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The American Ruling Class

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  • Lots of opposition to re-election ...

    December 21, 2011

    Obama Will Be Required To Validate Long Vault Birth Certificate In All 50 States For 2012 Presidential Run. was established to assist citizens in every state to file challenges to Barack Hussein Obama‘s placement on presidential ballots for 2012 based on the assertion that he is not a “natural born Citizen“

    Obama Fails E-Verify – Proof He Stole SSN

    New Hampshire Commission That Kept Obama on Ballot Was Illegal
    Supreme Court and Congress Say Obama Unlawful President
    Judge Rules Not His Concern Whether Obama Uses a Fake Social Security Number
    Obama Uses Connecticut SSN Not Assigned to Him
    Obama’s Kenyan Illegal Activities: Allegiance or blackmail?
    New Hampshire Commission That Kept Obama on Ballot Was Illegal
    Supreme Court and Congress Say Obama Unlawful President

    What is the Obama State Ballot Challenge?

    Occupy White House: Help Stop Obama From Another 4 Un-Constitutional Years

    This is a national call to action to help ensure Article II, Section 1, of the U.S. Constitution is upheld by stopping Obama from getting back in the White House for another 4 un-Constitutional years. The Obama State Ballot Challenge 2012 project was created to help organize and report on the Herculean effort to keep Obama off the Presidential election ballot in 2012 because he does not meet the Constitutional standard of Natural Born Citizen that was established by Minor v. Happersett, and because of his massive fraud crimes committed before and during his tenure in the White House.


    • First Martial Law Attempt


      Martial Law New Orleans ∞ Officials Call For Troops on Streets(1/3)NDAA Gun Confiscation - YouTube

      Isn't NDAA Great, we are all safe now.


      • Originally posted by yoyo View Post

        December 21, 2011

        Obama Will Be Required To Validate Long Vault Birth Certificate In All 50 States For 2012 Presidential Run.
 was established to assist citizens in every state to file challenges to Barack Hussein Obama‘s placement on presidential ballots for 2012 based on the assertion that he is not a “natural born Citizen“
        Mark my words - Obama will not be required to produce his original long form birth certificate in any state in order to be placed on the ballots. The 13 states which originally pursued legislation requiring this have all dropped the ball, and none have enacted such compelling legislation. Candidates are only required to submit an affidavit stating that they are qualified to be a candidate, and both the Republican and Democrat parties are only too willing to make such a statement on the candidate's behalf. Nancy Pelosi did it for Obama in 2008, and she or someone else will do it again in 2012 and all the states will accept that as "reasonable proof of eligibility," since no state law currently requires that a candidate must provide an original long form certificate. Even if one or more did make that provision law, Obama would still get on the ballot because he has purported to have released a copy of his original certificate in April, and no judge has issued a ruling declaring it fake. Therefore, all state attorney generals would say the document has been provided, and would dismiss all cases brought by citizens of the state.

        The issue of Obama's ineligibility isn't going to go away while he remains in office, and shouldn't even after he is gone (but probably will). Both the short form and long form certificates he has provided have been thoroughly proven to have been faked, and the only possible reason for doing so is that Obama is not even a US citizen, let alone a natural born citizen.

        I agree that an effort should continue to be made to keep Obama off the ballots, and to expose his fraudulence, but think that ObamaBallotChallenge is going about it the wrong way. It would be better to file a Quo Warranto case against any and all state officials allowing Obama to be placed on the ballot, and citing their failure to adhere to the Constitution's eligibility clause by not obtaining proof that validates the candidate or political party's claim of eligibility. In such a case, they would have to prove they did not allow the Constitution's eligibility clause to be violated, or would be removed from their office and position of public trust.
        Last edited by rickoff; 12-23-2011, 07:30 PM. Reason: sp
        "Seek wisdom by keeping an open mind to alternative realities, questioning authority, and searching for truth. Only then, when you see or hear something that has 'the ring of truth' to it, will it be as if a veil has been lifted, and suddenly you will begin to hear and see far more clearly than ever before." - Rickoff


        • Ron Paul

          Must admit I have been following Ron Paul for the last few years, and its been interesting to see how the media, especially in the UK airbrush him out; it should have been of note his great money bomb during the last US election. Now that he's making good progress for the 2012, it seems the media attack dogs have been set loose on him in the last day, including in some UK publications - just hope the folks can see through this.



          • More suggestions

            Originally posted by rickoff View Post
            ... It would be better to file a Quo Warranto case against any and all state officials allowing Obama to be placed on the ballot, and citing their failure to adhere to the Constitution's eligibility clause by not obtaining proof that validates the candidate or political party's claim of eligibility. In such a case, they would have to prove they did not allow the Constitution's eligibility clause to be violated, or would be removed from their office and position of public trust.

            That's what is being strongly suggested by

            Defend Our Freedoms Foundation, Dr. Orly Taitz

            CITIZENS! YOU CAN CHALLENGE OBAMA'S ELIGIBILITY. Obama does not meet the requirements to be on the ballot, and he has submitted false documents in support of his eligibility.

            Here's another strong suggestion from Ben Fulford:

            Video: Fulford - "What Is Wrong With You People!!!??"

            "Come on! This is just a few old men who worship Satan! Why don't you Americans put them in jail??...arrest them now, and if they resist; shoot them."


            • Rick

              In the post which started this thread, you say how you don't watch TV, much. And in a recent post, you say how if RP does well in Iowa, the 'media elites, etc. will dismiss Iowa as unimportant, and point out that Mike hukkabee won Iowa. I do watch the 'talking heads' quite a bit (its far more entertaining that 'reality' TV, although I have had to install a piece of Lexan in front of the screen, to keep from damaging it when i throw things, LOL. Anyway, I have ALREADY heard this very argument, regarding IF RP does well in Iowa. It was even suggested pre-emptively; "Iowa voters are very savvy, and take pride in the role they play. As they think about the prospect of voting for RP in the primary, and the effect it could have on diminishing the iowa caucauses importance in the nominating process, they may turn to a more 'electible candidate'. (i.e. Ronmney). I'm going from memory here, but thats ALMOST a direct quote, from a 'political expert'. It was probably either NBC nightly news, or PBS newshour, although it COULD have been one of the Sunday morning shows. Anyway, the point is its already happening; 'they' see RP as having a very well organised 'ground game' in Iowa, they recognise (although they seem baffled by it) the resentment/lack of enthusiasm for Romney, and so they are trying to preemptively influence Iowa caucus goers, by saying "If you guys vote for RP, you will be dismissed as a bunch of kooks, and no one will take the Iowa caucuses seriously anymore". But hey, they're 'unbiased', right?

              On the anger of the liberals, with Obama; if i were the repubs, I would create a superpak, to run ads aimed at LIBERALS, pointing out all of the things he promised THEM, and failed to produce on. The 'far left' is plenty angry at Obama, and this is where the 'occupy' movement COULD hurt him. It would be a replay of '68, where the Chicago riots played a big role in getting Nixon elected. In fact, Romney reminds me a lot of Nixon; my MAIN 'problem' with him; I wouldn't buy a used car from him! Yes, i have problems with policy, and flip-flopping, but on a far more fundamental level i just don't TRUST him.

              Anyway, I do think BO is going to have to dance on a tightrope; anything he does to try to 'secure his base' i.e. the left, is only going to alienate the center right majority, and vice- versa. And I think the left portion of the 'occupiers' are VERY pissed/ disappointed at him; the left has a long history of cutting off its nose to spite its face.

              If and to the degree there is a "THEY", I kind of feel like "THEY" are already prepared to write off BO; they are 'pushing' Romney big time, and can't understand why Repub voters aren't accepting him, but think that 'once he has the nomination, repub voters will get behind him.Personally, I'm sceptical, as I would be as likely to be persuaded to vote for BO, as for Romney, and I think a sizable # of 'repub' voters may feel the same.

              Its going to be interesting theater, thats for sure. Far more entertaining than football, reality TV, or whatever other stuffCaeser cooks up, to keep the masses of 'romans' distracted. Jim


              • Originally posted by yoyo View Post
                That's [Quo Warranto] what is being strongly suggested by Defend Our Freedoms Foundation, Dr. Orly Taitz

                CITIZENS! YOU CAN CHALLENGE OBAMA'S ELIGIBILITY. Obama does not meet the requirements to be on the ballot, and he has submitted false documents in support of his eligibility.
                Yes, I have followed the cases in which Orly Taitz has been involved, regarding Obama's ineligibility, and have posted here concerning some of them. She did file Quo Warranto complaints in 2009 and 2010. Those cases were dismissed, and the judges involved stated that the plaintiffs either had "no standing" to bring such case forward, or that the case itself was "frivolous." The 9th Circuit Court has since ruled that any case brought against Obama by an individual citizen, or by class action, will have no standing, and that only persons who can show they have been directly and demonstrably injured by Obama's eligibility status are eligible to file suit. According to this decision, only a Democrat running against Obama in a primary election could file suit, and only Republican or Independent Presidential candidates on the ballot in the general election would have standing. This is of course ridiculous, as any citizen who voted in the 2008 Presidential election has been irreparably harmed by the allowance of two constitutionally ineligible Presidential candidates (Obama and McCain) to be placed on the ballot. The courts, by their decisions, have consistently been defending Obama's fraudulence, and to understand why only requires that we take note of Orly's response to the court rulings:

                "In the two cases that Taitz brought in Georgia on behalf of active members of the military, the lead attorney who represented the Department of Defense and Obama was Rebecca Elaine Ausprung. There was a conflict of interest, as Ms. Ausprung personally donated to the campaign of Mr. Obama and the Democrat Party. As presiding judge Clay D. Land believed Obama to be eligible for office, he decided that the challenge of such eligibility was frivolous and sanctioned Taitz for $20,000. At the same time, Taitz represented other clients in the US District Court in CA, where Presiding Judge David O. Carter stated on the record, in the July13, 2009 hearing that the case was important for the military and the country as a whole, that there was jurisdiction in his courtroom, and scheduled the eligibility case for trial for January 2010. After Judge Carter stated that there was jurisdiction, the Obama administration was able to place attorney Sidharth Velamoor from Perkins Coie, Obama defense firm, as a law clerk for Judge Carter. After this placement, judge Carter abruptly decided that he no longer had jurisdiction, and stated in his order that the case needed to be heard in the District of Columbia. The order by the judge was written by a law clerk who is also an attorney for the defendant, the President of the United States. This turn of events resembled "telephone Justice" of the old Soviet Union. After the order by Judge Carter came out at the end of October 2009, and Obama knew that the legal action for fraud and Quo Warranto would be shortly re-filed in DC, he appointed as U. S. Attorney for the District of Columbia, Ronald Machen, an attorney practicing white color crimes defense from a law firm, which happened to be one of the largest donors to his campaign [nearly a half million dollars]. As such, while one expects the U.S.Attorney's office to act on behalf of "We, the People of the United States of America," in reality we have a pattern of the U.S. Attorney's office acting as a personal white collar crimes defense attorney for Mr. Obama. The U. S. Attorneys' office did not provide any due diligence in handling Quo Warranto petitions, repeatedly misrepresented the pleadings, withheld or did not disclose important evidence, aided and abetted fraud by Obama, and acted against the interest of 'We the People of the United States'."

                The federal court system is clearly corrupted to the core, and no case brought against Obama in a federal court has a ghost of a chance at being fairly heard and decided upon. Orly Taitz is now proceeding with a Georgia case on behalf of voter David Farrar and 4 independent
                Presidential candidates, including Laurie Roth. This case will be heard beginning January 16, 2012, and a court order has been obtained demanding that Loretta Fuddy, the Hawaii Department of Health director, make court appearance and bring with her the original typewritten Obama birth certificate document, as well as the microfiche roll for August 1961 containing the Obama record #10641. As I mentioned some time ago, Taitz had already obtained a court order in Hawaii demanding that the Department of Health produce these materials for examination by Taitz and document experts, but the Hawaiian case was delayed when the judge ruled that the Department of Health would be given time to consider and provide a response. In the meantime, Orly has also procured a court order demanding to see the birth certificate of Virginia Sunahara, who is said to have been born the same day as Obama, but who died a day later. It is widely believed that Sunhara's certificate number was 10641, the number that Obama has claimed as his own, and the reason for this belief is because Obama's longtime friend, terrorist Bill Ayers, admitted that he would search public records and graveyards to find the names of deceased infants and young children who died BEFORE EVER RECEIVING an SS#. These deaths would never show up in the SS death index, so it allowed Ayers to assume new identities while remaining a fugitive, and for Obama to quite possibly fraudulently obtain and use various SS numbers. This scenario is quite likely, given that Obama's SS# was obtained in Connecticut, at a time when he lived in Hawaii.

                Incidentally, Ayer's wife, Bernadine Dohrn, who was also deeply involved in the Weather Underground terrorist cult, and served jail time, later worked at the Chicago law firm Sidley Austin, which contibuted more than $600,000 to Obama's 2008 campaign. Obama and his wife Michelle both worked and met at Sidley Austin in 1989, and interacted with Ayers and his wife, who today are both university professors. Later, in 1995 Obama became employed by Ayers for 8 years in the radical Chicago Annenberg Challenge group, which Ayers co-founded. Obama also served as a board member of the Woods Fund of Chicago from 1999 to 2002, while Ayers served as Chairman. So although Barry claims that his acquaintance with Ayers was casual and limited, the facts don't bear this out.

                Orly Taitz's Hawaiian case is now set to proceed on January 6, 2012, so Taitz is expecting to come up with additional damning evidence from that case to present to the judge in the Georgia case. It will be interesting to see how both of these cases play out. Obama, naturally, is seeking dismissal in both cases, as in all previous ones, and hoping it won't be necessary to produce what Orly is asking for. If either or both of the courts uphold Orly's request then of course Obama's fraud will have been exposed and he and all of the people who aided him in committing this fraud would be going to prison. While I would certainly hope this will be what happens, I in no way expect it will actually play out this way. It is way more likely that Hawaii will refuse to cooperate, that Eric Holder's inJustice Department will play a heavy hand in influencing the outcomes, and that Obama's attorneys will use endless tactics to delay and obfuscate the proceedings, appeal any unfavorable rulings, or move the cases to a new venue which they can control. It is quite clear to me that if we ever hope to see justice done then we must elect a lawful original jurisdiction government which will reestablish a constitutional judicial system from the top down.

                Regarding your link to the Ben Fulford video, and his statement saying, "
                "Come on! This is just a few old men who worship Satan! Why don't you Americans put them in jail??...arrest them now, and if they resist; shoot them," I would have to say that is a bit too strong. As I have said, armed resistance is exactly what the Ruling Class is hoping for, and as much as we might like to see these tyrants dethroned and wallowing in the mire, killing them would make us no better than they are. I prefer to take these people out by peaceful, lawful, non-violent means.
                Last edited by rickoff; 12-23-2011, 08:45 PM. Reason: sp
                "Seek wisdom by keeping an open mind to alternative realities, questioning authority, and searching for truth. Only then, when you see or hear something that has 'the ring of truth' to it, will it be as if a veil has been lifted, and suddenly you will begin to hear and see far more clearly than ever before." - Rickoff


                • Originally posted by dutchdivco View Post
                  If and to the degree there is a "THEY", I kind of feel like "THEY" are already prepared to write off BO; they are 'pushing' Romney big time, and can't understand why Repub voters aren't accepting him, but think that 'once he has the nomination, repub voters will get behind him. Personally, I'm sceptical, as I would be as likely to be persuaded to vote for BO, as for Romney, and I think a sizable # of 'repub' voters may feel the same.
                  Yes, while "THEY" (the Ruling Class elite) would prefer to keep their sock puppet Obama in office, they would be nearly as pleased if any other of their hand picked chosen ones, especially Mitt or Newt, is nominated, as this will guarantee that the status quo remains in effect and that the Ruling Class elite remains in power. Lately they have been promoting Newt as the best alternative to Mitt, because they see that voters aren't at all thrilled with Mitt as the Republican nominee. Newt, of course, is just as bad and probably worse since he admits to being in favor of Progressive policies and politicians. The past President which he says he most admires was F.D.R. Newt also said he is a Wilsonian, that he supported nominating Rockefeller over Goldwater, and that he is all for globalization (a.k.a. New World Order).
                  "Seek wisdom by keeping an open mind to alternative realities, questioning authority, and searching for truth. Only then, when you see or hear something that has 'the ring of truth' to it, will it be as if a veil has been lifted, and suddenly you will begin to hear and see far more clearly than ever before." - Rickoff


                  • Last night, and today, it is all over the news that both Newt Gingrich and Rick Perry failed to submit 10,000 valid signatures to qualify for placement on the Virginia primary ballot. Bachmann, Huntsman, and Santorum failed to submit any signatures, and thus were also disqualified. Only Mitt Romney and Ron Paul were able to submit enough valid signatures to qualify for ballot inclusion. A Wednesday poll had shown that Gingrich was slightly favored over Romney by likely Virginia voters, so the question now is which candidate will the Newt supporters shift their votes to - Ron Paul, or Mitt Romney? The media will do their best to influence that outcome in favor of Romney, of course, and since supporters of Gingrich were easily fooled to begin with then it would appear they will opt to cast their votes for Mitt. Ron Paul supporters are most likely to remain steadfast in their support of Ron, and to also gain some additional support from undecided voters.

                    The Virginia primary will be held March 6th of 2012, which is known as Super Tuesday because many states hold their primary elections that day. In 2008 there were 24 states holding primaries on Super Tuesday, and in 2012 there are likely to be even more.

                    The Democrats have called off their Virginia primary because Barry was the only Democrat candidate who qualified for the ballot, so all the delegates at the Democrat National Convention will automatically cast their votes for him.
                    "Seek wisdom by keeping an open mind to alternative realities, questioning authority, and searching for truth. Only then, when you see or hear something that has 'the ring of truth' to it, will it be as if a veil has been lifted, and suddenly you will begin to hear and see far more clearly than ever before." - Rickoff


                    • Originally posted by rickoff View Post
                      Regarding your link to the Ben Fulford video, and his statement saying, " [/SIZE]"Come on! This is just a few old men who worship Satan! Why don't you Americans put them in jail??...arrest them now, and if they resist; shoot them," I would have to say that is a bit too strong. As I have said, armed resistance is exactly what the Ruling Class is hoping for, and as much as we might like to see these tyrants dethroned and wallowing in the mire, killing them would make us no better than they are. I prefer to take these people out by peaceful, lawful, non-violent means.

                      I believe that Mr. Fulford knows his enemy better then use, hence the strong words. Regardless I agree with what you say, but as you already stated the federal court system is corrupted to the core. This makes bringing any of them to justice a very tall task. We have a better chance of them releasing full video of the camera's atop the pentagon, near the so-called entry point, on 911. However, I do believe when people organize (and I don't mean unions) great things can happen. This has to start at the community level and then spread to the county level. From there it filters to a state level then a country level. A new movement is required, one where people on a local level can get together and voice concerns.

                      This new movement needs a guideline/playbook one that can spread like wildfire. Remember back in the 80's Hands across America? We need a simple document that every freedom loving person can agree with and one that takes power away from a select few.

                      Keep up the good work, Merry Christmas from New York



                      • Here's a short Christmas video I made at to have some fun with the candidates. Hope you like it. Merry Christmas!

                        Christmas with the candidates
                        Starring Barry, Newt, Mitt, Michelle, and Ron

                        "Seek wisdom by keeping an open mind to alternative realities, questioning authority, and searching for truth. Only then, when you see or hear something that has 'the ring of truth' to it, will it be as if a veil has been lifted, and suddenly you will begin to hear and see far more clearly than ever before." - Rickoff


                        • Originally posted by Core View Post
                          A new movement is required, one where people on a local level can get together and voice concerns.

                          This new movement needs a guideline/playbook one that can spread like wildfire.
                          We already have that movement in place, and it has existed since 1993 with a guidebook you can easily follow. Of all possible plans to take our nation back from the Ruling Class elite, this is the only one I have seen that is likely to succeed without the need for violent conflict, and which is already advanced to a point where completing the plan's objectives by 2012 is well within reach. If you would like to learn more about the plan I am speaking of, and how you can participate in it, you will find a summary of the plan in post #1990. To understand why this is the only peaceful, lawful, and constitutional plan of action that can, and is likely to, succeed in saving our Republic by 2012, you would also need to read posts # 1955, 1975, 1981, 1988 and 1989.

                          Best regards to you,


                          Originally posted by Core View Post
                          We need a simple document that every freedom loving person can agree with and one that takes power away from a select few.
                          I believe that we already have that document. It is The Constitution of The United States of America. Don't confuse this with the Corporation U.S. constitution, which is a very different document made from our Constitution and bastardizing it by removing a legitimate Amendment and adding unconstitutional Amendments. The Founding Fathers were champions of freedom, and wrote the Constitution and Bill of Rights to ensure that the powers of government were very limited, and rights of the states, and the People of those states, were protected from mob rule or rule by mobster politicians. What we currently have in Washington is a non-governmental corporation pretending to be our lawful government and operating well outside the lawful confines of our Constitution. The People fell asleep at the wheel, allowing this to happen. The Constitution did not allow it, and We The People have the right to force a Constitutional showdown. We can do this peacefully, and quietly, if we will follow the plan and ensure it succeeds.

                          "Seek wisdom by keeping an open mind to alternative realities, questioning authority, and searching for truth. Only then, when you see or hear something that has 'the ring of truth' to it, will it be as if a veil has been lifted, and suddenly you will begin to hear and see far more clearly than ever before." - Rickoff


                          • Pentagon "... preparing to remove them from power ..."

                            Originally posted by rickoff View Post
                            Regarding your link to the Ben Fulford video, and his statement saying, " [/SIZE]"Come on! This is just a few old men who worship Satan! Why don't you Americans put them in jail??...arrest them now, and if they resist; shoot them," I would have to say that is a bit too strong. As I have said, armed resistance is exactly what the Ruling Class is hoping for, and as much as we might like to see these tyrants dethroned and wallowing in the mire, killing them would make us no better than they are. I prefer to take these people out by peaceful, lawful, non-violent means.

                            To be cautious about an interpretation of Fulford's expression out of context,
                            this came in response to the pressing threat of another nuclear attack on Japan. Also, in a previous statement he gives a better summary:

                            "The fascist cabal known as the Bilderbergers, CFR, committee of 300 etc., is desperately and without hope trying to start WW3 and install a fascist world government in an attempt to pre-empt criminal investigations closing in on them from all sides. Their efforts will fail because the Pentagon and the agencies in the US (with the exception of homeland Gestapo) are preparing to remove them from power, according to CIA and other sources. For example, multiple investigations are closing in on alleged President Obama, including one for illegally declaring war on Libya. A count among US representatives show the votes necessary to impeach him are there, US law enforcement officials say. In addition, evidence of bribery and other forms of illegally tampering with government is being compiled against George Soros, among others. There is also a lot going on under and on the surface in Europe, Japan and the Middle East."


                            • Originally posted by yoyo View Post
                              To be cautious about an interpretation of Fulford's expression out of context, this came in response to the pressing threat of another nuclear attack on Japan. Also, in a previous statement he gives a better summary:

                              "The fascist cabal known as the Bilderbergers, CFR, committee of 300 etc., is desperately and without hope trying to start WW3 and install a fascist world government in an attempt to pre-empt criminal investigations closing in on them from all sides. Their efforts will fail because the Pentagon and the agencies in the US (with the exception of homeland Gestapo) are preparing to remove them from power, according to CIA and other sources. For example, multiple investigations are closing in on alleged President Obama, including one for illegally declaring war on Libya. A count among US representatives show the votes necessary to impeach him are there, US law enforcement officials say. In addition, evidence of bribery and other forms of illegally tampering with government is being compiled against George Soros, among others. There is also a lot going on under and on the surface in Europe, Japan and the Middle East."
                              I like this statement much better. Most of this is right on the mark, with the exception of a possible impeachment of Barry. You see, Barry cannot be impeached because, as Fullford notes, he is just an "alleged President" - he is not our President, for two reasons:
                              1. He is unable to prove that he was constitutionally eligible to even run for, let alone be seated as, President of the United States of America.
                              2. Barry is only the President and CEO of the private, foreign owned, Corporation U.S, which is not a government office of the United States of America. He is merely an officer of a foreign owned corporation.

                              To be impeached, Barry would have to be classified as a public official, which he is not.
                              "Seek wisdom by keeping an open mind to alternative realities, questioning authority, and searching for truth. Only then, when you see or hear something that has 'the ring of truth' to it, will it be as if a veil has been lifted, and suddenly you will begin to hear and see far more clearly than ever before." - Rickoff


                              • Rick

                                Sorry if you already covered this. With a Corporation, ultimately the stockholders 'own' the corporation, although they have little say in the day to day running of said corp. unless they get so P.O'd at the 'board of directors' that they vote them out. Anyway, If Barry is the CEO, who are the Board of Directors, and who are the stockholders? What, EXACTLY was IN that 'bretton Woods' agreement, anyway????Jim

