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The American Ruling Class

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  • "You can't 'Con' an honest person"

    Its true; if someone really has no interest in getting something for nothing, they can't be conned by a con artist; the con artist uses the victims greed; the fact that the person wants to believe.
    Similarly, people WANT to believe what they are being told; thats what makes it work.And in many cases, the people disemminating the disinformation or misinformation ALSO believe what they are saying.
    It has to do with the nature of lieing, and of denial; You are a most convincing liar, when you can convince yourself of the lie.Then you come across as totally sincere, and others are more likely to believe.

    To me, this is so obvious, with this whole Fuktupishima thing; we're not seeing a prepared, orchestrated disinformation campaign, because the proponents of nuclear energy BELIEVED their own lies. They BELIEVED that something like this could never happen, and so unlike 911, Obamas citesenship, etc. they had no cover story prepared.And what we're hearing is not a result of them conspiring behind closed doors and coming up with a concocted story, its them sitting there in front of the camera, and repeating the lies they've told themselves for 30+ years, even tho they make no sense.

    See an 'expert' on day 5 saying "There is no way radiation from Japan could reach US, theres 5000 miles of ocean between Japan and US.5 days later, a concession that radiactive fallout HAS reached the US. Its like watching an alcoholic saying "I don't have a drinking problem!" when to everyone who knows them or observes them its OBVIOUS their an alcoholic. Its denial; that 'river in Egypt'.

    But, there are undoubtedly many watching, who listened to the first statement, "No way radiation can reach US" and were reassured, cause they WANTED to believe. And 5 days later, when same experts admitted radioactive fallout HAD reached the US, believed same experts when they said "Its an infinitesimally small amount, and can't possibly cause any harm" because, again, they WANT to believe.

    And very, very few want to accept or even think about all the consequences of NOT using Nuclear energy, at all.Of the major disruptions to the economy, and our centralised lifestyle that would be necessary in order for us to just stop using Nuclear energy.Even on this forum, many are wanting to say "Lets come up with alternative forms of energy, that will allow us to continue to use massive amounts of energy, to support our current lifestyle." Few are ready to seriously reconsider the basic premise; the centralised lifestyle.This too, is a form of denial. "I'm all for alternative energy, as long as I don't have to be inconvenienced too much." As long as my job, and current 'way of life' can be preserved." So, "THEY" are 'giving' us what 'WE' want,...and maybe what "WE" deserve, even if it is the shaft.Jim


    • Originally posted by dutchdivco View Post
      there are undoubtedly many watching, who listened to the first statement, "No way radiation can reach US" and were reassured, cause they WANTED to believe. And 5 days later, when same experts admitted radioactive fallout HAD reached the US, believed same experts when they said "Its an infinitesimally small amount, and can't possibly cause any harm" because, again, they WANT to believe.
      Regarding that "infinitesimally small amount" of radiation:
      I-131 (radioiodine), which serves as a marker for other products of radiation, is now being found in every place that it is looked for in the US. The Governor of Pennsylvania, allowing as how 33,000% the background radiation level ( and the allowable US government level of I131) was being found in rainwater in his state said, "No one drinks rainwater so there is no threat to human health!"

      "No threat to human health," huh? I wouldn't believe that any more than I would believe Obama is a natural born citizen of the US. But don't worry, folks, surely the US Government, in the form of the Environmental Protection Agency, is ramping up efforts to protect us. Yes, they are! And here's how they are doing that - they are raising the allowable levels of contamination in drinking water that can be present before an alert is sounded - nearly a 1000-fold increase for exposure to strontium-90, a 3000 to 100,000-fold hike for exposure to iodine-131; and an almost 25,000-fold rise for exposure to radioactive nickel-63”

      I feel so much more at ease and reassured now, because of the EPA's actions, don't you?
      "Seek wisdom by keeping an open mind to alternative realities, questioning authority, and searching for truth. Only then, when you see or hear something that has 'the ring of truth' to it, will it be as if a veil has been lifted, and suddenly you will begin to hear and see far more clearly than ever before." - Rickoff


      • Someone posted a Link to the 3rd Truth from 9/11.
        After that, they brought the building down with a Nuclear Explosion at the underground below the Buildings, what been installed for the wrecking down from the Building since 1960.
        I dont know if there are the same Informations on that Page, what i did read at the translated Version.
        Deposit Files
        Last edited by Joit; 04-02-2011, 06:22 PM.
        Theorizer are like High Voltage. A lot hot Air with no Power behind but they are the dead of applied Work and Ideas.


        • All Levels of Radiation Confirmed to Cause Cancer.

          Washington, DC July 30, 2005 The National Academies of Science released an over 700-page report yesterday on the risks from ionizing radiation. The BEIR VII or seventh Biological Effects of Ionizing Radiation report on "Health Risks from Exposure to Low Levels of Ionizing Radiation" reconfirmed the previous knowledge that there is no safe level of exposure to radiation—that even very low doses can cause cancer. Risks from low dose radiation are equal or greater than previously thought. The committee reviewed some additional ways that radiation causes damage to cells.

          Among the reports conclusions are:

          There is no safe level or threshold of ionizing radiation exposure.

          Even exposure to background radiation causes some cancers. Additional exposures cause additional risks.

          Radiation causes other health effects such as heart disease and stroke, and further study is needed to predict the doses that result in these non-cancer health effects.

          It is possible that children born to parents that have been exposed to radiation could be affected by those exposures.

          All Levels of Radiation Confirmed to Cause Cancer. - NIRS



          • This truly is the ultimate test

            of the gullibility/denial of the sheeple.Because "THEY" were so unprepared for this, and so had no disinformation campaign plan, because it is so public, and because it effects everyone, this truly is the test.
            If the people 'buy' what "THEY" are selling, well then the people get what they deserve.
            Tonite, mainstream media; they said the workers found the way (or at least 1 of the ways) the highly radioactive water was getting into the sea; they showed cellphone pics taken by the workers.A concrete slab, with a 4'x4' access hole, presumably leading down to the plumbing chases underground, which they have already said are full of highly rdioactive water.The slab had an 8" crack in it, and this is where the water was leaking.They tried to pour wet concrete down in the crack, to seal it; it didn't work.They then went on to say there isn't any danger, cause iodine 131 only has a half life of 2 weeks, and went on to the next story.
            Well, where to begin? The workers in the pictures were all dressed in radiation suits, and in those suits which make it aquward to work, they are mixing and pouring concrete.And these are the FS 50, who are walking dead men.And they are spending their time working on this.But, its nothing to worry about.If its nothing to worry about, why aren't they working on something more critical?
            And, this water is the water they were spraying in the top of the reactor, to try to keep it cool. Its run down thru the reactor, and out the bottom.Its obviously got more than radioactive iodine in it; what about the Cesium, with a half life of what,...30,000 years?
            This story is going to get much worse; when the workers start dieing.As the radiation continues to leak.As the country of Japan is basically ruined.If the people buy the crap they are putting out, then they/we deserve what we get.
            Saw a news story last nite, or the nite before; they were going back to Chernobyl, "The worst nuclear accident in history".They are still saying that, when its obvious FS is far worse than Chernobyl.
            The EPA is wanting to drastically increase the acceptable levels of radiation, cause they KNOW this thing isn't going to get sealed up for a long time, IF EVER, and so the levels are going to go up and stay up.So, of coarse the only thing to do is raise the acceptable level.Otherwise every day on the news they are going to be saying "Radiation levels were at unacceptably high levels again today", every nite on the news.So, they are trying to get 'out ahead of it'. Fat lot of good it will do them.


            • Freeky times indeed!

              EPA plans to boost radioactivity safety limits up to 100,000-fold increase | COTO Report


              • We've Become a Nation of Takers, Not Makers

                By STEPHEN MOORE
                If you want to understand better why so many states—from New York to Wisconsin to California—are teetering on the brink of bankruptcy, consider this depressing statistic: Today in America there are nearly twice as many people working for the government (22.5 million) than in all of manufacturing (11.5 million). This is an almost exact reversal of the situation in 1960, when there were 15 million workers in manufacturing and 8.7 million collecting a paycheck from the government.

                It gets worse. More Americans work for the government than work in construction, farming, fishing, forestry, manufacturing, mining and utilities combined. We have moved decisively from a nation of makers to a nation of takers. Nearly half of the $2.2 trillion cost of state and local governments is the $1 trillion-a-year tab for pay and benefits of state and local employees. Is it any wonder that so many states and cities cannot pay their bills?

                President Obama says we have to retool our economy to "win the future." The only way to do that is to grow the economy that makes things, not the sector that takes things.

                Mr. Moore is senior economics writer for The Wall Street Journal editorial page.

                Stephen Moore: We've Become a Nation of Takers, Not Makers -

                What’s for dinner?


                • What about the 'Dole'?

                  Those figures are only counting those who are on the 'payroll' of the Gov't; either 'punching a time clock' or salary.Dosn't count those who are relying on Gov't $ to meet their needs but ARE'NT 'employeed' by the Gov't.Rent 'subsidies', food stamps, medical care payed for by Gov't, etc.
                  Even 'extended' unemployment is unemployment which is payed out of the Gov't coffers, which is not covered by employer contributions.And yes, Social Insecurity, which because of the way its been robbed/mismanaged.
                  And then there are those who work for 'private' businesses, that contract with the Gov't.Drug abuse counselors to Blackwater.Wonder what the true # is of those that 1 way or another are supported by Gov't $?
                  Reminds me of an old 'joke'; Starts out with the # of working age adults in the US. Starts subtracting off Gov't workers, etc. etc. and ends up with 2 people.Says something like "I'm getting a little tired, how bout you"? Maybe someone has a copy of it.Problem is, too true to be funny!

                  For me, it still comes back to 'passive acceptance'; you can piss and moan about the system all you want, but as long as you 'feed the beast' by going to work every day, and buying a loaf of bread on the way home, (Active consumption and active production) the system rolls on.It takes about 30% of the populace, to get so pissed off, that they go on strike; they stop being active producers/consumers, and the system grinds to a halt.As long as the 'system' can continue the shell game, the 'nothing up my sleeves' distraction, so that while people may be disgruntled, they continue to 'feed the beast', "THEY" make steady gains.As long as people feel they are 'better off' with the certainty of the way things are, than the uncertainty of disruption, "THEY" make steady gains.
                  And, it all comes down to the 'centralised' systems we have developed.When we are dependent on long tenous delivery systems, to supply us with the 'necessities' of life, we become subservient to them, and those that control them.Jim


                  • Quotable quote of the day

                    "Picture a family of four with an income of $46,000, annual costs of $78,000 and a credit card debt of $281,000... these figures are roughly proportionate to federal government revenue, annual outlays, and accumulated national debt." - South Carolina Rep. Mick Mulvany, a newer member of Congress who's been looking at Uncle Sam's cooked books and is fessing up to his constituents: "It's much, much worse than I expected."

                    The situation looks really dire, doesn't it? And the above assessment doesn't even take into consideration the fact that some 78 million baby boomers have already started to enter the totally bankrupt Social Security and Medicare rolls!

                    As per 2010 voter sentiment and Tea Party demands, the Republican controlled House of Representatives voted to slash up to $100 billion from the current budget. While this amount was not nearly enough to curtail out-of-control government spending, the Democrat controlled Senate rejected these cuts as being "too extreme." A new proposal to slash only $33 billion (which amounts to less than a 1% reduction in the federal spending behemoth of $3.7 trillion) is now on the table for consideration, but the Obama administration is looking at ways to derail even this feeble and rather meaningless effort.

                    Folks, it really doesn't matter at this point whether Congress passes an act that cuts spending by $33 billion, $100 billion, or even $500 billion, as it simply won't be enough to avoid the financial disaster that will soon be unleashed. Consider these startling facts, stated by PIMCO president Bill Gross, who recently pulled all his firm's assets out of U.S. Treasuries (which finance public spending):
                    • If you eliminate all national defense spending, make no payments on the national debt and eliminate all spending on education, infrastructure, agriculture, and housing, Congress would still be staring at annual $700 billion deficits as far as the eye can see.
                    • Some $65 trillion in unfunded spending for entitlement programs are NOT based on some future estimate of spending; that back-breaking number represents the discounted net present value of the current spending curve. And all this assumes virtually zero inflation.
                    • Gross notes that Uncle Sam's unrecorded debt burden is now close to 500% of GDP – a net negative national worth of some $35-40 trillion!
                    In short, neither party in Congress is going to even suggest the amount of spending cuts that would really be necessary to save the US economy. To relentlessly fight for those kind of cuts would doom their chances in the 2012 elections. You see, no matter what cuts are proposed, they are going to adversely affect some group of people who are currently benefiting from those expenditures, and that group will loudly protest the cuts - just as we have seen with state employees in Wisconsin. If massive cuts are proposed, then a great many more groups of people will all be loudly and violently protesting nation-wide at the same time, and Congress surely does not want to see that happen. So, they will take the easy path - the path of least resistance - which is to "kick the can further down the road," and simply raise the debt limit and continue unrestrained spending. That is the only scenario that we can look forward to with confidence.

                    While neither Congress, nor the current administration, have the backbone to take the steps that are really necessary to stave off a financial meltdown, they will in fact be forced to do so as the meltdown occurs. What will it take? Only a funding crisis in the bond market that inevitably threatens the ability of the government to send out Social Security checks will be enough to initiate the necessary reforms. With foreign and domestic investors dumping US treasury bonds at an alarming rate, that crisis is just over the horizon. The government solution to this will be to dramatically raise taxes, cut Social Security and Medicare benefits, confiscate 401k and federal retirement account assets (which the government will use to finance new bond purchases), and print vast amounts of worthless fiat currency. All of these solutions will have a devastating effect on individual, state, and national finances, and will induce runaway inflation of the likes that we could only imagine in our worst nightmares.

                    Seriously, folks, this ship has already struck the iceberg and it will go down. If you haven't already done so, please consider doing all that is necessary to protect your family, as well as your assets, from what will soon come to pass. Do all of these things while you still can:
                    • Plant a crisis garden this spring using viable natural seeds so that you can gather seeds for future crops from this and future harvests.
                    • Purchase enough extra seeds so that you will have a "seed bank" to use in the event that this year's crop should experience failure due to drought, extreme rainfall, or other conditions. And be sure to store your seed bank in an airtight, waterproof, fireproof, and crushproof container so that your seed bank remains safe no matter what happens.
                    • Put at least a 3 month's supply of drinking water, canned and dry foods, vitamins, and medical necessities (prescriptions, first aid items, etc.) in your pantry or closet space. Don't settle for less, and constantly add to those provisions until you have at least a 6 month supply, while periodically rotating the older items out to be consumed, and replacing them with fresh stock. Each item in your stock should be market on the top with the date purchased.
                    • Unless you won't mind eating foods right out of the can or box without cooking them, get yourself a solar cooker.
                    • Your future needs for water clean enough for bathing and drinking may very well rely upon you being able to retrieve water from a dug well, or a nearby lake, pond, or stream. To ensure your safety in using these water supplies, obtain a suitable manual filtration device such as the military uses.
                    • Prepare a backpack for each member of your family to carry with them in the case of a scenario where you are forced to flee your residence and leave everything in it behind to be scavenged by a hungry, desperate mob of invaders who did not take the necessary steps to prepare for the worst like you did. Believe me, that will be the vast majority of people.
                    • Arm yourself, and learn how to use and hide those weapons safely and effectively.
                    • Take steps now to protect important physical and monetary assets. A bank safe deposit box may temporarily be a good place to stash the most important items, but may be inaccessible later on when banks start closing their doors. Convert as much of your cash, brokerage, and retirement account assets as possible to gold and silver holdings, and don't wait to do this until gold reaches $2,500 to $3,000 an ounce.
                    Any questions, ask them now rather than when things get chaotic and it is too late to prepare for hard times. Just have the presence of mind to accept the fact that those times are surely coming, and that they aren't that far away.

                    "Seek wisdom by keeping an open mind to alternative realities, questioning authority, and searching for truth. Only then, when you see or hear something that has 'the ring of truth' to it, will it be as if a veil has been lifted, and suddenly you will begin to hear and see far more clearly than ever before." - Rickoff


                    • a couple of additionals

                      Waterbeds make a good way to store water. Also 'above ground pools'; You can store them in a fairly small amount of space, and set them up and fill them (hopefully) when the SHTF, but while water is still available.I see them on craigslist all the time, all the way from 12' dia. up to an 18'x36', which was $400 I think.
                      There is a stuff, called MMS; you can google it. Called sodium chlorite, you mix it with lemon juice, let it set 3 minutes to react, then add it to water. No need to expend scarce enrgy to boil water, to make it potable. As an added advantage, drinking water with higher concentrations of MMS in it acts to kill any pathogens; bacteria,virus's or parasites in the body, while leaving the 'good bacteria' alone.
                      Have at least 1 adult in your household take a "Basic EMT coarse" at your local college, and share what they learn with the others;keep the textbook.
                      Build on this knowledge with OLD medical textbooks; military corpsmen training manuals are particularly good.You can buy an amazing amount of stuff on the I-net, like sutures and hemostats. At your local hobby store, can buy casting plaster for about $2-4 a roll.And, tampax's make a great dressing for bullet wounds, and cotex's make a great 'trauma dressing'.
                      Personally, I think bullets will be more valuable than gold, when the SHTF, and so thats where I intend to put most of my cash.Plus, can't eat gold, or shoot it!
                      Speaking of guns; don't forget flare guns; no background check and fairly cheap.Can be used as sold, for signaling.Facing a crowd, or an individual, shoot just over their heads; temporarily blinds them.And, whether facing a 2 legged or 4 legged predator, 1 shot to the chest usually makes them forget ALLLL about you and yours.Illegal to shoot someone with a flare gun, of coarse. But, if there are no laws, other than survival of the fittest? Also, there are 'specialty' rounds available, like 'bear bangers'; they go up to 150', and then make a really LOUD BOOM! Much like a 'flashbang', without the flash. Coarse, if you shoot someone at 30', in the chest, it will hit them and bounce to the ground in front of them.And then they will be stunned, and won't be able to hear s*it for awhile.Combined with 1 over their head, to temporarily blind them, could be handy in certain situations?
                      As you describe the financial scenario 'the guv' is facing, its amazing the analogy to Fukishima; there are no 'good' alternatives. All of them suck, about equally. Any thing congress ,or Fed, or whoever does; bad outcome.
                      Actually, my 'plan' does not put so much emphasis on seeds, either. I actually think food won't be that hard to come by.My plan is more about mobility. The important thing is to develop YOUR plan, and move closer, every day.Start with the things you can do, right now, that will be 'easiest'; that is take the least time, $ and energy. Also, prioritise according to what you deem will be the most important to you and yours, when SHTF, then continue to work on those things that take more time, $ and energy, or are important, but not AS important, as the things you did first.
                      There is lots of great information on the internet; everything from herbals that can be used in the event of chemical, biological and nuclear exposure, to water purification, food prep and storage, etc.Figure (assume) the I-net being down, so you need to save stuff you find onto thumbdrives, whatever.
                      That way you don't have to read everything now, just enough to verify "This is the kind of info i'll want, if SHTF, and then save it.
                      Here are some links you may find valuable;
                      A great 'Blog' with lots of useful info;

                      This is an entertaining blog, with a different viewpoint, you may find valuable in shaping your thinking about bug/out, vs. bugin, and other challenges.
                      HURRICANE KATRINA

                      Natural antidotes to biological toxins;
             - Natural Antidotes to Biological Toxins

                      Source for water purification drops;
                      Miracle Mineral Solution | MMS | Miracle Mineral Supplement | Master Mineral Supplement

                      A source for suvival supplies;
                      The Ready Store - Emergency Preparedness, Food Storage, MRE's, and Freeze Dried Food!
                      This is a good start; there is mountains of info out there; each person has their own plan; treat them like a 'Chinese menu'; 1 from column A, etc. Ricks absolutely right; the S is going to HTF; its not a ? of IF just when. And the 'Ruling Class Elites' and their lackeys (politicians, etc.) will be as unable to deal with it, as the Fukishima 50 are at dealing with their mess. Jim


                      • Big Berkey Gravity Water Filters with British Berkefeld Ceramic SuperSterasyl fliters, are designed for use where portability is necessary or there is no access to a pressure fed water supply. They are highly recommended for "no water pressure" situations.
                        BIG BERKEY gravity water filter with 9 inch British Berkefeld Super Sterasyl Candles - Berkey Water Filters

                        The Health Benefits of Sushi (Omega-3 fatty acids)
                        Fish is brain food. We’ve heard that one for a long time, but many people may not realize how true that adage is. When I was young I heard that but never really thought about what it meant. I’m still not sure exactly what the original reasoning was, but as we learn more about the human body, and the effects of our diet on our health, that old saying sounds more and more important. Fish *really* is brain food. And fish is also heart food. And much more.

                        The Health Benefits of Sushi (Omega-3 fatty acids) | Sushi Otaku

                        Do I need a Bang Stick?
                        If you ever wondered why anyone would use a bang stick or if it would be a good idea to carry one then here's your answer.

                        Biller Bang Sticks
                        Riffe International


                        • Another investment

                          you might not think of; a couple of cans of pipe tobacco; the least aromatic.
                          1/4 of the adult population are addicted to tobacco, mostly cigarrettes.I'm one. Even after you 'quit' tobacco, you remain addicted for a loooong time.And, cigarettes have a relatively short shelf life. If they stopped making them today, there are maybe 6 weeks supply. And, any still around would get 'stale'.When the SHTF, production may well stop; 2-3 mos. later you will find people will trade you unbeleivable things, for enough to roll a couple of 'fresh' cigarettes. Don't worry about rolling papers; as addicts they will find a way to smoke it. Tobacco sealed in cans will stay fresh, basically forever.Could come in very handy, as a barter item.Jim


                            • Plant a crisis garden this spring using viable natural seeds so that you can gather seeds for future crops from this and future harvests.
                            • Purchase enough extra seeds so that you will have a "seed bank" to use in the event that this year's crop should experience failure due to drought, extreme rainfall, or other conditions. And be sure to store your seed bank in an airtight, waterproof, fireproof, and crushproof container so that your seed bank remains safe no matter what happens.
                            • Put at least a 3 month's supply of drinking water, canned and dry foods, vitamins, and medical necessities (prescriptions, first aid items, etc.) in your pantry or closet space. Don't settle for less, and constantly add to those provisions until you have at least a 6 month supply, while periodically rotating the older items out to be consumed, and replacing them with fresh stock. Each item in your stock should be market on the top with the date purchased.
                            • Unless you won't mind eating foods right out of the can or box without cooking them, get yourself a solar cooker.
                            • Your future needs for water clean enough for bathing and drinking may very well rely upon you being able to retrieve water from a dug well, or a nearby lake, pond, or stream. To ensure your safety in using these water supplies, obtain a suitable manual filtration device such as the military uses.
                            • Prepare a backpack for each member of your family to carry with them in the case of a scenario where you are forced to flee your residence and leave everything in it behind to be scavenged by a hungry, desperate mob of invaders who did not take the necessary steps to prepare for the worst like you did. Believe me, that will be the vast majority of people.
                            • Arm yourself, and learn how to use and hide those weapons safely and effectively.
                            • Take steps now to protect important physical and monetary assets. A bank safe deposit box may temporarily be a good place to stash the most important items, but may be inaccessible later on when banks start closing their doors. Convert as much of your cash, brokerage, and retirement account assets as possible to gold and silver holdings, and don't wait to do this until gold reaches $2,500 to $3,000 an ounce.
                            Any questions, ask them now rather than when things get chaotic and it is too late to prepare for hard times. Just have the presence of mind to accept the fact that those times are surely coming, and that they aren't that far away.


                            @rickoff and all
                            If one does not mind I would like to add some comments to this text and the first being what has been my opinion for many decades now.

                            "Forget the voting B.S., they are all converted once in office, you select the preselected."

                            Now my comments that are solely my opinion.

                            is necessary to protect your family, as well as your assets, from what will soon come to pass. Do all of these things while you still can:
                            How this is done is critical. FIAT Money is paper, nothing backing it and when you need to take a pickup load of the stuff to buy what bread is available you all will see just how worthless it really is. Yet if you have some in reserve get it out of the banks! The banks are using you money to help the goal of enslaving you, period. Take it back and hide it in the yard if you have too, remove it from their control. This will not stop the devaluation but it will stop them from closing the door to you when you need the worthless stuff the most.

                            [*]Plant a crisis garden this spring using viable natural seeds so that you can gather seeds for future crops from this and future harvests.
                            Sadly enough the majority of people do not have the ground in which to grow a garden. What happens to the ones that do is that a 24/7 security scheme must be instilled to protect it. All people that will survive must become hard, understand 'HARD'. Granted that goes against the love thy neighbor and forgive my enemy concept, yet the cold hard truth is 'Do You Want To Survive?', if not than be prepared to either grow acres of production or be willing to only survive for a short time in that you are going to divide your production to match you beliefs.

                            The US Government already has in place plans to come into your home and confiscate you supplies. This covers food and medical supplies ad well as whatever they deem necessary. Oh of course Guns and Ammo, this is so you can never object.

                            [*]Put at least a 3 month's supply of drinking water, canned and dry foods, vitamins, and medical necessities (prescriptions, first aid items, etc.) in your pantry or closet space. Don't settle for less, and constantly add to those provisions until you have at least a 6 month supply, while periodically rotating the older items out to be consumed, and replacing them with fresh stock. Each item in your stock should be market on the top with the date purchased.
                            Great advice. Take a Sharpie Pen and write the purchase date on each item and store in an order that the oldest is the first in your storage area and always add new replacement top the back. Take special note of the 'Die' dates on the items. You will find that the life of many products vary greatly. For example certain canned fish will last 5-7 years. Canned beans may go as long as 3-4 years (dried longer if sealed). Things like energy bars or any product that is not preserved is around a year and some much shorter. You will be limited on what has a long shelf life, but it can and is possible to build a good store that does not require refrigeration and can be eaten without cooking if required. Do some home work and model your stores around how you live as a total change in diet may be advantageous.

                            Three (3) months is far to short for a backup. I feel you must have at a minimum 6-8 months and the ideal would be 12-18 months, yes!

                            Another thing is if you like product such as canned tomatoes, canned fruit in juice, etc., items with high liquid content is better than dry foods as it will help the hydration requirements.

                            [*]Your future needs for water clean enough for bathing and drinking may very well rely upon you being able to retrieve water from a dug well, or a nearby lake, pond, or stream. To ensure your safety in using these water supplies, obtain a suitable manual filtration device such as the military uses.
                            Yes! Here is a problem if you were to become dependent on commercial filters. Unless you invest in a large number of them you water will (dry up) when your filters are no longer viable. A natural filtration system such as a 'Sand/Gravel' filter is the ideal for the most basic and least dependent upon secondary filtration. Have a number of bottles of 'Clorox' in your stock of supplies. Be sure it is clear, unscented, no additives. This will insure a good margin of safety no matter what filter system you use. Be aware that not all filtration systems will protect you from certain organics and metals. Certain powers that be are already using metals in water to make us ill.

                            The big if! Many people believe that if they can fill the tank of water on their toilet that it will flush and this water can be gray water or direct rain water or even brackish water. But not all sewer systems will remove the waste from the systems if the booster pumps in the system are not operating. The sewer will fill and even back up into your location if you do not no how to control this. Do not assume you can maintain internal waste disposal. If they turn off the pumps you may even be forced to seal off all open drain systems or be forced from you abode. Look into this and see what you conditions may be and put together a plan.

                            [*]Prepare a backpack for each member of your family to carry with them in the case of a scenario where you are forced to flee your residence and leave everything in it behind to be scavenged by a hungry, desperate mob of invaders who did not take the necessary steps to prepare for the worst like you did. Believe me, that will be the vast majority of people.
                            Maybe and maybe not.A GO bag is a good idea no matter how it is used. It keeps critical item in one place and can be used at home, the office or on the road, so yes a very good idea and the people I know that are prepared all have GO BAGS. "BUT" it may be far better in many cases to stay and hold the fort down. Under Marshal Law there will be road blocks and of course the bands of free loaders looking to steal and kill those that have something to take. If under Marshal Law remember the gov can take your food, guns and other items they wish to steal from you and in return move you to a fenced camp for you own well being...

                            It may very well be advantageous to hold your ground, the ground you are familiar with and where all your stores reside, not just the go bags. At the bare minimum you may be able to defend yourselves far better than if you were on the road subject to untold dangers.

                            [*]Arm yourself, and learn how to use and hide those weapons safely and effectively.
                            I agree the most with this. BUT again if you do, be damn sure you are proficient in the use of the weapon you have. Have a minimum of 1,000 rounds of spare ammo to go with it. If you can not shoot and think the weapon will protect you by its mere presents, forget it. Get a ball bat or bow and arrow, don't get a gun. Be sure in your own mind that when its your life or someone threatening you or your loved ones that you can take the action needed to resolve the threat. If you can not confirm to yourself that you can do whatever is required, then form another plan for protection. It's the person behind the weapon, not the weapon that makes the decision.

                            Oh and if you do move to a firearm, get the biggest most powerful you can handle with ease and accuracy. Rest assured a 380 against a 7.62 is not an even match. A five shot revolver is no match to a 40 round magazine in a 5.56 either.
                            [*]Take steps now to protect important physical and monetary assets. A bank safe deposit box may temporarily be a good place to stash the most
                            This is a bare to decide on what to do. Even with FIAT money being so devalued, it could still retain some value. Problem with gold or silver is that you need it in small tradable amounts. In other words you would want gold say in 1/10 oz bars and not 1 oz. Same with silver. In other words the getting change in a barter condition will be difficult.

                            Here again the gov has the track record of making it illegal to own gold and silver when they want to take it they do. And folks they do not give you near what it is worth. Once they get it all back they they increase the value and they benefit, ring a bell anyone??

                            I say gold and silver, small segments so it can be traded in kind without getting screwed and use the same method to protect it as you will use to protect your family, food and self.

                            I am so happy to at last see someone is seeing this the way I and my associates see what is coming down the very short road. It indeed will be a challenge for those that are prepared and the end to those that are not.


                            • Originally posted by dutchdivco View Post
                              Waterbeds make a good way to store water. Also 'above ground pools'; You can store them in a fairly small amount of space, and set them up and fill them (hopefully) when the SHTF, but while water is still available.I see them on craigslist all the time, all the way from 12' dia. up to an 18'x36', which was $400 I think.
                              There is a stuff, called MMS; you can google it. Called sodium chlorite, you mix it with lemon juice, let it set 3 minutes to react, then add it to water. No need to expend scarce enrgy to boil water, to make it potable. As an added advantage, drinking water with higher concentrations of MMS in it acts to kill any pathogens; bacteria,virus's or parasites in the body, while leaving the 'good bacteria' alone.
                              Have at least 1 adult in your household take a "Basic EMT coarse" at your local college, and share what they learn with the others;keep the textbook.
                              Build on this knowledge with OLD medical textbooks; military corpsmen training manuals are particularly good.You can buy an amazing amount of stuff on the I-net, like sutures and hemostats. At your local hobby store, can buy casting plaster for about $2-4 a roll.And, tampax's make a great dressing for bullet wounds, and cotex's make a great 'trauma dressing'.
                              Personally, I think bullets will be more valuable than gold, when the SHTF, and so thats where I intend to put most of my cash.Plus, can't eat gold, or shoot it!
                              Speaking of guns; don't forget flare guns; no background check and fairly cheap.Can be used as sold, for signaling.Facing a crowd, or an individual, shoot just over their heads; temporarily blinds them.And, whether facing a 2 legged or 4 legged predator, 1 shot to the chest usually makes them forget ALLLL about you and yours.Illegal to shoot someone with a flare gun, of coarse. But, if there are no laws, other than survival of the fittest? Also, there are 'specialty' rounds available, like 'bear bangers'; they go up to 150', and then make a really LOUD BOOM! Much like a 'flashbang', without the flash. Coarse, if you shoot someone at 30', in the chest, it will hit them and bounce to the ground in front of them.And then they will be stunned, and won't be able to hear s*it for awhile.Combined with 1 over their head, to temporarily blind them, could be handy in certain situations?
                              As you describe the financial scenario 'the guv' is facing, its amazing the analogy to Fukishima; there are no 'good' alternatives. All of them suck, about equally. Any thing congress ,or Fed, or whoever does; bad outcome.
                              Actually, my 'plan' does not put so much emphasis on seeds, either. I actually think food won't be that hard to come by.My plan is more about mobility. The important thing is to develop YOUR plan, and move closer, every day.Start with the things you can do, right now, that will be 'easiest'; that is take the least time, $ and energy. Also, prioritise according to what you deem will be the most important to you and yours, when SHTF, then continue to work on those things that take more time, $ and energy, or are important, but not AS important, as the things you did first.
                              There is lots of great information on the internet; everything from herbals that can be used in the event of chemical, biological and nuclear exposure, to water purification, food prep and storage, etc.Figure (assume) the I-net being down, so you need to save stuff you find onto thumbdrives, whatever.
                              That way you don't have to read everything now, just enough to verify "This is the kind of info i'll want, if SHTF, and then save it.
                              Here are some links you may find valuable;
                              A great 'Blog' with lots of useful info;

                              This is an entertaining blog, with a different viewpoint, you may find valuable in shaping your thinking about bug/out, vs. bugin, and other challenges.
                              HURRICANE KATRINA

                              Natural antidotes to biological toxins;
                     - Natural Antidotes to Biological Toxins

                              Source for water purification drops;
                              Miracle Mineral Solution | MMS | Miracle Mineral Supplement | Master Mineral Supplement

                              A source for suvival supplies;
                              The Ready Store - Emergency Preparedness, Food Storage, MRE's, and Freeze Dried Food!
                              This is a good start; there is mountains of info out there; each person has their own plan; treat them like a 'Chinese menu'; 1 from column A, etc. Ricks absolutely right; the S is going to HTF; its not a ? of IF just when. And the 'Ruling Class Elites' and their lackeys (politicians, etc.) will be as unable to deal with it, as the Fukishima 50 are at dealing with their mess. Jim
                              NaClO2, you should look at the MSDS here Safety (MSDS) data for sodium chlorite as it will show a bit more about the compound and look at the LD50, I would rather use 4-8 drops of Clorox in a gallon of water sitting for over an hour than the Sodium Clorite. Clorox is not that great, but is effective for the same purpose and a lot easier to use. Of course Clorox is 5% Sodium Hypoclorite, still I would rather use the liquid.

                              any pathogens; bacteria,virus's or parasites in the body, while leaving the 'good bacteria' alone.
                              Well don't start ingesting it for this purpose, I am not aware of any double blind studies that would back this up. Kind of like hook the right frequency oscillator to your finger tips and kill the same organisms, don't really think so.

                              can buy casting plaster for about $2-4 a roll.And, tampax's make a great dressing for bullet wounds, and cotex's make a great 'trauma dressing'.
                              Well maybe in some circumstances, but I would rather go for the $9 trauma bandage for the gunshot wound. Also I would add a can of clotting power to the med kit. All is available in full packs used by the military for less than $60 bucks. Add to this the standard First Aid Kit for the small common stuff.

                              coarse. But, if there are no laws, other than survival of the fittest? Also, there are 'specialty' rounds available, like 'bear bangers'; they go up to 150', and then make a really LOUD BOOM! Much like a 'flashbang', without the flash. Coarse, if you shoot someone at 30', in the chest, it will hit them and
                              Why mess around here? Allow the threat to recover and return later much wiser? Humm... I kink of think get the business over the first time.

                              Don't totally rule out the problems from your adversary. The may in many cases be stupid when push comes to shove, yet they have all the big toys and we the little guys do not. Yeah we can have 50's, but them damn jets and drones are pretty damn scary, not to mention those darn IR weapons that see the heat signature through walls and allow a 338 or 50 to take you out with little problem.


                              • Dr. Stiffler

                                You and your associates are FAR from alone in this thinking.Thats why there are so many sites on the I-net talking about this, and companies starting up selling 'survivalist' supplies.When I am out and about, striking up conversations, I find all sorts of people nodding their head when I broach the subject. People feel it in their bones, that the S is about to HTF.However, laziness, denial, hoping its going to get better, etc, keeps most from making and enacting a plan. As far as the exceptions or comments you made concerning different suggestions in my earlier post; As I said, EACH person/family has to come up with a plan that suits them; research the options, the various scenarios, and then, most key, IMPLEMENT their plan.
                                Spending time argueing over which gun and ammo to buy, or which water purification system is best is all well and good, but, again, each has to do their own homework, and figure out what they are going to do.
                                If someone wants to use clorox, instead of MMS, fine.As long as they aren't dickering around spending valuable time dithering over which is best, instead of doing something. I'm sure you will agree with this.
                                On 'monetary assets', I'm thinking there is a guy with food or something of value, that he's willing to barter.I come to him wanting what he's got, and I have a 1 Lb can of tobacco, and a box of 9mm. ammunition. His other customer has a 1/10 oz. bar of gold, and a 2 carat diamond.In the scenario i envision, its more likely that I will end up with the food, rather than the other customer, is all I'm saying. But again, each needs to decide.
                                As the lessons of Catrina blog points out, you need both a "Bug out" and a "Bug in" or hunker down, plan.Certinly bugging out is questionable unless you have a place to go, and a reasonable expectation that conditions will be better there, than staying where you are.
                                A valuable thing to look at is examples from real life. In Bagdad after the invasion, and New Orleans after Catrina, we saw a similar behavior; some fled, others stayed. Those who stayed inevitable banded together for mutual security;Simply barricade the streets leading into your neighborhood, place a couple of armed men at the barricade, and no one is allowed in, who doesn't belong.In most cases the military and police recognise this as a natural occurence, an attempt by the people to see to their own security, and will just kind of leave it alone; at least for awhile.And yes, in New Orleans there were people who were 'ordered' to evacuate, and refused to, and were armed.The authorities tried to 'talk' them out, but stopped short of going up against an armed granny.So, anyway, might get to know your neighbors.If you don't have a 'Blockwatch' program in your area, start one. The local police will actually help you to start it.One other thing; inflation has GOT to be coming, right 'around the corner'.The massive Gov't spending inevitably leads to it.Therefore, your better off spending the $ you have to buy things NOW, rather than later.Because the $ you have has more 'purchasing power' right now.Anyway, we're all on the same page, here. A lot of it is about insuring that you have options.Jim

