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The American Ruling Class

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  • Reply to Randy:

    Originally posted by Vortex View Post
    Rick, I agree with the bottom up approach. BUT?

    Should we not reexamine the foundation of which we are trying
    to build upon? Does that foundation even exist?

    The corporation doing business as "government" has been sued.
    The named Defendant(s) are all in default due to no action was taken
    by them. A summary judgment against all is all that is left.

    The initial hearing will happen on Nov. 6th, 2009
    aka Government is sued as a Corporation
    Hi Randy,

    It will be quite interesting to see what happens with this lawsuit, which is just 3 days away. I'm sure the government will try to have it dismissed as trivial nonsense, and they will say that it didn't deserve a response because of its trivial nature. If they don't succeed in that tactic, then no doubt they will reject any judgment against them, so how could any judgment be enforced? Even if no appeal is possible, the government could tie this process up indefinitely. They will think of some way to do that. So while the case does appear to have legitimate grounds to proceed, I don't think we can feel safe in expecting that it will put an end to Ruling Class control. We can, and should, hope for the best in this avenue, but I think we need to cover our bets by taking action with the Precinct Strategy as well.

    Best 2 U,

    Last edited by rickoff; 11-04-2009, 12:14 AM.
    "Seek wisdom by keeping an open mind to alternative realities, questioning authority, and searching for truth. Only then, when you see or hear something that has 'the ring of truth' to it, will it be as if a veil has been lifted, and suddenly you will begin to hear and see far more clearly than ever before." - Rickoff


    • Originally posted by rickoff View Post
      Hi Randy,

      It will be quite interesting to see what happens with this lawsuit, which is just 3 days away. I'm sure the government will try to have it dismissed as trivial nonsense, and they will say that it didn't deserve a response because of its trivial nature. If they don't succeed in that tactic, then no doubt they will reject any judgment against them, so how could any judgment be enforced? Even if no appeal is possible, the government could tie this process up indefinitely. They will think of some way to do that. So while the case does appear to have legitimate grounds to proceed, I don't think we can feel safe in expecting that it will put an end to Ruling Class control. We can, and should, hope for the best in this avenue, but I think we need to cover our bets by taking action with the Precinct Strategy as well.

      Best 2 U,

      Rick, I agree.. those that do not govern themselves shall be governed by others.
      Bottom up .. not the top down (aka: the Trickle down)

      Does the plan have a solid foundation and travels upon a road based in reality
      or might the foundation be like quicksand and the road traveled be
      a yellow brick road of illusion based in a web of deceptions?
      It matters not that every vote counts.. it
      only matters who does the counting of the votes.

      The suit was not dismissed, that happens before anything begins.
      This suit begun and the time clock ran out on the defendants.
      Lower court tactics have not occurred here.. in fact this court is
      instructing and requesting via use of the word "Please" in writing ...

      "Enforcement" ? when the employee does not follow company policy what happens?
      when an employee refuses to wear the company T-Shirt,
      does not push the "Super-Size-Me" or does not wash hands after using
      the restroom .. what happens to that employee?
      Same thing applies here ..

      "tie this process up indefinitely", no delays have occurred yet.

      The suit is requiring clarification of words to remove ambiguous use
      and brings into view the legalese redefinition of words that have allowed
      the gross misuse in application.
      The words are the weapons being used against us.

      US Code defines UNITED STATES as a corporation.
      The policies of a corporation: acts, statues, bills, codes, rules, regulations,
      laws, etc. etc. whatever words the corporation wishes to call "the policies"
      only apply to employees of that corporation.
      Last edited by Vortex; 11-04-2009, 03:49 AM.
      Remember to be kind to your mind ...
      Tesla quoting Buddha: "Ignorance is the greatest evil in the world."


      • American Ruling Class: full version

        Hi Rick,

        I only noticed links to small segments of the movie, so I thought I would mention that the full version of "The American Ruling Class" may be found at: Watch The American Ruling Class - SnagFilms

        -Chris Corkum
        Progress comes to those who train and train. Reliance on secret techniques will get you nowhere.
        -Morihei Ueshiba


        • Originally posted by Vortex View Post

          All of those issues exist because people are working for what has
          been called "money".
          We work for "money" because we were told we had to.
          We were told by WHOM? ..
          Who made these rules and why?
          Who benefits if we work for "money"?

          BACK IT UP .. look at the cause of the problem, not the side-effects.
          Those things are all just SIDE-EFFECTs of money.

          The "Ruling Class" can only exist because people work for "money".
          Stop getting side tracked by side-effects, dig deeper for real causes.
          "Without exception, all support this fundamental theme: labor is property, property is a right, and a right cannot be taxed."

          Henry Dale Goltz, Aggrieved



          • ARC Property?

            Originally posted by aljhoa View Post
            "Without exception, all support this fundamental theme: labor is property, property is a right, and a right cannot be taxed."

            Henry Dale Goltz, Aggrieved

            The Federal Zone: Chapter 4: The Three United States
            31 Questions and Answers about the IRS, Revision 3.4
            Anti-Tax Law Evasion Schemes - Law and Arguments (Section II)



            • Reply to Chris:

              Originally posted by LowTechIsCool View Post
              Hi Rick,

              I only noticed links to small segments of the movie, so I thought I would mention that the full version of "The American Ruling Class" may be found at: Watch The American Ruling Class - SnagFilms

              -Chris Corkum
              Thanks for the full version link, Chris. Anyone reading this who has the ability to burn DVD's would do well to download the video, make several copies, and distribute these to relatives and friends, asking them to pass it along to their friends after viewing. Same goes for the video "Fall of the Republic - The Presidency of Barack Obama": YouTube - Fall Of The Republic - The Presidency Of Barack H Obama - The Full Movie HQ

              We must do all we can to raise awareness as to what is going on. Those who are not aware will obviously not join an effort to dethrone the Ruling Class.

              Best regards,

              "Seek wisdom by keeping an open mind to alternative realities, questioning authority, and searching for truth. Only then, when you see or hear something that has 'the ring of truth' to it, will it be as if a veil has been lifted, and suddenly you will begin to hear and see far more clearly than ever before." - Rickoff


              • Originally posted by Vortex View Post
                It matters not that every vote counts.. it
                only matters who does the counting of the votes.
                That's so true, Randy, and a very good point. For those who do not understand the fraudulent process that now occurs after we vote, please read the articles at this site:

                Also be sure to read this article, which tells how our votes should be counted: HOW OUR VOTES SHOULD BE COUNTED EVERY ELECTION in your precinct

                The Precinct Strategy has the power to restore honesty and accountability to vote counting, and that is one of its major aims, along with kicking out corrupt career politicians and replacing them with people who will support and defend our Constitutional rights.

                Best 2 U,

                Last edited by rickoff; 11-04-2009, 06:26 PM.
                "Seek wisdom by keeping an open mind to alternative realities, questioning authority, and searching for truth. Only then, when you see or hear something that has 'the ring of truth' to it, will it be as if a veil has been lifted, and suddenly you will begin to hear and see far more clearly than ever before." - Rickoff


                • Corrupt governments

                  Originally posted by rickoff View Post
                  That's so true, Randy, and a very good point. For those who do not understand the fraudulent process that now occurs after we vote, please read the articles at this site:

                  Also be sure to read this article, which tells how our votes should be counted: HOW OUR VOTES SHOULD BE COUNTED EVERY ELECTION in your precinct

                  The Precinct Strategy has the power to restore honesty and accountability to vote counting, and that is one of its major aims, along with kicking out corrupt career politicians and replacing them with people who will support and defend our Constitutional rights.

                  Best 2 U,

                  Hi Rick and all

                  I am totally anti government as it stands.

                  We are all in a crisis and I pay my taxes every month, and when I fall short of the money I need to pay that month I am fined a huge amount and interest on the amount.

                  Now last year I paid all and the government needed to make a refund, that was last june, as of now they have not paid me, and when they do there is NO INTEREST paid to me. One law for the workers and another for the governments.

                  There take on this is they are not obliged to pay up to the end of this year. What are they doing with the excess I have paid in the year before? Why can they not pay interest as it is a loan from me to the government? Why do I have a fine when I can not pay because they have NOT PAID ME?

                  I am so depressed and disilusioned with the governing world at the moment that I could not care a SH.T what they do with me, I am nearley 59 and worked hard all my life, paid taxes on my work, bought things and paid taxes on those, pay local taxes to the local government, pay taxes every year for driving a car, I will die and pay taxes on what is left, from my grave, THIS IS ONE BIG FRAUD; CON what ever you want to call it. Yes we have to pay taxes, but NOT AT THE RATE OF 70% of your income.

                  A very angry



                  • Hi folks, I am enjoying reading peoples perspectives on this here. I have not too long ago come to the conclusion as others seem to have as well, like the man speaking in the 'claiming our inheritance' videos, that money itself was never, has never and still is not needed and is only used as an intermediary tool to control others even if the so called money is backed by precious metals or what not. It still can be used to manipulate. Though non-fiat currency or precious metal backed ink paper or ideally gold or silver coin will probably have to be used in the transition to a world that will have no use for it any longer. I would like to state that I have no anger for those still supporting these systems as they are serving a purpose and as far as I'm concerned they have helped me to see who I am, an unlimited being. I see how hard they have to work to keep the illusion of lack and limitation going, now that's dedication, as misguided as it is, I now see the reason. Schoolroom earth. A school room does not change, we change and move to another room.
                    peace love light


                    • Originally posted by SkyWatcher View Post
                      Hi folks, I am enjoying reading peoples perspectives on this here. I have not too long ago come to the conclusion as others seem to have as well, like the man speaking in the 'claiming our inheritance' videos, that money itself was never, has never and still is not needed
                      Hi Tyson, and thanks for your interest in this thread. As I see it, there is a problem if some form of money is not used as a payment system for goods or services received. Work and ingenuity equate to money earned, which is then usable to purchase goods or services. Without such a system, you might be able to barter for some of your wants and needs, but for many others you could not. There would be no problem with our money system if our government had not allowed creation of the Federal Reserve and given them control over money printing, and had they not abandoned the gold standard. The gold standard, adopted in 1834, set the value of gold at $20.67 per troy ounce, and it remained at that level until the Great Depression, when the value was raised to $35. The value stayed at that level, and inflation was unheard of, until the gold standard was abandoned in 1971 under the Nixon administration. At the current market valuation of gold ($1,088 per troy ounce), the US dollar has already lost 97 percent of its pre-1971 value. In the past 12 months alone, the rising value of gold against the dollar has decreased the value of a dollar by fully 1/3 of its previous value. So even if a person had $90,000 tucked away in a savings account 12 months ago, it would only be worth $60,000 today.

                      I believe that we do need some kind of money system, and that it must be backed by something of real and constant value. Printed money should be a certificate that represents a share value of the commodity used as backing. The US Treasury should control the printing of such money, not the Federal Reserve. If we did not have any money system, then how would we obtain our wants and needs? Would everyone simply be allotted a certain standard amount of electronic credits each month that could be used as desired? If so, who would dole out these credits, and how would the value of those credits be backed? And if everyone received the same credits regardless of whether or not they worked, then what incentive would there be for anyone to work or gain a higher degree of education? Quite a dilemma, wouldn't you say?

                      "Seek wisdom by keeping an open mind to alternative realities, questioning authority, and searching for truth. Only then, when you see or hear something that has 'the ring of truth' to it, will it be as if a veil has been lifted, and suddenly you will begin to hear and see far more clearly than ever before." - Rickoff


                      • For information, clarification and review (hidden in plain sight):
                        A dollar is a unit of measure.
                        A Note is the paper stuff we have been told is "money" (not money by definition)

                        There are United States Notes and a Federal Reserve Notes
                        both of which use the unit of measure of dollar upon them.

                        A Note is a legal document that obligates a borrower to repay. Does this sound like a definition of money?
                        Repay ...
                        With WHAT is the obligation of this Note going to be repaid ? ..
                        It is a Note.
                        ask yourself: Why is that?

                        There's a legal requirement of maintaining the mandated quantity in circulation
                        A United States Note
                        looks like this:

                        Gee, has anyone see these? United States Notes are suppose to exist.

                        Six Kinds of United States Paper Currency

                        A Certificate is a different animal and does qualify by definition as money.
                        Remember to be kind to your mind ...
                        Tesla quoting Buddha: "Ignorance is the greatest evil in the world."


                        • Originally posted by Vortex View Post
                          A Certificate is a different animal and does qualify by definition as money.
                          That's right, Randy. Both gold certificates and silver certificates were used in the past, and these looked just like regular paper currency except that they included the words identifying them as certificates.

                          I never held a gold certificate, but did have a few silver certificates at one time. Before 1968 you could redeem gold or silver certificates for silver dollars. Notice the inscription at bottom of the face side, which says, "IN SILVER PAYABLE TO THE BEARER ON DEMAND." After 1963 you could only redeem them for Federal Reserve Notes. Lousy deal, huh? The stated reason for making the change was because the amount of silver in a one dollar silver coin had risen in value to $1.29 by 1960. So what - just make the coin a bit smaller. We really should have a money system that gives real and equitable value to whatever coins or paper is used.

                          Last edited by rickoff; 11-05-2009, 10:54 PM.
                          "Seek wisdom by keeping an open mind to alternative realities, questioning authority, and searching for truth. Only then, when you see or hear something that has 'the ring of truth' to it, will it be as if a veil has been lifted, and suddenly you will begin to hear and see far more clearly than ever before." - Rickoff


                          • What Is Up With Fiat Money?

                            "The fiat dollar standard is probably the most intractable problem in the U.S. and the world, simply because there is no debate going on about the pros and cons of its alternatives. It may take a crisis or hyperinflation to prompt Americans to realize the virtues of commodity money. Fortunately, no matter how exalted and surrounded in mystery the Federal Reserve is, it is always in danger, for if only the public knew how cleverly they are swindled of their savings through inflation and how much wealth they lose due to economic inefficiencies, they would not permit it to continue. "

                            What Is Up With Fiat Money? by Dmitry Chernikov


                            • Hi Rick,

                              I certainly understand your qualms about abolishing money and the concerns you raise are certainly legitimate. But the thing about money systems is that they are and always have been systems of slavery, and all come with an implicit world view that is steeped in scarcity. And the sad thing is that when you look at the natural world you see extravagant abundance that is beyond comprehension.

                              The main problem with money systems is that once you trade your physical good (or labor) with someone for a 'medium of exchange', you have given your power away to that someone. That someone is then free to do all sorts of 'creative' things to you.

                              There has to be a better way--but I really don't have any idea what an alternative to money systems would look like. However, I do know that money ultimately has to go if we are to have any hope of a just society.


                              • Secret Contracts/Defense


                                "What I found mind boggling, as a doctor, is to discover Glaxo Smith Kline's "Green List" of what the government MAY communicate (hardly anything!) and the "Red List" of what may absolutely NOT be made public, like intermediary results of the side effects that appear in the studies of the controversial squalene (and thiomersal) adjuvantated PandemRix until they have been sanitized by GSK, and published by GSK themselves.

                                These contracts also confirm what was announced in Sweden in October, that these pandemic vaccines where actually ordered already back in 2006: there was a standing order forsee a vaccination for large parts of the population IF the WHO would declare a PANDEMIC of degree 6. When the "New-Type" A/H1N1 appeared, and it started spreading to other continents, the WHO changed their definition of grade 6 pandemic by droping the criteria that it should be highly deadly. Thus, the government signed standing orders were passed simply to combat a new (designer!) strain of flu that may or may not become more or less lethal than the common Influenza A or B flu. "

                                French Health Ministry blanks out key figures from contract for swine flu jab


