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The American Ruling Class

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  • Originally posted by bugler View Post
    Read carefully the following letter from the ruling class:

    Almost a half century ago, Eustace Mullins acquired a copy of a speech by Rabbi Emanuel Rabinovich to a special meeting of the Emergency Council of European Rabbis in Budapest, Hungary, January 12, 1952.
    @Bugler - The "speech" you posted has nothing whatsoever to do with the Ruling Class, other than the fact that it is an example of a tactic that the Ruling Class has used through the ages to incite racial hatred and divisiveness among various ethnic groups. Rabbi Emmanuel Rabinovich is a fictional character, and his "speech" was concocted by Eustace Mullins, who was a virulent anti-semite. This isn't just my opinion of Mullins - take the time to read what he wrote in his 1968 book The Biological Jew, which includes the following statement about Nazi antisemitism: "Naziism is simply this — a proposal that the German people rid themselves of the parasitic Jews. The gentile host dared to protest against the continued presence of the parasite, and attempted to throw it off." It doesn't take much to research something that you find on the Internet, and when something appears to be damning evidence, if true, then it is imperative that you research it well before posting it here for reader consumption, especially when it singles out any particular ethnic group of people as the villain. You see, when something so fraudulent as this is posted in this thread, it will have the effect of diminishing the believability of other information found here unless it is promptly removed. Even then, you may already have caused irreparable damage to the credibility of this thread, since any who have entered and read your post and were offended by it may likely never return. Therefore, I ask you to promptly delete that post, and any other post that makes reference to it. When you have done so, I will delete this post.

    Please, everyone - be very careful to thoroughly research whatever you post in this thread to ensure that it is fact based, and refrain from making any ethnic attacks. We all must certainly realize that there are bad people within any and every ethnic group, and it is fair play to cite what they have done, but to demonize an entire ethnic group is not fair play and is totally unacceptable.

    Last edited by rickoff; 11-15-2010, 04:59 PM.
    "Seek wisdom by keeping an open mind to alternative realities, questioning authority, and searching for truth. Only then, when you see or hear something that has 'the ring of truth' to it, will it be as if a veil has been lifted, and suddenly you will begin to hear and see far more clearly than ever before." - Rickoff


    • Originally posted by dutchdivco View Post
      the Chinese are facing a major problem; If they continue to enforce 1 child per couple, what will the situation be in 20-40 years? Twice as many retirees as workers.
      I don't see that as a problem for them, Jim. First of all, the elderly in China routinely work until they are no longer able to do so and are nearing the end of their lives. Their singular offspring can certainly care for two elderly parents if need be, and usually this isn't the case since one parent will normally become deceased several years before the other. Furthermore, with less people in the workforce a worker's talents are more valuable to an employer who will be willing to pay a higher compensation rate, which helps to offset the costs of caring for a parent. And let's not forget that with less people chasing after available goods and services, those goods and services become more reasonably priced. Therefore, I would have to say that the Chinese outlook in 20 to 40 years is a very good one. My greatest concern for the Chinese is their current mode of energy development, which relies heavily on coal and oil. It would be so much wiser to invest in renewable energy sources and technologies.

      Originally posted by dutchdivco View Post
      You say "get rid of ALL lobbyists."
      No, I said, "ban the corrupt practice of lobbying," so please be careful on how you quote me. Rest assured that I have nothing against an individual, or a group, writing to or visiting a representative to voice their opinion concerning an issue. What I do have a problem with is professional lobbyists. These people are mostly retired politicians who were formerly part of the "good ole boys" club, and of course have many Washington insider contacts. This is why they are paid big money by special interest groups to promote their agendas. In turn, these lobbyists grease the palms of current legislators with "campaign contributions," and/or "friendly gestures," such as an offer to let a legislator use their lavish vacation retreat and yacht. This kind of influence peddling simply must stop, as it lies at the very foundation of political corruption. This only ensures that big money controls the course of all legislation, and that no legislation will be introduced, passed, or rejected on its own merits.

      Last edited by rickoff; 11-15-2010, 04:54 PM.
      "Seek wisdom by keeping an open mind to alternative realities, questioning authority, and searching for truth. Only then, when you see or hear something that has 'the ring of truth' to it, will it be as if a veil has been lifted, and suddenly you will begin to hear and see far more clearly than ever before." - Rickoff


      • Rickoff,, Firstly, Thank you for your earlier post, regarding the anti-semitism stuff. You said what i wanted to say, but was hesitant to, with the research to back it up, which I knew, but couldn't site chapter and verse.
        And I apologise for my mis-use of quotation marks. One of my minor frustrations with this forum; once I click on "reply to this post" or whatever it is, I can't scroll back up to actually SEE the previous posts.So, I either have to copy/paste, BEFORE I post, or go from memory.When you said Ban the corrupt practice of Lobbying, i just assumed you meant ban all lobbyists.
        We don't live in a true Democracy; we live in a Republic. That is, a REPRESENATIVE democracy. The idea is we don't have enough time, energy, etc. to educate ourselves etc. in order to actually vote on every issue confronting the Gov't., so we elect people who go to Washington, and IN THEORY they represent us.
        Similarly, unless we are experiancing a real crisis in our lives, we don't have the resources to take time off to go to Washington, to lobby our representatives on the wide variety of issues, hence the role for the professional lobbyist.Again, IN THEORY there are lobbyists who will, for a price, represent almost any point of view, and convey that point of view to our representatives.Therefore, if you belong to a Union, there are lobbyists in Washington recieving $ from the unions, to represent their interests. If you are a member of AARP, NRA, a church, etc it is highly likely that some lobbyist in Washington is recieving $ to represent that point of view.
        Obviously, that sucks.I am not a member of AARP, for instance, because they lobby for and support things I don't agree with.They are against private accounts for Social Insecurity, for instance, which I believe is the only way to keep the $ out of Congresses greedy hands.They supported Obamacare, need I say more.Anyway, these lobbyists represent the interests of the organisations, NOT neccesarily of its members.First thing we all can/should do, is do some research to try to trace how we are being lobbied "for", without our knowledge.
        There are many other reforms that could be made to Congress; require all bills to be in plain english, and only address 1 issue, etc.But, again, Congress would have to impose such rules on itself, and it has no interest in doing so.

        I wonder if it was a sense of humor, or reality? Our Founding Fathers chose to locate Washington D.C. in a drained swamp.

        Anyway, overall I feel like the system is beyond fixing. Firstly your not going to be successful in banning lobbyists.Congress writes the laws, and they are never going to do it, and if they did, the Supreme Court would rule it unconstituional.
        When people complain about our Gov't., and throw out the complaint of abuse of power, they usually focus on the executive, or the judicial branches. The main, ongoing abuses of power, it seems to me, are in the Legislative branch.They write the ethics rules, and enforce them.(or not)They have no interest in truly cleaning up the system.The main check on Congress is us; we're supposed to vote them out! But, there are not sufficient #'s of us who are p.o.'d enough to do that. At least not yet.Would LOVE to see an election where every incumbent lost.Doubt it will happen, tho. And, even if it did, not sure the fundamentals would change.Our founding fathers said you need a revolution every 10 years, cause thats how long it takes for vested interests to undermine/corrupt any system.They tried to engineer that into our system; thats what elections are.Unfortunately, that depends on an informed and involved electorate.Only 60% of eligible voters voted, and this was a high turnout for a midterm election.Most of the governing that directly effects us goes on at the local level.And yet, very few of the voters even know the name of their local elected officials.Complacency and Hubris will be the death of us all, I'm afraid!


        • Originally posted by rickoff View Post
          Please, everyone - be very careful to thoroughly research whatever you post in this thread to ensure that it is fact based, and refrain from making any ethnic attacks. We all must certainly realize that there are bad people within any and every ethnic group, and it is fair play to cite what they have done, but to demonize an entire ethnic group is not fair play and is totally unacceptable.

          I have read extensively about the jewish question.

          I have read the biological jew by Eustace Mullins and some of his other books.
          I have read many books on the subject.
          I have a clear idea of what I am talking after years of researching the topic.

          What I have said have everything to do with the ruling class.

          Who are the owners of the federal reserve? 13 jewish families.
          Who is behind Goldman Sachs? Yes.
          Who own all the big corporations?
          Who own all the highly successful websites (google, ebay, amazon, ...)? Yes they do.
          To what ethnic group do the presidents of Uk, France, US, ... belong? Yes.
          Main ethcnic group in music/art? Yes.
          Who got the leasing of World Trade Center 6 weeks before 9/11 and change the insurance to get 1.2 billion $ for terrorist attacks.
          etc, etc.

          I clearly know what I am talking about.

          Tell me who cannot be critized and I will tell you who rules.

          And now let me give you some advice:
          read the following book: "The controversy of Zion" by Douglas Reed.

          See the video about 911 in 9/11 Missing Links

          See the video of jewish historian "DAvid Cole in Auschwitz". - David Cole in Auschwitz 1992 - Uploaded by Freiheit
          Watch the highly researched videos in Holocaust Denial Videos
          Last edited by bugler; 11-15-2010, 08:32 PM.


          • Hi Rick/ALL

            Whether ethnic groups or Bilderberg groups, the METHOD remains the same, with out a corporation charter preventing a conflict of interest, the same thing is going to continue to go on, look at this recent case of plastic just like the EV1 case..ruling class can o it at the stroke of a pen...

            How D.C. Beat the Plastic Bag Lobby | OnEarth Magazine
            Plastic manufacturers have spent millions to kill bag bans and fees across the country. In Washington, local savvy and social media won the day.

            This summer, California looked ready to outlaw the plastic bag. A bill passed the state House, and Gov. Schwarzenegger supported it. Then the lobbyists showed up. The American Chemistry Council, which represents oil companies and plastic manufacturers, spent millions on automated phone calls to voters, contributions to state Senate campaigns, and television ads that mocked lawmakers for caring more about plastic bags than the state’s budget crisis.

            They dont mention that HEMP is the only renewable replacement for plastic, check out a documentary called "tapped" 2010 if you want to know the sad reality of plastics, any one living in Texas is getting sick from their factory, plus small fish have plastic in them now.

            We need a corporation charter, hemp can smoke plastic. Look at the ruling class method here, same old story same method. Nothing policing a conflict of interest, no informed consent.



            • Originally posted by bugler View Post
              To what ethnic group do the presidents of Uk, France, US, ... belong? Yes.

              I clearly know what I am talking about.
              Are you implying that the Presidents of the United States have all been Jewish, or that most have been Jewish, or that some have been Jewish?
              If so, I believe that is a false assumption since none of our US Presidents have been Jewish.
              "Seek wisdom by keeping an open mind to alternative realities, questioning authority, and searching for truth. Only then, when you see or hear something that has 'the ring of truth' to it, will it be as if a veil has been lifted, and suddenly you will begin to hear and see far more clearly than ever before." - Rickoff


              • Please read this article before reading the rest of the message: JB CAMPBELL: DEFENSE AGAINST ZIONIST AGGRESSION : Veterans Today

                Originally posted by rickoff View Post
                none of our US Presidents have been Jewish.
                Let's start with Eisenhower. Why do you think that in his yearbook it says "The terrible swedish jew"?

                By the way you can read in this link about the death camps he made AFTER the war: General Dwight Eisenhower

                But anyway this is not the main issue. The main issue is the jewish question.

                If you are so kind to read the controversy of Zion
                you will have a new perspective about it.

                Our World is a set of scams. One of the biggest one is the federal reserve scam and the fractional bank system and everybody knows who is behind those scams.

                You might find very interesting this video: Understanding Anti-Semitism: Why Do Some People Dislike Jews

                We need the truth not a easy one to swallow. That is why they have brainwashed us with a holocaust movie every 10 days so the truth is so so disgusting that most people can even hear about it. But it all makes sense. You would do the same if you owned hollywood and the media. Search internet to see who owns the media and hollywood. Yes those people.

                In short time it will be a crime to criticize the jews: NPN Email Alert. What does this tell you?
                Last edited by bugler; 11-16-2010, 03:22 PM.


                • Irony

                  Ash, Rick.
                  Setting aside the rascism aspect, I imagine what your responce might be to Buglers posts; a mental if not literal rolling of the eyes, "Jews taking over the world, not that old chestnut!",...."Heard that, researched and dismissed it a looooong time ago."
                  And yet, Bugler is very sure of his beliefs, and will site references to back up his beliefs.
                  And thats exactly the situation I am in, with you; "911 was a Gov't. conspiracy, Obama's not a U.S. citisen, There is an American "Ruling Class" behind everything!" And I roll my eyes,...."Not those old Chestnuts! Heard before, researched and discounted them a while back."
                  And yet, you are very sure in your beliefs, and will site references to back up those beliefs.
                  I think you will find any attempts to expose the fallacy and falsehoods underpinning Buglers beliefs, as you have ably done so far, will only be met with resistance and more falsehoods offered as "evidence".
                  And, I suspect that were I to attempt to go point by point with you on the "911 Gov't. conspiracy" evidence, we might end up in a similar kind of closed loop.
                  Behavioral economists have done many experiments confirming that we are primarily EMOTIONAL creatures. Our major decisions are NOT based on logic and enlightened self interest; they are based on feelings; want, fear, anger, etc. Once our decision is made, we then seek logical explanations to rationalise what is basically an irrational (emotional) decision.
                  Just as this applies to market decisions, (what to buy/sell, and when) it applies to belief decisions; what is our world view.
                  Ultimately, Bugler believes the Jews are involved in a mass conspiracy to dominate the world, and enslave ot kill everyone else, because thats what he WANTS to believe. All of the material he's referencing is not what convinced him of the validity of this belief; he never would have read it in the first place if he wasn't already WANTING to believe.
                  And if this registers, now turn the mirror around, and apply it to yourselves, and me. Ultimately you believe in the American Ruling Class because you WANT to; it meets some emotional need. And you will seek out material and others who share your belief to rationalise and support your belief.
                  You will site chapter and verse the research and observations you have accumulated which you BELIEVE you have objectively evaluated, and which support your contentions, in argueing with those who don't share your beliefs.
                  And aslas, so will I. We are all 'wired' to operate this way. It is part of our human natures.And it is our human natures, which enabled us to climb to the top of the hierarchy of species on the planet, which will ultimately be our undoing.And that is why I believe, (no doubt because I WANT to believe) that any little conspiracies to "rule the world" and "keep the masses in the dark", should they exist, are simply irrelevent.Might as well fasten your seat belt, and get ready for 1 heck of a ride! Remember the song "In the Year 2525"? Wasn't there a line "If Jesus is gonna come, he ought to be here by then" well, if you are a believer, I'd say He's due anytime! Jim


                  • Originally posted by dutchdivco View Post
                    Behavioral economists have done many experiments confirming that we are primarily EMOTIONAL creatures. Our major decisions are NOT based on logic and enlightened self interest;
                    I think this is your case not mine.

                    I reseach the topics not just reject them based on emotions as you seem to do.

                    Needless to say you didn't read any of the documentation I posted. Ask yourself why. Have you researched the topic? Probably no but your emotions are taking over your rational mind.

                    I guess you are a disinformation agent but anyway, the only way to prove me wrong is to attack the arguent not the messenger. Watch the information and then explain what points you think are not correct. But that is a tough challenge as I certainly know what I am talking about and have read plenty of books, articles and watch many movies. What have you read about it?

                    People have no doubt that this forum is being monitored by the criminal network to see what we learn about energy and the rest of secrets they don't want us to know nothing about. There is growing awareness of the jewish criminal network.
                    Those who say that blaming the jews is a automatic response are either wrong or lying. Protecting the jews is the automatic response as you can see in this thread. I brought plenty of documentation and people started attacking without providing anytihng of value to read against what I am saying. Please watch the information that I have posted and decide for yourself.

                    Right now anyone protecting the official version can't be considered intelligent and informed. The information out there is so overwhelming that nobody can pretend that the official version is true. Just watch the video "911 mysteries" and then watch the video 9/11 Missing Links to know who did it.
                    Last edited by bugler; 11-17-2010, 08:09 AM.


                    • Thanks, Bugler

                      I rest my case.


                      • correct link
                        9/11 Missing Links


                        • Epiphany!!!

                          I woke up and sat up in the middle of the night with an epiphany! OMG!!!!!
                          Its all so clear now!! All this talk about Obama being a Muslim is just a smoke-screen!! Likewise the stuff about his administration not working well with Isreal's Gov't. He's not a Muslim,..... He's a JEW!!!
                          And of coarse, so are the Bush's! G.W. Bush actually did everything he could to make sure Obama won, although wouldn't have mattered much, since McCains a jew, too.And of coarse, so was Reagan, since he got the senior Bush in as V.P. A former head of the CIA, which, of coarse is really a part of the Mossad.
                          O.k, o.k., if I stick my toungue any farther in my cheek, I'm gonna have to go to the E.R., sorry I couldn't resist! Jim


                          • Originally posted by dutchdivco View Post
                            I think you will find any attempts to expose the fallacy and falsehoods underpinning Buglers beliefs, as you have ably done so far, will only be met with resistance and more falsehoods offered as "evidence".
                            And, I suspect that were I to attempt to go point by point with you on the "911 Gov't. conspiracy" evidence, we might end up in a similar kind of closed loop.
                            Don't get me wrong when it comes to bugler's messages. My main disagreement is only in that I do not believe it fair to lump all Jewish people together as being undesirables, and that may or may not have been his intention. Hopefully he will clarify that. As I said earlier, there are good and bad people in all ethnic groups, and I don't believe that the Jewish are an exception. Bernie Madoff is Jewish, but his Ponzi scheme preyed mostly on other unsuspecting Jews, many of whom lost their entire wealth to his shenanigans. I do, however, agree that there certainly does appear to be a disproportionately large number of Jewish persons who sit in key high level positions not only in our government, but also in the Federal Reserve, Council on Foreign Relations, Trilateral Commission, and Bilderberg Group. I am also familiar with many of the highly suspicious ties that have linked numerous Jewish persons to the events of 911. Many of these people appear to have been working in concert, in an organized effort to bring about, and profit from, the 911 events, and the fact that they were in key positions necessary to ensure the outcome does lend strong credibility to their complicity. Still, I see this as a highly organized effort by a group of Ruling Class elitist Jews, rather than as a Jewish conspiracy to be blamed upon all the Jewish people. If bugler agrees with that assessment then I have no dispute with him. I have nothing at all against naming the names or origins of those who make up the Ruling Class elites, and spilling the beans on what they have done to our country, and to the rest of the world.

                            You claim to have researched the Obama eligibility, 911 conspiracy, and Ruling Class issues, and appear to believe that if you and I debated these issues that it would result in stalemate since each of us will continue to believe only what we want to believe, which is simply an opinion that we have already long since formed. While I'll admit that my perceptions on these matters are already well established, I will keep an open mind to any evidence you can present to contradict whatever I have presented in this thread. If you are up to it, let's start with the Obama eligibility question. I take it that you have read my posts concerning that issue, and welcome whatever challenge you can offer in the spirit of friendly debate. If you score a point, I'll be quick to acknowledge it, and I'll expect the same from you if I show something that is undeniable.

                            Last edited by rickoff; 11-18-2010, 04:05 PM. Reason: sp
                            "Seek wisdom by keeping an open mind to alternative realities, questioning authority, and searching for truth. Only then, when you see or hear something that has 'the ring of truth' to it, will it be as if a veil has been lifted, and suddenly you will begin to hear and see far more clearly than ever before." - Rickoff


                            • Originally posted by bugler View Post
                              Let's start with Eisenhower. Why do you think that in his yearbook it says "The terrible swedish jew"?
                              On that I have no certainty. First of all it makes no sense, since his ancestry is German, English, and Swiss - not Swedish. It would seem apparent that some student on the West Point yearbook staff thought that it would be funny to include this misnomer of a nickname, and that it was placed there in jest. Many yearbook entries are made in that manner, and not all yearbooks are proofread well enough by school authorities. It's entirely likely that Ike was dubbed this nickname by someone whom he refused to lend money to. In any case, its inclusion in the yearbook does not constitute evidence that Ike was Jewish.

                              I'm not going to make excuses for anything that Ike may have done during his life. I was a schoolboy when Ike was president, and I remember him lying about the U2 spy plane that was downed over Russia. All of America believed him when he denied that we were conducting spy flights. Evidently he assumed that the plane was blasted to smithereens and that the Russians had no presentable evidence. He sure had egg on his face when the Russians showed footage of the pilot and the aircraft intact. I was very disappointed when I learned that was a lie. Up until that time I assumed that Ike was an entirely honorable man. After all, my parents voted for him and I remember quite well the "I Like Ike" pin-on campaign buttons that so many people proudly wore. I would agree that Eisenhower was at least responsible for oversight of the German prisoner of war camps, that the conditions in those camps were deplorable, and that although these prisoners were not herded into gas chambers, they otherwise were not treated much better than the Jewish were treated by their German captors. Some would call that a deserved payback, but I would disagree. The vast majority of men in the German military neither participated in the operation of the concentration camps, nor knew anything of the atrocities committed there.

                              I will look at some of the items that you suggest as time allows, although it may take awhile since I am very busy lately. In the meantime, I would ask that you read my last post, which was a response to dutchdivco, and that you respond to what I say therein.

                              Last edited by rickoff; 11-18-2010, 04:08 PM. Reason: sp
                              "Seek wisdom by keeping an open mind to alternative realities, questioning authority, and searching for truth. Only then, when you see or hear something that has 'the ring of truth' to it, will it be as if a veil has been lifted, and suddenly you will begin to hear and see far more clearly than ever before." - Rickoff


                              • More federal criminal acts

                                Michael Chertoff ordered the full body x-ray scanners
                                *before* the so-called "underwear bomber" scare.

                                Now he personally profits from selling them to the
                                Department of Homeland Security he used to head.

                                Can the corruption and fraud be any more obvious?

                                Meanwhile, the news media reports that most people
                                are "happy" with the new procedures, an obvious lie.

                                Share this video. Inform your friends and family.
                                Stop flying and let the people responsible know


                                Investigate Michael Chertoff<br>for fraud and corruption
                                Aaron Murakami

                                Books & Videos
                                RPX & MWO

