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The American Ruling Class

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  • July 4, 2011 - quote of the day

    One of our Nation’s Founding Fathers and our 2nd U.S. president, John Adams, left us these words to consider this Fourth of July:
    “You will never know how much it cost the present Generation to preserve your Freedom! I hope you will make a good use of it. If you do not, I shall repent in Heaven that I ever took half the pains to preserve it.”

    Both Adams and his political rival, Thomas Jefferson, our 3rd U.S. President, died on July 4th, 1826.
    Last edited by rickoff; 07-05-2011, 03:07 PM.
    "Seek wisdom by keeping an open mind to alternative realities, questioning authority, and searching for truth. Only then, when you see or hear something that has 'the ring of truth' to it, will it be as if a veil has been lifted, and suddenly you will begin to hear and see far more clearly than ever before." - Rickoff


    • Originally posted by aljhoa View Post
      When did JFK become, United Republics of North America, President?
      Originally posted by rickoff View Post
      Never, to my knowledge. To my understanding, references to the United Republics of North America (URNA) are either references to the frontier nations that existed in North America (such as the Republic of Texas, which was an independent nation from 1836 to 1845) or a reference to the proposed North American Union of the US, Mexico, and Canada.

      John Kennedy only became President of corporation United States, as have all US Presidents since 1916, when the original jurisdiction government of the United States ceased to exist.
      Article summaries
      2. Asserts the equality of the separate states with the confederation government, i.e. "Each state retains its sovereignty, freedom, and independence, and every power, jurisdiction, and right, which is not by this Confederation expressly delegated."

      Articles of Confederation - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

      A defining – but so far unasked – question regarding the Civil War is the political status of the states: specifically, was the “United States of America” indeed, as our popular Pledge of Allegiance claims, “one nation, indivisible?” Or was it, rather, a union of sovereign nations, bound only to each other by mere treaty, as with any other treaty – such as the current United Nations? (As a point of fact, the term “union” is the only term used in the text of the Constitution to refer to the United States, while the word “nation” never appears a single time).
      Were the States Sovereign Nations? – Tenth Amendment Center

      Myth #9: President Kennedy was assassinated because he tried to usurp the Federal Reserve's power. Executive Order 11,110 proves it.
      John F. Kennedy, THE WHITE HOUSE, June 4, 1963.
      In summary, E.O. 11,110 did not create new authority to issue additional silver certificates. In fact, its intention was to ease the process for their removal so that small denomination Federal Reserve Notes could replace them in accordance with a law Kennedy himself signed. If Kennedy had really sought to reduce Federal Reserve power, then why did he sign a bill that gave the Fed still more power?

      “If the American people ever allow private banks to control the issuance of their currencies, first by inflation and then by d

      As a result, more than $4 billion in United States Notes were brought into circulation in $2 and $5 denominations. $10 and $20 United States Notes were never circulated but were being printed by the Treasury Department when Kennedy was assassinated.



      • Originally posted by aljhoa View Post

        Myth #9: President Kennedy was assassinated because he tried to usurp the Federal Reserve's power. Executive Order 11,110 proves it.
        John F. Kennedy, THE WHITE HOUSE, June 4, 1963.
        In summary, E.O. 11,110 did not create new authority to issue additional silver certificates. In fact, its intention was to ease the process for their removal so that small denomination Federal Reserve Notes could replace them in accordance with a law Kennedy himself signed. If Kennedy had really sought to reduce Federal Reserve power, then why did he sign a bill that gave the Fed still more power?

        “If the American people ever allow private banks to control the issuance of their currencies, first by inflation and then by d

        As a result, more than $4 billion in United States Notes were brought into circulation in $2 and $5 denominations. $10 and $20 United States Notes were never circulated but were being printed by the Treasury Department when Kennedy was assassinated.
        The author of Myth #9 misses the whole point of Kennedy's executive order. Kennedy realized, of course, that Federal Reserve notes are worthless paper with no redemptive value (not backed by anything other than faith). Silver certificates, at that time, however, were actual and honest money because they could be redeemed for their face value in silver dollars. Kennedy also realized that the amount of silver reserves far exceeded the amount of existing silver certificates. His executive order gave the Secretary of the Treasury full authority to print silver certificates backed by any silver reserves which were not already pegged to redemption of outstanding silver certificates. The order also gave the Treasury Secretary the authority to produce silver dollars, and smaller silver currency, with which silver certificates could be redeemed by their holders. So you see, Kennedy's plan was to put real, honest money, into the hands of the American public, and to the full extent that could be backed by silver reserves. Needless to say, the Federal Reserve was not at all pleased with Kennedy's order. They had quietly been taking existing silver certificates out of circulation, because they did not want anything but their worthless Federal Reserve notes to be held by the public. Most people failed to realize the significance of silver certificates which they held in their wallets, because they looked quite similar to the worthless paper money. When reaching into their wallet to pay for a transaction, a silver certificate would often be given away in exchange for goods being purchased. The merchants, in return, would take their proceeds, including those silver certificates, to the banks for deposit. The banks, as they still do today, separate out all worn paper money and send it to the Federal Reserve, which destroys the old and issues new replacements. In the case of silver certificates, they were replaced by worthless Federal Reserve notes. In 1964, just 4 months after John Kennedy's assassination, redemption of silver certificates with silver dollars was halted, and silver certificates were never again produced. The certificates which remained held by the public no longer had redemptive value, and were only of value to currency collectors, or as legal tender.

        As the second quoted article points out, approximately 4 billion in US Notes were also printed, and this was done at Kennedy's bequest. US Notes, like Federal Reserve Notes, are fiat currency not backed by anything of actual value. The difference, though, is that the US Notes, unlike Federal Reserve Notes, carried no interest bearing debt. Kennedy, like Lincoln, understood that US Notes, referred to as "greenbacks," would save the government, and therefore the taxpayers, the interest expenses otherwise incurred by Notes issued by the Federal Reserve. As the second article correctly points out, "$10 and $20 United States Notes were never circulated but were being printed by the Treasury Department when Kennedy was assassinated." Does anyone really believe it is mere coincidence that those $10 and $20 US Notes were never circulated, or that Kennedy's demise had nothing to do with his anti-Federal Reserve agenda?

        Incidentally, Kennedy's call for printing those US Notes was not something that he pulled out of a magic hat. The authority to print those notes began under Lincoln in 1862, and actually lasted until 1994, even though no new US Notes were printed after 1971, and in
        1996, the Treasury announced that its stock of $100 United States Notes had been destroyed. It is assumed that this was the entire remaining stock of US Notes, because all smaller notes (the $5 US Note was by far the most common one) had in previous years been destroyed and converted into reissues of $100 US Notes. The destruction of this stockpile of US Notes begs another question - why destroy them? Why not simply use them to pay down national debt, or distribute them to the people? Oh, that's right - the Federal reserve wouldn't have liked those ideas.

        Below is a 1963 series $5 US Note which was printed courtesy of JFK. You can see that it looks very much like a Federal Reserve Note, except that is is labeled "United States Note" at the top and bears a red seal, rather than the green Federal Reserve seal.

        Which would you rather have in your wallets, folks, US Notes, or Federal Reserve notes? Remember, both are only actually worthless fiat currencies, but the US Notes incur no debt to the government or taxpayers. Does it make any sense to pay the Federal Reserve banksters interest on the debt that we accrue by "borrowing" their fiat currency, when the government could be printing their own fiat currency debt free? With that thought in mind, consider what could be done if Congress passed a new bill authorizing the printing of enough US Notes to pay off all outstanding national debt. That would, of course, put an immediate end to the national debt crisis which Congress has been arguing about for years, and which is currently at a stalemate. In fact, enough additional notes could be printed to finance all currently unfunded government liabilities, and to eliminate the 2011 budget deficit. What's more, to get the economy moving full speed ahead, Congress could pass another piece of legislation authorizing the printing and distribution of $10,000 to every man, woman, and child, who is a legitimate US citizen, with no tax burden. Thus, a family of 4 would receive $40,000. Do you think that would make a difference to your family, to your relatives, and to your neighbors' families, and do you see how it could reduce individual debt and provide a massive jump-start to the economy? Congress could easily pass such legislation immediately, and who would oppose this solution? None, of course, other than the banksters of the Federal Reserve, and the foreign controlled IMF which owns corporation United States. Absolutely no one in the current Washington DC administration, or Congress, or any of the 2012 Presidential candidates, is suggesting this solution as a plan of action, and we must therefore ask the question, why not? My answer to this question is that no one in Congress (well, okay, perhaps a few) is dumb enough not to understand the solution, and neither is the President, his administration, or the Republican candidates for 2012. And this can only mean one thing - that none of them truly has the best interests of We The People, or our nation, at heart. In fact, they are all corporate officers of corporation US, and their only allegiance is to the corporation. They represent the interests of the IMF owned corporation US - not the interests of We The People.

        I had hoped that through the grass roots efforts of the common folk, through organizations such as the TEA Party, that we could install enough true patriots in Congress to make the changes that are really needed. I had hoped that those new patriots could become the majority in Congress and pass new legislation to dissolve corporation US, abolish the Federal Reserve and IRS, and return our country to a legitimate and Constitution abiding Republic. While it could be done, I sadly believe that it won't - not by those in Washington DC, anyways. Fortunately, though, there is still hope for We The People to bring about all the necessary changes to save our nation and steer it into liberty, justice, and prosperity for all. And the means to do this is already in our possession and has absolutely nothing to do with demonstration rallies or armed revolution. I will be writing about this very real and peaceful option in the days ahead.

        Best regards,

        Last edited by rickoff; 07-05-2011, 06:47 PM.
        "Seek wisdom by keeping an open mind to alternative realities, questioning authority, and searching for truth. Only then, when you see or hear something that has 'the ring of truth' to it, will it be as if a veil has been lifted, and suddenly you will begin to hear and see far more clearly than ever before." - Rickoff


        • L.A. Police Commission votes to kill red-light camera program

          The Los Angeles Police Commission Tuesday rejected a proposal from police officials to continue the city’s red light traffic-camera program, a move that would shut down the controversial cameras in days unless the City Council opts to strip the commission of its authority on the issue.

          Throughout, police officials have argued that the cameras have led to a significant decrease in the number of traffic accidents and fatalities at the intersections.

          Those claims were looked at with skepticism by members of the commission, who also questioned the legitimacy of the tickets that are issued to drivers captured by the cameras running red lights. Since local courts do not pursue people who refuse to pay the tickets, which typically run more than $400, the camera program essentially was a "voluntary citation program. There’s no teeth in it, no enforcement," said Commissioner Alan Skobin.

          “It’s something that angers the crap out of me every time I get in my car,” said Hollywood resident Christina Heller, 27. "These cameras remove our fundamental right in this country to confront our accuser. And they do not do anything to improve safety."

          The City Council, which directed the LAPD to seek bidders for a new contract, could take the unusual step of stripping the commission of its authority on this issue and decide for itself whether to continue with the cameras. If the council does not act within 10 days, police officials said, the cameras will be shut down.

          L.A. Police Commission votes to kill red-light camera program -



          • Rick

            "I had hoped that through the grass roots efforts of the common folk, through organizations such as the TEA Party, that we could install enough true patriots in Congress to make the changes that are really needed. I had hoped that those new patriots could become the majority in Congress and pass new legislation to dissolve corporation US, abolish the Federal Reserve and IRS, and return our country to a legitimate and Constitution abiding Republic. While it could be done, I sadly believe that it won't - not by those in Washington DC, anyways. Fortunately, though, there is still hope for We The People to bring about all the necessary changes to save our nation and steer it into liberty, justice, and prosperity for all. And the means to do this is already in our possession and has absolutely nothing to do with demonstration rallies or armed revolution. I will be writing about this very real and peaceful option in the days ahead"

            Great 'teaser', sounds like you and I may be getting closer together, and MAY not need to agree to disagree, as this sounds very similar to where I'm at. Looking forward to seein' what ya got! Jim
            Last edited by dutchdivco; 07-06-2011, 02:46 PM. Reason: typo



              Attached Files
              Last edited by aljhoa; 07-08-2011, 03:33 PM. Reason: Link to the picture removed.


              • Nationalities of North America

                A U.S. state (abbreviation of United States state) is any one of the 50 federated states of the United States of America that share sovereignty with the federal government. Because of this shared sovereignty, an American is a citizen both of the federal entity and of his or her state of domicile.

                The United States Constitution allocates power between these two levels of government. By ratifying the Constitution, the people transferred certain limited sovereign powers to the federal government from their states. Under the Tenth Amendment, all powers not delegated to the U.S. government nor prohibited to the states are retained by the states or the people.

                U.S. state - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

                A sovereign state is a state with a defined territory on which it exercises internal and external sovereignty, a permanent population, a government, and the capacity to enter into relations with other sovereign states.[1] It is also normally understood to be a state which is neither dependent on nor subject to any other power or state.
                Sovereign state - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

                Nationality law is the branch of law concerned with the questions of nationality and citizenship, and how these statuses are acquired, transmitted, or lost. By custom, a state has the right to determine who its nationals and citizens are.
                Nationality law - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

                Birthright citizenship in the United States refers to a person's acquisition of United States citizenship by virtue of the circumstances of his or her birth. It contrasts with citizenship acquired in other ways, for example by naturalization later in life. Birthright citizenship may be conferred by jus soli or jus sanguinis. Under United States law, any person born within the United States (including the territories of Puerto Rico, Guam, the U.S. Virgin Islands, and the Northern Mariana Islands)[1] and subject to its jurisdiction is automatically granted U.S. citizenship,[2] as are many (though not all) children born to American citizens overseas.
                Birthright citizenship in the United States - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

                Although all U.S. citizens are also U.S. nationals, the reverse is not true. As specified in 8 U.S.C. § 1408, a person whose only connection to the U.S. is through birth in an outlying possession (which as of 2005 is limited to American Samoa, Swains Island, and the unincorporated US Minor Outlying Islands), or through descent from a person so born, acquires U.S. nationality but not U.S. citizenship.

                The U.S. passport issued to non-citizen nationals contains the endorsement code 9 which states: "THE BEARER IS A UNITED STATES NATIONAL AND NOT A UNITED STATES CITIZEN." on the annotations page.[28]

                Non-citizen U.S. nationals may reside and work in the United States without restrictions, and may apply for citizenship under the same rules as resident aliens. Like resident aliens, they are not presently allowed by any U.S. state to vote in federal or state elections, although there is no constitutional prohibition against them doing so.

                United States nationality law - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

                A corporation is a legal entity that is created under the laws of a state designed to establish the entity as a separate legal entity having its own privileges and liabilities distinct from those of its members.[1] There are many different forms of corporations, most of which are used to conduct business.

                Despite not being natural persons, corporations are recognized by the law to have rights and responsibilities like natural persons ("people"). Corporations can exercise human rights against real individuals and the state,[2] and they can themselves be responsible for human rights violations.[3]

                Corporation - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

                United Constitutional Republics of North American Continent

                List of demonyms for U.S. states - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia



                • Corps CAn be prosecuted for negligent homicide

                  Only succesful prosecution was a couple of years ago.I'm going by memory, cause of my old 'putr, but I'm sure you can find it, with Google, etc.
                  Woman had lump in her breast. Dr. took biopsy, sent to lab.Report came back 'fine; no cancer found', so Dr. took no further action.8mos. later, woman died when breast cancer spread to her lungs.Family started to sue.In discovery, they obtained the Lab Co.'s internal documents, showing they were reqiring employees to 'process' tests at a rate 2 1/2 times the industry standard; which inevitably meant thaey couldn't give accurate results.This info was turned over to the state prosecuters, who took the unusual step of charging the Corporation with negligent homicide. And, they got a conviction!
                  Corp was shut down, and officers went behind bars.
                  I wonder why this 'device' isn't used MORE often? If Corps can have 'free speach' rights, and in other ways be 'protected' like individuals, why can't they be held criminally liable, like individuals?
                  The mine disaster that killed 26 miners, for example.The Gulf oil spill on 'deep water Horizon. Why aren't prosecuters, always eager for headlines, using this device? Jim


                  • Originally posted by dutchdivco View Post
                    Why aren't prosecuters, always eager for headlines, using this [prosecuting corporations] device? Jim
                    That's probably because corporations don't like to take other corporations to court, and all state and federal prosecutors are persons appointed by a state or federal corporation.
                    "Seek wisdom by keeping an open mind to alternative realities, questioning authority, and searching for truth. Only then, when you see or hear something that has 'the ring of truth' to it, will it be as if a veil has been lifted, and suddenly you will begin to hear and see far more clearly than ever before." - Rickoff


                    • Artist: Boston
                      Song Title: "Corporate America"

                      Who can stop de-evolution of the human race?
                      Look at you, Corporate America, you're in disgrace
                      Globalize; cigarettes, business jets, you love it
                      Maximize; but you can take your bottom line and shove it
                      Gotta get away
                      Gotta get away, and I need a little help tonight
                      What 'ya gonna say
                      Wha 'ya gonna say when you couldn't even see the light
                      See the light

                      YouTube - ‪"Corporate America" by Boston‬‏

                      Epidemic of Tax Amnesia Sweeps U.S. Corporate Headquarters
                      Some of America’s biggest companies seem to be having a dreadful case of tax amnesia, forgetting how much of their success is the result of American tax dollars.

                      Epidemic of Tax Amnesia Sweeps U.S. Corporate Headquarters



                      • Geithner's solution to US debt defaults

                        "Our plan is for Congress to pass the debt limit," Geithner said late in May. "Our fall-back plan is for Congress to pass the debt limit, and our fall-back plan to the fall-back plan is for Congress to pass the debt limit."

                        Some plan, huh?
                        "Seek wisdom by keeping an open mind to alternative realities, questioning authority, and searching for truth. Only then, when you see or hear something that has 'the ring of truth' to it, will it be as if a veil has been lifted, and suddenly you will begin to hear and see far more clearly than ever before." - Rickoff


                        • I am a keen follower of all you electronics/electrical geniuses on this forum, so thanks for sharing.

                          This topic seems to be about "the system".

                          In the spirit of sharing knowledge and scientific understanding, so that we may clear the way for a true energy revolution, maybe this website can help you shine some light on the problem at hand.


                          Just follow the arrows.


                          • Originally posted by glasgowguy View Post

                            Just follow the arrows.
                            Yes, there is MUCH evidence to prove that America is and always has been a colony of the British crown. The Peace Treaty of 1783, the Treaty of Versailles, and other documents, along with certain tax codes prove this beyond doubt. The golden tassles attached to American flags in court rooms, represent British Admiralty Law, which is what the B.A. R. system in law does also, meaning Britsh Accredited Registry. George Washington, Ben Franklin, Alexander Hamilton, and several other early elites were actually "Esquires", or simply bloodlines of the English crown represenatives. Once it became obvious that no independent colony would ever prevail, many political and war time charades were carried out to give the overall image of our truly FALSE "patriotic mythology" version of American history. PLEASE research this, and the bloodline role of elite British Esquires like Washington himself, in the early days of America. The United States is a BRITISH owned corporation, not a damn independent country !!
                            YouTube - ‪America Is STILL A British Colony‬‏



                            • Originally posted by aljhoa View Post
                              Yes, there is MUCH evidence to prove that America is and always has been a colony of the British crown. The Peace Treaty of 1783, the Treaty of Versailles, and other documents, along with certain tax codes prove this beyond doubt. The golden tassles attached to American flags in court rooms, represent British Admiralty Law, which is what the B.A. R. system in law does also, meaning Britsh Accredited Registry. George Washington, Ben Franklin, Alexander Hamilton, and several other early elites were actually "Esquires", or simply bloodlines of the English crown represenatives. Once it became obvious that no independent colony would ever prevail, many political and war time charades were carried out to give the overall image of our truly FALSE "patriotic mythology" version of American history. PLEASE research this, and the bloodline role of elite British Esquires like Washington himself, in the early days of America. The United States is a BRITISH owned corporation, not a damn independent country !!
                              YouTube - ‪America Is STILL A British Colony‬‏

                              It is and it is not funny, but I can back off and read each post and what I see is very concerning. I am totally unable to tell who is COINTELPRO and who is not!.

                              There is so much shifting back and forth and we go from standing up for our rights to the vote is the significant difference. One sees a person seeing the end where Tobacco is the answer for barter and survival to the ones that think every phony vote for a puppet counts. Then we hear of bullets being a trade-able commodity to silver and gold being it. Okay we have now totally confused the direction?

                              We hear that it will be up to the people and the people are all lining up at the voting booth with Tobacco, Bullets, Gold and Silver in hand to sooth the political goods.

                              I guess 99% of the people must be stupid, dumbed down and or drugged out that all think the world is rosy red. Get a damn grip folks, stand up or get buried..............


                              • What!

                                Totally undeliverable. Mr. O now says that if he is reelected that after 2012 unemployment will improve. YES that is correct! Unemployment WILL GET WORSE. Re-elect Mr. O., save us all............

                                Where are the people with GUTS? We do not have two parties, No Jackasses and no Elephants, they are all Asses, what is so damn hard to understand?

