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The American Ruling Class

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  • Originally posted by stargate22
    Only 5 nations are without a Rothschilds Central Bank.....

    Iran; N. Korea; Sudan; Cuba; and Libya.

    And if the West has its way, this list may be down to four.
    While these 5 nations don't have a Rothschild controlled central bank, each of them does in fact have a central bank. These are state owned banks operated by government appointees. While that would seem to be a better option than allowing a private banking cartel to hold the reins, it all depends upon who the appointees are, and how corrupt they may be. Frankly, I really don't think there is much difference between a corrupt private banking cartel and a corrupt group of government appointed officials running a central bank. The primary stated purpose of each of these central banks is to maintain a stable currency, and none have done a good job of that, unless their actual mission is the same as the US Federal Reserve - to destroy the country's currency. The currency couldn't matter less to them, since their real interest is in managing the gold reserves and foreign exchange of their respective countries. That's where all the wealth lies, and those who are in a position to control that wealth have enormous power and influence over everyone and everything else. So basically it all ends up being pretty much the same - control is maintained in the hands of the Ruling Class elites of all countries, while the people of the nations have virtually no say at all over the control or utilization of the reserves and resources that should rightfully belong to them. Of one thing we can be absolutely certain - that those who are in control live lavish lifestyles at the expense of the common folk.

    Incidentally, did you know that the Central Bank Of Sudan (BOS) was actually established in 1959 by the US Federal Reserve, which also wrote their by-laws? Figures, huh? Those laws have since been altered to comply with Sharia Law. From what I understand, the basic difference is that BOS no longer sells treasury bills and government bonds, but instead now sells Shariah compliant "Financial Certificates."

    "Seek wisdom by keeping an open mind to alternative realities, questioning authority, and searching for truth. Only then, when you see or hear something that has 'the ring of truth' to it, will it be as if a veil has been lifted, and suddenly you will begin to hear and see far more clearly than ever before." - Rickoff


    • About Libya....

      In 2007, when Barry Soetoro/Obama was still a senator, he said, "The President does not have the power under the Constitution to unilaterally authorize a military attack in a situation that does not involve stopping an actual or imminent threat to the nation." Libya does not pose such a threat to the United States, so by his own words we should not be there and he had no authority to engage our military in this assault. Of course he really has no authority whatsoever over the military as Commander In Chief, since he isn't constitutionally eligible to serve as POTUS or CIC, but that's another matter. Clearly, Obama thinks that his powers are derived from United Nations directives and NATO agreements rather than the US Constitution. This is clearly a case of wrongful and unconstitutional use of our military, and Congress should demand Obama's impeachment and removal from office. If they don't then the American people should demand it.

      "Seek wisdom by keeping an open mind to alternative realities, questioning authority, and searching for truth. Only then, when you see or hear something that has 'the ring of truth' to it, will it be as if a veil has been lifted, and suddenly you will begin to hear and see far more clearly than ever before." - Rickoff


      • Same old wine, in a brand new bottle

        I wouldn't hold my breath, Rick. I do think that things really do look different, from behind that desk in the Oval Office, than they do from elsewhere.Also, no one gets to sit in that desk, without lieing as to what they would do, once there.So, every officeholder has said one thing, done another.Liberals could be said to lie more, simply because they hold a manority opinion, as polls going back many years have shown.Republicans are only slightly less liars, because they, ostensibly, hold a position shared with the majority of voters.
        In truth, they are ALL Liars, nothing new there.Jim


        • Will V.P. Joe Biden remain true to his words?

          Originally posted by dutchdivco View Post
          I wouldn't hold my breath, Rick.
          Don't worry, Jim, I don't plan to, and fully expect that most of those in Congress will probably do nothing more than voice their concern, just to get themselves "off the hook," so to speak.

          Now here's a video of none other than Vice President Joe Biden, who made a loud and clear statement about this subject on MSNBC's Hardball news show back in 2007, when Bush was still president and there was talk of a possible strike against Iran. Here's what Biden said:

          The President has no Constitutional authority to take this nation to war against a country..... unless we're attacked, or unless there is proof that we are about to be attacked. And if he does, I would move to impeach him. The House, obviously, has to do that, but I would lead an effort to impeach him. - Joe Biden
          Joe went on to exclaim, "I don't say this lightly!" Well, okay Joe, then how about standing by your word and leading the effort to impeach Obama? Or were you really just kidding when you mouthed those words on a national news network telecast?

          "Seek wisdom by keeping an open mind to alternative realities, questioning authority, and searching for truth. Only then, when you see or hear something that has 'the ring of truth' to it, will it be as if a veil has been lifted, and suddenly you will begin to hear and see far more clearly than ever before." - Rickoff


          • "Oh, but this is different!!"

            "I was talking about the OTHER guy, (Bush) doing it, This is different! Besides, we're doing this as part of an international coalition!" Yeah, right. "Say it ain't so, Joe." Bidens always had a bad case of foot and mouth disease, this is nothing new.I really do think its POSSIBLE that these people are going to push too far, and too hard.That they've gotten away with this crap for so long, that they think they can continue to get away with it. Very common.Its like the embezzler, who keeps embezzling, (not a bad analogy, actually) until eventually they get caught.
            "You can fool all the people, some of the time, and some of the people all the time, but you CAN'T foll ALL the people ALL the time." I really think at some point, the sheep will look up. But then, thats the optimist in me.The pessimist says if they do, it will be too late.
            Pessimist says "It can't POSSIBLY get any worse!" Optimist says "OH, yes it CAN!";-) Jim
            Last edited by dutchdivco; 03-24-2011, 07:06 PM. Reason: spelling


            • Originally posted by rickoff View Post
              Now here's a video of none other than Vice President Joe Biden, who made a loud and clear statement about this subject on MSNBC's Hardball news show back in 2007, when Bush was still president and there was talk of a possible strike against Iran. Here's what Biden said:

              The President has no Constitutional authority to take this nation to war against a country..... unless we're attacked, or unless there is proof that we are about to be attacked. And if he does, I would move to impeach him. The House, obviously, has to do that, but I would lead an effort to impeach him. - Joe Biden

              Wikipedia shows around 300 armed conflicts in U.S. history.
              Timeline of United States military operations - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia



              • Something new in the Obama eligibility issue

                Finally there are legitimate questions being aired on national TV and radio regarding Barry Soetoro/Obama's birth records. I'm glad to see the media is finally admitting that there is simply something wrong when our so-called President continually refuses to release his long form birth certificate for public disclosure. Even MSNBC commentator Chis Matthews, who has long expressed adoration for Obama, has said that Obama should produce his birth certificate. And just recently Donald Trump, who is strongly suggesting that he may run for President in 2012, stated on national TV show The View that he wants Obama to show the birth certificate. It would seem that the Donald is probably well aware of documentation appearing on the Internet that may prove Barry was indeed born in Kenya. In particular, he may have seen the documents shown below.

                Some time ago Aaron posted an image in this thread showing a Kenyan birth certificate issued to Barack Obama jr. Here it is once again:

                That birth certificate, complete with the infant's foot print and official signatures, certainly appears to be authentic, which is a lot more than can be said about the "Certificate of Live Birth" (COLB) which Obama's campaign headquarters produced, and which is shown below:

                Now here's an image, shown below, that claims to be his actual 1961 Hawaiian COLB registration form:

                The above COLB application looks rather authentic, but is by far the most controversial and disputed document shown here. Notice the footnote "Birthplace: Kenya" and the fact that the registration form was filed and signed by Madlyn Payne Dunham, Obama's maternal grandmother. It may seem odd that there is no "e" shown after the "d" in Madlyn, and a Wikipedia article does show the name spelled with the "e," but the author of the article may either have been mistaken as to the correct spelling, or the grandmother actually signed her name in this manner whether correct or not. It would be interesting to compare this with her signature from some other documents. At least this form does have some signatures which could possibly be verified, whereas the one produced by Obama's campaign did not. In any case, if this is the original document which the Hawaii Registry has on file then it is no wonder that Obama has done everything possible to conceal it. One aspect of this document that is rather suspect, though, is the reference made at the bottom as to "HRS 338-17.8" This is a reference to section 338 of Hawaiian Revised Statutes which allows for persons born in other countries to register a Hawaiian birth. Problem is, this law was not enacted until 1982, which would indicate that either the document is fraudulent, or that the reference was added to the document in 1982 or later. It does seem quite possible that the HRS addition was made later than the wording preceding it, because the "H" of HRS appears to be in a larger typeface than the H in the word Honolulu. Notice also that the document was inserted in a typewriter perhaps 3 times to add the info at the bottom, as the "338-17" and "per grandmother" info are out of line with each other and with the typing at left. That in itself is not an indication of fraudulence, since anyone who has attempted to use a typewriter to type a line at the very bottom of a piece of paper can attest that it is difficult to do so because the paper is not held securely. Regarding HRS 338 being a non-existent law in 1961, it should be pointed out that obtaining a certificate of live birth during the time of Obama’s birth was an easy matter anyways, since all that was required to procure a certificate was for his mother, Stanley Ann Dunham, and another person (such as Stanley Ann's mother) to swear on an affidavit that Barack was born in Hawaii. This method was available for children not born at a hospital, which could very well have been the claim made. All in all, the above document remains the most suspected of being fraudulent, and my own guess is that it probably is a bit of fakery produced by Obama's debunking team in the hopes that birther groups would run with it. The debunkers would then turn around and point out the several problems with the document which I have mentioned, and would promote this as being a far fetched and obvious farce instituted and promoted by the birthers.

                Below is a Hawaiian COLB issued one year later (1962) to another person for comparison sake:

                The above COLB would appear to be the same COLB form used to register Obama's birth, in better resolution. This one shows the File number assigned to the document, whereas the Obama document does not, and would seem to indicate that the Obama document, if valid, is a copy of the actual registration filing made before a file number had been assigned. Such duplicate, without a file number assigned, does not seem suspicious since it was probably standard procedure to fill out and sign the form in duplicate or triplicate and provide one form to the registrant at the time of filing for use as a legal temporary document.

                Now here is yet another document claiming to be a certified copy of Obama's Kenyan birth certificate:

                The above document was obtained by attorney Orly Taitz to be used as evidence of Obama's Kenyan birth and ineligibility to serve as POTUS. I saw this document months ago, but at the time assumed it was faked because it clearly says "Republic of Kenya" at the bottom, and Kenya did not become a Republic until December 1963, some 2 years and 4 months after Obama's birth. That point had been stated by several birther "debunking" sites, and they seemed to be correct. What I failed to notice back then, however, (and didn't see until enlarging the photo sufficiently) is that the document was prepared and signed by the Deputy Registrar February 17, 1964. Note that the Constitution of Kenya was adopted 12th December, 1963, and Section 1 of the Constitution clearly states, "Kenya is a sovereign Republic." A very logical explanation for the creation of this document is that it was requested by Obama's mother, Stanley Ann Dunham, for use as documentation of paternal responsibility in her divorce proceedings against Barack Obama Sr. Dunham filed for divorce the month prior to issuance of the certificate, and the divorce was granted during the month following issuance of the certificate. The document is obviously not a photocopy of the original, as there are no signatures by the parents, doctor, or hospital administrator, but is rather a document prepared from the original information, and does show a raised seal at lower left corner. It certainly looks authentic enough to pass a test of scrutiny, and the important thing to remember is that this evidence was never even considered in a US court since the case was dismissed on the basis of Obama's claim that the person filing the case lacked sufficient "standing" to do so.

                Another interesting thing to note is that Obama's half-sister, Maya Soetoro, who was born August 15, 1970 in Jakarta, Indonesia, has a birth certificate on file in Hawaii. I verified this at the following online birth certificate search site:
       It seems quite likely that the grandmother may have filed
                a Hawaiian COLB registration for Maya, just as she did for Barack. Why else would Maya's certification of birth be on file in Hawaii, when it is an undisputed fact that she was born in Indonesia, as stated in this Wikipedia article? It is also interesting to note that the same online search used to find a record for Maya did not show any result for Barry Soetoro, or Barry or Barack Obama. After all, you cannot view the record - the search only states whether or not a record is on file.

                Last edited by rickoff; 04-03-2011, 06:50 PM. Reason: added info
                "Seek wisdom by keeping an open mind to alternative realities, questioning authority, and searching for truth. Only then, when you see or hear something that has 'the ring of truth' to it, will it be as if a veil has been lifted, and suddenly you will begin to hear and see far more clearly than ever before." - Rickoff


                • US Presidents Relatives

                  Presidents related to British royalty

                  George Washington (descendant of Edward III of England)
                  Thomas Jefferson (descendant of Edward III of England)
                  James Madison (descendant of Edward I of England)
                  James Monroe (descendant of Edward III of England)
                  John Quincy Adams (descendant of Edward III of England)
                  William Henry Harrison and his grandson, Benjamin Harrison (descendants of Edward I of England)
                  Zachary Taylor (descendant of Edward I of England)
                  Franklin Pierce (descendant of Henry I of England)
                  Rutherford Hayes (descendant of William I of Scotland and William the Conqueror)
                  Grover Cleveland (descendant of Edward I of England)
                  Theodore Roosevelt (descendant of James I of Scotland and Edward III of England)
                  William Taft (descendant of Edward III of England)
                  Warren Harding (descendant of Henry II of England)
                  Calvin Coolidge (descendant of Edward I of England)
                  Herbert Hoover (descendant of Edward III of England)
                  Franklin Roosevelt (descendant of James II of Scotland)
                  Harry S. Truman (descendant of Robert III of Scotland)
                  Richard Nixon (descendant of Henry II of England)
                  Gerald Ford (descendant of Edward I of England)
                  Jimmy Carter (descendant of Henry II of England)
                  George H. W. Bush and his son, George W. Bush (descendants of Edward I of England and Robert II of Scotland)
                  Barack Obama (descendant of Edward I of England and William the Lion of Scotland)

                  Genealogical relationships of Presidents of the United States - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

                  What are the odds that an Ordinary Natural Born, from one of the Republics, will serve as US corp.’s president?



                  • GE - "Generous Electric," or "Great Evader?"

                    As a former GE employee in the 1960's, I remember that on pay day the employees always joked about GE as being "Generous Electric." Yes, it was a joke, because even though the employees were paid what was considered a halfway decent wage at that time, we understood that employee wages amounted to a mere pittance of the enormous income revenue that was constantly flowing into the company coffers. What we didn't realize at that time, though, is that GE's earnings were actually far greater than we thought, and this is because of their long standing ability to invoke ingenious methods to avoid paying corporate taxes.

                    You would think that a gargantuan corporation like General Electric, which had over $14 billion in revenues last year must surely be paying a lot in taxes this April, right?
                    Wrong! They will pay absolutely nothing, and actually are claiming a very sizable tax credit against future earnings. Now how can that be?

                    Well, while GE spent millions to elect President Obama, and on pushing fiscally destructive policies like cap & trade on the American taxpayer, the company’s tax department of 975 employees has been busy making sure it’s own tax bill on $14 billion of US revenues is less than ZERO! And that's not all - GE takes in way more revenue on its foreign operations, all without shelling out even a thin dime on taxes.

                    That’s right, GE is actually claiming a tax credit of $3.2 billion, which they can use to write off future earnings. It’s interesting to note that while Ronald Reagan cracked down on GE in the mid 1980s (he overhauled the tax system after learning that G.E. was among dozens of corporations that had used accounting gamesmanship to avoid paying any taxes) President Obama has taken the opposite stance. General Electric CEO Immelt and Obama have appeared joined at the hip lately, with the President even appointing Immelt chairman of the President’s Council on Jobs and Competitiveness.

                    Oh yes, and wasn't Immelt one of Obama's companions on his controversial trip to Brazil last week? Yes, and although the US media made scarce mention of it, Obama also took along Westinghouse CEO Aris Candris, Anadarko Petroleum CEO James T Hackett, International Paper CEO John Faraci, and Albright Stonebridge Group CEO Anthony Harrington.
                    The purpose of the trip is to provide enormous and unfair opportunities to these CEO's, while at the same time assuring that Obama will receive huge political contributions from them for his 2012 election campaign. Incidentally, Albright Stonebridge Group is described as a "global strategy firm," which is chaired by Madeline Albright and Samuel "Sandy" Berger. You may remember Sandy Berger because of his unauthorized removal of classified documents in October 2003 from a National Archives reading room prior to him testifying before the 9/11 Commission. He stole them, stuffed them in his pants, and walked out the door. For this criminal activity, Berger was fined $50,000, sentenced to serve two years of probation and 100 hours of community service, and stripped of his security clearance for 3 years. Big deal, huh? If any of us had done what he did, we would serve the remainder of our life in a federal penitentiary. The Justice Department initially said Berger stole only copies of classified documents and not originals. But the House Government Reform Committee later revealed that an unsupervised Berger had been given access to classified files of original, uncopied, uninventoried documents on terrorism. Several Archives officials acknowledged that Berger could have stolen any number of items and they “would never know what, if any, original documents were missing.” We can only guess what these documents might have revealed about 9/11 planning and foreknowledge. Just goes to show that Berger and other criminals who rightfully should be in prison somehow never go there and instead end up in positions of high power and influence.

                    Anyways, of course most of GE's tax write-offs nowadays are because of tax credits for so-called "Green Energy" projects, but what have these projects actually done to benefit those of us who are paying taxes? Has GE produced a household free-energy appliance to make our lives better? No, of course not. Could they do that if they wanted to? Probably so. GE holds and suppresses a vast array of energy related patents, and has always had some of the most brilliant scientific minds of the times working directly for them. GE's 2 part philosophy has always been to:

                    1. flood the consumer market with countless affordable electric appliances and gadgets so as to enormously increase consumer demand for electricity.
                    2. provide the equipment used by generating stations to produce the vast power reserves required to meet consumer demand.

                    As you can see, company earnings rely entirely upon consumer demand for electrical appliances and the electricity needed to operate them. Therefore, making truly efficient electrical appliances, or an appliance that would produce free energy on a house-by-house basis, would be counter-productive to their business model. So, if you had been wondering why GE hasn't come out with such a product there's your answer. And if you have been hoping that GE, or some other corporation, will some day soon announce the widespread availability of such a product, well you can forget about that because it simply will not happen.

                    Last edited by rickoff; 07-12-2011, 09:43 PM.
                    "Seek wisdom by keeping an open mind to alternative realities, questioning authority, and searching for truth. Only then, when you see or hear something that has 'the ring of truth' to it, will it be as if a veil has been lifted, and suddenly you will begin to hear and see far more clearly than ever before." - Rickoff


                    • Wonder how much the 975 got paid?

                      Suppose they get a percentage?LOL I thought i heard that despite the commercials, GE is mostly a financial company; kind of like AIG? Thought I heard that somewhere.Yeah, now its my turn to say "I'm not holding my breath".Not holding my breath, (except to avoid air pollution, radioactive fallout, etc.) that huge corporations are going to solve any of our problems.

                      I am hopeful but doubtful that the sheep will look up, before its too late.
                      And so I am sceptical answers will come from community or political action.
                      Quite frankly, don't see any real 'answers' coming from Man.

                      Guess I'm with the scrawny, bearded guy, standing on the curb, holding a sign;Says "Repent, the end is near!" and 'near' is crossed out, says above it "HERE".

                      Interesting times, tho. Gotta say! Jim


                      • Lol!!!

                        Where in the world do you get your info????
                        There is no way a central power governs all but 5 banks in the world. There is just too many complex financial and government infastructure to pull that off
                        Now that you know what you want, explore P.A.T.H.S


                        • Originally posted by Mozaar View Post
                          Where in the world do you get your info????
                          There is no way a central power governs all but 5 banks in the world. There is just too many complex financial and government infastructure to pull that off
                          Research the Rostchtild family.

                          They and the rest of the criminal network have the power to run all the central banks, to plan and execute WWI, WWII, Katrina, 911, London, Madrid, Bali, etc.

                          It is either them or us and so far is them winning.
                          Last edited by bugler; 03-28-2011, 05:24 PM.


                          • ssn theft

                            Whose Social Security Number Did Obama Steal? | We the People of the United States
                            Aaron Murakami

                            Books & Videos
                            RPX & MWO


                            • "Crazy" thought?

                              Just occurred to me; all the 'talking heads' on TV are talking about the Republican field, for 2012.Specifically, about how few/none have actually announced.Suppose some of the hesitation is because they know their records; Birth certificates, selective service records, etc. are going to get much more scrutiny than previously? just a thought,...Jim


                              • Originally posted by bugler View Post
                                Research the Rostchtild family.
                                You mean google it! That info is just toying with you man!
                                Now that you know what you want, explore P.A.T.H.S

