At last Obama has produced his birth certificate. In this case there is no doubt that it is a genuine one 

Obama might have to really prove he was born in Hawaii as states are changing laws for that. That is not really enough to be a candidate as the requirements are to be a natural born citizen (meaning being born in the US territory and being an American Citizen at birth) but he was apparently born in Kenya so he won't be able to prove anything unless he fakes a birth certificate: President Barack Obama to produce birth certificate for 2012 election | Mail Online

Obama might have to really prove he was born in Hawaii as states are changing laws for that. That is not really enough to be a candidate as the requirements are to be a natural born citizen (meaning being born in the US territory and being an American Citizen at birth) but he was apparently born in Kenya so he won't be able to prove anything unless he fakes a birth certificate: President Barack Obama to produce birth certificate for 2012 election | Mail Online