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The American Ruling Class

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  • Originally posted by dutchdivco View Post
    Its doubtful the story ever would have come to light, had it not been for local agents, who watched the straw buyers buying these guns, and were ordered NOT to bust them. And, they probably wouldn't have 'gone public' with the story, if it hadn't been for the death of a 'brother' agent, as a direct result of this mismanaged misguided operation.Makes you wonder how many cock-ups never come to light, because there is no 'triggering event', which motivates subordinates to risk their careers, by 'going public'."In a hierarchy, an individual tends to advance to their level of incompetence, and there they stay." Jim
    Hi Jim
    I have often wondered what they are covering up just to save thier own butts. I know there are genuine things that need to be kept secret for national security and I am ok with that. HOWEVER I think they use that excuse far too much just to save thier own hides.
    Smile it doesn't hurt!

    Jesus said,"...all things are possible through God." Mk10:27


    • Aaron

      I just realized I haven't noticed Aaron on the forum in a while.
      has anyone heard from him lately?
      Smile it doesn't hurt!

      Jesus said,"...all things are possible through God." Mk10:27


      • Originally posted by Bizzy View Post
        I just realized I haven't noticed Aaron on the forum in a while.
        has anyone heard from him lately?
        I think Aaron's latest post in this thread was around June 9th. He may be tied up in a project that requires all his attention, or could be simply taking a break from things to pursue a vacation. I myself am sometimes finding it difficult to post on a regular basis, and have so many things going on that folks may not hear from me for several days at a time, so no one should be surprised from resulting drop-out periods that may occur. Sometimes I may be gone, but I'll keep coming back, as I'm sure Aaron will also if he is able to.
        "Seek wisdom by keeping an open mind to alternative realities, questioning authority, and searching for truth. Only then, when you see or hear something that has 'the ring of truth' to it, will it be as if a veil has been lifted, and suddenly you will begin to hear and see far more clearly than ever before." - Rickoff


        • A bizarre incident...

          Just to keep you abreast of the latest developments, this story about an Ohio teacher surfaced today. Sounds rather comical, and it is the first time I have ever heard of this being used as a tactic against policemen wanting to remove a person from a parked car. The Delaware County Sheriff's Office said deputies responded to a call about a domestic dispute early Saturday, and a man told them his wife was drinking at a wedding and hit him before locking herself in a car. The sheriff said deputies found the woman in a car and tried to talk with her, but she didn't cooperate. He said when deputies tried to remove her, she said she was a breast-feeding mother, then exposed part of her chest and sprayed them with breast milk. I wonder if they responded by spraying her with mace, or pulling their guns, or simply retreated temporarily while laughing hysterically.

          These are strange days, indeed!
          "Seek wisdom by keeping an open mind to alternative realities, questioning authority, and searching for truth. Only then, when you see or hear something that has 'the ring of truth' to it, will it be as if a veil has been lifted, and suddenly you will begin to hear and see far more clearly than ever before." - Rickoff


          • Staying abreast, strange but Correct me if i am wrong, breast feeding mothers should not drink!, their baby will get it, what about the children
            Last edited by ashtweth; 06-28-2011, 11:39 PM.


            • Originally posted by ashtweth View Post
              Staying abreast, strange but Correct me if i am wrong, breast feeding mothers should not drink!, their baby will get it, what about the children
              Well, Ash, the husband did not indicate what it was that his wife had been drinking, so perhaps it was non-alcoholic. I wonder if the police had the sample analyzed that was sprayed at them.
              "Seek wisdom by keeping an open mind to alternative realities, questioning authority, and searching for truth. Only then, when you see or hear something that has 'the ring of truth' to it, will it be as if a veil has been lifted, and suddenly you will begin to hear and see far more clearly than ever before." - Rickoff


              • A 47 year old gay man was arrested at San Francisco International Airport after ejaculating while being patted down by a male TSA agent. Percy Cummings, an interior designer from San Francisco, is being held without bail after the alleged incident, charged with sexually assaulting a Federal agent.

                The TSA agent, according to several witnesses, promptly called for back up. Cummings was thrown to the ground and handcuffed.

                A TSA spokesperson declined to comment on this specific case, but said that anyone ejaculating during a pat-down would be subject to arrest.

                Man arrested after ejaculating during TSA pat-down : Dead Serious News



                • Adobe software expert pronounces Obama certificate a forgery

                  A nationally recognized computer expert who has served as contributing author and technical editor for more than 100 books on Adobe and Microsoft software says the Obama long-form birth-certificate image released by the White House is a fraudulent document created with Adobe software. According to Mara Zebest, "The PDF file released by the White House contains evidence of manipulation suggesting that one or more forgers utilized existing Hawaiian birth documents to assemble fraudulently for Barack Obama a document the president presented to the world as authentic."

                  Zebest believes whoever created the forgery had insufficient expertise and did not realize that "flattening" the document in Photoshop Illustrator – a process that melds the layers – would still allow professionals to determine the layers required to manipulate the data in the process of forging the document. "Overall, it's an amateur job," Zebest said. "The forgers obviously over-estimated their level of expertise in undertaking to forge a document that is destined to play a pivotal role in U.S. history."

                  How could any forger working for the White House be so sloppy?
                  "As president of the United States, you can't exactly put out a Request for Proposal asking the forger to submit credentials and pricing to the White House chief of staff," Zebest said. "A small group around you may be loyal, and someone within that group may have computer graphic arts experience, but forging a document that will sustain expert forensic analysis is a skill-set not required of most commercialdesigners and artists who use Adobe software on an everyday basis."

                  Several of Mara's findings were also noticed by myself and others, and disclosed earlier in this thread, but her report does show additional details that point to a forgery.

                  Read Mara Zebest's full report on the Obama "certificate" here.

                  Last edited by rickoff; 06-29-2011, 01:39 PM.
                  "Seek wisdom by keeping an open mind to alternative realities, questioning authority, and searching for truth. Only then, when you see or hear something that has 'the ring of truth' to it, will it be as if a veil has been lifted, and suddenly you will begin to hear and see far more clearly than ever before." - Rickoff


                  • Originally posted by rickoff View Post
                    How could any forger working for the White House be so sloppy?
                    "Read Mara Zebest's full report on the Obama "certificate" here.

                    Hi Rickoff
                    I can answer that question in one word...Amateurs....
                    This whole adminstration has been filled with their bumbling actions as they try to crawl up the learning curve.
                    I would say they are a bunch of stooges but i like Moe Larry and Curly too much....
                    Another problem with these amateurs is that they think they are the smartest people in the room. Unfortunately for us they are too dumb to know that they dont know something.
                    Smile it doesn't hurt!

                    Jesus said,"...all things are possible through God." Mk10:27


                    • Hi Rick,
                      WOW!!!! This should be front page news everywhere. But will it be? I have my doubts. And if it were, would the sheeple take time to even look at it, let alone believe? This is historic big time!!! How can we the people cause this to be seen by all?

                      Thanks Rick and keep up the good work, Gene
                      God bless you


                      • "I'm not an American. I was not born in Hawaii. I wasn't born in the United States of America. I come from Kenya."
                        - President Barack Obama (Sort of...)
                        YouTube - ‪Birthers' Delight - Part 1‬‏

                        YouTube - ‪Birthers' Delight - Part 2‬‏



                        • Rick

                          Mara Zebest is saying what I said, in an earlier post.After all, remember what happened when a President wanted a bunch of 'Plumbers' to 'plug leaks'? Amateur hour. Hollywood has everyone thinking the Gov't has these Tom Cruise led Mission Impossible teams, that can do anything.The reality is more like 'Keystone Cops', or 'Gang that couldn't shoot straight'.

                          Part of my reason for ascribing much of what we see to human nature, and incompetance, rather than Grand Conspiracy.

                          Course I gotta admit, if your run over by a car, doesn't matter all that much whether the driver was TRYING to hit you, or was fumbling with there cell phone, your still runded over! Jim


                          • Hi Jim and Bizzy,

                            There are only two possibilities regarding the faked Obama "certificate:"

                            1. It is either the result of amateurish incompetence on the part of the forger or forgers, or -

                            2. It is the result that was intended by the forger or forgers.

                            Mara Zebest suspects that #1 is more probable, but I wonder. There are so many factors that point at this certificate as being a fake, and several of them are immediately noticeable even without zooming in on the document. When you do zoom in, you see a lot more inconsistencies, and one of these was the smiley face on the letter "A" of the rubber stamped Alvin Onaka signature near the bottom. Another was the "x" in place of the "h" that should have been in the word "the" found in the same rubber stamping. These were details that I pointed out in a prior post, and it sure as heck looks like the forger drew this smiley face and inserted the "x" intentionally just to poke fun at any person who might examine the document closely. To me, it is a definite taunt. It's like the forger is saying, "Of course this has all been faked. It's just a joke, but so what - the joke is on the American people, especially the ones stupid enough to believe this document is real. For those of you birthers who take the time to examine this and can clearly see it is fraudulent, we say, well lah dee dah, so what! What can you do about it? Nothing!"

                            See what I mean? The forgery would be blatantly obvious to anyone examining the document, but not simply because of incompetence. There's a clear message being sent to the "birther" movement, and it is clear that it is meant for the birthers because they are the only ones who will even take a few minutes to examine the document. The rest will simply believe what they heard about it in the lamestream media - that it is supposedly "genuine."

                            When Donald Trump first began questioning Obama's eligibility, and demanding Obama release his long form birth certificate, the people rallied and made the Donald an overnight favorite Presidential pick. That just proves that Obama's ineligibility to serve as President is a major concern among the American people. Heck, recent polls show that around 76% of Republicans, 60% of Independents, and over 20% of Democrats don't believe Obama is eligible. With so many Republicans and Independents believing this way, and calling for something to be done about it, anyone with a brain would begin to wonder why none of the Republican Presidential candidates are pressing the issue forward and demanding that either the claimed original document residing in Hawaii be made available for independent forensic examination, or that Obama be removed from the Presidency and tried on charges of high treason. That is what should happen, and it should have happened long ago, but I doubt very much that it ever will. The reason? That's quite simple, really. All the current 100 US Senators, and all 435 members of the US House of Representatives are officers of a foreign owned corporation of which Barack Obama is the Chief Executive Officer (CEO). All of these people answer to the corporation owners - not to the American people. It could be argued that there are some good people in Congress, at least a few, who really are trying to fight the establishment politicians and make some positive changes. If that is in fact true then those are the ones who don't even realize they are working for a foreign owned corporation which has absolutely no jurisdiction outside of the ten square mile area of Washington DC. I would have to believe that all of the establishment career politicians know this, but prefer to remain working in their capacity as corporate officers for the purpose of furthering the agenda of Corporation US.
                            Last edited by rickoff; 06-30-2011, 06:26 AM.
                            "Seek wisdom by keeping an open mind to alternative realities, questioning authority, and searching for truth. Only then, when you see or hear something that has 'the ring of truth' to it, will it be as if a veil has been lifted, and suddenly you will begin to hear and see far more clearly than ever before." - Rickoff


                            • Originally posted by rickoff View Post
                              Hi Jim and Bizzy,

                              There are only two possibilities regarding the faked Obama "certificate:"

                              1. It is either the result of amateurish incompetence on the part of the forger or forgers, or -

                              2. It is the result that was intended by the forger or forgers.

                              Mara Zebest suspects that #1 is more probable, but I wonder. There are so many factors that point at this certificate as being a fake, and several of them are immediately noticeable even without zooming in on the document. When you do zoom in, you see a lot more inconsistencies, and one of these was the smiley face on the letter "A" of the rubber stamped Alvin Onaka signature near the bottom. Another was the "x" in place of the "h" that should have been in the word "the" found in the same rubber stamping. These were details that I pointed out in a prior post, and it sure as heck looks like the forger drew this smiley face and inserted the "x" intentionally just to poke fun at any person who might examine the document closely. To me, it is a definite taunt. It's like the forger is saying, "Of course this has all been faked. It's just a joke, but so what - the joke is on the American people, especially the ones stupid enough to believe this document is real. For those of you birthers who take the time to examine this and can clearly see it is fraudulent, we say, well lah dee dah, so what! What can you do about it? Nothing!"

                              See what I mean? The forgery would be blatantly obvious to anyone examining the document, but not simply because of incompetence. There's a clear message being sent to the "birther" movement, and it is clear that it is meant for the birthers because they are the only ones who will even take a few minutes to examine the document. The rest will simply believe what they heard about it in the lamestream media - that it is supposedly "genuine."

                              When Donald Trump first began questioning Obama's eligibility, and demanding Obama release his long form birth certificate, the people rallied and made the Donald an overnight favorite Presidential pick. That just proves that Obama's ineligibility to serve as President is a major concern among the American people. Heck, recent polls show that around 76% of Republicans, 60% of Independents, and over 20% of Democrats don't believe Obama is eligible. With so many Republicans and Independents believing this way, and calling for something to be done about it, anyone with a brain would begin to wonder why none of the Republican Presidential candidates are pressing the issue forward and demanding that either the claimed original document residing in Hawaii be made available for independent forensic examination, or that Obama be removed from the Presidency and tried on charges of high treason. That is what should happen, and it should have happened long ago, but I doubt very much that it ever will. The reason? That's quite simple, really. All the current 100 US Senators, and all 435 members of the US House of Representatives are officers of a foreign owned corporation of which Barack Obama is the Chief Executive Officer (CEO). All of these people answer to the corporation owners - not to the American people. It could be argued that there are some good people in Congress, at least a few, who really are trying to fight the establishment politicians and make some positive changes. If that is in fact true then those are the ones who don't even realize they are working for a foreign owned corporation which has absolutely no jurisdiction outside of the ten square mile area of Washington DC. I would have to believe that all of the establishment career politicians know this, but prefer to remain working in their capacity as corporate officers for the purpose of furthering the agenda of Corporation US.
                              Hi Rickoff
                              I see your point about it purposely being a "bad" forgery. It would and has driven us birthers in a frenzy trying to get people to notice these errors and try to convince the "powers that be" that he shouldnt be in office. The left can then point to us and call us extremists and radicals.
                              Since most if not all of Obama's followers are mindless socialists they will beleive it. Hell they'll believe anything they are told. So Obama can then demonize the right and look like an "innocent victim" just as Clinton did while he was in office.
                              Smile it doesn't hurt!

                              Jesus said,"...all things are possible through God." Mk10:27


                              • #1

                                Perhaps we'll just have to agee to disagree on this one, Rick. Likw Mary, I lean towards #1.BO's first priority, in 'fixing' this 'little problem' with his birth certificate, wasn't in finding an expert forger, it was in finding someone with blind loyalty, or someone whom he felt confident he 'owned', so as to insure they would A) keep their mouth shut, and B) not blackmail him, later on.

                                It was NOT to find an expert forger.Now, its possible the person he picked DID have their own agenda, such as leaving some trails of breadcrumbs, so that if BO didn't keep his end of the bargain, they could go public and point to these things to back up their claims that they forged the document, at the behest of BO.Actually, they might have done this as a 'life insurance' policy.That would have been smart, under the circumstances.

                                So, overall, I think they were amateurs, who thought they were better/ more knowledgeable than they really were.Who amongst us hasn't occasionally made the mistake of overestimating our abilities? And, as I say, they may have intentionally left SOME things in their, for their own agenda, while other errors simply may have been as a result of their own ignorance.

                                Thing is, so far, it seems to have worked.Us 'Birthers' know it is as phoney as a 3 dollar bill, but we are dicreditied, as 'nuts'. Similarly, any candidate who now brings up the issue, will be discredited as a nut.Unfortunately, this has been decided in the court of public opinion.AAnd the jury of sheeple have rendered a verdict.They don't care.

                                And, if anyone attempts, at this point, to take this issue to court, they'll end up like that DA in New Orleans, Jim Garret, was it? You know, on the Kennedy assasination? So, the issue is dead, politically and legally.

                                Thing is, I bet BO wishes he could deal with the economy as easily; Something the sheeple DO care about, and can't be fixed with a forged document.He's done everything he can to try to 'fix' the economy; there are no more tools left in the toolbox.If we're about where we are now, in 2012, he's toast. It really IS 'the economy, stupid'. On all other issues, he's alienated the left, while pissing off the middle and right.

                                If I were the repubs, I'd have some ads 'in the can', aimed at his 'base', the left.Showing him in 2008, making (broken) campaign promises; Closing Guantanamo (NOT) reducing/eliminating predator drone attacks, (NOT), etc.

                                I really think theirs a chance the Repubs can run a trained monkey against BO and win. I just hope it ain't Romney; cause he IS a trained monkey. Not only would I not buy a used car from him, I wouldn't want to listen to a salepitch from him for a timeshare, in exchange for a $100 dinner at Ruth Christs steakhouse! Even without knowing his record on flip-flops, Romneycare, etc. I just don't trust him!

                                I see the Lamestream media has gotten out the long knives, and is going after Michelle Bachman with a vengence.Its the old 'tricky Dick' strategy; try to manipulate who your opponent is going to be.Ron Paul they don't see as a threat, but M.B. scares them.Jim

