I don't often agree with Maine Senator Collins on issues, but she finally stood up against the bogus Healthcare Reform bill and voted against it. As she points out, in the video linked to below, this bill will result in huge cost increases to citizens and also to small businesses. YouTube - Senator Collins speaks on Senate floor about health care reform
No announcement yet.
The American Ruling Class
Last edited by rickoff; 11-22-2009, 08:38 PM."Seek wisdom by keeping an open mind to alternative realities, questioning authority, and searching for truth. Only then, when you see or hear something that has 'the ring of truth' to it, will it be as if a veil has been lifted, and suddenly you will begin to hear and see far more clearly than ever before." - Rickoff
The Assassination of John F Kennedy
Tonight the Discovery Channel is airing two back-to-back programs, beginning at 8PM, concerning the JFK assassination. They are promising to reveal some startling new revelations, so it will be interesting to see what they have to offer. I suspect it will have something to do with speculation that the Mafia was behind the assassination, and they certainly may have played a part in the events, but they were only one group that wanted to eliminate Kennedy. The majority of Americans now believe that a conspiracy and coverup was involved. My own belief is that Kennedy was killed because of his plan to take away the authority of the Federal Reserve to print money, and give that right back to government. Only one other president was bold enough to assert the privilige of the US Treasury to print its own interest-free, debt-free money, and here is the story of that:
During the Civil War (from 1861-1865), President Lincoln needed money to finance the War from the North. The Bankers were going to charge him 24% to 36% interest. Lincoln was horrified and went away greatly distressed, for he was a man of principle and would not think of plunging his beloved country into a debt that the country would find impossible to pay back. Eventually President Lincoln was advised to get Congress to pass a law authorizing the printing of full legal tender Treasury notes to pay for the War effort. Lincoln recognized the great benefits of this issue. At one point hi wrote:
"... (we) gave the people of this Republic the greatest blessing they have ever had - their own paper money to pay their own debts..."
The Treasury notes were printed with green ink on the back, so the people called them "Greenbacks". Lincoln printed 400 million dollars worth of Greenbacks (the exact amount being $449,338,902), money that he delegated to be created as debt-free and interest-free money to finance the War. It served as legal tender for all debts, public and private. He printed it, paid it to the soldiers, to the U.S. Civil Service empoyees, and bought supplies for war.
Shortly after that happened, "The London Times" printed the following:
"if that mischievous financial policy, which had its origin in the North American Republic, should become indurated down to a fixture, then that Government will furnish its own money without cost. It will pay off debts and be without a debt. It will have all the money necessary to carry on its commerce. It will become prosperous beyond precedent in the history of the civilized governments of the world. The brains and the wealth of all countries will go to North America. That government must be destroyed, or it will destroy every monarchy on the globe."
The Bankers obviously understood. The only thing that is a threat to their power is sovereign governments printing interest-free and debt-free paper money. They knew it would break the power of the international Bankers.
Well, we all know what happened. Lincoln was shot in the head, just like Kennedy. And shortly thereafter, Congress revoked the Greenback Law and enacted, in its place, the National Banking Act. The national banks were to be privately owned and the national bank notes they issued were to be interest-bearing. The Act also provided that the Greenbacks should be retired from circulation as soon as they came back to the Treasury in payment of taxes.
As I see it, the assassination of Lincoln, and the subsequent revocation of the Greenback Law, was nothing less than a vicious power grab by the bankers. And it was a warning from them that anyone who would dare stand against them would be dealt with in the same way. Until Kennedy, no President dared take that stance again. Kennedy was a smart man, and he obviously knew he was laying his life on the line.
On June 4th, 1963, President Kennedy signed a presidential document, called Executive Order 11110, which further amended Executive order 10289 of September 19th, 1951. This gave Kennedy, as President of the United States, legal clearance to create his own money to run the country, money that would belong to the people, an interest and debt-free money. He had printed United States Notes, completely ignoring the Federal Reserve Notes from the private banks of the Federal Reserve.
Records show that Kennedy issued $4,292,893,825 of cash money. It was perfectly obvious that Kennedy was out to undermine the Federal Reserve System of the United States. It was only a few months later, in November of 1963, that the world received the shocking news of President Kennedy's assassination.
It is quite interesting to note that, only one day after Kennedy's assassination, all the United States notes which Kennedy had issued were called out of circulation. All of the money President Kennedy had created was destroyed, and not a word was said to the American people."Seek wisdom by keeping an open mind to alternative realities, questioning authority, and searching for truth. Only then, when you see or hear something that has 'the ring of truth' to it, will it be as if a veil has been lifted, and suddenly you will begin to hear and see far more clearly than ever before." - Rickoff
Notes on yesterday's Discovery Channel programs
Did anyone else see the Discovery Channel programs last night? They were interesting, although focusing on the Mafia theory just as I had suspected. No mention of the Federal Reserve and the bankers.
I was interested in hearing what the "new revelations" had to offer, and it turned out that Discovery interviewed a man who had been a cellmate of Carlos Marcello, the New Orleans and Texas mafia crime boss. The cellmate was recruited by the FBI as an informant, and was given a radio to place in the cell, which served as a transmitter to 24 hour a day FBI tape recorded surveillance. Evidently, Marcello told the cellmate, "I had the little bastard [Kennedy] killed. He was a thorn in my shoe." Referring to Oswald, Marcello said, "He was my man. He did what the hell I told him to do." Marcello also admitted that Dallas strip club owner Jack Ruby was deeply in debt to Marcello and "owed him big," according to the cellmate. It is said that Ruby was running some operations for Marcello in Dallas, and that he had been skimming a lot of money for himself. Marcello knew this, and used that information to keep Ruby "in his pocket." Records show that Ruby spoke on the telephone with Marcello's office the day before Kennedy's assassination. Other interseting connections emerge also, many which were long known but nearly forgotten. Marcello's grudge with the Kennedys was over their deportment of Marcello to Guatemala in 1961, two years before the assassination. Marcello soon re-entered the USA again, illegally, having been flown in by pilot David Ferrie. Ferrie had long worked for Marcello as a pilot and private investigator, and Ferrie had also known Lee Harvey Oswald since 1955, when Oswald joined the New Orleans Civil Air Patrol where Ferrie was a member. This photo is from a Wikipedia article about David Ferrie, and shows Ferrie and Oswald at a CAP cookout:
New Orleans District Attorney Jim Garrison was convinced that Ferrie played a significant role in the assasination, and less than a week after a New Orleans newspaper broke the story of Garrison's investigation, Ferrie was found dead in his apartment. The official cause of death was stated as being "an aneurisym." Rather convenient, wouldn't you say? And that isn't where the trail ends. You might think that Marcello had the best reason to silence Ferrie before Garrison could pry information from him, but that may not be so. The former Executive Assistant to the Deputy Director of the CIA, Victor Marchetti, has claimed that David Ferrie was connected to the CIA. Marchetti told author Anthony Summers that, "...he observed consternation on the part of then CIA Director Richard Helms and other senior officials when Ferrie's name was first publicly linked with the assassination in 1967." Marchetti said that he asked a CIA colleague about this who told him that "Ferrie had been a contract agent to the Agency in the early sixties and had been involved in some of the Cuban activities." A CIA contract agent - hmmm - the plot thickens. It is a well established fact, of course, that the CIA enlisted Mafia resources to carry out at least 15 assassination attempts on Fidel Castro (see Operation Mongoose). The CIA, of course, didn't want any of this coming out in Garrison's investigation. The FBI was also working to keep things under tight wraps. The Warren Commission, which conducted one of two official investigations into the JFK assassination, was aware of a possible mafia connections, and wanted to investigate Carlos Marcello. The FBI, however, discouraged the Warren Commission from doing so by telling them that they had already conducted an investigation of Marcello and "did not believe Marcello was a significant organized crime figure," and that Marcello earned his living, "... as a tomato salesman and real estate investor." As a result of this FBI information, the Warren Commission concluded that there was no direct link between Ruby and Marcello.
I think the most damning evidence of all is the fact that the CIA and the FBI were both in bitter resentment of John and Bobby Kennedy. JFK expressed concern and anger to many of his associates about the CIA's growing influence on civilians and government inside America. After learning of the CIA's proposed role in Operation Northwoods (a false flag operation eerily similar to many of the 911 events), Kennedy had drafted a National Security Action Memorandum that called for a major change in the role of the CIA to exclusively deal in intelligence gathering. In other words - no more "black ops." And at the FBI, director J Edgar Hoover was well known for his dislike of the Kennedys - especially Bobby. As Attorney General, Bobby was Hoover's boss, and Hoover didn't like being told what he should do. There was a phone in Hoover's office that was a direct line from the Attorney General's office, and the day after President Kennedy was assassinated, Hoover had that phone removed. What's more, Hoover personally directed the FBI investigation into the assassination of President Kennedy. The House Select Committee on Assassinations issued a report in 1979 critical of the performance by the FBI and the Warren Commission, as well as other agencies. The report also criticized what it characterized as the FBI's reluctance to thoroughly investigate the possibility of a conspiracy to assassinate the president.
The CIA and the FBI are indispensable to the game plan of the Ruling Class. Seeing that their chosen ones get appointed to head these agencies affords the Ruling Class unimaginable power. Just think how this power could have been, and still is, wielded to influence major decisions by senators, congessmen, judges, etc. Hoover, for example, is now known to have kept files on practically every celebrity, person of wealth, and political figure. Every one of these people probably had at least something in their past that would prove very damaging if revealed. No one was really sure what Hoover might have on them, and it is said that is why Hoover lasted in his position for 50 years, never to be replaced by any president."Seek wisdom by keeping an open mind to alternative realities, questioning authority, and searching for truth. Only then, when you see or hear something that has 'the ring of truth' to it, will it be as if a veil has been lifted, and suddenly you will begin to hear and see far more clearly than ever before." - Rickoff
H1N1 vaccine pulled in Canada
A Batch of Canadian H1N1 vaccine has been pulled all across Canada after bad reactions.
"More than 100,000 doses of the H1N1 vaccine are being withdrawn across the country, after Manitoba health officials announced Thursday they'd noticed a higher-than-usual number of allergic reactions from one batch. Vaccine manufacturer GlaxoSmithKline has asked several provinces to set aside the 170,000 doses from the questionable batch."
Hopefully most readers here will already be acquainted with the dangers of the H1N1 vaccine, and will have refused to allow themselves or their family members to be vaccinated. For any who are still on the fence as to whether or not to be vaccinated, please consider the following:
“Vaccination in pregnant women results in drastically higher risk of autism and autoimmune disease in the child.” Doctor Russell Blaylock, MD
"Before the CDC advocated vaccinating children under the age of five, the number of children dying from the flu was very low, and on the decline. Then, in 2003, just after children aged five and under started getting vaccinated, the number of flu deaths skyrocketed.” Doctor Joseph Mercola, MD
"ALL vaccines are and have been causing ischemic (impaired blood flow) damages - to all - creating a plethora of chronic illnesses, disease, and in some instances...death. The injury from vaccination is additive, each vaccination further injures.”Doctor Andrew Moulden, MD, PhD
“Vaccination may inflame your brain for as long as TWO YEARS after you get the vaccination.” Doctor Russell Blaylock, MD
"Pure thimerosal [mercury used in vaccines] is toxic at the low nanomolar level – an extremely low concentration, about 10,000 times less than the thimerosal concentration found in most vaccines.” Doctor J. Curtis Pendergrass and Doctor Boyd Haley, Kentucky University
"Repeated vaccination exhausts the immune system. It gives a false sense of security and, in doing so, it opens the door wide to all kinds of illnesses.” Canadian doctor questions : Why Vaccination Evils Continue?
"The physical invasion of the human body by foreign genetic material may have the immediate effect of permanently weakening the immune system, setting in motion a new era of autoimmune diseases." Doctor H.E.Buttram, MD - Health Consciousness magazine 1990, 'Live Virus Vaccines and Genetic Mutation'
“As far as I could find out, the flu hit only the vaccinated. Those who had refused the shots escaped the flu.”Doctor Eleanora McBean, PhD, N.D. an on-the-spot observer of the 1918 Influenza epidemic
FLUARIX 2009 Latest Package Insert: Ingredients/Toxicity
Formaldehyde: Carcinogen
Gentamicin Sulfate: Nephrotoxic (Kidney toxic)
Polysorbate 80: Sterilie Agent
Sodium Deoxycholate: Immunotoxin
Thimerosal: Neurotoxin, Autism inducer
Vaccination: Ischemia (impaired blood flow)
About half of all Americans have already refused to take the H1N1 vaccine, so this should result in a huge surplus of the vaccine being distributed. Instead, though, the giant pharmaceutical corporations and the government expect us to believe that a major "shortage" has occurred. The purpose of this announcement is to make people think they had better rush out and get a vaccination before all the supply is gone. Add to that the announcement by Obama declaring a "national health emergency" situation, and the idea is that people will be scared into caving in on their opposition to the vaccination. Furthermore, declaring a national health emergency sets the wheels in motion for forced vaccinations of citizens. Dr. Horowitz, a Harvard-trained expert in behavioral science, media persuasion and public health education, has spent 20 years documenting drug industrialists’ and health officials’ criminal actions in regard to vaccine production and distribution. Dr. Horowitz diagnoses the alleged "vaccine shortage" as a profitable ploy used by those “who have outrageously obvious connections to the Population Council, the preeminent organization directing global depopulation, as encouraged by Obama’s science czar, Dr. John Holdren. Dr. Holdren is the co-author of the 1977 book, Ecoscience, which calls for massive global depopulation using sterilizing vaccinations.
See Dr. Horowitz explain the H1N1 deception, and what is really behind it in this video:
YouTube - Dr Horowitz Rips Dr Oz Apart on ABC's H1N1 Swine Flu Vaccine Fraud: PART 1 of 3
YouTube - Dr Horowitz Rips Dr Oz Apart on ABC's H1N1 Flu Vaccine Fraud: PART 2 of 3
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q6e0JpG0l0U (Part 3)
Yes, that is ABC TV, otherwise known as the "All Barack Channel." Dr. Horowitz presents a truly compelling argument against not only the H1N1 "swine flu" vaccine, but against all other vaccines as well, and isn't afraid to tell us what is really going on and who is responsible.
Still thinking of getting vaccinated?????? The Ruling Class would love to think so.
"Seek wisdom by keeping an open mind to alternative realities, questioning authority, and searching for truth. Only then, when you see or hear something that has 'the ring of truth' to it, will it be as if a veil has been lifted, and suddenly you will begin to hear and see far more clearly than ever before." - Rickoff
Originally posted by ANTIQUER View PostHey Rick;
As I type this this program is on PBS exposing how the credit card companies operate; quite an expose". I'm sure it will show again later this week, at least here. Well worth watching.
I have a couple of credit card stories that I could tell, but it's a bit too late tonight for that so perhaps later on. In the meantime, suffice it to say that anyone who has a credit card, and still owes money after making a payment, is a slave to the Ruling Class bankers.
FRONTLINE: the card game: watch the full program | PBS
Note: Click the rectangular box just below the video to view in full screen mode.
RickLast edited by rickoff; 11-25-2009, 07:17 AM."Seek wisdom by keeping an open mind to alternative realities, questioning authority, and searching for truth. Only then, when you see or hear something that has 'the ring of truth' to it, will it be as if a veil has been lifted, and suddenly you will begin to hear and see far more clearly than ever before." - Rickoff
"The American Dream," by Bruce McDonald
The American Dream Is More Of A Dream Than Ever Before!
Ah! . . . the dream. The American Dream. Sadly it's much more of a fixture in the dream world than the real world and it's getting more so every day.
The original American Dream was a simple dream, a dream for a life in the middle class. It offered the possibility to rise to any height if you worked hard enough but mostly it was a vision of a life where you could have a nice home, enough money to raise a family and a life of leisure in your waning years. I'm sure most of you have noticed the Ruling Class has had enough of that so they are now wiping out the middle class and the American Dream right before our eyes.
One of the prized goals of the American Dream is owning your own home and your own property. Our nation gave birth to the largest middle class in the history of the world and as a result we became the most powerful nation on the planet. Unfortunately the Ruling Class has a problem with a large middle class. A large strong middle class has power and this is the exclusive domain of the ruling class. So, the ruling class had to do something about it. One thing they did is distort the meaning of the American dream.
The American Dream has become what the Ruling Class dreams for us. And their dream for us stinks! It has become the description of how the Ruling Class sees life and their relationship to everyone else. The American Dream has become one where you step on everyone and everything you have to in order to rise to the top of the heap. It's time to remind everyone that this is not the real American Dream. The real American Dream is a dream of a good life for everyone, a decent job, and the ability to live our lives free of other people telling us what we can and can't do. Most of us have no need or desire to "have it all." We just want enough to live a comfortable, simple life.
Full Article Here (1,834 words)"Seek wisdom by keeping an open mind to alternative realities, questioning authority, and searching for truth. Only then, when you see or hear something that has 'the ring of truth' to it, will it be as if a veil has been lifted, and suddenly you will begin to hear and see far more clearly than ever before." - Rickoff
Just watched the PBS Fronline on credit cards and all I can say is it is time to get out of their system of greed and corruption. Mainly what that means is much less instant gratification, and more longterm planning. If you give the banker the chance to steal your money 99.9981% of the time they will do so.
I don't own any credit cards, cut them all up a long time ago. They are not needed for one to survive and live a descent life. We have to undo the Ruling Class's view of self worth and how to treat your fellow man, for that view is just a dog eat dog world. Mothers stealing from their children, Grandparents being forced into homes so the siblings can divide what they deem is theirs at a time when they are physically able to enjoy it, stripping the parent of liberty and life. In truth the Ruling Class's view is more like cannibalism than anything else, and those that are weakest get eaten first.
When I first thought of starting my thread giving away the secrets of Stanley Meyer's work I ask a small group if they thought that was a good idea just to test them to see what views they truly hold. Most failed the test, about 80%, and that just goes to show that even people that say they want to help others in reality, with the Ruling Classes view of self imposed on them, really have no true concern with their fellow man on improving their quality of life. I already knew that I would start the thread before I ask them, for I have had my eyes open to the truth from my experiences in life. So, I already know that I stand alone just about every time I write something of truth in my little thread. But it was a gamble that seems to have paid off for there are others like me that do put the well being of their fellow man as the dream for all to have a good life.
It is those people I like to seek out. People with a built in concern for their fellow man. And slowly but surly I am finding those people.
A notable excerpt from "The Card Game"
During Frontline's presentation of The Card Game, one interview seemed to me to be far more revealing than any of the others, and that was the interview of Treasury Secretary Geithner. It immediately struck me that his responses seemed scripted, rather than off-the-cuff answers. It appeared that Tim Geithner was hoping to convince us that he is doing everything in his power to rein in banking abuse, but of course we all know that is just a line of b.s. Consider Geithner's response to Frontline's question regarding the fact that the recently passed CARD Act did nothing to rein in abusive credit card interest rates:
Frontline: "So you don't see any reason to control the level of interest that can be charged, 30, 40 percent? A lot of people are now getting 30 percent interest rates."
Geithner: "I'm sure you've talked to people on all sides of this debate. And there is some risk, if you take that approach, you're going to end up denying people who would otherwise be able to borrow responsibly. So that's the trade-off."
Hmm, let's see if we have that straight....
If we put a cap on allowable credit card interest rates at say 8%, this will deny people from getting a loan? Come on now, Tim. Do you really think we are gullible enough to believe that one?And how can you equate borrowing at a 30% to 40% interest rate as "borrowing responsibly?" You must think that we all have nothing but air between our ears if you expect us to buy that. It is no wonder that people on both sides of the House aisles are calling for your resignation.
YouTube - Pete DeFazio Slams Tim Geithner & Larry Summers
YouTube - Geithner publicly humiliated - pressure mounts for resignation"Seek wisdom by keeping an open mind to alternative realities, questioning authority, and searching for truth. Only then, when you see or hear something that has 'the ring of truth' to it, will it be as if a veil has been lifted, and suddenly you will begin to hear and see far more clearly than ever before." - Rickoff
Hi folks, Hi h20power. I'm with ya and I'm sure there are many more in this world than you may realize that intend for the highest good of all life. If not for ignorance and/or mind control it would make most people see things in the same light and that TIME is and has been on an ascending slope of awareness, which is why they are trying to thwart and delay things like N.E.S.A.R.A. which remove all their predatory systems. We have won, they just cant accept it.
peace love light
Hi Tyson,
As I understand it, NESARA (National Economic Stabilization and Recovery Act - a set of economic reforms suggested during the 1990s by Dr. Harvey Barnard) included the suggested adoption of a National Sales Tax as a replacement to the Federal Income tax. While there are increasing calls for such a system, I don't think that is a good idea, and would agree with the reasons why, as stated by the author of the article found here:
Please also see Welcome to Lost Horizons
RickLast edited by rickoff; 11-30-2009, 07:18 AM."Seek wisdom by keeping an open mind to alternative realities, questioning authority, and searching for truth. Only then, when you see or hear something that has 'the ring of truth' to it, will it be as if a veil has been lifted, and suddenly you will begin to hear and see far more clearly than ever before." - Rickoff
The way taxes is right now is fine, we just have to obey the real laws that have been hidden from the American people. If you work in the US you are not required to pay taxes, if you work outside of the US then you have to pay taxes on monies earned.
YouTube - stop paying taxes legally
Now there used to be a video on You Tube that showed the real laws and gave good examples of just who are suppose to pay taxes, and guess what? Those are the ones not paying taxes right now. Our current Treasury should be legally thrown in jail for not paying taxes, well over 100K and I got audited for 3k WTF! So stop buying into their false sense of reality, "oh we need a new oversight for what ever." No we need to properly educate our children about how these taxes are really suppose to work.
This is where getting the original 13th put back in would solve the problems when looking at the Credit Cards for lobbyist would no-longer have a job. Anyone excepting a gift from a cooperation would lose his/her citizenship. The missing 13th is at the heart of what is wrong with our system of checks and balances. I can't name anyone that is not on their parole that is in political office right now, not even Ron Paul. "Their," in this case means the cooperations that sprung up around the illegal FED bank.
Anyone that voted for the bailout monies is an enemy of the State and no friend to the Republic.
Hi folks, Hi rickoff. You must have went to the wrong site, possibly a disinformation one, although the national sales tax is correct, it replaces income taxes, which of course was never required anyway by almost all people, and it applies to new and non essential items. Here is a few key points. And it stands for ' National Economic Security And Reformation Act'
I see this as a reinstatement of what should have been to begin with more than anything.
1. Restores Constitutional Law in America as of NESARA’s public announcement.
2. Removes US administration officials and all members of the US Congress from their positions due to their continuous unconstitutional actions. Bush, Cheney, Cabinet members, and all members of Congress are immediately removed from office by NESARA’s public announcement; specific law enforcement personnel shall physically remove Bush government officials from their offices. These removals allow a fresh start at the national level. Using the Constitutional Line of Succession, NESARA installs Constitutionally acceptable NESARA President and Vice President Designates until new federal elections can take place within six months after NESARA’s announcement.
3. Because NESARA abolishes unconstitutional states of emergency, NESARA’s public announcement declares “peace”. US military in Iraq and Afghanistan are immediately recalled to the USA.
4. As partial remedy for 90 years of government and banking fraud, NESARA requires zeroing out of credit card balances and bank debt relief be given to Americans.
5. Initiates the US Treasury Bank System with new U.S. Treasury currency backed by gold. The Federal Reserve is abolished; Federal Reserve facilities and most personnel are absorbed into the US Treasury Bank System.
6. Abolishes Income Taxes in US and creates a national sales tax on new, non-essential items as revenue for government. Essential items such as food and medicine, and used items, are exempt from the sales tax.
NESARA, the National Economic Security And Reformation Act
peace love light
Hi again, just wanted to point out that its obviously dated a bit, though from what I understand its because this was supposed to be announced some time ago and was delayed by the trade tower incident. What a surprise hey. The basic idea of it as i can see is to bring us back within common law principles which at the end of day would almost leave government whistling in the wind once we the people become self sufficient and no longer need groups acting like overbearing parents. The way I see the future ultimately is without government as without a centralized power organization, there would be nothing to corrupt, hehe. So I see N.E.S.A.R.A. as a transitional tool to get us through this tyrannical phase we've endured for some time.
peace love light
It is good to watch all these videos also this is just one of them: YouTube - Theft By Deception 9of9 - Deciphering The Federal Income Tax