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The American Ruling Class

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  • Such a sloppy way to do things and it opens the window for a nasty recourse (maybe). When we live in a binary world, I'm sure they have quicker more efficient ways in mind. - DrStiffler

    Yes, but the final cull will come after other devastation (floods, droughts, pests, pandemic, or whatever) which will already greatly reduce the population.

    One more thing about GM foods: after Monsanto lost a court case in which the judge said that it has to have an environmental impact study before it can commercialize its GMO alfalfa (the fifth largest grain crop in the US), the USDA obligingly provided that study, and, predictably “found” that GMO alfalfa was safe, despite the known hazards to people, babies in utero, organic farming and diary operations (indeed, entire industries) and the biosphere.

    What a surprise, with former Monsanto executive Vilsek as the Secretary of Agriculture! Funny how Obama has chosen all the "right" people, isn't it?
    "Seek wisdom by keeping an open mind to alternative realities, questioning authority, and searching for truth. Only then, when you see or hear something that has 'the ring of truth' to it, will it be as if a veil has been lifted, and suddenly you will begin to hear and see far more clearly than ever before." - Rickoff


    • Interestingly, Monsanto has been sueing farmers for patent breaches who live adjacent to GM crops because the GM crop will cross pollinate with the natural one. The next year, the other farmer is left with a hybrid strain which, you guessed it, is basically sterile. So the farmer, left with no seed crop for next year and facing a big court battle, is forced to "settle" which generally includes buying new seed from guess who.


      • Originally posted by rickoff View Post
        Yes, but the final cull will come after other devastation (floods, droughts, pests, pandemic, or whatever) which will already greatly reduce the population.
        Don't worry too much about this. It won't happen. After all, the elitists are just a handful of people, while the dirty work has to be done by ordinary people. All it takes is just one persion at the right place at the right time to blow the whistle when needed and it's over.

        Just look at the swine flu stuff, for example:


        Officials investigate how bird flu contaminated vaccines in Europe -

        Alarm bells rang in early February when researchers at the Czech sub-contractor inoculated ferrets with the material and the animals promptly died.
        An inside whistleblower was all it took to stop this. Just like one "incident" was enough to pull the plug underneath Copenhagen.

        Other news:

        MEPs to US: Hands off our bank accounts • The Register
        The wholesale export of all our bank statements began after 2001 in the name of the war on terror. [...] The new rules governing data exchange between the EU and the US were required because of changes to the infrastructure - data was previously stored on servers in the US, it will now be stored in Switzerland.
        EU President's secret bid for economic power - Europe, World - The Independent

        The new President of the European Council, Herman Van Rompuy, is using the financial crisis sweeping the eurozone to launch an audacious grab for power over national budgets, leaked documents reveal.
        Last edited by lamare; 02-11-2010, 02:46 PM. Reason: added news items


        • I've been following the site: Market Skeptics for quite awhile and it has been detailing the manipulations of the various markets as well as detailing how the USDA has been fudging the numbers to hide food supplies in decline. He doesn't paint a rosy picture...


          • An interesting case study in the US on GM crops is canola (a.k.a rapeseed).
            Over the years, vast tracts of land have been doused with round-up to kill weeds. This has leached into the soil and contaminated the aquafers. This means that when they water the crops, the crops die.

            Solution? Genetically engineer the crop to be resistant to round-up so it doesn't die when you water it. The added benefit is that the weeds get killed by the contaminated water - brilliant.

            The unforseen issue with this is that a close cousin to rapeseed is a weed called ragwort. It also happens to be high on the list of weeds present in the canola crop.

            It happens that they are so closely related that the ragwort has cross pollinated with the GM canola to produce a round-up resistant strain of ragwort that is currently spreading like wildfire because you can't easily kill it.


            • Ordering a pizza in 2015

              This video may give most people a good laugh right now, but will it be closer to reality in the future?

              YouTube - Scary Pizza
              "Seek wisdom by keeping an open mind to alternative realities, questioning authority, and searching for truth. Only then, when you see or hear something that has 'the ring of truth' to it, will it be as if a veil has been lifted, and suddenly you will begin to hear and see far more clearly than ever before." - Rickoff


              • Tesla did show how he could split the earth in two using harmonic frequencies...


                • Originally posted by rickoff View Post
                  This video may give most people a good laugh right now, but will it be closer to reality in the future?

                  YouTube - Scary Pizza
                  As Johan Cruyff ( Johan Cruyff - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia ) likes to say:
                  Every disadvantage has its advantage.
                  Let's read these smart-asses their rights:

                  1. Every law you put on paper against the people can and will be used against you by the people.
                  2. You have the right to remain silent, but you don't have to say anything, because we, the people, already know everything there is to know about you.


                  • Who Am I?

                    Try and Guess Who I am...

                    I was born in one country, raised in another. My father was born in
                    another country. I was not his only child. He fathered several children
                    with numerous women.

                    I became very close to my mother, as my father showed no interest in me.
                    My mother died at an early age from cancer.

                    Later in life, questions arose over my real name.

                    My birth records were sketchy and no one was able to produce a
                    legitimate, reliable birth certificate.

                    I grew up practicing one faith but converted to Christianity, as it was
                    widely accepted in my country, but I practiced non-traditional beliefs &
                    didn't follow Christianity, except in the public eye under scrutiny.

                    I worked and lived among lower-class people as a young adult, disguising
                    myself as someone who really cared about them..

                    That was before I decided it was time to get serious about my life and I
                    embarked on a new career.

                    I wrote a book about my struggles growing up. It was clear to those who
                    read my memoirs that I had difficulties accepting that my father abandoned
                    me as a child.

                    I became active in local politics in my 30's then with help behind the
                    scenes, I literally burst onto the scene as a candidate for national
                    office in my 40s.. They said I had a golden tongue and could talk anyone
                    into anything.. That reinforced my conceit.

                    I had a virtually non-existent resume, little work history, and no
                    experience in leading a single organization. Yet I was a powerful speaker
                    and citizens were drawn to me as though I were a magnet and they were
                    small roofing tacks.

                    I drew incredibly large crowds during my public appearances. This
                    bolstered my ego.

                    At first, my political campaign focused on my country's foreign policy.
                    I was very critical of my country in the last war and seized every
                    opportunity to bash my country.

                    But what launched my rise to national prominence were my views on the
                    country's economy. I pretended to have a really good plan on how we could
                    do better and every poor person would be fed & housed for free.

                    I knew which group was responsible for getting us into this mess. It was
                    the free market, banks & corporations. I decided to start making
                    citizens hate them and if they were envious of others who did well, the
                    plan was clinched tight.

                    I called mine "A People's Campaign" and that sounded good to all people.

                    I was the surprise candidate because I emerged from outside the
                    traditional path of politics & was able to gain widespread popular

                    I knew that, if I merely offered the people 'hope' , together we could
                    change our country and the world.

                    So, I started to make my speeches sound like they were on behalf of the
                    downtrodden, poor, ignorant to include "persecuted minorities" like the
                    Jews. My true views were not widely known and I needed to keep them
                    unknown, until after I became my nation's leader.

                    I had to carefully guard reality, as anybody could have easily found out
                    what I really believed, if they had simply read my writings and examined
                    those people I associated with.

                    I'm glad they didn't.. Then I became the most powerful man in the world.
                    And the world learned the truth.

                    *Who am I?*

                    I am ADOLF HITLER
                    WHO WERE YOU THINKING OF?
                    Scary isn't it?
                    "Seek wisdom by keeping an open mind to alternative realities, questioning authority, and searching for truth. Only then, when you see or hear something that has 'the ring of truth' to it, will it be as if a veil has been lifted, and suddenly you will begin to hear and see far more clearly than ever before." - Rickoff


                    • I thought for a while, its you Rick. lol.

                      But anyway, there are a lot Storys, what happend around at this Time,
                      and some do sound different, as may most of you know them.
                      Anyhow noone should tell me, what from this all is true,
                      when he dont was really there, because there even did fall off some
                      witnesses after her statements, or cant proof her statements really.

                      At last, it was not like, that he was the big Beast,
                      even how, and how much Peoples did die there is not really prooven.
                      There been Peoples killed, that is true, but it been Russians too,
                      and other Groups, what noone did count and noone do really mention.

                      Another Story is, around this time 1920, there been Rumors, that
                      there will be a change at the World, however spiritual or physical,
                      and a lot from the secret societies came up, because any from them
                      would be get a good place in this new order.
                      Therefor i think, the Thule society or others did pick the best things
                      from all of them together, and formed a new 'Religion'.

                      And Hitler was against the whole banking System then also,
                      there been official invocations for the Jews to leave the Land,
                      and a lot of them did really leave, couple Millions.
                      What left been lesser then this 7 Mio, what they sproad all time,
                      just in Germany.
                      Not sure, if this Amount was counted for whole Europe.
                      But another Thing was, that Hitler did bring also a lot from the Jews to Russia,
                      but they did want them have also.

                      Lately Irans President Mahmud Ahmadinedschad visited Germany,
                      and said, 'Every Country has some Monuments, where they can show,
                      that they are proud of her Land. But Germany only has memorials to that Time,
                      and what did happen there.

                      But otherwise, i think, noone can say, how far he would have gone,
                      if none had stopped him, and how the World would look today.

                      And i really mean, noone can say it, because they seems did use
                      Technology from Schauberger, and Cooler, and not sure,
                      if it would be communistic controlled or pleasant for everyone.
                      But anyhow, i dont think, really free. lol.
                      Theorizer are like High Voltage. A lot hot Air with no Power behind but they are the dead of applied Work and Ideas.


                      • ragwort

                        Originally posted by Farside View Post
                        An interesting case study in the US on GM crops is canola (a.k.a rapeseed).
                        Over the years, vast tracts of land have been doused with round-up to kill weeds. This has leached into the soil and contaminated the aquafers. This means that when they water the crops, the crops die.

                        Solution? Genetically engineer the crop to be resistant to round-up so it doesn't die when you water it. The added benefit is that the weeds get killed by the contaminated water - brilliant.

                        The unforseen issue with this is that a close cousin to rapeseed is a weed called ragwort. It also happens to be high on the list of weeds present in the canola crop.

                        It happens that they are so closely related that the ragwort has cross pollinated with the GM canola to produce a round-up resistant strain of ragwort that is currently spreading like wildfire because you can't easily kill it.
                        howzit ,heaps of ragwort on my paddocks over here ,all killed off in 2 years ,never to re appear with a harmless little catapillar, no sprays


                        • Originally posted by rickoff View Post
                          I am ADOLF HITLER
                          WHO WERE YOU THINKING OF?
                          Scary isn't it?

                          Fascinating story, rickof.

                          I think not everything you wrote is entirely accurate, but the similarities between Hitler and Obama, which is who you were pointing to I reckon, are fascinating indeed.

                          However, Obama is not Hitler. In the end, it is not our genes or forefathers or, if you believe in reincarnation, our previous lives that determine who and what we are. We all have it in ourselves to become murderers, but we can also be loving people. In essence, we all have a free choice to choose what we want to be. We can choose to follow the propaganda and the agenda of the elitists, the "dark forces", or we can choose to go the other way.

                          It appears that history is full of re-occuring "archetypes", and in this case it is up to Abama *and* the American people to decide which road you want to follow.

                          In this sense, I found it very interesting what Ms. Eisenhower wrote:

                          2012 and the Ancient Game: Venus–Sophia and Recruitment to Mars (lauramagdalene)

                          I was bed ridden for nearly two years at one point. As I was doing this, the only safe place for me was in the wilderness it seemed. Along the way my relationships seemed to be intertwined with this process – as most of the men I met had archetypal significance to this journey, were agents to hidden groups, or were highly possessed by forces that were threatening to my life. I met them at different levels and stages of my journey, and they were mostly people I had to break free from.

                          During this journey, I had to confront nearly every archetype mentioned in any myth relating to Sophia – such as Hathor, Isis, Inanna, Kali, Persephone, Magdalene, Guinevere, Morgaine, Ariadne, and more than just those. Each of these took turns, and even though I had not really read about any of it, it was normal and natural to understand this. My connection to Christ kept me going – his presence was always with me, and I had to process a lot of devastation in connection to him and my longing for his presence on Earth.

                          They are all part of the story of soul, personifications of forces of nature and these particular ones are all associated with Venus. They affect us all and some don’t realize what they are all about so to avoid promoting belief, I would say that it would be of great benefit to become more familiar with what these names and archetypes mean.

                          One time he pulled all the equipment in my house apart. Taking cell-phone batteries out, shutting down all electronics – so he could candidly tell me what he knew and revealed much about me and my boys, which explained why I was even a person of interest. He said that we were being bugged, even with web cams out in the streets, and tried to insist that he was protecting me. What he told me was that this had to do with Sophia-Magdalene and that everything that I knew about myself was indeed true. They knew a lot about my boys, too. They mentioned the Mayan hero twins and Romulus and Remus who founded Rome.

                          As Joit writes, the story about what happened back then is blurred. One can indeed place question marks around some numbers and also around the question about why the deaths of members of certain ethnic groups appear to be more relevant in the story than the death of others.

                          One can also wonder about who and what was the real evil spirit so to speak behind the Nazi regime. Is this whole mess really to blame on one single person, or is there more to this story than meets the eye?

                          There are at least some very remarkable things. First of all, Hitler derived his hatred against the Jews from the The Protocols of the Elders of Zion - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia, which can be traced back to the French revolution, as I wrote here:

                          I have read these, and it is known that Mein Kampf was largely based on these and is filled with quotations out of these protocols. Hitler got hold of these protocols because of the publications thereof in Henry Fords newspaper "The Dearborn Independent", the newspaper Ford bought exactly for the purpose of spreading these protocols and his anti-semetic ideas:

                          The International Jew The World's Foremost Problem

                          IN an interview published in the New York World February 17, 1921, Mr. Henry Ford put the case for the "Protocols of Zion" tersely and convincingly. He said: "The only statement I care to make about the Protocols is that they fit in with what is going on. They are sixteen years old and they have fitted the world situation up to this time. They fit it now." He made this statement when Jewish leaders and the Jewish Press in America were fulminating against a series of articles printed in Ford's newspaper The Dearborn Independent during the years 1920 to 1922. After some years of pressure such as only organized Jewry can conceive or inflict, Henry Ford was made to apologise to Jewry in a letter addressed to Louis Marshall, then leader of the American Jewish Committee, dated June 30, 1927. Ford's apology was abject, but neither then nor since did he ever deny the truth of the articles.
                          Of course, Ford was also a freemason:
                          List of Freemasons - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

                          Henry Ford, founder of the Ford Motor Company. Raised in Palestine Lodge No. 35.

                          So, Hitler hated the banksters, because of the principles these were planning to takeover the world with, and also the jews, because these protocols seem to implicate this ethnic group as the great evil behind the scenes, while of course it is just a matter of "follow the money" to see who are really pulling the strings.

                          So, it is an intriguing question why Hitler let himself be financed by the American banksters he hated so much. Did he know this, was he double-crossed?

                          Also an intriguing story in this sense, is the story around Rudolf Hess, about which Martin Allen wrote his book "The Hitler-Hess Deception":
                          The Hitler-Hess Deception: Martin Allen: Books

                          I have read this book, and one of the things Allen dug up, was that Hilter tried at least six or seven times to negotiate peace between England en Germany, because he saw communism in Russia as a common enemy. He even went so far that he was prepared to withdraw from at least some of the countries he occupied, such as The Netherlands and Belgium.

                          An intriguing detail in one of the documents Allen dug up was that Churchill did not want peace under any circumstance, not because of the nazi's, but because he did not want a German empire in Europe. In other words: the British empire could not tolerate another empire nearby, no matter who ruled it.

                          It appears that Hess' flight into Scotland, Germany's second in command, was indeed authorized by Hitler and I have the impression that this really was a genuine attempt to make peace in Western Europe.

                          However, that would not only have meant a competitor for the British empire, it would also have meant that Germany would remain independent and thus not under the control of the people who made such large investments there, after they first crushed the country by means of the Versailles treaty, which was witten by the Dulles brothers, Rockefellers' lawyers.

                          So, if we go back to the present analogous situation, it is clear who are the really evil bad guys behind the scenes. And wether or not it is true that Hitler was the sole evil men behind it all, or not, the fact of the matter is that the cuurent US president is under pressure from the same evil elitists that manipulated Germany back then. The German people and their leader, wether intended by their leader or not, chose to follow the elitist agenda.

                          Today it is up to the American people and their leader to make their choice. And even if their leader choses to capitulate and play lip-service to the elitists, that does not mean his people have to go along with this.

                          After all, this time, we know how the game is being played, what is at stake, and who pulls the strings behind the scenes. And we also know that without us "slaves" doing the dirty work, the elitists have nothing to go for. All they really have is piles of paper, either in the form of worthless money or in the form of laws suggesting that these can dictate us, free people, what we can and cannot do.

                          Well, that's a lie, as has been shown before:

                          You do not think we are just going to walk out of India?
                          Yes. In the end, you will walk out.
                          Because 100,000 Englishmen simply cannot control
                          350 million Indians, if those Indians refuse to cooperate.
                          -Mahatma Gandhi
                          Last edited by lamare; 02-12-2010, 12:26 PM.


                          • Originally posted by screaminvern
                            Is it possible that HAARP could be responsible for the devastating earthquakes such as what just happened in Haiti, or am I reaching??
                            It may be possible, but the Norway spiral which was apparantly created by HAARP and given that spirals are appearing elsewhere too ( STRANGE SPIRALS OVER AUSTRALIA | X News Now ), suggests that HAARP may produce too much side effects to be used as a stealth earth quake weapon, supposing that is possible at all. It appears that it can modify the weather, yes, but that does not mean that it can also produce earthquakes:

                            HAARP Earthquake Transmissions to Haiti and China - Get X News

                            US Weather Engineering Project
                            Physicist Dr. Bernard J. Eastlund essentially “borrowed” Tesla’s ideas and received a patent (#4,686,605 issued Aug. 11, 1987) for an invention which employed the borrowed ideas. The patent was assigned to ARCO’s APTI and on Sept. 6, 1987, National Public Radio reported:

                            “Dr. Eastlund stated that his new invention could be used to change the weather by redirecting the very high wind patterns… The invention uses an earth-based power source to create electromagnetic radio waves and focus them way up into the atmosphere. Dr. Eastlund says the invention could steer the jet stream, but could also be used to disrupt communications all over the world.”

                            Among other things, the 1987 patent states, “Large regions of the upper atmosphere could be lifted to an unexpected high altitude…weather modification is possible, by for example altering the upper atmosphere wind patterns (which is exactly what the Russian Woodpecker ELF system does).”

                            So, maybe Benjamin Fulfords explanation is more credible, if this was not a natural event:

                            Exclusive Benjamin Fulford Interview -- Fall of the Rockefeller Faction [Updated!]

                            The recent earthquake in Haiti was caused by an earthquake machine using technology developed by Nicola Tesla, according to MI6. The earthquake machine is not HAARP as I have previously suggested but rather some sort of nuclear device, according to this source and a CIA source.

                            The CIA source says an expedition sent to the epicenter of the Indonesian earthquake that triggered the tsunami found it to be totally lifeless one year later, something that could only be explained by radiation. “The oil companies won a war and got rights to the oil in that region and nobody even heard about it,” the CIA source said.

                            In confirmation of these comments, recently declassified documents show the US government planned to attack Japan with a tsunami towards the end of World War 2 by setting of a large explosion along an underwater fault zone.

                            The attack on Haiti was a Bush/Nazi faction response to the ongoing cut off of their financial assets, according to the sources. The attack cut undersea cables and prevented the transfer of large sums of money to South American central banks.

                            In addition, the attack was a warning by the Nazi faction saying: “If you squeeze us too hard, we will start killing lots of people.” These criminals need to be punished for these evil acts.

                            Multiple sources are also saying a new 911 type incident is becoming increasingly probable as financial deadlines for the Federal Reserve Board approach. One important deadline is expected at the end of this month.

                            The sources also say the Federal Reserve Board crime syndicate sold China the anti-missile defense technology recently announced by China. These traitors to the US are almost certainly selling other types of secret technology to China in a desperate bid to keep themselves from going bankrupt.

                            Meanwhile, two sources who claim connections to the Pentagon Space Command say there will be major disclosure coming soon. Since there is plenty of evidence the Nazis planned a fake alien invasion, these “announcements” (if they really come) need to be examined very carefully and skeptically.

                            Further context was given on Jan. 22nd:

                            The desperate and cornered Federal Reserve Board crime family attacked Haiti with an earthquake weapon and then invaded it in order to seize the Haitian central bank.

                            By seizing the central bank the Feds got access to codes for the new financial system and tried to launder the fraudulently obtained dollars and drug money via the nearby Dominican Republic.

                            This is why the announcement of a new financial system we were promised would take place on January 19th has been delayed.

                            As the end of the Fed approaches, desperate battle lines are being drawn by the cornered rats. The Bush Clinton family is planning to replace Obama with Hillary Clinton, forcing Vice President Biden and Nancy Pelosi to step aside (this information was obtained by our own sources independently of Christopher Story. We earlier reported the initial plan called for President Pelosi and VP Hillary).

                            Also see: Weekly geo-political news and analysis
                            The attack on Haiti with an earthquake weapon and the seizure of their central bank assets did nothing but further disgust the rest of the world.

                            What follows next is anybody’s guess. One move a Pentagon official mentioned was an invasion of Nigeria. That could be accompanied by an invasion of Venezuela, according to the hawk’s scenario.

                            However, saner heads in the military do not want to start World War 3 because, among other reasons, war games always show the US losing such a conflict. A worst case scenario would see 90% of humanity wiped out in a nuclear war that would leave the Northern Hemisphere of the planet inhabitable.
                            We will learn this week if the Federal Reserve Board will be disbanded forever or if it will be allowed to survive in a highly regulated and restricted form. There is a January 30th accounting deadline coming up and no clear sign of how they will be able to pay what they owe. They were caught sending gold-plated tungsten to China in October and have until that time to come up with real gold which they are unlikely to obtain.

                            Their latest scam was to have the head of the Bundesbank steal large sums of money and then try to launder the funds through the Haitian central bank. The problem is that any money that is transferred electronically by them is immediately detected and stopped. There was film on Fox TV showing two tanks breaking into a Haitian Bank and soldiers seizing two objects for purposes unknown but clearly connected with the Bundesbank scandal. In a related development, people connected to Deutschebank contacted a member of the Black Dragon Society and tried to buy gold. They were told to buzz off.

                            There are many signs now, even in the corporate propaganda media that Federal Reserve Board rule of the United States and terrorization of the world is coming to an end:

                            For example, the Venezuelan government, Iranian government TV, Fox News and many other outlets mentioned the possibility that Haiti was attacked with an earthquake weapon. This sort of open accusation was unthinkable, for example, when Indonesia was attacked with the earthquake weapon that caused the tsunami there. In both cases US forces were pre-positioned with “aid” before the earthquakes struck. The names of the people who ordered the attack have been made public and there will be consequences. The days of mass murder with impunity are coming to an end.
                            The members of the Bush/Clinton Nazi crime family made a fatal error when they decided to attack Haiti with an earthquake weapon. An international hunt down and kill order has been issued against Bill Clinton, Barack Obama, George Bushes Senior and Junior and General P.K. Keen among others, according to sources affiliated with various secret societies. This Nazi cabal sent a CIA agent to the Black Dragon Society to give forewarning of the attack. The agent talked about the Tsunami unleashed against Indonesia and said “the oil companies won a war and nobody knew about it.” Well, now everybody knows about it.

                            The Japanese Yakuza now know the Kobe earthquake of 1995 was the result of a deliberate attack and they are eager for revenge. The people of Indonesia now know the tsunami was a deliberate attack and they know who ordered it. They are also eager for revenge. The Chinese now know the 1976 earthquake that killed 655,000 people was a deliberate attack and are eager for justice. The people of Haiti also know who attacked them and will also seek revenge. Etc. Etc. There is now nowhere on earth for these criminals to hide.

                            It was not lost on the Black Dragon Society that the attack on Haiti came on the anniversary of the Kobe earthquake but the society has a policy of not responding to threats. If they think they are going to unleash a Tsunami against Tokyo and get away with it, they are truly insane.

                            The criminal cabal is also wrong in their belief that they will be able to grab more plunder in the form of “aid” for Haiti. This is not going to happen.


                            • Originally posted by lamare View Post
                              Fascinating story, rickof.

                              I think not everything you wrote is entirely accurate, but the similarities between Hitler and Obama, which is who you were pointing to I reckon, are fascinating indeed.

                              I think you -- and everyone out here -- want to watch this:

                              The Hyperdimensional Election of Barack Obama and 2012 part1

                              I'm about half way now, at it is very fascinating. Connections to the work of Bearden and Haramein, really interesting...


                              • What is 'anyhow funny' with Obama, that he looks like Bill Cosby
                                and his smart Lawyer Wife in younger Years.
                                Like the cute Doc and his nice Wife,
                                but i bet, Mainstreammedia has more such Sleepers like this implemented,
                                for when you see one from this 'Pictures' again, you can associate it with something pleasant.
                                Theorizer are like High Voltage. A lot hot Air with no Power behind but they are the dead of applied Work and Ideas.

