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The American Ruling Class

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  • Originally posted by nenergy View Post
    Hey Rick & All,
    Our generation is a Very Interesting time.

    Many recent events are important indicators of what is to come, I alone can not put the puzzle together.
    What pieces of the puzzle do you think you already have figured out?
    "Seek wisdom by keeping an open mind to alternative realities, questioning authority, and searching for truth. Only then, when you see or hear something that has 'the ring of truth' to it, will it be as if a veil has been lifted, and suddenly you will begin to hear and see far more clearly than ever before." - Rickoff


    • Originally posted by dutchdivco View Post
      "Why can't you view video?
      What video are you talkingn about?

      Have you seen the video in 9/11 Missing Links



      • I just read this depressing article on how the US is deteriorating into a 3rd World country.

        24 Signs That All Of America Is Becoming Just Like Detroit – A Rotting, Post-Industrial, Post-Apocalyptic Wasteland

        This is the result of sheeple's apathy towards the truth and doing something to destroy the criminal elite ruling the planet.

        It seems too late now for us to improve things.


        • Originally posted by bugler View Post
          What video are you [dutchdivco] talkingn about [in post #1111]?

          Have you seen the video in 9/11 Missing Links

          In post #1111, dutchdivco (Jim) was talking about the video I pointed him to, regarding flight 175 still flying an hour and 22 minutes after supposedly slamming into the WTC2 tower. Jim has a slow and intermittent Internet connection, and thus has trouble attempting to watch or download video. Therefore, he has been unable to watch any of the stunning 9/11 video evidence that has been offered to him. Hopefully he will get himself to a library, Internet cafe, or friend's home where he can watch these, as they really are must-sees.

          "Seek wisdom by keeping an open mind to alternative realities, questioning authority, and searching for truth. Only then, when you see or hear something that has 'the ring of truth' to it, will it be as if a veil has been lifted, and suddenly you will begin to hear and see far more clearly than ever before." - Rickoff


          • thanks rickoff.

            I saw some months ago a long video studying the tv broadcast of the 2nd plane and it showed some strange things like something coming down the sky towards the point of impact,meaning that the 2nd plane could be a fx effect.

            In one of the tv channels it could be seen the tip of the 2nd plane appearing at the other side of the building (which is impossible) and 0.28seconds later the image gets black and in an instant it showed the explosion.

            I am not saying that I believe the no plane theory. But after having watched the video once I dono't discard it as it is possible.
            Some days ago I wanted to find this video but I couldn't. I found new ones about it but much worse than the one I saw in the first place.

            The hoax could be even bigger than we thought.
            I was sure that only 2 planes crash on 911 but it could even be just the first one. The rest smoke and mirrors. But I need to see this video again to take a 2nd good loook.

            update: the no plane theory video could be this one but I am not sure: YouTube - WTC No Plane Theory (Part 1).
            Last edited by bugler; 12-09-2010, 08:02 PM.


            • Originally posted by dutchdivco View Post
              I gotta say, to those of you who are convinced it was, this dialogue Rick and I have been having. This is the way you are going to convince others. Not by calling people names, or deriding that they are veeerryy ssslllloooowwww.And certainly not by only continueing to talk to yourselves.
              Dont worry Dutchvico,
              you are not the only one, where it match.
              There are still tousands of them everywhere, but mainly it is,
              because they are busy, or did get busy with her own Life.
              Most Peoples focus more on things, what seems for them more importend,
              as things, what they almost cant change anyway.
              And before 10 Years, you could very less change, as Peoples been not connected through the Web.
              All the News you get was from the Newspapers and from your Neighour.
              And all you could, and maybe still can do is to place your Cross at your ballot Paper,
              to -hope- things will change.
              In my case it was the Fact, that since i start working, i thought,
              anytime Things will go better, i do work, and actually developed my Skills,
              and my Job or elsewhere.
              But things did not go better, over 20 Years, Things did go only more and more worse.
              And then you actually start to think about, what does go wrong.
              And then i did start digging around.
              And as more i did dig, as more Dirt comes out,
              about our Gouvernment Medieas and certain Societies, and how they rule us,
              and there is still no End in sight,
              There is nothing with a Free World for Free Peoples.
              They give you your little Liberty, to feel like you are free,
              but at the Crunchpoints they tie you very hard into the System.
              And the most from her Storys are covered from brainwashing Illusions
              from the Media.
              Sounds harsh, but you really get brainwashed in a very subconscious Manner, and believe it or not,
              they use all her psychological Tricks at Advertising and Managment,
              what do work over longer Term, to keep Peoples becalmed.
              One from the good Phrases i ve heared is Trow your TV,
              because all what you get there is only illusionary.
              Theorizer are like High Voltage. A lot hot Air with no Power behind but they are the dead of applied Work and Ideas.


              • Methods of Quote.
                There are 2 Possibilites.
                Either you click the Quote button below the Post,
                what you want to Quote, then you get a new Window with the quoted post.
                Delete at this new Window the Text what is wrapped between the Quote,
                just dont delete the Part at the beginning,
                where the Name is till the Bracket.
                Ie. [QUOTE=ME;00001]Delete here the Text, what you dont want till '{/Quote}

                2. You move your Pointer at the first Postion of the Text you want to Quote.
                Press left mousebutton and move your Pointer to the end of the Text.
                Release the Button, and the Text becomes Blue.
                richtclick on the blue Text and click Copy.
                Then click Reply below, locate at the Top over the Box this Textbox,
                where it says (at moving the mouse over the Sign) Wrap {Quote} tags around selected Text.
                (Sign No.15 from left at the lower Row).
                Then in your Answer box will be the part {Quote} {/Quote}
                Click between this both Parts,
                maybe insert some space signs or Return,
                and then rightclick between them in your Answer box,
                from the pop up menu pick
                past {Quote} -Here- {/Quote}

                I used curled instead squared Brackets for me Example
                to dont trigger the Scripts.
                Theorizer are like High Voltage. A lot hot Air with no Power behind but they are the dead of applied Work and Ideas.


                • Just a small tidbit but is the first time I heard this point. Seems like people are waking up more and more.
                  Smallville Actor John Schneider talks 911 & missing trade towers


                  • Originally posted by dutchdivco View Post
                    One of the problems I still have is with the NTSB reports. You use them to substantiate some of your evidence, and even seem to concede the video we discussed earlier could be phony, because it doesn't comport with the flight path as reported by NTSB. Presumably, a main source of information for these reports would be the flight data recorders.They may have supplemented that with info from the air traffic control radar.As you pointed out, even if the transponders were turned off, there would still be a "Blip". But, if it was a conspiracy, and the flights never crashed into the towers, the Pentagon, or the field, then WHAT flight data recorders?

                    Good questions, Jim! The only reason that I use NTSB data to back my arguments is because the NTSB data obviously refutes the government's “official” story on the 9/11 events. Therefore, if we believe the "official" version as stated in the 9/11 Commission report, then we would have to say that NTSB, a government agency, has either lied about their data or been fed false data by government agents who reportedly retrieved the "black box" flight data recorders. Sure, the actual data could be false, and never have come from any of the reported 9/11 flights. The data could be from other flights of smaller aircraft, or could even have been data from flight simulations. In the case of the Pentagon plane, there definitely was a large airliner that approached the Pentagon, and was seen by at least 13 very credible eyewitnesses as being on a flight path very close to what was reported by NTSB data. So in this case it is quite possible that the "recovered" flight data recorder may have been onboard that particular flight. Since the plane obviously did not crash into the Pentagon, however, this would mean that the flight data recorder was removed from the plane later and planted at the Pentagon. The only alternative would have been to pre-plant a flight data recorder having falsified, pre-arranged, simulated data.

                    So, the point in all of this is that no matter which scenario you would choose to believe actually occurred, it still points to key high level government involvement in planning, execution, and cover-up of the 9/11 events. There’s no getting around that.

                    Originally posted by dutchdivco View Post
                    While we're on the subject, were the air traffic controllers 'in on it', or were they duped, as well? If they weren't in on it, wouldn't they have got a radar signal from whatever it was that flew into the towers, and also got a signal from the actual planes, and wouldn't they be screaming "What they are telling you is not what really happened!"

                    That's also a good question, Jim. In my opinion, the controllers were not involved in the scam. The less people involved in a black-op, the better for the planners. All information in such an operation is compartmentalized, with only those persons with a need to know being directly involved. There was no need to include the air traffic controllers in the conspiracy. In fact, their confusion as to the events unfolding on 9/11 actually enhanced the operation. The air traffic controllers didn't know quite what to figure on 9/11, because they had never before been exposed to the dilemmas that they faced. There was much confusion caused by the transponder changes, and once a controller identified a flight as a possible or probable hijacking, the flight was then, in some cases, handed off to a different controller. For example, Pete Zalewski was the FAA controller originally handling AA flight 11 when its transponder was turned off. Zalewski immediately reported this to his flight control manager, Glen Michael, who later said, “We considered it at that time to be a possible hijacking.” [Christian Science Monitor, 9/13/2001; MSNBC, 9/15/2001; Associated Press, 8/12/2002]
                    • Zalewski said that the transponder signal was turned off at 8:20am.
                    • The 9/11 Commission said it was 8:21am.
                    • Colonel Robert Marr, head of the Northeast Air Defense Sector (NEADS), claims the transponder was turned off some time after 8:30 a.m.
                    Controller Dave Bottiglia, who was already handling flight 175, is handed flight 11, and is busy trying to locate flight 11 when flight 175’s transponder signal starts freaking out. What Dave didn’t know was that flight 11 was later reported to have crashed at 8:46, the same time as flight 175’s transponder glitches were first noted. Dave continued a search for flight 11 for 5 minutes before being told by someone else that it had reportedly crashed, and as reported by the FAA he did not notice flight 175’s transponder glitches until 8:51.

                    Besides the confusion noted above, the US military was conducting a massive air defense training exercise on 9/11 that included simulated hijackings. These simulated hijackings would have been played out by military aircraft, and fighter jets would have been dispatched to locate and intercept these planes. So, these planes would have obviously shown up, and did in fact show up, on both FAA and military installation radar screens. Further, NORAD actually programmed multiple false radar blips to appear on controller screens. These factors greatly amplified the confusion, of course, and neither FAA nor military controllers seemed to know whether a reported hijacking was real, or just part of the military’s planned training exercise. After all, the military flight controllers were part of the exercise and so had no idea which planes seen on their radar screens were bogus or real hijackings, so when calls came in from FAA they didn't know quite how to respond to them. Rather convenient for the conspirator planners of 9/11, wouldn’t you say? I remember hearing a recorded conversation in a 9/11 video [perhaps 9/11 Loose Change] in which someone [at a military air defense base] was asking for a high level decision on shooting down one of the “hijacked” planes. The caller says something to the effect of, “we’re going to need a decision on this [a shoot down] within the next 10 minutes.” The person responding at the other end says, (if I recall correctly) “ah, gee, I don’t know – everybody just left the room.” I don’t know if there is a short YouTube video of this available, but would appreciate someone providing the link to that if there is one.

                    Here's a video which explains why the apparent incompetence of NORAD in responding to reports of hijacked aircraft on 9/11 was anything but a matter of incompetence.

                    Here’s another video showing that NORAD actually conducted training exercises simulating hijacked airliners crashing into the WTC towers during the 2 years prior to 9/11, and that Pentagon crash scenarios were also practiced within the 5 month period leading up to 9/11. The video also shows that Dick Cheney was in charge of NORAD’s training exercises on 9/11/2001, and had issued an order preventing military commanders from following through with standard operating procedures concerning hijackings. Again, how convenient for the conspirators, whoever you want to believe they were.

                    Last edited by rickoff; 12-13-2010, 08:15 PM.
                    "Seek wisdom by keeping an open mind to alternative realities, questioning authority, and searching for truth. Only then, when you see or hear something that has 'the ring of truth' to it, will it be as if a veil has been lifted, and suddenly you will begin to hear and see far more clearly than ever before." - Rickoff


                    • Originally posted by bugler View Post
                      thanks rickoff.

                      I saw some months ago a long video studying the tv broadcast of the 2nd plane and it showed some strange things like something coming down the sky towards the point of impact,meaning that the 2nd plane could be a fx effect.

                      In one of the tv channels it could be seen the tip of the 2nd plane appearing at the other side of the building (which is impossible) and 0.28seconds later the image gets black and in an instant it showed the explosion.
                      Flight 175 nose-out video. The nose-out is seen at 1:15 elapsed time in the video and appears as the following still image:

                      This certainly does look like the nose image of a plane breaking through the outer wall of the WTC2 tower that is opposite of the side said to have been impacted, which is quite impossible unless it is a poorly edited video layering effect. That could explain the blanking of the video precisely after the frame shown above. Also, notice the large light colored rectangular area just to the right of the nose. While the shot is zoomed in, it was supposedly taken by a professional TV studio video camera, so you would expect much better resolution. The side of the south tower, at left, does not have any such problems.

                      The significance of this view is of course that if this does show the same nose as seen before impact, then of course the entire approach and impact sequence is phony. While this does not offer valid proof of anything, it is nonetheless something that raises a question that has never been satisfactorily answered, at least not to my knowledge.

                      I Just watched the video sequence again between 1:04 and 1:06, and noticed something very peculiar. Watch and stop the video directly after the announcer says "purposely." The elapsed time will read 1:06, but there are actually several frames shown in each second of time. Try to catch the nose as it has just emerged from the tower, and you will see it looks normally shaped and unscathed. Then try a very fast click-on and click-off to attempt to catch the next frame or so, and you will see that the nose gets flattened out! It runs up against a vertical sky barrier, in other words, and that barrier can easily be distinguished. It is half way between the two buildings, and the "sky" area between the buildings is slightly off color on the right side when compared to the left! This is typical of a photoshopped image being pasted alongside another image where there is a slight color mismatch that makes the paste-in quite obvious. The color mismatch in this sequence is very slight, but you can definitely see it, and it creates the vertical separation line. The sky color on the right side of the line almost appears to have a slight violet hue - especially below the nose - when compared to the lighter sky color at left. Try this out, and see if you can spot what I'm talking about. I don't have time this evening to download the video and do a frame-by frame analysis of this two second video sequence, but will surely get to it when I can. In the meantime, perhaps you or someone else here can beat me to it. I wish I had a better resolution video to examine. This was probably taped on a VHS recorder and digitized later. Let me know if anyone can find a cleaner version.

                      Here's the frame I'm talking about, showing the nose-flattening:

                      Notice that this is less zoomed in than the prior shot, so resolution is better. If you catch it just a nano second before this, the nose is not flattened out, and if you catch it a split second after, you see what is seen in the upper photo. In other words, a nose shadow appears to the left of the flattened out nose. Very interesting, huh?

                      Oops! Now I see that someone actually has done a frame-by-frame analysis of the kind that I suggested. You can see it here.

                      Last edited by rickoff; 12-10-2010, 03:25 AM.
                      "Seek wisdom by keeping an open mind to alternative realities, questioning authority, and searching for truth. Only then, when you see or hear something that has 'the ring of truth' to it, will it be as if a veil has been lifted, and suddenly you will begin to hear and see far more clearly than ever before." - Rickoff


                      • Guys not about 911 but relative
                        YouTube - Toronto G20 Exposed -FULL VERSION


                        • Originally posted by ashtweth View Post
                          Guys not about 911 but relative
                          YouTube - Toronto G20 Exposed -FULL VERSION
                          I got to watch this just before it was REMOVED, welcome to the new world order


                          • Originally posted by Moe R View Post
                            I got to watch this just before it was REMOVED, welcome to the new world order

                            I did look a short look into it also today, Now it is removed.
                            Wonder abot it, it must been a long time online,
                            because you can not upload anymore such long Videos.

                            Another Note to 9/11.
                            A Friend remind me lately again,
                            as they reported, that the 3rd Plane crashed,
                            a lot of Reporters been at the Airport,
                            to report the Familys from the Victims,
                            but there been none of them there,
                            what did make them really wonder.
                            Theorizer are like High Voltage. A lot hot Air with no Power behind but they are the dead of applied Work and Ideas.


                            • Hi Joit, do you mean that no one was waiting for the plane to land?

                              Interesting... back then there were always at least a dozen people waiting for loved ones or business associates to get off a plane, back BEFORE 9/11 when you were allowed to wait at the gate (now you are not allowed into the gate areas unless you have a ticket).


                              • jibbguy yes exactly.
                                Usual allways some do come, even when there was a accident,
                                to ask at the Ticket Box, what did really happen.
                                But there was noone, and the Reporters did leave again.
                                It was a short message at the News and not ever mentioned again.
                                I am just not sure which Flight he did mention,
                                the one at Shanksville or the Plane at the Pentagon.
                                But found another Page about Shanksville, what looks interesting.
                                T&A: Flight Crash Claim No Missile
                                Someone else mentioned, that Witness said, the Plane came at Shanksville
                                suddenly out from the Clouds, other says, there been No Clouds at this Day,
                                it was a clear Sky.
                                Theorizer are like High Voltage. A lot hot Air with no Power behind but they are the dead of applied Work and Ideas.

