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The American Ruling Class

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  • Originally posted by rickoff View Post
    Let's look at the numbers:
    • 311.5 million = Total US population
    • 111.5 million = Total US taxpayers
    • 200.0 million = Total US non-taxpayers
    • 234.5 million = Total US population age eligible (18 or above) to vote
    • 150.0 million = Total US eligible registered voters
    • 96.0 million = Total of expected voters in 2012 election
    Okay, now looking at the above numbers, let me first point out that while the 200 million non-taxpayers would appear to have a distinct voting advantage over the 111.5 million taxpayers, this is not true when you deduct the 77 million who are below voting age, the 15 million non-US citizens who are ineligible to vote, and the 2.5 million incarcerated prisoners who are likewise ineligible to vote, which leaves a field of just 105.5 million non-taxpayers who are eligible to vote. Let me also point out that the 96 million likely voters in the 2012 election is based upon the assumption that roughly 64% of the 150 million eligible registered voters will turn out to vote, which is what occurred in the 2008 election. Therefore, the 111.5 million taxpayers likely represent 74% of US eligible registered voters, and potentially represents 86% of the 96 million expected voters in 2012.

    You see, taxpaying citizens are the ones most likely to vote in large numbers, and that is because they are concerned as to how their tax dollars are being levied and spent, whereas non-taxpayers couldn't care less.
    Well you are of course welcome to you opinion and the backing of your experience as am I. During the months prior to the Mr. O election the neighborhood in which I live was a total buzz with 'He must get in' and the reason as was expressed to me was that the brother would make life easier for the backers, which of course has not yet happened.

    The backers were in majority of a different ethnic group than I am an it was also strange that the HOA which does not allow yard signs, did nothing to cause the removal of the Mr. O backers, yet flying the American Flag on other that an approved pole in a particular location back off the street needs HOA special approval.

    I know for a fact that 3 of ten backers were receiving benefits from many different agencies and were afraid of the loss if their Mr. O did not get into office.

    Like I have said back many post on this thread, you can vote for whomever you wish so long as it is one of the selected (selected not by the populace). You can not really believe that since LBJ that most all elections are mere show, jut to get people to have the touchy feely experience. If they were anything other than rigged then how did we get here (today) with such great people in office? We have had from the sixties to vote, select and back, so what happened and how will it correct itself before we are totally lost in this sick quagmire?
    Last edited by DrStiffler; 06-12-2011, 06:51 PM.


    • But hey Rick, no worries

      To apply the logic expressed earlier, 'thank God for Inflation', all they have to do is wait for hyper inflation, and they can pay off these debts with worthless dollars, right? errr,..Jim
      "In June of 2010, the total of outstanding US student loans was $833 billion, so today's figure of $918.4 billion represents an annual increase of 10 percent in outstanding student loan debt. If this growth rate continues, outstanding student loan debt will double in 7 years. During the same time period, I expect that the total amount of defaulted student loans will far surpass a 10% annual growth rate. A great many recent graduates have been unsuccessful at obtaining gainful employment in careers suited to their education, and many have opted to take low paying "service jobs" (at fast food establishments, etc.) just to eke by. As the economic situation worsens, recent and new graduates will find it even more difficult to maintain student loan repayments as scheduled, and thus a great many will either default on, or "defer" payments. Those who continue in post graduation schooling, and those who face financial hardship, are allowed to defer payments on their student loans, which means that they are not required to make any payments whatsoever while their deferment is approved. Of course the interest on their loan keeps accruing, and several years down the road of life they can easily owe twice the amount they originally borrowed. Deferred student loans are not counted as being in default until an allowed deferment period ends, but with so many people sinking further into debt it is nearly a certainty that the majority of deferred loans will end up as defaults"


      • rickoff

        May I posit a few tidbits here.

        I assume you have a family and most likely grandchildren and GGC (maybe). So what do you wish for their future?

        Lets see I see for my Grand and Great Grand Children a sick controlled depressing world. Living in UN Housing, complexes of 1000 or more. Inability to own anything, no car, no property, little in the context of electronics, except mandated tv or video terminals for propaganda and mind control broadcasts. No money, every purchase is via card issued by the controllers, your job is selected by the controller, your check goes into the card not to you. You are never allowed cash. Your travel is restricted, you health care is minimal until you reach 55 and then you go into the extermination lotto pool. Great future indeed and all rolling out before 2013. So yes lets all get out and vote for 2012, surely this will stop it all in its tracks.

        In 2013 we will be at a point where the powers may indeed be culling the populace to the tune of 400 to 500 thousand a day world wide.

        If you doubt any of the or think it can not be, then please read the report from Iron Mountain and look at what has and is taking place from LBJ.
        Last edited by DrStiffler; 06-12-2011, 07:02 PM.


        • "Like I have said back many post on this thread, you can vote for whomever you wish so long as it is one of the selected (selected not by the populace). You can not really believe that since LBJ that most all elections are mere show, jut to get people to have the touchy feely experience. If they were anything other than rigged then how did we get here (today) with such great people in office? We have had from the sixties to vote, select and back, so what happened and how will it correct itself before we are totally lost in this sick quagmire?"

          The problem with a governmetn of the people is not the government, its the people.If the kind of people you see on Jerry Springer, (O,k, but people actually watch that crap), or the defendents, and sometimes plaintiffs on Judge judy,Joe brown, etc. are voting, then no wonder we are where we are.
          A poll; 86% of respondents said we spend too much onn Foriegn aid.
          74% thought foriegn aid should be cut.
          So,....12% thought we spend too much, but DIDN'T think it should be cut?
          Or, were the just too lame stupid that they couldn't understand the question?Trained to answer multiple guess questions, and applied there training, what? Is this the way they respond in the voting booth?
          THIS is how we got in the 'Quagmire'. Idiots.Jim


          • Originally posted by dutchdivco View Post
            "Like I have said back many post on this thread, you can vote for whomever you wish so long as it is one of the selected (selected not by the populace). You can not really believe that since LBJ that most all elections are mere show, jut to get people to have the touchy feely experience. If they were anything other than rigged then how did we get here (today) with such great people in office? We have had from the sixties to vote, select and back, so what happened and how will it correct itself before we are totally lost in this sick quagmire?"

            The problem with a governmetn of the people is not the government, its the people.If the kind of people you see on Jerry Springer, (O,k, but people actually watch that crap), or the defendents, and sometimes plaintiffs on Judge judy,Joe brown, etc. are voting, then no wonder we are where we are.
            A poll; 86% of respondents said we spend too much onn Foriegn aid.
            74% thought foriegn aid should be cut.
            So,....12% thought we spend too much, but DIDN'T think it should be cut?
            Or, were the just too lame stupid that they couldn't understand the question?Trained to answer multiple guess questions, and applied there training, what? Is this the way they respond in the voting booth?
            THIS is how we got in the 'Quagmire'. Idiots.Jim

            Okay you are maybe 85% correct and I agree with all of what you say, although you missed some.

            Anyway the young people, sadly, and 'With all due respect', 'It's not their fault' are at a total loss on what is going on and how to correct it. They for the salvation of freedom and resurrection of the constitution and its values have to be written off, no other way of putting it. It is up to those that are past 45, some maybe younger, not all that many IMHO.

            Those over 45 are the only ones that know what it was like, what it can be and hey, what a real tomato tastes like We have nothing to loose for ourselves and everything to gain for the future. I think one lotto is like any other lotto, some win and most loose, yet the winners can have a profound effect on the followers. I just can not bring myself to the acceptance that someone will inject me with a life ending drug because I'm to old for the DAMN NEW WORLD ORDER.


            • Originally posted by DrStiffler View Post
              During the months prior to the Mr. O election the neighborhood in which I live was a total buzz with 'He must get in' and the reason as was expressed to me was that the brother would make life easier for the backers, which of course has not yet happened.

              I know for a fact that 3 of ten backers were receiving benefits from many different agencies and were afraid of the loss if their Mr. O did not get into office.
              The purpose of my last post was to show the actual numbers involved, which clearly refutes the assumption that non-taxpaying voters could somehow outvote taxpayer voters. I didn't go into how the numbers of registered voters actually breaks down, and there are two reasons why:
              1. Taxpayers can be Republican, Democrat, or Independent voters, but the only thing being considered was the numbers of potential taxpayer vs non-taxpayer voters.
              2. Only 27 states require voters to register under a party affiliation, so the figures for these states (33% Republican, 43% Democrat, and 24% Independent) certainly could be quite different in the other 23 states, and thus not that meaningful.

              For the sake of citing a somewhat probable example, though, let's suppose that the above percentages do hold true across the 50 states. This would give Democrats the edge in 2012, but only if Independent voters cast their votes either for an Independent candidate or for Obama. In the 2008 election, barely 1.5% of the popular vote was carried by all non Democrat or Republican candidates combined, so it is quite clear that the overwhelming majority of Independents will swing towards voting for the Democrat or Republican candidate who they feel will offer the best chance of bringing about changes they desire. The 2008 election was all about change. The American people were sick of the way things were going under Bush, and longing for change. The Ruling Class knew this, so foisted Barack Obama upon the people as an instrument of "Hope and Change." As a supposed "opponent," the Ruling Class foisted McCain, a candidate who offered little or nothing in change from the Bush policies, upon the people. As a result, it is rather obvious that the Independent swing voters sufficiently chose to side with Obama, the only major candidate pushing an agenda of change, although the end result gave Obama only a 7 percentage point lead. People are now hungrier than ever for change, as the change that most had hoped for was not the kind of change that Obama has brought about.

              The shakeup we saw in the 2010 mid term election was the result not only of a huge grass roots TEA Party effort, but also the result of Independents realizing they had been deceived by Obama. Generally, I believe that most TEA Party members now consider themselves as Independents who will vote for whatever candidate best supports their agenda to lower taxes, reduce the size of government, cut government borrowing and spending, defend our liberties, and restore the Constitution. That, and the fact that Obama is constitutionally ineligible to serve as POTUS, is why I see Obama as a one-termer with little chance for reelection. I know that the Democrats will use scare tactics to try and keep those who voted for Obama in 2008 onboard in the 2012 elections, and that unions and community organizing groups like ACORN will pull every trick in the book to register new Democrat voters, but I think their efforts will fail to turn the tide of immense dissatisfaction that the public now feels about government in general, and the Obama administration in particular.

              What worries me most at the present time is that we see Mitt Romney and Herman Cain shaping up as the Republican frontrunner candidates. Romney is the favored Ruling Class Republican, of course, as he is an establishment Republican who would gladly keep things rolling along the course of status quo. As a back-up Republican candidate, the Ruling Class has inserted Herman Cain, a past chairman of the Federal Reserve Bank of Kansas City. Cain, of course, is pushing the idea that if he were the Republican nominee it would take the "race card" element out of the hands of Democrats, and allow him to capture much of the black vote that would otherwise go mainly to Obama. Then too, while Romney really hasn't pursued the TEA Party vote, seemingly preferring to distance himself from the group, Cain has attended 40 TEA Party rallies and is clearly hoping to ride a wave of TEA Party support. Hopefully most TEA Party members will see through Cain's b.s., but a trend is emerging where Democrats are sponsoring false TEA Party candidates in attempts to siphon off Republican and TEA Party votes that would otherwise go to defeat the running Democrat candidate. We began to see this happening in the 2010 election, but apparently the problem is becoming more widespread as the 2012 election nears. A recent race for New York's 26th Congressional District, for example, was won by a Democrat candidate when another Democrat, and false flag TEA Party candidate siphoned off 9% of the vote. Democrats tend to stand with their party, while many persons registered as Republicans will consider themselves as Independents and will favor someone who professes to be a TEA Party candidate. This trend could prove very damaging in the 2012 elections unless the TEA Party is diligent in exposing false candidates.

              Tomorrow, 7 Republican candidates will meet in New Hampshire to try and persuade voters why each would be the best choice in 2012 to defeat Obama. Don't be surprised to see Mitt Romney and Herman Cain, the Ruling Class choices, being reported in the media as commanding the lead after this event.

              Originally posted by DrStiffler View Post
              We have had from the sixties to vote, select and back, so what happened and how will it correct itself before we are totally lost in this sick quagmire?
              What went wrong is that fraudulent electronic voting was introduced to make election rigging easier, and hardly anyone became involved in the voter Precinct system which ultimately decides what candidates will be offered up as "choices" in the primary elections. Although anyone can go to Democrat or Republican neighborhood voter Precinct meetings and run for election as a Precinct officer, this has generally been left to handling by the few who know of, and understand, the Precinct system. Most people think that the only effect they can have on things is to vote on election day, and don't even realize that there is a Precinct system which has members and officers, let alone that anyone who is a registered voter can attend and vote in Precinct meetings and run for election as a Precinct official. Did you know this, and have you followed this course of action? I have talked about it several times in this thread. It is only by organizing a local group of your neighborhood Precinct voters to attend Precinct meetings, having them select a worthy Precinct officer candidate from among themselves, and turning out to vote that person into office, that things will truly begin to change in the way that state and federal candidates are selected, and voting and vote counting methods are handled. It is the only way that voters will ever see real candidate choices and cleaned up elections. Knowing that you have this opportunity to really make a difference, will you choose to seize the opportunity and do what is necessary, or leave it to the political establishment - the Ruling Class puppets - to carry on with?
              Last edited by rickoff; 06-13-2011, 02:11 AM.
              "Seek wisdom by keeping an open mind to alternative realities, questioning authority, and searching for truth. Only then, when you see or hear something that has 'the ring of truth' to it, will it be as if a veil has been lifted, and suddenly you will begin to hear and see far more clearly than ever before." - Rickoff


              • Originally posted by dutchdivco View Post
                To apply the logic expressed earlier, 'thank God for Inflation', all they have to do is wait for hyper inflation, and they can pay off these debts with worthless dollars, right?
                That's right, Jim, just like homeowners will eventually be able to pay off their mortgages with worthless dollars. The only problem, though, is that none of the students or homeowners will have enough worthless dollars to pay the loans off unless they have sufficient gold or silver investments now that will be exchangeable for lots of nearly worthless dollar bills later on. An ounce of gold, now valued at around $1,540 could command ten times that amount of dollars, or even 100 times that amount in just a few years as the dollar goes to hell, but how many students or homeowners do you think have the resources or foresight to establish those gold reserves? Conversely, the central bankers and Ruling Class elites do have their gold reserves set aside already, and are buying up ever more of it in anticipation of the windfall that will surely come. That's exactly why they have engineered the destruction of the dollar, and why it will not harm them when it comes crashing down.
                "Seek wisdom by keeping an open mind to alternative realities, questioning authority, and searching for truth. Only then, when you see or hear something that has 'the ring of truth' to it, will it be as if a veil has been lifted, and suddenly you will begin to hear and see far more clearly than ever before." - Rickoff


                • Iron Mountain

                  Originally posted by DrStiffler View Post
                  If you doubt any of the or think it can not be, then please read the report from Iron Mountain and look at what has and is taking place from LBJ.
                  United Nations & Alien Great Deception pt.1/14 YouTube - ‪United Nations & Alien Great Deception pt.1/14‬‏


                  • Originally posted by rickoff View Post
                    That's right, Jim, just like homeowners will eventually be able to pay off their mortgages with worthless dollars. The only problem, though, is that none of the students or homeowners will have enough worthless dollars to pay the loans off unless they have sufficient gold or silver investments now that will be exchangeable for lots of nearly worthless dollar bills later on. An ounce of gold, now valued at around $1,540 could command ten times that amount of dollars, or even 100 times that amount in just a few years as the dollar goes to hell, but how many students or homeowners do you think have the resources or foresight to establish those gold reserves? Conversely, the central bankers and Ruling Class elites do have their gold reserves set aside already, and are buying up ever more of it in anticipation of the windfall that will surely come. That's exactly why they have engineered the destruction of the dollar, and why it will not harm them when it comes crashing down.
                    Hi Rick
                    Years ago I attended a money and banking class when I studied in Germany. The proffessor was asked about a scenario simmilar to yours..Whereas a needed or precious commodiaty would be hoarded by a wealthy few and the money system allowed to collapse what would happen
                    I remember his responce well (and am certain if I looked i could find my notes but to paraphrase) he said...yes it is possable for that to happen BUT... when the monatary system collapses and gold or silver or whatever prescious metal is hoarded would be out of reach from the masses so that the prescious metal would loose its value and another more commonly held a currency would take its place. The new traded currency used by the masses would be something attainable and usable such as bullets or food. A good example of this would be the "currency of cigarettes" in Europe during WWII.
                    I recall he also said that although the case could be made that some of the masses would except gold in payment for goods and services but most would not becuase when it comes down to a currency collapse a full belly is more impaortant than a full wallet.
                    Last edited by Bizzy; 06-13-2011, 04:58 PM.
                    Smile it doesn't hurt!

                    Jesus said,"...all things are possible through God." Mk10:27


                    • Originally posted by Bizzy View Post
                      Hi Rick
                      Years ago I attended a money and banking class when I abl.Whereas a needed or precious commodiaty would be hoarded by a wealthy few and the money system allowed to collapse what would happen
                      I remember his responce well (and am certain if I looked i could find my notes but to paraphrase) he said...yes it is possable for that to happen BUT... when the monatary system collapses and gold or silver or whatever prescious metal is hoarded would be out of reach from the masses so that the prescious metal would loose its value and another more commonly held a currency would take its place. The new traded currency used by the masses would be something attainable and usable such as bullets or food. A good example of this would be the "currency of cigarettes" in Europe during WWII.
                      I recall he also said that although the case could be made that some of the masses would except gold in payment for goods and services but most would not becuase when it comes down to a currency collapse a full belly is more impaortant than a full wallet.
                      Yes, of course a full belly is far more important than a full wallet, and I have long been encouraging people to put away adequate food stocks to not only feed themselves and their families during chaotic times to come, but also to use as barter for needed goods and services. As I have said several times, what would one rather have in their possession when food becomes really scarce - a can of beans, or a gold coin? If you had that can of beans and knew you would soon be needing it to survive, would you trade it to someone who offered you a gold coin in exchange? I don't think so. To accept that exchange, you would have to believe that somehow you would be able to exchange that gold coin with someone else for something you need just as much as or more than food - perhaps water, or medicine for example.

                      We have to remember though, that the Ruling Class elite who have engineered the demise of the dollar already have a plan in place to replace it, and that as a result there will be a replacement currency issued by them as the dollar crashes. At that point, it may take 1,000 of our current dollar bills to exchange for one of the new notes, if dollars will be accepted by anyone at all. Those who work, or who sell off their property and possessions because they can't find remunerative work, will be paid with the new fiat currency. Meanwhile, the real wealth of the nation (land, natural resources, precious metals, and other valuable commodities) will have become concentrated under the control of the already unimaginably mega-wealthy powerful elite of the Ruling Class. That's their plan, and so far it is going as planned.

                      The powerful elites are not foolish to be hoarding gold. They realize, of course, that there is a limited supply available, and that the more they hoard, the higher the value of gold will go. And gold will always remain the preferred currency of exchange between the elites, and between nations. That's because gold is a fine metal that has so many uses, which cause it to always be in high demand and of high value. It won't be of much use to us 'po folks' when we are feeling hungry, but you can be sure that the powerful elites are not in the least bit worried about where their food or shelter will come from during chaotic times. They already have well laid plans in place for such situations.
                      "Seek wisdom by keeping an open mind to alternative realities, questioning authority, and searching for truth. Only then, when you see or hear something that has 'the ring of truth' to it, will it be as if a veil has been lifted, and suddenly you will begin to hear and see far more clearly than ever before." - Rickoff


                      • Originally posted by rickoff View Post
                        The powerful elites are not foolish to be hoarding gold. They realize, of course, that there is a limited supply available, and that the more they hoard, the higher the value of gold will go. And gold will always remain the preferred currency of exchange between the elites, and between nations. That's because gold is a fine metal that has so many uses, which cause it to always be in high demand and of high value. It won't be of much use to us 'po folks' when we are feeling hungry, but you can be sure that the powerful elites are not in the least bit worried about where their food or shelter will come from during chaotic times. They already have well laid plans in place for such situations.
                        Besides several months worth of food, several years worth of home made wine and enough ammo to start WWIII and end WWIV ...we also garden hunt and fish. But the real commodity to trade with will be seeds. We also harvest our own seeds as well.

                        It is like Hank JR says "...a countryboy will survive..."
                        Smile it doesn't hurt!

                        Jesus said,"...all things are possible through God." Mk10:27


                        • weighing in

                          Yeah, rick, I knew that little 'loophole' eve as I posted it, re: paying off student loans with worthless $', after hyperinflation

                          Dr, yes, we are much in agreement, no GGk's, yet.ANd yeah, sorry for them and their generation.Not sure I see any benefit to 'them' in your scenario, tho.Seems to me they want active producers, and active consumers, paying $ into the stock market thru 401K's and IRA's, going to work every day, and buying a loaf of bread on the wy home, even if they do use a card, to 'buy' it.
                          I thought LBJ meant Pres. Johnson, was I mistaken?

                          "Those who don't study their history, are doomed to repeat it, and history has been one of the early casualties, of the miseducation system, alas."

                          Actually, Dr., I think there is only one main area of disagreement; You, Rick and others see the same thing happening, and conclude 'They' must know what they are doing, and be deliberately doing this on purpose, and for their own nefarious ends.I don't give them that much credit.I think 'They' are doing what they do for short sighted, short term benefits, without much thought, let alone concern, for the long term concequences.This difference leads to slight differences in our vision of what comes in the furure, but we both agree it ain't good.SO, at least 85%, and no need to haggle over 15%, or spend words trying to pursuade the othe rof our point of view.We can agree to agree to disagree, and I can remember when I read your posts, that you have this difference, and visa-versa.Agree to disagree, on this one point, and respect each others point of view.No problem.Jim


                          • Originally posted by Bizzy View Post
                            Besides several months worth of food, several years worth of home made wine and enough ammo to start WWIII and end WWIV ...we also garden hunt and fish. But the real commodity to trade with will be seeds. We also harvest our own seeds as well.

                            It is like Hank JR says "...a countryboy will survive..."
                            Yes, country folk, who are more apt to grow and raise most of their own food, are miles ahead of city folk when it comes down to survival. Having a sufficient quantity and quality of viable seeds will perhaps be the most important factor in long term survival, for one can use seeds harvested this year to replant in coming years. You can't plant a can of beans and expect that to grow, but in terms of barter trade, the can of beans will beat out the seeds in most transactions. That's because people will be hungry and will want to eat something now, rather than waiting 2 to 3 months for their food to grow (or several months longer if winter is approaching). It is the people who have already survived several months of food shortages who will be most interested in seeds, and those who don't already have a "seed bank" should expect to pay dearly for one unless they have a loving friend or relative who was smart enough to plan ahead in excess.

                            I'm glad that you have had the foresight to be well prepared, and urge everyone reading this thread to do the same.

                            "Seek wisdom by keeping an open mind to alternative realities, questioning authority, and searching for truth. Only then, when you see or hear something that has 'the ring of truth' to it, will it be as if a veil has been lifted, and suddenly you will begin to hear and see far more clearly than ever before." - Rickoff


                            • Originally posted by rickoff View Post
                              Yes, country folk, who are more apt to grow and raise most of their own food, are miles ahead of city folk when it comes down to survival. Having a sufficient quantity and quality of viable seeds will perhaps be the most important factor in long term survival, for one can use seeds harvested this year to replant in coming years. You can't plant a can of beans and expect that to grow, but in terms of barter trade, the can of beans will beat out the seeds in most transactions. That's because people will be hungry and will want to eat something now, rather than waiting 2 to 3 months for their food to grow (or several months longer if winter is approaching). It is the people who have already survived several months of food shortages who will be most interested in seeds, and those who don't already have a "seed bank" should expect to pay dearly for one unless they have a loving friend or relative who was smart enough to plan ahead in excess.

                              I'm glad that you have had the foresight to be well prepared, and urge everyone reading this thread to do the same.

                              Hi Rick
                              We actually have a plan of what to do and when both short term and long term. The seeds are long term obviously.
                              We can surivie alone in our house for months with what we have. We live in the burbs and if the city dwellers get tired of standing in lines begging for government hand outs and start looting we can (and will)defend ourselves or if it gets too bad we can retreat to our camp which is equally stocked but much further out. In addition we know like minded folks who we would help or would help us.
                              Seed harvesting is easy just like gardening,(if you want to know just ask) it only requires patience and a little knowledge. unfortunately most people forgot how to do it or think it is too trivial to bother with. Plus people are too lazy to learn
                              One thing people forget about too are family pets. We have four shih tzus. Besides being great companions they make excellent watch dogs. No one gets near our house without me and my glock knowing about it becuase of them. So i recommend that anyone planning to make preperation also remember to stock up on organic pet supplies. Our dogs love carrots, string beans not to mention rabbit(which they kill themselves) and any kind of meat.
                              Smile it doesn't hurt!

                              Jesus said,"...all things are possible through God." Mk10:27


                              • HOLODOMOR

                                ARTIFICIAL HUNGER IN UKRAINE IN 1932-1933
                                WHY UKRAINE INSISTS ON THE FACT OF GENOCIDE?

                                Even indispensable seed grain was forcibly confiscated from households. Any man, woman, or child caught taking even a handful of grain from a collective farm was to be executed or deported. Those who did not appear to be starving were often suspected of hoarding grain. The NKVD and a system of internal passports prevented peasants from leaving their villages. Permanent hunger caused mass mental disorders, which led to the horrible facts of cannibalism. At the height of the famine Ukrainians were dying at a rate of 25,000 per day. Nearly 1 in 4 rural Ukrainians perished as a direct result.

                                Death toll from the 1932-33 famine in Ukraine has been estimated between seven and ten million.

                                At that, the famine was accompanied by a devastating purge of Ukrainian intelligentsia, as well as of the representatives of Ukrainian Communist party, which attempted to uphold the principle of Ukrainian autonomy. At present, it is almost impossible to determine the exact number of people, who were executed, imprisoned or deported to Siberia as “the people’s enemies”.


                                GMO-Genetically modified organism


                                To date the most controversial but also the most widely adopted application of GMO technology is patent-protected food crops which are resistant to commercial herbicides or are able to produce pesticidal proteins from within the plant, or stacked trait seeds, which do both. The largest share of the GMO crops planted globally are owned by the US firm Monsanto.[12] In 2007, Monsanto's trait technologies were planted on 246 million acres (1,000,000 km2) throughout the world, a growth of 13 percent from 2006. However, patents on the first Monsanto products to enter the marketplace will begin to expire in 2014, democratizing Monsanto products. In addition, a 2007 report from the European Joint Research Commission predicts that by 2015, more than 40 per cent of new GM plants entering the global marketplace will have been developed in Asia.

                                "Terminator" and "traitor"

                                An often cited controversy is a "Technology Protection" technology dubbed 'Terminator'.[77] This uncommercialized technology would allow the production of first generation crops that would not generate seeds in the second generation because the plants yield sterile seeds.

                                Genetically modified organism - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


