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The American Ruling Class

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  • The criminals of the American ruling class

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    Last edited by minoly; 03-12-2012, 09:18 PM.


    • Originally posted by dutchdivco View Post
      Personally, I can't see the [ObamaCare individual mandate] being constitutional, and if it IS found constitutional, then the idea of limits on the Power of the Federal Gov't are gone.
      No, those limits will still be there as declared by the Constitution, and more specifically the 10th Amendment. If the Corporation U.S. Supreme Court declares that the individual mandate is constitutional then it will have no effect whatever upon us or the federal government. Corporation U.S. is only granted jurisdiction over the 10 mile square area of Washington D.C., and our federal government is not seated in Washington D.C.
      "Seek wisdom by keeping an open mind to alternative realities, questioning authority, and searching for truth. Only then, when you see or hear something that has 'the ring of truth' to it, will it be as if a veil has been lifted, and suddenly you will begin to hear and see far more clearly than ever before." - Rickoff


      • Fred was an early adviser to the founder of the anti- communist John Birch Society, which fought against the civil rights movement and the United Nations. Charles and David have supported the Tea Party, a loosely organized group that aims to shrink the size of government and cut federal spending.

        Fred Koch offered to build oil refineries in the Soviet Union that would be more efficient than those in the West. The young engineer's ideas were welcomed, and he was awarded a large contract to coincide with Stalin's first five-year plan, beginning in 1929. The contract called for construction of 15 refineries for an initial fee of $5 million, from which Koch and his partner, L. E. Winkler, are said to have netted a $500,000 profit. Koch's work in the Soviet Union necessitated sojourns in that country, offering the Texas farmboy an intimate look at the Soviet system while providing the cash he would later need in building his U.S. empire.
        Koch Industries, Inc. -- Company History



        • Maybe hope for Ron Paul?

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          Last edited by minoly; 03-12-2012, 09:18 PM.


          • I still believe in a place called Hope, a place called America.
            BILL CLINTON, speech at Democratic National Convention, August 29, 1996

            Hope Quotes

            Who Are The Smartest
            These 2008 statistics are based on British professors' research at Cambridge University who are experts on intelligence.
            They take IQ as the basic measurement.

            Top 20 nations IQ are
            1. Japan: 109
            2. Korea: 105
            2. Germany: 105
            4. Austria: 104
            5. Taiwan: 103
            6. Italy: 102
            6. Netherlands: 102
            6. Sweden: 102
            6. Switzerland: 102
            6. Belgium: 102
            6. Britain: 102
            6. Singapore: 102
            13. Poland: 101
            13. France: 101
            15. China: 100
            15. USA: 100
            15. Hungary: 100
            15. Norway: 100
            15. Finland: 100
            20. Canada: 99

            However, the statistics based on race of people are different.

            Here are the top 20 race:
            1. Ashkenazi Jewish: 129
            2. Japanese: 109
            3. German: 107
            4. Korean: 105
            5. Austrian: 104
            5. English: 104
            7. Italian: 102
            7. Swedish: 102
            7. Swiss: 102
            7. Dutch: 102
            7. Belgium: 102
            7. France: 102
            13. Han - Chinese: 101
            13. Polish: 101
            15. USA: 100
            15. Hungarian: 100
            15. Finnish: 100
            15. Norwegian: 100
            15. Jewish: 100
            20. Canada: 99

            This research is also like the research by Prof. Lynn, sparks lots of controversies. They are in fact, also introduce the new facts of genius per people. Why some countries contribute lots to human being while other don't (even they're smart). This based on number of geniuses or highly gifted per thousand people. These people are typically Nobel prize or other international prize winners, university professors, scientists, researchers, executives for large corporations, billionaires ...

            Top 20 race that have highest number of geniuses per people
            1. Ashkenazi Jewish
            2. German
            3. British
            4. American
            5. French
            6. Austrian
            7. Swedish
            8. Swiss
            9. Italian
            10. Dutch
            11. Japanese
            12. Danish
            13. Hungarian
            14. Norwegians
            15. Polish
            16. Russian
            17. Belgium
            18. Canadian
            19. Australian
            20. Jewish

            Who are the smartest people(nationality)? - Yahoo! Answers



            • Aljhoa

              2 of the smartest men i've ever known, didn't graduate 8th grade.And some of the DUMBEST people I've ever known, had masters degrees.Mensa has lots of drug addicts and alcoholics.
              Point being, IQ tests are 'the best measure we've been able to come up with' but are really a piss-poor measure of how smart someone is.Jim


              • Son of Fast and furious

                Saw a 'teaser' for the evening news, last nite, but unfortunately, I missed the actual story; it said "Operation Fast and furious" was not the first time the ATF had done such an operation.Might be interesting to 'look into' that, as the more that comes out, the worse it stinks.jim


                • Supreme Court Rejects Alan Keyes' Birther Lawsuit

                  On Monday the Court rejected without comment a lawsuit by Keyes
                  that claimed Obama was not eligible to be President because
                  he was not born in the United States.

                  Some Comments:
                  fargo117 I can't believe these clowns are still going at it.
                  JJRothery Can we move on?
                  DQKennard OMG! Even the Supreme Court is in on the conspiracy!
                  Schneibster Supreme Court refuses to feed the trolls. Good for them. Next?

                  Supreme Court Rejects Alan Keyes' Birther Lawsuit | TPMMuckraker
                  Last edited by aljhoa; 10-06-2011, 02:17 PM.


                  • Originally posted by dutchdivco View Post
                    2 of the smartest men i've ever known, didn't graduate 8th grade.And some of the DUMBEST people I've ever known, had masters degrees.Mensa has lots of drug addicts and alcoholics.
                    Point being, IQ tests are 'the best measure we've been able to come up with' but are really a piss-poor measure of how smart someone is.Jim
                    Chinese bestseller titled The Currency War describes how Jews are planning to rule the world by manipulating the international financial system. The book is reportedly read in the highest government circles. If so, this does not bode well for the international financial system, which relies on well-informed Chinese to help it recover from the current crisis. Such conspiracy theories are not rare in Asia. Japanese readers have shown a healthy appetite over the years for books such as To Watch Jews is to See the World Clearly, The Next Ten Years: How to Get an Inside View of the Jewish Protocols, and we’d Like to Apologize to the Japanese: A Jewish Elder’s Confession (written by a Japanese author, of course, under the name of Mordecai Mose). All these books are variations of The Protocols of the Elders of Zion, the Russian forgery first published in 1903, which the Japanese came across after defeating the czar’s army in 1905. The Chinese picked up many modern Western ideas from the Japanese. Perhaps that is how Jewish conspiracy theories were passed on as well. But Southeast Asians are not immune to this kind of nonsense, either. Former Malaysian prime minister Mahathir bin Mohamad has said that “the Jews rule the world by proxy. T
                    THE CURRENCY WAR by Song Hongbing « 5

                    Currency Wars by Song Hong bing[1], also known as The Currency War,[2] is a bestselling book in China, reportedly selling over 200,000 copies[3][4] and is reportedly being read by many senior level government and business leaders in China.[5] Originally published in 2007 the book gained a resurgence in 2009 and is seen as a prominent exponent of a recently emerged genre labeled "economic nationalist" literature.[5] Another bestselling book within this genre is Unhappy China, however, unlike this and other books within this genre, Currency Wars has been received more positively by the Chinese leadership as its recommendations are seen as less aggressive towards the US.[5] The premise of this book is that Western countries are ultimately controlled by a group of private banks, which, according to the book, runs their central banks. This book uses the claim[citation needed] that the Federal Reserve is a private body to support its role. The book's author correctly predicted a banking crisis in the US in 2008.[citation needed] More than 1 million of this book were sold.[6]
                    Currency Wars - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

                    Last edited by aljhoa; 10-05-2011, 11:14 PM.


                    • removed from thread
                      Last edited by minoly; 03-12-2012, 09:18 PM.


                      • Originally posted by dutchdivco View Post
                        Saw a 'teaser' for the evening news, last nite, but unfortunately, I missed the actual story; it said "Operation Fast and furious" was not the first time the ATF had done such an operation.Might be interesting to 'look into' that, as the more that comes out, the worse it stinks.jim
                        They are probably referring to Project Gunrunner, and of course let's not forget that Corporation U.S. has been supplying arms to all kinds of rebel groups for decades, whenever they want to see a government overthrown. The Corporation U.S. is the world's largest arms supplier. Watch the video Lord of War, and you will have a good understanding of what actually goes on.
                        "Seek wisdom by keeping an open mind to alternative realities, questioning authority, and searching for truth. Only then, when you see or hear something that has 'the ring of truth' to it, will it be as if a veil has been lifted, and suddenly you will begin to hear and see far more clearly than ever before." - Rickoff


                        • Originally posted by dutchdivco View Post
                          Unfortunately, I fear the effort to restore out lawful, jurisdictional gov't. is doomed for the same reasons that a candidate like R.P. is doomed to NOT be elected to even 1 term. The Sheeple ARE starting to 'look up', and they are getting angry. But, will they LISTEN, and THINK, long enough to understand what R.P. is saying, and/or what you are saying re: jurisdictional Gov't?

                          The biggest tool in the toolbox has always been apathy.SECOND has been the 'dumbing down' of the populace. After all, couldn't have 'got away' with dumbing down, if the apathy hadn't been there to start with.Jim
                          Restoring our lawful original jurisdiction government is far more easy to accomplish than getting Ron Paul elected as CEO of Corporation U.S. The reason why is because, unlike the Corporation U.S. elections, it will not require huge numbers of voters to accomplish. With nearly everyone concentrating on the Corporation U.S. elections, and being unaware of the original jurisdiction voting, just a handful of people from each state can successfully elect original jurisdiction Governors. Heck, if only one person voted for himself, and no one else received more votes for oj Gov, he would win. Remember, nearly all the contiguous 48 states already have an oj Governor seated, including your state. So most of the work has already been done. This effort has already been in progress for several years, and the people taking part in it surely are not apathetic. I'd suggest that you contact your oj Governor if you haven't already, and ask him what his status is. How long has he been serving? Does he have a term limit that will require someone else to run for oj Gov and replace him by 2012? If so, the replacement can appoint him as one of 2 US Senators from your state if he is willing to serve in that capacity (which he probably is). Find out if a replacement Governor or eligible Senator is needed, and if someone has already stepped forward. If not, volunteer to step forward yourself if another candidate cannot be found. And by all means learn the procedure for voting correctly, by content notarized mail, and voting in a timely manner.
                          Last edited by rickoff; 10-06-2011, 07:00 AM.
                          "Seek wisdom by keeping an open mind to alternative realities, questioning authority, and searching for truth. Only then, when you see or hear something that has 'the ring of truth' to it, will it be as if a veil has been lifted, and suddenly you will begin to hear and see far more clearly than ever before." - Rickoff


                          • "The real McCoy"

                            Elijah McCoy - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia



                            • Al

                              200,000 copes, or even 1 million copies of a book in China, with their population, is a pretty insignificant amount. About as much effect as you or me p*ssing in the ocean, in an attempt to change the salinity.

                              Granted, you quoted unamed sources as saying these books were being read by the highest levels of the gov't., but for my part I am sceptical.Jim


                              • It only takes one grease monkey

                                to seize the wheel’s hub.


