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The American Ruling Class

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  • You all, especially those living in the US, should read tihs article:

    TSA, DHS plan massive rollout of mobile surveillance vans with long-distance X-ray capability, eye movement tracking and more

    In short you are going to be irradiated with X-ray in a continous basis. The excuse is to fight terrorism. The truth is the talmudic revenge.

    The time to act and destroy the jewish criminal network is now before the point of no return is reached. What could be the point of no return? A communist-like state where millions were killed for not being jews. If someone can't swallow this message he better does learn what's really going on before it's too late.
    Last edited by bugler; 03-06-2011, 10:09 PM.


    • Raising debt cieling

      How many votes does it take? Or, how many NO votes does it take, to block raising the debt cieling?All this talk about will we or won't we have a shutdown.Seems to me the real show down is over raising the debt cieling.And it seems to me that a lot of the tea party candidates truly aren't focused on re-election.If they don't feel like they are getting real movement on reducing the deficit, they may try to hold up the vote.Can they do it?
      Rick, you probably know.Jim


      • dutchdivco
        I do think the dont have a other Chance as to Vote for yes to expand the Pain and as mentioned at this Video from bugler, the quit dont understand the System right, or they only dont care about the next 10 Years.

        But something i cant agree with is, when someone wanna argue, that they only post a Video, but cant say anything with his own Words.
        That does mean anyhow, either he didnt find his own Words about it, or did not really think about all of it.
        A Start for it is would be to write a short Explanation to it or some Points.
        Further is there mentioned in the Video that a lot of Revolutions are caused through this 'Moneychanger' what still shall run this System since more then 2000 Years.
        But there are no real Proofs for that, how the social Life is been before 100, 500 or 1000 Years.
        So this Informations are not 100% reliable.

        To make a long Video short petar113507,

        just think about where the Money for the Interests come from.
        The Fed gives out 100% of Money and want back 102%.
        They teach us, this 2% come back from Capital, but you would need 40% as Capital, to equal this Dept.
        This 2 % are never in the System, so the Debtors has to take a new Credit from the Main Bank, (this Example Fed and a Country) to equal only the Interests.

        And further, if there is Capital on a Bank, they can lend it 9 Times away in Form of Credits,
        and only need 10 % from this Capital as a Reserve.
        This Credits, what the Banks lend to others, creates new Interests with ~10%,
        so you can make from 100Bucks Capital 900 Bucks in Form of Credit and Airmoney,
        with a depth of Interests of 90 Bucks (9x 100Credits a 10% Interest = 90Bucks Interest what are Depts to the Bank)
        So, you have 10 Bucks real left, and 90 Bucks debt created,
        what they do compensate with new Credits.
        This 10 Bucks are close enough to pay back the Interests for this 100 Bucks,
        what you got lend, and still shall pay back.

        That shows, that there is a lot debt in form of Interests created,
        where the countervalue in Form of real Money never is in the Circulation.
        Theorizer are like High Voltage. A lot hot Air with no Power behind but they are the dead of applied Work and Ideas.


        • I agee, I agree, I agree,

          I guess your finger 'stuttered' when you hit post? ;-)
          Because I can't view video's, I also wish people could post a brief summary of the main points of a video.I understand a video is a great way to convey ideas and concepts, but I hate it when someone posts the link, and doesn't then explain in their own words, the key concepts or pooints they are making.

          Saw a show on PBS; History Detectives.This guy had some currency, printed during the revolutionary war.Said on the bills, (I don't remember the wording)that it was 'backed' by x amount of Spanish gold Dollers, yes spelled different.
          They researched it and found;In order to finance the revolution, the colonial 'government' recieved a gift of, I think it was 1 million, but don't remember, spanish gold dollers.Rather than spend them, they put them in 'reserve', and printed american colonial dollars, like IOU's.Printed on them was that they were backed by (not sure of wording) these Spanish dollers.Kind of like the old silver/gold certificates. The thing our forefathers figured out; If you have 1000 spanish dollers in reserve, and you print 1000 colonial dollers, each colonial doller is worth 1 spanish doller, when redeemed.If you print 1,000,000 colonial dollars, each one is worth much less, while still being 'backed' by the spanish dollers.i.e. it was a 'CON' in order to raise $ to fight the war, and finance the new gov't. after.They deliberately used inflation to finance the new Gov't.And our Gov't has been using this technique, with refinments, ever since.On History detectives, which I don't believe had any agenda, they said their were even letters between the founding fathers, where they discussed this, and chuckled about it.They knew what they were doing.So, they would buy some horses from a farmer, for the troops, with these dollars, knowing when tey ultimately redeemed them that they would be worth less.Thats the point. Anyway, I thought it was interesting.I think the Fed is simply a more sophisticated, less transparent way of doing the same thing.To manage inflation, as a tax, without it being 'too' high, and therefore obvious.Everyone focuses on the $ taken thru income tax, sales tax, etc.But we forget/don't notice the tax of inflation, how much more a $ bought 10, 20 or 40 years ago, than it does now.Bend over, screwed yet agin! ;-) Jim


          • Originally posted by dutchdivco View Post
            I guess your finger 'stuttered' when you hit post? ;-)
            Because I can't view video's, I also wish people could post a brief summary of the main points of a video.I understand a video is a great way to convey ideas and concepts, but I hate it when someone posts the link, and doesn't then explain in their own words, the key concepts or pooints they are making.
            Ha ha, Yes, Big Oops.
            I deleted now the double Posts, played a bit to much around with the Posting.

            But o well, we can not know anymore what did happen before 80 years at ww2, or WW1, where Peoples even swear and promised after WW1, that should never happen again, and few Years later they did it again. At the Video is mentioned, so far i did watch it now, that the American Revolution and Rom had the same cause at the monetary System also, but noone cant find reliable evidences anymore for it.
            You only can take the Fragments and try to make Pictures from it.
            What even more astounding is, that they can make it over and over again,
            without getting catched, even, really a Ruling Class.
            Theorizer are like High Voltage. A lot hot Air with no Power behind but they are the dead of applied Work and Ideas.


            • yeah,

              somebody said "Thats why they are called 'revolutions'; cause it keeps coming round, again." Also "same old wine, in a brand new bottle".;-)


              • WHAT HAPPENED? Why are we here?

                “Most men occasionally stumble over the truth, but most pick themselves up and continue on as if nothing had happened.”
                Remember to be kind to your mind ...
                Tesla quoting Buddha: "Ignorance is the greatest evil in the world."


                • Originally posted by dutchdivco View Post
                  How many votes does it take? Or, how many NO votes does it take, to block raising the debt cieling?All this talk about will we or won't we have a shutdown.Seems to me the real show down is over raising the debt cieling.And it seems to me that a lot of the tea party candidates truly aren't focused on re-election.If they don't feel like they are getting real movement on reducing the deficit, they may try to hold up the vote.Can they do it?
                  Rick, you probably know.Jim
                  The Tea Party caucus of newly elected representatives is adamant about not only refusing to raise the debt limit, but in cutting spending even further enough to lower the debt limit. Unfortunately, there are not yet enough members in the Tea Party caucus to ensure this outcome, but there likely will be in 2012 if establishment Republicans fail to heed the will of the people.

                  The latest Rasmussen poll shows that 58 percent of Americans would rather see a partial government shutdown than keep spending at 2010 levels. Only 33 percent would prefer to keep spending at current levels.

                  All that House Republicans have to do to stop the fiscal insanity is to say no to a hike in the debt limit – one vote! The rest takes care of itself. It will require massive cuts in the federal bureaucracy, which is what Republicans have said they want and what Americans still say they want. Republicans hold all the cards. They can stop the effort to raise the debt limit with 218 votes in the House – and they control 241.

                  So there you have it. It is merely a question of whether the Republicans will have the backbone to do what is right and abide by the will of the people, or cave in to pressure from the ruling elite to maintain the current status quo course of destruction.
                  "Seek wisdom by keeping an open mind to alternative realities, questioning authority, and searching for truth. Only then, when you see or hear something that has 'the ring of truth' to it, will it be as if a veil has been lifted, and suddenly you will begin to hear and see far more clearly than ever before." - Rickoff


                  • Ahh,

                    But only 60 are said to be 'Tea partiers'. Still I wonder, If all the tea partiers stand firm, and vote 'No', how many 'mainstream' republicans, desireing re-election, will be willing to vote yes.Given what happened in the last election, I think some may agonise, wondering if a 'Yes" vote insures their defeat?
                    Thats going to be an interesting vote.All this continueing resolution crap is just a preamble.Jim


                    • Originally posted by Vortex View Post

                      “Most men occasionally stumble over the truth, but most pick themselves up and continue on as if nothing had happened.”
                      When the Southern states walked out of Congress on March 27, 1861, the quorum to conduct business under the Constitution was lost.

                      The only votes that Congress could lawfully take, under Parliamentary Law, were those to set the time to reconvene, take a vote to get a quorum and vote to adjourn and set a date, time, and place to reconvene at a later time, but instead, Congress abandoned the House and Senate without setting a date to reconvene. Under the parliamentary law of Congress, when this happened, Congress became sine die (pronounced see-na dee-a; literally “`without day”) and thus when Congress adjourned sine die, it ceased to exist as a lawful deliberative body, and the only lawful, constitutional power that could declare war was no longer lawful, or in session.

                      The Southern states, by virtue of their secession from the Union, also ceased to exist sine die, and some state legislatures in the Northern bloc also adjourned sine die, and thus, all the states which were parties to creating the Constitution ceased to exist. President Lincoln executed the first executive order written by any President on April 15, 1861, Executive Order 1, and the nation has been ruled by the President under executive order ever since. When Congress eventually did reconvene, it was reconvened under the military authority of the Commander-in-Chief and not by Rules of Order for Parliamentary bodies or by Constitutional Law, placing the American people under martial rule ever since that national emergency declared by President Lincoln. The Constitution for the United States of America temporarily ceased to be the law of the land, and the President, Congress, and the Courts unlawfully presumed that they were free to remake the nation in their own image; whereas, lawfully, no constitutional provisions were in place which afforded power to any of the actions that were taken and presumed to place the nation under the new form of control.

                      President Lincoln knew that he had no authority to issue any executive order, and thus he commissioned General Orders No. 100 (April 24, 1863) as a special field code to govern his actions under martial law, and which justified the seizure of power, which extended the laws of the District of Columbia, and which fictionally implemented the provisions of Article I, Section 8, Clauses 17-18 of the Constitution beyond the boundaries of Washington, D.C. and into the several states. General Orders No. 100, also called the Lieber Instructions and the Lieber Code, extended The Laws of War and International Law onto American soil, and the United States government became the presumed conqueror of the people and the land.




                      • How to destroy a nation?

                        by Daniel

                        "Genocide involves the attempt to achieve the disappearance of a group by whatever means. It does not have to be violent, it could be a combination of policies that would lead to a certain group dying out." Malcolm Fraser (Prime Minister of Australia 1975-1983)
                        + + +

                        Two passports are given to UK immigrants every minute. 1,500,000 were issued since Labour was elected in 1997.

                        The former UK Labor Party immigration minister, Phil Woolas, admitted Feb 25 that his own children have 'suffered' because the influx of migrants has taken a toll on local communities and services.

                        Woolas' bizarre declaration came as new official figures revealed the number of foreigners given UK passports has soared.

                        A total of 203,865 people were handed British citizenship in 2009 - an increase of 58 per cent on the previous year.

                        Tens of thousands more immigrants were also given the right to settle in the UK, with the total up 30 per cent to more than 190,000.
                        Quarterly immigration figures, published by the Office for National Statistics, also showed a 30 per cent increase in student visa numbers last year compared to 2008.

                        In the final three months of 2009, 61,715 student visas were issued - an astonishing rise of 92 per cent on the same period in 2008.

                        Whitehall documents revealed this week confirm Labour encouraged mass immigration despite voter opposition.

                        The Government said the public stance was down to 'racism' and ministers were told to try to alter the population's attitude.

                        The approach was unveiled after a document from 2000 showed that ministers were advised that only the ill-educated and those who had never met a migrant were opposed to immigration.

                        They were also told that large-scale immigration would bring increases in crime, but they concealed these concerns from the public.

                        Sections of the paper, which underpinned Labour policies that admitted between two and three million immigrants to Britain in less than a decade, have already been made public.

                        These have showed that Labour aimed to use immigration not only for economic reasons but also to change the social make-up of the country.

                        Now we turn to Australia:

                        The European character of Australia can be eliminated by swamping the nation with Third World immigration.

                        Genocide by migration can succeed via several factors:

                        - High rates of immigration from the Third World, especially Asia.

                        - High birth rates of non-White immigrants

                        - Increasing the number of student visas issued, making it easier for foreign students to remain after graduation, guaranteeing that immigrants will be better paid and achieve higher social status than native-born White Australians.

                        - Lower birth rates of those from British/European backgrounds, via pressure from taxation and the transfer of benefits to non-White immigrants.

                        - Encouragement of inter-racial mating via state-sponsored propaganda, advertising, television-programming, and movie production.

                        - Encouragement of abortion, especially amongst the predominantly White middle classes. Increased financial support for immigrant
                        single mothers.

                        One legal barrier to enforced globalization is The Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide that was approved and proposed for signature and ratification or accession by the United Nations General Assembly Resolution 260A (111) of December 9th, 1948.

                        Article 11 states: "In the present Convention, genocide means any of the following committed with intent to destroy, in whole or in part, a national ethical, racial or religious group as such: ... (b) Causing serious bodily or mental harm to members of the group; (c) Deliberately inflicting on the group conditions of life calculated to bring about its physical destruction in whole or in part; (d) Imposing measures intended to prevent births within the group; ..." Unfortunately, this convention is widely ignored.

                        With no ethnic base to support cultural traditions, all cultures merge; certain
                        acceptable and safe cultural traits may be permitted to survive, in a conglomerate style, but most cultural traditions will vanish and be replaced by a vapid or downright satanic homogeneous popular culture.

                        Australia's most respected demographic expert, Charles Price, has published his projections:

                        "By 2020 26.7% of the total Australian population or 6.6. million people will be of Asian or part Asian decent."

                        Phillip Ruthven, Director of Australia's Ibis Business Information, has forecast a "neo-Eurasian nation" by 2010, turning "Eurasian" by mid-century, and becoming "Asian" at the end of the century.

                        Various Establishment politicians, from both sides of the political fence, have revealed their support for the Asianisation or Eurasianisation of Australia.

                        John Gorton (Liberal Party), when Prime Minister, said in 1971, "I think if we build up gradually inside Australia a proportion of people without white
                        skins, then there will be a complete lack of consciousness that it is being built up... and that we will arrive at a state where we will have a multi-racial
                        country without racial tensions - and perhaps the first in the world."


                        The majority of the population in Australia will eventually be of Asian/Eurasian background.

                        Just as the Chinese have practiced necessary ethnic cleansing in Tibet, and Indonesian administrators infiltrated alien populations into West Irian and East Timor, so eliotes can infiltrate outside genotypes into the Australian territory to achieve the gradual disappearance of the White Australian host.

                        The advent of Australia as an Asian or Eurasian country will mean the end of the European national and cultural identity and way of life. Gradually the offending base element will die out, allowing global governance to come about all the sooner.

                        Australia's geographical isolation serves as an excellent laboratory for the more wide-scale programmes underway in Europe and North America. At the present time, people of European racial background make up approximately 8% of the world's population. That figure is quickly shrinking.


                        • The american dream

                          YouTube - The American Dream By The Provocateur Network

                          YouTube - George Carlin ~ The American Dream

                          You have to be asleep to believe it...
                          Last edited by spiralout; 03-10-2011, 05:02 AM.


                          • Alihoa

                            Thank you for that post, about the "Civil" war; hows that for an oxymoron, huh? I always felt in my gut, that it was totally against the 'founding principles' of this country, to tell a state they couldn't succede (sp?) but I didn't know the details.Now I know.Thanks, again.Jim


                            • A lighter, encouraging note. Let us follow the footprint of this and insist freedom! Go Maine!!

                              Maine town becomes first in the nation to pass "Food Sovereignty" law., page 1


                              • Food Sovereignty!

                                Originally posted by Moe R View Post
                                A lighter, encouraging note. Let us follow the footprint of this and insist freedom! Go Maine!!

                                Maine town becomes first in the nation to pass "Food Sovereignty" law., page 1
                                Wow! Yeah - Go Maine!!
                                Aaron Murakami

                                Books & Videos
                                RPX & MWO

