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The American Ruling Class

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  • Originally posted by Moe R View Post
    I got to watch this just before it was REMOVED, welcome to the new world order
    MEGAUPLOAD - The leading online storage and file delivery service


    • Some interesting facts about the Bingham IPTC data.

      After doing some experimental photo edits, and IPTC edits, I have observed the following information concerning IPTC data:
      Simply editing a photo, as with Adobe Photoshop, has no effect upon any existing IPTC data embedded within the photo file. It should be noted that the IPTC "Date created" field on the Origin tab (please see post #1123) does not automatically update when new IPTC fields are added, or existing field data is edited. The date field only changes if the person currently entering or updating IPTC data manually alters the date data or clicks the "Today" button to display the current date. Normally, anyone who adds or edits IPTC data clicks the "Today" button as standard procedure. Even then, there is no actual change in the date unless this is followed up by clicking the "Write" button. Therefore, we cannot be absolutely certain of the date when the Caption info (the after death obituary-like info) was added, which means it is possible that this could have been added after 9/11. Still, we do know that either all or some of the IPTC data was entered or updated 12 days prior to 9/11, and this should insert a huge question mark in everyone's mind. The graduation photo was taken in 1993, so why the sudden interest in Mark Bingham on August 30, 2001? Are we supposed to believe that, sometime between August 30th and September 11th, AP was going to release a story about Mark Bingham graduating in 1993? Any sane and logical thinking person would have to say definitely not! The only reasonable conclusion we can make, therefore, is that the IPTC "Date created" data obviously points a finger at 9/11 foreknowledge that Mark Bingham would be reported as one of the "victims" of flight 93. Whoever entered the IPTC Caption data, and the "ATTACKS AIRLINE VICTIMS BINGHAM" data on the Origin tab, made a huge blunder by not changing the "Date created" field data to a post-9/11 date, such as 9/25/2001 for example. One thing I have noticed when looking at some other flight 93 "victim" photos is that the Caption data for each is nearly identical, except for the name of the individual. IPTC data can be added simultaneously to a group of photos in "batch mode," and it appears that this is what was done. After running the batch, someone would go into the individual photos and edit in the correct "victim" name and any specific info for that person. The "ATTACKS AIRLINE VICTIMS" data on the Origin tab would also need editing to append the name of each "victim." While the "Date created" field is directly below that, and while we would think that would stick out like a sore thumb to the person editing, it evidently did not, and the reason why may simply be that for this person the date was actually correct. Also, they were more concerned with appending the victim name. Many flight 93 "victim" photos do show a post 9/11 date, but even some of these are questionable. I have seen photos that have a date of 9/11/2001, and some others dated between 9/11 and 9/15, 2001. We must ask how reasonable is it to conclude that any of the "victms" names were actually known for certain within this date range. To my knowledge, the flight manifests were not released to media immediately. AP claimed that their list of names was not obtained from flight manifest info, but rather from information obtained from friends or relatives of the victims. It would take a considerable amount of time to interview those people when you wouldn't know where to start looking, don't you think? After all, how would AP know the names of the relatives if they didn't know the names of the victims? And here's something very intriguing concerning the flight 93 passenger manifest that was publicly released at some point. While this alphabetical list includes names of "hijackers," it does not include the name Mark Bingham before the "End Names" noted near bottom! Bingham is noted below that list, and a handwritten explanation "Checked in list" is seen. It is a separate list, where his is the only name. Could this mean that Bingham checked in at the airline, but never actually boarded the plane? Just one more question of many that come to mind.

      "Seek wisdom by keeping an open mind to alternative realities, questioning authority, and searching for truth. Only then, when you see or hear something that has 'the ring of truth' to it, will it be as if a veil has been lifted, and suddenly you will begin to hear and see far more clearly than ever before." - Rickoff


      • The people are waking. Cool Vid.

        Watch this Brave 15 year old Stand Against the New World Order! Are you?, page 1


        • Originally posted by Moe R View Post
          Good video, Moe. It is encouraging to see youth of the world waking up to the reality of what is going on. People tend to think of teenagers as being aware of little more than how to use cellphones and play video games, and being interested only in the latest gossip going around.

          As I have said before in this thread, it takes some kind of memorable and shocking event to cause people to wake up and realize that things are not the way we have been so thoroughly indoctrinated to believe they are. And only when that happens can people begin to see the truth in world events. It is like a veil before their eyes being lifted, and they will then become one of many who say, "we won't get fooled again."

          Unfortunately, though, many of my own generation, which was by all accounts perhaps the most protest oriented generation in modern times, ended up being fooled again by "official" stories of 9/11 and other matters. We need to wake up more and more people, and teenage rebellion can put a lot of emphasis on the message that needs to be heard. Teenagers have a somewhat rebellious nature in the first place, and while we don't enjoy that as parents of teenagers, we must conclude after watching this video, that having that rebellious nature can definitely be a good thing.

          "Seek wisdom by keeping an open mind to alternative realities, questioning authority, and searching for truth. Only then, when you see or hear something that has 'the ring of truth' to it, will it be as if a veil has been lifted, and suddenly you will begin to hear and see far more clearly than ever before." - Rickoff


          • Originally posted by nenergy View Post
            How do you see the planned event unfolding?.

            well, I have not been following the big corporate news outlet lately, you really can't get a clear view with all of the manipulations and propaganda contaminations.

            North Korea was provoked to attack the South in defense of herself from the military exercises that it says included the firing of artillery shells within the North’s territorial waters.

            It seems clear with the peninsula arms buildup and presence of the USS George Washington that we are preparing for a war. China has already made clear of it's North Korea pro stance, and Russia has already vowed to do the same.

            Israel has recently amassed huge stocks of arms and fuel and so has Iran. Pakistan and other Islam nations ties are now seems concrete.

            How do you see the Zionists, what influence do they have on the current events?.

            How will the War affect us here in the US, what do you make of John Bedini's recent quotes regarding our electricity supply.
            Being a person who was a teenager during the "Cold War" years, I understood that the "mutually assured destruction" policy of Russia and the United States made it highly unlikely that either nation would want to initiate atomic warfare. In those days, there were enough missiles aimed at points all over the globe to destroy civilization several times over. It was overkill to the max, you might say. Since then, missile stockpiles in the US and Russia have been largely decreased, at least as far as the now existing numbers of missiles are concerned. One has to remember, though, that many of the newer missiles have multiple warheads, and so one new missile can efficiently take the place of several older ones that have been decommissioned. And aside from that factor, several additional nations now have nuclear weapons which did not have them in the Cold War days. Therefore, the idea of massive population elimination resulting from an all-out nuclear war is a very real and serious threat, especially in times like these of growing worldwide tensions.

            Now with that being said, my own opinion is that all out nuclear warfare probably won't occur simply because it makes no sense at all, other than perhaps to a few rogue nations. Today there are weapons available (such as pulse weapon technology) that can accomplish the goal of instantly defeating an enemy, and killing many millions of people, without destroying infrastructure and natural resources. This is why I don't see all-out atomic warfare as being any part of the Ruling Class plan. Sure, they do have their hardened bunkers to escape to in such an eventuality, equipped with eupplies to last many months, but what would be the advantage to them of emerging from these bunkers many months later to a scene of bleak and utter desolation?

            As to how a war would affect us in the United States, it would be absolutely devastating should it occur. If pulse weapons were used against us, for example, pretty much everything as we know it would come to a screeching halt almost instantaneously. It is unlikely, in my opinion, that conventional warfare would be employed, as it would be too destructive. Furthermore, it is unlikely that foreign conventional troops would enter the United States as long as the people remain well armed. Of course the UN, and the Obama administration, are working diligently to manage that problem through a ban on personal firearms. If they get away with this then we would all be sitting ducks. Look at Mexico, for example, which does have a public firearms ban. Now only the police, government, and criminals have firearms, and look at all the violence occurring there as a result. They would surely want to disarm all Americans before attempting to herd them into FEMA camps and such.

            We see growing unrest among people of all nations. This was pointed out in a video titled Fourth World War which just recently aired on the Link TV network, with the term "Fourth World" used similarly to how we now use the term "Third World" to describe some countries. The term "Third World" is used mainly to point out severely underdeveloped nations, or nations which have few resources that can be developed and utilized to benefit their people. The "Fourth World" is more about people in all nations, resource rich or not, becoming more and more subjected to poverty and plight, and reaching a point where they either choose to knuckle under and perish, or stand up and fight just to exist. That is the critical point that is rapidly being reached by people all over the globe, and it definitely is not a situation that the Ruling Class can feel comfortable with. Therefore, I envision them as seeing a pressing need to eliminate such unrest as much as possible, and likely accomplishing this by eliminating the target population through unsavory stealth projects, such as free, and likely mandatory, vaccination programs that will be reported as being essential and in our best health interests. It should be noted that all of the new flu season vaccines include H1N1 vaccine. I myself received a letter in the mail a few days ago, which was sent by the US Department Of Health, which stated that someone from the Center for Disease Control (CDC) would be contacting me by telephone to determine the vaccination status of my household occupants. I did receive the phone call yesterday, and the caller started out saying they would like to know the vaccination status of any children 18 or younger living here. I said to the caller that this didn't apply to our household since no children lived here, and I then ended the conversation by hanging up the phone. I see these calls as an attempt to not only encourage people to get the vaccinations, but also to compile a list of people that who have either not yet been vaccinated or who express disinterest or an intention not to be vaccinated. Such a list could be used later, of course, to locate, single out, and coerce such individuals.

            Concerning John Bedini, his pointing out the need for energy independence and sustainable renewable energy is nothing new. He has been doing that for years, though many weren't listening earlier on. A need for self sufficiency will almost definitely come about sooner or later, and may either be brought about by man-made or natural disaster susch as mega solar flares. Exactly what will transpire in 2011 and beyond is something better asked of a "seer" or psychic. It is likely that any person would at least guess partly correct. It is really only important at this time to acknowledge that the world definitely is in a state of confusion and unrest that cannot and should not be ignored, and that natural phenomenon may well overrule everything else. People who do acknowledge this should be preparing for the worst possible scenarios which they might likely live to face, and should waste no time in preparing for the worst while continuing to hope for the best. Hope alone is not enough. Preparing for the worst is a subject which has already been covered in this thread. One such post can be found here. The main thing is to develop a plan of action for yourself and your family, and to act on the preparations for it now, rather than later if chaos ensues.

            "Seek wisdom by keeping an open mind to alternative realities, questioning authority, and searching for truth. Only then, when you see or hear something that has 'the ring of truth' to it, will it be as if a veil has been lifted, and suddenly you will begin to hear and see far more clearly than ever before." - Rickoff


            • YouTube - RAP NEWS 2: OBAMA wins Nobel War is Peace Prize

              YouTube - RAP NEWS 1: NASA bombs the moon

              Gave me a good laugh!



              • planned events

                Hey Rick,
                Thanks for your input. I still think that the Nuclear war heads needs to be deployed before the Sun coupling occurs.

                I see Pulsed weaponry and higher technology electricity crafts such as UFO being reserved for the next Generation of Humanity, the Golden Era after the horizon event.

                You are right about wealth commodity, there is no real wealth channel other than needed supplies to secure your survival into the next phase of Humanity. I don't know how effective our current weaponry is against the Elite's Unknown Weaponry Technology.

                Electron and Magnetron guns may be worth looking into in terms of self defense against future Elite led forced aggression.

                Bedini is right, we need to be Energy independent, but his lead is quite the opposite. Makes me want to ask if you Rick, too are a Gate keeper?.

                Self sustained electricity is achievable with simple machines such as Unipolar dynamo or RV motor /generator but the crowd have been led far from these easier to implement solutions.

                The recent Sweden bombing by Iraqi Taimour-Al-Abdaly is pure planned propaganda. Christian and Islam tension and hatred is at an all time high.

                More events are unfolding, there isn't much time left.


                • Originally posted by nenergy View Post
                  Bedini is right, we need to be Energy independent, but his lead is quite the opposite. Makes me want to ask if you Rick, too are a Gate keeper?
                  I'm definitely not a gatekeeper of anything. I have always been willing to freely share any knowledge, skills, or ability that I possess. Why would you even think to ask? Does it somehow appear that I am holding something back? Also, I highly regard John Bedini, and feel that he has already given us much to be thankful for.

                  "Seek wisdom by keeping an open mind to alternative realities, questioning authority, and searching for truth. Only then, when you see or hear something that has 'the ring of truth' to it, will it be as if a veil has been lifted, and suddenly you will begin to hear and see far more clearly than ever before." - Rickoff


                  • Obama gets busted on Myth Busters

                    There will be a special Obama edition Myth Busters show this Wednesday, and by the looks of this trailer video B.O. is going to get busted.
                    Last edited by rickoff; 12-13-2010, 08:00 PM. Reason: sp
                    "Seek wisdom by keeping an open mind to alternative realities, questioning authority, and searching for truth. Only then, when you see or hear something that has 'the ring of truth' to it, will it be as if a veil has been lifted, and suddenly you will begin to hear and see far more clearly than ever before." - Rickoff


                    • The Power of Nazi Propaganda

                      YouTube - The Power of Nazi Propaganda


                      • Originally posted by aljhoa View Post
                        An honest jewish historian exposes some lies: - David Cole in Auschwitz 1992 - Uploaded by Freiheit


                        • "I myself received a letter in the mail a few days ago, which was sent by the US Department Of Health, which stated that someone from the Center for Disease Control (CDC) would be contacting me by telephone to determine the vaccination status of my household occupants. I did receive the phone call yesterday, and the caller started out saying they would like to know the vaccination status of any children 18 or younger living here. I said to the caller that this didn't apply to our household since no children lived here, and I then ended the conversation by hanging up the phone."

                          I read on a different 'alternative medicine forum" about such inquiries. Do you still have the letter? My question is how would the conversation have proceeded, had you not ended the phone call? i.e. would they have asked whether adults, OVER 18, had their vaccinations 'up to date'?

                          I haven't recieved any such letter or phone call yet, and am thinking about how i will respond if i do.My thinking is,....lie!

                          My daughters were both born at home, but did recieve there first vaccinations, unfortunately. After that, we chose not to have them get any subsequent vaccinations.With these initial vaccinations, we were given a tri-fold card, stamped with the Dept of Health, and there names and birth dates. Open it up, and it had places for filling in the date for all subsequent vaccinations, and the initials of the person administering them.When we started to enroll them in school, they required an 'up to date' vaccination record, which we supplied. 3 or 4 different pens, different handwriting, with appropriate dates and made up initials.Easy-peasey. So, if called I am thinking of giving them information which will take us off the list, rather than putting us ON the list, of 'unvaccinated households'. So, this is why I would be very interested in how the conversation would have gone, and exactly what the letter says.Does it ask you to have ready vaccination records on ALL members of the household, for instance? Would they have asked about Flu vaccinations, or H1N1?A convincing lie is one thats well prepared, in advance. ;-) Jim

                          Oh, and by the by; regarding firearms. Its currently legal to buy a flare gun, without any paperwork.While they are single shot, they are a devastating close quarters anti-personell weapon.Just something to consider.


                          • Originally posted by dutchdivco View Post

                            I read on a different 'alternative medicine forum" about such inquiries. Do you still have the letter? My question is how would the conversation have proceeded, had you not ended the phone call? i.e. would they have asked whether adults, OVER 18, had their vaccinations 'up to date'?
                            This is all part of a CDC "National Immunization Survey." You can read all about it at this link. I do still have the letter, which was sent by the Department of Health and Human Services, and signed by the director of the National Center for Health Statistics, Edward J Sondik, PhD

                            If you would like to, you can call 1-866-999-3340 to learn what questions would be asked.

                            According to the letter, "Your answers to the NIS will provide information to help improve the nation's health now and in the years ahead."

                            "Seek wisdom by keeping an open mind to alternative realities, questioning authority, and searching for truth. Only then, when you see or hear something that has 'the ring of truth' to it, will it be as if a veil has been lifted, and suddenly you will begin to hear and see far more clearly than ever before." - Rickoff


                            • Thanks again, Rickoff

                              Checked the link, appears to be focused on kids.In which case, I can respond as you did.The thing that got me was when they said my kid couldn't go to school withiut immunisations, cause they would pose a danger to the other kids. "Hold it. If the other kids are immunised, how does an unimmunised kid pose a threat?" "Well, the immunisation program isn't 100%.It doesn't always 'take'. So, if your unimmunised child had, say, chickenpox, and went to school, they could give any children for whom the chickenpox immunisation didn't 'take', chickenpox." "So, then couldn't any of these children for whom the chickenpox immunisation didn't 'take' get chickepox on there own, and go to school, and give it to my child, along with any other kids for whom the immunisation didn't take?"They didn't really have an answer for that.Anyway, thanks for the info. Forgot to mention, flareguns are really cheap.Likewise wristrockets and ball bearings, which are also not registered.Jim


                              • Regarding Wikileaks....

                                I'm all for spilling the beans concerning truth, and that is why I have no problem with Julian Assange and Wikileaks. I can see why governments and the Ruling Class elites are furious and wanting to silence Assange as quickly as possible. The fact remains, however, that this leaking of documents is a major step forward in exposing the Ruling Class and educating the people of the world. The world needs to wake up to truth, and we cannot afford to wait another 25, 50, or hundred years for that to happen.

                                Regardless of what you may currently think of Julian Assange, I think you will find that this brief article is informative, well written, and makes sense.

                                "Seek wisdom by keeping an open mind to alternative realities, questioning authority, and searching for truth. Only then, when you see or hear something that has 'the ring of truth' to it, will it be as if a veil has been lifted, and suddenly you will begin to hear and see far more clearly than ever before." - Rickoff

