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The American Ruling Class

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  • Actually,

    I agree with Blog's defence; he WAs just doing what 'normal' practice, in Politics, not only in Chicago, (which I agree is VERY corrupt) but in Washington D.c., as well.
    Firstly, assuming you/we are successful in installing an O.J. government in Wash., I'm not sure they would follow thru on the rest of the proposals you describe; why should they limit themselves to one term, no retirement, etc.

    Washington has a way of corrupting, and 'changing' people.

    More basic than that, I'm trying to visualise success with phase 1. The talking heads 'cover' the quadrenial horse race (2012 elections), and then, a couple of weeks later, they try to explain to the sheeple that all that was irrelevent; that 'WE' were only voting for corporate officers for Corp. U.S.

    "You see, at the start of the civil war, several unconstitutional amendments were added to the Constitution, and more later, and instead of a U.S. government, of, by and for the people, for the last 100 years or so we've had a corporation running our country. A small group of people in each of the contiguous 48 states, on their own, have elected O.J. state representatives and Govenors. They have appointed Federal Representatives. And, these people have also elected a Pres. and V.Pres for our country, and they are blank and blank, who you have never heard of, and THEY will be running the country now. We'll try to get you some info on who they are, and what they believe in.Anyway, the people we all elected are merely officers of a corporation, which is now filing for bankruptcy. Legal scholars are still debating the validity of this, but the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs states the military WILL honor orders from this new, Jurisdictional Gov't. Details at 10, film at 11, and we are now returning to your regular programming, already in progress,..."

    I am still trying to get my head around this. Jim


    • Ronald Reagan babysitting Bo
      Reagan and Bo

      And the results
      The Washington Post



      • Originally posted by aljhoa View Post
        Ronald Reagan babysitting Bo
        Reagan and Bo

        And the results
        The Washington Post Al

        Oh yeah, it's Bonzo! That was a funny movie.
        "Seek wisdom by keeping an open mind to alternative realities, questioning authority, and searching for truth. Only then, when you see or hear something that has 'the ring of truth' to it, will it be as if a veil has been lifted, and suddenly you will begin to hear and see far more clearly than ever before." - Rickoff


        • I apologize if this has been posted before but I thought it too important to miss

          David Icke - The One Party State (Essential Knowledge For A Wall Street Protestor - Part Two) - YouTube

          Even if you don't like Icke this information is spot on and we should take note of what he has said here.


          • Mmbrown,
            no, it wasnt posted before and nice Video really, but describe it, how it is.
            You have two Parties, what are only the Mask from the same Force, and no matter what you will vote for, it will be allways only for the Force behind the Mask, it never will change anything over Elections, any Changes can only come through the Peoples but not from elected Politicans or elected Parties.
            Theorizer are like High Voltage. A lot hot Air with no Power behind but they are the dead of applied Work and Ideas.


            • It gives the basics behind the financial, political and corporate systems and who controls them all. Enough info for people to look up and find the truth. He puts in a way that is simple without being two patronizing. I really do think the people at all the protests should be given access to this and then asked their thoughts about it.


              • The Wheel w/o McCoys



                • Well. I am quite not sure how far England and the Royals everywhere with her Societies are involved into this Control system,
                  if they are working together with the Banking Scam system and Supplier from Energy and Needs or if they are allready controlled.
                  At a Part even any Gouvernement can say, we wont go that way further, and UK still is mostly a Cause in Wars, hardly that they lost one over the Years, even that it is a very small Country.
                  But one thing for sure, that there did happen a lot of Crimes against Humans over centuries from each Part from this Chain of Control. And seems like they been like Vultures to go after America, as there been more Peoples to establish her fraudulent System ~1900.
                  And then, is that the real Game, Royals against Peoples with no matter what it cost?
                  I intentionally avoid the Term Citizen or Burgher, because its a Term what they use anyway to put you in the Box from her Scheme to let you bail for something. And her agenda is more then "anti"-humanism".
                  Theorizer are like High Voltage. A lot hot Air with no Power behind but they are the dead of applied Work and Ideas.


                  • Originally posted by dutchdivco View Post
                    Firstly, assuming you/we are successful in installing an O.J. government in Wash., I'm not sure they would follow thru on the rest of the proposals you describe; why should they limit themselves to one term, no retirement, etc.?

                    Washington has a way of corrupting, and 'changing' people.
                    The answer to your question is that the 100% newly installed legislature would be composed of people like us - not politicians, and their agenda would be to reverse all that has gone wrong and make it very difficult for these things to happen again.

                    Yes, Washington certainly has a way of corrupting and changing people, but the three main reasons why that is so could be eliminated:
                    1. One-term limits would ensure that there are no crooked politicians of the good ole boys club left in Washington after an election to bribe, coerce, intimidate, or otherwise influence new members of Congress.
                    2. Lobbyists would be banned, and new laws drafted that would impose very serious consequences upon any person, business, or organization that attempts to use money or power to influence votes by members of Congress.
                    3. The political campaign money machine no doubt has historically had more influence over politicians than anything else. Typically, whoever rakes in and spends the most money in their campaign becomes the winner. Candidates who accept large donations form corporations, labor unions, and other special interest groups then owe their loyalty to those groups, and not to We The People. All of this could be eliminated, and campaigning made fair, by outlawing political contributions from any source. Candidates could be afforded equal time, at no cost, on public television to inform the public of their stances and proposals. Real debates could similarly be held in which the candidates themselves would ask other candidates questions which they deem of importance, rather than relying on media produced debates where the questions are typically either irrelevant, or the candidate isn't afforded ample time to sufficiently answer the question.

                    You see, Jim, it would not be difficult to clean up the political pig sty we see in Washington D.C. if we elect the right people to see this done, and that of course means electing an O.J. government. It also requires us, and our descendants, to remain ever vigilant as government watchdogs. A clean sweep will literally clean House and give us a real chance at restoring our Republic to what was intended. The three proposals above would go a very long ways towards eliminating and preventing future corruption, but an alert public that is not educated on textbook lies and media controlled "news" is essential in maintaining liberty. This should not be impossible to correct. Can you think of ways that formal education and media could be cleaned up and justly used?
                    "Seek wisdom by keeping an open mind to alternative realities, questioning authority, and searching for truth. Only then, when you see or hear something that has 'the ring of truth' to it, will it be as if a veil has been lifted, and suddenly you will begin to hear and see far more clearly than ever before." - Rickoff


                    • Rick

                      Seems like some of what you propose would be unconstitutional; free speech comes to mind. Reminds me of what an old friend of mine used to say; "What this country NEEDS is a good 5 year dictatorship; 5 years of doing what needs to be done, to fix whats wrong, without having to worry about whether its constitutional, or get Congress (or even the people) to go along. The problem is, after 5 years its awful hard to get the SOB out!"

                      Remember what happened to Romney in 2008? The candidate with the most $ doesn't ALWAYS win, and in fact the recent large # of republican debates have enabled candidates to 'surge' WITHOUT having a lot of $.

                      If you look at what was attempted with the D.C school system, and what was DONE with the New Orleans school system, it makes it clear what needs to happen with the public school system; sometimes things are so broke, they can't be 'fixed', and you just need to scrap everything, and start all over. This is what needs to be done with the school system, AND with the political system. This is the attraction 'your proposal' has for me, re; political system.

                      However, I'm afraid the people would fight such a radical change, tooth and nail, to EITHER system. Look at the resistance to changing the school system, in D.C. Yes, it came from the teachers union, and thats to be expected; but it ALSO came from the parents! Bottom line is, its not that we have the wrong kind of Government, its that we have the wrong kind of people.Your plan tries to change the Government, when what we need to do is change the people.

                      And good luck with that, cause your going up against 'human nature', and millions of years of programming. Might as well just All you get out of it is a massive headache!

                      People, BY THEIR NATURE, are shallow, self centered, short sighted, and act based on their short term self interest. To deny this is to delude yourself, and to agknowledge this reality, but to believe that while this is true on an INDIVIDUAL basis, but that somehow when they act in concert, some form of 'Collective wisdom' will manifest, and they will suddenly develop wisdom, and the ability to see beyond such considerations, and act collectively in their long term best interests, is to engage in fantasy.Their is plenty of evidence thruout history to prove their is NO SUCH THING AS "COLLECTIVE WISDOM", and their is absolutely no evidence in history to prove the existence of "Collective Wisdom". And yet it is a thouroughly ingrained myth; we WANT it to be so, and so we persist in believing in it. It is the foundation for Democracy, and for the "free market", and without it as a foundation, either system is obviously fatally flawed.And, we are now seeing clear evidence of these systems failing, because of this fatal flaw.

                      Or so I believe,....Jim


                      • Get Them Bags Packed US

                        The day after the NDAA passed the feds offered KBR a contract to have the FEMA Camps (Detention Centers) Stocked and Staffed by Feb 2012. Lets all get ready to be re-educated or should that be Roasted...


                        • Whats more, Rick

                          You obviosly AGREE with me. Otherwise, WHY would you be advocating term limits? After all, the people, in their infinite COLLECTIVE wisdom, COULD recognise that having career politicians in not in our best interests, and simply, en mass NOT mark any ballot for an incumbent. It could be so obvious that no representative even bothered to run for re-election.

                          And yet, despite years of Congress polling as more unpopular than dog doo-doo stuck to our shoe, incumbents continue to get re-elected, term after term.Why? Because "Oh, Congress are a bunch of no good so and so's, but MY Congressman? Well, he kept that base open that the military wanted to close, and that means jobs for my town. And, he's fighting to make sure we get 'our share' of the pie, with that new highway project, and that bridge to no where. He's a good 'un!"

                          It wouldn't matter how much $ a candidate had, or where it came from, if 'we' weren't effected by campaign commercials.Everyone bad mouths "Negative campaigning", but they wouldn't USE it, if it didn't work; that is, if we didn't respond to it with our votes.

                          As for lobbying; (and I address this to anyone who is a US citisen, not you specifically, Rick); Are you a member of ANY national organisation? NRA, PTA, AARP, The Boy Scouts, fer Crists sake? Or a trade union? Is the company you work for the member of a National trade association?If so, there is probably one or more lobbyists in D.C. who is at least purporting to represent your interests.

                          And why not? If the industry you are in is threatened by (proposed) additional regulations which would require them to lay off workers, or the NRA is concerned about the effect of gun regulation; Sure, they could have every member/employee write a letter to their Congressman. Or, they could all attend a "meet your congressman" meeting, like the one ALL Congressman regularly hold in their districts. (Like the one where gabby Giffords was shot, and the ones where the 'Tea Party' members vented their displeasure at TARP and Obamacare). Or they could pay a professional, with offices in Washington, who's job is to obtain access to the politicians and express the views of his clients.

                          Ask the average voter; have you ever written or called your Congressman? Have you ever BEEN to a "Meet your Congressman" meeting? Have you actually ever seen your representative, (City, State OR Federal), 'face to face', even if its from across a crowded room?Do you even KNOW WHO your Congressman is, and how they voted on TARP, Obamacare, Patriot act, or whatever piece of legislation you feel strongly about? Do you know what each piece of legislation actually says, that their voting on, and do you know how it would effect you? And, if you knew it was going to be bad for you personally, but GOOD for the country, would you be for it or against it? Most people don't have the time or interest to devote to all this. And so, lobbyist represent their interests; be it trying to keep their job, or their right to keep and bear, etc. They are like an unelected representative, except they are 'elected' by $; when you pay your union or membership dues, or when the company you work for pays their trade association dues. Some of that $ goes to pay for Lobbyists in Washington. The more interest ($) a given side of a given issue has, the more lobbying their is representing that interest.

                          Yes, the system is corrupt, but WE, collectively created/developed this system.

                          And, yeah, Febuary of 2012 sounds about right, for the whole system, financial and political, to go wahoonie shaped; i.e. in the toilet. Can't really see what 'good' having those FEMA camps is going to do, when the whole thing goes in the toilet, but I guess they gotta try.Jim
                          Last edited by dutchdivco; 12-07-2011, 09:28 PM.


                          • Originally posted by dutchdivco View Post
                            People, BY THEIR NATURE, are shallow, self centered, short sighted, and act based on their short term self interest. To deny this is to delude yourself, and to agknowledge this reality, but to believe that while this is true on an INDIVIDUAL basis,
                            Cognition disorders in millions of poor and undocumented workers attest this.



                            • If this wasn't happening in my own state I would think its just a conspiracy theory story, but it does appear to be valid. Would love to sit in on this case.

                              Lawsuit filed against’ The Secret Government of The World’ in US-Illuminati? « Ramani's blog



                              • Originally posted by dutchdivco View Post
                                Are you a member of ANY national organisation? NRA, PTA, AARP, The Boy Scouts, fer Crists sake? Or a trade union? Is the company you work for the member of a National trade association? If so, there is probably one or more lobbyists in D.C. who is at least purporting to represent your interests.
                                The answers are no, no and no. I know I am the only person who can represent my interests. I have two Senators and a Congressman in Washington who claim that they represent me, but that's a lie. They represent the Ruling Class elite. No lobbyist represents me, and I wouldn't want one to.

                                Originally posted by dutchdivco View Post
                                Yes, the system is corrupt, but WE, collectively created/developed this system.
                                Well, you may have helped create it, but I've been fighting it all my adult life.

                                Originally posted by dutchdivco View Post
                                Can't really see what 'good' having those FEMA camps is going to do, when the whole thing goes in the toilet, but I guess they gotta try.Jim
                                Who ever said that FEMA, or FEMA camps were good? You don't plan on going to one when TSHTF, do you? Not a good idea.
                                "Seek wisdom by keeping an open mind to alternative realities, questioning authority, and searching for truth. Only then, when you see or hear something that has 'the ring of truth' to it, will it be as if a veil has been lifted, and suddenly you will begin to hear and see far more clearly than ever before." - Rickoff

