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The American Ruling Class

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  • Dos NOT matter if it's fake. Please watch and send to everyone you know.

    100% PROOF! Obama "RESOLVES" That He Is Not Eligible To Be President! (Condemning Info!) , page 1


    • Our Founding Fathers Foresaw this

      Rick can probably provide the exact quotes. Basically, Our FF's said no matter how fair and righteous a system you set up, it only takes about 10 years for the snakes to figure out a way to 'game' the system.So, they said, you need a Revolution about every 10 years.
      They TRIED to provide for this; by putting mechanisms in place to amend the Constitution; either by an amendment, which requires State legislatures to vote on it, within 10 years, or by a Constitutional Convention.
      Unfortunately, the snakes don't want the system changed; they like things just the way they are.So, most believe its unlikely/impossible for us to have a Constitutional Convention, today. We've put it off for far too long, and so so many unresolved and contentious issues would be brought up.
      As for an amendment, the ERA was really pretty benign.And it couldn't get passed within the 10 year time limit.
      And so the only route left is a revolution.But that requires the sheep to look up from their grazing.And I just don't see that happening.
      The mainstream media are not going to pick up on this; they have relinquished their role as the 'fifth estate'; if Watergate were to happen today, Nixon would stay in office. More importantly, the PEOPLE have relinquished THIER role.The FDA was originally created to prevent snake-oil salesman from selling worthless or dangerous 'medications'. The snake-oil salesman are now in charge of the FDA; Big Pharma. And so it goes.Jim


      • This video is meant only as a piece of comedy - but it is based on fact.
        We know for a fact that almost every US president throughout history is related to the Royal families of Europe.
        You only need to check their geneologies to see that this is true.

        YouTube - Illuminati Bloodlines - A Facial Comparison!



        • Originally posted by Moe R View Post
          Dos NOT matter if it's fake. Please watch and send to everyone you know.
          What is said in this video concerning Obama is correct, but the Senate Resolution 511 which affirmed that McCain was a "natural born citizen," was also a total sham. McCain was not eligible, and the Senate should have known this. If there was any question, they could have consulted with the US State Department to reslove this properly.

          Regarding people born at U.S. military bases in foreign countries, US State Department policy (as codified in the department's Foreign Affairs Manual) reads:
          "Despite widespread popular belief, U.S. military installations abroad and U.S. diplomatic or consular facilities are not part of the United States within the meaning of the 14th Amendment. A child born on the premises of such a facility is not subject to the jurisdiction of the United States and does not acquire U.S. citizenship by reason of birth."

          This clearly proclaims that McCain was not a US citizen when born, and this is very important, because the "natural born citizen" can only acquire that status at the time of birth - not retroactively at any future date! At his time of birth, McCain could only lay claim to being a Panamanian citizen. His parents were able to confer US citizenship for him later, but only upon reentering the US through Customs and Immigration, and filing the required documents. Upon approval of that documentation, he became a naturalized US citizen, and a naturalized citizen can not claim eligibility to be a Presidential candidate or serve as POTUS.

          Senate Resolution 511 took the position that two American parents qualify a child as natural born regardless of the soil of birth, but the resolution is neither a legally binding document nor an amendment to the Constitution, and is clearly at odds with State Department policy.

          Notably, while the Senate rushed to confirm McCain's eligibility, the Senate did not even consider Barack Obama's natural born citizen status. Why is that? Hillary Clinton had brought up the question of his eligibility when running against him in the primary elections. Why didn't she demand he be properly vetted before placing his name on any of the primary ballots?

          My own conclusion on that question is that it had already been determined that Barry would be the Democrat candidate, and Hillary already knew that well before the first primary was held. In exchange for backing off and allowing Obama to move ahead, the Bilderbergers promised Hillary would get a high level position in the administration that would prepare her to become a highly qualified candidate in the 2016 election (or maybe 2012, if Obama steps down under pressure to be impeached). Clinton has already stated that she may not be interested in continuing as Secretary of State.

          With Senate Resolution 511 fraudulently in place, it would have been very difficult for any of the Republican or Independent candidates to challenge McCain's eligibility to be on the ballots, but an Obama challenge should have been wide open to any of the other candidates to pursue. The only candidate I am aware of who did challenge Obama's eligibility to be on a ballot was Alan Keyes, who asked that Obama's name be stricken from the ballot in California. When the California Secretary Of State refused to do so, and Obama became elected, Keyes then filed a lawsuit on November 14, 2008 against the California Secretary of State, then-President-elect Barack Obama, then-Vice President-elect Joe Biden, and California's 55 Democrat electors, seeking to challenge Obama's eligibility for the US Presidency. The suit requested that Obama provide documentation that he is a natural born citizen of the United States. The courts, of course, dismissed the lawsuit. Following Obama's inauguration, Keyes denied Obama had been Constitutionally inaugurated, refused to call him president, and called him a "usurper" and a "radical communist."
          Last edited by rickoff; 05-01-2011, 02:22 AM.
          "Seek wisdom by keeping an open mind to alternative realities, questioning authority, and searching for truth. Only then, when you see or hear something that has 'the ring of truth' to it, will it be as if a veil has been lifted, and suddenly you will begin to hear and see far more clearly than ever before." - Rickoff


          • Constitutional Convention

            Originally posted by dutchdivco View Post
            Unfortunately, the snakes don't want the system changed; they like things just the way they are. So, most believe its unlikely/impossible for us to have a Constitutional Convention today.
            Not exactly so, Jim.

            A Continental Congress was convened in 2009, and was reported in this thread at this post.

            Many states are already calling for a 2011 Constitutional Convention.
            Here are some:
            South Carolina

            You can easily find several more in a search engine, and find a great many organizations and forum sites calling for the same, so there definitely is widespread interest and demand for a CC. Many of the states want to amend their state Constitutions, and calls for amending the US Constitution are mainly concerned with a balanced budget amendment, repeal of Obamacare, clarifying "natural born citizen," clarifying who may become a US citizen under the 14th amendment, repealing the 16th Amendment (which allows the government to regulate and collect income tax), and repeal of the Federal Reserve Act of 1913. I'm all for it.

            "Seek wisdom by keeping an open mind to alternative realities, questioning authority, and searching for truth. Only then, when you see or hear something that has 'the ring of truth' to it, will it be as if a veil has been lifted, and suddenly you will begin to hear and see far more clearly than ever before." - Rickoff


            • baeses are NOT the "U.S."

              Originally posted by rickoff View Post
              U.S. military installations abroad and U.S. diplomatic or consular facilities are not part of the United States within the meaning of the 14th Amendment. "
              I was a military dependent for the first 20 years of my life.

              The base legal office even said that the constitutional rights do NOT apply
              to dependents on bases overseas. Period, end of story.

              I found out when filing a tort claim against some active duty members
              that were grossly violating the law - mostly the AFR (air force regulations)
              were violated and it affected myself and many others.

              Anyway, bottom line, overseas military bases are NOT actually covered by
              our constitution and dependents do not have those same constitutional
              rights no matter what they think as they would if they lived in the U.S.
              Aaron Murakami

              Books & Videos
              RPX & MWO


              • us citizen born abroad

                Originally posted by rickoff View Post
                At his time of birth, McCain could only lay claim to being a Panamanian citizen. His parents were able to confer US citizenship for him later, but only upon reentering the US through Customs and Immigration, and filing the required documents. Upon approval of that documentation, he became a naturalized US citizen, and a naturalized citizen can not claim eligibility to be a Presidential candidate or serve as POTUS.
                That's right too - two of my brothers were born on Air Force bases
                overseas. My parents had to file for "U.S. Citizen Born Abroad" when they
                got back to the states. I think they did that for both. There is one method
                they can file for while still overseas but I don't recall at the moment.
                I posted this before, but bottom line, is that even if both parents are
                U.S. Citizens at the time of the birth of a child born on a military base
                overseas, they are NOT a natural born U.S. Citizen period.

                If there is some law or amendment or whatever that was filed at sometime
                later that extends natural born status to children born of U.S. Citizen
                parents who had kids overseas on bases, they would be natural born
                I guess, but I don't know the exact law that made that possible.
                Aaron Murakami

                Books & Videos
                RPX & MWO


                • natural born citizen


                  My parents had to file at the U.S. Consulate General in the country.
                  They are the ones that will then issue a birth certificate for a U.S.
                  Citizen Born Abroad.

                  On the birth certificates, it will say U.S. Citizen Born Abroad - or something
                  to that effect.

                  There is an option to wait until they are back in the states to file for it
                  but the result is the same, U.S. Citizen Born Abroad - and NEITHER
                  are ever considered "natural born" citizens.
                  Aaron Murakami

                  Books & Videos
                  RPX & MWO


                  • My suspicions about trump seem to be right - see video at: Trump Uber Alles

                    From 7:40 on, it gets very interesting, Trump stating that China is a currency manipulator, when it's the Fed that's the real currency manipulator.

                    From 8:40, it's interesting the way he says: "Can you believe it? You're going to be paying 5 and 6 dollars a gallon pretty soon"

                    Zbigniew Brzezinski "celebrity politician" at work.

                    . . .
                    Regular service Signature:
                    Follow along on my Algae growing adventure, where I'm currently growing Spirulina and two mystery strains (one of which can also produce Biofuel). All is revealed in the Growing Algae thread...


                    • Originally posted by Savvypro View Post
                      My suspicions about trump seem to be right - see video at: Trump Uber Alles

                      From 7:40 on, it gets very interesting, Trump stating that China is a currency manipulator, when it's the Fed that's the real currency manipulator.
                      Sir Robert Ho Tung Bosman, KBE (22 December 1862 26 April 1956), better known as Sir Robert Hotung, was an influential Eurasian businessman and philanthropist in British Hong Kong.

                      He was a Eurasian, born to a man of Dutch and Jewish descent by the name of Charles Henri Maurice Bosman, and Madame Sze, a Han Chinese woman of Baoan (present-day Shenzhen) heritage, on D'Aguilar Street.

                      Hotung's eldest son, Edward Hotung (19021957), became a prominent banker and philanthropist in Hong Kong. Edward was founder of the Chinese Gold and Silver Exchange in Hong Kong, as well as Treasurer of the Chinese War Chest in Shanghai during the Japanese occupation.

                      Robert Hotung - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

                      Sir Ka-shing Li, GBM, KBE, JP is a wealthy businessman from Hong Kong. He is the richest person of East Asian descent in the world and the eleventh richest person in the world with an estimated wealth of US$26.0 billion on 10 March 2011.

                      Like many Asian conglomerates, the Li Ka-shing group is structured to retain disproportionate control without incurring the cost of owning an equivalent economic interest. This separation between control and interest is accomplished through pyramid structure, dual-class equities and cross-holdings.

                      Li Ka-shing - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
                      The Li Bloodline


                      • removed from thread
                        Last edited by minoly; 03-12-2012, 09:10 PM.


                        • Originally posted by Aaron View Post
                          If there is some law or amendment or whatever that was filed at sometime later that extends natural born status to children born of U.S. Citizen parents who had kids overseas on bases, they would be natural born I guess, but I don't know the exact law that made that possible.
                          In the Naturalization Act of 1790, Congress passed a law that disregarded the idea of being born on U.S. soil, and referred only to parentage:
                          "The children of citizens of the United States, that may be born beyond sea, or out of the limits of the United States," the Act states, "shall be considered as natural born citizens: Provided, that the right of citizenship shall not descend to persons whose fathers have never been resident in the United States."
                          This Act was repealed 5 years later, however, and Congress never again drafted a legally binding definition of "natural born citizen."

                          Interestingly, while many Obama bots point to this Act as defining a "natural born citizen," the Act clearly stated "the children of citizens (plural, meaning both parents are US citizens) of the United States," and further went on to proclaim that citizenship was inherited exclusively through the father. This was the only statute that ever purported to grant the status of natural born citizen.

                          Truth is, no statute can retroactively, or otherwise, grant natural born citizen status to any individual, because that status can only be conferred naturally, and at the time of birth. The only universally accepted definition of natural born citizen is a person born in a country to parents who are both citizens of that country. To this class of birth status, there is absolutely no question. The US Supreme Court has made this very clear.

                          "The Constitution does not in words say who shall be natural born citizens. Resort must be had elsewhere to ascertain that," wrote the Court in the 1874 Minor v. Happersett case. "At common law, with the nomenclature of which the Framers of the Constitution were familiar, it was never doubted that all children born in a country of parents who were its citizens became themselves, upon their birth, citizens also. These were natives or natural born citizens, as distinguished from aliens or foreigners. Some authorities go further and include as citizens children born within the jurisdiction without reference to the citizenship of their parents. As to this class there have been doubts, but never as to the first.
                          "Seek wisdom by keeping an open mind to alternative realities, questioning authority, and searching for truth. Only then, when you see or hear something that has 'the ring of truth' to it, will it be as if a veil has been lifted, and suddenly you will begin to hear and see far more clearly than ever before." - Rickoff


                          • Re: Kapiolani Hospital

                            Originally posted by john_g View Post
                            I got sent this today - I have not checked the facts:

                            Because Obama messed up on the forging of his own birth ceritificate... This is any interesting piece of the puzzle.
                            Hate to bring this up, but I just checked the official web site for Kapiolani Maternity & Gynecological Hospital and according to the information there, the name of the hospital at the time of his birth should have been Kauikeolani Childrens Hospital. According to the web site the name didnt change to Kapiolani Maternity & Gynecological Hospital until Kauikeolani Childrens Hospital merged with Kapiolani Maternity Home in 1978. So how could his official long form birth certificate that was generated in 1961 have the name of the hospital that wasnt created until 1978?
                            This story is either a case of misunderstanding, or (as I would think) deliberately circulated by O-bots to discredit any in the "birther" movement who would grab the story and run with it. The Kapiolani Maternity and Gynecological Hospital was actually so named in 1958, so definitely existed in 1961. Furthermore, if you examine the certificate of Susan Nordyke (born the day after Obama), which I posted earlier and is shown again below, you will notice she was born at Kapiolani Maternity and Gynecological Hospital.
                            Last edited by rickoff; 05-01-2011, 04:58 PM.
                            "Seek wisdom by keeping an open mind to alternative realities, questioning authority, and searching for truth. Only then, when you see or hear something that has 'the ring of truth' to it, will it be as if a veil has been lifted, and suddenly you will begin to hear and see far more clearly than ever before." - Rickoff


                            • Not to pick an argument

                              but the term 'naturally born citizen' or 'natural born citizen' is aquward, at the very least. As opposed to what ' artificicially born'? Does that mean anyone delivered by C-section is ineligible to be Pres.? I realise some of it is the difficulty with the way the English language has changed, since the time when the Constitution was written. With the way this rate or pace of change seems to be increasing, I wonder how they will be able to interpret the Constitution, at all, in say,...200 years?
                              And Rick, I didn't mean to say their aren't people, and even the people, who would LIKE to see a Constitutional Convention.Just that there are major 'Powers that Be' that Don't want one. And that short of the Sheep looking up, the Powers will prevail, and we won't have one.As for me, I'm all for it; there are too many issues which our political system avoids dealing with.
                              These various issues clog up the system, by being unresolved.Causes a kind of 'Constipation'. A Constitutional Convention would be like a purge; a good colon cleansing, with laxatives and an enema; To mix metaphores "Flush twice, its a long way to Washington, D.C. I just don't see it happening, is all.


                              • Originally posted by minoly View Post
                                I have illustrator and viewed the layers myself. They do not appear to be added on, they appear to be "removed" layers, as a scanner using illustrator would do under very normal circumstances.
                                Your assessment misses the actual points that confirm, beyond any reasonable doubt, why Obama's "certificate" is definitely not a copy of a 1961 Hawaiian birth record, as Obama and his O-bots claim.
                                • Go back and look at the image in my post # 1592, which shows that the green horizontal background pattern lines remain straight all the way across a section of the paper that curves downwards. This is not possible unless the pattern was superimposed on the paper after photographing the paper itself. The pattern lines should curve downward, just as the black line does. There is no possible explanation for this irregularity if the document was in fact a copy of an original document, and that is why no O-bot "expert" has attempted to explain it.
                                • In addition to the first reason why the document cannot possibly be a true copy of an original document, go to post # 1594 and examine the true copy of certificate issued to Susan Nordyke, born the day after Obama (see 4th image displayed). The Nordyke certificate is certified to be a "true and correct copy of the original," and shows an official raised seal, while the Obama document has no such supporting evidence. Furthermore, if there is an actual birth record on file for Obama, then a true copy of that record would have the same coloration and background pattern as Nordyke's. Obama's "certificate" certainly does not, and therefore cannot posibly be a true copy of an original record.
                                • Notice also, in post # 1594, that neither the Nordyke or Edith Coats certificates show any examples whatsoever of white space voids between or around lines, letters, numbers, or signatures, and the background pattern. Everything on Obama's document clearly shows this white space phenomenon, which is a product of computer "cutting and pasting" of images onto a patterned background image. None of the O-bot "experts" have attempted to explain this, while continuing to insist the document is a true copy of his original record.
                                • If the image of the Obama "certificate" shown on the pdf file released by the White House is in fact a true photograph of the record on file in Honolulu (which certainly is a possibility) then the record on file is definitely a faked record itself, for all the reasons mentioned above.
                                Your suggestion of the Obama document being a scanned image simply doesn't fly either. All color scans of lettering show red+blue chromatic abberations when the document is viewed at a sufficiently zoomed in scale. The Obama document does not. The Obama document was also not processed as Optical Character Recognition (OCR) text, as the "expert" in the video you pointed to suggested, because OCR processing changes the appearance of all characters that are recognized. Print out the Obama pdf image, then perform an OCR scan and you will see this is true.
                                Last edited by rickoff; 05-01-2011, 06:58 PM.
                                "Seek wisdom by keeping an open mind to alternative realities, questioning authority, and searching for truth. Only then, when you see or hear something that has 'the ring of truth' to it, will it be as if a veil has been lifted, and suddenly you will begin to hear and see far more clearly than ever before." - Rickoff

