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The American Ruling Class

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  • Originally posted by wpage View Post
    This thread is going off course. Interesting, however to take back this world since its beyond any border or limit. Will require a brotherhood of humanity. To defeat the world machine will take absolute love peace and unity of decent people...
    True dat!!!!
    My position is to continue to influence the aether with thoughts of love and peace and encourge others to do the same. Politics is an interesting area, one of my former vices. To be bold with the thoughts of love and peace is a great challenge. To influence that through the Precint Strategy would be interesting, don't you think?
    Now that you know what you want, explore P.A.T.H.S


    • Originally posted by wpage View Post
      This thread is going off course. Interesting, however to take back this world since its beyond any border or limit. Will require a brotherhood of humanity. To defeat the world machine will take absolute love peace and unity of decent people...
      Its been tried befor. Your actual results may vary.
      Hi W,

      Occasionally some posts here do tend to stray a little off course, but I think that most are on the mark. The Ruling Class is involved in controlling every aspect of our lives, so there really isn't much we could talk about that isn't related to the Ruling Class. All along, the focus here is to raise awareness of the Ruling Class and their agenda, and to put forth information and strategies that we can use to thwart their plans and take back our country. If all that we actually do, though, is to talk about it here, then the best of ideas and plans will fail. We need to get out into our communities, especially in the voting precincts where each of us lives, and talk with people. You will find that it isn't that difficult talking with people about the Precinct Strategy, because nearly everyone you meet will tell you they are not happy with the status quo and would like to change things if they only knew how. We simply need to tell these people what we stand for (reaffirmation of our Constitutional and states' rights, limitations on government size and government spending, election and vote count reform, auditing and ending the Federal Reserve, and abolishing the IRS). I think you will find that most people will agree that these are major issues that are currently affecting their lives in adverse ways, and will be quite willing to sign a petition to place your name (or the name of someone else who is willing) on the ballot to run for Precinct Executive. And those who don't understand how they are being adversely affected by these issues will probably be willing to allow you to explain that to them. The best way to handle that is at a group meeting (at your home or elsewhere) where you can talk to the group as a whole and better utilize the time required of you. Group meetings are very useful in reinforcing attitudes if involvement and dedication, because those who attend will see that there really are others like themselves who would like to see the same changes. Once they understand that there really is a way to achieve those changes, and that they are not alone in willingness to work for change, you will have a very strong support group that will help you implement and carry out the Precinct Strategy objectives. We can do it. We can make it all happen, one step at a time.

      Best regards,

      "Seek wisdom by keeping an open mind to alternative realities, questioning authority, and searching for truth. Only then, when you see or hear something that has 'the ring of truth' to it, will it be as if a veil has been lifted, and suddenly you will begin to hear and see far more clearly than ever before." - Rickoff


      • Clubbed to Death

        "Clubbed to Death" an awesome composition by Rob Dougan, also part of the movie “Matrix”.
        YouTube - Clubbed To Death By Rob Dougan (With Download)



        • Hi Everyone,
          This is what I was talking about with my last post on this thread. The Supreme Court seemingly pulling the rug out from under the efforts those that are trying to get our country back on track are doing to get it done.

          A Supreme Act Of Judicial Treason...

          Because of the gravity of the crime against the Constitution
          committed by a gang of 5 right wing judicial outlaws on our Supreme
          Court yesterday, we are launching two critical action pages at once

          Action Page: Corporations Are NOT The People
          Corporations Are NOT The People

          Action Page: Impeach The Supreme Court 5
          Impeach The Supreme Court 5

          By any fair legal definition, the decision yesterday by The Supreme
          Court 5 constitutes nothing less than an act of TREASON against the
          people of the United States. Having read and analyzed the entire 183
          page decision and all of its concurring and dissenting opinions
          ourselves, we are fully prepared to support this accusatory

          Having so grossly abused its jurisdiction by presuming to decide a
          question expressly WAIVED by the petitioner in the Court below (p
          12), this rogue Supreme Court ruled for the FIRST time that NO
          corporation can be constrained from unlimited influence over our
          elections. And even assuming that the Court intended the decision to
          only apply to American corporations, the Court expressly DECLINED (pp
          46-47) to reach the question of whether foreign ownership stakes in
          American corporations should likewise be given carte blanche to put
          their thumbs on the scales of our democracy.

          Thus, until Congress FURTHER acts (and it must, though it could not
          have escaped the attention of The Supreme Court 5 that the current
          Republican minority has vowed to obstruct ANYTHING of consequence
          that Congress might try to pass), there is now nothing to constrain
          foreign nationals, even our most sworn enemies, from usurping what
          even the most die hard Tea Bagger takes as an article of faith, that
          the rights of citizenship of this country are ONLY for Americans.
          This must be construed, within the four corners of our Constitution,
          as deliberately and knowingly exposing the United States of America
          to harm in the interim, by giving "aid and comfort" to our enemies
          (Constitution Article 3, section 3), should our enemies now wish to
          take advantage of this unprecedented and rash decision. In simple
          Constitutional terms . . . treason!!

          The fact is that we now live in a world of giant transnational
          corporations, with allegiance to NO sovereign government, let alone
          our own, sworn only to exploit the most vulnerable and desperate
          workers they can find in any country of the world. How does The
          Supreme Court 5 propose parsing which of these extra-national legal
          artificialities should be allowed to corrupt our democratic election
          process? Apparently in their minds, all of them.

          Action Page: Corporations Are NOT The People
          Corporations Are NOT The People

          So what is it that we can and MUST do? The first and most prominent
          proposal we heard yesterday, and which we of course support, was to
          amend the Constitution to clarify that corporations have no such
          rights as people (which is to say U.S. citizens). While this
          certainly could not hurt, and would obviously help (assuming such a
          proposed amendment could garner 67 votes in a Senate already
          stalemated by obstructionism, let alone be ratified by 3/4 of the
          states, including many "red" ones), what we must first assert is that
          there is nothing WRONG with our Constitution, and demand that
          Congress do whatever it can to protect it.

          Action Page: Impeach The Supreme Court 5
          Impeach The Supreme Court 5

          Because just as importantly, we are on ominous and clear notice that
          there is no further outrage these 5 gangsters in black robes are not
          gleefully and arrogantly capable of. Indeed, in his dissenting
          opinion (that the majority did not go far ENOUGH), Clarence Thomas
          characterized the decision as only a "first step" (Thomas opinion p.
          1). It is worth noting that the authorship of the majority opinion is
          claimed by Anthony M. Kennedy, heretofore generally considered the
          LEAST wing nutty of the 5. Therefore, the immediate and unavoidably
          necessary recourse must be impeachment for all five, treason already
          being a high crime, otherwise the horrors yet to issue from their
          treacherous minds is too terrible to contemplate.



          • Hi H2O,

            Yes, I figured that was what you were concerned about. I had read about it in a newsletter that came from one of my Senators here in Maine. She often messes up in her votes, and hasn't stepped forward to cosponsor Audit The Fed, but on this topic she is definitely on the mark.

            The U.S. Supreme Court decided on Thursday to reverse the nation’s federal campaign finance laws and allow corporations and labor unions to spend freely and directly on political campaigns. Over the past century, Congress has consistently understood and recognized the pernicious effect of undue corporate and labor union spending on political campaigns. During that same time, the Supreme Court has decided a long line of precedents that have deferred to Congressional policy judgments and consistently acted with judicial restraint and adherence to precedent, or ‘stare decisis’. I am deeply troubled that the Court abruptly abandoned that century-old tradition Thursday. The effects of the decision will be to undermine existing law, flood the airwaves with corporate and union advertisements, and undercut landmark reforms that I and many others fought to secure to put elections back in the hands of the American people. In short, today’s decision was a serious disservice to our country.
            "Seek wisdom by keeping an open mind to alternative realities, questioning authority, and searching for truth. Only then, when you see or hear something that has 'the ring of truth' to it, will it be as if a veil has been lifted, and suddenly you will begin to hear and see far more clearly than ever before." - Rickoff


            • Hi Rick,

              Thought you might be interested in this, if you havent seen it before.

              Rockefeller Admitted Elite Goal Of Microchipped Population

              Regards (from the "serf")
              Last edited by ren; 01-25-2010, 08:44 AM.
              "Once you've come to the conclusion that what what you know already is all you need to know, then you have a degree in disinterest." - John Dobson


              • Now this puts things into perspective: YouTube - Part 1| Keith Olbermann Special Comment: Freedom Of Speech Has Been Destroyed - 01/21/10YouTube - Part 2| Keith Olbermann Special Comment: Freedom Of Speech Has Been Destroyed - 01/21/10 as to just what the Supreme Court has done to us.

                Last edited by h20power; 01-25-2010, 06:40 PM.


                • Hi Everyone,
                  Now if you add the Supreme Court ruling to that of the media can lie to us then what you have is a planned end of the Republic. Here is more info on the new currency: YouTube - A NEW DOLLAR : an insider from the fed banks meeting



                  • Originally posted by ren View Post
                    Hi Rick,

                    Thought you might be interested in this, if you havent seen it before.

                    Rockefeller Admitted Elite Goal Of Microchipped Population

                    Regards (from the "serf")
                    Hi Ren, and thanks from one so-called "serf" to another for the link. I had viewed the entire Aaron Russo interview before, and it added much weight to what I already knew, or believed, to be true. The actual video link, which shows the portion of the Russo interview where he talks about Nick Rockefeller's statements, is found here: Rockefeller Admitted Elite Goal Of Microchipped Population

                    I spoke about Russo's video, "America: From Freedom to Facism," in post 231 on page 8 of this thread, which was the last video he produced before dying of cancer in 2007, and it should be seen by everyone. This would be a great video to show to groups of people in voter precinct neighborhoods to help them understand the problems in America. Here again is the link:
                    America: Freedom to Fascism - Director's Authorized Version

                    An earlier video, "Mad As Hell," is also very good and well worth watching. That can be seen, in 2 parts, here: Aaron Russo's Mad As Hell 1 of 2

                    "Seek wisdom by keeping an open mind to alternative realities, questioning authority, and searching for truth. Only then, when you see or hear something that has 'the ring of truth' to it, will it be as if a veil has been lifted, and suddenly you will begin to hear and see far more clearly than ever before." - Rickoff


                    • Originally posted by bugler View Post
                      Hi all,

                      I am reading this interesting article about the american ruling disaster:

                      Kitco - Commentaries - Stewart Dougherty

                      Hi Bugler, and thanks for the article link. It's a rather long read, but is right on the mark with the topics we have been discussing here, and quite informative. While he refers to the "Master Class," and we refer to the "Ruling Class," they are one and the same. He's right about the final destruction of the dollar that is coming, and his warning that it could happen at any time now. Those of us who have "nest eggs" that we have been putting away in bank savings accounts, IRA's, and employee retirement accounts, should think about what to do with these assets before they become virtually worthless. Probably the best answer is to convert those savings to something of actual and lasting value, such as real estate, and I don't mean another property in your town. I'm talking about a safe haven in a remote area that you and your family can escape to if and when things break down to utter chaos. That will be your "ace in the hole," and worth far more than any other asset during chaotic times. Dougherty suggests that having some gold in hand may be a very good idea, and perhaps it may, but how many gold coins will it take to buy a 1 dollar can of beans when food is scarce? Besides, when society breaks down and lawless looters go after everything they can take, anyone regarded as possibly having more than they do will become a prime target. When that happens, those with gold, or anything else seen as valuable, will lose it. When you go looking for a can of beans to feed your hungry family, those who have a can of beans won't want to part with it for any amount of gold, and some will be quite willing to keep their beans and confiscate your gold. So if you decide to obtain some gold coins, put them in a safe, hidden stash at your remote retreat, but concentrate more on items of necessity - non-perishable food stocks and clean water, a hand cranked radio-flashlight, antiseptic and antibiotic supplies, etc. Prepare now for what may be inevitable, as you won't stand a ghost of a chance of obtaining these items after things go from bad to worse. Recently the History Channel aired a show titled, " After Armageddon," a fictional account of one family's struggle to survive after a pandemic causes the utter inability of society to cope with such a massive problem. Medical workers leave their jobs, and impossible situations at hospitals, and are only concerned with the health and safety of their own families, and with getting out of town before hordes of looters closing in on their neighborhood can break into their home. They don't get very far with the family vehicle before it is apparent that they will have to abandon it and set out on foot, with only what they are able to carry with them. Along the way, their search for food, water, and shelter becomes a nightmare. In the end, the family (unlike many others who fall along the wayside) is able to reach a remote countryside area where they are able to join with others in a small community. Having medical knowledge, and some critical medical supplies, the man and his family are welcomed into the community. Unfortunately, after using all his available medical supplies to treat people in the community, the man suffers a cut to his hand and has no antibiotic left to treat himself with, so he dies. All of this was fiction, of course, but sobering and thought provoking as a realistic view of how difficult life could become, and what is likely to happen to those who do not adequately prepare for it.
                      Last edited by rickoff; 01-25-2010, 09:59 PM.
                      "Seek wisdom by keeping an open mind to alternative realities, questioning authority, and searching for truth. Only then, when you see or hear something that has 'the ring of truth' to it, will it be as if a veil has been lifted, and suddenly you will begin to hear and see far more clearly than ever before." - Rickoff


                      • Originally posted by h20power View Post
                        Hi Everyone,
                        This is what I was talking about with my last post on this thread. The Supreme Court seemingly pulling the rug out from under the efforts those that are trying to get our country back on track are doing to get it done.


                        President Barack Obama on Supreme Court decision.
                        YouTube - Obama Blasts Supreme Court Ruling



                        • In his video statement about the Supreme Court Decision,
                          YouTube - Obama Blasts Supreme Court Over Citizens United Decision
                          the last thing Obama says is that, "As long as I am President, I'll never stop fighting to make sure that the most powerful voice in Washington belongs to you." What a load of bullsh*t! The voice of the people has been speaking loud and clear to those in Washington, and still they refuse to listen, going ahead with one unwanted plan of action after another. The most powerful voices in Washington belong to Obama, Harry Reid, and Nancy Pelosi, and they aren't about to listen or cave in to the voice of the people. They will do whatever they can to move their agenda forward, at any cost, and at any consequence.
                          "Seek wisdom by keeping an open mind to alternative realities, questioning authority, and searching for truth. Only then, when you see or hear something that has 'the ring of truth' to it, will it be as if a veil has been lifted, and suddenly you will begin to hear and see far more clearly than ever before." - Rickoff


                          • Survival

                            Hi Rick;

                            In addition to the items you mentioned to stock up on, weapons for defense and hunting should also be stocked, along with plenty of ammo, while they are still readily available.

                            For those who currently have no guns I recommend shotguns as they are easily obtained and the ammo is cheap compared to rifle or handgun ammo. The 12 ga. is the preferred choice, but the 16 ga. and 20 ga. are lighter and have less recoil, but still get the job done. It also does not require a marksman or a lot of practice to use them effectively.
                            I would build up the ammo supply gradually as "Uncle Sam" has people monitoring sales; you don't want to get on a "list".

                            Happy hunting and stay safe.



                            • Originally posted by ren View Post
                              Hi Rick,

                              Thought you might be interested in this, if you havent seen it before.

                              Rockefeller Admitted Elite Goal Of Microchipped Population
                              Regards (from the "serf")
                              Its funny that people still refer to this as though it has not happened yet.
                              Now that you know what you want, explore P.A.T.H.S


                              • Originally posted by aljhoa View Post
                                President Barack Obama on Supreme Court decision.
                                YouTube - Obama Blasts Supreme Court Ruling

                                This is just window dressing.
                                Of course the court did the right thing by upholding the constitution but Obama is right about the special interest in this country trying to take over, like they have not already. I used to lie like that when I was a kid.
                                First of all, this just shows the constitution is outdated. Secondly, this is how the American people and perhaps everybody worldwide gets played by the government. By people in power giving conflicting messages just to maintain overall control.
                                Now that you know what you want, explore P.A.T.H.S

