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The American Ruling Class

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  • Regarding Obama's natural born citizen see this video: "natural born citizen
    His real name is Barry Soetoro.

    Everything points that the US has an ilegal president.

    When the issue first came up someone from this team published a fake brith certificate. Someone studied the image and saw right away that it was fake. I have experience working with images and it was clear that the certificate was a forgery done by someone without skills. This is not the website where I read about but I can't find it now: ATLAS EXCLUSIVE: FINAL REPORT ON OBAMA BIRTH CERTIFICATE FORGERY CHANGE YOU CAN BELIEVE IN - Atlas Shrugs

    Over 40 times the birth certifcate issue has been taken to court. See this video about one of those cases: YouTube - CIA, Obama, Columbia , Trial: Verdict
    One ex-candidate took it to court. I wonder why the media doesn't mention this.

    Obama has spent over a $million selaing his documents. How suspicious is that?

    His curriculum is a complete fabrication. He didn't study in the university he claims (columbia I think). Researchers interviewed over 400 people and read thousands of documents and there was no trace of Obama. The Mystery of Barack Obama Continues | Western

    I read that the social security number he uses belongs to a 120 y.o. guy.

    It seems that he works for the CIA (like Bush Senior).

    The system is corrupted beyond repair with a high proportion of dual citizens american-israelis in the government whose loyalty we all know where lays.
    Last edited by bugler; 11-20-2010, 09:43 PM.


    • Originally posted by rickoff View Post
      I'm glad that you clarified this for us, and I thank you. No, you didn't actually state that all Jewish people are worthless parasites that deserve to be despised and/or eliminated, but you did cite Eustace Mullins, who was a virulent anti-semite who did have that belief, and who said, "Naziism is simply this — a proposal that the German people rid themselves of the parasitic Jews." It is quite clear that Mullins believed that all Jewish people - men, women, and children alike - regardless of how innocent any might be, deserved whatever treatment they received from the Nazis, and that the Nazis were therefore justified in their anti-Jewish agenda. When you cite sources such as Mullins, it causes others to wonder if you think the same way, so I am glad you have cleared this up.

      By the way, I have now taken time to explore some of your other cited references, and so far have no problems with them. As long as an alternative viewpoint is based upon factual evidence, and does not seek to villify an entire ethnic group of people, I am not against stating that viewpoint.

      You express a highly charged and emotional
      opinion of Eustace Mullins and his purported
      views regarding the "Jewish Question."

      This question must be asked: Did you know
      Mr. Mullins personally?

      Are you parroting opinions expressed by others
      without first ascertaining that they are in fact

      How are you to know and understand what was
      meant by the quoted statement above without
      first hand acquaintance with the author or others
      who actually knew him?

      It is so easy to distort "truth" when emotions surge.

      Many have walked away from Judaism after having
      come to realize what it truly is. Many have come
      to cease thinking of themselves as "Jews" or "jewish"
      because of the foolishness associated with the
      Zionist Agenda. Do not assume that the "Jews" are
      a happy family of "do-gooders." That is not Truth.

      Who is "vilifying" whom?


      • Originally posted by bugler View Post
        Regarding Obama's natural born citizen see this video: "natural born citizen
        His real name is Barry Soetoro.

        Everything points that the US has an illegal president.
        If the Original Jurisdiction United States government
        (The Republic) was still in place in accordance with
        the Constitution, then that would be true.

        But, since the Corporation U.S. Government has replaced
        The Republic, the "rules" have changed.

        The "Constitution" used by the Corporation U.S., while
        similar to the Constitution of the Republic, is significantly
        different as a result of numerous "amendments."

        The Corporation U.S. President Barack Obama is not
        illegal, but is in fact "Constitutional." This has been affirmed
        by Court determination.

        What has not been made is "full disclosure" of the facts
        behind the determination.

        The United States of America is no longer what it was
        pre-1935 or earlier. It has been transformed.

        It has been "Changed."


        • "Naziism is simply this — a proposal that the German people rid themselves of the parasitic Jews." - Eustace Mullins
          Originally posted by SeaMonkey View Post
          How are you to know and understand what was
          meant by the quoted statement above without
          first hand acquaintance with the author or others
          who actually knew him?
          The quoted statement by Mullins, from his book The Biological Jew leaves little else to be imagined other than what it actually says. It is not difficult to understand, and is certainly not open to some other meaning. And others of Mullins' mindset also referred to all Jews as parasites, including Adolph Hitler,who said, "He [the Jew] is and remains an eternal parasite who keeps spreading like a horrible bacillus as soon as a favorable culture medium beckons. The effect of his existence is also like that of parasites; wherever he appears, the host nation sooner or later dies."

          Need I say more?
          "Seek wisdom by keeping an open mind to alternative realities, questioning authority, and searching for truth. Only then, when you see or hear something that has 'the ring of truth' to it, will it be as if a veil has been lifted, and suddenly you will begin to hear and see far more clearly than ever before." - Rickoff


          • airport security pedophiles

            The TSA is out of control

            Watch the whole video.

            Americans need to boycott all the airlines as much as possible and
            force them into bankruptcy until they retaliate against the criminal
            homeland security, tsa and the other federal crooks and use their
            influence to help change the mass stupidity. There is no real threat
            that they claim and it is to profit from a security structure and to
            keep people in the bogeyman is going to get you box. Yes, there is
            some threat on the occasional legitimate terrorist, but when common
            sense is completely abolished to the point that it is practically illegal to think,
            something has to change!

            Molesting little children at the airport should be met with
            irreversible consequences. That is beyond the straw that breaks
            the camel's back.
            Aaron Murakami

            Books & Videos
            RPX & MWO


            • Originally posted by Aaron View Post
              Molesting little children at the airport should be met with
              irreversible consequences. That is beyond the straw that breaks
              the camel's back.
              Yes, that's totally absurd. I also heard a story today about a woman who was a cancer survivor and wore a prosthetic device after having a breast removed. A TSA employee who groped her asked what it was, and then told the woman to remove it. This goes way beyond propriety. While a terrorist certainly could hide an explosive pack in a prosthesis, or within a child's clothing, surely a more efficient place to hide an explosive device would be in luggage, or boxes of mail, that are carried in the cargo hold, and which go through a lot less scrutiny than passengers receive. The TSA's position, and Obama's statement yesterday that it is justified, is pure hogwash. What's more, I don't think anyone is buying it. It's definitely time to revolt against a revolting situation. I think that instead of not planning to fly, everyone should show up and simply refuse full body scans and gropes like John Tyner did. If everyone did that I think this would all end very quickly.

              Last edited by rickoff; 11-21-2010, 05:42 AM.
              "Seek wisdom by keeping an open mind to alternative realities, questioning authority, and searching for truth. Only then, when you see or hear something that has 'the ring of truth' to it, will it be as if a veil has been lifted, and suddenly you will begin to hear and see far more clearly than ever before." - Rickoff


              • Originally posted by SeaMonkey View Post
                The Corporation U.S. President Barack Obama is not illegal, but is in fact "Constitutional." This has been affirmed
                by Court determination.
                Oh really? What court determined that Barry was Constitutionally eligible to serve as POTUS?
                "Seek wisdom by keeping an open mind to alternative realities, questioning authority, and searching for truth. Only then, when you see or hear something that has 'the ring of truth' to it, will it be as if a veil has been lifted, and suddenly you will begin to hear and see far more clearly than ever before." - Rickoff


                • Truth is ugly (by manipulation)

                  Originally posted by rickoff View Post
                  The quoted statement by Mullins, from his book The Biological Jew leaves little else to be imagined other than what it actually says. It is not difficult to understand, and is certainly not open to some other meaning. And others of Mullins' mindset also referred to all Jews as parasites, including Adolph Hitler,who said, "He [the Jew] is and remains an eternal parasite who keeps spreading like a horrible bacillus as soon as a favorable culture medium beckons. The effect of his existence is also like that of parasites; wherever he appears, the host nation sooner or later dies."

                  Need I say more?
                  At the same time I don't think all jews are part of the jewish criminal network behind international terrorism, financial and banking system scam, corporate greed, etc, I think a great majority protect it with their slience or their direct support.

                  I read the Eustace Mullins book and I really think that many jews are parasites and living out of you and me.

                  It has been proved by dna analysis of Hitler's relatives that he was a jew. Most of the nazi elite were jews and in the nazi army there were 150.000 jews. WWI served to steal Palestine from Turks and WWII served to create Isreal. It was all a plan whether you find it repuslive (which it is) or not.
                  If you are brave enough to look into the holocaust issue take a look at: - David Cole in Auschwitz 1992 - Uploaded by Freiheit and Holocaust Videos
                  Most people can't handle the truth. Truth is ugly but essential. Nice lies don't serve us any purpose.

                  Regarding 911 I just saw another video relating Isreal with 911. Have you read about the 5 dancing Israelis who were celebrating the towers demolition and then in Israel said they were there to document the event? YouTube - Friends of Israel — Enemies Inside the Gates


                  • Thanks, pearl.

                    O.k., tried it and it worked. Thanks for showing me something most 10 year olds probably know. Once I got it to work, was unconfident of how to proceed, so I have fallen back to what i'm used to.
                    Regarding the quote, really didn't mean to make a big deal of it.
                    I noticed you had written "There are none so blind, as those that cannot see."
                    I was pretty sure the quote was "There are none so blind as those who will not see." So, I googled it, and only then saw wikipedia stating the original source was Biblical.Which I copied, without checking.

                    On the issue of OBAMA, several concessions; I am not going to open a window to get my exact words, but I said something like "I know all about the 911 is a gov't conspiracy, Obamas not a U.s citisen etc. and",.. I don't know "its all hogwash" or "I'm not convinced" or whatever.

                    Your thread links both conspiracy theories, which is interesting, as mainstream thinking seems to feel that Obamas citisenship ? is a "right wing" issue, whereas 911 Gov't (BUSH) conspiracy is a "left wing issue". First time I had seen them linked, which may be an indication of my naivete in this area.

                    Anyway, I actually had not reviewed the information (or "arguments") regarding Obamas citisenship.I now concede there is genuine reason to question exactly what his citisenship status is, and therefore the legality or technical legitimacy of his presidency.

                    There have been plenty of previous presidents, who, so far as I know, no one has questioned their citisenship, and who have made decisions or policies which i feel were not in the best interests of the country. If Obama was white, and his citisenship was unquestioned, and everything else about his presidency were the same, I suspect his approvel rating would be the same, and I know I would feel the same about him. (Or her, for that matter).That is, I don't like what he's done, at all. But its not because of his race, or his citisenship, its because of his Policies.

                    I feel like Politicians are in a different category, and Race, Gender, etc. are irrelevent. Some women feel a woman would make a better president, Blacks certainly were happy when Obama was elected, if an Hispanic is elected they'll be happy, at least initially.It really doesn't seem to make a difference; they are all Politicians.You have high hopes for the tea partiers elected to Congress. I am hopeful, but not overly optimistic, that they can resist the corruptive influence of "The Swamp".

                    When I made that statement that I am now trying to eat, (actually, enough salsa on it, its not too bad ;-) ) it was actually more about the 911 conspiracy. About a year ago, a friend of mine was really into this, and every time we visited, he would harp about it, and repeat things he had heard on the radio, and read on the I-net.First 4 or 5 times, I listened, really listened, and thought about what he was repeating. Admittedly, I didn't go online and research it myself. Eventually, we had a several hour impromtu debate. This was what I was thinking of, and it obviously doesn't qualify as having thoroughly researched the subject.Conceded.

                    Perhaps you can answer some questions my friend was unable to answer, regarding 911. Were the planes which flew into the towers real airliners with real passengers, or were they Gov't. planes painted to look like airliners?
                    This is the crux of the matter, for me.

                    All the stuff about German Banks, connections between the Bush's and Bin Laden are a lot for me to wrap my head around, if I can't get the basic mechanics of the 'crux'.

                    I went over, with my friend, about how the towers coming down looks just like a building being demolished, "You can even see the squibs going off!" and provided him with an alternative explanation he couldn't refute, and more importantly, that works for me.

                    So, just as you've enlightened me about Obama's citisenship, can you enlighten me on this 'crux' issue? Thanks in advance, Jim


                    • Regarding TSA

                      On this TSA thing, as a kind of amateur or sofa cushion Lawyer, I see an intriguing legal case. Which I'll get to in a moment. Regarding the "Don't touch my junk" Lad, they can, (emphasis can) charge him under a TSA regulation that prohibits Entering the secure area, and then, rather than boarding the plane, going back into the less secure area of the airport.Presumably they see this as a security risk, as someone could get something on the plane, without actually flying on it, i don't know. Anyway, recall several incidents when they shut down a whole airport, and re-screened everyone, cause someone did this? Whether thats constitutional Charging the Lad) would obviously be up to the courts. Actually that might be an interesting court case, as well.What happens when someone has a heart attack, just after going through the security check? Surely they don't make them board the plane, and get medical care at their destination? What about someone who's trying to overcome their fear of flying, gets throught the security check, and then has a panic attack, starts freaking out, etc. Are they gonna make them get on the plane, against their will? Oftentimes, beurocracies make rules based on whats easiest for the beurocracy, and insist "its the rules", or "its the law"
                      I recall years ago, the local Food Stamps office had a rule; First 50 people in the door got served, sorry, no exceptions thats it. They had calculated they could process 50 people, and still go home at 5 o'clock. Then, a young couple and their children were found dead, in a van, in the parking lot at the Food Stamps office.They had camped there overnight, in order to get in. It was cold, so they used a charcoal hibatchi as a heater. It was in all the papers, and suddenly they changed their policy; we will except all the paperwork from anyone who comes in. We may have to have you come back for an interview, but we'll except the paperwork. No more need to camp out."Clients" had been complaining about the old policy for years, to deaf ears.None so Deaf, as those that will not hear, huh?
                      Regarding the groping, I suspect the State would probably try to make comparisons to the medical profession.Dr.'s do all sorts of things to their patients that in any other situation, would be assault or worse.Gynecological exams, Prostate exams. What about surgery? Knock you out and cut you open? But of coarse, its consensual, even if it is somewhat coerced. i.e. well, if you want me to treat your illness, you have to submit to this.
                      So, they could argue "If you want to fly, you have to consent to this." This situation of having total strangers grope you in the most personal of ways has pretty much been exclusive to Dr.'s until now. Except for prisoners, who lose their right to privacy.
                      Anyway, if they are actually examining small children as thoroughly as described, Can a parent consent to their child being molested? Obviously not.
                      The state would argue that a parent can consent to having their child examined by a pediatrician, but I'm not sure that would hold water. I don't think it will go to court. I really think the beauracracy overstepped this time, and underestimated the public responce, they will have to back down, as I don't think the public responce is going to do anything but grow. Personally, I've never flown, and doubt I will. Gotten through the first 55 years without, figure i can go another 55 years without!


                      • Originally posted by rickoff View Post
                        The quoted statement by Mullins, from his book The Biological Jew leaves little else to be imagined other than what it actually says. It is not difficult to understand, and is certainly not open to some other meaning. And others of Mullins' mindset also referred to all Jews as parasites, including Adolph Hitler,who said, "He [the Jew] is and remains an eternal parasite who keeps spreading like a horrible bacillus as soon as a favorable culture medium beckons. The effect of his existence is also like that of parasites; wherever he appears, the host nation sooner or later dies."

                        Need I say more?
                        Is there any untruth in the quotations you've provided
                        regarding the "parasitic" nature of the Zionist Agenda?

                        Several "Jewish" authors have themselves documented
                        this historic phenomenon; a technique of infiltration and
                        corruption to attain control (wealth and power) which goes
                        back to the Babylonian Experience.

                        Who has engineered the downfall of the United States?

                        Who engineered the downfall of Rome?

                        Are there any notable similarities in the two cases?

                        There are many more examples...


                        • Originally posted by rickoff View Post
                          Oh really? What court determined that Barry was Constitutionally eligible to serve as POTUS?
                          Study the cases which have arisen in the past
                          several years and their mysterious outcomes.

                          The "Courts" render determinations both inside
                          the court by "hearing" and outside the court by
                          "rejection to hear."

                          Cases deemed to be "frivolous" are easily disposed
                          of early on.



                          • Who are the owners of the federal reserve?

                            " So we decided to open ourselves a little bit more to the Israeli public, so we can be better known, if only because my great-grandfather started the country. YouTube - Hitler - Founder of Israel
                   Adolf Hitler - Founder of Israel: Israel in War With Jews (9780965752305): Hennecke Kardel: Books
                            We would not want people to forget that."

                            "My grandfather went to Russia and decided to sell all his holdings there. It was sheer luck that the family did not lose money in the wake of the Russian (takeover - 8000 foreigners & russian criminal element ) Revolution . "
                            Family values - Haaretz Daily Newspaper | Israel News



                            • Originally posted by SeaMonkey View Post
                              Study the cases which have arisen in the past
                              several years and their mysterious outcomes.

                              The "Courts" render determinations both inside
                              the court by "hearing" and outside the court by
                              "rejection to hear."

                              Cases deemed to be "frivolous" are easily disposed
                              of early on.

                              I have studied the Obama eligibility question in depth, and have kept up with the many court cases. In none of them was there a decision upholding Obamas eligibility to serve as POTUS, and never has proof of Obama's eligibility been validated by any lawful evidence. So far, all cases were either dismissed simply as being frivolous (one judge had the gall to say that the question had already been vetted on the Internet), or dismissed on the grounds that those who brought the cases had insufficient legal "standing" to do so.

                              The Supreme Court has long held that "standing" is a status conferred only on those who have suffered a direct, concrete injury, and that an ideological objection to a government action, no matter how strongly felt, is insufficient for standing. To my reasoning, any person who voted in the 2008 Presidential election suffered a direct and concrete injury. Since the inclusion of Obama's name on both the primary ballots and final ballots was allowed without proper vetting to determine whether or not he was Constitutionally eligible to run for or serve as POTUS, everyone who did vote for Obama suffered the injury of having voted for a bogus candidate. And all who voted against Obama suffered the injury of their vote being nullified due to an ineligible candidate.

                              Some of the cases are still pending on appeals, but none have as yet been accepted for hearing by the Supreme Court. I believe that the Terry Lakin courmartial case, due to proceed to the final stages in December, is perhaps the most likely case to be finally overturned by the Supreme Court. Lakin's case is based upon the fact that he swore an oath to uphold and defend the Constitution, and to obey only lawful orders. He contests that his order to deploy to Afganistan somes from a chain of command that is broken, and therefore illegal, if Obama is not Constitutionally eligible to serve as POTUS and Commander in Chief (CIC). When reporting for a duty assignment, Lakin has to show his long form birth certificate, so he rightly reasons that the CIC should also be willing to, and compelled to, show his long form birth certificate.
                              "Seek wisdom by keeping an open mind to alternative realities, questioning authority, and searching for truth. Only then, when you see or hear something that has 'the ring of truth' to it, will it be as if a veil has been lifted, and suddenly you will begin to hear and see far more clearly than ever before." - Rickoff


                              • Why is no one talking about the farm bill? It is another 1000 page monstrosity that has the potential to be bad news.

