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The American Ruling Class

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  • osama bin laden for real?

    Exclusive: Osama bin Laden's Nose and Left Ear -- Puppet Masters --

    Interesting - haven't see the videos yet myself.
    Aaron Murakami

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    RPX & MWO


    • PLEASE PASS THIS ON……….. and, tell me once again the name of the jackass in the White House who bad-mouths this man
      Still Ranks in the top Ten!!! | Pick's Picks of the Day



      • Originally posted by Aaron View Post
        Thanks for the link, Aaron. The video link in the CNN article, of Obama supposedly watching himself on TV, did not work, but the one that was used for the ear comparison did. It is incredible that the government would release this video and claim it is authentic. On the other hand, though, it's almost as if they are deliberately taunting anyone with half a brain. It's like they are saying, "well of course it's a fake, but most people either won't notice or won't care, and will go right on celebrating Osama's death and giving Obama and the CIA a big thumbs up."

        Say, I almost missed it when I went into the link you provided, but did you notice the photo of the White House Situation Room? I skipped past it to look for the photos and the video links, but when I later scrolled back up I busted out laughing when I saw "Osama" in the WH Situation Room photo. Obviously he was added in there with a little photoshopping, but even this looks far more realistic than what the government is showing us. Hilarious, huh? Notice that Osama is the only one mindful of the photographer. Notice too the girl behind Osama. Hmmm... is she looking at his ear? And why did Obama get kicked out of the big, comfy chair at the head of the table, and get shuffled over to the rinky-dink seat in the corner? After all, didn't Obama direct the whole operation?
        Last edited by rickoff; 05-11-2011, 04:55 AM.
        "Seek wisdom by keeping an open mind to alternative realities, questioning authority, and searching for truth. Only then, when you see or hear something that has 'the ring of truth' to it, will it be as if a veil has been lifted, and suddenly you will begin to hear and see far more clearly than ever before." - Rickoff


        • More issues with the Obama "certificate"

          In addition to the alignment problems that I showed in post #1681, I notice that Karl Denninger has a new video out that shows several more alignment issues, and you can see that here. He has also posted another video that clearly shows kerning of text characters. "Kerning" refers to an effect where two or more adjacent text characters intrude on each other's space, and is never seen in text printed on a typewriter unless the typist removes the paper part way through a word and then reinserts it so that the next character is typed too close to the previous character. Typewritten text always leaves spacing between letters, whereas computer generated and printed text often features kerning. If there were only one or two kernings on the Obama "certificate," it could perhaps be chalked up to the typist removing the form to erase and correct a typing error (they didn't have correction tapes in 1961), but there are numerous examples of kerning in the Obama "certificate." I noticed this cramming of characters right away when first looking at Obama's faked "certificate," but figured that it was simply due to some very sloppy work on the part of the document forger. Of course kerning does give the impression of sloppy work when some characters have good spacing and others within the same word are squeezed together, and so whatever the actual reason for this appearance may be, it is definitely a very tell tale flag that alerts the observer to obvious document fraud.

          Here is just one of many examples of kerning that can be found
          in the Obama document. It is from the section regarding the hospital
          name. Notice how the "a" and "p" in Kapiolani clearly overlap.
          Last edited by rickoff; 05-14-2011, 05:11 PM. Reason: sp
          "Seek wisdom by keeping an open mind to alternative realities, questioning authority, and searching for truth. Only then, when you see or hear something that has 'the ring of truth' to it, will it be as if a veil has been lifted, and suddenly you will begin to hear and see far more clearly than ever before." - Rickoff


          • Alas, Dear Rickoff,

            (To mix metaphores) You are preaching to the choir, while beating a dead horse, (that refuses to die).
            Preaching to the choir, in that I haven't seen anyone on this thread positing that this piece of cr*p 'document' is authentic; you've done an excellent job of showing what an inept forgery it is.
            Beating a dead horse that refuses to die, in that its obvious it worked; the 'Talking heads' have all abdicated their responsibility as the fifth estate, and have 'certified' it as genuine, and not so subtly stated that anyone who continues to ? Obamas legitimacy is a rascist.
            And now, that he single handedly charged into that compound in Pakistan, and 'took out' Osama, why, your ? the legitimacy of a true hero! How DARE you?
            And so it goes,...
            Reminds me of that Saturday Nite live skit, where these reporters, of both genders, were practically having orgasms over Obamas answers.Too true to be funny, really,....Jim


            • Originally posted by dutchdivco View Post
              (To mix metaphores) You are preaching to the choir, while beating a dead horse, (that refuses to die).
              Preaching to the choir, in that I haven't seen anyone on this thread positing that this piece of cr*p 'document' is authentic; you've done an excellent job of showing what an inept forgery it is.
              Beating a dead horse that refuses to die, in that its obvious it worked; the 'Talking heads' have all abdicated their responsibility as the fifth estate, and have 'certified' it as genuine, and not so subtly stated that anyone who continues to ? Obamas legitimacy is a rascist.
              And now, that he single handedly charged into that compound in Pakistan, and 'took out' Osama, why, your ? the legitimacy of a true hero! How DARE you?
              And so it goes,...
              Reminds me of that Saturday Nite live skit, where these reporters, of both genders, were practically having orgasms over Obamas answers.Too true to be funny, really,....Jim
              Sadly we only need to walk into a crowd or into a school for a prime example of what this country has become.

              I lectured Freshman Electrical Engineers, groups of 40 to 50 and maybe one, sometimes two would present a problem and the problem was they were advanced and wanted to move faster or they were not candidates for the field, but never were they routy, dis-respective or in any other way other than young adults on shaky ground out of normal growing up fear that all should have when in college.

              Today look at any typical class room! I would not enter one with out at least an AR and Vest. It is utter crap what is taking place in our schools today and what these individuals think they are and what they think they deserve or what is theirs by some supreme , something.

              Now go to any job site with current generation individuals, no self pride, no dedication, no real goals other than a check and a long vacation.

              Yes I speak in generalities and make the assumption all are the same, that is not true of course and that fact is what just may save this country. There are some very decent, intelligent and potential leaders present in the wings. We owe it to the country to stop the current oppression for long enough for the smart and meaningful one to get in a position to clean the webs from the corners.

              We do not as a people have the right to stand back and say 'It's not my problem', that is a death sentence for the future and the generations that will have to live there. We must help the future in whatever way we can.

              If you have no compassion for the present or the future, you are the problem.

              Jim, well stated and one who understands.


              • Dr. Stiffler

                "Jim, well stated and one who understands." Right back at ya, 'Doc'!
                It is our institutions, which are failing.
                The educational system is deplorable, and yet their are many good people working in it, and TRYING to do the right thing.
                Likewise our 'Medical system', our 'free press', our 'political system', 'financial system' and on and on.
                We have constructed these systems which are like big ocean liners that are out of control.'They' (the systems) are more focused on their own preservation, at all costs, than with doing what they were originally created to do.

                We, collectively, have surrendered individual initiative, to these systems, for the perception of security, or convenience, or efficiency.And it seems like few are even recognising this, and none are doing anything to change it.

                Its like we're all on a train, headed for a cliff where the bridge is out. And yet we're all worrying about wheter our steak is cooked right, in the dining car, or trying to score on that good looking fellow passenger, or trying to decide whether to raise or fold, in the poker game.

                We are so caught up in the minutia of our own lives, that 'we' are oblivious to whats coming.Or, we see whats happening, and feel powerless to do anything about it.After all, these systems we have created are like a huge block of foam rubber, a mile on a side; you push here, and it gives in, a little, but doesn't move the block, at all.So, 'whats the point?' Might as well just concentrate on getting as much as I can, of the 'cheese', (Benefits, tax right-offs, whatever).And, as you said, we produce each generation with more who are programmed to get as much as they can, while 'giving' as little as possible.
                And willing to give up more of their freedom, individuality and initiative, in order to 'get' more,...'stuff'.

                I know there are many on this site who believe this is all a vast conspiracy.
                For my part, while I agknowledge there are always those with power, $ and influence who will 'game' the system, in order to gain, the problem is more fundamental; its 'human nature'.

                The very same qualities that got us where we are, are leading to our decline.The 'greedy barstuds' that are 'gaming the systems' will fall, right along with the rest of us.We, collectively, are doing it to ourselves.Part of this 'Human Nature' that contributes to the decline, is the temptation to find others to blame; but it doesn't get us any closer to the fundamental truth; our fate was sealed; back when we first started to say "This is MY land". At the 'Dawn of Civilisation' about 10,000 years ago. Everything that follows was fated to follow; it was/is inevitable. Anyway, thats what I believe.Jim


                • Originally posted by dutchdivco View Post
                  (To mix metaphors) You are preaching to the choir, while beating a dead horse (that refuses to die).
                  Preaching to the choir, in that I haven't seen anyone on this thread positing that this piece of cr*p 'document' is authentic; you've done an excellent job of showing what an inept forgery it is.
                  Yes, I know, of course, that most anyone reading this thread must surely realize by now what is going on, and probably wouldn't continue reading posts here unless they were largely in agreement with what is shown. So while that may be seen as "preaching to the choir," I myself see it as informing the non-delusional activists. My purpose, in showing precisely why Obama's document is fraudulent, is to provide others with real, indisputable evidence of fakery that can be used to help open the eyes of those who tend to believe everything they see on TV or are told by the government. And I don't just talk about this stuff solely in this thread. I bring it up at every opportunity, and I suspect that others here are doing the same. I know that people are waking up in large numbers, but there are still many sheeple who are either undecided, oblivious, delusional, or just don't care. Sometimes I will intentionally go into an O-bot website and spar with them, but it's not because I hope to change their minds. I do it just to see what their arguments are, so that I can be better informed of what responses I might expect when talking to people. When I do talk to people one-on-one, or in small groups, I concentrate my efforts on the ones who are are apparently either oblivious to what is going on, or are confused and undecided. To my thinking, those who are truly oblivious are mostly that way because of brainwashing indoctrination continued throughout the span of their lifetime. It is difficult to get your message across to such people, because they have a deeply engrained mindset that will not even allow them to question their formed beliefs. Usually, such persons will not awaken to the truth unless they encounter a situation in which they are treated unfairly by local, state, or federal authorities. Once they have a veritable "chip on their shoulder," they become very open to learning more. So, it is this group, along with the undecideds, that I concentrate most of my efforts upon. The undecideds are basically intelligent people who realize that something is wrong, but who are not sure as to what is believable. They try to keep informed, and are aware of the fact that, for example, there are opposing viewpoints concerning the Kennedy assasination, 9/11, the Obama eligibility question, and the Osama saga. With much of the real evidence concerning such matters having been obfuscated, underreported, or simply "swept under the rug" by government and media, the undecideds tend to remain undecided simply because 90% of what they have been exposed to comes from the Ruling Class. Thus, it is these undecideds that we must make strong efforts to find, and to engage in intelligent conversation.

                  Originally posted by dutchdivco View Post
                  Beating a dead horse that refuses to die, in that its obvious it worked; the 'Talking heads' have all abdicated their responsibility as the fifth estate, and have 'certified' it as genuine, and not so subtly stated that anyone who continues to [question] Obamas legitimacy is a [racist].
                  Obama's faked "certificate" is only going to be a "dead horse" issue if we lay back and allow the issue to die. That's what the Ruling Class is hoping for. The Associated Press can release their poll showing that 60% of the public now believes that Obama has provided proof of US citizenship, but are any of us gullible enough to believe those numbers? I suspect that anyone who, previous to release of the Obama "certificate," had come to the conclusion that Obama is ineligible to serve as POTUS, is now more convinced than ever that Obama is a deceptive usurper. Release of such polling results is merely a tool that the Ruling Class hopes to use to sway the undecideds. It can be a rather effective tool, because undecideds like to think that when they make a decision about something that it has a fairly firm foundation. For example, when election polls report that 60% of the people polled will vote for a particular candidate, undecideds will be strongly attracted to vote for that candidate, who they will see as the likely "winner." There aren't many people who feel comfortable with voting for someone who is expected to be a "loser."

                  I'll be the first to admit that the odds are greatly stacked against us by the Ruling Class establishment, and their control of the lamestream media, but I don't see that as a reason to give up. Conversely, I see it as a reason to keep the controversies alive, and to step up our efforts to reach and educate others. The only effort that is wasted is the one that is never implemented.

                  "Seek wisdom by keeping an open mind to alternative realities, questioning authority, and searching for truth. Only then, when you see or hear something that has 'the ring of truth' to it, will it be as if a veil has been lifted, and suddenly you will begin to hear and see far more clearly than ever before." - Rickoff


                  • Originally posted by dutchdivco View Post
                    The very same qualities that got us where we are, are leading to our decline.The 'greedy barstuds' that are 'gaming the systems' will fall, right along with the rest of us.We, collectively, are doing it to ourselves.Part of this 'Human Nature' that contributes to the decline, is the temptation to find others to blame
                    You really sound like a disinfo agent.

                    Every day thousands of people find out about the jewish criminal network so it is just a matter of time that, once again, it is destroyed.

                    Just look at this video for a few of those precious times in history when they were expelled: YouTube - The Expulsion of Jews Throughout History


                    • An interesting Kenyan document from 2008, written shortly before the US Presidential election, has come to light. Of particular interest are the statements, "Numerous intelligence reports have suggested [Obama] might have been born in Mombasa at the ... Coast Provincial Hospital." and "the information we in the ministry have is that some documents have been removed by unknown persons at unknown dates, or are missing from birth registry records..."
                      This would certainly lend credence to the Obama Kenyan birth certificate (see post #742) perhaps being the real deal.

                      Last edited by rickoff; 05-12-2011, 06:36 PM.
                      "Seek wisdom by keeping an open mind to alternative realities, questioning authority, and searching for truth. Only then, when you see or hear something that has 'the ring of truth' to it, will it be as if a veil has been lifted, and suddenly you will begin to hear and see far more clearly than ever before." - Rickoff


                      • My view is one of bewilderment yet again...a condition i'm sure there's a tablet for from the very suspect FDA (an issue you guys have probably covered). My wife is on several medications, none of which change year to year and that makes it personal.

                        With no TV, I find my English immigrating self looking at this country I now live in through the internet. We get warned about being 'Google researchers' and therefore all viewpoints taken from anything online can then be derided by others. I have completely no idea why ! Proofed pictures, videos, interviews, historical time linear website information and postings such as from Rick, all unimportant compared to what folks see on TV or hear on radio from their car speakers.
                        I mean, look at the BBC story, where a neighbour of Bin Laden said it was not him, but another guy he's known for quite a while. Poor bloke got shot to shi-ite and dumped in the sea from that account, by an army originating thousands of miles away !
                        There is one important point though that people like me can forward - it doesn't add up from one day to the next. We try to get used to the ways of the land and yet scratch our heads. Many issues, from squabbling children who can't fix a budget that means nothing within the ridiculous $$$'s of war, to the 'im alright Jack' nature of those of means, to the fact that my Birth Certificate and all other details are real and yet some chap is the President with something really more than iffy..
                        I want to understand it, would love to be a sheep and fit in !

                        This nation is one of promise, freer for my own research and employment wishes than the UK ever could be. It is lead however by some powerful groups who now wish a revolution of the populace ?. *****ing away at the faith in Government at every opportunity, until, people finally get it en mass.
                        Or is this the idea ? to ruin and ruin until Orwell's '1984' picture becomes reality ?
                        Who are the good guys in positions of meaning and how do we empower them with the peoples voice ?

                        Btw Rick, relating to your advice about contacting our Senator. My wife has had a few run ins by email with our local Senator over many issues. She regularly finds herself in the same bewilderment boat as myself...and maybe that's our fate. Common sense is leaving the country. Ways have to be found to bring it back.


                        • Rickoff

                          Once again, no critisism, just the optimist vs. pessimist thing.You know, pessimist says :"it can't get any WORSE", and optimist says "Oh, Yes it CAN!"
                          Seriosly, I THOUGHT Fukishima would do it; it didn't! I mean, perhaps people can delude themselves that Obama as a non-citisen doesn't directly affect them, or similar denials, but come on! This is radioactive material that you and your family are ingesting! And the 'Sheeple' just don't want to hear.And, they don't want to hear about any of this.

                          You keep on trying to sound the clarion call, keep on TRYING to get them to listen, and to hear.

                          As for me, I just don't have any hope that the budget mess will be seriously dealt with, or that anything else of substance will change.Maybe, just maybe, when enough individuals oxes are gored, when the people get repeatedly screwed enough times, maybe they will stand up. But, I am not at all optimistic.WISH I could believe in 'the people', but I'm afraid i just don't.Jim


                          • Rickoff

                            Beating a dead horse, and preaching to the choir were not critisisms at all; Just my 'take', that 'they' have got aWAY WITH IT, ONCE AGAIN. I think the polls MAY be accurate; that 60% of the sheeple, who buy the crap being fed them, and are more concerned with who wins American Idol than who is President, are now convinced that Obama has put 'this issue' to rest.

                            I really thought Fukishima would do it; I mean, o.k., so in your denial you convince yourself that it doesn't really matter, to YOU in your daily life, who is President, and where he was born, but COME ON! We're talking radiation that you and yours are exposed to. And the sheep keep grazing.

                            You keep on sounding the clarion call, don't let my pessimism stop you; thats not my intention, at all. Just can't get my hopes up that it will make any difference.Jim


                            • Alex Jones breaks the spell surrounding British royalty and Prince William's supposed fairytale wedding. The House of Windsor name did not surface until the WWI-era, when they opted to drop Saxe-Coburg and Gotha to keep the British from focusing on their German overlords.

                              The U.S. fought a war of independence against the British control of its government and economy, yet modern day Americans fawn over the royal family, whom they identify with. This is the result of deliberate social engineering campaigns to build celebrity and importance around a parasitic and tyrannical gang that has led and funded Eugenics, carbon taxes, population reduction and much more. Wake up America! Stop holding up false idols.

                              YouTube - Secrets of the Royal Wedding Exposed!

                              At one time, Britain contained several small kingdoms ruled over by an inter-married self elected elite, which gradually amalgamated into the single monarchy which rules over ( Wales, Scotland, Northern Ireland, England, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, and the United States of America.) The so called "royal family" is basically German. They are seated on almost every throne in Europe. They are the Saxe-Coburg-Gotha-Battenberg bloodline, which often intermarries with the Kassel-Hesse German nobility and claim Jewish descent from the royal house of David in ancient Israel. By the 1600's, the thrones of Europe were mainly occupied by extremely wealthy Germans, earning vast profits from peasant labor, slavery, and the international opium trade. This Germanic family known by the titles of Saxe-Coburg-Gotha-Schleisweg-Holstein-Habsburg-Romanov-Cassel-Hesse share the same tiny genetic bloodline. This can clearly be seen in a photograph of the British King Goerge the "V" standing beside Czar Nicholas of Russia. In fact, they were cousins.
                              The Evil History of the British Royal Family - Conspiracy theories - Zimbio



                              • Originally posted by dutchdivco View Post
                                You keep on sounding the clarion call, don't let my pessimism stop you; thats not my intention, at all. Just can't get my hopes up that it will make any difference.Jim
                                I understand, Jim, but try thinking of it this way:

                                Suppose that, through my steadfast efforts, I can actually get through to just 10 intelligent people who will each see the necessity to commit to doing the same that I am doing, and suppose that each of those persons aligns 10 more people commited to carrying the cause forward, and so on. If this process is carried out just 8 times, 100 million people would be aligned with the cause. Do you think that could make a difference? Note that 122,394,724 US citizens voted in the 2008 Presidential election.

                                No need to point out that, while this sounds good in theory, it would never work this well simply because there are not that many dedicated and intelligent individuals to be found, and the effort would break down at some point along the way. I of course understand that, but simply state this example to show that, even with expected breakdowns, the number of people who could be recruited to the cause could be substantial enough to truly make a difference in the 2012 elections. It all boils down to grass roots activism, and whether or not folks are willing to get involved and be a part of it. Think of what actually happened in the 2010 election, and how it could be a much larger change in 2012. Remember that if we allow ourselves to believe that there is no hope left to change what we perceive as inevitable then that which we perceive as inevitable will inevitably become reality. With that thought in mind, isn't it better to try, and perhaps fail, than to give up in desperation?
                                Last edited by rickoff; 05-14-2011, 01:09 AM.
                                "Seek wisdom by keeping an open mind to alternative realities, questioning authority, and searching for truth. Only then, when you see or hear something that has 'the ring of truth' to it, will it be as if a veil has been lifted, and suddenly you will begin to hear and see far more clearly than ever before." - Rickoff

