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The American Ruling Class

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  • Originally posted by aljhoa View Post
    [COLOR="Blue"]Alex Jones breaks the spell surrounding British royalty
    Since the Queen holds the most Land in the World i think shes one from the Ends of the Chain, if not The End. Amerika got his Rockefella, what got the Oil and Rothschilds what does in Weapons.
    Theorizer are like High Voltage. A lot hot Air with no Power behind but they are the dead of applied Work and Ideas.


    • Two important events occurred yesterday

      1. Yesterday marked the end of lieutenant colonel Terry Lakin's stay as a military prisoner at Fort Leavenworth. Lakin was released short of his 6-month sentence because of "good behavior." As I reported in earlier posts, Lakin was denied the right to a fair trial because the judge refused to allow him the right of discovery, or to present any witnesses to support his position that orders issued by his higher-ups could be unlawful if Barack Obama was not in fact eligible to initiate such orders as President and Commander In Chief. In short, the trial was a mockery of justice. Lakin is not able to comment about his case at this time, because of the pending status of an appeal of the military court's decision, as well as a request for clemency that remains unaddressed.

      2. In the Exeter, New Hampshire town hall yesterday, Ron Paul announced he will run as a candidate for President. Ron made a campaign run in the 2008 elections, and chose to run for the Republican nomination. He did quite well, but in the end was displaced by McCain in the primary elections. I think running as a Republican candidate was a mistake, since the primary elections can be manipulated by the Ruling Class to make their chosen one appear to be the winner, when in fact that may very well be malarkey. Remember that Ron ran a single day "money-bomb" appeal to supporters that was far and away more successful than that of any other candidate, and that he was also the force behind the Audit The Fed movement, which became a very popular issue with voters. Ron was also promising to bring all our troops home, to substantially cut government size and waste, to eliminate the Patrot Act, defend the Constitution, and restore personal liberties that have been eroded. All of these were hugely popular with the American public. Remember too, that nearly everyone was fed up with the Bush regime, so it doesn't make sense that voters in the primaries would opt to vote for McCain over Ron Paul, when McCain really had nothing to offer but a continuation of the Bush regime policies.
      Then too, McCain was not any more eligible than Obama, under the requirement to be a "natural born citizen," to run for, or serve as President. If the primary votes were really counted properly, then there seems to be only one likely conclusion that can be drawn - that organized Democrat voters swarmed in and voted for McCain in large numbers so that Obama would face a candidate that could easily be beaten.

      If Ron Paul chooses to run as a Republican candidate in 2012 he may very well be beset by the same fate that occurred in the 2008 primaries, and if he concedes defeat and bows out again then what remaining Republican candidate can beat Obama's political machine? Hopefully Ron will run as an independent if the same scenario occurs. Some will say that would split the vote away from the Republican party and guarantee Obama's reelection, but I say that we can not afford another election where we feel we must cast our vote for what we see as the lesser of two evils. We must have faith that this time voters will vote with their conscience, and that a tsunami of liberty and Constitution loving American voters will vote for the candidate most likely to return our country to the ideals set forth by our Founding Fathers.

      Here is what Ron Paul is now saying:

      All the work we have done together for the past decades has brought us to this place. We are challenging the status quo, and, if we come together now in these crucial times, we can win.

      This REVOLUTION will be hard work. It will require long hours from all of us. And, as we threaten the power elites, we will be attacked. We will face smears, defaming, and dirty tricks.

      But, I know that our mission is crucial. Please work with me and help give each other strength as we fight for Liberty.

      So, as we launch this new campaign, I pledge the following to you:

      1. I will work as hard as I can and do everything in my ability to make this campaign a success.
      2. We will build the strongest team we possibly can and execute the best, most professional effort in our power.
      3. I will never compromise and never, ever back down.

      Those are words that ring true with me. Ron understands who and what we are up against, and doesn't hesitate to say so. What other candidate will talk about revolution, challenging the status quo, fighting for liberty, and threatening the power elite of the Ruling Class? Frankly, I would like to see the TEA Party become an actual registered party for the 2012 elections, with Ron as their candidate. With a really strong effort, I feel confident that not only would Ron be electable, but that the TEA Party candidates for the House and Senate will soundly defeat the incumbent establishment Republicans and Democrats who didn't take notice of voter scorn as evidenced by the 2010 election results, and who are content to pursue business as usual.
      Last edited by rickoff; 05-15-2011, 07:26 PM.
      "Seek wisdom by keeping an open mind to alternative realities, questioning authority, and searching for truth. Only then, when you see or hear something that has 'the ring of truth' to it, will it be as if a veil has been lifted, and suddenly you will begin to hear and see far more clearly than ever before." - Rickoff


      • Originally posted by Slider2732 View Post
        Btw Rick, relating to your advice about contacting our Senator. My wife has had a few run ins by email with our local Senator over many issues. She regularly finds herself in the same bewilderment boat as myself...and maybe that's our fate.
        Don't be deterred by past experiences. If you feel that your US senator is unresponsive and probably won't help then contact your representative in the US House of Representatives and ask him or her to intercede with ICE on your behalf. Normally, representatives and senators are happy to sign letters prepared by their staff to intercede in any case that has merit because it is a political feather in their hat, and they can then brag about helping a constituent. And all it takes for ICE to back down is one short letter of inquiry from a US senator or representative. You will find that visiting the senator or representative's local office, and speaking face-to-face with a staff member, will get speedier action than simply phoning or writing. And when you visit, take along copies of all pertinent documentation that you can use to explain your situation and how you have been mistreated.

        Good luck to you,

        "Seek wisdom by keeping an open mind to alternative realities, questioning authority, and searching for truth. Only then, when you see or hear something that has 'the ring of truth' to it, will it be as if a veil has been lifted, and suddenly you will begin to hear and see far more clearly than ever before." - Rickoff


        • Originally posted by rickoff View Post

          2. In the Exeter, New Hampshire town hall yesterday, Ron Paul announced he will run as a candidate for President. Ron made a campaign run in the 2008 elections, and chose to run for the Republican nomination. He did quite well, but in the end was displaced by McCain in the primary elections. I think running as a Republican candidate was a mistake, since the primary elections can be manipulated by the Ruling Class to make their chosen one appear to be the winner, when in fact that may very well be malarkey. Remember that Ron ran a single day "money-bomb" appeal to supporters that was far and away more successful than that of any other candidate, and that he was also the force behind the Audit The Fed movement, which became a very popular issue with voters. Ron was also promising to bring all our troops home, to substantially cut government size and waste, to eliminate the Patrot Act, defend the Constitution, and restore personal liberties that have been eroded. All of these were hugely popular with the American public. Remember too, that nearly everyone was fed up with the Bush regime, so it doesn't make sense that voters in the primaries would opt to vote for McCain over Ron Paul, when McCain really had nothing to offer but a continuation of the Bush regime policies.
          Then too, McCain was not any more eligible than Obama, under the requirement to be a "natural born citizen," to run for, or serve as President. If the primary votes were really counted properly, then there seems to be only one likely conclusion that can be drawn - that organized Democrat voters swarmed in and voted for McCain in large numbers so that Obama would face a candidate that could easily be beaten.

          If Ron Paul chooses to run as a Republican candidate in 2012 he may very well be beset by the same fate that occurred in the 2008 primaries, and if he concedes defeat and bows out again then what remaining Republican candidate can beat Obama's political machine? Hopefully Ron will run as an independent if the same scenario occurs. Some will say that would split the vote away from the Republican party and guarantee Obama's reelection, but I say that we can not afford another election where we feel we must cast our vote for what we see as the lesser of two evils. We must have faith that this time voters will vote with their conscience, and that a tsunami of liberty and Constitution loving American voters will vote for the candidate most likely to return our country to the ideals set forth by our Founding Fathers.

          Here is what Ron Paul is now saying:


          Those are words that ring true with me. Ron understands who and what we are up against, and doesn't hesitate to say so. What other candidate will talk about revolution, challenge the status quo, and threaten the power elite of the Ruling Class? Frankly, I would like to see the TEA Party become an actual registered party for the 2012 elections, with Ron as their candidate. With a really strong effort, I feel confident that not only would Ron be electable, but that the TEA Party candidates for the House and Senate will soundly defeat the incumbent establishment Republicans and Democrats who didn't take notice of voter scorn as evidenced by the 2010 election results, and who are content to pursue business as usual.
          YouTube - Protect Ron Paul from Vote Fraud

          YouTube - Ron Paul on Socialism, Inflationism and the Death of the Dollar

          American computer programmer Clinton Eugene Curtis is seen in this video testifying under oath in front of the U.S. House Judiciary Members in Ohio.
          He tells the members how he was hired by Congressman Tom Feeney in 2000 to build a prototype software package that would secretly rig an election to sway the result 51 / 49 to a specified side.
          YouTube - American Election Hacker Testifies



          • I don't see Ron Paul becoming the president ever. The media decides who is going to be the president. People don't read by themselves but just watch the tv lies. Most people are sheeple without criteria.

            What I have agaisnt Ron Paul is that he supports the official 911 version. That's talks very bad about him.


            • sheeple plural ( no singular )

              ( derogatory slang ) People who unquestioningly accept as true whatever their political leaders say or who adopt popular opinion as their own without scrutiny.
              The American sheeple should know that George W. Bush is not really for smaller government.
              The 'sheeple' of Toronto have spoken and Ontario gets another coat of red paint .

              sheeple - definition of sheeple -



              • Ron Paul and others trying to label whats wrong in this country as "socialism" is ridiculous... and that concept is about pandering to the old anti-soviet propaganda that still has strong sway over millions who were alive back in the cold war days.

                The problems we have today are not from "socialism" at all... this country is much more "capitalist" and right wing than it was under Ronald Reagan, even tho those who support that hate to admit it:

                They are instead from corporate / government corruption, now to the extent that it makes the old gangland Prohibition days look like a teen spray-painting graffiti.... and until Dr. Paul acknowledges that, he is not the one to lead us out of this mess either. It could be that this is a battle he is not prepared to wage as he doesn't think he can win it (they would come down on him even harder or even kill him), or it could be he is just deluded. In any event, his answers and solutions are frankly unworkable and without merit.... if we really did have a Libertarian government, everything would fall apart very quickly into corporate fascism (even faster than it is now), as it wholly works on the assumption people in positions of importance, such as corporate leaders, have personal integrity... and a very high percentage do not.

                On the other hand, he is one of the few in the US government willing to speak out on many important subjects and for that i admire him.


                • Originally posted by jibbguy View Post
                  Ron Paul and others trying to label whats wrong in this country as "socialism" is ridiculous... and that concept is about pandering to the old anti-soviet propaganda that still has strong sway over millions who were alive back in the cold war days.

                  The problems we have today are not from "socialism" at all... this country is much more "capitalist" and right wing than it was under Ronald Reagan, even tho those who support that hate to admit it:

                  They are instead from corporate / government corruption, now to the extent that it makes the old gangland Prohibition days look like a teen spray-painting graffiti.... and until Dr. Paul acknowledges that, he is not the one to lead us out of this mess either. It could be that this is a battle he is not prepared to wage as he doesn't think he can win it (they would come down on him even harder or even kill him), or it could be he is just deluded. In any event, his answers and solutions are frankly unworkable and without merit.... if we really did have a Libertarian government, everything would fall apart very quickly into corporate fascism (even faster than it is now), as it wholly works on the assumption people in positions of importance, such as corporate leaders, have personal integrity... and a very high percentage do not.

                  On the other hand, he is one of the few in the US government willing to speak out on many important subjects and for that i admire him.
                  DSD :: Resources - Publications - Core Publications
                  YouTube - Agenda 21 For Dummies
                  Socialism in America
                  American Thinker: The Stealthy Spread of Socialism in the U.S.



                  • Originally posted by bugler View Post
                    What I have agaisnt Ron Paul is that he supports the official 911 version. That's talks very bad about him.
                    Supports in what way? Is your opinion merely based on the fact that Ron doesn't publicly speak out about 9/11 being a false flag operation? I realize that Ron has stated, as in the Presidential debates, that he doesn't believe 9/11 was a government operation, but how do you know what Ron actually believes? The moderator's ploy, of course, was to hopefully get Ron to side with 9/11 truthers, and then to have the other candidates scorn and discredit him. It was also a ploy to take away time where Ron could have talked about the Federal Reserve and IRS. Of course he isn't going to appear on TV and say that 9/11 was an inside job, as that would be political suicide, but I'm sure that he has the intel and the intelligence to understand that 9/11 was bogus. If he were to speak out on 9/11 at this time then he wouldn't stand a ghost of a chance of becoming elected in 2012, as Congress and the media would do everything in their power to make him look like a complete jackass. So let's not bash Ron. Is there any other candidate in the running for 2012 who would do more in taking on the causes that matter?

                    By the way, Ron did in fact say, during a Coast To Coast radio interview, that he believes a new 9/11 investigation is needed, and also spoke out on the investigation By the Warren Commission in the Kennedy assassination.
                    "Seek wisdom by keeping an open mind to alternative realities, questioning authority, and searching for truth. Only then, when you see or hear something that has 'the ring of truth' to it, will it be as if a veil has been lifted, and suddenly you will begin to hear and see far more clearly than ever before." - Rickoff


                    • Hi Rick, good to hear Ron Paul is standing again, no doubt they media will block his message again like last time.
                      Really appreciate the work you put in on all your subjects, i'm having great fun with your Obama birth-cert info:
                      I start the conversation at a sleepy village pub in Norfolk UK, someone allways takes the challenge, give me hell about all the proof the President has put out, you know the routine, and you know I have pcket full of 'Rick info' it sure makes for lively conversation, and good real ale. Many thanks.

                      Regards, Bren.


                      • Originally posted by rickoff View Post
                        If he were to speak out on 9/11 at this time then he wouldn't stand a ghost of a chance of becoming elected in 2012, as Congress and the media would do everything in their power to make him look like a complete jackass.
                        So you are saying that lying is ok so he doesn't look like a fool. I really don't think so. Truth is precious.

                        Anyway he could just say "I think 911 should be reinvestigated and I become the president I will make sure it is". Easy.

                        But he says that there is no evidence of lies in the official version. That talks terrible on him.

                        Just my opinion.


                        • I have seen today this video and maybe some of you might find it interesting.

                          It is about colleges in the US: college conspiracy

                          YouTube - College Conspiracy


                          • Originally posted by bugler View Post
                            So you are saying that lying is ok so [Ron Paul] doesn't look like a fool. I really don't think so. Truth is precious.
                            No, I didn't say that lying is okay. I'm only saying that we don't really know for certain what Ron personally believes about 9/11, but we do know that he is probably the only candidate who would be supportive of a real 9/11 investigation. He can't openly hold the government responsible for instigating 9/11, or even just allowing it to happen, as that would open a floodgate of smear tactics (and worse) that would then be used to either discredit him or take him out of the picture. To me, it is far more important for him to remain active in the political arena and fight for many of the things we believe in than to call for a new 9/11 investigation.

                            Originally posted by bugler View Post
                            Anyway [Ron Paul] could just say "I think 911 should be reinvestigated and I become the president I will make sure it is". Easy.
                            Sure, he could do that, but who would suggest that what we need is another government controlled investigation? Is that what you would like to see? Ron has rightly stated that government investigations are always cover-ups, so what could possibly be gained by a new government sanctioned 9/11 investigation, which ultimately would find that the original report, although lacking in some details, was foundationally correct? A real investigation could only be done independently of any government control or interference. As you know, much evidence has been brought to light by scientists, structural engineers, and professional pilots, and these investigations would never be conducted by a government sanctioned investigation team, other than as a contrived effort to discredit the aforementioned groups by showing different conclusions. The best we can hope for is that a true, non-government investigation would be allowed to take place without being impeded by government agencies, and I suspect that Ron would in fact be willing to ensure that if he were in a position to do so. Right now he is not in such a position.

                            Originally posted by bugler View Post
                            But [Ron] says that there is no evidence of lies in the official version. That talks terrible on him. Just my opinion.
                            Short of possessing a videotape showing the conspirators meeting together and planning the 9/11 events, what evidence would be compelling enough to allow Ron to outrightly accuse past or present government officials, or agencies? If he says that the government lied, then he becomes obligated to prove his accusation, and you know that he would never be allowed to do that. By stating, as he has done, that government investigations are little more than cover-ups, he doesn't directly accuse the government of lying, but the implication is still made, since what would be covered up other than half-truths or lies?
                            Last edited by rickoff; 05-17-2011, 10:34 PM.
                            "Seek wisdom by keeping an open mind to alternative realities, questioning authority, and searching for truth. Only then, when you see or hear something that has 'the ring of truth' to it, will it be as if a veil has been lifted, and suddenly you will begin to hear and see far more clearly than ever before." - Rickoff


                            • IMF Chief jailed in New York City

                              That's right, Dominique Strauss-Kahn, the chief of the International Monetary Fund (IMF) has been jailed without bail on charges of attempted rape, sex abuse, a criminal sex act, unlawful imprisonment, and forcible touching, of a maid who was sent to clean his $3,000 a night New York City hotel suite. Kahn is being held in a wing of the Rikers Island jail normally reserved for inmates with highly contagious diseases, so we can only hope that he will contract a few of those diseases during his stay.

                              Up until now, Kahn was considered to be a prime candidate for the next French presidential election. Of course Kahn and his lawyers are playing down the charges and saying that whatever happened was consensual, and hinting that this was a set-up. Who knows, anything is possible of course, and we have definitely witnessed some obvious fabrications lately regarding the Obama "certificate" and the Obama-Osama saga, but this elite banker should be in jail regardless, and charged with raping the world and all its people. So should all the central bankers.

                              The IMF loans worthless fiat money to countries that are in financial difficulty, and lends this money against collateral such as land, timber, water, oil, and mineral rights. The IMF knows that these countries will never be able to pay off the loans, and that they will surely default on them. When a default happens, the IMF will either demand further collateral (if available) or will take ownership of the resources that were collateralized. And unlike the worthless fiat money they loaned, those resources will have real and enormous value. Gangland loan sharks have nothing in common with the IMF, other than their method of preying on those who have nowhere left to turn to when they need help. The US treasury and Federal Reserve work closely with the IMF to arrange finance deals with third world countries, as well as the so-called "PIIGS" of the European Union (Portugal, Italy, Ireland, Greece, and Spain). Isn't it high time that all these banksters were tossed in jail, and their assets seized and returned to the rightful owners?
                              Last edited by rickoff; 05-18-2011, 03:28 AM.
                              "Seek wisdom by keeping an open mind to alternative realities, questioning authority, and searching for truth. Only then, when you see or hear something that has 'the ring of truth' to it, will it be as if a veil has been lifted, and suddenly you will begin to hear and see far more clearly than ever before." - Rickoff


                              • Originally posted by rickoff View Post
                                That's right, Dominique Strauss-Kahn, the chief of the International Monetary Fund (IMF) has been jailed without bail on charges of attempted rape, sex abuse, a criminal sex act, unlawful imprisonment, and forcible touching, of a maid who was sent to clean his $3,000 a night New York City hotel suite.
                                YouTube - President Clinton Apologizes for MK Ultra

                                YouTube - Trance Formation of America (PT 1of7)
                                YouTube - Trance Formation of America Part 7of7


