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The American Ruling Class

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  • Originally posted by aljhoa View Post
    "Under the doctrine of Parens Patriae, "Government As Parent", as a result of the manipulated bankruptcy of the United States of America in 1930, ALL the assets of the American people, their person, and of our country itself are held by the Depository Trust Corporation at 55 Water Street, NY, NY, secured by UCC Commercial Liens, which are then monetized as "debt money" by the Federal Reserve. It may interest you to know that under the umbrella of the Depository Trust Corporation lies the CEDE Corporation, the Federal Reserve Corporation, the American Bar Association, the legal arm of the banking interests, and the Internal Revenue Service, the system's collection agency."
    Who Is Running America?

    Yes, I agree with it all, Al.
    A better question might be: "What allowed it all to exist?"

    BACK up and ask : What allowed all of these things to exist and also
    allowed them to become the problems they are?
    All of those issues exist because people are working for what has
    been called "money".
    We work for "money" because we were told we had to.
    We were told by WHOM? ..
    Who made these rules and why?
    Who benefits if we work for "money"?

    BACK IT UP .. look at the cause of the problem, not the side-effects.
    Those things are all just SIDE-EFFECTs of money.

    The "Ruling Class" can only exist because people work for "money".
    Stop getting side tracked by side-effects, dig deeper for real causes.

    Love and Light
    Remember to be kind to your mind ...
    Tesla quoting Buddha: "Ignorance is the greatest evil in the world."


    • Originally posted by Vortex View Post
      Thank you Rick for the video Fall of The Republic - The Presidency of Barack Obama
      Everyone should take the time to watch it.
      The thing I don't really understand is if the Oligarchs
      take everything, and the US and other countries are
      thrust into jobless depressions, and the general
      infrastructures decay, and crime and anarchy and
      starvation and sickness and death and war abound,
      in other words - when everything collapses -
      how would they be able to continue to profit...?

      Doesn't it behoove them to keep everything and
      everyone happy and healthy and humming along
      so that they can continue to skim off the top (and
      middle and bottom) and reap all of the various benefits...?
      Last edited by MythMath; 10-29-2009, 09:12 AM.


      • Originally posted by MythMath View Post
        The thing I don't really understand is if the Oligarchs take everything, and the US and other countries are
        thrust into jobless depressions, and the general
        infrastructures decay, and crime and anarchy and
        starvation and sickness and death and war abound,
        in other words - when everything collapses -
        how would they be able to continue to profit...?
        At that point in time they will have succeeded in transferring the entire wealth of the world to their coffers, and I'm not talking about worthless paper money. I'm talking about anything and everything that has real value, such as precious metals, real estate, natural resources, and other tangible assets. The only thing we will have left is debt, poverty, and the other situations that you mentioned. The Ruling Class will go underground during this transitional period, and will emerge unscathed when all is past. The relatively few of us who survive war and pestilence will become slaves of the Ruling Class. They won't need to profit, because they will already be the sole owners of all worldwide assets.

        Originally posted by MythMath View Post
        Doesn't it behoove them to keep everything and
        everyone happy and healthy and humming along
        so that they can continue to skim off the top (and
        middle and bottom) and reap all of the various benefits...?
        Of course not. That was just an illusory ploy that they used in the past to trick the ordinary citizens into willfully giving up their labor and their assets. Right now, if you listen closely, you will hear a giant sucking sound. That sound is caused by massive foreclosures on real estate and personal property which people can no longer afford. So people lose their jobs, their homes, and their automobiles. They sell whatever they have left just to purchase food, and then they scrounge and steal whatever they need just to exist. The "haves" find themselves besieged by the "have nots," and each group will kill the other if need be to survive. The Ruling Class will not care, because they will be safe and sound in their comfortable and well stocked underground cities. When they finally emerge, it will be a whole different world, but it will be their world. World population will be reduced to perhaps 5% or less of current levels, and will be much more manageable, especially since the survivors will live in enclosed labor camps. These laborers will live a meager existence, while attending to every whim and fancy of the Ruling Class. When a laborer becomes ill, or inefficient, in the eyes of the Ruling Class, he or she will be quickly culled and replaced by a younger slave. There will be far fewer people using up resources, and the Ruling Class will own all the resources, so why would they be concerned with keeping anyone happy or healthy?

        A scary scenario, isn't it? But if we don't act with all due haste to turn the tide against the Ruling Class, this scenario is what we can expect to see evolving around us. It is already underway. The foundations for their plan were laid decades ago, and much of the master plan has already been accomplished. They are now beginning the final stage in the assault on our liberties. The decimation of the dollar will wipe out your life savings overnight, and the forced incarcerations of the "Health Emergency" will strip you of everything else you have worked your whole life to achieve. There is no time more appropriate than the present to draw a line in the sand and stand up against tyranny.
        Last edited by rickoff; 10-29-2009, 09:33 PM. Reason: sp
        "Seek wisdom by keeping an open mind to alternative realities, questioning authority, and searching for truth. Only then, when you see or hear something that has 'the ring of truth' to it, will it be as if a veil has been lifted, and suddenly you will begin to hear and see far more clearly than ever before." - Rickoff


        • Just how deep is that rabbit hole?

          Originally posted by Vortex View Post
          look at the cause of the problem, not the side-effects.
          Those things are all just SIDE-EFFECTs of money.

          The "Ruling Class" can only exist because people work for "money".
          Stop getting side tracked by side-effects, dig deeper for real causes.
          Hey Randy, you hit the nail on the head! Money is the big stick that the Rulers use to keep us all in a state of perpetual slavery.

          Of course when you say such things, out come the perjorative labels by the hard-of-thinking.


          • The funny part about all this is that the ruling elite don't know what they're getting themselves into. Even if they succeed in acquiring the whole world, what then? All they really get is more headaches.
            I spent the first half of my life buying things like houses and cars and furniture etc... I've spent the latter part of my life trying to get rid of everything I don't really need. Why? Because "things" don't provide lasting happiness. They are fun for a little while and then they become a weight around your neck. They have to be cared for, which takes valuable time and money, and after they cease to provide satisfaction they become a burden. All material possessions are a burden.
            Just trying to maintain a household and a few vehicles is a pain in the butt. Just imagine what a burden owning the whole world would be! Not only that, but somebody would always be trying to steal it from you. You would have to watch your back constantly, and be suspicious of everyone. It would be hell.
            These dolts have dreams of power and riches because they think that's the pinnacle of existence. "Be careful what you wish for" is the best advise I can think of. They are going to find out the hard way that everything has a price, and the price for what they want is very steep indeed.




            • Hi Ted,

              Believe it or not, the answer to that question is found in "Political Ponerology" by Andrew Lobaczewski. Looking for what motivates ordinary people only leads to dead ends.


              • A broader overview.


                The Israel Lobby and U.S. Foreign Policy - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
                The Truth About Israel (full article) | War Is Crime
                Israeli Terrorism and Sept. 11 | The Official Website of Representative David Duke, PhD
                There is much better reading material than this on the mid-east situation. I suggest Hal Lindsey's latest book "The Everlasting Hatred; The Roots of Jihad"; history, not hate-mongering. Very informative and well researched.

                Available here from $0.99:
       The Everlasting Hatred: The Roots of Jihad (9781931628150): Hal Lindsey: Books



                • Lobaczewski; “schizotypal personality disorder” - about which he says:

                  "Carriers of this anomaly are hypersensitive and distrustful, but they pay little attention to the feelings of others, tend to assume extreme positions, and are eager to retaliate for minor offenses. Sometimes they are eccentric and odd. Their poor sense of psychological situation and reality leads them to superimpose erroneous, pejorative interpretations upon other people’s intentions. They easily become involved in activities which are ostensibly moral, but which actually inflict damage upon themselves and others. Their impoverished psychological world-view makes them typically pessimistic. […] When they become wrapped up in situations of serious stress, their failings cause them to collapse easily. …The schizoids frequently fall into reactive psychotic states so similar in appearance to schizophrenia that they lead to misdiagnoses.

                  If the emotional pressure on them is minimized, they are able to develop proper speculative reasoning, but they tend to consider themselves intellectually superior to “ordinary” people.

                  The quantitative frequency of this anomaly varies among races. It is low among Blacks, and highest among Jews. Observation suggests that it is autosomally hereditary."

                  Political Ponerology: Andrew M. Lobaczewski


                  • Kick Them All Out of Congress

                    Join one of these meet up groups in your state, and let your Congress persons know that you are ready to throw them out. Most of these scalawags have been in office far too long already - many for a decade or more - and look what they have done. They will never approve term limits on themselves, so it is up to us to impose term limits with our votes. Vote them out by voting someone else in - a fresh face, rather than a Washington insider. And keep doing this every two years so as to keep these people on their toes. Enough of the corrupt career politicians! Kick them all out!

                    Fire Congress Meetup Groups - Fire Congress Meetups
                    "Seek wisdom by keeping an open mind to alternative realities, questioning authority, and searching for truth. Only then, when you see or hear something that has 'the ring of truth' to it, will it be as if a veil has been lifted, and suddenly you will begin to hear and see far more clearly than ever before." - Rickoff


                    • This Strategy Will Work

                      I have just learned of a brilliant strategy for kicking all the corrupt politicians out of office in 2010 and 2012. This strategy is being promoted as "the only realistic way in existence to reclaim our nation through peaceful, constitutional means," and I can see that this is really so. We can see that there is very little hope of defeating incumbent politicians (those already in office) by attempting to elect independent representatives to replace them. So since we cannot beat the Republicans or Democrats, the only strategy that makes sense is to take over both the Republican and Democrat parties. The strategy for doing this begins at the local neighborhood level, which is the Precinct area in which you vote. Every county is divided into many Precincts, and each Precinct has Republican and Democrat organizational meetings where officers are nominated and elected. To vote at one of these meetings, the only requirement is that you must be a voter registered to the same party holding the meeting, and you must attend at least two meetings before the one in which you intend to vote. The idea behind a takeover strategy is to begin educating people in your local Precinct community through separate meetings, and then to have this group of people decide on what persons they should support as takeover candidates. With sufficient grassroots support, the group attends the required 2 meetings before a vote is scheduled, and then show up in force when it is time to elect the Precinct officers. It only takes just one committed person to get the ball rolling in your neighborhood, by reaching out to others and explaining the strategy to them. This can be you, or you can join a group already doing this. To learn how this strategy can work, and will work if we adopt and pursue it, please watch the videos, "The Strangest Political Secret" and "What You Can Do Right Now" at this website: Wag The Dog 2010

                      To learn how this strategy has already worked successfully for a Nevada Precinct, read the article found here: New Page 1
                      This tells exactly how a group of people in Nevada implemented the strategy and wrested control of their Precinct's Republican organization away from the corrupt political puppets who were simply yes men to the County and State level organizations. The same thing can be done with the Democrat organization in your local Precinct. Once local Precinct captains and committee members are elected, they get to go to the County level meeting and vote on County officers. It is at this COUNTY precinct organizational meeting that inadequate party leaders can be BOOTED OUT and replaced with Party Leaders who will restore honest, verifiable election vote counting, and endorse principled candidates devoted to the true freedoms our country was founded on. So you see, the Precinct Strategy has real power to bring about change, and to unseat corrupt career politicians, thus ending the influence of the New World Order and the Ruling Class over political affairs.

                      To get started with a local Precinct Strategy plan in your neighborhood, read the information at this site: National Precinct Activists 2010 (Cincinnati, OH) -
                      You will see two handy links at the top of this site page that will allow you to either Find a Meetup Group, or Start a Meetup Group if no local Precinct Strategy group currently exists.

                      So go for it - this strategy can and will work if we will use it. While phoning and e-mailing our government representatives, and attending Tea Parties and other rallies can help bring public attention to change that is needed, only this Precinct Strategy will give us the power to make the changes that are needed. View the videos, read the articles, get enthused, and get involved.

                      Best to all,

                      Last edited by rickoff; 11-04-2009, 06:03 PM. Reason: sp
                      "Seek wisdom by keeping an open mind to alternative realities, questioning authority, and searching for truth. Only then, when you see or hear something that has 'the ring of truth' to it, will it be as if a veil has been lifted, and suddenly you will begin to hear and see far more clearly than ever before." - Rickoff


                      • The Plan!

                        Hey Rick;

                        As with any plan of action "the Devil is in the details" and now you have provided them! Great work! Excellent.!

                        Now, a lot of us need to get to work on this asap, especially in states like here in Florida. Last year the blockheads in Tallahassee moved our primaries up to early spring which doesn't give us much time. I know this happened in other states as well, so anyone in one of those states needs to get started now as well.

                        Let's get busy and KICK 'EM OUT!



                        • ARC Is Working On All Fronts

                          “The way to restore honest elections, and solve all the other issues facing our country, is through massive citizen involvement in the Precinct System.”
                          National Precinct Activists 2010 (Cincinnati, OH) -
                          “The Precinct Strategy has been around since the time of Lincoln, but the vast majority of Americans were not political junkies, so they had no idea what it was all about. Unfortunately, those who did understand it were the very ones who had abused it to secure the favor of their cronies and perpetuate their power. …. The way we accomplished this was all according to their own rules and procedures.”
                          New Page 1

                          Keep in mind
                          Allen v Soetoro « Native and Natural Born Citizenship Explored (Re-opened for limited business)
                          Obamas jewish roots


                          • what is reality and what is not?

                            Rick, I agree with the bottom up approach. BUT?

                            Should we not reexamine the foundation of which we are trying
                            to build upon? Does that foundation even exist?

                            A peaceful effort has already been undertaken.
                            The only thing broken is our perception?
                            Back up a step, validate the ground upon which you stand first.
                            Does the public vote for the President of any corporation?

                            The corporation doing business as "government" has been sued.
                            The named Defendant(s) are all in default due to no action was taken
                            by them. A summary judgment against all is all that is left.
                            All other courts have been named as defendants .. !!!!
                            A defendant court can not be the COURT OF APPEAL and
                            therefore there is no court that can hear an appeal...
                            To go higher than this court, one has to go to an international court.

                            This is the highest court in the land, yes higher than the Supreme Court
                            for this suit.

                            The initial hearing will happen on Nov. 6th, 2009 as to what happens next.

                            aka Government is sued as a Corporation

                            This suit rips the rug out from under "the pretenders" and exposes them as
                            just a corporation, think of Disneyland's Magic Kingdom is "The Most Magical Place On Earth" .. something like that.

                            What does it all mean? It means no authority existed.
                            We were told there was and we believed.
                            It means NOTHING applies to us!
                            Taxes, courts, laws, prisons, the national debt, everything, Nothing!

                            Curiously on Dun and Bradstreet, UNITED STATES OF AMERICA
                            is listed as having an address at: 41 DEERING RD WAPATO, WA 98951
                            Ask yourself: Why is that?
                            Can there be a US of A in each State or can there can be only one for all 50?
                            Remember to be kind to your mind ...
                            Tesla quoting Buddha: "Ignorance is the greatest evil in the world."


                            • Christopher Story has a new report:

                              Tuesday 3 November 2009 03:00


                              • I just want to say here, that German citizen have no Influence at the Politic.
                                Merkel is a follower of H. Kohl, what did found, or 'reunite' the EU,
                                where Laws are still made without any Vote of the Voters now,
                                same as at the Land itself
                                That whole Bunch do hiding behind her political Immunity,
                                Merkel itself has prodeedings, because she gave Money away,
                                what she, or Germany not had, to rescue the Banks.
                                Other Peoples got arreste, when they do that, but she is 'political Immune'.
                                At last Voter turnout was at 70%. Since the Euro did come,
                                anything doupled at the Price, just Payment for Work is still same since 10 Years, and converted 1:2.
                                They systematically dismanteling the whole Economy and the Citizen,
                                and what they did put beside.
                                But thats theyr Tactic, they take Peoples the Hope,
                                then scare them, and allways give them a little Hope, which one never will be complied.
                                Theorizer are like High Voltage. A lot hot Air with no Power behind but they are the dead of applied Work and Ideas.

