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The American Ruling Class

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  • Hey

    Gotta remember, I don't believe the power elites are DELIBERATELY setting up whats about to come, and doing so for their benefit. Thats not to say that their actions haven't greatly contributed to it.
    I'm out working on my front porch, one late afternoon.The phone rings, I go in and talk on the phone till after sunset. I forget about the hammer I left on the porch, in the coarse of events.Late that nite, I hear a noise and go out to investigate, trip over the ammer, and break my arm.
    My actions directly contributed to my broken arm, but it wasn't my intention.
    And I certainly didn't Profit from it.
    In the sense that they HAVE more than you and I, they will LOSE more, when the train runs off the cliff.But they keep doing what they've always done, expecting that they will keep getting what they've always got.

    There is a building, built on a foundation of sand.Its in a prime location, and the wealthy want to live there. And so, they keep building it higher, and expanding it outward.It is status, to live up high and look down on others. So, they keep building higher. The building gets shakey, and they shore it up. And keep building higher.I see the building is about to fall over, and those that created the problem, with their continued building, are going to suffer the consequences of their actions.

    I'm not going to work on shoring it up.And, I don't NEED to do anything to bring the building down.All I have to do is get well back, and wait for it to fall.Trying to warn the residents is fruitless, as well.They don't want to hear it, their too busy in their ego contest for the penthouse.

    I don't feel I'm a defeatist, just a realist, and a survivor.

    I realise their are many who see it differently; see the same things I see, and believe it is all deliberate. I understand, its difficult to accept that a man would leave a hammer where he could trip on it; it must have been deliberate.No one could be that stupid.No one would build a Nuclear power plant, and not have any flashlites, to read the guages if they lost power.

    Its also difficult to accept that, seeing all this, there's nothing we can do to affect it, one way or the other.But the building is built, and expanded, almost to the tipping point.Can't evacuate it and tear it down.Can't even doing anything to bring it down quicker, without putting yourself in danger.And why, when its gonna come down, anyway? I do 'just wish it would fall, already', cause the waiting is torture.But hey, thats just me.I don't KNOW I'm right, none of us do. We're just stating how we see it.Jim


    • Originally posted by aljhoa View Post
      Uploaded by MrTimotheus85 on Feb 3, 2011
      Rush - The Obama Administration Found In Contempt Of Court On Gulf Oil Drilling Moratorium,That's two..We are living under a lawless government.

      YouTube - ‪Rush - The Obama Administration Found In Contempt Of Court On Gulf Oil Drilling Moratorium‬‏l
      The contempt issue aside. Something has to be done about fossil fuels. I'm worried that this article might come true. Polar Melting will lead to Higher Sea Levels by 2100 | Enviralment


      • Originally posted by thepatrickblack View Post
        The contempt issue aside.
        You are in the wrong thread.

        Originally posted by thepatrickblack View Post
        Something has to be done about fossil fuels.
        Fossil fuels are renewable, overpriced and by now in the free market economy be as foodstuff and fazed out as fuel.

        Originally posted by thepatrickblack View Post
        I'm worried that this article might come true.



        • I agree

          Your not going to get much support, I think, in this thread, for global swarming. I suppose your free to post about it, just don't think you'll make many converts, here.Again, I think in the end, we all believe what we decide to believe, its an aspect of our human nature. I don't believe, and if man IS affecting the weather, first of all, the irony is fantastic; ever since Man climbed up out of the muck, we've been going to some pretty extreme measures, in an attempt to affect the weather.Well I don't know about you, but I feel sacrificing virgins is pretttty extreme!

          And finally, after the 'seed the clouds with iodine' of the 50's, we kinda gave up, and concentrated on sattelites and stuff, to improve our monitoring and detection. And now, (supposedly) our actions have inadvertently affected the weather, just not the way we intended.Don't you see the irony?!!!!

          Actually, IF, and its an IF, we are 'changing the climate', we're probably preventing another Ice Age.Personally, I would rather see all the exaggerated consequenses depicted in an inconvenient Bulls***, (exaggerated in that even those who believe in GW agree its exaggerated) rather than have a 1 mile ice sheet extending across the top 1/2 of the US and wetern europe, which is what happens during an Ice age.After all, I live in Phoenix, Az.
          Obviously, I decided a loooong time ago, rather deal with heat, than cold.

          Now, I suspect there are those on this thread who will support that the Gov't, or the Ruling Class, are deliberately manipulating the weather for their own nefarious and despicable ends, but 'Climate change', "Global Warming', its gonna be a tough sell, to a hostile audience, I suspect.Jim
          Last edited by dutchdivco; 06-11-2011, 05:15 AM.


          • National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA)

            BOTTOM LINE: We are approaching the first hurdle of the annual FY NDAA. The House will complete action within days of this writing. If you have not engaged your Congressional delegation, then you have one more chance, through the Senate which should do their version in late June or July. I strongly encourage you to write, call, e-mail or visit your Congressional delegation to support those issues we have provided or recommended. I am sure you wish to have a strong Navy and a strong National Defense. You can make a difference.
            The FY 2012 National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA): House of Representatives key issues > Association of the United States Navy

            House Passes Bill Authorizing Worldwide War As Momentum Builds Against It
            Defense Bill Also Contains Several Other Troubling Provisions

            House Passes Bill Authorizing Worldwide War As Momentum Builds Against It | American Civil Liberties Union



            • Home equity sinks to nearly lowest point since World War II
              USA Today | Jun 10, 2011

              Falling home prices have shrunk the equity Americans have in their homes to nearly the lowest percentage since World War II.

              Average home equity plunged from more than 61% at the start of 2001 to 38% in the January-March quarter this year, the Federal Reserve said in a report Thursday. That drop comes as home prices in big metro areas have reached their lowest level since 2002.

              Prices fell 33% in 20 cities through March from their 2006 peak, reaching their lowest level since 2003, according to the Standard & Poor’s/Case-Shiller index of U.S. home prices on May 31. The decline signaled a “double dip” as the index fell below its previous post-housing-bubble low set in April 2009. Prices more than doubled from 2000 to July 2006.

              Further declines in home prices are likely

              Robert Shiller, the economist who co-founded the S&P/Case-Shiller index, said a further decline in property values of 10% to 25% in the next five years “wouldn’t surprise me at all.”

              “There’s no precedent for this statistically, so no way to predict,” Shiller said Thursday at a Standard & Poor’s conference in New York.

              A backlog of foreclosures poised to hit the market means prices may stay depressed, dissuading builders from starting new construction.

              Unemployment, which rose to 9.1% in May, and stricter lending conditions are signs that any recovery in housing may take years.

              Shiller’s comments paint a more pessimistic possibility for home prices than other forecasts. Additional declines will be “incremental,” Bank of America CEO Brian Moynihan said last week..

              While it would be a surprise to see prices fall steeply, it’s possible for homes to lose more value if inflation picks up, Karl Case, co-founder of the index, said Thursday.

              “You could have flat nominal prices but still have it go down 20%,” Case said during an interview at the conference.

              “If house prices stabilize, they could still go down in real terms. If we had inflation, it’d be great, because it’d mask a 25% decline.”

              The Fed report showed that household debt fell in the January-March period at an annual rate of 2% from the previous quarter.

              That drop was due entirely to a decline in mortgages.

              Auto loans, student loans and other consumer credit rose 2.4% — the second-straight gain after nine consecutive declines.

              'Get it all on record now - get the films - get the witnesses -because somewhere down the road of history some bastard will get up and say that this never happened'

              General D.Eisenhower



              • Originally posted by blackchisel97 View Post
                U.S. has record $61.6 TRILLION in liabilities and is borrowing astonishing $125 billion a month....$61.6trillion amounts to $534,000 per household and is more than five times what Americans have borrowed for mortgages, cars and other debt. Daily Mail | Jun 7, 2011, By Mark Duell
                Actually, the debt situation is much worse than reported by the Daily Mail article that you referred to. Go here to see a real time national debt clock representation. You will notice that while the "US National Debt," shown at the top left of the clock is the officially reported US national debt figure, and is rapidly escalating above $14.4 trillion, the total for US Unfunded Liabilities (Social Security, Medicare, and Prescription Drug Program) reported at the bottom line of the debt clock is actually more than $114 trillion. The two figures, added together, represent our actual debt liability, and comes to over $128 trillion. With the US population at 311,529,411 that represents a debt liability of nearly $413,000 for every man, woman, and child in the United States. And since there are only 111,541,849 taxpayers in the US, the average burden to each taxpayer is an astounding $1,153,521. Yes, more than 1 million dollars of debt burden on the back of every tax paying US citizen! Contrast that to the fact that the average savings per US family is only $6,444, and the fact that Total National Assets (Small business assets + Corporate assets + Household assets) is roughly $50 trillion less than our total debt burden, and you begin to see just how bleak the future is unless real corrective action is promptly taken to break the borrow/spend cycle.
                Last edited by rickoff; 06-11-2011, 05:39 PM.
                "Seek wisdom by keeping an open mind to alternative realities, questioning authority, and searching for truth. Only then, when you see or hear something that has 'the ring of truth' to it, will it be as if a veil has been lifted, and suddenly you will begin to hear and see far more clearly than ever before." - Rickoff


                • Originally posted by rickoff View Post
                  Actually, the debt situation is much worse than reported by the Daily Mail article that you referred to. Go here to see a real time national debt clock representation. You will notice that while the "US National Debt," shown at the top left of the clock is the officially reported US national debt figure, and is rapidly escalating above $14.4 trillion, the total for US Unfunded Liabilities (Social Security, Medicare, and Prescription Drug Program) reported at the bottom line of the debt clock is actually more than $114 trillion. The two figures, added together, represent our actual debt liability, and comes to over $128 trillion. With the US population at 311,529,411 that represents a debt liability of nearly $413,000 for every man, woman, and child in the United States. And since there are only 111,541,849 taxpayers in the US, the average burden to each taxpayer is an astounding $1,153,521. Yes, more than 1 million dollars of debt burden on the back of every tax paying US citizen! Contrast that to the fact that the average savings per US family is only $6,444, and the fact that Total National Assets (Small business assets + Corporate assets + Household assets) is roughly $50 trillion less than our total debt burden, and you begin to see just how bleak the future is unless real corrective action is promptly taken to break the borrow/spend cycle.
                  Just a couple of points I am sure you are aware of but did not allude to in talking about 'Social Security, Medicare and the Drug Program' being unfunded liabilities. Why are they unfunded? Because when the money comes in they SPEND it and issue the accounts an IOU.

                  Never put savings in a bank, not today when you are damn lucky if you can get 1/2% interest on it and even then when you deposit a $1 the bank can turn around and create $9 of phony money to loan out. Giving any money to a bank is not smart and adds to the never ending growth in worthless money.

                  Interesting that the government writes checks (auto deposits) food stamps etc., to more people today than pay income taxes. Just guess who votes with the good old puppets?

                  The local new in Houston is covering the summer food program for children, no questions asked, no paper work, no legal citizenship. We will feed them morning noon and night, don't every one just love this?

                  So if you think voting is going to solve anything, remember, more people are getting money from the powers than are paying money in. Look around in the voting line and think about that.


                  • Originally posted by DrStiffler View Post
                    Just a couple of points I am sure you are aware of but did not allude to in talking about 'Social Security, Medicare and the Drug Program' being unfunded liabilities. Why are they unfunded? Because when the money comes in they SPEND it and issue the accounts an IOU.
                    Yes, that's the absolute truth. For example, Social Security should presently have enough funds to cover another 20 years of benefits at the current payout level, but our government inappropriately raids the Social Security funds on a regular basis. For bookkeeping purposes, it looks like the money is still there, but in reality it has been replaced by worthless IOU's - worthless because the promise to repay these stolen funds is impossible to be kept. The stolen funds can only be replaced by borrowing more money at interest, and issuing more IOU's on the national debt.
                    Last edited by rickoff; 06-11-2011, 07:12 PM.
                    "Seek wisdom by keeping an open mind to alternative realities, questioning authority, and searching for truth. Only then, when you see or hear something that has 'the ring of truth' to it, will it be as if a veil has been lifted, and suddenly you will begin to hear and see far more clearly than ever before." - Rickoff


                    • Originally posted by rickoff View Post
                      Yes, that's the absolute truth. For example, Social Security should presently have enough funds to cover another 20 years of benefits at the current payout level, but our government inappropriately raids the Social Security funds on a regular basis. For bookkeeping purposes, it looks like the money is still there, but in reality it has been replaced by worthless IOU's - worthless because the promise to repay these stolen funds is impossible to be kept. The stolen funds can only be replaced by borrowing more money at interest, and issuing more IOU's on the national debt.
                      The Social Security Act of 1935
                      What was its purpose?

                      Interestingly, the Social Security Act of 1935 [H. R. 7260] was passed by Corp. U.S.’ Congress two years after Corp. U.S.’ bankruptcy. The opening paragraph of the act states:

                      “.... to establish a Social Security Board; to raise revenue; and for other purposes.

                      We added the bold emphasis to point out overall purposes of the act that remained undefined showing only that the act was made “to raise revenue; and for other purposes.”
                      Once the Act was passed Social Security Administration was formed and Corp. U.S. printed millions of Social Security cards.
                      Now, we are reminded: Corp. U.S. was bankrupt at the time, it had no money and it could compel nothing until it resolved its debt.
                      We are also reminded that this is a country of sovereign people the government is supposed to serve, not control (an elemental reason for Corp. U.S.' creation was to provide contractual controllability).
                      Lastly, we are reminded that several points of the Constitution forbid the government, or its officers, from raising themselves above the people. So how is that Corp. U.S. plans on putting this Act into action?

                      The only way it lawfully can — by the peoples’ voluntary participation. To this day there is no requirement for anyone to participate with the Social Security Administration in any way, that is, until you apply and the card accepted.

                      SS Act 1935

                      Myth 2:
                      The Social Security account number is your account number:

                      .....Further, every court case that has ever gone before the United States Supreme Court attempting to compel forth the person’s interest in “their Social Security funds” that have accumulated in their interest has come down with the same ruling, there are no such funds—the program is not a retirement program, it is not an insurance program, there are no funds held secured for them of any relation to their participation in the Social Security program. Therefore, we rest the allegation that you are the subject of some “cestui que trust” relationship as the Beneficiary of such a trust, there is a “cestui que trust” relationship as there is in any trust—that is, all trusts have a Beneficiary; in this case the Beneficiary is the United States government's General Trust Fund, not you.

                      Patriot Mythology



                      • Originally posted by aljhoa View Post
                        To this day there is no requirement for anyone to participate with the Social Security Administration in any way, that is, until you apply and the card accepted. SS Act 1935
                        While it is true that the Social Security Act does not require anyone to obtain a SS card number, virtually everyone who seeks employment must have one or have no chance of working at a job. Even those who work for themselves are required to have a SS number and to pay the SS tax on whatever income they earn. About the only way one can escape the need to have a SS number is to be born into wealth, and remain independently wealthy enough throughout your lifespan to have no need of working - you know, kind of like the royal families, the Rockefellers, and the Rothschilds, for example.
                        "Seek wisdom by keeping an open mind to alternative realities, questioning authority, and searching for truth. Only then, when you see or hear something that has 'the ring of truth' to it, will it be as if a veil has been lifted, and suddenly you will begin to hear and see far more clearly than ever before." - Rickoff


                        • Catch-22
                          Originally posted by rickoff View Post
                          While it is true that the Social Security Act does not require anyone to obtain a SS card number, virtually everyone who seeks employment must have one or have no chance of working at a job. Even those who work for themselves are required to have a SS number and to pay the SS tax on whatever income they earn. About the only way one can escape the need to have a SS number is to be born into wealth, and remain independently wealthy enough throughout your lifespan to have no need of working - you know, kind of like the royal families, the Rockefellers, and the Rothschilds, for example.

                          Has any corp.’s President committed suicide?

                          Handwriting Analysis can identify suicidal tendencies
                          Forensic Handwriting Analysis Specialists have come to the conclusion that handwriting can be used to determine suicidal tendencies following an in-depth research into the psychology behind handwriting.

                          Handwriting Analysis can identify suicidal tendencies

                          Gene Mutations May Predispose Suicidal Tendencies
                          Emerging research suggests suicidal tendencies may be the result of genetic mutations. This finding could help to develop future genetic tests to identify predisposition to suicide, without ignoring the importance of social and cultural factors.

                          Gene Mutations May Predispose Suicidal Tendencies | Psych Central News

                          Criteria for President
                          What are the odds that corp.’s President has suicidal tendencies?



                          • Just to 'Pile-on'

                            The amount of $ owed in student loans recently exceeded the amount of $ owed on credit cards; all credit cards in the US, I believe they said.

                            And to the Good Dr.'s point, I'm sure you, Rick, can come up with this.
                            Quote starts out saying there are 'X" # of people in the US, then starts subtracting; children, who don't work, and on and on, eventually gets down to 2 people, and says "I'm getting pretty tired, how bout you?
                            Its humorous, but it ain't funny!

                            Can't believe that guy actually said inflation would be good, cause it would 'hide' the #'s. Yeah, like if we get inflation, people won't realise that although their home is gone up in 'value' as measured in dollars, they'll be too stupid to figure out that since those dollars are worth less, their screwed, AGAIN.
                            Only 'Good' news in this; If the economy is like this in 2012, Obamas toast. Repubs could beat him with a trained monkey. Bad news; they will run a trained monkey (Romney, anyone?). Yeah, I know Rick, Ron Paul, but,.. "Politics is the art of the possible". Hey, its a quote, I wouldn't call it an art, except in the sense that what do they call those people who con little old ladies out of their life savings?,....Oh, Yeah! Con ARTISTS Jim


                            • Originally posted by dutchdivco View Post
                              The amount of $ owed in student loans recently exceeded the amount of $ owed on credit cards; all credit cards in the US, I believe they said.

                              The current estimated total of all outstanding US student loans, both federal and private, stands at $918.4 billion and rising as I write. And yes, that exceeds the total amount of unsecured US credit card debt, which currently stands at $800.6 billion.

                              See the Student Loan Debt Clock for a continually-updating estimate of the total student loan debt outstanding.

                              More than half of all federal education loans ever made in the FFEL and Direct Loan programs are still outstanding.

                              The total defaulted student loans outstanding are around $47.4 billion.

                              In June of 2010, the total of outstanding US student loans was $833 billion, so today's figure of $918.4 billion represents an annual increase of 10 percent in outstanding student loan debt. If this growth rate continues, outstanding student loan debt will double in 7 years. During the same time period, I expect that the total amount of defaulted student loans will far surpass a 10% annual growth rate. A great many recent graduates have been unsuccessful at obtaining gainful employment in careers suited to their education, and many have opted to take low paying "service jobs" (at fast food establishments, etc.) just to eke by. As the economic situation worsens, recent and new graduates will find it even more difficult to maintain student loan repayments as scheduled, and thus a great many will either default on, or "defer" payments. Those who continue in post graduation schooling, and those who face financial hardship, are allowed to defer payments on their student loans, which means that they are not required to make any payments whatsoever while their deferment is approved. Of course the interest on their loan keeps accruing, and several years down the road of life they can easily owe twice the amount they originally borrowed. Deferred student loans are not counted as being in default until an allowed deferment period ends, but with so many people sinking further into debt it is nearly a certainty that the majority of deferred loans will end up as defaults.

                              "Seek wisdom by keeping an open mind to alternative realities, questioning authority, and searching for truth. Only then, when you see or hear something that has 'the ring of truth' to it, will it be as if a veil has been lifted, and suddenly you will begin to hear and see far more clearly than ever before." - Rickoff


                              • Originally posted by DrStiffler View Post
                                ... if you think voting is going to solve anything, remember, more people are getting money from the powers than are paying money in. Look around in the voting line and think about that.
                                Let's look at the numbers:
                                • 311.5 million = Total US population
                                • 111.5 million = Total US taxpayers
                                • 200.0 million = Total US non-taxpayers
                                • 234.5 million = Total US population age eligible (18 or above) to vote
                                • 150.0 million = Total US eligible registered voters
                                • 96.0 million = Total of expected voters in 2012 election
                                Okay, now looking at the above numbers, let me first point out that while the 200 million non-taxpayers would appear to have a distinct voting advantage over the 111.5 million taxpayers, this is not true when you deduct the 77 million who are below voting age, the 15 million non-US citizens who are ineligible to vote, and the 2.5 million incarcerated prisoners who are likewise ineligible to vote, which leaves a field of just 105.5 million non-taxpayers who are eligible to vote. Let me also point out that the 96 million likely voters in the 2012 election is based upon the assumption that roughly 64% of the 150 million eligible registered voters will turn out to vote, which is what occurred in the 2008 election. Therefore, the 111.5 million taxpayers likely represent 74% of US eligible registered voters, and potentially represents 86% of the 96 million expected voters in 2012.

                                You see, taxpaying citizens are the ones most likely to vote in large numbers, and that is because they are concerned as to how their tax dollars are being levied and spent, whereas non-taxpayers couldn't care less.
                                "Seek wisdom by keeping an open mind to alternative realities, questioning authority, and searching for truth. Only then, when you see or hear something that has 'the ring of truth' to it, will it be as if a veil has been lifted, and suddenly you will begin to hear and see far more clearly than ever before." - Rickoff

