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The American Ruling Class

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  • whaaaaaaaaa?

    I wish that SC law was a joke, but its real!
    You can see the whole form!

    Please tell me I'm dreaming!

    I guess that since DC is a foreign entity, SC should immediately
    start arresting all their own representatives.

    I'd like to say I hope it wouldn't get any nuttier than this, but the fact
    is that I know that is just icing on the cake for what is to come.

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    • Let me post this here also, it seems to fit this topic very well:

      Originally posted by bugler View Post
      This is what Eric has to say about Benjamin Fulford: Benjaman Fulford

      You can take a look at this site: Eric
      I'm afraid this Eric does not have a clear picture of the power of the Rockeffeler-Bush nazi clan:

      If you are a regular visitor to the website, you know that Zionist agents can be identified by their attempt to shift blame away from Israel and Zionism and onto people that they are willing to sacrifice, such as the Bush family, the Nazis, the Muslims, the Vatican, and Tony Blair.

      Some people have trouble understanding why the Zionists are willing to sacrifice the Rockefellers and the Rothschilds. Is it really that difficult to understand? The Zionists must blame somebody for 9/11, the world wars, the sex slave trade, and other problems. Furthermore, they must blame somebody who is actually involved in these crimes or people will realize that they are being tricked. They must sacrifice some of the people in their group.
      Protocols of Zion
      You can see their plan, and how they never anticipated computers, DVDs, or the Internet. This technology allows us to expose them. Their outdated plan no longer works; they are going to lose!

      You see, Eric appears to fall right into the trap that the Zion protocols are. I have read these protocols, and they do contain a lot of truth, except for one thing: they put the blame on an ethnic group of people, which is per definition wrong. You cannot blame a group of people because some members of supposedly this single group misbehave themselves.

      The protocols can actually be traced back to the French revolution:
      The Protocols of the Elders of Zion - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
      Elements of the text in the Protocols were plagiarized from the 1864 book, Dialogue aux enfers entre Machiavel et Montesquieu (Dialogue in Hell Between Machiavelli and Montesquieu), written by the French satirist Maurice Joly. Joly's work attacks the political ambitions of Napoleon III using Machiavelli as a diabolical plotter in Hell as a stand-in for Napoleon's views[21]. In the book, Machiavelli describes a series of steps that he intends to take to become ruler of the world.

      Since it was illegal to criticize the monarchy, Joly had the pamphlet printed in Belgium, then tried to smuggle it back into France. The police confiscated as many copies as they could, and it was banned. After it was traced to Joly, he was tried on April 25, 1865, and sentenced to 15 months in prison at Sainte-Pelagie. Joly committed suicide in 1878.

      The Joly book was in turn based on material borrowed from a popular novel of the time by Eugène Sue titled The Mysteries of the People, in which those plotting to rule the world were the Jesuits instead of Napoleon III. Neither Joly book nor the Sue book mentioned either Jews or Masons.
      Interestingly, Albert Pike also mentions the French revolution in his "Morals and Dogmas". Right from the horses mouth of Freemasonry:

      A Lodge inaugurated under the auspices of Rousseau, the fanatic of
      Geneva, became the centre of the revolutionary movement in France, and a
      Prince of the blood-royal went thither to swear the destruction of the
      successors of Philippe le Bel on the tomb of Jacques de Molai. The
      registers of the Order of Templars attest that the Regent, the Duc d'
      Orleans, was Grand Master of that formidable Secret Society, and that
      his successors were the Duc de Maine, the Prince of Bourbon-Condé, and
      the Duc de Cossé-Brissac.

      The Templars compromitted the King; they saved him from the rage of the
      People, to exasperate that rage and bring on the catastrophe prepared
      for centuries; it was a scaffold that the vengeance of the Templars
      demanded. The secret movers of the French Revolution had sworn to
      overturn the Throne and the Altar upon the Tomb of Jacques de Molai.
      When Louis XVI. was executed, half the work was done; and thenceforward
      the Army of the Temple was to direct all its efforts against the Pope.
      In this period, we see the first declaration of human rights, the "Déclaration des droits de l'homme", from 1793:

      Which is what today is: Déclaration universelle des droits de l'homme

      Now take a look at the interesting symbolism in this 1793 document. For example, it is presented as two stone tablets, just as Mozes apparantly recieved his 10 commandments from God. However, most interestingly is this symbol in the middle, the rods. What are these?

      Fasces: Fasces - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

      Numerous governments and other authorities have used the image of the fasces as a symbol of power since the end of the Roman Empire. It has also been used to hearken back to the Roman republic, particularly by those who see themselves as modern-day successors to the old republic and/or its ideals. Italian Fascism, which derives its name from the fasces, arguably used this symbolism the most in the 20th century. The British Union of Fascists also used it in the 1930s. However, unlike (for example) the swastika, the fasces, as a widespread and long-established symbol in the West, has avoided the stigma associated with much of fascist symbolism, and many authorities continue to display them, including the federal government of the United States.
      Excuse me? "including the federal government of the United States"

      Yep, you can find these fasces right on the capitol:

      And there are more similarities between the capitol and it's original, the Vatican:

      Dissecting The New Age: The Trinity of Global Empire

      Washington DC operates under a system of Roman Law and outside of the limitations established by the US Constitution. Therefore, it should not be a surprise that the name Capitol Hill derives from Capitoline Hill, which was the seat of government for the Roman Empire. If you look at the wall behind the podium in the House of Representatives, you will notice that on either side of the US flag is the depiction of bundles of sticks tied together with an axe. These are called fasci, hence the root word of fascism. This was the symbol of fascism in the Roman Empire, as it was under the Nazis and still is today. It is not a coincidence that these symbols are featured on the floor of Congress.


      Most Americans (and people in general) believe the US declared independence from Britain when this is simply not the case. Of the signatories to the Declaration of Independence, at least five of them were Temple Bar attorneys, all of whom had sworn allegiance to the Crown. Alexander Hamilton was one of the Middle Crown agents during the formation of the US and was assigned to set up the American banking system on orders from the Crown, to control the United States. In fact a 'State' is a legal entity of the Crown. This is why we also have the STATE of Israel.

      Furthermore, of the members of the Constitutional Convention that signed the completed US Constitution, seven were Middle Inn Templars who had also pledged allegiance to the Crown. Therefore, it is no coincidence that today copies of both the Declaration of Independence and US Constitution hang on the wall in the library of of the Middle Temple in London.

      To put it all in context, it is the Crown that controls the global financial system and runs the governments of all Commonwealth countries, and many non-Commonwealth 'Western' nations as well. The Crown traces back to the Vatican, which is headed by the Pope, who is the figurehead for the real powers that be behind the curtain, some of which are known but many of which are completely unknown to the general public.
      So, please, let's put this "the Jews did it" and "the muslims did it" kind of reasoning behind us, shall we?

      If you want to know who actually did "it", there is a very simple recipe that never fails: follow the money!

      And if you do that, you'll end up with the same names all over again. "Wall street" funded Hitler, they funded the Soviet Union and they are still funding the "military industrial complex" Eisenhower warned us about in his goodbye speech.

      Last edited by lamare; 02-10-2010, 12:39 PM.


      • Why no comments on this power

        When I found this, well take it or kiss the family goodbye.


        • Why no comments on this power

          When I found this, well take it or kiss the family goodbye.

          Post #37


          • Originally posted by DrStiffler View Post
            When I found this, well take it or kiss the family goodbye.


            Post #37
            Well, I don't think we have to be really afraid. In the end, "they" only got this far, because they were able to keep te people ignorant about what is really going on in this world. That's why there has always been a lot of secrecy. The ruling class cannot survive in a society with real freedom of speech and real free media. And that is why there are tremendous changes taking place at the moment. The internet has finally brought us these freedoms and these are not easily taken away. The genie is out of the bottle and in my view, it is only a matter of time before the earth is being ruled by the people for a change, and will provide enough wealth for all, because we know we can extract all the energy we need right out of the vacuum and we know we can use that to make all of the earths deserts green.

            So, it may look like the elitists are winning, but in the end, all they have is a bunch of paper saying what we can and cannot do. And that's really all they have. A bunch of paper.

            However, in reality "they" have no power at all, as has been shown before:

            Mahatma Gandhi

            The General said - "You don't think we're just going to walk out of India!"

            Gandhi replied - "Yes. In the end, you will walk out. Because 100,000 Englishmen
            simply cannot control 350 million Indians, if those Indians refuse to cooperate."


            • Originally posted by lamare View Post
              Well, I don't think we have to be really afraid. In the end, "they" only got this far, because they were able to keep te people ignorant about what is really going on in this world. That's why there has always been a lot of secrecy. The ruling class cannot survive in a society with real freedom of speech and real free media. And that is why there are tremendous changes taking place at the moment. The internet has finally brought us these freedoms and these are not easily taken away. The genie is out of the bottle and in my view, it is only a matter of time before the earth is being ruled by the people for a change, and will provide enough wealth for all, because we know we can extract all the energy we need right out of the vacuum and we know we can use that to make all of the earths deserts green.

              So, it may look like the elitists are winning, but in the end, all they have is a bunch of paper saying what we can and cannot do. And that's really all they have. A bunch of paper.

              However, in reality "they" have no power at all, as has been shown before:

              Mahatma Gandhi

              Well if I remember enough history, my take is it all depends on which way our armed forces are leaning and will go when and if needed. We not only have internal problems to defend, but we need to insure that the UN is kept out of the future. I'm not so sure I see it your way at all, anyway you are living in a society that is making parts of what is being talked about here. Albeit for the most part I understand that most of your population is happy with it all?

              I forgot to say something else. The current census about to kick off in the US is going to be a statistical trip wire, provided certain groups now feel comfortable to indicate their presents so that they can be counted. "If" the numbers are indicated, I feel things will begin to happen sooner than later and my statement that 2013 is an indicator year that all should strive to make.
              Last edited by DrStiffler; 02-10-2010, 02:53 PM.


              • Originally posted by DrStiffler View Post

                Well if I remember enough history, my take is it all depends on which way our armed forces are leaning and will go when and if needed. We not only have internal problems to defend, but we need to insure that the UN is kept out of the future. I'm not so sure I see it your way at all, anyway you are living in a society that is making parts of what is being talked about here. Albeit for the most part I understand that most of your population is happy with it all?
                I don't understand for 100% what you mean to say about the country I live in, The Netherlands, but it is true that my country always had a lot of influence, because our Royal Family was and still is very influential. Like the British, we also had a corporation that exploited our colonies, the VOC. It is a public secret that both the British and the Dutch Royal Families own quite a bit of shares in the Royal Dutch Shell, one of the main competitors of Rockefellers standard oil. These two companies together invested heavily in Nazi Germany, which was bankrupted because of the Versailles treaty, written by the Dulles brothers. This treaty made that the German industry could be bought for pennies on the dollar, and Shell (and thus both Royal families) can be more or less connected to the nazi regime:

                Evidence of how Royal Dutch Shell saved Hitler and the Nazi Party – Royal Dutch Shell plc .com

                This is an updated article about the role of Royal Dutch Shell as a collaborator and financial supporter of Hitler and the Nazi Party via its founder, Sir Henri Deterding.

                Further research has revealed evidence that a huge injection of Royal Dutch Shell funds by Sir Henri, saved the Nazi Party from collapse and in so doing, indirectly caused millions of deaths in World War II.

                I have provided extensive verification evidence from reputable independent sources of the Royal Dutch Shell connection with Hitler and the Nazi. This includes evidence of a four-day meeting between Sir Henri and Adolf Hitler at his Mountain top retreat, The Eagles Nest in Berchtesgaden.
                Also see my comments there, on the connection between our Royal house and the Nazi money laundring bank, of which the US sister bank was headed by none less then Prescott Bush. Yes, from that Bush family.

                Beside this, there is ample evidence that these fellows used "ECO-fraud" in order to setup a neo-colonial empire in Africa:

                That is very interesting, because the whole global warming swindle is basically a trick in an agenda to setup a fascist world government, using the same old tricks they used setting up WW-I, WW-II and this neo-colonial empire in Africa": divide and conquer, using all the dirty tricks in the book.

                This was all to go down in Copenhagen, and as is well known, this failed. Benjamin Fulford says this about it:

                Weekly geo-political news and analysis

                First let us re-cap the New World Order moves towards a fascistic world government in 2009. It started with the inauguration of Barack Obama as president. At first everybody was hopeful but, it did not take long for the truth to sink in. Obama was a Nazi puppet who broke all his important promises and refused to withdraw from Iraq, failed to close the Guantanamo torture camp and actually increased the amount of troops in Afghanistan. Later, he attempted to make himself de-facto world President by taking the post of head of the UN Security council, in direct violation of the US constitution. To bolster his position he was given the Nobel “peace” prize.

                Meanwhile a Soviet style totalitarian government was imposed upon the people of Europe via the Treaty of Lisbon. A European “President” was then selected without any popular vote.

                The final move was supposed to have taken place at the Copenhagen “global warming” summit. The European fascists were hoping to install a global totalitarian government by stealth under the cover of the bogus CO2 reduction campaign.

                However, the Black Dragon Society was able to quash this campaign on several fronts. First of all, Russian BDS members hacked the East Anglia University computers and proved the “global warming” campaign was based on false data. Then BDS members in Washington froze an attempt by the Japanese emperor to provide over $100 billion for the cabal to hand over to developing nations in exchange for their acceding to a world government. When the fascists showed up empty handed, they were told to buzz off by the rest of the world.

                In the meantime, the Federal Reserve Board and the Bank of England are facing a January deadline to come up with gold to pay their overdue debts to China.
                Of course, I don't know in how far this is all true, but he is absolutely right about the Lisbon treaty part. It is a dreadful treaty, which at least the French and Dutch people voted against while it was still called "constitution", which it actually is. And it is also against our constitution IMHO, and our Queen actually broke her oath when she signed this treaty:
                Niburu • Toon onderwerp - Queen abdicates her constitutional responsibility
                Of course, she signed it anyway, but one never knows what happens. At least it is publicly known that she has been warned beforehand

                Whatever the case, the fact that Copenhage failed is a huge blow against the elitist who did not get it their way.

                As for the happyness of the population, well most people appear to no longer care about politics, and there are certainly signs that the people are waking up. Climategate did a lot of good, and also the mass hysteria about nothing, the swine flue, made quite a stir, even though the MSM are mostly ignoring the critics and just play lip service to the farmaceutical industry. Still, I think only about 70% of the kids were actually showing up to get their vaccine, which is quite high, but 30% not showing up is perhaps more telling of the change that is occuring. Also, these practices are currently being investigated by the European parliament and/or the commission.

                Also, it becomes more and more clear to people what the bankers are actually doing. It is insane to have money printed by private companies, which may be legal in Europe, but is the opposite of what is in your constitution.

                Just a few weeks ago, I read a paper about how this system in its core works, explained by the example of a poker game.

                You have 10 persons playing poker and one "bank" who issues the fiches. Each player borrows 20 fiches, which are to be payed back with an interest of 10%. So, the bank issues 200 fiches and the game begins. Some win, some loose, and at the end of the evening, the players have to pay their debt: 220 fiches, 200 fiches "debt" *plus* 20 fiches for interest.

                And that's the crux of the matter: the 20 fiches for the interest don't actually exist!

                This is the essence of the game that is being played against us. We are in a rat race to pay interest on money that has been created out of thin air by the banks in such a way that it is impossible to pay everything back, since the total debt is always greater than the amount of available money!

                So, we get into an infinite spiral. In order to pay back the interest, ever more debt *has* to be created, which always ends up with the banks.

                As for your first remark, look here: Oath Keepers » Oath Keepers – Guardians of the Republic
                Oath Keepers is a non-partisan association of currently serving military, reserves, National Guard, veterans, Peace Officers, and Fire Fighters who will fulfill the Oath we swore, with the support of like minded citizens who take an Oath to stand with us, to support and defend the Constitution against all enemies, foreign and domestic, so help us God. Our Oath is to the Constitution

                Our motto is "Not on our watch!"
                Last edited by lamare; 02-10-2010, 03:44 PM.


                • No Disrespect Ment


                  I don't understand for 100% what you mean to say about the country I live in, The Netherlands,
                  I sometimes think faster than I speak or write and what I was headed for is of what (little really) I know of the Netherlands and that if I am correct your country is leaning socialist in many respects??

                  I think the US is totally consumed by the give me people that have been under educated and given homes, clothing and meals without doing anything but claiming a particular status. I am of German Heritage and Proud of it, and not the Germany of Today. I was educated and taught that reward comes from work and often self respect and pride of ones work is sufficient work. Far from what you so often see on FE Forums where the goal is not the same direction.

                  I was further taught that you only have value if you contribute, this in my mind means doing something in return for what you have or may be the recipient of. Therefore I myself do not consider philanthropy a virtue until you first have taken care of your first responsibilities, being ones own life and family, then if you have something left over it would be acceptable to help out. It is not a virtue in my thinking to starve you own children in order to share with with others that are starving also. What one ends up with is a mass of starving people that fall short of the strength and education to dig out from that hole.

                  The US appears to think that we missed a place in history and must crawl under a society that we have fought against or at least in my life I thought this was our direction.

                  I am blown away by the fact that the next US definition of a terrorist may just be "Fat People". This is so interesting and the wording is so in line with S.C. ban on free speech and the already general definition.


                  ( – At a ceremony at the White House on Tuesday, First Lady Michelle Obama announced the launch of the ‘Let’s Move’ campaign to end childhood obesity in the United States, an epidemic she said is costly and a threat to national security.


                  • Right on, DrStiffler!

                    Child Obesity is a growing problem (no pun intended), of course, and can lead to serious health problems. There's no question about that, but what we should question is the actual motive behind this government anti-obesity program that will cost $10 billion over the next decade. It's just one more exercise of government control, and a waste of taxpayer money. What's this about opening supermarkets in poor neighborhoods, anyways? I guess that means the government would operate those markets, and regulate what people are allowed to purchase there. If a fat person tries to buy any food that does not qualify as "low fat," the checkout clerk would either remove those items or charge the customer a "fat tax" that would essentially double the cost of the item. To decide who's too fat to purchase certain items, there would be a scale built into the floor at the checkout aisle, which the customer cannot avoid stepping upon. The system would automatically scan their height and weight, calculate their percentage of overweight, and use that result to calculate the proper obesity tax rate. The money generated from these taxes would then fund additional government programs. Those customers who maintain an "ideal" weight might also be given reduced prices for purchasing leaner items, or issued "food credits" which they could in turn sell to fat people, which would allow for purchase of any items at standard prices. And those who are too thin, or emaciated, would be required to purchase items of higher fat content, or pay a "lean tax." Of course that's different than a tax lien.

                    Sounds ridiculous, doesn't it? But don't be surprised if this is exactly the kind of thing that government has in mind. Just one more way to gain control over everything we do or consume. They are currently working very hard to outlaw all health supplements, and close to accomplishing that.
                    Sen. John McCain has introduced a horrific bill, S 3002, the “Dietary Supplement Safety [sic] Act of 2010″(DSSA) designed to end your access to high potency supplements by giving the bloated, corrupt and dangerous FDA MORE power to destroy supplement access. This bill is absolutely NOT to be confused with DSHEA, the Dietary Supplements Health and Education Act (1994), which says nutrients are food and, as food, you can have them in any form – and any amount – you like. If we allow DSSA to pass, we will be living – and dying – under something very much like the European Food Supplements Directive’s anti-supplement restrictions, implementing Codex Alimentarius’ dietary supplements and nutritional restrictions, to the “T” — effective as close to immediately as the Fraud and Death Administration can manage it. - Natural Health Solutions Foundation
                    Last edited by rickoff; 02-10-2010, 10:26 PM.
                    "Seek wisdom by keeping an open mind to alternative realities, questioning authority, and searching for truth. Only then, when you see or hear something that has 'the ring of truth' to it, will it be as if a veil has been lifted, and suddenly you will begin to hear and see far more clearly than ever before." - Rickoff


                    • Originally posted by DrStiffler View Post
                      I sometimes think faster than I speak or write and what I was headed for is of what (little really) I know of the Netherlands and that if I am correct your country is leaning socialist in many respects??
                      It depends of course on how you define "socialist". If you think "communist style, totalitarian regime": not at all. If you think "large public sector": yes.

                      I think we actually had a pretty good balance between the public and private sector, that actually worked pretty well before the globalist craziness and the moral decay we have seen.

                      We used to have a large public sector, by which I mean the goods and services provided by the state. These included healt care including health care insurance, education, public transportation, social insurances, state pension, mass media like telephone, TV and radio, postal services, etc. The rest, the public sector, consisted of lots of privately owned SMEs, with a healthy industry and lots of small agricultural family-like businesses, and other insurances. I think it actually makes a lot of sense to have certain activities in the public sector, like the ones I mentioned.

                      We also have a very interesting form of a corporation, which is called a cooperation. In this form, the corporation is owned by members, which usually share some common interest. For example, lots of (somewhat) larger business in the agricultural sector that processed milk into end products, were owned by the farmers that provided the milk for the factories. This way, the milk factories worked in the interests of the farmers and there were a lot of reasonably small, competing corporations like that. This form of company turned out to be also very interesting for insurances, because the profits that were made out of insurances were owned by the members, the people that were insured that way.

                      The mass media radio and TV were funded by tax payers money, at first trough a separate tax you only payed when you owned a TV, while the broadcasting was done by independent "verenigingen", sort of non-profit foundations, where the amount of transmission time depended on the number of members. This resulted in reasonably independent media, without much commercial breaks. Since the beginning of the nineties, we got commercial radio and television competing with the public media, which resulted in the media turning into a propaganda and entertainment machine.

                      On the printed media side, there were also quite a lot of independent newspapers, which now have largely merged into the hands of just a few companies, so today the press is much less critical, if at all, and also basically a propaganda and entertainment machine.

                      I think the US is totally consumed by the give me people that have been under educated and given homes, clothing and meals without doing anything but claiming a particular status. I am of German Heritage and Proud of it, and not the Germany of Today. I was educated and taught that reward comes from work and often self respect and pride of ones work is sufficient work. Far from what you so often see on FE Forums where the goal is not the same direction.

                      I was further taught that you only have value if you contribute, this in my mind means doing something in return for what you have or may be the recipient of. Therefore I myself do not consider philanthropy a virtue until you first have taken care of your first responsibilities, being ones own life and family, then if you have something left over it would be acceptable to help out. It is not a virtue in my thinking to starve you own children in order to share with with others that are starving also. What one ends up with is a mass of starving people that fall short of the strength and education to dig out from that hole.
                      What you are talking about here, is a perfect example of a result of "moral decay". If you have setup a system by which the state provides money, housing, etc. for people that ran into some bad luck, that works pretty well as long as the people have a certain moral. One of the reasons our public system sort of ran out of control, is that it was being abused.

                      The picture that a lot of people have, is that this abuse is to be largely attributed to "useless eaters", to take a term you can find in a lot off green fascist literature, while I think it becomes more and more clear that the rising costs are to be attributed mostly to the "white board criminals" as we call them, the guys with the big salaries that can afford the best lawyers and other smart-asses that can find the holes in the system.

                      What you see is that lots and lots of SMEs have been taken over and otherwise been replaced by big corporations, with which SMEs could not compete. Especially in the agriculture and store businesses, there have been lots of mergers and takeovers, to the point that our farmers are now basically owned or coupled by strangle-contracts to either banks or large corporations. One important player there is Monsanto, a company with once again interesting links to the Nazi's, especially its big chemical company IG Farben.

                      So, I think the big picture is that a more or less healthy mix of public and private sector -- which certainly was not perfect and you can debate about the details -- in which there was a real market with open competition amonst lots of SMEs has been turned into a system under the control of an ever smaller number of ever larger corporations.

                      If you put this line a bit further forward, then you'll find out that:

                      fascism == communism == super capitalism

                      You see, fascism is basically a totalitarian regime and both in communism and super capitalism you have that. Eventually, the only difference between the two is that with communism you have nation states controlled by the money machine, while with super capitalism, you have supra-national corporations controlled by the money machine.

                      In other words: the money machine, the banksters, turn the people into economic slaves either way. Thay is why these fellows do business with every regime thinkable.

                      And now, with the globalisation and institutions like the IMF and the World bank, these guys have once again shown themselves to be perfectly capable of stealing from the poorest of the poor:

                      John Perkins on "The Secret History of the American Empire: Economic Hit Men, Jackals, and the Truth about Global Corruption"

                      I think it’s fair to say that since World War II, we economic hit men have managed to create the world’s first truly global empire, and we’ve done it primarily without the military, unlike other empires in history. We’ve done it through economics very subtly.

                      We work many different ways, but perhaps the most common one is that we will identify a third world country that has resources our corporations covet, such as oil, and then we arrange a huge loan to that country from the World Bank or one of its sister organizations. The money never actually goes to the country. It goes instead to US corporations, who build big infrastructure projects—power grids, industrial parks, harbors, highways—things that benefit a few very rich people but do not reach the poor at all. The poor aren’t connected to the power grids. They don’t have the skills to get jobs in industrial parks. But they and the whole country are left holding this huge debt, and it’s such a big bet that the country can’t possibly repay it. So at some point in time, we economic hit men go back to the country and say, “Look, you know, you owe us a lot of money. You can’t pay your debt, so you’ve got to give us a pound of flesh.”

                      I am blown away by the fact that the next US definition of a terrorist may just be "Fat People". This is so interesting and the wording is so in line with S.C. ban on free speech and the already general definition.

             - First Lady Links Childhood Obesity to National Security in Launch of ‘Let’s Move’ Campaign
                      Oh yeah, we got that one too:

                      The Lisbon Treaty “Legalizes” EU-Dictatorship with Death Penalty » Euro-med
                      Then you have the so-called Solidarity Clause, which really is a bombshell, because it means that if there is the need to fight against terrorist actions in any country—and the notion "terrorist action" is not defined,
                      it's a very vague notion—each country, even if it disagrees, has to participate in military action, in wars of aggression, in peace missions in third countries—so, out of area of the European Union—and it basically means there is no more veto right for those countries that do not agree. So, without public debate, or debate in national parliaments, the European Union is being transformed also into a defense alliance with the explicit obligation for rearmament and out-of-area interventions.
                      And of course:

                      Professor Schachtschneider pointed out that it also reintroduces the death penalty in Europe, which I think is very important, in light of the fact that, especially Italy was trying to abandon the death penalty through the United Nations, forever. And this is not in the treaty, but in a footnote, because with the European Union reform treaty, we accept also the European Union Charter, which says that there is no death penalty, and then it has a footnote, which says, "except in the case of war, riots, upheaval"—then the death penalty is possible. Schachtschneider points to the fact that this is an outrage, because they put it in a footnote of a footnote, and you have to read it, like really like a super-expert to find out!”
                      In other words: once the people find out what these criminals have gotten us into and start protesting, well, that would be either "riots" or "terrorism". Take your pick.
                      Last edited by lamare; 02-10-2010, 09:18 PM.


                      • Originally posted by rickoff View Post
                        Sounds ridiculous, doesn't it? But don't be surprised if this is exactly the kind of thing that government has in mind.

                        Looks like at least your government is not trying to starve you to death.

                        Or is it actually the first step to total food control?
                        Last edited by lamare; 02-10-2010, 09:32 PM.


                        • Originally posted by lamare View Post
                          Looks like at least your government is not trying to starve you to death.

                          Or is it actually the first step to total food control?
                          Oh, that's part of the plan too. Because of Genetically Modified seeds, crops grown with them are severely lacking in nutritional value. Furthermore, seeds from those harvested crops cannot be used to replant a crop for the following growing season. Natural seeds, which can be used year after year, are getting to be very hard to find except in very limited quantities. With government, and a few large corporations controlling seed stocks, this leaves the greater population at their mercy, and they will show no mercy when the going gets really tough. This will be an opportunity for them to cull 80% or more of the population through starvation.
                          "Seek wisdom by keeping an open mind to alternative realities, questioning authority, and searching for truth. Only then, when you see or hear something that has 'the ring of truth' to it, will it be as if a veil has been lifted, and suddenly you will begin to hear and see far more clearly than ever before." - Rickoff


                          • These fat Peoples....

                            Anyhow it s suspect, that the First Ladys allways got a Theme with it,
                            when they can talk about Healthcare and such Stuff,
                            like, How good Hens they are for her Chickens?

                            But a Fact is, that a lot of Manufactures use additives like carob gum and
                            guar gum, what makes you more hungry as if it is saturating.
                            All Supermarket have such food, and Mcdonalds also.
                            Ever wondered, when you eat couple Burgers, and after a while,
                            you get hungry again? Thats why. Same with the whole yogurts,
                            and they wrap this Stuff as preservativ or stabilizer.
                            And a lot from this Stuff blows you up, no wonder, when People
                            got a lot Weight, what the Healthcare can cure it again.
                            Perfect, for create work, where actually is none needed.

                            I think i can say, that close everything from the Food
                            what you get from the Industrie does not have the full sustenance anymore
                            or is healthy.
                            What else the whole Chemistry cause on the Plants, what they give the Farmers, 'because it works', can noone say also.

                            /. Maybe its the missing CO2 . /ironic off

                            Over long Term it looks like, this whole 'Business Mens' did come
                            over America like Parasites, to sproad herself more and more.
                            Theorizer are like High Voltage. A lot hot Air with no Power behind but they are the dead of applied Work and Ideas.


                            • Originally posted by lamare View Post
                              It depends of course on how you define "socialist". If you think "communist style, totalitarian regime": not at all. If you think "large public sector": yes.

                              I think we actually had a pretty good balance between the public and private sector, that actually worked pretty well before the globalist craziness and the moral decay we have seen.

                              We used to have a large public sector, by which I mean the goods and services provided by the state. These included healt care including health care insurance, education, public transportation, social insurances, state pension, mass media like telephone, TV and radio, postal services, etc. The rest, the public sector, consisted of lots of privately owned SMEs, with a healthy industry and lots of small agricultural family-like businesses, and other insurances. I think it actually makes a lot of sense to have certain activities in the public sector, like the ones I mentioned.

                              We also have a very interesting form of a corporation, which is called a cooperation. In this form, the corporation is owned by members, which usually share some common interest. For example, lots of (somewhat) larger business in the agricultural sector that processed milk into end products, were owned by the farmers that provided the milk for the factories. This way, the milk factories worked in the interests of the farmers and there were a lot of reasonably small, competing corporations like that. This form of company turned out to be also very interesting for insurances, because the profits that were made out of insurances were owned by the members, the people that were insured that way.

                              The mass media radio and TV were funded by tax payers money, at first trough a separate tax you only payed when you owned a TV, while the broadcasting was done by independent "verenigingen", sort of non-profit foundations, where the amount of transmission time depended on the number of members. This resulted in reasonably independent media, without much commercial breaks. Since the beginning of the nineties, we got commercial radio and television competing with the public media, which resulted in the media turning into a propaganda and entertainment machine.

                              On the printed media side, there were also quite a lot of independent newspapers, which now have largely merged into the hands of just a few companies, so today the press is much less critical, if at all, and also basically a propaganda and entertainment machine.

                              What you are talking about here, is a perfect example of a result of "moral decay". If you have setup a system by which the state provides money, housing, etc. for people that ran into some bad luck, that works pretty well as long as the people have a certain moral. One of the reasons our public system sort of ran out of control, is that it was being abused.

                              The picture that a lot of people have, is that this abuse is to be largely attributed to "useless eaters", to take a term you can find in a lot off green fascist literature, while I think it becomes more and more clear that the rising costs are to be attributed mostly to the "white board criminals" as we call them, the guys with the big salaries that can afford the best lawyers and other smart-asses that can find the holes in the system.

                              What you see is that lots and lots of SMEs have been taken over and otherwise been replaced by big corporations, with which SMEs could not compete. Especially in the agriculture and store businesses, there have been lots of mergers and takeovers, to the point that our farmers are now basically owned or coupled by strangle-contracts to either banks or large corporations. One important player there is Monsanto, a company with once again interesting links to the Nazi's, especially its big chemical company IG Farben.

                              So, I think the big picture is that a more or less healthy mix of public and private sector -- which certainly was not perfect and you can debate about the details -- in which there was a real market with open competition amonst lots of SMEs has been turned into a system under the control of an ever smaller number of ever larger corporations.

                              If you put this line a bit further forward, then you'll find out that:

                              fascism == communism == super capitalism

                              You see, fascism is basically a totalitarian regime and both in communism and super capitalism you have that. Eventually, the only difference between the two is that with communism you have nation states controlled by the money machine, while with super capitalism, you have supra-national corporations controlled by the money machine.

                              In other words: the money machine, the banksters, turn the people into economic slaves either way. Thay is why these fellows do business with every regime thinkable.

                              And now, with the globalisation and institutions like the IMF and the World bank, these guys have once again shown themselves to be perfectly capable of stealing from the poorest of the poor:

                              John Perkins on "The Secret History of the American Empire: Economic Hit Men, Jackals, and the Truth about Global Corruption"

                              Oh yeah, we got that one too:

                              The Lisbon Treaty “Legalizes” EU-Dictatorship with Death Penalty » Euro-med

                              And of course:

                              In other words: once the people find out what these criminals have gotten us into and start protesting, well, that would be either "riots" or "terrorism". Take your pick.
                              Hummm... Indeed, it has been known from early times that it is often necessary to de-breed a wound in order to aid its healing.


                              • Originally posted by rickoff View Post
                                Oh, that's part of the plan too. Because of Genetically Modified seeds, crops grown with them are severely lacking in nutritional value. Furthermore, seeds from those harvested crops cannot be used to replant a crop for the following growing season. Natural seeds, which can be used year after year, are getting to be very hard to find except in very limited quantities. With government, and a few large corporations controlling seed stocks, this leaves the greater population at their mercy, and they will show no mercy when the going gets really tough. This will be an opportunity for them to cull 80% or more of the population through starvation.
                                This will be an opportunity for them to cull 80% or more of the population through starvation.
                                Such a sloppy way to do things and it opens the window for a nasty recourse (maybe). When we live in a binary world, I'm sure they have quicker more efficient ways in mind.

