On and on
Actually, (although I cannot quote the precedent) I believe there was a previous Supreme Court discision, finding Corporations are 'people' and entitled to the rights a person is entitled to. I say this because an old friend of mine (now dead) used to bring this issue up, from time to time, during debates we had. According to him, a court clerk misfiled something, and no one caught it at the time, and as a result Corporations were 'granted' the rights of people. Alas he's dead, (and I miss him), so I can't go back and ask him for the details.
Anyway, there are 2 seperate issues, regarding B.O.'s eligibility. After all the work Rick did, the birth certificate is not, I think, an issue. A seperate issue is whether it even GETS to the point of the birth certificate; If 'natural born citisen', as stated in the Constitiution, does, in fact, mean someone born on American soil from 2 parents who were U.S. citisens, then B.O. is not qualified, regardless of what his birth certificate says.
On the issue of one parent or two, a rational for 1 parent DOES occur to me; you really can't KNOW or PROVE who the father is; its all a matter of taking the Mom's word for it. You CAN know who the mother is, however. MAYBE thats why they say 1 parent? Jim
Actually, (although I cannot quote the precedent) I believe there was a previous Supreme Court discision, finding Corporations are 'people' and entitled to the rights a person is entitled to. I say this because an old friend of mine (now dead) used to bring this issue up, from time to time, during debates we had. According to him, a court clerk misfiled something, and no one caught it at the time, and as a result Corporations were 'granted' the rights of people. Alas he's dead, (and I miss him), so I can't go back and ask him for the details.
Anyway, there are 2 seperate issues, regarding B.O.'s eligibility. After all the work Rick did, the birth certificate is not, I think, an issue. A seperate issue is whether it even GETS to the point of the birth certificate; If 'natural born citisen', as stated in the Constitiution, does, in fact, mean someone born on American soil from 2 parents who were U.S. citisens, then B.O. is not qualified, regardless of what his birth certificate says.
On the issue of one parent or two, a rational for 1 parent DOES occur to me; you really can't KNOW or PROVE who the father is; its all a matter of taking the Mom's word for it. You CAN know who the mother is, however. MAYBE thats why they say 1 parent? Jim