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The American Ruling Class

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  • Ron Paul was recently asked by an investigative blogger if he was concerned about legislation in Congress that would officially establish FEMA camps in America. Ron Paul responded in the affirmative.
    Breaking: Ron Paul Speaks On FEMA Camps! They're Setting The Stage For Violence In This Country - YouTube

    Melanie C - Northern Star (Music Video) (HQ) - YouTube



    • Congress of Baboons in Action

      Immigration - Global humanitarian reasons for current U.S. immigration are tested in this updated version of immigration author and journalist Roy Beck's colorful presentation of data from the World Bank and U.S. Census Bureau. The 1996 version of this immigration gumballs presentation has been one of the most viewed immigration policy presentations on the internet.
      Immigration, World Poverty and Gumballs - Updated 2010 - YouTube

      Congress - A Group Of Baboons
      By Frosty Wooldridge

      Finally, we face unimaginable ecological, energy, quality of life, standard of living and resource consequences that everybody dances around at all costs. That's today! Can you imagine another added 75 million immigrants? I tried to bring that point out on a top radio show this week, but the host mocked me. It shows me that the best and the brightest prove to be the dumbest and uninformed.

      The baboons in Congress will not do anything about it. The American people feel too helpless, too apathetic and/or clueless. The moneyed elite think they are immune.

      If I were a historian in 2050, I would note with dismay that the American people could have saved themselves in 2011, but they chose to stagger into the future without a plan, without a clue and their beloved civilization collapsed from sheer human overload. Their greatest sin? They kept re-electing the same baboons to Congress.

      Congress - A Group Of Baboons



      • Wounded Warriors & President Bush (July 4th, 2011) - YouTube

        Mark Bingham's Mom - YouTube



        • This Frosty Wooldridge is another who is again attacking by implication, those of us who have attempted to gain citizenship from other countries legally and have been refused until we give enough money.
          His comments appear to tow the line about Mexican nationals, dismissing all such people as intellectually handicapped and wishing only to sponge from this country.
          Disregarded, in nearly all and every discussion are those persons wishing to reside in this country who are well mannered, intelligent, hard working, entrepreneurial, and, if it matters at all, white.
          Is that correct or am I paranoid ?
          Historians will record that we impregnated ourselves with too many poor, too many illiterate and too many incompatible to our culture and language
          Yes i'm poor, but when one is not allowed to work and denied a Green Card, that's how it goes.

          Don't forget, practically everyone except a Native American has an immigrant within their family lineage and many were from England !


          • World being raped

            Can't say much more than this vid explains.Please pass along.

            This video MUST go viral NOW.flv - YouTube


            • Originally posted by Moe R View Post
              Can't say much more than this vid explains.Please pass along.

              This video MUST go viral NOW.flv - YouTube
              hhhpets's Channel - YouTube

              Who can post screen shots?


              • How to Post Screen Shots

                Originally posted by aljhoa View Post

                Who can post screen shots?
                You can easily grab a screen shot by pressing the "Print Scrn" key on your keyboard. This key originally sent the screen contents directly to a printer, but now simply places the screen image in memory on your Windows clipboard. If you open MS Paint, found in your computer's Accessories folder, you can then click the Edit menu and choose Paste to show the image. Next, use the cropping tool in MS Paint to outline the portion of the screen image that you actually want, and then click Edit and Copy. Now click File and New, but don't choose to save the full screen shot. When the new window opens, click Edit and choose Paste to view the cropped image. If any white "canvass" area appears outside of the image, drag it in to the image border. Now you should save the file to your computer at an easily accessed location such as your desktop. To use the screen shot in a forum post you will first need to upload it to an Internet file sharing site, such as after which you can copy the URL address for that file. Lastly, you open a forum post, click the yellow toolbar icon, and paste the copied URL address into the popup window. The screen shot will then appear in your post. Keep in mind that you should not post a screen shot from any copyrighted photo or video without the owner's permission unless it meets "fair use" standards, and in all cases provide a link to the original material the screen shot was derived from. Also follow the forum guidelines to avoid posting any inappropriate images.

                "Seek wisdom by keeping an open mind to alternative realities, questioning authority, and searching for truth. Only then, when you see or hear something that has 'the ring of truth' to it, will it be as if a veil has been lifted, and suddenly you will begin to hear and see far more clearly than ever before." - Rickoff


                • A federal judge has issued his ruling in the case brought against Social Security Administration commissioner Michael Astrue by attorney Orly Taitz regarding Obama's apparent Social Security fraud. Taitz had brought the case in hopes of obtaining a disclosure of the original application for Social Security number filed by Obama.

                  Not surprisingly, judge Lambert concluded that there's no real interest in determining whether the Obama Social Security Number is genuine or fraudulent, arguing that the need for privacy for the president trumps all else. He stated in his case summary that, "The SSA explained that the Privacy Act of 1974 ... protects the personal information of social security number holders," and that "The SSA determined ... the plaintiff had identified no public interest that would be served by disclosure."

                  Taitz has stated she is submitting a motion for reconsideration based on new evidence which includes an affidavit from an individual who obtained a government affirmation that the SS number Obama is using doesn't match his name. She said it is important to the public, because it could provide evidence of fraudulent IRS returns, fake election documents, and Social Security fraud, should the allegations prove accurate.

                  Don't hold your breath while waiting for the judge's ruling on the reconsideration. With Eric Holder as Obama's right hand man, and chief of Obama's Department of Justice, you can safely bet that no federal judge will issue a ruling that goes against Obama. It will be interesting, however, to see on September 15th what excuse the Hawaii Department of Health (DOH) comes up with for failing to provide Taitz with access to Obama's original birth record as granted by a Hawaii court order. They can't claim that Obama's birth record is protected by privacy limitations, because Obama requested a waiver from Hawaii DOH in order to publicly disclose on April 27th what he claimed was a true copy of his original birth record. Thus Obama has already given up his right to privacy protection. I think we can safely assume, though, that disclosure will somehow be prevented when the case continues. After all, the right of the People to know who is sitting in their White House is insignificant in comparison to Corporation U.S. protecting Obama the usurper. Besides, he is not our President - he is merely the acting president (CEO) of the foreign owned Corporation U.S.
                  Last edited by rickoff; 09-10-2011, 02:34 PM.
                  "Seek wisdom by keeping an open mind to alternative realities, questioning authority, and searching for truth. Only then, when you see or hear something that has 'the ring of truth' to it, will it be as if a veil has been lifted, and suddenly you will begin to hear and see far more clearly than ever before." - Rickoff


                  • UK Email re court


                    This is doing the round in the UK:

                    So there we have it, it looks like the Judiciary is now colluding with the government, which is very disturbing please watch the video

                    Judge rules on Obama's Social Security Number


                    • Originally posted by Moe R View Post
                      Can't say much more than this vid explains.Please pass along.

                      This video MUST go viral NOW.flv - YouTube
                      Video removed from User.
                      After 8Hours from your Post?! . . . !
                      Thats what is called free Speech in the World?
                      Theorizer are like High Voltage. A lot hot Air with no Power behind but they are the dead of applied Work and Ideas.


                      • Found it again and placed it on an other Mirror.
                        Watch, so far it is available
                        Fast, Free Video Hosting & Video Sharing - VideoBam

                        What i have learned about Libya.
                        1951 Libya was the poorest Country in the World. Before the Nato Invasion, Libya enjoyed the highest Standart of living in Africa, ahead of Russia, Brazil and South Arabia.
                        In Libya, Homes are considered as a Human Right.
                        Newly married Couples recieve $50 000 to buy theyr own Home and elecricity is free to all People.
                        No, I am not making this up. Ghaddafi vowed to house every Libyan before his own Parents. he kept his promise and his own Father died before he was able to be housed.
                        Before Gadaffi less then 1/5th of Libyans where literate, now education is free and high quality and the literacy Rate is 83%.
                        Healthcare is also free and high Quality and if Libyans cannot find the Education or healthcare they need in Lybia then the Lybian Gouvernmanet funds them to go abroad to access it.
                        All Loans are Interest Free 0% by Law. If a Libyan buys a Car, the Gouvernment pays 50 % of the Price.
                        The Price of Gasoline is $0,14/
                        Any Libyan wishing to become a farmer is given, free use of Land, a Home, equipment, livestock and seeds.
                        On 1st July 2011, 1,7 million Peoples assembled in Green Square, Tripoli to show defiance against the Nato bombing of Libya, this represented about 95% of the population of Tripoli and about one third of the entire Population
                        of Libya.
                        The Libyan central Bank is state owned and unlike ALL Banks in the west is not owned by Rothschild issues debt free Money.
                        In the 1990's Libya was accoused of beeing responsible for the Lockerie bombing of PanAm103. It has transpired that the US paid Witnesses at the Trial $4 Milllion each, to testify against the Libyan men.
                        Yes, they where paid to lie and have since recanted their evidence.
                        Gadaffi was also working to change payment for Libya's Oil away from the US Dollar to the gold African Dinar. This move promted Sarkozy to call Libya 'a threat to the financial security of Mankind'.

                        One of the first Acts of the Libyan 'rebels' was to create a new Central Bank, to one that was owned by Rothschild, just as ourrs in the West are.
                        The Rothschild Family are estimated to own over half of the World wealth.
                        Rothschilds owned Banks create Money out of thin Air and sell it to the Peoples at Interests. This means we never never enough Money to pay back what is 'owed'.
                        So we and our unborn Childrenm are made debt slaves to Rothschild banking Interests.
                        Unlike our Leaders, Cameron, Obama, Sarkozy,, et al, Gadaffi refused to sell his Peoples out.
                        Libya was debt Free.Are you beginning to see why Gadaffi gets this respond from his Peoples and who is behind the Nato bombing of free and souvereign People?
                        Libyans had much what we do not have in UK, USA & EU. They have a Leader who has integrity and courage and who worked in their best Interests and not the Rothschild's best interests.

                        Libyans shared in the Wealth of their Country free from the shackles of usury and Rothschilds Bankings Interests.

                        Without the tyranny of Rothschilds control over the issuance of Money, we could all live as wealthy Peoples. We have been literally robbed of Trillions of British Pounds / $ / € by Rothschild Bankers and their rent Boy Politicans. We have been raped and enslaved. Just as Lybia will be raped and enslaved if we dont stop this Crime against Humanity. It is estimated that 30 000 Lybians have been killed by Nato and his 'rebels'.
                        Gadaffi believes in in direct Democracy as laid out in his Book 'The green Book'
                        I have put a Link to Gadaffis green Book below. Please read it.
                        He believes the parliamentary democraties are inherently corrupt and that People can and should represent themselves. After believing the Lies about this man for all my Life, his Book amazed me. I cannot just sit by any longer and watch, how individual, groups and Countrys are demonised and destroyed by our criminal Gouvernments and then watch the Media protect those responsible for crimes against Humanity.
                        I refuse to pay taxes to the criminals responsibles for this. Stop paying for their Bombs Refuse to pay your Taxes. Dont pay for the Propaganda. Stop paying the BBC Licence Fee. WE must show solidarity wotht he Libyan People.
                        If we sit by and watch these crimes against humanity and do nothing, then we are complicit and one Day it will be our turn F*** Nato. F the UN. F the New World Order. Its tmie to act Peoples. Its time to find our courage and rise up. Mass NON Compliance against the NWO.
                        Theorizer are like High Voltage. A lot hot Air with no Power behind but they are the dead of applied Work and Ideas.


                        • Thanks Joit

                          Good job man!


                          • Rick,

                            The old 'good news/bad news'; The 'modem' on my old 'puter stopped working, and it was 'too old' to fix, so i got a re-conditioned IBM Thinkpad.Works great, but I still can't watch videos. I think it must be the landline connection. I use netzero, and it seems its just too slow for video.
                            Anyway, I brought up americans elect, when I first heard about it, and saw your posts about it. Anyway, I had several thoughts; for 1 thing, unless I missed something, I didn't see anything in your proposal regarding president/Vice President.You talk about an alternative way for Federal legislators, and state governments, but I didn't see anything about Executive, and thought it might be a route to that end.But, I 'see' what you mean, it would just be electing corporate officers. I do know that after Perot, the parties 'worked the system', to make it much harder to get on the ballots, in all 50 sates.And, I know Pat Buchanan and some of his cronies 'joined' the perot party, and ran it into the ground. Which brings me to another point about Americans elect.I heard there is some questions about where their funding is coming from; they have PROMISED transperency, but when pushed say their contributors have the right to privacy, and they will encorage them to be open about having contributed, but can't insist on it.

                            This makes me wonder whether the whole thing is a subterfuge; Americas disatisfaction is palpably obvious; so, why not create a venue for people to vent that frustration, that will go no where? Me, who is so sceptical of conspiracies, suggesting this? Whats up with that, LOL? Still, if I were a 'power elite', this is what I would do! Thoughts?Jim


                            • @ dutchdivco - Hoping to help. I'll tell ya what does help, AdBlock. Do a Google for that and select whether you have Firefox or Chrome. It stops those horrendously bandwidth hungry video adverts for one thing, but helps all over the place.
                              On YouTube, say, you can sit and wait around a while with the video on 'Pause'. You should see the loading bar increase. When it gets to the end, then click 'Play'. Just come back to it after a while.
                              If your new one is S/H then i'm quite sure it'll have a Microsoft product on it and that you won't have been given a backup disk. In such a light, you might think about something lite - a Linux distribution that handles your computer much better than the bloatware.
                              Here's a page of help - ThinkWiki
                              You might try Lubuntu, a faster and older machine specific version of the highly popular Ubuntu. I've run it on anything from a Pentium II upwards and have found it very friendly, very fast and great to cross over from MS products (which is what I was doing).
                              Here are the whole lot though: The LiveCD List
                              The main point here, is that you can download one, burn it to CD (or have a friend copy it to thumb drive and burn it) and then try it out, without affecting your normal operating system one bit Take the CD out and you are back to where you were.

                              To get back on track -
                              133 bloodlines = inbred = very weird people


                              • Thanks, Slider

                                Being a technological Luddite, most of what you wrote is 'greek' to me, but I'll try to check it out.And yeah, microsoft is a PITA.Its now giving me 25 days to 'register' before I lose the 'office products' it came with. Supposed to give it some 25 character registration #, and I have no idea what its talking about. Microsoft, what a name for a GUY to pick for his company. Makes you wonder if there is something freudian, and what it says about gates, huh?

                                On the immigration thing, there is a big push to muddy the waters. I can't speak for anyone else, but I welcome anyone who comes to this country legally, working thru the system.At the same time, I also recognise 'the system' is totally afu'd.Publishers clearinghouse will follow you with 12 different addresses in 12 months, all across the country. But INS can't keep track of 1 address change in 15 years.F*cking beurocrats!

                                I do resent the way strong immigration enforcement advocates are labeled rascists, just as obama opponents are labeled rascists. I don't oppose obama because of his race; I oppose him because of his policies/political leanings. He's a 'lefty', and I find it incredible that people can watch whats going on in europe, for example, and still think that more Gov't is the answer.

                                Give me a strong conservative candidate who is black, I'll vote for him in a heartbeat!And please!!!! Anyone but Romney!!!Jim

