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The American Ruling Class

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  • Can't see

    "Komrad" Obama refusing to relinquish power, if he's voted out. What I DO see, is Repub party leaders doing everything they can, to nominate the weakest possible candidate (Romoney) to go up against B.O. and, if Romoney IS the Repub nominee, I could very well see BO getting a second term.
    Then, (even tho the 'act' linked to earlier) states that such actions can be undertaken IN ANTICIPATION of a threat to National Security, (my reading) I suspect there WILL be some sort of 'THREAT', to justify such actions, and get sheeple to go along; either a global financial meltdown, or Iranian Nukes, or something.
    I notice there are references to finanacing; the Gov't, it appears, can compel 'private' financing, in order for factories to have equipment put in, to fulfill orders for whatever from the Gov't; so, the Gov't has the 'authority' under this act to take over any/all manufacturing/production facilities.

    Sounds like Communism to me. I also note these actions can be taken for National security, OR to preserve the continuity of the Gov't; so 'civil unrest' could be used as an excuse. Makes you wonder if those in power, aren't watching whats happening around the world, and starting to feel vulnerable?

    Anyway, something is DEFINETLY coming!

    By the way, on "brokered' vs. "Contested" convention; At the end of season 6, of the West Wing TV series, they do a credible job of portraying each. Initially, 3 candidates arrived at the convention, without enough delegates to win the nomination; 2 who are close but no cigar, and a 'spoiler' who has much less; after the first ballot, a 'nomination from the floor' rises and falls.Then, there is a lot of wheeling/dealing, as candidates try to sway votes, and still no clear winner. (Contested convention). Finally, party elders step in and exert their influence, to 'pick' a nominee; "Brokered Convention".

    Pretty close to the current situation, except its the Dems instead of the repubs. Jim


    • Originally posted by dutchdivco View Post
      Ricks probably busy working on his new property, which I gotta say, sounded damn near perfect! Jim
      Yes, that's right. Made the actual move just a few days ago with a rental truck, and have been busy unpacking and arranging furniture. Lots of honey-do's to tend to also. And no Internet connection! My choices are very limited here in the countryside, and I gave HughesNet satellite service a trial, but my average download speed was just 1/4 what they told me I'd be getting so I canceled and now have nothing. I have to drive to the next town to use my laptop computer in the parking lot of a motel which has wifi service just so I can read my e-mail and check the forum posts, so don't get online that much. I'll have to check on some wireless possibilities, and if that doesn't pan out I'll get a dial-up connection. I'll be around when I can, but in the meantime keep up the good work here folks.

      "Seek wisdom by keeping an open mind to alternative realities, questioning authority, and searching for truth. Only then, when you see or hear something that has 'the ring of truth' to it, will it be as if a veil has been lifted, and suddenly you will begin to hear and see far more clearly than ever before." - Rickoff


      • Way to go, Rick

        I'm at the point of looking for Land, myself. And working on the travel trailers, i'll be moving onto that land, once i make my purchase. Its definetly time to bug out, to avoid the rush, LOL. I KNOW Bizzy and some others are already 'out there', but anyone who's NOT, or at least 'enroute', well, the clock is ticking, and times awastin'!! So get your butt moving!

        Whatevers coming, you DON'T want to be caught short!!!!!


        • Rick

          Hi Rick
          We are glad to hear you are ok. We were about ready to call out the Keystone to ride up there and rescue you.
          have fun settling in!

          Hi Jim
          We live in the suburbs but have a defendable hunting camp within a 20 minute drive or a days hike so we are covered. Plus we have "freinds" who are ready to help when the situation calls for it.
          Smile it doesn't hurt!

          Jesus said,"...all things are possible through God." Mk10:27


          • The Georgia Republican Party ripped off the people who attended the state convention. The people voted for delegates, and the vast majority were won by Ron Paul supporters, but then the Republican hierarchy announced their own list of delegates which they handpicked, would not answer to calls of protest, and called the meeting to a close. How more blatant could election rigging possibly get? You must see the video linked below.

            Georgia vote fraud - YouTube

            And read more about this here.
            "Seek wisdom by keeping an open mind to alternative realities, questioning authority, and searching for truth. Only then, when you see or hear something that has 'the ring of truth' to it, will it be as if a veil has been lifted, and suddenly you will begin to hear and see far more clearly than ever before." - Rickoff


            • Republican Consultant Terry Holt 'Ron Paul cannot be bought!!' - YouTube

              Who "feeds" the animals?



              • Not at all surprised, Rick

                Deja' Vu, all over again. Reminds me of 2000, when, (and I suspect I'm not alone) my view that elections in the US are run pretty well, and vote tampering is minimal, (unlike OTHER countries) and "Our vote counts" was sorely disabused.
                Similarly, I have assumed, (and I suspect most voters also assumed) that someone was watching, to insure that primaries and caucauses were being run 'fairly' and that the winner, even if it wasn't MY choice, was the choice of the majority.
                After all, thats the whole basis for the 'coming together' thats SUPPOSED to occur, at and following the Convention.
                The party leaders, who are doing all this manuevering, are ASSUMING that when 'their' chosen candidate (Romoney) 'gets' (as a result of their blatant cheating) the nomination, that "all Republicans will unite behind him, to beat Obama."
                In my case, they are wrong; I will NEVER vote for Obama, but I will NEVER vote for Romoney, either.To me, its the same thing. And now that I have been 'disabused' and realise just how much our 'votes' in the primaries are manipulated, not sure I will even participate, in one again. Coarse, this may be the LAST time we have Presidential Primaries, so it MAY not matter.

                VERY disgusted with the repub party, (nothing new, there). One of the few reasons left for staying a party member was so I could vote in the primaries, with that out of the way I may just quit the party.Jim


                • There was election fraud here in Missouri just this past saturday at the delegate vote here in my county. Well over half the attendees were Paul supporters and we would have easily won it. The government officials running the show knew this, they polled us coming in the door which they are not suppose to do. The meeting was crazy right from the start as the sitting chairman (Eugene Dokes) told us all we could not film the event. The whole place went crazy with boo's. We tried to change the rules, which we are allowed to do, but they would have no part in it. Obviously they didnt want transparency about what was about to happen. The sitting chairman started running the show and appointed a head chairman that nobody wanted. The entire audience was literally chanting for chairman Brent Stafford to be head chair, but he elected someone else. We tried calling for a vote count, but by that time the unelected chairman was trying to take control of the meeting and nobody wanted him there, the whole place went nuts. They shut the meeting down and police kicked us out, there was a police chopper circling the building outside. I do believe fraud has been going on with these elections, but seeing it in person is something else. Its hard to describe it, you just had to be there. Im very proud of my fellow citizens for standing up for ourselves and not taking their crap. Here is some video from the event.

                  What Caused Missouri Republican Caucus Meltdown? | – St. Louis News & Weather from KTVI Television FOX2


                  • It is obvious the power-that-be are scared of Ron Paul actually more like terrified. Thus they are pulling out all the stops to prevent him from being nominated. Starting in Iowa where the truck carrying the ballots from a Paul stronghold got lost. Only problem they didn’t use trucks the results were phoned in.

                    Here in Illinois Paul held a rally at a down state collage, 5000 people showed up, but not a word about it in my local paper. Meanwhile Gingrich shows up at a small airport with around 100 supporters and that’s a newsworthy item.

                    So we will see what happens tomorrow.


                    • A bad feeling

                      Good morning everyone,
                      Aaron first brought this to our attention a few days ago.
                      But it is still in the news and just as disturbing

                      Obama Raises Eyebrows With Executive Order Revising Authority To Nationalize Resources For Defense | Fox News

                      There can be only one reason why Obama would sign this before an election... To make sure he stays in power.

                      Forcing someone to work without compensation is slavery. This violates so many points of the Constituion I don't know where to begin.
                      Why isn't the Supreme Court voicing an opinion over this.
                      This goes well beyond defnse and crosses over to a socialist take over...pretty soon we'll have the black panthers marching into libraries to burn white history order of Komrad Obama and Kommisar Holder

                      Last edited by Bizzy; 03-20-2012, 11:19 AM.
                      Smile it doesn't hurt!

                      Jesus said,"...all things are possible through God." Mk10:27


                      • Bizzy

                        The Supremes havn't 'weighed in' on this, cause, ones asked them to (yet). Seriously, SOMEONE has to file a court case, in order for the Supreme court to get involved. USUALLY, it has to work its way up thru the courts. Occasionally, when there are obvious time considerations, like Gore Vs. Bush in 2000, they will hear a case, without the usual 2-3 year process. THEY might say that since he hasn't actually implemented anything yet, they won't hear the case; they do that sometimes. As an example, Arizonas SB 1070 immigration law has never actually been implemented, because of court ordered 'stays'. So, the Supreme Court, due to 'hear the case this year, MAY well say that since it hasn't been implemented, no ones 'rights' have been violated, and they don't hear cases based on hypotheticals.This has been done by the court, before.
                        Also, the Constitution and the Courts DO and have given broad powers to the executive, during 'times of war'. Suspending Habeous Corpus, the internment of Japanes/Americans during WW2, some of the things Lincoln did during the Civil war, etc.
                        One of the interesting things about this (I believe its an 'Executive order') signed by B.O., (if I'm reading it correctly) is it SEEMS to include a concept of 'pre-emptiveness'. That is, we don't actually NEED to be in a "State of War', it reads as if it can be invoked, if the exeutive anticipates the need, AND, (again, if I am reading it right) it gives a seperate condition for invoking it; to preserve the Gov't.
                        So, one scenario; Ricks 'thing' of voting for state legislators, that would appoint Federal legislators, etc. because several amendments to the Constitution are bogus, (you know what I'm talking about, even if I'm not saying it correctly). Anyway, these guys (and Gals) show up in D.C, and tell the 'elected' people to vacate their office, AND they've got say,...50,000 or 100,000 people 'backing' them up.
                        So, B.O. declares this executive order in effect, in order to 'preserve the Government', declares martial law, and seizes the means of production, etc.

                        Think 'occupy movement', (and the Gov't responce to it) on STEROIDS.
                        COULD happen. IF it does; something to remember; Mubarak wasn't brought down in 17 days BECAUSE the citisenry were in whatchacallit square, and other squares around the country; what brought him down was that, because the 'people' were in the streets, they WEREN'T at their jobs, or buying a loaf of bread when they went home; THE SYSTEM DEPENDS on active production, and active consumption of the citisenry; when that stops, the system stops working.
                        It happened at another country, over in malasia, I think. The majority of the population stopped working, and 'occupied' the airport, and refused to disperse. Because 'commerce' was brought to a halt, the Gov't crumbled.

                        Point is, you don't NEED to gather in the streets, or squares, and get into fights/get killed by the police/army. All you have to do, collectively, is 'go on strike'; STOP working, and STOP consuming; the system can't handle that.

                        Hence,(I suspect) the provisions to allow for taking over the means of production, although they CAN'T send the military or Police to each house, and force people to go to work, or purchase products. And, as Mubarak showed, if EVERYTHING stops, it doesn't take long (17 days, remember) for it all to come apart. I certainly have enough 'provisions' to go 17 days without buying anything, how about you?

                        Course, I am getting ahead of myself; first the people have to be p.o.'d enough at the results of the election, THEN comes the 'action', (or more accurately INACTION). And, I'm not sure this executive order will be enough to counteract the will of the people, to do nothing.

                        As I've said before, it COULD get real interesting! Jim


                        • Address

                          Address to ALL Military Sun, Mar 18, 2012
                          Freedom Reigns

                          This show was primarily designed for our active and retired military, co-hosted by well known Freedomizer – Jo Anne Moretti. Our primary guest was Drake – and our belovd Teri helped fill in a few gaps in this presentation.

                          Sometime in the near future, contingents of federal marshals will be serving papers on – and arresting – a number of people. They will be backed up by active military troops. Once again, this is not a military coup. Drake – our man with more connections than I can imagine – brought forth a straight-forward set of instructions to remind our military about the proper manner to refuse an unconstitutional order.

                          This was followed by a set of free-wheeling calls. If there was ever a show to bring to the attention of your local sheriffs, mayors, police chiefs – and any military you know – this is it. It’s an edge-of-the-seat presentation – and an all-out effort to keep peace in trying and troubling times.



                          • French strikes

                            Originally posted by dutchdivco View Post
                            Point is, you don't NEED to gather in the streets, or squares, and get into fights/get killed by the police/army. All you have to do, collectively, is 'go on strike'; STOP working, and STOP consuming; the system can't handle that.
                            Aren't the French a good role model for this? It seem like the whole country goes on strike every time the wind blows.
                            Aaron Murakami

                            Books & Videos
                            RPX & MWO


                            • federal arrests

                              Originally posted by yoyo View Post
                              Sometime in the near future, contingents of federal marshals will be serving papers on – and arresting – a number of people. They will be backed up by active military troops. Once again, this is not a military coup. Drake – our man with more connections than I can imagine – brought forth a straight-forward set of instructions to remind our military about the proper manner to refuse an unconstitutional order.
                              Are there any references to this "Drake" or is this some anonymous person?

                              Or any other references anywhere to this being planned?

                              Almost all of the federal reps should be arrested - good idea and should have been done long time ago - I would love to know that this actually is happening but it seems too good to be true.
                              Aaron Murakami

                              Books & Videos
                              RPX & MWO


                              • Originally posted by Aaron View Post
                                Are there any references to this "Drake" or is this some anonymous person?

                                Or any other references anywhere to this being planned?

                                Almost all of the federal reps should be arrested - good idea and should have been done long time ago - I would love to know that this actually is happening but it seems too good to be true.
                                Hi Aaron
                                Back in the late 90s there was a lot of concern of Clinton declaring marshal lawif Y2K actually hit. There was also concern about him doing the same at the request of the UN.
                                There were several sherriff orginazations and several military orginizations who warned of such illegal presidential actions. It also explained what they shoudl do in that case.
                                If I remember correctly the conferences were titled "vampire slayer 2000" I have looked on line but see no refernce to it. I know I still have some of the documents from a meeting I attended regarding this. I will have to look around for it.
                                However if there is no other online refernce to it, it is either defunct or "cleaned up"
                                Smile it doesn't hurt!

                                Jesus said,"...all things are possible through God." Mk10:27

