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The American Ruling Class

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  • Would that some person of integrity

    Took a concealed video camera 'behind closed doors' to film the negotiations, and then released it.They 'cooked up' the whole title 10 funding, just so the Dems could show they were 'fighting for their bases issues' just as the repubs were 'fighting' for theirs. They knew all along they were going to drop the title 10 de-funding, and they knew they were not going to 'shut it down'.
    Behind closed doors they were much more cordial than they were in front of the cameras.
    Look at it this way, Rick. There is You, Boener and Mitchell. Which of you have more in common, and which is 'odd man out'? They, politicians, have much more in common with each other, than they will ever have with you or me.
    They won't refuse to raise the debt limit, no way. And so, our fate is sealed.
    I admire your optimism, but fear it is unfounded.The 'Democratic' form of Gov't. is dead, has been for a long time.killed by its own inherent failings, and those of human 'nature'.Jim


    • Originally posted by dutchdivco View Post
      They won't refuse to raise the debt limit, no way. And so, our fate is sealed. I admire your optimism, but fear it is unfounded.
      As things currently stand, what you say is quite correct, but I'm not ready to "throw in the towel" and give up yet. The vote on raising the debt limit will be happening in about a month from now, and this intervening time period gives us one last chance to save our nation and alter the course of history. As I mentioned previously, there are 241 House Republicans, and a NO vote by just 218 of them is all that is needed to not only stop raising the debt ceiling, but to also - in the words of WND founder Joseph Farah -"completely tie the hands of Obama and the Democrats for the next two years. They themselves – the Democrats – would be forced to make massive cuts in spending that would require defunding Obamacare, pulling the plug on Planned Parenthood, even killing entrenched unconstitutional bureaucracies like the Department of Education. They simply wouldn't have any choice."

      Two months ago, Joseph Farah launched a No More Red Ink campaign with the intention of convincing House Republicans that they must vote against raising the debt limit. At the time the campaign started, only about 6 House Republicans were on board, stating that they would vote NO. The No More Red Ink campaign has been startlingly successful so far, as there are now 142 Republicans (a clear majority) dead set against raising the debt limit. It would appear that the other 99 House Republicans are confused, and believing that the debt limit must be raised simply because that is what their leadership tells them, along with what they have heard from Fed chairman Bernanke and Treasury Secretary Geithner, who are both adamant that the debt limit must be raised. The question that remains to be answered is whether or not 76 of these 99 representatives can be convinced to side with the 142 that are already committed to voting NO. In fact, 76 may not be necessary because there are almost certainly some " Blue Dog" Democrats who will vote against raising the debt limit. Note that there are 25 Democrats in the House's Blue Dog Coalition.

      Now here's what needs to be done, without delay:
      • Look on the following list of Blue Dog Democrats to see if your state representative is found. If so, e-mail and call his or her local office and demand that your representative vote against raising the debt limit.
      Members in the 112th Congress
      1. Jason Altmire (PA-4)
      2. Joe Baca (CA-43)
      3. John Barrow (GA-12), Co-Chair for Policy
      4. Sanford Bishop (GA-2)
      5. Dan Boren (OK-2), Blue Dog Whip
      6. Leonard Boswell (IA-3)
      7. Dennis Cardoza (CA-18)
      8. Ben Chandler (KY-6)
      9. Jim Cooper (TN-5)
      10. Jim Costa (CA-20)
      11. Henry Cuellar (TX-28)
      12. Joe Donnelly (IN-2)
      13. Gabrielle Giffords (AZ-8)
      14. Tim Holden (PA-17)
      15. Jim Matheson (UT-2)
      16. Mike McIntyre (NC-7)
      17. Mike Michaud (ME-2)
      18. Collin Peterson (MN-7)
      19. Mike Ross (AR-4), Co-Chair for Communications
      20. Loretta Sanchez (CA-47)
      21. Adam Schiff (CA-29)
      22. Kurt Schrader (OR-5)
      23. David Scott (GA-13)
      24. Heath Shuler (NC-11), Co-Chair for Administration
      25. Mike Thompson (CA-1)
      • If your state representative in the House is a Republican, call his or her local office and be persistent at demanding to know how your representative will vote on this matter. Often, getting any kind of commitment answer on a vote is just about impossible, and the typical reply is from a clerk who says, "thanks for calling, I'll inform representative so-and-so of your views." If you ask for a reply from the representative, you typically get a form letter saying that the representative will be considering the matter very carefully, and appreciates your viewpoint. You need to be insistent upon a definite answer to your question, and if the representative can't answer because he or she is undecided then you need to at least determine which way he or she is leaning on the issue, and what is preventing the representative from taking a firm stand with the 142 who have already stated they will vote NO. If you can't get a firm answer then you need to call the local office every day, or even multiple times each day until you do get an answer. Be relentless!
      • Perhaps the most effective tactic of all, and in combination with the above, is to participate in the No More Red Ink campaign, which targets just the 241 Republicans who control the House. Joseph Farah explains the campaign thusly: "We empowered Americans with a tool that allowed them inexpensively and efficiently to send red letters to all 241 Republican House members urging them to say no to any hike in the debt limit – an action that would require the federal government to stop borrowing immediately and make the biggest cuts in spending in the history of the country. So far, we have enabled nearly 1 million of those letters to be delivered to House Republicans." To take part in the No More Red Ink campaign, and send a red letter to all 241 House Republicans, go here.
      The debt ceiling vote was originally scheduled for March, but has been pushed further away and this gives us a last chance to convince timid establishment Republicans, RINO's, and Blue Dog Democrats that they must vote NO. Tell them you will be watching their vote on this matter very closely, and that you will definitely not vote for their reelection in 2012 if they cast a YES vote. Tell them it is time to get their HOUSE in order and stop runaway, unsustainable deficit spending once and for all.

      Read more: An urgent message from WND's Joseph Farah An urgent message from WND's Joseph Farah
      Last edited by rickoff; 04-10-2011, 02:15 PM.
      "Seek wisdom by keeping an open mind to alternative realities, questioning authority, and searching for truth. Only then, when you see or hear something that has 'the ring of truth' to it, will it be as if a veil has been lifted, and suddenly you will begin to hear and see far more clearly than ever before." - Rickoff


      • Don't see it;

        Dems are already out in full force, saying that refusing to raise the debt cieling would be the equivalent of the U.S. Gov't filing bankruptcy; that it would destroy 'Full faith and credit' in the U.S. Gov't to make good on its debts.
        To me, it seems like this is not filing bankruptcy; thats refusing to honor your debts.This is the equivalent of getting a letter from the credit card companies, saying you have reached your limit, and 'offering' to increase the limit, and saying "No, Thanks!"
        It is simply the FIRST step in getting your house in order, creditwise.Second step, start paying more than just the minimum balance, so that over time, you pay down your balance.
        These 2 actions require a third; cut back on spending.So, little johnie has to stop taking violin lessons, you stop going out to dinner and a movie every Friday night, etc.Some of the cuts are painful, but have to be done, in order to pay down that balance.
        Sure, you can TRY to increase income, taking a second job, whatever. (Taxes) But thats more difficult to sustain, than cutting spending.
        A great many families have had to go thru this process, and if those in favor of NOT raising the debt limit can frame it this way, I think they can counter the Dems attempts to say that refusing to increase the debt limit would 'run us over the cliff'. We heard that as justification for the bail-out, and I don't think moist people were convinced.
        In the end, I think Repubs will hold out for the greatest concessions they can, and then the debt cieling will be raised.But then I'm the 'optimist' in this sense; Pessimist says "It can't POSSIBLY get any worse!",... and Optimist says "Oh, yes it CAN!!"Jim


        • Read this article about how George Soros is destroying the US in order to have World government and get very very angry:

          Globalist George Soros: “America Should Be Replaced By a World Government With a Global Currency Under UN Rule” | Real News Reporter

          (notice his ethnicity)


          • Re: Gerge Soros

            Yes, I posted a link to another interesting and fact filled article about Soros here, that is also well worth reading, for those who may have missed it earlier.

            "Seek wisdom by keeping an open mind to alternative realities, questioning authority, and searching for truth. Only then, when you see or hear something that has 'the ring of truth' to it, will it be as if a veil has been lifted, and suddenly you will begin to hear and see far more clearly than ever before." - Rickoff


            • Originally posted by rickoff View Post
              The debt ceiling vote was originally scheduled for March, but has been pushed further away and this gives us a last chance to convince timid establishment Republicans, RINO's, and Blue Dog Democrats that they must vote NO. Tell them you will be watching their vote on this matter very closely, and that you will definitely not vote for their reelection in 2012 if they cast a YES vote. Tell them it is time to get their HOUSE in order and stop runaway, unsustainable deficit spending once and for all.

              Read more: An urgent message from WND's Joseph Farah An urgent message from WND's Joseph Farah
              Hi Rickoff
              I agree the reduction was not enough. It was not enough by a long shot. But it is atleast a start. And perhaps just perhaps maybe they will get the hint and start to cut more. I doubt it, but we can only hope...
              Between the Congress (Rinos and Democrats both) Obama and Soros, I am sorry to say that perhaps it is time to water the Liberty Tree again.
              Smile it doesn't hurt!

              Jesus said,"...all things are possible through God." Mk10:27


              • Originally posted by rickoff View Post
                I guess I'm a bit confused, Al.

                Natural Born Citizen: Under natural law, and accepted worldwide without question, one is a "natural born citizen" if born in a country to parents who are both citizens of that country. Obama does not qualify under this mandate of Presidential eligibility stated in the US Constitution, since even if born in Hawaii (which is as yet unproven) his father was a Kenyan and British subject.

                Obama would never have been a US citizen if born in Kenya, since his mother was too young at the time to confer citizenship status on him upon entering the United States.

                "Naturalized" status can only grant citizenship status. It can not grant "natural born citizen" status, and is not the same.
                If you are confused so am I:
                Originally posted by aljhoa View Post
                April 2000 report by the Congressional Research Service, most constitutional scholars interpret Article II, Section 1 of the Constitution as including citizens born to parents who are U.S. citizens under the "natural born" requirement.

                2008 Lawrence Solum stated that Anyone born on American soil whose parents are citizens of the United States is a 'natural born citizen'.

                In April 2010 Solum he changed his opinion to include persons born in the United States of one American citizen parent. He further extended natural born citizenship to all cases of jus soli as the "conventional view".

                Originally posted by aljhoa View Post
                Barack Obama (descendant of Edward I of England and William the Lion of Scotland)
                What are the odds that an Ordinary Natural Born, from one of the Republics, will serve as US corp.’s president?
                Originally posted by rickoff View Post
                Whistleblower magazine, ...Soros creates and financially sustains more than 150 influential and shockingly anti-American organizations – all dedicated to converting America into a European-style, government-controlled, socialist state. ...America stands in the way of globalist progress and he's going to do everything in his power to bring America to its knees."
                who runs us?



                • Economic Woes

                  12 signs of U.S. hyperinflation
                  Will rampant inflation destroy the dollar?

                  WORLD NET DAILY- RED ALERT
                  April 4, 2011
                  Red Alert has warned for at least two years that the monetization of the federal debt undertaken by the Federal Reserve is the precursor to hyperinflation.
                  Now, the National Inflation Association has issued 12 warning signs of hyperinflation.
                  "In our estimation, the most likely time frame for a full-fledged outbreak of hyperinflation is between the years 2013 and 2015," the National Inflation Association warns. "Americans who wait until 2013 to prepare will most likely see the majority of their purchasing power wiped out. It is essential that Americans begin preparing for hyperinflation immediately."
                  The fear is that with hyperinflation, the purchasing power of the dollar will diminish so drastically that the wealth of millions of middle-class Americans will be severely impacted, possibly even wiped out.
                  At the extreme, hyperinflation could be the prelude for the destruction of the dollar.

                  Here are the 12 warning signs that hyperinflation is imminent:
                  1) The Federal Reserve is buying 70 percent of U.S. Treasuries. In recent months, central bank purchases of U.S. treasuries have declined from 50 percent to 30 percent, while Fed purchases have increased from 10 percent to 70 percent.
                  2) The private sector has stopped purchasing U.S. Treasuries. The private sector, once responsible for purchasing up to 30 percent of U.S. Treasury debt, has stopped buying Treasuries. At the same time, top bond funds, like the PIMCO Total Return Fund, once the largest private sector owner of U.S. government bonds, has reduced its holdings of U.S. Treasury debt to zero.
                  3) China has begun moving away from the U.S. dollar as a reserve currency. Today, the dollar is no longer backed by gold, and China has the world's largest manufacturing base. The People's Bank of China has agreed to allow the yuan to be used as a reserve currency. All China needs to do is use its $1.15 trillion in U.S. dollar reserves to accumulate gold and use that gold to back the yuan.
                  4) Japan is beginning to dump U.S. Treasuries. Japan is the second largest holder of U.S. Treasury debt, with $885.9 billion in U.S. dollar reserves. Japan may have to spend as much as $300 billion over the next year to rebuild after the compound disaster of the recent earthquake, tsunami and nuclear meltdown. Japan is likely to reduce their Treasury holdings and slow their purchases of new Treasuries as the nation focuses on rebuilding.
                  5) The fed funds rate remains near zero. The Fed has held the fed funds rate at 0.00-0.25 percent since Dec. 16, 2008, a period of 27 months. This low of a rate is unprecedented, with banks being flooded with excess liquidity of U.S. dollars. The dollar has become the new "carry trade," available for member banks to borrow at zero and use for speculation in the stock, commodities and currencies markets.
                  6) Year-over-year CPI growth has increased 92 percent in three months. An increase in year-over-year CPI (Consumer Price Index) growth from 1.1 percent in November 2010 to 2.11 percent in February 2011 means that the CPI's growth rate has increased by approximately 92 percent over a period of just three months.
                  7) Mainstream media denying Fed's target passed. The media are now claiming that the Fed's informal inflation target of 1.5 percent to 2 percent is based off year-over-year changes in the Bureau of Labor Statistics core-CPI figures. Core-CPI excludes food and energy prices. Including food and energy in the calculation would leave no doubt that the Fed's inflation target is not being met.
                  8) Record U.S. budget deficit in February 2011 was $222.5 billion. The federal budget deficit in February 2011, $222.5 billion, was more than the entire fiscal year of 2007. February's deficit on an annualized basis was $2.67 trillion.
                  9) High budget deficit as percentage of expenditures. The projected U.S. budget deficit for fiscal year 2011 of $1.645 trillion is 43 percent of total government expenditures in 2011 of $3.819 trillion. That is almost the same level of Brazil's budget deficit as a percentage of expenditures just before Brazil experienced hyperinflation in 1993, and the ratio is higher than Bolivia experienced right before Bolivia's hyperinflation in 1985.
                  10) Obama lies about foreign policy. Obama campaigned that he would take troops out of Iraq. Now Obama has increased troop levels in Afghanistan, and he is on the verge of sending troops into Libya, causing a third U.S. war in the Middle East. The U.S. is now spending $1 trillion annually on military expenses, including the costs of maintaining more than 700 U.S. military bases in 135 countries around the world.
                  11) Obama changes definition of balanced budget. Obama has recently redefined "balanced budget" to exclude interest payments on the national debt because the White House knows interest payments are about to explode and it will be impossible to truly balance the budget.

                  12) U.S. faces largest ever interest payment increases. The U.S. is almost certain to experience a large spike in long-term bond yields, as creditors demand more compensation for financing U.S. debt. Interest payments could reach $500 billion within the next year or two, and more than $1 trillion by mid-decade. When interest payments reach $1 trillion, interest will account for 30 to 40 percent of government tax receipts, up from interest payments being only 9 percent of tax receipts today. No nation has ever seen interest payments on national debt reach 40 percent of tax receipts without experiencing hyperinflation.
                  Last edited by rickoff; 09-28-2011, 02:08 AM.
                  "Seek wisdom by keeping an open mind to alternative realities, questioning authority, and searching for truth. Only then, when you see or hear something that has 'the ring of truth' to it, will it be as if a veil has been lifted, and suddenly you will begin to hear and see far more clearly than ever before." - Rickoff


                  • Thanks Rick. Regional currency is the answer ask these people they are already using it and wont suffer.

                    Competing currency being accepted across Mid-Michigan : News :
                    Ithaca HOURs Online: Home Page
                    YouTube - Ithaca Hours news stories - Part 1
                    YouTube - Local Community Currency Money - Stephanie Mills - 1 of 2
                    Damanhur Federation - Economic vision & Credito

                    back in the great depression regional currency worked also
                    the worgl schillings



                    • Hyperinflation; edumacate me, please

                      Only thing i know about hyperinflation is the story about the german goes to buy a loaf of bread with a wheelbarrow full of cash, won't fit thru door of bakery, leaves it outside while he negotiates price of bread, someone dumps out cash and steals wheelbarrow.
                      So, I've lived thru periods of inflation; every week prices go up.Is hyper inflation like that, only just keeps going, or is it accelerated, or is it all at once? And, how does it end.How did it end in Germany? Was it the military build-up prior to WW2 that ended it, ot had it ended before that? How has it ended in other countries?What does history show?
                      Not that history repeats itself exactly the same, but it at least gives us some idea.Anyone? Jim


                      • The first panacea for a mismanaged nation is inflation of the currency; the second is war. Both bring a temporary prosperity; both bring a permanent ruin. But both are the refuge of political and economic opportunists. Ernest Hemingway
                        The first panacea for a... at BrainyQuote


                        • lesson from Weimar

                          Good morning
                          Although the Weimar Republic had to pay war reperations from WWI the monatary policies were still the same as ours and will give the same result A ruined nation controled by a not so benevolent dictator.

                          In addition to the inflation, Weimar under Hitler allowed drugs and alcohol to flow freely so that is citizens would be numb to what is going on around them. (The US southern border is still open and allowing drugs to flow in)

                          Weimar under Hitler allowed and almost encouraged decadent behavior to keep the population dumb and happy while the goverment slowly removed basic civil rights.(Between the internet and TV we now have porn coming into our homes, and the politically correct are forcing us to accept any and all behaviors as the norm. But in the mean time all of our amendments are under siege)

                          In Weimar under Hitler the goverment control of business and whole industries was subtle and for the public good.( The auto and banking industry bail outs were for the "benefit" of a floundering economy.)

                          The Weimar under Hitler pointed to a common enemy to unite the population as a result WWII and the final solution started. (Although 9-11 was the catalist of our cutrrent wars, Obama wanted them stopped and it was his critisim of war that got him elected. Now that it is in his own political interests he is ramping up the troops in Afganastan and looking at expanding the battle into Lybia)
                          The parrallels are frightening
                          Smile it doesn't hurt!

                          Jesus said,"...all things are possible through God." Mk10:27


                          • Ron Paul may bid for US corp.'s CEO see:
                            YouTube - Alex Jones - Ron Paul - April 5 2011 - part 1/2
                            YouTube - Alex Jones - Ron Paul - April 5 2011 - part 2/2

                            In the interview he stated:

                            The new world order people see it as an opportunity to move one step forward.

                            They go to war under NATO and the UN, not by the Congress.

                            The new world order is certainly looking at this monetary crisis, we want the Constitution, sound money, gold and silver, but at the same time the internationalists are planning for their international fiat currency.

                            The bankruptcy will bring us to our knees, but lets just hope we can put it back together in a lot better shape than we have it now.

                            there are just a few other things I have to iron out personally to make my final decision.

                            Ron Paul 2012 Grassroots Petition
                            Last edited by aljhoa; 04-12-2011, 02:53 PM. Reason: link


                            • Googled 'hyperinflation'

                              After my last post, and stayed up late reading.It CAN happen super fast, almost over night.Governments will try price controls, which contributes to shortages, as people refuse to sell at a loss.They are then BLAMED for the problem; called 'horders'.Gov't try issueing new currency, with 'exchange rate' doesn't really help.Usually, revolution or war is the 'way out'.

                              One thing I'm going to have a problem with; debtors can benefit from hyper-inflation; they pay off debts with worthless hyper-inflated dollars. Definetly don't want to be a creditor, tho. Thing is, I've been pursueing "Neither a borrower nor a lender be" since before 2008 'financial crises', and was not really effected by it.Not sure I want to change, now i.e go into debt.

                              Does re-inforce my thinking; that 'saving' $ now is not a good idea; better to invest in material goods, before price goes up.Or, as stated, put $ into Gold, etc. Also, my reading re-inforces that its not if, its when.Don't see Washington doing anything to prevent/avoid this.Favorite graffitti;
                              "Flush TWICE, its a long way to Washington D.C.!" Jim


                              • Hyperinflation

                                Originally posted by dutchdivco View Post
                                I've lived thru periods of inflation; every week prices go up. Is hyper inflation like that, only just keeps going, or is it accelerated, or is it all at once? And, how does it end? How did it end in Germany?
                                We are already in a period of inflation, and have been ever since the Nixon administration took us off the gold-backed dollar standard. Those of us, like myself, who are old enough to remember the years of our life prior to that time, can recall that inflation was practically non-existant while we were still on the gold standard. Prices on everything you can think of remained low and very stable for years on end.

                                The current period of inflation is picking up pace, and is reflected in the price of gasoline, diesel, and heating fuels, which are moving upwards nearly every day. Most trucks run on diesel, so prices on all of the products that are delivered to markets will continue to increase to reflect the weekly increase of the diesel fuel price.

                                When hyperinflation kicks in, prices at the pumps won't just rise a few cents a day as they currently are rising, but rather will take an unexpectedly large leap higher all at once - likely overnight, and due to some major conflict or natural disaster. For instance, gasoline may well go from $4 a gallon to $5 in one day, and to $5.50 or more within the next seven days. After that, things will continue to escalate on a daily basis. The Saudis are already saying that we should expect to pay $300 a barrel for near future oil, which is nearly triple what it now goes for, so at that point gasoline will be over $10 a gallon. The hyperinflation era could also be kick started overnight simply by the dollar being taken off its world currency standard pedestal, and replaced by another currency. No matter how it begins, though, you will definitely know when hyperinflation has begun, as the masses will suddenly be shocked into reality and panic will ensue.

                                The story about the German wheelbarrow has been retold a great many times, and relates to a factual event. The person who stole the wheelbarrow realized that the wheelbarrow actually had value, while the mound of money inside it did not, so dumped the money on the street to lighten his load before making off with the greater asset.

                                In Germany, the inflationary panic actually ended when they began using US dollars to pay worker salaries. Before that, workers were demanding to be paid every hour, rather than daily or weekly, because their money was decreasing in value so fast. So it was the US dollar that saved them, and ended their hyperinflationary period. And that was because the US dollar was rock solid and backed by gold, but that isn't the case any more, which means that we will have to rely on something else.

                                Until there is a widely accepted currency that is backed by gold or silver, or something else of real value, then our financial salvation lies in realizing that hyperinflation is coming, and converting our savings dollars - as quickly as possible - to some true asset, be it precious metals, real estate, or whatever. It needs to be a tangible, true asset, and preferably a highly liquid asset, which means that it is always going to be in high demand and can easily be partially exchanged for other goods or assets, or entirely liquidated when the need arises. It is difficult to partially liquidate real estate, of course, unless it is a sizable land mass that can be divided into many smaller parcels, each to be disposed of whenever necessary.

                                "Seek wisdom by keeping an open mind to alternative realities, questioning authority, and searching for truth. Only then, when you see or hear something that has 'the ring of truth' to it, will it be as if a veil has been lifted, and suddenly you will begin to hear and see far more clearly than ever before." - Rickoff

