quite well to defend us against attacks and keep our systems up and running. We are happy and satisfied with what we already have, and are not asking for, or wanting, the federal government to seize control of the Internet under the guise of "protecting" us. We prefer to protect ourselves, with the methods that we choose and employ.

            In truth, the Internet is one of our last remaining bastions of freedom, giving us the ability to freely and instantly communicate with others globally. This ability is a powerful tool for the public to possess, and of course is rightly feared by the Ruling Class. That is why it is essential for the Ruling Class to gain full control of the Internet so that it can be shut down if a situation arises that threatens them. All we need do is to take a look at how the Ruling Class has handled the Egyptian Rebellion. There was no "cyberattack" in Egypt, but the Egyptian government chose to use their Internet kill switch to instantly shut down all public use of the Internet when protests erupted, and at the same time shut down all public cell phone use. Quite obviously, the reason for these shutdowns was to thwart efforts of the protesters to effectively organize their protests and communicate with other protesters. At the same time, fueling stations shut down, grocery stores in Cairo were closed, and banks and ATM machines in that area were shut down. Was all of this designed to protect the general public, or the protesters? Of course not. It was a fast and deliberate attempt by big government to squash the protests by means of an iron fist.

            Here in the USA, both Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton made calls for the Egyptian government to restore Internet connectivity to the people, but we must ask ourselve what they would be calling for if the same situation had occurred here? Do we really believe that, if our government had the Internet kill switch option, they would refrain from using it, and any other measures available to them, to similarly curtail a citizen rebellion in which they feel threatened?

            As time goes on, the US government grab for Internet control becomes even more apparent and ominous. Aside from the Internet kill switch, which would be used if the government declares a "state of emergency," the Obama regime is attempting to use our Commerce Department to censor - even control - how you use the internet. The plan is to quickly require that each American must utilize a digital signature issued by the federal government. This identifying signature would be attached to everything that you do or say on the Internet, giving the government unprecedented spying powers over the public.

            Founded in 1903, the United States Department of Commerce is responsible for promoting the growth and development of U.S. business interests, both domestically and internationally. According to the Department of Commerce's Office of Management and Organization, the mission of the Department of Commerce is, "to foster, promote, and develop the foreign and domestic commerce." The agency’s original Organizational Order defines the following eight duties of the Department of Commerce:

            · Creating National Policy already approved by Congress;
            · Protecting and Promoting the US in International Trade
            · Strengthening the US Economic Position
            · Encouraging Innovation & a Progressive Domestic Business Policy
            · Promoting a Better Understanding & Use of US Natural Resources
            · Encouraging Growth of Scientific & Technical Resources
            · Collecting, Analyzing & Distributing the Census
            · Encouraging Economic Progress

            So, you can easily see that nowhere in the ambit of the Commerce Department's powers is it given that this agency can, or should, spy on Americans who are using the Internet.

            With House opposition likely to thwart many of the Obama regime's plans to implement a progressive socialist agenda through legislation, the effort to carry their agenda forward is increasingly being channeled through existing regulatory agencies such as the Commerce Department, EPA, Health and Human Services, Homeland Security, etc., and is being accomplished by executive order, which entirely skirts the legislative process. In other words, Obama is implementing the Ruling Class agenda as if he were a dictator, rather than an elected official and public servant.

            We must make a determined effort to call upon our representatives to rein in such abuses of power, and demand that they declare such acts as illegal, unconstitutional, and exceeding the authority granted to government operatives and agencies. Such abuses can not be allowed to stand, for if we do allow this then it only opens the door to further abuses and loss of freedoms.

            "Seek wisdom by keeping an open mind to alternative realities, questioning authority, and searching for truth. Only then, when you see or hear something that has 'the ring of truth' to it, will it be as if a veil has been lifted, and suddenly you will begin to hear and see far more clearly than ever before." - Rickoff


            • The fed.

              House Democrat Alan Grayson, his job performance here would get the GOLD Metal from liberals, independents, conservatives and the Tea Party, good job Alan
              Frequently, one must pause and wonder, from where in hell, do some of the people working for us, running our government, come? Please watch the following film of an investigation into, why the astronomical amounts of credit were so freely given by those in charge, without any apparent over sight! You will not believe this could be possible!

              Here's an eye opener, watch this. Be sure to watch this but make sure you're sitting down and holding on to _______

              He is former prosecutor, House Democrat Alan Grayson, doing a great job.

              She is Elizabeth Coleman, Inspector General of the Federal Reserve..

              The issue is oversight pertaining to the ever-expanding out of balance sheet of the Fed. You will be absolutely stunned by this short video clip!

              Click below

              There Are No Words To Describe The Following Part*II - Home - The Daily Bail


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              • Isreal again

                Hi Rick/ALL

                Economic collapse , where have we seen that before..sounds more like genocide to me.

                YouTube - Wikileaks Israel's goal is to keep Gaza on the brink of a humanitarian crisis


                • YOu all have to watch this video: Video - Breaking News Videos from

                  The power is ours but we are manipulated into thinking that we are helpless and that our power is to vote the next thief, I mean, politician who will rob us.

                  Imagine how the world would be if we all were like the old lady when watching thieves (politicians).


                  • Originally posted by bugler View Post
                    YOu all have to watch this video: Video - Breaking News Videos from

                    The power is ours but we are manipulated into thinking that we are helpless and that our power is to vote the next thief, I mean, politician who will rob us.

                    Imagine how the world would be if we all were like the old lady when watching thieves (politicians).
                    I'd like to reason that politicians are the middle men, its a corptocrasy.


                    • Originally posted by ashtweth View Post
                      I'd like to reason that politicians are the middle men, its a corptocrasy.
                      Indeed. We could get rid of politicians and their owners if we just decided to do so. The problem is the terrible state of people's mind with so much tv, junk food, etc.


                      • First they turn the internet off , now they are turning off the reporting
                        YouTube - Egyptian Government Initiates Violence Against Its People in Tahrir Sq.



                        • Originally posted by ashtweth View Post
                          First they turn the internet off , now they are turning off the reporting
                          YouTube - Egyptian Government Initiates Violence Against Its People in Tahrir Sq.

                          I would hope after these protests in Egypt and the rhetoric aimed at the Egyptian Gov. , next time there is a protest at a G20 meeting the cops stay away and let the people drive the criminals into the sea. The polititians are all hypocrites. I bet they would all sit in thier big building's and let people protesting outside get bashed, tasered, capsicum sprayed, microwaved and herded like cattle while chuckling to themselves about how nieve the police are and how frustrated the protesters would be that all the sheeple do not stand up for themselves or thier children. They sit at home and say wow at the TV footage with no thought that each time a protest is stiffled thier children and thier childrens children will have to deal with the result of the criminals in power being allowed to continue.

                          And yet the polititions in the west say to The Egyption Gov. bow to the power of the people. I think we should hold them to thier words.

                          Obama has said it. Next time there is a protest about him he should step down.

                          In my opinion if all the camera's were turned off and the reporters left the people might just step it up a gear and make him dissapear (Mubarak). I think like usual the people are waiting for ouside help. Maybe they were led to believe outside help would come from the west. It's been done before. Help promised and not delivered as a destabilising tactic. TPTB weave a very inticate and tangled web. And they do it to confuse everyone, to make things unclear.



                          • I'm going 100% TPTB free

                            It took some efforts but I have done it.

                            I can now say that I now have The Power To Be.

                            World events unfolding, does not affect me.

                            Food poisoning, it's totally messed up in the USA. Even the Health Food stores is loaded with GMO food. GE rape seed is in everything now, from USDA certified organic bread to salad dressing. I am now self sufficient.

                            The only way to win is for the people to stand up and take action but that is impossible with our current state of being. A fine example is this forum, years of talk with millions of people and All are still at the Block A.

                            Good luck guys, stock the silo full. Chaos is coming soon.
                            Last edited by powerme; 02-10-2011, 08:37 AM.


                            • How to Win

                              this is how it's done if you want your Freedom.
                              YouTube - GMO Taro Protest in Hawaii

                              Genetic Modified food is very bad, I have gone totally 100% all natural Vegan.

                              It is getting very hard to find cold pressed natural oil, the local stores only have Olive Oil. I'm not kidding, there's no other oil, the old selection is gone. I'ts now Canada Oil and Vegetable Oil only, with the former being also Canola content.

                              There's serious Health plague coming forth from the self destruction nature of the engineered genes. Health care was altered to minimise cost, people are getting sick!.

                              Grow your own food supply, Make your own energy, Live Free.

